No periods after giving birth for 2 months. Menstruation after childbirth while breastfeeding

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All women who have gone through childbirth sooner or later ask the following question: “Why are there no periods after childbirth, and when will they come?” But really, when should the monthly cycle begin and return to normal?

When should menstruation begin after childbirth?

It is not possible to give a definite answer; for each girl, the process of restoring menstruation occurs individually, for some it will take two months, and for others, two years. Many girls mistake the discharge that immediately begins for menstruation. But this is not true at all. This bleeding does not belong to menstruation, and is called lochia. They are released from the uterus, or rather from its wound. During childbirth, the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus, and a wound forms in the place of the placenta. This wound bleeds heavily in the first days, but as it heals, the discharge becomes less and its appearance changes. Lochia begins to appear immediately after birth and ends after 6 weeks or 8.

On average, girls who breastfeed their children begin their periods 14 to 16 months after giving birth. In the first six months after childbirth, menstruation occurs in 7% of girls. After 7 - 12 months, 37% of girls get their periods. After one year and up to 24 months, menstruation begins in 48% of girls. And 2 years after giving birth, menstruation begins in 8% of girls.

For those mothers who do not breastfeed, menstruation returns after 10 or 15 weeks. In most cases, the cycle initially becomes regular. But it is possible that at first there will be a delay or, on the contrary, your period will come ahead of schedule. In this case, everything should be settled after 2 - 3 cycles.

Why don't you have periods while breastfeeding?

The restoration of menstruation is a hormonal process in a girl’s body and it depends on how quickly the body’s hormonal levels are restored after childbirth. And the way breastfeeding occurs plays an important role in restoring hormonal levels. The restoration of menstruation does not depend on how the baby was born: by caesarean section or naturally.

Nursing mothers may experience lactational amenorrhea, i.e. no menstruation after 6 months, a year or a longer period. There is no need to worry and think why there is no period, this delay occurs physiologically. If from the very birth of the child the mother feeds him with both formula and breastfeeding, then menstruation will come within 6 months. If the baby eats only breast milk and drinks it on demand at any time, then menstruation can begin 2 years after birth, after the complete completion of lactation. If complementary foods are introduced into the child’s diet and he begins to breastfeed less actively, then menstruation may come even before the end of lactation.

During menstruation, many mothers notice that the amount of breast milk decreases. Don't worry, as soon as your period is over, your milk volume will return to normal. And while they are walking, it is advisable to put the baby to the breast more often.

Many mothers believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during amenorrhea. This is not true; conception can occur even with such a delay. It is better to go to a gynecologist and he will select a contraceptive method that will not harm the baby and protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Other factors

In addition to breastfeeding, the following factors also influence when your period comes after childbirth:

  1. Mommy's daily routine.
  2. Her food. It should be complete and nutritious.
  3. Dream. In addition to sleeping at night, you need to rest during the day.
  4. Psychological condition. There should be no stress or nervous tension.
  5. Illness or complications that began after childbirth. It is advisable to identify and treat them in a timely manner.

What are periods after childbirth?

When your period arrives after childbirth, you will notice that it is slightly different from the period you had before giving birth. If a girl’s periods were irregular before giving birth, then after giving birth they will become more regular, without delay.

On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but it can vary from 21 to 35 days. Menstruation lasts from 3 to 6 days, sometimes it can reach 8 days. Pain during menstruation also decreases. And your periods can be either less or more abundant. The largest volume of blood during menstruation is released on days 1 and 2. Until your cycle is restored, you should avoid tampons and pads that have an absorbent mesh surface.

When to see a doctor

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. When after completion of lactation 2 months later there is a delay in menstruation.
  2. When severe pain is felt in the uterine area.
  3. When there are large clots in the blood or the color of the discharge is bright red.
  4. When menstruation is accompanied by a pungent odor.
  5. When heavy and prolonged discharge lasts more than 7 days.

If you don’t have your period even a year after giving birth, you shouldn’t panic and be nervous. It is better to come for an examination to a gynecologist, and identify the reasons why there is a delay, and begin to eliminate them. If there are no problems, you can calmly wait for the onset of the menstrual cycle and enjoy motherhood.

Video about why periods disappear

Nine long months of pregnancy ended with the long-awaited birth. For some, this process took place naturally, while some women gave birth through caesarean section. No matter how the baby is born, sooner or later women begin to worry about why there are no periods after childbirth and when they should come.

