Why do you need a production foreman? Site foreman - who is this? Job Description for a Mechanical Assembly Shop Foreman

Repair is an important stage for which you should thoroughly prepare. Together we will tell you what you should definitely ask the construction team you hired in order to be confident about the result.

How many projects has the team already completed?

The success of your repair largely depends on the professionalism of the repair team. But, no matter how experienced the craftsmen who are renovating your living space may be, it doesn’t hurt to find out what guarantees they provide after completing the work.

In some cases, the qualifications of the workers are of great importance: ask whether the team has highly specialized specialists or are all generalists. Does the team have plumbers, electricians, tilers?

How long will it take to repair?

Needless to say, the answer to this is important: sometimes situations occur when the repair team promises the customer deadlines that are technologically impossible to meet.

How will the work be paid?

It is advisable to clarify this issue in detail. It is best to pay for repairs in stages.

Sometimes, due to unforeseen events, the repair budget for work and materials may increase, so before starting work it is worth finding out whether it is possible to fix the cost of repairs per square meter.

Is it possible to see the team in action?

When choosing a repair team, it is important to see the result of their work live - preferably at the final stage. This is the only way you can objectively assess whether these specialists are right for you and the quality of their services.

Plus, from the process it is always clear how careful the builders are when carrying out work, whether they smoke on site, and whether they are careful with electrical appliances.

What draft materials will be needed?

And also - who will buy them. If a team is involved in purchasing them, find out how reporting on purchased materials will be organized.

The role of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian economy is difficult to overestimate. Moreover, we are not talking about the contribution that he makes to it now, but about the prospects that the development of this sector opens up. These are budget replenishment, employment, domestic production, and reduced dependence on energy exports.

The authorities definitely understand the importance of this segment of entrepreneurship, as well as its vulnerability in the current economically difficult times. Therefore, new forms of business support are constantly emerging, especially at the start-up stage.

For example, under the auspices of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Corporation, tools for financial, legal, information and marketing assistance that businessmen can receive are combined. There are investment and venture funds, business schools and many public organizations where aspiring entrepreneurs will be supported. Subsidies for starting your own business are issued by the Federal Employment Service. A three-year moratorium on routine inspections of small businesses has been announced since January. Regions received the right to introduce “tax holidays” for beginning businessmen, and 81 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have already taken advantage of it. 39 regions did not miss the opportunity to reduce the tax rate for entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system.

However, while it has arrived in one place, it is decreasing in another. In addition to the fact that some of the innovations have limitations - for example, there are exceptions to the moratorium on scheduled inspections - the burden on business has increased in certain areas. Other media question the state’s statements about business support, citing specific examples.

Some of them, however, are quite dubious. Thus, an increase in fines, for example, for the unauthorized sale of alcohol, can hardly be considered an increase in the burden, since it does not affect law-abiding businessmen. However, the emergence of new fees like those imposed on truckers or additional contributions to the compulsory medical insurance fund do occur. And the financial assistance mentioned above, due to economic reasons, has become thinner.

Thus, the Ministry of Economic Development reports that the state program to support small and medium-sized businesses is being reduced by as much as 40% this year.

And here it is important to touch on a couple of not very popular theses. The essence of entrepreneurial activity is to organize a workable mechanism that generates profit, using your own resources, based on existing conditions. In particular, this is the ability to see in Russia’s current economic situation not only objective difficulties, but also to find new opportunities. For example, markets freed up due to sanctions, exchange rate differences for exporters, and the like.

At the same time, the main task of the state is not to ensure the financial well-being of entrepreneurs with the help of handouts, but to simplify their work as much as possible, reducing unnecessary barriers. All kinds of subsidies and tax breaks certainly contribute to the development of the business segment and cannot be abandoned unless absolutely necessary. However, they only help to increase the speed of business development. This development itself is exclusively in the hands of the businessmen themselves.

And the initiative, which consists in finding new solutions, publicizing existing problems and proposals for solving them, should come primarily from them. And, we must pay tribute, entrepreneurs are entering into dialogue with the authorities more and more often. One example is the forum “Small business - a national idea?” that took place on January 19-20.

