Hexicon during pregnancy - treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases. Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy: effectiveness, safety, analogues Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy for infections

During pregnancy, unfortunately, many women face the problem of thrush. The hormonal background changes so that even a woman who has never encountered such problems can notice traces of vaginosis and colpitis. After the diagnosis has been made, the doctor must prescribe medications that should not harm the body of the baby and the expectant mother. More often than others, the doctor prescribes Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy.

If the disease has just appeared, topical medications will help to quickly suppress the outbreak. If this is a manifestation of a chronic form, systemic treatment is required. The gynecologist's decision on whether it is more dangerous to treat or leave the disease will be a priority.

What the instructions say

Hexicon candles have been used by more than one generation of women. Pathogenic organisms did not lose sensitivity to chlorhexidine. It is part of an antiseptic drug, both in suppositories and in an aqueous solution.

Instructions for use Hexicon allows treatment for pregnant women. There are no restrictions on the duration of pregnancy.

After using Hexicon suppositories, the microbial balance in the vagina is restored, it kills genital herpes, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. Successfully eliminates colpitis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea.

On the eve of childbirth, Hexicon is used to treat the genital tract in case of detected infection.

After childbirth, Hexicon is used as a preventive measure to avoid purulent complications on the tissues of the birth canal and sutures. The instructions allow such use.

How and in what doses to use

Mandatory administration of suppositories, in a lying position, at night. It is advisable not to get up for about two hours, lie on your back and raise your pelvis slightly higher than your body.

It won't hurt to use a pad; heavy discharge is expected. You can roll up a tampon, which will prevent the melted candle from quickly expiring.

Strong liquid discharge at this moment should not be alarming; this is normal. This is how Hexicon suppositories work. If you have to work during the day, then plan for this, use a pad, not a thin one, but the kind you use during menstruation.

For 7-20 days, a course of vaginal administration may be prescribed at night and early in the morning. You need to insert the candle early; you should be in bed for at least 2 hours. Application twice a day is sufficient if there has been no intimacy with an unfamiliar partner during the day. Plan the meeting so that two hours after the act, a vaginal suppository can be inserted.

Are there any contraindications

Hexicon cannot harm the fruit. But if a woman’s body reacts to the composition of the drug as if it were an allergen, you should consult your doctor.

You should not wash your genitals with soap if you are using Hexicon suppositories during this period. An alkaline environment will have a side effect. For disinfection, instead of soap, it is better to make a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Rarely, but user reviews indicate this, itching, burning, irritation occurs, and the mucous membranes become dry. Monitor the condition of your body, be patient for 10 days, and if more serious problems arise, immediately consult a doctor.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews from pregnant women do not generally contain negative connotations. A number of women noticed that Hexicon was used during pregnancy and after childbirth. Due to the weakening of the immune system, suppositories were prescribed as a preventive measure.

But some responses from pregnant women contain excited remarks. After using the drug, pinkish discharge appeared. Everyone’s body is different, and if alarming symptoms are visible, consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory.

Any amateur activity can harm the female body and the fetus!

  • Hexicon vaginal suppositories are the safest for pregnant women among a number of analogues. This is a gentle method of treatment, the drug does not affect the placenta, lactobacilli remain in place, the effect is only positive if the body is healthy.
  • Hexicon, according to reviews of nursing mothers, was prescribed to them as a preventive measure after childbirth. The medicine did not leave any unpleasant impressions on users, except for complaints of heavy discharge. After stopping use, my health improved.
  • Considering the properties of the drug, it helps with vaginitis and cervicitis. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases will help avoid the serious disease of ureaplasmosis. For any woman, this is a terrible disease, but for a pregnant woman it is simply an attack.
  • Suppositories act on the body bypassing the digestive system, introduced as close as possible to the source of the disease, they envelop the vagina. Polyethylene oxide, which is part of the suppositories, removes pathogenic flora, causing abundant discharge, and leaves the mucous membrane clean. In isolated cases, it sometimes has a negative effect on pregnant women. But after childbirth it is recommended to use it.

Use of the drug during lactation

Hexicon suppositories are often prescribed after childbirth during breastfeeding for the prevention and treatment of infections and other inflammatory processes in the vagina.

The active ingredient is chlorhexidine, which is an antiseptic. Hexicon suppositories act only locally, the drug is not absorbed systemically and does not enter the bloodstream, so there are no contraindications for breastfeeding.