In this article, we will look at what determines the timing of menstruation after childbirth, and in which cases it is a sign of pathology and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

general information

The resumption of menstrual periods after the birth of a baby is preceded by serious hormonal changes, which is why some young mothers do not have periods for a year after giving birth. Also, similar behavior of the body causes breastfeeding of a newborn.

Another reason for not having periods can be a new pregnancy, because very often women think that they cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding an older child and do not attach due importance to the use of contraception during sexual intercourse.

The absence of menstruation after childbirth can be caused by other factors:

  • daily routine of a woman in labor;
  • features of the diet of a young mother;
  • duration and quality of a woman’s sleep and rest.

So that menstruation after the birth of the baby occurs on time and proceeds without any special changes, a woman needs to eat properly and in a balanced manner, sleep at night and take breaks during the day, do not be nervous and all diseases, especially the genital area, should be treated in a timely manner.

Cycle recovery

Many women in labor are interested in how many days or months later they should get their period. As practice shows, a nursing woman’s cycle is restored 14-16 months after childbirth. In 7% of young mothers, menstruation resumes after six months, in 37% - within 7 months to a year. 8% of women begin menstruation after an average of 2 years.

When breastfeeding

Most often, young mothers who feed their children with their own milk do not have periods after childbirth. placed in cases where, due to lactation, menstruation is absent for more than six months after the birth of the baby. But this situation does not require medical intervention and is natural for a long period of breastfeeding.


If the child is bottle-fed immediately from birth, then immediately after the restoration of the inner mucous layer of the uterus, the critical days resume. First, the lochia stops flowing, and then menstruation begins. The period of restoration of cycle regularity can take from 1.5 to 4-5 months.

If there are no symptoms of uterine bleeding, then spotting after the cessation of lochia can be considered the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth.

If the child immediately after birth began to eat formula, and menstruation does not occur for more than 4 months, then in this situation you do not need to think long about what to do, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of postpartum menstruation

Pregnant women are completely normal, but after the birth of the baby, critical days become regular again after a certain time. Let's consider what happens in a woman's body after childbirth:

  • the regular cycle of menstruation begins almost immediately after the birth of the child, and the discharge itself does not differ from the regular periods that existed before pregnancy. Their character can change only if there are chronic inflammatory processes or endocrine diseases;
  • Menstruation after childbirth may become painless. Almost 90% of women note this feature of postpartum menstruation at their first visit to the gynecologist. From a medical point of view, this is explained by the presence of a bend in the uterus before pregnancy, which complicates the normal discharge of secretions. After gestation, the uterus changes shape and position in such a way that the curve changes, and the onset of menstruation is no longer associated with pain;
  • even if menstruation occurs 1-2 months after childbirth, this does not mean that the period of recovery of the female body has already completely ended and you can become pregnant again. There is no need to rush into a new conception, because it takes at least 2 years to replenish the reserves of minerals and vitamins that will be required to nourish the new fetus and for the normal functioning of all systems in a woman’s body. To prevent a new pregnancy, you need to use suitable contraception, which your doctor will help you choose.

Only feeding activity and the duration of the lactation period have a greater influence on... Some representatives of the fair sex are very mistaken when they think that this period depends on the method of childbirth; in fact, this is not the case. After a natural birth and after a cesarean section, the onset of menstruation will be determined by the way the baby is fed.

Usually, periods after childbirth will not differ much from those before conception, but there are situations in which you should consult a doctor immediately:

  • if there is severe pain in the uterine area;
  • if menstrual flow has a very strong specific odor;
  • if the discharge is too intense and lasts more than a week;
  • if there are no critical days 2 months after stopping breastfeeding;
  • if the discharge has large clots and is bright scarlet in color, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

What to do

If childbirth is already far behind you and your period still hasn't arrived, this may be a warning sign, but you shouldn't panic in every case. For example, if a mother whose child is fed formula does not have her period for 5-7 months, this may be caused by a hormonal imbalance. And in a nursing mother, a long absence of menstruation can be caused by reduced immunity and a lack of essential vitamins and microelements in the body. Due to the low level of protective functions, a woman’s risk of “catching” various diseases and infections increases.

The fact that there are no critical days after childbirth for a long time may be a symptom of polycystic disease or obstruction of the fallopian tubes caused by inflammatory diseases. Lack of menstruation is not the worst consequence of such conditions; it is much worse that they can cause infertility.

To prevent dangerous diseases, a woman in labor should undergo a gynecological examination immediately after the cessation of lochia, and then after completion of lactation. In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend hormone tests.

