I can't take a spermogram. How to take a spermogram: the right steps (with videos and reviews)

Men who are faced with the impossibility of conceiving a child and the need to undergo examinations are concerned with the question - how is a spermogram done?

Family planning is an important issue that must be taken seriously.

To increase the chances of conceiving a child, as well as to exclude possible deviations of the unborn baby, young parents are recommended to undergo a medical examination.

A spermogram is provided for men.

The fundamental principle for diagnosing infertility and other pathologies in men, in addition to a standard survey, examination and examination, is considered to be the study of seminal fluid - a spermogram.

Using this analysis, the characteristics of sperm are determined and the number of healthy and abnormal germ cells is calculated.

The invention of the spermogram helped traditional medicine diagnose male infertility and, accordingly, prescribe the most effective treatment.

Some experts believe that a spermogram is the only necessary analysis, the advantages of which are determined by the time, simplicity and low cost of the study.

Of course, other methods for diagnosing the failure of the male reproductive system deserve attention, but a spermogram is preferred in the vast majority of cases.

After completing the spermogram, the man who did the analysis can find out the result, which contains information regarding the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg.

The spermogram result also contains qualitative, quantitative and morphological characteristics of the male semen.

Usually, a single spermogram is not enough, since the result of the analysis depends on proper preparation for the procedure.

If the result is unsatisfactory, the doctor recommends re-checking the sperm, with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

A third study is allowed if the results of the first two spermograms are too different.

Often, men go to a medical facility for examination when infertility is suspected.

A mandatory condition for donating donor sperm is that the donor undergoes all necessary examinations, including a spermogram.

The process of obtaining seminal fluid is best carried out directly in a medical institution, where a separate room is allocated for this, in which the most favorable conditions are created.

The most suitable option for obtaining material is masturbation. Coitus interruptus is not suitable, since the resulting material will contain particles of the microflora of the partner’s vagina.

Collect male semen in a sterile, dry, airtight container. It is prohibited to use a latex condom for this purpose, since contact with this contraceptive disrupts the activity of sperm, which will lead to an unreliable result.

For the study, it is necessary to collect all the isolated material, which, moreover, cannot be exposed to sudden changes in temperature.

Before performing a spermogram, a consultation with an andrologist is required, who will tell you where to do a spermogram quickly and efficiently.

Preparing for a spermogram

Proper preparation of a man for a sperm test determines how reliable the result is.

Preparatory procedures should be done by a man several weeks before the date of the spermogram.

  • the main prohibition falls on intimacy. How many days to observe the abstinence regime is determined by the doctor, but on average it is 2-7 days;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks and beer. The sooner a man stops drinking alcohol, the better the spermogram result will be;
  • Medicines other than vital drugs are prohibited;
  • the state of hyperthermia is unacceptable, that is, it is forbidden to visit baths and saunas, take a bath with hot water, sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium;
  • A spermogram cannot be performed if the patient has inflammatory diseases, since when the body temperature rises even to 37 degrees, the sperm die. The study must be carried out 14 days after complete recovery;
  • eliminate the possibility of nervous tension;
  • stop smoking tobacco;
  • drug use is prohibited;
  • follow a special diet - do not eat fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods, give preference to steamed or boiled dishes;
  • Avoid drinking coffee and strong black tea;
  • if possible, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity;
  • On the eve of the spermogram, proper sleep is necessary.

To get a spermogram, you can contact both specialized medical centers and a public medical institution.

Preference should be given to an institution where a doctor specializes in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction.

Since if pathologies of the reproductive system are detected, consultation with a specialist will be necessary to prescribe effective treatment.

Decoding the spermogram result

There are many characteristics of seminal fluid that reflect a man's ability to have offspring.

Only a qualified specialist can decipher the results of a spermogram, who determines the reliability of the results in each specific case.