As part of the event, which was attended by over one and a half thousand people from more than 70 regions of the country, twelve round tables were held at which participants discussed pressing problems of domestic business and its prospects. The organizers voiced a summary of these discussions at the plenary session, and it turned out that the above negative changes are not the first concern of Russian entrepreneurs.

It is worth noting that the business community has shown its ability to respond flexibly to economic changes and not only survive in increasingly difficult conditions, but also demonstrate growth. According to statistics shared by Vladimir Putin, who visited the forum, over the past year the number of registered commercial small business organizations increased by 2.9 percent, and individual entrepreneurs - by 3.7. At the same time, small enterprises in the manufacturing sector increased revenue by eight percent compared to 2014, and companies engaged in wholesale trade - by 4.5.

The president of the public organization “Support of Russia” that hosted the forum, Alexander Kalinin, also noted that the number of small businesses has grown even in the most vulnerable areas: trade, catering and the service sector.

And in order for this trend to continue, or better yet, accelerate, business does not need new subsidies at all, but assistance of a different nature. For example, in organizing new sales markets. A successful example, according to Alexander Kalinin, is the aforementioned Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation, thanks to which a procurement market for small businesses has emerged with a volume of three trillion rubles annually.

It is noteworthy that the businessmen themselves are not sitting still, waiting for the authorities to bring these markets on a platter. Thus, on the eve of the plenary session within the forum, an agreement was signed with Russian Railways on access for small and medium-sized businesses to their purchases “without bureaucracy and delays.”

Entrepreneurs expect the government to help them enter export markets. For example, Andrei Korkunov, a well-known businessman in the confectionery market, is sure that it is difficult for a novice businessman to participate in international fairs and exhibitions. As a result, it misses out on export opportunities despite the availability of competitive products. As a solution, he called for the unification of regional structures under the wing of the Russian Export Center and the involvement of our trade missions abroad for assistance.

However, as Vladimir Putin noted, a similar instruction has already been given to them, and if it is not fulfilled, then this is a reason to reconsider the system of evaluating their activities.

In financial terms, the key issue at the moment is the ability to obtain loans. There are two problems: high rates and the reluctance of banks to get involved with small businesses whose turnover does not show rapid growth. The Central Bank's initiative, which came into force on January 1, reduces reserve requirements for loans issued to small and medium-sized businesses by 25%, but businessmen are not sure that the freed-up money will help change the situation.

If we talk about the tax burden, then the forum participants focused on two points. The first is property tax based on cadastral value. The business proposes to introduce a system of deductions for areas less than 500 square meters. Currently, regions have the right to introduce appropriate benefits. Thus, some entities limit the preferential area to 100-300 square meters. The business community proposes to introduce some average figure at the federal level.

The second problem is related to the restrictions on the application of the simplified taxation system. Last summer, companies with revenues of up to 120 million rubles a year began to be classified as micro-enterprises, and small enterprises - up to 800 million against the previous 60 and 600, respectively. However, only those enterprises whose revenue does not exceed 68.8 million rubles annually fall under the simplified tax regime. This discrepancy must be eliminated by increasing the limits of the simplified tax system, businessmen believe.

Entrepreneurs also asked to pay additional attention to the work of supervisory agencies. There are also two complaints here. Despite the imposed moratorium on scheduled inspections, inspectors often attend unscheduled inspections, responding to anonymous complaints. The business community is convinced that often unscrupulous competitors simply settle scores with the help of these complaints. Therefore, mandatory identification of those who file a complaint is proposed.

With complete confidentiality, of course. In addition, violations are often committed by mistake, because in numerous demands the devil himself will break his leg, and do not take serious forms. In such cases, supervisory agencies can issue a warning or issue a fine, but, fearing accusations of corruption, they often prefer the second option, while the amount of fines is rapidly growing. Entrepreneurs propose to make the order mandatory “for the first time” and fine only if the violation is not eliminated. By the way, this is exactly the approach that Rostrud is already using.