If a pathological cause for the absence of menstruation is identified, then drug treatment is most often prescribed; traditional medicine in such situations can not only be ineffective, but in some cases dangerous to health, since it will lead to the loss of precious time.

The main recommendations for young mothers are a balanced diet, proper rest, walks in the fresh air, swimming in open water in the warm season and moderate exercise. It is recommended to start sports activities no earlier than six months after the birth of the child.

Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist; if therapy is prescribed in a timely manner, it will occur within 2-3 months.

During pregnancy, a woman thinks about the upcoming birth and about the baby being born healthy. But now, this stage is over, and more and more questions arise. In addition to caring for the little man, the young mother is also concerned about the recovery of her body after childbirth. 6-8 weeks after birth, the body recovers. Menstruation usually has not yet begun, and this makes young mothers nervous, who ask questions: why are there no periods after childbirth and when do periods begin after childbirth? To understand these issues, let's learn more about the process of restoring the menstrual cycle after childbirth.

How is recovery after childbirth?

During pregnancy, a woman rests from her critical days, and some period after childbirth also passes without menstruation. But between periods of calm, there is a rather unpleasant recovery phase.
Within 4-6 weeks, bloody mucous discharge occurs - lochia. Apart from their appearance, they have nothing to do with menstruation, although at first they are especially strong and resemble heavy periods. This is determined by the fact that lochia contains parts of the inner mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus, which has already fulfilled its function during pregnancy.

After 7-10 days, the inner surface of the uterus is restored, the discharge becomes lighter, the amount of blood decreases, and the color turns brownish brown.

By day 15-20, the uterine mucosa is restored, the discharge becomes light red, gradually turning yellowish and transparent. They contain cervical secretions and healing products from the placenta.

By 6-7 weeks, the cervix closes, the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size, and recovery after childbirth can be considered complete.

Lochia should not cause discomfort. If the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor, a greenish tint, or abdominal pain appears, an urgent visit to a gynecologist is necessary; these are alarming symptoms that may indicate a complication.

Lactational amenorrhea, is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?

After 6-8 weeks, when the mother has already gotten used to the new role, her body has recovered, and the child has already sufficiently adapted to life in the big world, it’s time to remember about intimate life. But it is unlikely that at this stage of life any of the young parents are already planning the next pregnancy after childbirth, so you need to take care of reliable contraception. Fortunately, nature has already thought through this issue for us.

The most valuable and healthy product for a child during the first 6 months of life is breast milk. The pituitary hormone prolactin is responsible for milk production. At the moment of birth of a child, when a strong hormonal surge occurs, it begins to be produced in very large quantities. Prolactin prevents the egg from maturing, ovulation does not occur, there are no periods after childbirth, and pregnancy is impossible again.

To successfully establish lactation, the baby must be put to the breast immediately after birth to receive valuable colostrum and stimulate the nipples, which causes an even greater release of prolactin. The baby should receive breastfeeding on demand, at least during the first days, then real milk will come in 3-4 days, this is the key to long-term feeding and successful natural contraception.

It is believed that a woman cannot become pregnant if the following conditions are met:

  1. Child's age is up to 6 months. This is due to the fact that at 6 months the baby begins to eat complementary foods, therefore, the number of breastfeeding decreases, and therefore the level of prolactin decreases.
  2. Mandatory latching of the child from 4.00 to 6.00 in the morning. At this time, maximum prolactin production occurs.
  3. Feeding on demand.
  4. Exclusive breastfeeding. If a child receives formula at least once a day, the lactational amenorrhea method cannot be considered successful.

Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth, relying only on the absence of a cycle? Of course yes, no method provides 100% protection against pregnancy. The method of natural lactational amenorrhea is considered 85-90% effective, so it is better not to take risks and add other acceptable methods of protection: a condom, an intrauterine device, the PPA method.

How long after giving birth can you expect your period to start?

Recovery of the cycle after childbirth depends on many factors, the most important among them:

  • frequency of breastfeeding;
  • women's hormonal health;
  • child's age;
  • stress and nervous shock.

How long after childbirth menstruation begins, as it turned out, depends on many things. If a woman does not breastfeed, the first menstruation occurs 3-4 months after birth. When breastfeeding, you should not expect them in the first 6 months.

The nature of menstruation after childbirth may change, perhaps the duration or amount of discharge will increase relative to the pre-pregnancy period. If the number of days and volume fall within acceptable standards, then there is no reason to worry. The length of a normal cycle is 21-34 days, and the duration of menstrual bleeding is 4-6 days.