The normal volume of sperm released is 4-5 ml. A smaller amount of ejaculate may indicate dysfunction of the testicles and reproductive system.

If the volume of excreted material is less than 2.5 ml, then the chances of conceiving a child are low, even if other characteristics are normal.

The number of sperm in 1 ml of semen varies within different limits, but on average it should be more than 20 million.

Oligozoospermia is a reduced number of male germ cells in sperm. The cause of this condition is disturbances in the functioning of the testicles or pathology of the vas deferens.

The quality of sperm is determined by sperm motility. Normally, more than 55% of all formed sperm should move forward.

A decrease in the number of active germ cells is called asthenozoospermia, and the absence of them in sperm is called necrosospermia.

The number and activity of sperm directly depend on the frequency of sexual contacts of a man.

If sexual intercourse occurs in a row, then, starting from the third contact, the sperm in the seminal fluid lose activity, that is, it will not be possible to conceive a child from such an act.

The highest concentration of sperm in semen is observed after abstinence for at least two days.

The morphological characteristics of sperm reflect how many germ cells have a normal structure.

Normally, this figure should be equal to 60% of the total number of sperm. Teratozoospermia is a decrease in the number of healthy sperm.

However, if sperm contain structural pathologies, this does not mean that the child will be born with health problems - the genetic material in the germ cells is absolutely normal.

This condition reduces the ability to fertilize an egg.

Sperm aggregation is an area of ​​high concentration of germ cells that is normally absent.

This condition leads to impaired sperm motility and activity and may indicate the presence of pathologies and diseases of the male reproductive system.

The number of leukocytes should be 1-2, and an increased content of leukocytes in semen may indicate inflammatory processes in the urogenital tract.

Regarding the question - how long does a spermogram take - it must be said that this is an express analysis, and the results will be ready within a few hours after the sample is submitted.

Almost all spermogram indicators are characterized by instability, that is, they can change depending on various factors.

With proper preparation for the study, the result will be the most reliable.

If the spermogram result is unsatisfactory, the man is advised to reconsider his lifestyle.

It is necessary to give up bad habits, adhere to the rules of proper nutrition and exercise.

Sperm is a very important liquid that is produced by the male gonads and is involved in the process of fertilization of the egg. If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long period, then the man is asked to take a spermogram, which will show the quality and functioning of the seminal fluid.

Spermogram- This is a study of seminal fluid to identify pathology. Based on the results of the analysis, you can find out the causes of infertility in men, which is as common as female infertility. A correct and reliable result can only be obtained if you properly prepare and pass the analysis.

Why do you need a spermogram?

Male infertility is one of the most common pathologies nowadays. According to statistics, almost 40% of the male population suffers from infertility. A spermogram is a mandatory test when examining a man for infertility.

If all parameters of the spermogram analysis are normal, then a diagnosis is made

Indications for spermogram

A spermogram analysis is suggested for the following pathologies:

  • Detection of male infertility in the absence of pregnancy in a woman for 6 months, without the use of contraception;
  • If a man is planning to donate sperm;
  • Assess the quality and normal functioning of the testicles, where sperm are produced and mature.
  • Find out the reason.

How is sperm examined?

The spermogram is examined in two stages:

  1. Conduct a macroscopic examination of sperm:
    • Consistency of seminal fluid;
    • The duration of its transition to the liquid state;
    • Amount of ejaculate;
    • Color;
    • Acidity;
    • Density.
  2. Microscopic examination of sperm:
    • Their movement is considered;
    • Percentage ratio of active and passive sperm;
    • The presence of an inflammatory process in the ejaculate;
    • Morphology is studied.

How to properly prepare for a spermogram?

To obtain a high-quality result from the study of ejaculate, you need to properly prepare for it. This is very important to establish the correct diagnosis and undergo treatment.

Correct and competent preparation for the sperm examination procedure includes the following aspects:

How to take a spermogram correctly?

