Green and yellow peas: what are the differences and what to choose. Yellow peas: health benefits and harms

Peas (Pisum)

A plant from the legume family. Pea seeds are set in beans, straight or saber-shaped; one bean contains from 3 to 10 seeds. Peas can be oval or round, smooth or wrinkled.


Peas are an ancient plant. Dishes made from it were known to man many thousands of years before our era. In Ancient Greece, peas were the main food of ordinary people. Centuries later in Europe, peas began to be considered a delicacy, and dishes made from them were served at rich and even royal tables.

In Russia, yellow peas have been known since ancient times, and green peas appeared only in the 18th century. It quickly spread and began to be used as an independent dish and as a side dish. Residents of the Yaroslavl region in the pre-revolutionary era dried sugar peas and sent them for sale abroad.

Russia is still one of the leaders in the production of high-quality peas. Along with it, dried peas are exported from France, the USA, Ukraine, Germany, Australia, the UK and Canada. It is grown in Belgium, Morocco, Hungary and Spain.


Shelling pea varieties are very hard and are only suitable for soups and porridges: they hardly boil soft even after prolonged cooking and give the dish a thick consistency and appetizing aroma.

The so-called sugar pea variety, on the contrary, is soft and juicy. It can be consumed fresh directly from the pods. Europeans call the unripe fruits of this variety “mange tout” (from the French mange tout - literally “whole is edible”); In Russia, such peas are called “shovels.” When raw, its fruits, colloquially called “pods,” can be dipped in sauce for a brighter flavor. Asian cooks use this type of “pod” pea as a side dish for fish or add it to various vegetable dishes.

Unripe green peas come from brain varieties. In this species, the peas dry out and wrinkle and look like small brain hemispheres. It is suitable for canning and freezing.

Ripe peas are firm and yellow in color. The grain is either whole or broken in half. Asian chefs prepare this type of peas with spices, resulting in a hearty and warming dish - dal. In English cuisine there is a recipe for pea pudding.

Kissel and cheese made from ripe peas can now be considered exotic dishes, but in Ancient Rus' these dishes were everyday. In Russian cuisine, gruel from pea grains is added to. Pancakes are stuffed with peas.

To cook firm yellow peas, they should be soaked in water for almost the entire daylight hours, that is, for at least 10 hours. Split peas are cooked for 30 minutes, whole ones - longer: up to one and a half hours. Peas should be salted at the end of cooking, otherwise they will become tough.

Beneficial features

Peas are rich in potassium and phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In terms of protein content, peas can be compared to meat. Peas are very healthy due to their high content of vitamins A, B and C. In addition, peas are an energy drink: they contain a large amount of carbohydrates.

How long to cook peas

Before cooking, whole peas must first be soaked in water for several hours. Before cooking, drain the water and pour fresh cold water over the peas. Cook for 1-1.5 hours. You don't need to soak the split peas, but cook them right away. Crushed peas cook a little faster - from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Calorie content and nutritional value of peas

Calorie content of fresh green peas is 55 kcal, peas (grain) - 298 kcal.

Nutritional value of fresh green peas: proteins - 5 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 8.3 g.

Nutritional value of peas (grain): proteins - 20.5 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 49.5 g.

But the amazing times when green peas were in short supply ended long ago. Peas are available, now also in frozen form, and people's love does not diminish. We add bright, cheerful peas to salads, vegetable soups, stews, or simply use them as a side dish for meat dishes.

New “heroes” have also appeared - chickpeas, for example. Dry peas, from which porridge and delicious soups with ham ribs are cooked, enjoy slightly less success. But we also know about it that it is healthy and simply must be present in the diet. Thus, the sugar content in it is lower, and there is more protein and starch than in green peas. Peas are an extremely interesting product, of any variety and type. Therefore, I propose to deal with it properly.

Source of the article website.

What are peas

Peas are an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. Its fruits are pods with spherical seeds - peas. True, many experts consider green peas to be a vegetable, not a bean. Depending on the structure of the bean valves, shelling and sugar pea varieties are distinguished.

The shells of peeling varieties are very hard and inedible. These peas are collected, dried, peeled and polished. Sugar snap peas are often sweeter. Its soft pods can be eaten whole. There are also medium or, in other words, “semi-sugar” varieties of peas, the leaves of which in an unripe state are soft and edible, but as they ripen they become unsuitable for consumption.
Dried peas are used to produce cereals: whole polished shelled peas and polished split peas of yellow or green color. Pea chaff is not used for cooking, but flour from this product has found its place in many delicious and unusual dishes from different countries.

The benefits of peas. Beneficial and preventive properties

Pea cereal is an easily digestible product. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, hypertension, and stops aging of the skin and the entire body. In addition, thanks to the carbohydrates in its composition, peas are an excellent supplier of energy.

Calorie content of peas. 100 grams of dry split peas contain 149 kcal; the calorie content of boiled peas is almost half that.

Peas are valued for their vegetable protein content, which is similar to meat protein. It contains a number of essential amino acids. Peas have a high concentration of ascorbic acid. It contains various types of sugar, PP vitamins, B vitamins, as well as starch, carotene, and fiber. Plus, peas are rich in macro- and microelements. Dried peas are an excellent source of molybdenum. It contains enough potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

Composition of peas. 100 g of product contains 8 g of protein, 20 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber

Medicinal properties of peas

Peas and the digestive system

In terms of fiber content, legumes occupy leading positions among food products. Like other legumes, peas are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms gel-like substances in the digestive system that bind bile and remove it from the body. One serving (200 grams) of cooked peas provides 65.1% of the daily value of fiber. Its insoluble fibers are necessary for the prevention of constipation and digestive disorders.