The doctor prescribes the drug during lactation for progressive infections. During breastfeeding, a woman’s immunity is still very weak after childbirth, so bacteria can develop at lightning speed. A timely visit to the doctor will save a nursing mother from the consequences of the disease. Treatment of inflammatory processes with Hexicon suppositories is approved by gynecologists. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, does not pass into the milk of a nursing mother and does not have a negative effect on the child.

Physiological immunodeficiency in pregnant women leads to more frequent prescription of medications for the treatment and prevention of diseases. But any, even the most harmless, remedy during pregnancy should be treated with caution, weighing all the pros and cons. The instructions for using Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy state that they are safe throughout the entire period. But is it really possible to use Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy without harm to the baby?

Any inflammation in the vagina increases the risk of intrauterine infection of the baby. This can lead to complications such as premature birth, polyhydramnios, placental dysfunction, and even antenatal fetal death. Therefore, it is important to identify all deviations in time and carry out treatment, but with drugs that are safe during pregnancy.

Operating principle

Hexicon contains chlorhexidine as an active substance. This antiseptic agent acts on pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). Chlorhexidine, attaching to the surface of the pathogen, leads to disruption of the stability of the surface membrane and death of the microbe.

In addition to bacteria and viruses, chlorhexidine interacts with sperm in the same way, leading to their immediate inactivation. Therefore, Hexicon, to some extent, can be used as a method of post-coital contraception. Chlorhexidine is active against the following microflora:

  • chlamydia, myco- and ureaplasma;
  • trichomonas, treponema pallidum (causes syphilis), gonococci;
  • herpesvirus types 1 and 2;
  • streptococci and staphylococci;
  • coli;
  • enterrococci.

Chlorhexidine has no effect on fungal microorganisms, including candida. Therefore, it makes no sense to use Hexicon suppositories for thrush during pregnancy. On the contrary, they can only provoke increased burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

Hexicon is active against bacterial inflammation in the vagina. The effect of the drug is especially noticeable during purulent processes. Chlorhexidine has a detrimental effect only on pathogenic microorganisms, without destroying beneficial lactobacilli. Thanks to this, recovery after treatment is quick and without subsequent relapses.


Hexicon suppositories are used during pregnancy in the following situations:

  • to prevent infections after unprotected sex;
  • with pathological vaginal discharge;
  • for sanitization of the vagina and cervix;
  • with RAP (unloading obstetric pessary);
  • for the treatment of herpetic rashes;
  • in preparation for childbirth or cesarean section in the 3rd trimester;
  • on the eve of suturing the cervix.

In addition, Hexicon gel, ointment and solution can be used during pregnancy to sanitize the oral cavity - for gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis. And also for treating the surface of wounds even in the presence of pus and blood.

Most often, Hexicon suppositories are used for colpitis and cervicitis with inflammatory changes in smears. Chlorhexidine does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development even in the early stages.

Suppositories and other forms of Hexicon: instructions for use during pregnancy

Taking into account the indications for use of Hexicon, the preferred form (suppositories, solution, gel) of the medicine is selected for pregnant women.


Suppositories are intended for insertion into the vagina. The usual course is 10-14 days, one or two suppositories. It is convenient to introduce the candle as follows:

  • lie down on your back;
  • spread your legs wide;
  • insert the suppository as deep as possible into the vagina;
  • after that lie down for 20 minutes.

If you plan to use Hexicon for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they must be administered no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse.

Liquid form

Hexicon solution is used in the following form:

  • for vaginal douching;
  • for rinsing the mouth;
  • for washing wounds.

For this purpose, a 0.05% solution of the drug is used. In this form it is sold in pharmacies.

Gel and ointment

The gel is most often used in dentistry to sanitize foci of infection. The ointment is used for skin pathologies, as well as for vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia). Apply directly to the affected areas several times a day.

Vaginal tablets

The tablets contain the same amount of chlorhexidine as the suppositories. Indications for use are similar. Before use, it is recommended to slightly moisten the tablet, so it will be easier to place it in the vagina.

Schematically, the features of the use of various forms of the drug are reflected in the following table.

Table - Comparison of Hexicon dosage forms

Reviews of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy convince of its good tolerability in the early and late stages. But in some cases the following side effects are possible:

  • itching, burning;
  • skin irritation;
  • allergic manifestations.

A contraindication for the use of the drug is individual intolerance, as well as the presence of skin diseases at the intended site of application. Chlorhexidine has a rather aggressive effect, in this case it is better to replace it with more gentle medications. Other consequences of taking:

  • gel in the mouth - darkening of tooth enamel, the appearance of plaque;
  • gel on the skin - increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Does it affect the baby?