Rules and features of taking a spermogram:

A man cannot donate sperm for analysis under the following conditions:

  • Over the past 60 days, there has been an increase in temperature above 38 degrees;
  • If antibiotics have been taken for 3 months.

How to get a good spermogram result?

To improve the result of microscopic and macroscopic examination of ejaculate, it is necessary to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • No smoking;
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Do not overuse strong coffee or tea;
  • It is useful to add more fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your diet;
  • Plant foods, proteins, fermented milk products;
  • Play sports, which will significantly increase the quality of sperm;
  • Get good sleep for at least 8 hours;
  • Better quality sperm mature from 10 pm to 6 am;
  • The period of sexual abstinence before taking a spermogram should be 2 days, but not more than a week;
  • It is recommended to test sperm twice every 21 days. If the result differs significantly, then you need to do the study a third time.

Only proper preparation for taking a spermogram will help you get a reliable result and undergo proper treatment.

How to improve poor spermogram results?

To improve the spermogram result, you need to adhere to the following rules:

Vitamins to improve sperm count

To improve sperm quality, you need to take the following vitamins:

  • Thiavmina hydrochloride;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • zinc;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • selenium.

The vitamin complex can significantly improve sperm quality and can be obtained through diet. But even the most highly balanced diet will not be able to fully satisfy the need for vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo preventive treatment using a complex of vitamins.

Drugs to improve sperm count

To improve the quality of spermogram and the condition of sperm, doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes:

  • Spematon. The drug contains zinc, L-cartinine and vitamin E. The vitamin complex helps with problems with conceiving a child, will help increase the quality and quantity of motile sperm;
  • Folacin. The composition includes folic acid, which helps to increase the process of conception. Can be taken by women and men at the same time to speed up conception and birth of a child;
  • Spermaplant. The composition includes medicinal herbs nettle and tauran, which have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

Detection of infertility in men is most often carried out through the collection and research of information. Few of the male population know how to take a spermogram, but only the right preparation will allow you to get the right results and avoid false indicators and deviations from the norm.

What it is?

A spermogram is a study of sperm to determine infertility. But this type of analysis can be carried out not only to confirm or refute the ability to conceive, but also it is prescribed to men to identify the need for surgical intervention. For example, the procedure may be performed in a clinic if there is a suspicion of varicocele or cancer.

Among other things, men who want to freeze germ cells for use in artificial insemination must also undergo a check and pass all the necessary tests.

If infertility is suspected, material for research is simultaneously taken from a married couple.

The diagnosis of infertility is made to those couples who, within a year, cannot conceive a child with full sexual activity without contraception. Research by scientists has shown that throughout the world there are fifteen percent of married couples who cannot have children. Of these, in half of the cases, male abnormal sperm counts are to blame. But fifty percent of ejaculate pathologies are treatable and correctable.

Causes of infertility in the stronger sex:

  • general unsatisfactory condition of the body;
  • negative environmental impact;
  • improper lifestyle, bad habits;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • genetics;
  • improper functioning of the immune system;
  • difficult working conditions, nervous tension, stress.


Before the procedure, a man needs to prepare properly. There are rules that must be followed if reliable results are to be obtained.

3-5 days before the process of donating ejaculate, you need to exclude all forms of sexual activity. If you do the procedure the next day after sexual intercourse, then the amount of semen will be negligible.

But you need to abstain from sexual activity for no more than 4 days. If a man has not had sex with his partner for a long time, the activity of the germ cells will noticeably decrease.

You cannot visit baths, saunas, or take hot baths. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not overheat 7-10 days before visiting the laboratory.

A week before the test, you can go on a diet that should exclude all fatty, spicy and fried foods. Alcoholic drinks and various medications are also prohibited.

Alcoholic drinks destroy the body's defenses, and because of this, metabolic processes begin to suffer. Ethyl alcohol adversely affects the liver, digestive tract and genitals. If the patient regularly drinks strong drinks, the spermogram results will be disappointing: doctors can identify pathologies of reproductive function. Complete renewal of sperm will occur only when the man completely gives up alcohol.