Peas against diabetes

The fiber in peas effectively fights diabetes by preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after eating food. Researchers compared two groups of people with type 2 diabetes who ate different amounts of high-fiber foods. One group ate the Standard American Diabetic Diet containing 24 grams of fiber/day, while the other group ate a diet containing 50 grams of fiber/day. In the group that got more fiber, the researchers noted lower levels of both blood sugar and insulin (a hormone that helps lower blood sugar). And also their level of “bad” cholesterol decreased by almost 7%, the level of triglycerides - by 10.2%.

Peas for Heart Health

It contains virtually no fat, but it contains fiber that reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. The study, which examined diet and the associated risk of death from coronary heart disease, involved more than 16,000 middle-aged men in the United States, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece and Japan over 25 years. Background: Higher consumption of dairy products in Northern Europe; higher consumption of meat in the US, higher consumption of vegetables, legumes, fish and wine in Southern Europe, and higher consumption of cereals, soy products, fish in Japan. The study showed that eating legumes can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 82%!

The potassium in peas reduces the growth and development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and is also essential for reducing high blood pressure. A serving of boiled peas contains 20.3% of the body's daily potassium requirement.

Peas contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which is involved in the breakdown and production of amino acids. A lack of this vitamin can lead to dermatitis and cramps.

Peas as an anticarcinogenic agent

The most controversial issue. The findings require further research. It is believed that magnesium, zinc and selenium, which peas are rich in, actively resist cancer cells. In addition, the product contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the risk of certain diseases, including male prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.

How to select and store

High-quality dry peas are medium-sized, 3-4 mm in diameter. It is distinguished by its bright yellow or green color. Larger peas are a sign of the forage variety. When choosing split peas, give preference to a product packaged in durable packaging that protects it from the negative effects of moisture. Half or whole peas should not be damaged by pests. The presence of debris or a large number of crushed pieces indicates poor quality of the cereal.

Dry peas will retain their unique properties for several months if stored in an airtight container (such as a glass jar) in a dry place. You can place a small cloth bag with a small amount of salt at the bottom of the container to prevent the peas from getting soggy.

New varieties and innovative production technologies of pea cereal can reduce its preparation time to 35-40 minutes. It is recommended to keep washed whole or very dry peas in cold water for 2-4 hours. In addition, to reduce the cooking time of the product, you can add cold water to the boiling water with peas several times.

Peas are one of the main ingredients in vegetable soups. It can be used as a side dish, as a filling for pies, or as a snack. It is used to make noodles and pancakes. There are many recipes for new and classic dishes from different countries using peas and flour.

See also:


Dried peas contain natural substances called purines. In some people, the kidneys are unable to remove the breakdown product of purines, uric acid, which leads to an increase in its levels in the body. With prolonged and excessive accumulation of uric acid, a disease such as gout occurs and kidney stones form. For this reason, such people should limit or eliminate their intake of foods containing purines. However, recent research shows that purines in meat and fish increase the risk of gout, while purines in plant foods have little or no effect.

From the history of peas

Modern varieties of this plant are believed to be descended from peas, which were native to Central Asia and Europe. This product has been consumed since prehistoric times - its fossilized remains were found by archaeologists during excavations in Switzerland. Peas are mentioned in the Bible and were highly valued by ancient civilizations. And if in Ancient Greece peas were, as a rule, eaten by ordinary people, then several centuries later in Europe they acquired the status of a delicacy and took pride of place in the royal menu.

Peas were brought to Russia in ancient times. In the 6th century, more delicate varieties of these beans appeared, and people began to consume them fresh. Peas came to the United States shortly after colonists settled in this country. The plant was grown for household use. Mass cultivation of peas as a field crop began only in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, during the early development of genetics, peas played a very important role. The basic laws of inheritance of traits were discovered by Gregor Mendel as a result of research carried out on this plant.

Today, the largest commercial producers of dried peas are Russia, France, China and Denmark.

There are 3 types of peas: sugar, brain (has folds in the form of convolutions) and shelling - ordinary peas, which are harvested after full ripening and split into halves or pea cereals. But, despite the fact that split peas are sold in hard and dried form, in the first stages of ripening they differ little in taste from the first two types. That is why many gardeners are trying to kill two birds with one stone - sow regular peas, which can then be collected and stored, and eat green peas for 2 weeks during their ripening period. What is better to choose and what variety to sow?

Shelling peas - choosing the most suitable variety for sowing

The most popular, of course, is regular peas, as they are universal. If it was not possible to sell it “green”, it can be sold in the winter as regular yellow or even after a few years - it all depends on the price and demand. There is no ideal variety - that's a fact. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is chosen solely by the farmer depending on his preferences.

Abador- one of the most famous varieties. The ripening period is up to 60 days (early ripening) after germination. The stem is very low and twisting. It is characterized by increased resistance to mold and fusarium. The mass of 1000 peas is 220-245 grams ( good specific gravity). The average pea yield is 23 c/ha.