A pleasant bonus can be the absence of pain and poor health after menstruation, which caused suffering for several years. This fact is noted by 80% of women who have had to take antispasmodics for years.

There is a simple explanation for this. Pain occurs due to the incorrect position of the uterus in the pelvic area or its bending. After carrying a child and stretching the uterus to a significant size, its position becomes correct, and the constant volume increases slightly, this helps reduce pain.

An important point that many girls forget about is the principle of the onset of menstruation; the likelihood of being pregnant at this time increases greatly. First, under the influence of hormonal levels, ovulation occurs and only after 10-14 days the first menstruation occurs. It is in this very first cycle that you can become pregnant with a high probability. The couple does not yet know about the restoration of the partner’s fertile function and does not use additional methods of contraception.

When to see a doctor

There are situations when you should consult a doctor. For the first time, a young mother should see a specialist after the end of lochia, 6-8 weeks after birth. He will conduct an examination, take tests, say that the woman is healthy and can continue to live a normal life, or prescribe the necessary treatment.

There are a number of cases in which you should definitely contact a specialist:

  • Your periods are too heavy or last longer than 6-7 days.
  • Beginning of spotting soon after lochia. Perhaps part of the placenta remains in the uterine cavity or the mucous membrane is poorly separated.
  • There is no period yet 3 months after birth if the baby is bottle-fed.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Signs of pregnancy if a woman has not yet had her period.
  • If you don't have your period after you stop breastfeeding. This situation indicates hormonal disorders, primarily the hypersecretion of prolactin, without which ovulation is impossible. To restore the cycle, the doctor will prescribe prolactin inhibitors, which will reduce the level of the hormone and the cycle will be restored. The most famous and effective among them are dostinex and bromocriptine.

Restoring the normal menstrual cycle is the key to women’s health and the health of future children. You should not put off going to the doctor if you have problems associated with irregular or absent periods after childbirth.

There are no periods during pregnancy. Every woman knows about this. Things happen in the body that contribute to the development and growth of the unborn baby. The pregnancy hormone is actively produced. It is he who is responsible for the normal bearing of the child.

And then, after 9 months, birth occurs. There is another hormonal change in the woman's body. But only this time nature made sure that another hormone was actively produced -. People usually call it the “milk hormone” because it is prolactin that stimulates milk production. At the same time, this hormone suppresses the production of hormones in the ovary. Consequently, the egg cannot mature, which means there is nothing to come out of the ovary (no ovulation). As a result, menstruation does not come again. And this state will last as long as progesterone is actively “working”, that is, milk is produced. Lactation continues as long as the woman breastfeeds the baby.

How ideally everything is harmonious. Just a few years ago, this is exactly what happened to every woman. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers calmly breastfed their children until they were three years old and completely forgot about annoying periods. Today there are several norms. The onset of menstruation after childbirth is precisely the case that has several options, each of which is “normal”.

When does your period start after childbirth?

Based on the above, it is easy to guess that the onset of menstruation after childbirth depends on breastfeeding. In order for prolactin to be actively produced, a woman must breastfeed her baby at any time of the day or night (on demand). The more often the better. Only in this case your period will not come. But as soon as lactation decreases, prolactin production drops, which means that periods are restored again.

And now about the norms and deadlines. Lately, as already mentioned, there are many “normal” deadlines. This is because each woman’s body is individual, and besides, modern “technologies” (hormonal drugs for contraception, medical childbirth) sometimes violate what Mother Nature intended and established.

Early and late onset of menstruation

Early is the onset of menstruation 6-7 weeks after birth. However, it is not a pathology. Most likely, menstruation will be restored so early in those women who, for some reason, have given up breastfeeding. Or the baby is fed mixed. In the latter case, the first menstruation will appear 2-3 months after birth.

Many women believe that postpartum discharge is their period. However, this opinion is erroneous. Bloody discharge from the uterus after childbirth is called lochia. They appear due to the fact that when the placenta is separated from the walls of the uterus, a wound is formed on the same walls, which bleeds for several weeks after birth. In the first days, the lochia is bright red, quite abundant and may have clots, then they become brown and less abundant, and by the end of the 6th week they disappear completely.

Sometimes menstruation does not come for a whole year or even more. If the child is fully breastfed, then there is no reason to worry.

The nature of menstruation after childbirth

It is believed that the menstrual cycle will be fully restored after the first 2-3 menstruation and will become regular. If this does not happen, contact your gynecologist. The cause of irregular postpartum menstruation can be inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, endometriosis, tumors of the uterus and ovaries and many other pathologies. The reason for the “non-occurrence” of menstruation can also be a repeat pregnancy, because breastfeeding is not a method of contraception.