And the last problem that frightens many businessmen is the danger of losing their business due to criminal prosecution. Thus, in 2014, 200 thousand criminal cases were initiated against entrepreneurs, of which only a third ended in a guilty verdict. At the same time, 80% of those involved lost their business due to the hype raised in the media. Therefore, business is asking to intensify the translation of articles of the criminal code into administrative ones regarding minor economic offenses committed for the first time. And also prohibit control and law enforcement agencies from giving comments in the press until the end of the investigation. In addition, businessmen propose to adjust the existing limits, according to which damage of 250 thousand rubles is already considered a major criminal offense.

These are the main problems that Russian entrepreneurs face today. However, some have to overcome additional difficulties if their regional authorities are not very interested in the development of local business. To solve this problem, Vladimir Putin proposed creating project offices in the regions to disseminate best business practices. “Opora Rossii,” in turn, expressed its readiness to actively participate in the transfer of experience.

The difference in regional approaches to supporting entrepreneurship sheds light on an important problem: the implementation of even very sound ideas ultimately always comes down to the human factor. If there is no desire on the ground, then no opportunities written on paper will work. The same applies to our foreign trade missions and the banking sector.

In order to add initiative to them, the forum organizers proposed linking their own income to the development of entrepreneurship by introducing bonus coefficients. If you develop a business in the region, you get a good bonus; if you sit back, we’ll deduct it. This mechanism was launched in Singapore and has worked well.

Vladimir Putin listened to the idea with genuine interest, noting that it was quite viable. It seems that soon it will really not be enough just not to steal, and the Kremlin will begin to demand efficiency from its subordinates.

To summarize what was voiced at the forum, several important trends can be noted. Firstly, a dialogue between the authorities and the business community has definitely been established. And the last forum is just one of many examples.

Secondly, business began to communicate from an absolutely sound position. He does not complain about how difficult it is, demanding abstract help, but voices specific problems, offering specific, and most importantly, implementable solutions.

Thirdly, the authorities listen to these wishes. Of all the proposals made at the plenary meeting, Vladimir Putin unconditionally supported most of the ideas. Only some, in his opinion, require additional thought and the search for a suitable solution mechanism.

We can only hope that the next step will be the implementation of these plans, and such events will have a real effect, and will not turn into regular meetings in order to dream about the beautiful and forget about it when leaving the door.

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At any catering enterprise there is a person who is responsible for absolutely all processes occurring in production. There is a big burden on his shoulders, but he fulfills his duties with honor.

The profession of a technologist implies not only hard work, but also limitless opportunities for introducing new ideas and initiatives, flights of creative imagination, as well as enormous prospects for career growth.

Professional Responsibilities

The description of the responsibilities of a technologist will take many lines, since more and more new ones are added to them every year. Previously, catering establishments were subject to fewer requirements than today. Therefore, the presence of a technologist at each of them was optional. The recipes have not changed for years, and practically no new dishes have been introduced. The cooks simply cooked according to established schemes, and the production manager dealt with the paperwork.

In the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition, it is impossible to do without a technologist, since it depends on him how popular a cafe, canteen, or restaurant will become among consumers, and what kind of income they will generate.

The main responsibilities of a food service technician or engineer include:

  • development of new dishes and preparation of technological cards for them;
  • drawing up a work schedule for all workshops in production;
  • quality control of manufactured products;
  • study of the catering services market;
  • distribution of responsibilities among staff;
  • study and implementation of new technologies;
  • monitoring the serviceability of equipment and the availability of necessary inventory;
  • organizing the supply of raw materials for production;
  • work with documents;
  • monitoring compliance with sanitation and hygiene standards;
  • organization of banquets and presentations;
  • development of a plan for the reconstruction of production workshops.