Adagumsky pea is a pea variety characterized by a relatively large bush height (up to 85-90 cm), as well as a large bean size. Pea diameter is up to 10-11 mm with balanced fertilizer. The sugar content in the second week after flowering is up to 7.8%. Increased resistance to powdery mildew and lots of vitamin C (37 mg/1 kg)

Peas Aksai mustachioed– the most productive pea and extremely resistant to powdery mildew. It was bred in the Krasnodar region, where its average yield was 35 c/ha. The beans are large, the bushes are erect, reaching 90 cm. The variety requires a lot of fertilizer and does not tolerate drought well; it is bred only in areas with watering.

Atlant– a shelling pea variety, characterized by a fast ripening period (55-60 days), the beans are large (130x15x13mm), the peas are the same size, easily split when ripe, which is why the variety is considered one of the best for the production of cereals and split peas. Resistance to pests (in particular to the codling moth) is 92%.

Peas Farmhand– ordinary peas, which have very good taste when green, suitable for conservation. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests - even without treatment with pesticides, most grains remain untouched by the codling moth. The average weight of 1000 peas is 275 grams. Mid-season – 70 days until full ripening.

Faith– early ripening peas, its main value is a large amount of protein – 23-27%. It is a relatively new variety, its characteristics resemble peas Golden eagle– equally drought-resistant and unpretentious to soil and fertilizers. The average yield is only 21 c/ha, but requires a minimum of care and treatment with pesticides.

Peas Gloriosa– characterized by high yield (up to 45 c/ha), resistance to stem falling. Even after full ripening, the plant remains erect, which makes it easier to harvest and separate the beans from the stem. Resistant to low temperatures - pea seedlings can withstand even frosts of -5-6 degrees.

Peas variety Madonna– resistant to lodging, tolerates light frosts well, has a good average yield of 25 c/ha, taking into account standard tillage and the application of at least 20 kg of fertilizer per 1 hectare. Long beans (up to 15cm) have the same grain, which splits well after ripening.

Peas Pharaoh- another “bright” representative of industrial pea varieties, which has good taste when green and is successfully sold dried after full ripening. The variety is susceptible to rot, and with proper care it produces a maximum of 59 c/ha, with an average yield of 26 c/ha.

Focor peas are a leafless variety, mid-season (75 days), erect, plant height up to 75 cm, resistant to drought and excess soil moisture. The variety is susceptible to diseases, requires timely treatment with herbicide and a large amount of ammonia fertilizers. The average yield is 18-22 c/ha, the fruits are oval, equal in size.

Brain pea varieties - what is better to plant in the country

Many people grow exclusively green and sweet peas and do not need to dry and sell the dried product. Below we look at the best varieties of brain peas and the varieties with the most sugar.

Voronezh green– sugar content up to 6%, the first fruit harvest occurs on the 40th day after germination. The plant is large, there are few leaves - it is very convenient to harvest. The seeds are cerebral (uneven, have convolutions), 8-9 mm in diameter, pod length up to 12 cm. When technically ripe, they are green in color. The variety is resistant to downy mildew and fusarium, the leaves do not burn in the sun with abundant watering.

Dinga And Premium– the sweetest varieties of brain peas, have the same characteristics - weight of 1000 peas (250-280 grams), morphological features and periodization of development. Sugar capacity up to 8%. The only difference is the yield. It is believed that Premium can produce up to 45 c/ha with proper care, while the maximum yield Dinga is 38 c/ha. But the average yield is not much different.

Tropar- an early ripening variety of peas. Technical ripeness occurs 50-55 days after germination, the stem is low but erect, up to 45 cm, the bean is up to 7-8 cm long, the sugar content in the grain is up to 7%. The variety has very good taste, especially in the third week after color formation. Despite the low yield and small beans, peas are in great demand as they are ideal for canning.

Almost all varieties of peas are the same and all are suitable for growing in our climate zone. With proper care of peas and plenty of watering, each of the above varieties will delight you with delicious beans!

Sugar peas - is it worth planting them or can you get by with regular varieties?

The main difference between sugar snap peas is the absence of parchment in the bean. That is why it is significantly different from other varieties of brain and shelling peas. Sugar snap peas can be eaten directly with beans - excellent taste. It is cut into salads, first courses and simply served on the table as it is.

If you want to plant sugar snap peas, it is best to choose varieties that have been acclimatized and are disease resistant.

Peas Alpha– one of the best early-ripening varieties of sugar peas, very sweet (up to 7% sugar in the second week after flowering). Technical ripeness occurs in 45 days. The stem is low and twisting. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm. One of the advantages of peas is its drought resistance and practically does not require watering. The average yield is 22 c/ha.

Sweetie– the most common variety of sugar peas, intended for freezing and canning. It has good taste - no bitterness, the grains and beans are sweet and juicy. When dry, the fruits have a wrinkled appearance.

Swiss giants– peas have a diameter of up to 10-14 mm (55% of peas) and up to 9-11 mm (30%). The pod is up to 9-10 cm, and the stem grows up to 85 cm, erect. This is one of the best varieties of sugar peas in the CIS over the past 10 years. Optimal ratio of disease resistance, taste and yield.

When choosing peas for your garden or home, decide why you are taking them, for earnings or for consumption. The most delicious sugar and brain pea varieties, as a rule, have low yields and a short shelf life, while regular peas can be stored for years, and they are also unpretentious to growing conditions.

Every year, vegetable growers grow ordinary peas on their plots in order to later prepare various dishes from them. Green peas are great for making soups, salads and even winter preserves. However, many are disappointed when growing this variety, as it often suffers from pests. This is why some people decide to grow lamb peas. This plant variety has juicy and tasty fruits that can be used in cooking.