The use of antibiotics is especially prohibited. The side effects of such drugs greatly affect the body's functions. As a result, spermatogenesis is inhibited. This fact is significantly reflected in the results of laboratory research.

It is worth remembering that the composition of germ cells is updated only three months after the complete end of taking medications.

It is also necessary to avoid heavy loads, stressful situations and overwork. If the patient falls ill the day before or begins to feel unsatisfactory, the procedure should be postponed until the man has fully recovered.

What to take with you to the clinic?

In order to undergo the procedure and donate sperm for analysis, private clinics have special rooms containing everything necessary. The patient does not need to take with him hygiene items, magazines or videos for stimulation, a towel, a container and other items.

Most public clinics do not provide such amenities. If the institution has a room for carrying out the procedure, it is not at all equipped with viewing materials, soap, etc. Therefore, on the eve of the test, you need to ask what you need to take with you and what you should not take.

How to submit?

The attending physician will tell you how to take a spermogram correctly when prescribing the test and will repeat this before the procedure.

The surest way to get semen is through masturbation. Other methods have side effects and may lead to false results.

During the process, the use of a condom is strictly prohibited. Firstly, the lubricant that is applied to latex significantly distorts the results of the study. Secondly, the effect of latex on germ cells has not yet been studied and therefore it is better not to take risks.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is also unacceptable, as significant loss of substances is possible. In addition, leukocytes, flora and various impurities are more likely to get into the sperm from the vagina. To collect and transport the ejaculate, you will need a sterile plastic container, which is sold in pharmacies or medical institutions.

Private clinics have special rooms with a sofa and various magazines, and also have video equipment to encourage relaxation and excitement.

There are no such rooms in public hospitals, or they are only in exceptional institutions. Therefore, the seed must be collected at home and brought to the laboratory.

But it is worth noting that if the procedure is carried out incorrectly at home, sterility is not observed, or transportation is carried out in violation of the temperature regime and with high fluctuations, the germ cells may be damaged. As a result, the results of the analysis will turn out to be bad and false.

Actions when taking tests.

  • Empty your bladder.
  • Wash your hands and genitals with antibacterial soap.
  • Carefully open the plastic container without touching its inner walls.
  • Collect material for research in a jar. If any part of the seminal fluid was lost during collection, then this should be reported to a specialist.
  • Close the container tightly.
  • Take it to the laboratory, where tests will be carried out within an hour.

To ensure the absence of immunological infertility, a man also needs to pass a MAP test. The attending physician should consult about all the rules and nuances before the procedure.

Seminal fluid for research should be donated 2-3 times within two months. This is done in order to find out whether the pathologies are permanent or transitory. Only the attending physician decides how long it takes to undergo the procedure. Most often this happens after two or three weeks.

Survey results

The results of the study are given to the man on a special card 2–3 days after the procedure. If the tests reveal pathologies, the patient is prescribed treatment.

It is not recommended to independently decipher the data on the form, since each laboratory has its own table of standards. It is best to contact the attending physician at the clinic where the procedure was performed with the results.

The ejaculate component is assessed according to several indicators and passes the Kruger scale:

  1. quantity, degree of viscosity and color of the seed;
  2. mobility and structure;
  3. sperm concentration;
  4. the presence of various bacteria and infections.

Based on the results of the analysis, specialists make diagnoses:

  • Oligozoospermia. Low sperm count is considered if there are about 15 million ejaculates in one milliliter of fluid.
  • Polyspermy. An increased number of germ cells, which is not considered a deviation from the norm.
  • Asthenozoospermia. Quite low sperm motility.
  • Taratozoospermia. A small number of sperm with the correct structure.
  • Oligospermia. Big lack of ejaculate.
  • Aspermia. A serious illness when a man has no sperm.
  • Azoospermia. Absence of germ cells in sperm.
  • Necrosperyname. Lack of mobile seeds. But, contrary to the name of the diagnosis, the immobile germ cell is not dead at all. It can be successfully used even for artificial insemination of a woman.

