The new hepatoprotector Laennec will help restore liver function. How they treat us: Laennec

A person is influenced by many factors. This includes bad ecology, unbalanced nutrition, and non-compliance with the regime of work and rest. In this regard, many pharmaceutical companies have increasingly begun to produce immunomodulating agents that help to overcome the development of various infectious and other diseases.

Today we will tell you about what constitutes such a medicine as Laennec. Instructions for use, reviews of doctors and consumers, as well as the cost of the mentioned medicine will be described a little further.

Composition, form, packaging and description

The drug "Laennec" goes on sale in the form of a solution for injection. Its active ingredient is human (i.e. cell growth factors EGF, HGF, IGF-1, FGF, NGF, TGF-β, interleukins, 18 amino acids, vitamins C, E, B2, D, B1 and PP, as well as low molecular weight peptides, about 40 minerals and about 100 enzymes).

In addition to the above, the composition of the drug also includes additional substances in the form of hydrochloric acid (for pH correction) and sodium hydroxide.

The Laennec solution is produced, the price of which is indicated below, in the form of a clear liquid with a characteristic odor of light yellow or brown color. You can buy the drug in dark glass ampoules in a paper pack.


What is the drug "Laennec"? Instructions for use informs that it is not only an immunomodulatory, but also a hepatoprotective drug.

The effectiveness of this tool is due to its composition. Due to the ability to activate and increase the activity of natural killers and phagocytes, "Laennec" has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.

The cytokines included in the preparation under consideration are able to stimulate the barrier and metabolic functions of the skin. Moreover, they increase the bactericidal activity of leukocytes and their ability to eliminate the captured pathogen.

Features of the drug

What other properties are inherent in the Laennec injection solution, reviews of which are more positive? The active substances contained in the hydrolyzate restore liver cells, reduce the accumulation of fats and cholesterol in hepatocytes, have an antitoxic effect, activate metabolism and tissue respiration, and also inhibit the growth of connective tissues in the liver parenchyma.

Indications for the use of the solution

For what diseases is the drug "Laennec" indicated? Instructions for use indicate the following pathological conditions of the patient:

For what other purpose can the Laennec injection solution be prescribed? Reviews of doctors say that this drug is often used in cosmetology. Its use significantly improves the quality of the skin. Also, the mentioned medication reduces pigmentation and wrinkles, normalizes the pH balance and creates a lifting effect.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

In what cases should the patient in no case be prescribed Laennec? Reviews of experts report that this medication does not have a large list of contraindications. According to the instructions, it can not be used only in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in childhood;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to active and additional components.

It should also be noted that the drug in question is recommended with caution to elderly patients, as well as to persons with medications.

The drug "Laennec": instructions for use

The method of application, as well as the dosage of the injection solution, depend on the indications and the clinic of the disease.

Intravenous droppers "Laennec" for chronic recurrent herpes and atopic dermatitis are prescribed at a dosage of 10 ml, which corresponds to five ampoules. The drug is dissolved in a 5% dextrose solution or in 260-500 ml of saline.

The injection of the drug is carried out with an interval of two days. The course of such treatment includes 10 injections.

If the solution was prescribed to a patient with chronic liver damage, then it is recommended to administer it intramuscularly at a dose of 2 ml per day. If necessary, the frequency of such injections can be increased up to three times a day.

In addition to intramuscular injection, this drug is also allowed to be administered intravenously. In this case, the above scheme should be followed. The course of treatment for chronic liver damage is three weeks.

Side effects

Undesirable effects on the background of the use of the drug in question occur very rarely. Sometimes patients develop allergic reactions. Anaphylactic shock is also possible.

In addition to the above, the introduction of "Laennec" can contribute to the appearance of pain, numbness at the injection site and gynecomastia (however, the relationship with the use of the drug has not been established).

drug interaction

It is highly undesirable to combine the Laennec solution with other drugs, or rather with strong bases, the alkalinity of which exceeds 8.5 points. Otherwise, the effect of the drug in question is significantly reduced.

According to the instructions, this drug can be prescribed to elderly patients. But it should be borne in mind that the physiological functions of older people are gradually deteriorating. In this regard, the drug "Laennec" should be used under regular medical supervision.

It should also be noted that such a solution is not recommended for young children. This is due to the fact that studies on the safety of the drug have not been conducted.

Terms of sale, expiration date and storage method

You can buy an injection solution "Laennec" only by prescription. The drug should be protected from small children, and also stored in a place inaccessible to them and sunlight at a temperature of 20-26 ° C.

The shelf life of the funds in question is three years.

The drug "Laennec": price and similar drugs

The price of this medication is very high. Often it reaches 20-30 thousand rubles. However, experts say that the cost of this medicine is fully justified. It has practically no analogues. If you need an immunomodulating agent, we recommend that you consult a doctor who will select an effective and not very expensive drug for you.

Laennec is a hydrolyzate of the human placenta. The list of its indications for use is impressive:

- various wounds and scars, including traces after acne;

– chronic liver disease, liver damage due to alcohol and viral hepatitis;

- chronic fatigue;

– infertility and unsuccessful IVF;

- climax;

- “decreased immunity”;

- atopic dermatitis and herpes;

- signs of aging and cerebrovascular accident;

But is this amount of evidence really justified?

In the lists (not) appeared

We have already come across examples of drugs whose manufacturers, despite having many regalia (registration and even awards in the territory of the CIS countries), still cannot prove their effectiveness. The State Register of Medicines lists only two of its 2008 clinical trials. They were supposed to end in 2009 (almost ten years ago), but have not yet been completed. Despite this, in 2008 the drug was registered and successfully passed several re-registrations.