Before growing this variety, you should understand how chickpeas are useful and how they differ from other varieties of peas.

What kind of plant is chickpea? Description of where and how it grows

Chickpeas have many names that vegetable growers often use when growing this plant. It can be called bladderwrack, lamb peas, nohat, Uzbek peas or Turkish peas. Externally, the plant resembles ordinary varieties of green peas. Distinctive features include the appearance of the pods, inside of which there are only 2-3 small grains.

The shape of ripened legume grains is similar in appearance to a lamb's head, at the tip of which there is an oblong bulge. The color of chickpea grains differs and depends on the climate and type of plant.

When grown at home, a pea bush grows up to 60–80 cm. The stems of an adult plant are covered with hairs and unpaired leaves. These peas should be grown at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. That is why experienced vegetable growers advise planting chickpeas in the eastern part of Europe, India or Central Asia. Also, some varieties of chickpeas grow well in the Mediterranean region.

Composition and calorie content of chickpeas

Before growing and consuming chickpea varieties, you should familiarize yourself with its composition. The main feature and advantage of such peas is that they contain a lot of protein. 100 grams of product contains more than 20 grams of the substance. Because of this, some compare ripened pea grains to poultry meat, since they are also quickly digestible. Peas contain a lot of phosphorus and fiber, thanks to which a lot of toxins are removed from the human intestines. There are about 15 grams of substances per hundred grams of product.

Also, Turkish peas contain many vitamins that support the functioning of the immune system. The grains contain vitamins:

  • group B, which restore the body after illness and saturate tissues with oxygen;
  • group A, which have a positive effect on vision;
  • group K, which improve blood clotting and accelerate protein production.

The variety differs from other varieties of peas in its high calorie content, which is 350 kilocalories per 100 grams. Thanks to this, even a small amount of ripened grains copes well with the feeling of hunger.

What is the difference between chickpeas and peas?

Many vegetable growers are interested in the differences between chickpeas and ordinary green peas, which many grow in their gardens. Chickpeas and green peas are legumes, however, the latter is inferior in terms of taste quality and the amount of useful microelements. Ripe peas are much healthier and have more calories than regular varieties. It also contains more methionine and tryptophan, which are considered essential amino acids.

Chickpea peas differ from the green variety growing in summer cottages in visual characteristics. The mutton legume variety has large fruits, the distinguishing feature of which is their rough surface. Another difference is the hardness of the grains, which is why the bubbler cooks much longer than the chickpeas.

Medicinal properties of chickpeas

Those who love a healthy diet are advised to consume chickpeas more often, as they have beneficial properties that help maintain the health of the body and treat chronic diseases. There are three main beneficial properties of this plant.

Controls diabetes mellitus

People with diabetes should definitely include lamb peas in their diet, as they contain fiber, which regulates the amount of glucose in the body. Also, regular consumption of legumes normalizes the amount of lipids, insulin and sugar.

Strengthens bones

Doctors say that it is better to eat chickpeas for people with fragile bones, as it will make the bone structure stronger. The plant contains vitamin K, which reduces the possibility of fractures by improving calcium absorption.

Regulates body weight

Such peas are used not only to improve health in medicine. It is also often used to lose weight and reduce appetite. The decrease in appetite is carried out thanks to ballast substances in the plant, which actively load the digestive system.

Use in folk medicine

Often people are interested in how to grow chickpeas in order to later use them in folk medicine. Various folk remedies are prepared from lamb peas that will help cure and prevent various diseases. It is used for:

  • Treatment of cough. To get rid of a dry cough, prepare pea soup. To create it, add 200 grams of crushed beans to 2–3 liters of water, after which the mixture is boiled on the stove for about 20–25 minutes. Cooked beans are consumed daily three times a day.
  • Cleansing the body. In this case, pea porridge is used, for the preparation of which 100 grams of peas are added to 250 grams of hot water. The beans are infused for about 5-6 hours, after which they can be taken.
  • Poisoning. Chickpeas are healthy and harmless, so they are used to restore the digestive system after poisoning. To prepare the remedy, add 300 grams of beans to a pan of water, which will have to be cooked for 20–25 minutes.

Contraindications and harm

Before using chickpeas, you should familiarize yourself with the harm it can cause to humans. It is not recommended to use the plant for people who have flatulence. Regular consumption of beans only increases gas formation and therefore some advise eating it together with dill. Also, you should not eat peas with fruit, as this will also increase the release of gases.

There are a number of contraindications in which eating lamb peas in any form is strictly prohibited. People with the following diseases will have to refuse the product:

  • intolerance and allergy to the plant;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ulcer;
  • dysbacteriosis;

Sprouted chickpeas: benefits and harms

It is very important to familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of chickpeas in advance. Sprouted beans have high nutritional value due to their low calorie content. Regular consumption of Turkish peas can ensure a regular supply of iron in the blood and eliminate the lack of vitamin A. The product also activates milk production during lactation in girls. Positive effects also include the ability of peas to reduce bleeding gums and eliminate the inflammatory process in them.

However, chickpeas collected after planting and growing can also cause harm to the body. Sometimes it leads to allergies or digestive problems.

Chickpeas: recipe

It is no secret that Uzbek peas are often used in cooking when preparing vegetable dishes. There are many dietary recipes for dishes made from fresh plants or canned chickpeas.