  • Cryptospermia. The most common diagnosis that specialists make after carrying out all the procedures to identify infertility in a man. This conclusion means the detection of germ cell units in the sediment after centrifugation. Experts also use similar ejaculates to artificially inseminate a woman.
  • Autoimmune conflict. The Mar test coefficient is too high. This means that more than half of the germ cells are enveloped in immune antibodies.
  • Leukocytospermia. Large number of leukocytes. But it is worth noting that such bodies do not always mean inflammation. For example, tension in the pelvic veins or scrotal veins can provoke an increased number of white blood cells. After the diagnosis of leukocytospermia, it is necessary to identify the causes, exclude inflammation and take samples for bacterial culture. And only after this it is necessary to draw conclusions and carry out appropriate treatment.
  • Hematosperemia. Bloody discharge in semen. One of the most common causes is inflammation of the seminal vesicles and weak vascular walls.

It is worth noting that in most cases, all diagnoses are not permanent and can be easily corrected.

Any sane man dreams of a family, a son or a sweet daughter. This should be taken care of in advance. For pregnancy to occur, a man will need sperm. Their quality can be judged by the results of a spermogram. In addition, this analysis indicates the state of men's health. The information content depends on how the spermogram is taken.

What is a spermogram? This analysis contains quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm, as well as an examination of the presence of impurities in sperm. For example, red blood cells, leukocytes. Decryption of the received data should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Spermogram: collection rules

A spermogram is often prescribed to determine a man’s fertility; the analysis will also show the presence of diseases and infections.

For more reliable results, the following rules must be observed:

  • Sperm is collected through masturbation. Any other method is not acceptable, since it may affect the indicators of interest. During unprotected sexual intercourse, female secretions can get on the head of the penis, and when using barrier contraceptives, agents that reduce the activity of male reproductive cells can come into contact. It is necessary to collect all the resulting liquid for research. It is especially important not to miss the very first portion of ejaculate.
  • The container for ejaculate (sperm) must be sterile, and it is also important that the materials from which it is made do not have a negative effect. There are special containers on sale that are made from safe products. Sperm cannot be collected in a condom, as latex has a detrimental effect on sperm motility.
  • Submit the spermogram to the laboratory as quickly as possible. Collection can be carried out both in a clinic and at home (subject to transportation rules). The most suitable place for collecting seminal fluid is considered to be a specially designated room on the territory of the laboratory itself. This allows analysis to begin as early as possible. Over time, the ejaculate becomes more liquid, and sperm motility and count decrease.


A spermogram is a fairly simple analysis, but despite this, it requires careful preparation. It will take time, patience and adherence to basic lifestyle standards. However, for a man who does not lead an asocial life, the preparation process will not be particularly difficult.

Before taking a spermogram you must:

  1. Refrain from ejaculating for at least three days. The most reliable results are observed on days 3-5 of abstinence. Moreover, it is important not only not to have sex during this period, but also not to masturbate. If a spermogram analysis is carried out on sperm obtained from one-day abstinence, this will affect the number of male reproductive cells, and if abstinence lasts more than a week, then the likelihood of abnormal sperm in the results increases significantly.
  2. On the eve of the test, you should not overheat the testicles. Before taking the test, you need to avoid visiting baths and saunas for about a week. This rule also applies to those who like to take hot baths at home. The scrotum should not be overheated under any circumstances. This will affect spermatogenesis (sperm formation).
  3. You need to give up bad habits and the sooner this happens, the better. Ideally, a man should not have them at all, but there are certain circumstances from which no one is immune. On the eve of the analysis, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products is not allowed. These habits can cause irreparable harm to a man’s health and make him infertile.
  4. Avoid strenuous training, sports, and heavy lifting for at least a day or a couple of days. Excessive physical activity exhausts the body.