You can study to become a production technician at a college or technical school. The process can take from three to five years. At the same time, you initially need to obtain a specialty as a cook and pastry chef, and only then can you become a production technician. Without knowledge of recipes and the principles of cooking, training in this profession will be inappropriate. Upon completion of a special educational institution, a fifth category is assigned. After this, you can work as a technologist or manager. production in any public catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, canteen), as well as in meat processing plants, canning factories, fish processing shops, dairies, shops for the production of semi-finished products.

In addition to the specifics of cooking, future food service technicians and engineers study subjects such as:

  • physiology of nutrition;
  • microbiology;
  • sanitation and hygiene;
  • foreign service;
  • chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical and physical colloid);
  • biochemistry;
  • organization of enterprises;
  • processes and devices;
  • equipment;
  • merchandising;
  • management;
  • marketing;
  • basics of economics;
  • standardization and metrology;
  • psychology of business relationships.

One becomes a process engineer after graduating from a higher educational institution. The amount of knowledge gained in this case will be much greater, but it will also take 5–6 years to master the profession. After graduating from a university, technological engineers can not only work in their specialty, but also engage in teaching. In addition, they will be happy to be seen in laboratories at large plants and factories as research assistants.

The curriculum, in addition to the above subjects, includes such disciplines as engineering graphics, thermal engineering, electrical engineering, and theoretical mechanics. At the end of the educational process, the process engineer receives the title of chef of the sixth category.

Work and career

Without experience, organizing the work of a catering enterprise will be quite difficult. Therefore, even with an education, in a small cafe or restaurant a specialist first has to show his professional skills by working as a cook. By showing sufficient initiative and zeal in work in a relatively short time, you can become a chef and technologist rolled into one. Over time, such a specialist can grow to become a manager or director of a company operating in the catering industry.

At large enterprises, a novice process engineer will first have to be an assistant to a more experienced colleague. Then, after that, he begins to independently perform his immediate duties. As you climb the career ladder, you can become chief technologist, production manager, deputy director or director of an enterprise.

The main advantage of working as a technologist is the opportunity to do what you love while receiving a decent salary. An important fact: you have to spend your entire life learning and improving your skills, discovering new horizons and introducing innovative ideas.

Another positive point is the high demand for technicians and process engineers due to the opening of a large number of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, and meat, poultry, and fish processing shops.

Personal qualities

To work in any catering enterprise, you must have certain personal qualities. A process engineer must have an excellent memory, pronounced creative abilities, and excellent aesthetic taste. Communication skills and the ability to find reasonable compromises are needed to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. However, the technologist and engineer must be as demanding as possible of their subordinates. The ability to think quickly and creatively will be useful in the event of force majeure circumstances.

An engineer or production technician must have a highly developed sensitivity to the subtlest shades of smell and taste. The ability to visually determine how much a product weighs is highly valued. Having organizational skills will make it easy to establish the flawless operation of all departments of a public catering enterprise.

Another main criterion for the professionalism of a process engineer is excellent physical endurance, since in order to achieve good results he often has to work beyond normal limits, be on his feet or in a sitting position for a long time, stay in rooms with high or low temperatures, as well as in places with high temperatures. humidity. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs are recommended to opt for another specialty. Persons who have a source of chronic infection in their body are strictly prohibited from working at a catering establishment.

In order to become a true professional in your field, you must devote yourself completely to your work. You need to exchange experiences with colleagues, read articles, follow the latest in the culinary and confectionery industry on the Internet, subscribe to specialized publications, attend exhibitions and professional competitions - then the result will not be long in coming!

Hello my readers!!! Today we will talk about such a production manager as a site foreman. Let's talk about his job responsibilities and the responsibility he bears for the workers in the area of ​​the production workshop entrusted to him.

Site foreman. Job responsibilities of the foreman.

The main job responsibility of the foreman is, of course, site management. Issuing shift assignments to workers, ensuring that everyone uses the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). During the shift, the site foreman monitors the working personnel. So that they use safe practices when working on metalworking equipment.

Although the foreman of a production workshop is an engineering and technical worker (E&T), for example, if we take a technologist of the same workshop or a supervisor of parts processed at a given site, then their responsibilities are very different. The technologist is the author of the processing technology, and the master is obliged to ensure its implementation 100%.