Before you start preparing dishes from these beans, you should familiarize yourself with the most common recipes.

Hummus recipe

Housewives often grow bladderwrack to make hummus from it in the future. To make delicious hummus you will need the following ingredients:

  • 350 grams of sprouted beans;
  • 50 grams of olive oil;
  • 30 grams of garlic;
  • 60 grams of lemon juice;
  • three branches of cilantro;
  • spices;
  • 40 grams of sesame seeds.

Creating a dish begins with the preliminary preparation of ingredients. First, all the peas are thoroughly washed with water, and then crushed in a blender. Then you can cook the garlic heads. All garlic is completely peeled, washed with water, cut into small pieces and added to a container with ground beans.

After this, lemon juice, olive oil and spices are added to the mixture. The container with the dish is brought to a boil and infused for two hours.

Roasted Chickpeas Recipe

Another common bean recipe is roasted chickpeas. To prepare fried peas, use the following ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of lamb beans;
  • bulb;
  • three tomatoes;
  • 150 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 80 grams of butter;
  • salt and paprika to taste.

To make the dish tasty, the peas are soaked 12 hours before cooking. Then the soaked peas are washed, placed in a pan of water and boiled for three hours. After this, the remaining ingredients are chopped and fried in a frying pan for about 10 minutes. Then the beans are placed in the pan and salt is added.

Selection and storage of chickpeas

To select high-quality chickpea seeds, you should familiarize yourself with the features of choosing beans. Product quality assessment is carried out in several successive stages. First, the packaging is carefully inspected, and then the peas in it. In this case, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • all beans in the package have the same color and dimensions;
  • the surface of the peas has no bulges or roughness;
  • all beans are whole and do not have dark spots;
  • there are no foreign objects in the packaging;
  • the peas are perfectly dry and there is no moisture or plaque on their surface.

Sometimes peas are purchased in pod form, and in this case, pay attention to the appearance of the pods. They should not show dryness or yellowing, indicating old age of the product. The color of the pods should be rich and bright.

Beans do not last long in their natural state, and therefore people have to can them to preserve the product. Only in canned form will it be stored for at least three years. To roll peas into jars, you will have to boil them and rinse them in water. Then the boiled plant is dried and placed in storage containers. In order for canned peas to be stored for several years, two simple rules are followed:

  • Only the most dried and ripe fruits are selected for canning;
  • The container with beans must be securely closed to prevent insects from entering it.


Almost all gardeners who are interested in planting vegetables grow peas. In addition to regular peas, it is recommended to plant lamb beans, as they are much tastier and healthier.

And by the way, vegetable seeds for the 2019 season are on sale! Great choice!

Due to their ease of care and high yield, many gardeners want to plant peas on their plot. However, some people face difficulties when choosing seeds. The bulk of the seed material sold in gardening stores is divided into shelling and sugar varieties, and not everyone knows on what basis this vegetable crop has such a division and which variety to choose for planting.

Most summer residents assume that sugar peas received this name due to the fact that their unripe green beans, which both adults and children like to feast on, taste sweeter than shelling pea grains. But in fact, it turns out that shelled green peas are significantly superior in taste, and their grains grow much larger.

In fact, sugar snap peas are intended for completely different purposes. Its main difference from peeling is the absence of a parchment layer on the inside of its doors. This suggests that the green blades of sugar varieties can be eaten whole along with the seeds - they are very tender and sweet. They can be used to prepare soups, salads, and vegetable side dishes. The blades of sugar snap peas are wider and flatter, while the beans are smaller.

But the shells of shelling peas are very rough and not suitable for eating. This variety is suitable for those who want to get sweet green grains that can not only be eaten fresh, but also used in cooking. Peeled varieties are also best suited for long-term storage. To do this, you need to wait for the pods to fill and fully ripen. After this, they are cut and the beans are removed, dried well, and then placed in storage.

Beneficial properties of lentils

Lentils contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, while the content of sulfur amino acids and tryptophan in lentils is lower than in other legumes. Lentils contain less fat than peas and are an excellent source of iron. The advantages include the speed of cooking lentils. Lentils contain more folic acid than any other food. One serving of cooked lentils contains 90% of the recommended daily value of folic acid. Lentils contain soluble fiber, which improves digestion and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Lentil porridge stimulates metabolism, improves immunity and normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system.
Lentil grain is distinguished by a high content of microelements - it contains fatty acids from the Omega-3, Omega-6 groups, and is also a good source of group vitamins, contains vitamins, and sprouted grains -.
According to its nutritional properties, lentils can replace bread, cereals and, to a large extent, meat.
Lentils, like all legumes, are rich in microelements, especially magnesium, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and nervous system, molybdenum and iron. In order for this iron to be well absorbed, lentil dishes must be served with a salad made from fresh vegetables rich in vitamin C - fresh herbs. It is not for nothing that almost all Indian lentil dishes are necessarily sprinkled with fresh cilantro or parsley.
Lentils are a very good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted into serotonin in the human body. As everyone knows, a lack of serotonin leads to depression, anxiety and simply a bad mood, especially in the dark season. Meanwhile, serotonin levels can be increased both through whole grain rice, the most affordable source of tryptophan, and through green lentils, and even better, constantly cook majadara - a mixture of rice and lentils, which an Arabic proverb calls meat for the poor, hinting at whole protein, contained in this dish.
Lentils contain isoflavones, which may suppress breast cancer. Isoflavones are preserved after processing, so feel free to buy lentils canned, dried, or already in soup.
Some varieties of lentils, such as plate lentils, are recommended for diabetic patients to consume 2 times a week to lower blood sugar levels. Lentil puree will help with stomach and duodenal ulcers and colitis.
A decoction of lentils (as well as a decoction of chickpeas and nouta) is recommended to be taken for urolithiasis. In ancient times, lentils were believed to help cure nervous disorders. Ancient Roman doctors claimed that regular consumption of lentils makes a person calm and patient. Its potassium content is good for the heart. Lentils are also an excellent blood-forming product.
Lentil porridge stimulates metabolism, improves immunity and normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. Lentils boil well in 40 - 70 minutes, have a delicate and pleasant taste, and boiled lentils retain more than half of the beneficial vitamins and minerals.
From the point of view of Chinese medicine, lentils are considered a warming food, and if they are cooked with it, their warming effect is greatly enhanced. Therefore, lentils, especially soup made from them, are very suitable for the winter diet of residents of northern countries. The record holders for availability are:

Dangerous properties of lentils
Lentils should not be consumed by people suffering from uric acid diathesis, joint diseases, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.
You should also remember that the product can cause discomfort in the stomach and fermentation processes, so it is not advisable to eat lentils for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, cardiovascular system and gall bladder.
Lentils also provoke the appearance of kidney stones, so their use is contraindicated for various kidney diseases.
Lentils should not be eaten by people with diabetes or difficulty urinating. In addition, frequent consumption of the product causes dry skin, therefore, people with skin diseases can eat lentils only after consulting a doctor.
However, it is often not worth eating lentils, as they reduce the absorption of some nutrients.

I always have lentils at home! But I cook more often and I still love peas. I use lentils when I forgot to soak the peas, and the soup needs to be prepared quickly and tasty!!!

TO Canadian scientists discovered property yellow peas,the effect of which is comparable to a medicine for people suffering from chronic kidney disease...

To enhance the effect of essential amino acids (from extract of 9-day fertilized chicken egg), V Laminin added important marine amino acids (from deep sea shark cartilage) And vegetable origin (from yellow peas).

Today, we offer a selection about the beneficial properties of yellow peas.

Peas were valued back in the Stone Age; in Ancient China they were a symbol of wealth and fertility; in France in the Middle Ages, peas were served on the table of kings.

Unfortunately, in the “sausage age” we began to forget about sources of vegetable protein, in particular peas. And how many different delicacies our grandmothers prepared from peas: porridge, pies, soups, sauces, thick stews and even noodles!

In terms of protein content, peas are the record holder among plants. Dishes made from it are sure to be eaten in o during fasting to charge the body with the necessary energy. The proteins that make up peas are similar to meat proteins in terms of the content of a number of essential amino acids(tryptophan, cysteine, lysine, methionine, etc.). Moreover, only legumes (including peas) contain essential amino acids in the form in which they are most easily absorbed by the body. Peas contain a lot of vitamins A, B, PP, C, enzymes, fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts. The nutritional value of peas is twice that of beef, as it also contains carbohydrates.

Canadian scientists have discovered that the yellow variety of peas has a property whose effect is comparable to a medicine for people suffering from chronic kidney dysfunction. It is known that kidney diseases are accompanied by arterial hypertension, and this becomes an increased risk factor cardiovascular problems and mortality from heart attacks and strokes .

In search of a panacea, Canadian researchers drew attention to the evidence of the beneficial effects of a balanced diet on kidney patients and began conducting a scientific experiment. For this purpose, two groups of rats with chronic kidney disease were used. Yellow peas were added to the daily diet of one of the groups. The purpose of the research was to determine the ability of plant protein to lower blood pressure and prevent kidney disease.

As a result of the experiment, which was carried out over two months, in rats that ate peas, urine production increased to normal levels, and blood pressure decreased by 20%, while in the group of rodents that ate as before, no progress was recorded in the condition of diseased kidneys did not have.

Experts confidently say that yellow pea protein will become the basis for medications that help maintain normal blood pressure, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevent kidney disease.

Peas are an annual herbaceous plant with a hollow green stem and clinging tendrils. Pea flowers have a white tint, they are bisexual and self-pollinating. The fruit of this plant is presented in the form of a bean, which is often called a pod. The size of the fruit depends on the specific pea variety. Typically, each bean contains about 6–8 seeds arranged in a row.

This high-calorie product contains saturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. This plant boasts a high content of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and chlorine. In addition, peas contain trace elements such as zinc, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, fluorine, nickel, strontium and others. The significant protein content allows peas to replace meat products in the diet. It is perfectly digested and absorbed by the body.

Peas increase efficiency, improve brain activity, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Due to the presence of antioxidants in peas, it helps maintain youth and beauty, and also stimulates complex regeneration processes in organs and tissues. This plant has a large amount of essential amino acids, starch and vegetable fat, as well as beneficial enzymes and fiber.

Uses of peas

This plant is used for medicinal purposes for various diseases. Eating pea flour alleviates diabetes. To do this, before meals you need to eat half a teaspoon. In addition, such flour will help cope with headaches and improve brain nutrition. For heartburn, it is recommended to consume 3 fresh peas to relieve the discomfort. A decoction of the shoots of the plant is used as an effective remedy with a strong diuretic effect in the treatment of urolithiasis.