Usually the first periods after childbirth are heavy. This phenomenon is very natural and normal if menstruation lasts no more than a week. However, if such periods are accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and rapid heartbeat, then you should consult a doctor.

After childbirth, it is possible to change the duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of menstruation itself (blood discharge). The normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, the period of discharge is no more than 5 days and no less than 3. Any deviation is a reason to consult a doctor. Menstruation should not be long and heavy, nor short and scanty. Excessively long periods may indicate uterine fibroids.

Many women are interested in whether the pain of menstruation will change after childbirth. Everything is individual in this matter. After all, pain during menstruation can be caused by various factors. For example, if painful sensations arose due to the bending of the uterus, then most likely after childbirth the pain will subside, because thanks to the birth process the uterus acquires a normal position. However, there are other causes of painful periods: inflammatory processes after childbirth, strong contractions of the walls of the uterus, general immaturity of the body, inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

If pain during menstruation may stop after childbirth, then it is almost impossible to get rid of premenstrual syndrome. To this day, the causes of PMS have not been fully studied, although there are many different versions. However, the symptoms for every woman are the same: irritability, bad mood, tearfulness, soreness and swelling of the breasts, some swelling, pain in the joints and lower back, headache, insomnia, etc. At least one of the signs of PMS is observed before almost every menstruation.

Personal hygiene

The use of tampons and regular pads (with absorbent mesh) is possible only after the menstrual cycle has been completely restored. Under no circumstances should these remedies be used immediately after childbirth for lochia. Tampons interfere with the free flow of blood, which is extremely important in the postpartum period. But the mesh on the pads can irritate the injured mucous membrane, especially if the woman has postpartum stitches. Also, for lochia, frequent toileting of the external genitalia is recommended, but without “intimate” gels. You can use baby soap. Gaskets should be selected with a smooth surface and changed every 3-4 hours. During the period of lochia, unprotected sex is also unacceptable, in order to avoid possible infections entering the open uterus. Doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse altogether for 6 weeks after giving birth.

Summing up the results about menstruation after childbirth, let us once again draw your attention to when you should immediately see a doctor:

  • menstruation does not occur within 2 months after stopping breastfeeding;
  • excessive and prolonged bleeding (more than 7 days, blood loss is more than 150 ml.);
  • the presence of large clots in the blood, bright red color of discharge;
  • pain in the uterine area;
  • discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • general deterioration of the condition, especially during menstruation.

Remember also that the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth depends on many other factors: the psychological state of the woman who gave birth, inadequate rest, stress, overwork, poor nutrition, the presence of a birth injury, and general health after childbirth. All this, one way or another, affects the recovery of “critical days”. But the future health of the young mother depends on how menstruation returns.

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

The absence of menstruation after the birth of a child is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body. Restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on the type of feeding and hormonal levels of the mother, as well as the lifestyle she leads.

Irregular periods after childbirth are often not a cause for concern, but in some cases the delay may be caused by pathology. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of postpartum menstruation and cases when it is better to consult a doctor.

Why don't my periods come after childbirth?

Why do I not have periods for a long time after the baby is born? The reason why women do not have periods after childbirth is lactational amenorrhea caused by the hormone prolactin. The latter promotes the production of mother's milk and prevents ovulation. As a result, there are no regulations during breastfeeding.

Prolactin prevents the onset of a new pregnancy, but disruption of the feeding schedule, introduction of complementary foods and other factors influence the resumption of ovulation even though the mother is still breastfeeding. If you had your period at least once after giving birth and then disappeared again, its absence may be a sign of a new pregnancy.

A delay in menstruation after childbirth also occurs due to the presence of any diseases. One of the most common diseases is endometriosis. Its appearance is facilitated by numerous ruptures of the birth canal during childbirth, as well as cesarean section. Other causes include endocrine or inflammatory disorders, or a tumor in the uterus.

How long does a delay in menstruation last after childbirth?

Over the course of 42-56 days, women in labor secrete blood from the uterus, or more precisely, from the extensive wound surface where the placenta was attached. The discharge is called lochia and has nothing to do with menstruation. At first, the lochia is bright scarlet in color, but over time it darkens, and after a few weeks it appears in the form of veins and ichor.