The expectant mother naturally worries about whether the Hexicon suppositories, solution, gel and ointment are dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, when all the internal organs of the baby are formed. There's no need to worry. Reviews from doctors and women confirm that the product does not lead to negative consequences for the child when used both at the beginning of pregnancy and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Replacement options

The following drugs are similar in action and safety, which are also used for various infections during pregnancy:

  • for application to skin– bactericidal plasters;
  • in the form of solutions– “Citeal”, “Chlorhexidine”;
  • for the oral cavity –"Amident."

Hexicon and its analogues are safe means to combat inflammation on the skin, vagina, and oral cavity. The use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy is justified to prevent complications on the eve of delivery and any surgical interventions on the cervix during gestation.


No woman wants to deal with genital infections, especially during pregnancy.

But there are cases that the child was unplanned and the woman did not have time to undergo treatment, or the infection occurred after conception.

Pregnancy does not eliminate the need to treat inflammation caused by a sexually transmitted infection, but it significantly narrows the list of available drugs. One of the few medications approved for use during this period is Hexicon vaginal suppositories.

Hexicon is a drug that is used in the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases, including those of a sexually transmitted nature.

The active ingredient of Hexicon is chlorhexidine, a local antiseptic.

It is widely used not only in gynecology, but also in surgery, dentistry and other fields of medicine.

For use in obstetrics and gynecology, the most convenient form of release of the drug is vaginal suppositories. Hexicon suppositories are white or yellowish suppositories enclosed in contour packaging.

The active substance of the suppositories has only a local antiseptic effect, without penetrating into the bloodstream. There is no negative effect on the fetus, therefore Hexicon is included in the list of drugs approved for use at any stage of pregnancy.

Another positive property of chlorhexidine is that it is active only against pathogenic microorganisms and does not disrupt the healthy flora of the vagina.

Suppositories can be used even in the presence of bloody or purulent discharge, only slightly reducing their effectiveness.

Indications for taking Hexicon suppositories

An antiseptic, unlike an antibiotic, does not kill bacteria. It stops their reproduction and prevents the development of the disease.

That is, chlorhexidine can prevent infection, but it cannot cope with a disease that has already settled in the body.

Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed in the following cases:

  • prevention of sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis);
  • of various natures (bacterial vaginosis);
  • sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth;
  • prevention of complications after obstetric manipulations (,).

It is allowed to use Hexicon suppositories in the complex treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

The suppositories will bring temporary relief and relieve the woman of unpleasant symptoms by clearing the vaginal mucosa of pathogenic flora.

But since chlamydia, ureaplasma and other similar bacteria remain in the blood, over time they will repopulate the mucous membrane. Therefore, therapy exclusively with Hexicon in these cases will not bring long-term effect.

Directions for use during pregnancy

To prevent sexually transmitted infections, a single injection of a suppository is sufficient. It is administered no later than 2 hours after unprotected sexual contact.

For treatment and rehabilitation of the birth canal, 1 suppository is prescribed twice a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days. To prepare for childbirth, suppositories are prescribed at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy.

Positive and negative properties of the drug

Based on reviews from women who used Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, a practical conclusion can be drawn about the advantages and disadvantages of the drug.


  • candles are easy to use;
  • easy to remove from packaging;
  • do not have a pronounced odor;
  • The effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina is high, sometimes relief occurs even before the end of the full course of therapy.

Among the disadvantages, the most common side effects are:

  • burning;
  • Hexicon suppositories melt and partially flow out of the vagina.

This causes some women discomfort, so it is advisable to use panty liners during the course of treatment. They will eliminate the feeling of leaking and help keep your underwear dry.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication for the use of Hexicon is hypersensitivity to one of the components of the suppositories.

Side effects most often include itching, burning, a feeling of dryness in the vagina, and allergic reactions.

If adverse reactions occur, the drug is discontinued and another one is selected.

Cost of candles

Forms of Hexicon allowed during pregnancy

Hexicon is available in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, gel and solution. Both suppositories and vaginal tablets are prescribed to disinfect the vaginal mucosa. Candles are more convenient to use, since the tablets must first be moistened with water.

The gel is used to treat the external genitalia.

Hexicon in the form of a solution can only be used by a gynecologist, since douching is contraindicated for pregnant women.

But during a gynecological examination, the doctor can treat the affected areas of the mucous membrane with a solution.

Despite the fact that Hexicon suppositories are recognized as safe for the fetus and are sold without a prescription, the need for their use is determined by the attending physician.

No one should make diagnoses or self-medicate, especially a pregnant woman. Only a doctor, having information about the patient’s health status and concomitant diseases, can prescribe effective and safe treatment.