To prepare the decoction, you will need to boil the shoots in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, then leave for about half an hour and strain. After cooling, take 2 tablespoons of the product 4 times a day. The course of such treatment should be at least two weeks. This medicinal decoction perfectly crushes large stones, turning them into sand, which is introduced from the body along with urine.

Peas are effective for various skin diseases if used as an external remedy. To do this, you need to apply a paste of peas or pea flour to the affected areas. Regular consumption of such beans significantly improves the functioning of the heart muscle and prevents blood clots. Since peas have a diuretic effect, they are often recommended for weight loss.

Pea flowers

The large flowers of this plant are located in small leaf axils. The length of the flower varies from one to three centimeters. The elegant corolla can be from white to reddish. The flowers are characterized by a double five-membered perianth. They have a pistil and 10 stamens. This plant is self-pollinating, but cross-pollination can be observed in the hot summer.

Pea seeds

The fruit of this annual plant is a bean. The beans are cylindrical in shape.

The length of the fruits is usually about 8–12 cm. The valves of the beans are pale green. Each bean contains from 3 to 12 fairly large seeds.

Pea varieties

Peas can be divided into two groups of types - shelling and sugar. Small pods of shelled varieties are not eaten. Sugar varieties are very tasty. They are eaten both fresh and canned. The peas themselves differ in shape from different plant species. They can be smooth and round, or wrinkled. The most delicious brain varieties are considered the best for preservation.

Green peas

Green peas are a herbaceous annual plant that is widely eaten in various forms. It contains a lot of essential protein, starch, special sugars and fat. As such a plant matures, the protein and starch content increases, and the amount of sugar decreases. In terms of citric acid content, green peas surpass even potatoes. Green unripe beans are rich in various vitamins.

White peas

This type of pea is distinguished by white flowers and milky seeds. This annual plant prefers neutral loamy soils with humus and sunny places. Its origins originate in North Africa and Western Asia. White peas are moisture-loving plants, so ample watering for a high yield is key.

Black peas

This unusual pea is characterized by a bare stem and long rhizome. The height of the pubescent branched stems does not exceed one and a half meters. The flowers have a dark purple hue. The fruit is represented by an oblong rhombic bean, along the edges of which there are up to 8 relatively small spherical seeds of almost black color. This pea variety blooms at the end of May or June. Often such a plant grows on hills, meadows, forests and crops. It can be found in the European region of Russia.

Red peas

Red peas are a low growing plant. This type is a thin stem with small beans. Round and small red-yellow seeds do not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter. Such peas can be found wild in Asia Minor.

Yellow peas

This species is an annual plant from the well-known legume family; it has a lodging stem without pubescence. The flowers located in the axils have a pale yellow tint. The beans of this pea variety consist of two small leaves. The shape of the fruit can be either straight or slightly curved. Wrinkled yellow pea seeds have signs of ovality.


Common pea is a polymorphic species, which is divided into several subspecies with many varieties. This plant is grown everywhere as a vegetable, fodder and green manure crop. Seed peas have a tap root system and a weak stem up to 250 cm long. The leaves are supplemented with long branched tendrils. This annual plant has self-pollinating flowers and a characteristic fruit, a bean. Each bean can contain up to 10 incredibly large seeds.

Field peas

An annual plant such as field pea is a honey-bearing forage crop. It is highly valued for its early maturity. This unique opportunity allows the plant to be used in intercropping after early spring grain crops or before winter crops. This type of pea is intended for food purposes and is also used as fertilizer. It helps to improve soil health and improve soil structure, increasing their moisture capacity. This traditional feed crop is characterized by its high protein content, digestibility and excellent biological value.

Mendel's peas

The famous biologist Gregor Mendel was incredibly fond of growing various plants in his monastery garden. He often carried out interesting experiments with many varieties of peas. He crossed them at his own discretion, depending on the specific characteristics of each variety. Particular advantages of peas are the two alleys of the single seed shape gene. Mendel found that the smooth pea gene would be dominant over the wrinkled one. Mendel did fundamental work on the mechanics of inheritance, greatly facilitating the work of modern scientists.

Tasty, aromatic and healthy peas are known in many cuisines around the world.

In Russia, it is used to prepare porridges, soups, salads, vegetarian cutlets, casseroles, and purees.

Particularly passionate admirers of the pea pod cook jelly and prepare puddings.

Boiled green peas are an excellent side dish for a meat or fish dish.

This dish is prepared from fresh or frozen product, and after cooking, the peas do not lose their beneficial substances and properties.

How to cook peas - general cooking principles

Young or inexperienced housewives often do not know how to cook peas and may even ruin the product. In fact, there is nothing complicated, you just need to take into account some of the features of the fruits of this wonderful legume.

The cooking technology depends on what kind of product – dried, fresh or frozen – is used. Dry peas must be soaked in water at room temperature before cooking. To do this, the grains are washed in one or two waters (depending on the degree of dustiness of the pea flour), then filled with water approximately two fingers from the surface of the raw material.

Whole peas should be soaked for five hours, crushed peas should be soaked for less - two hours. The point is to make the grains swell well and boil faster. Before filling them with water, you need to sort them out, remove spoiled, rotten, darkened, dirty and simply questionable peas and particles.

When soaking for a long time, the water should be changed at least once. Ideally, you can fill the grains with a new portion of clean water once every hour and a half. Therefore, it is not very good to soak dried legumes overnight, although many housewives do just that, deciding to cook peas in the morning.