Like any medical procedure, a spermogram has contraindications for its implementation.

You cannot donate sperm for analysis if:

  • Antibiotic therapy. Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can affect the results of the study. More than 10 days must pass after taking these medications.
  • Acute diseases. It is best to postpone examination of the ejaculate until complete recovery. An elevated body temperature indicates an inflammatory process in the body, which will undoubtedly affect the composition of sperm.
  • Prostate massage. This procedure affects the characteristics of sperm, so after it is carried out, at least 10 days must pass before taking a spermogram.

Important! Transportation must be carried out quickly (no more than 1 hour). The temperature in this case approaches the temperature of the human body: no less than 30 degrees and no more than 37. The container is tightly closed.

Every man who cares about his health should know how to take a spermogram correctly. The reliability of the results and further treatment tactics, if necessary, depend on this.

Men's health concerns not only issues of erection; reproductive abilities are no less important and require attention, especially during the period of planning pregnancy in a couple or during prolonged unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child. A typical examination of a man includes sperm donation to assess its biological and biochemical parameters. Your family doctor or andrologist will tell you in detail how to take a spermogram at your appointment, but it is better to know in advance what you need to prepare for and what basic rules exist.

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The essence of the analysis and indications for it

A spermogram allows you to determine the quality of a man’s seminal fluid, assess important biochemical and morphological characteristics, identify structural defects, assess the viability of sperm and identify foreign impurities in sperm.

The main objective of the examination is to determine the reproductive abilities of a man. Using semen analysis, it is possible to diagnose the presence of diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, analyze the genetic material and determine in advance the risks of developing hereditary pathologies in a child.

Most often, a spermogram is prescribed when a couple wants to conceive a child or when a woman has not been pregnant for a long time, for no apparent reason. Sperm analysis makes it possible to determine a man’s reproductive abilities, prescribe a corrective solution if necessary, or consider other possibilities for acquiring offspring.

Modern men are more attentive to their own health than several decades ago. Now a spermogram is available to anyone for preventive purposes. You can also contact a specialized sperm bank to store genetic material. Typically, this option is used by young men whose semen quality has not yet been impaired by age-related and organic changes.

Preparing for a spermogram

Preparing for sperm donation is not difficult. The man is required to:

  • Abstain from sexual intercourse for five to seven days. Sometimes clarification is required - intimate contacts in any form are excluded, including oral sex;
  • During preparation, thermal procedures, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and increased physical activity are excluded;
  • Spicy, salty, fatty, pickled dishes, semi-finished products, as well as alcoholic drinks are removed from the diet;
  • For the reliability of the analysis, smoking men are recommended to adhere to their usual regimen;
  • In 2-3 days the load on the nervous system is reduced and stress factors are eliminated.

Some sources claim that it will be necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle while preparing for a spermogram. This is only partly true, since a sharp rejection of the usual regime puts a man’s body in a state of stress. In this case, it is recommended to comply with the main requirements for taking the test, check the function of the male reproductive system under normal conditions, and then, after restructuring and following a rational routine for 2-3 months, take the spermogram again.

What parameters of ejaculate are assessed?

A spermogram is a complex examination, with a lot of parameters to evaluate. Independent interpretation of data is unlikely to give a complete picture of health, since the overall assessment depends not only on compliance with physiological norms, but also on their compliance with age and the relationship of various aspects. Therefore, the doctor deciphers the results and evaluates them, based on data from other diagnostic measures.

The conclusion is issued on an accepted form with possible additional columns, depending on the level of the clinic and the capabilities of the equipment.