In addition, the master is personally responsible for the safety of the parts that are processed on his site, and if during the next inventory of inventory items (material assets) a shortage is revealed, then he will have to reimburse the entire cost of the missing item.

First watch this video about the site foreman:

What kind of education should a site foreman have?

Nowadays, of course, working for a master, a specialist who has a specialized secondary education (technical school, college) can become a specialist, but now it is desirable to have a higher education :)

Site foreman rights.

Since the responsibilities of a workshop foreman in production include fulfilling the production plan and ensuring the safety of personnel (workers), he has the right not to allow them to work in the following cases:

  • Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • If the employee has not passed the labor safety knowledge test (or safety training)
  • Remove a worker from performing a task if his machine is in a faulty condition.
  • Demand compliance with various orders for the workshop, site and production (plant).
  • If a worker uses a faulty test tool to control the parameters of a part.

Working day for a site foreman.

At our company, the working day begins at 7:00 and so

6:30 — 7:00

The manager comes and walks around the area and looks at its condition to see if there are any oil or coolant leaks on the equipment, if the wiring of the machines is working properly, etc. Issues shift assignments to teams.

7:00 — 7:30

Gathers his workers and gives them a shift assignment, not forgetting to assess their physical condition (it happens that they come “under the care” 🙂)

8:00 — 9:00

Operational meeting with the workshop manager. It is attended not only by all the foremen, but also by representatives of all department services (mechanic, power engineer, supply manager, head of the planning and dispatch bureau (PDB)). At this meeting, various issues related to production are discussed.


Everyone begins to complete the task received, and the master exercises supervisory control over this process.

11:00 — 11:20

Lunch break

11:30 — 13:00

The foreman must make sure that there are no obstacles to completing the shift task; if there is any threat to the completion of the task, he must report this to his superiors.

13:00 — 15:00

Checks the implementation of the production plan and issues invoices for sending finished parts to other workshops or for assembly of units.

15:30 — 16:00

Evening operational meeting with the shop manager, where the results of the day's work are summed up and plans for the 2nd shift are outlined.

Of course, you can write and write a lot more about the job responsibilities of a site foreman, and I think if you are interested in the legal side of this issue, you can find the job description for a production workshop foreman on the Internet. I did not set out to simply reprint it; I highlighted the most important aspects that are associated with the work performed by the foreman of the production workshop.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I’ll answer with pleasure :) and let’s just chat. BYE EVERYONE!!!

Andrey was with you!

The production foreman is classified as a manager. To obtain this position, you must have a higher specialized education and have at least 1 year of experience in production. With secondary education, it is also possible to obtain this position, however, in this case, companies set more stringent experience requirements. If a person does not have a special education, then in order to become a production foreman, he needs to work in this field for at least 5 years. The head of the enterprise can appoint a person to the place of production foreman, as well as remove him from this position.

What should a production foreman know?

  1. Regulatory and technical instructions related to both the production and economic parts of the activities of a particular department.
  2. Requirements for goods that are manufactured in production, as well as take into account the necessary technical characteristics of the product. This employee is required to familiarize himself with the technology and features of product manufacturing.
  3. The structure of the production site and the rules for operating the equipment.
  4. Methods of carrying out production activities of a specific site.
  5. Fundamentals of legislation relating to labor activity in production, in particular the amount and form of wages for employees of the enterprise.
  6. Prices and standards for accepting work, as well as methods for checking and revising regulations.
  7. Minimum possible wage standards, as well as ways to encourage employees and provide financial incentives.
  8. Labor protection rules, basic safety precautions, regulations for its implementation, skill and knowledge of sanitation at work, as well as skills in ensuring and monitoring compliance with fire safety.

Main job responsibilities of a foreman

Providing conditions for the implementation of the plan by the site, as well as ensuring this fact by any possible means. Maintaining the range of products and their labeling in proper condition, as well as their systematization. Production of products that are competitive in the modern market of similar products.