In principle, you can completely dispense with pre-soaking, but only in two cases: either there is absolutely no time for it, or there is a multi-cooker in the kitchen that can cope even with such a capricious product.

How to cook peas after soaking? Until ready, add a portion of new cold water. The time can vary from half an hour to one and a half or even two, which depends on the soaking time, the variety and quality of the grains. It is important that you cannot add salt until the end of cooking: salt is added at the very end of the process, when the peas are almost ready.

If your peas are fresh or frozen, then, of course, there is no need to soak them. Green peas are thrown immediately into boiling water and cooked for five to twenty minutes over high heat.

How to cook dried peas

Most often, housewives cook yellow (mustard-colored) dried peas - this is exactly what is sold in stores. The top shells on it are preserved, and during the cooking process they will peel off. Subsequently, the skin is either left or disposed of by rubbing the finished pea mass through a sieve.


A glass of peas;

Three glasses of water;


Cooking method:

Fill the prepared city with water for two hours.

Drain the water and rinse the grains twice more with running water.

Fill with a measured amount of fresh water.

Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat to medium, cook until done.

Periodically you need to test for readiness, the first time - half an hour after boiling.

Remove the foam that has formed with a slotted spoon or spoon.

If necessary, add a little water so that the grains are completely boiled.

As soon as the grains are ready, add salt (about a quarter spoon of salt per glass of cereal).

Add butter to taste or puree for later use in suitable recipes.

How to cook split peas

Split peas are easier to prepare. Its peculiarity is the absence of fruit shells: the grains are not only split, but also polished. There are no difficulties with how to cook crushed and polished peas: the same as whole ones, only in exactly half the time.


Two glasses of split peas;

Six glasses of cold drinking water;

Sweet butter or any vegetable butter;

A little salt.

Cooking method:

Pour the washed crushed product with water in a ratio of one to two (you can take a smaller amount than indicated in the ingredients).

Place on low heat.

As soon as the water begins to boil, add a spoonful of butter or vegetable oil to it.

Cook the peas for half an hour, making sure that the water does not boil away.

To prevent the peas from burning, add boiling water or hot (not cold!) water to them in small portions.

After half an hour, taste the grain. If the center is still hard, continue cooking.

As soon as the grains are completely cooked, drain off the excess water and mash the peas or cool them as is.

How to cook green peas

Boiled fresh green peas are an excellent side dish. Both adults and children love it, and especially housewives: compared to the dried product, the fresh product does not require any preliminary preparation and cooks almost instantly. An important nuance: you need to boil the water before cooking the peas.


Green peas - fresh or frozen;

Drinking water;

Cooking method:

Pour a large amount of water into the pan and bring to a boil.

Place fresh or frozen grains into the pan in parts so that the cooking process does not stop.

Frozen food does not need to be defrosted beforehand.

After boiling again, cook over high heat until the peas are soft. You can test it for doneness for the first time in just five minutes.

Make sure that the shell of the grain remains intact and does not burst (that is, do not overcook).

Drain in a colander, then into a bowl.

How to cook peas in a slow cooker

One of the wonderful things about the slow cooker is its ability to cook soft, delicious peas from dried grains without any soaking. The crushed product is especially pleasant, homogeneous, and beautiful, although the whole product is no worse.


Two glasses of crushed peas;

Four glasses of drinking water;

A third of a spoon of salt (more or less is possible - to your own taste).

Cooking method:

Rinse the peas until the water runs clear.

Pour into the slow cooker.

To fill with water.

Cook on simmer mode for two hours.

During this time, the grains are guaranteed to be cooked, and you can add salt both before and after cooking.

How to cook chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas are not much different from the usual pea grain. Just a hint and a slight nutty aroma.


A glass of chickpeas;

Four glasses of clean water;

Salt to your own taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse the bean seeds.

Pour water over the chickpeas to swell in the same way as regular peas, in a ratio of one to four. Soaking time is four hours.

Drain the water.

Pour the grains with a new portion of water in the same ratio.

Cook over medium heat until soft, about an hour.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt. If chickpeas are to be pureed for later use, there is no need to add salt.

  • You cannot salt the peas right away: this will slow down the cooking process. However, it is precisely this property of grain that can be used. If it is boiled on top but still hard inside, you can add a little salt to the water. This way, the top part of the legumes will not be completely boiled, and the core will have time to “reach”.
  • If you add a little regular soda to the cooking water, the peas will boil faster and turn into puree. However, the taste of the dish will be changed.
  • If the water in which the peas are soaked is not changed or the grains are left in the water for too long, they may turn sour and become less cooked.
  • Freshly boiled peas should be immersed in cold water to stop the cooking process, and then transferred to a container and stored in the refrigerator. To reheat the dish, the grains are then simply heated in hot water with a tablespoon of butter.
  • You need to cook peas in a slow cooker using the stewing mode: no other mode will work.
  • Do not soak peas and chickpeas in hot water. You need it cold, from the tap or at room temperature. Hot water will cause the protein in the protective skin to coagulate, and the grain will take longer and become worse.
  • You cannot cook peas in the same water in which the grains were soaked. It has an unpleasant taste and can ruin the dish.
  • If the water boils out of the peas during cooking, you should add, but only boiling water. When cold water is poured in, the top part of the grain will be digested, but the core will remain hard.
  • When boiling green peas, a spoonful of sugar added to the water will help preserve their bright, cheerful color, and a sprig of fresh garden mint will help to add piquancy and taste.