Parameters for evaluation:

  • General data - acidity, volume, number of germ cells, structure of sperm, its viscosity and color, rate of sedimentation and liquefaction, presence of foreign inclusions;
  • Morphological data - the presence of leukocytes and their number, the presence of antibodies, sperm concentration, their motor activity and viability;
  • Additional data – levels of glucose, microelements, biologically active components;
  • Genetic data is obtained using special equipment and requires special conditions for taking a spermogram.

Only a specialist can evaluate the information obtained, combining ejaculate analysis with other studies. If necessary, based on the diagnostic results, a course of treatment is prescribed with a repeat spermogram after a certain time.

Sequence of analysis

Reproduction clinics have stands installed, and there are also videos on how to properly take a spermogram. Modern medical institutions are equipped with soundproofing, contain a lot of sources of erotic stimulation and create a favorable atmosphere for complete comfort. Pleasant music and dim lighting help you relax and calmly receive a portion of high-quality sperm.

On the day of taking a spermogram, a man needs to calm down, tune in to a positive mood and, after carrying out home hygiene procedures, go to the clinic. In extreme cases, you can resort to home sperm collection, but the quality of diagnosis will deteriorate, since the laboratory must receive warm, fresh material, the storage of which at home and transportation will disrupt the biochemical parameters.

The collection container is a sterile container; collection in condoms is unacceptable; lubricant affects the result of the analysis, and also often contains spermicides that kill male reproductive cells.

The most effective method of collecting sperm is masturbation. To stimulate arousal, various stimulants are used; the presence of a spouse or sexual partner is allowed. Other collection methods - interrupted coitus, oral sex - disrupt the structure of sperm and distort the results of the spermogram.

In order to get tested, a man needs:

  • empty your bladder;
  • carry out hygienic treatment of the penis;
  • wipe the penis dry with a paper towel;
  • Wash your hands again and prepare a container for collecting sperm.

The collected material is delivered to the laboratory or left in a specially designated place.
Despite its simplicity, men often have problems when taking a spermogram. This is largely due to psychological discomfort, fears and the need to achieve a forced erection in an unusual environment. The best advice that can be given in this case is to treat the process as a new sexual adventure and get maximum pleasure.

When is the best time to take a spermogram?

Men are absolutely rightly interested in how to take a sperm test in order to obtain high-quality and reliable diagnostic results. The basic rules of preparation have already been written above, and in addition, at the doctor’s appointment, detailed instructions with recommendations are given.

  • You can take a spermogram after a course of treatment for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system or any other condition accompanied by the use of antibiotics and potent drugs 2-3 weeks after the end of therapy;
  • The presence of signs of inflammation with a rise in temperature is a reason to postpone the analysis until complete recovery;
  • It is not recommended to attend physiotherapeutic procedures, including prostate massage, a week before the expected diagnosis.

What do the results indicate?

During sperm analysis, many parameters are deciphered and assessed, on the basis of which one can judge the state of a man’s reproductive sphere.

The main options for a medical opinion:

  • Oligozoospermia - the resulting sample has a small number of sperm;
  • Aspermia - complete absence of ejaculate;
  • Teratozoospermia - compared to other structures, the number of germ cells is lower than normal;
  • Azoospermia - no sperm were found in the analyzed material;
  • Asthenozoospermia - decreased sperm activity;
  • Oligospermia - the amount of material obtained is significantly lower than normal;
  • Cryptospermia - small sperm or a very small number of them in the material;
  • Cryptozoospermia - after running in a centrifuge, single spermatozoa were found;
  • Leukocytospermia - increased number of leukocytes in semen;
  • Akinospermia - no signs of sperm immobility;
  • Necrospermia - no viable sperm were detected in the submitted sample;
  • Hemospermia - blood in semen or single red blood cells.

The analyzed material becomes the subject of detailed research, and complex medical terms that contain information about the reproductive sphere of a man require explanation from a doctor. Often, several identified variants of normality or pathology are combined into one term. You shouldn’t be afraid of complex formulations; you just need to listen carefully to a specialist and get recommendations for further actions.