If previously the norm was considered to be the restoration of regulation after two or even three years, now this period has been reduced to 6-12 months. This is due to the lifestyle of modern women and the introduction of various foods into the infant’s diet. In addition, the following factors influence the rapid appearance of menstruation after the birth of a child:

  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • C-section;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • cessation of lactation due to various circumstances;
  • infant's refusal to breastfeed.

Resumption of regulation occurs in the same way both during natural childbirth and after obstetric surgery. In approximately 7% of women, spotting appears in the first six months after delivery, in 37% - before a year, in 48% - within 2 years, in 8% - after a 2-year period.


With full and regular breastfeeding, a delay in menstruation is observed for 12-14 months. The recovery period of the cycle is individual, there are no established norms - for some it happens in just a few months, while others do not have periods for a year or even two. In both the first and second cases, the absence of menstruation is normal.

Lactational amenorrhea in nursing mothers indicates high levels of prolactin. The appearance of regula when the baby is fully fed with breast milk after just a couple of months is a feature of the mother’s body, which is caused by the work of the pituitary gland, which regulates the secretion of the hormone.

Artificial feeding

If the baby is fed an adapted milk formula, regulation can begin immediately after lochia, when the injured area on the uterine tissue heals. For some mothers, the first menstruation occurs just 6 weeks after the birth of the baby, in other cases the delay is 10-15 weeks.

The first menstruation is quite scanty. The appearance of copious bright red discharge may indicate uterine bleeding.

Mixed type

When a baby is mixed-fed, menstrual flow usually appears 3-12 months after birth. The sooner a mother stops night feedings, the sooner she will get her period.

Breastfeeding at night is important because this is when prolactin production occurs at its peak. Increasing the frequency of formula feeding also affects the hormone - its amount gradually decreases. The restoration of the cycle with a mixed type of feeding occurs quite a long time, after the appearance of the first menstruation, the second can occur only after 2-3 months.

Features of postpartum menstruation

At first, women who give birth have irregular periods. It will take time for the menstrual cycle to return.

The duration of menstruation in a physiologically healthy woman ranges from 3 to 7 days. The normal volume of blood released is considered to be 50-150 ml.

After childbirth, mothers often experience changes in their menstrual cycle. If previously it was no more than 21-30 days, now its indicator is 25 days. Women in labor note that during labor they become more irritable and whiny. Sometimes migraines, nausea and increased appetite appear. All these symptoms indicate premenstrual syndrome. The resumption of regulation is influenced by the number of births, as well as the changes that the woman’s endocrine system undergoes.

After the birth of a child, many mothers note that menstruation is now less painful. This is due to better blood outflow due to the change in the position of the uterus.

There are also opposite situations - women in labor complain of pain during menstruation, which was not there before childbirth. Unpleasant sensations may go away after physical and psychological recovery of the body. If this does not happen, it is better for the mother to consult a gynecologist, since the cause may be inflammation in the pelvis, excessive contractions of the uterus or other pathology.

In what cases should you sound the alarm?

As a rule, a long delay in menstruation is associated with individual characteristics and the level of hormones in the body of the woman giving birth. However, the cause is also various complications and diseases of the genitourinary system.

If there is no menstruation after breastfeeding or the discharge is very scanty, this may indicate Sheehan syndrome. The disease develops after severe bleeding during childbirth, characterized by a drop in blood pressure. All this leads to the death of pituitary cells, and the latter, as is known, affect the woman’s reproductive system, in particular the maturation of eggs in the ovary.

Another problem with the absence of menstruation in women who have given birth is hyperprolactinemia. This pathology is a consequence of high levels of prolactin even after a woman has stopped breastfeeding. The hormone prevents the egg from developing, while milk synthesis continues. The causes of the pathology are gynecological diseases and pituitary adenoma.

In addition, a characteristic feature of the syndrome is the absence of lactation. The consequences of the disease are poor functioning of the adrenal glands and weakened immunity.

Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if you have the following symptoms:

  • pain in the uterine region;
  • scarlet-colored bloody discharge began;
  • menstruation occurs twice a month;
  • duration of menstruation - less than 2;
  • uncharacteristic smell of blood;
  • spotting menstruation (appears as a result of the inflammatory process and endometriosis);
  • a large amount of blood released;
  • there is no bleeding for 180 days or more from the end of lactation;
  • scanty periods 3 cycles in a row or more;
  • the duration of the regulation is more than 8 days, they are accompanied by ailments;
  • menstruation came and disappeared again;
  • excessive uterine contractions;
  • spotting appears irregularly, although six months have already passed since the resumption of menstruation (the problem may be ovarian pathology).