Monitoring the use of the maximum amount of production capacity, the proper use of equipment, as well as the full loading of materials into it. The foreman’s job responsibilities include supervising the proper work of the company’s employees.

Taking part in the planning and development of new tasks for the production site, that is, the subordinate team. In accordance with the formed task, it is necessary to draw up specific goals that this employee conveys to his subordinate employees.

What should a production foreman do?

Monitoring the absence of shortages of production materials, as well as timely ordering and monitoring the delivery of semi-finished products, fixtures, tools, technical documentation in accordance with established tasks. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the proper work of the enterprise’s employees and proper labor efficiency.

Constantly checking the work performed by teams or individual employees, quickly eliminating problems that arise that prevent the enterprise from effectively performing the task. Rapid elimination of all factors that may affect the normal course of production of installed products.

Additional Responsibilities

Organization and resolution of professional and social issues concerning the subordinate team. Constantly taking courses to improve your own qualifications. This action must be carried out at least once every 2-3 years. To do this, it is necessary to attend various courses or institutes that operate specifically to familiarize workers with new methods and techniques that allow them to complete assigned production tasks faster and with better quality.

Monitoring the preparation of correct forms and timely issuance of production tasks. This applies to different outfits and shift assignments. The production foreman is obliged to organize rest on time, but, if possible, to prevent downtime, as well as equipment being left idle. Its functions include issuing orders in excess of the working norm. This employee evaluates and prepares an information report on the progress or completion of a specific production program.

Challenging but necessary responsibilities

The job responsibilities of the industrial training master predetermine the voicing of instructions to enable workers to perform new types of work or learn modernized processes, providing all possible assistance in learning new work technologies or contacting unusual equipment.

The job responsibilities of a production foreman include the following:

  1. Monitor the entire process of implementation of production tasks by employees.
  2. Be especially careful when difficulties arise or situations in which solving a problem is an unclear or complex action.

Particular care should be taken to monitor and supervise processes that are part of complex, responsible or particularly expensive work, mastering new ways of implementing complex procedures for the manufacture of goods.

Solving critical issues

The job responsibilities of the construction foreman include monitoring workers’ compliance with production technology and promptly suspending the work activities of workers who deviate from the initially set course or perform important processes incorrectly as soon as possible. Compliance should be monitored not only with the technical regulations, but also with the proposed drawings, dimensions, features, number of structures, and the appropriateness of the materials used.

Responsibilities requiring high professional training

Reception and inspection of a part or structure manufactured by new equipment or machinery that was delivered after repair. Thus, the job responsibilities of the production foreman include monitoring repair operations and the serviceability of working equipment.

The job responsibilities of a shop foreman involve taking part and, if necessary, providing consultation regarding the revision of payment for work, as well as expressing opinions and the feasibility of ideas regarding the revision of the number of hours worked by workers, that is, the ability to analyze the capabilities of people working at a particular enterprise.

Important Responsibilities

The job responsibilities of the production foreman require regular checks of the general condition of work equipment and fences, carrying out instructional activities on the work of employees, informing them about important details and ongoing changes.

Monitoring their knowledge in the form of conducting surveys regarding knowledge of basic safety rules, sanitation, rules for the use of personal protective equipment, if such are provided for in a particular production. Monitoring the full compliance with safety regulations by workers and compliance of conditions with labor legislation.

Daily duties

Monitoring workers’ maintenance of labor discipline and safety measures for their personal lives and surrounding equipment. Also, the production foreman must use all means to maintain discipline and cleanliness in all premises by monitoring the activities of workers. This employee is obliged to ensure timely shipment of waste, as well as timely receipt of finished products to employees; the foreman’s job responsibilities include its further distribution and delivery.

The production foreman, along with his rights, has the duties of a site foreman, for the implementation of which he is responsible. All this is assigned to him in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore this employee is personally responsible for compliance with all requirements. In the course of performing his duties, he cannot use violent methods, nor take part in matters that do not concern his specialization.