But on the website of the European Medicines Agency there is no information about such a drug. There is no approval from the placenta extract and from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

On the "Expert Opinions" tab of the drug's official website, you can find almost three dozen videos - reviews from doctors, including doctors and candidates of sciences. Some of them openly have an affiliation with a manufacturing corporation (RHANA). However, all the videos were filmed by the manufacturer, so even if the speaker does not openly refer to it, there is a conflict of interest. Many videos are openly promotional: first they talk about how important it is to maintain health from birth, talk about the dangers of living in stress and tension, then the drug is presented as a solution.

Their main argument for the usefulness of the drug is that the placenta gives life to a new person (and therefore contains useful substances), that it is “the most intimate” and “the most important organ in the body of a pregnant woman.” However, this is reminiscent of the outdated ideas centuries ago that a bath with the blood of newborn babies rejuvenates the skin, and the transfusion of "young" blood prolongs the life of the recipient. The blood also contains a huge amount of useful substances. But it is unlikely that anyone will equate the importance of superstition in the spirit of Elizabeth Bathory with clinical trials.

Let's not rush to Laennec: even if we do not pay attention to the explicit advertising message, within the framework of medicine, expert opinion based on descriptive studies and personal practice is considered the lowest level of evidence. But commercials can be designed for the average buyer who does not understand medicine. And we better consider what is included in the composition of the drug.

Packaging of the drug "Laennec"

From what, from what

"112 mg of human placenta hydrolyzate" - this is, according to the official website of the drug, the highest content of the active substance in drugs from the placenta registered in the Russian Federation.

What is this active ingredient? “Laennec drug: elemental composition and pharmacological action” states that “deviations in the content of all macroelements did not exceed 20% in the studied samples” (for sulfur and chlorine - less than 5%), while in Cerebrolysin, which we have already analyzed, deviations may have a value in several orders. Nevertheless, such rationing by the content of the active substance raises questions, because for a drug, the components of which really have a significant effect, the dosage is critically important.

Let's talk about the specific peptides in Laennec. “More than 4,000 different proteins have been found in the placenta, including growth factors, hormones, cytochromes, fibrinolysis factors, energy metabolism enzymes, estradiol, prostaglandins, enkephalins and other neuropeptides, a number of trace elements (primarily significant amounts of organic zinc) have been identified,” reads "The peptide composition of the human placenta preparation Laennec and the molecular mechanisms of its effect on the human body", also presented on the website of the drug.

Among the molecules that can play a significant role in the influence of Laennec on the body, the active peptide Neuromedin N, a fragment of the active peptide cocalcigenin, and a fragment of the small G-protein Rac2 are named. The article presents experimental data on the function of proteins containing these fragments, and on what disorders occur in the body if such proteins are not produced. The former has analytical (pain relieving) properties, works as an antipsychotic and acts on GABA transmission between neurons. The second, cocalcigenin (actually two peptides, but the second is less studied), is associated with sensitivity to pain (nociception), can cause the release of histamine and a number of other substances, such as tumor necrosis factor-α. Its functions are associated with tissue edema, inflammation, and the work of mast cells of the immune system. The small G protein Rac2 is involved in more than 20 signaling cascades - networks of biochemical reactions by which cells "communicate" with each other. As an explanation of the functions of this component, the article on peptides in the Laennec composition provides data showing that it (in experimental animal models) affects the growth of blood vessels and blood supply to tissues. Each of the substances has been studied separately and may have more or less clear indications. There are no studies demonstrating how they can affect each other's effects in the body when taken together as part of the same drug.

In addition, interleukin-1α, prolactin hormone, natriuretic peptide C, immunoglobulin G, insulin-like growth factor-1 are named as significant substances in the preparation. And again, each of the substances has its own set of functions. There is no evidence as to why they should be combined in a formulation. Perhaps the answer will give us experiments and clinical studies.

Schematic structure of immunoglobulin G

Liliana R. Loureiro et. al./Biomolecules 2015

Injured mice and secrets of control

Scientific articles can also be easily found on the manufacturers website. They argue for the use of Laennec in aesthetic surgery, anti-aging therapy, immunology, chronic fatigue syndrome, gastroenterology, gynecology, and even as a cardioprotector. Most of these publications are experiments on single tissues or on animals. This article, for example, shows that cut wounds on the skin of rats in the presence of Laennec healed two and a half days faster (in 16.5 days, not 19) than in the absence of treatment, and one day faster than with lubrication with Solcoseryl. The work was published in the journal "Aesthetic Medicine" (on the e.Library website it is possible that it is not included in SCOPUS and the VAK list, there is no information about the impact factor of the journal, nor about reviewing articles for publication in it).

The impact factor is an indicator that reflects the frequency of citation of articles in a scientific journal for a certain period (usually two years). For example, for one of the largest medical journals, The Lancet, the impact factor is about 53, and on average for good journals it is 4.

Drug research is not complete without animal testing. Descriptions of individual clinical cases also sometimes help to clarify unexpected properties of a drug (for example, side effects for certain groups of people or incompatibility with another drug). But on the basis of such tests, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the drug in humans.

There are clinical trials, however, their design raises a number of questions.

On the screen from the article, we see everything that is said about the research methods. From this passage it can be understood that the control group was. But did she receive "traditional treatment" or did she receive none? Were patients in the control group sick at all, and if so, which of the following? How many people were in the control group and how many were in the Laennec group? In the results section, you can find answers to some of these questions, for example, to understand that patients in the control group were also sick and received “traditional treatment”, but it does not explain what exactly and at what dosage they were prescribed. There is also no data on the regimen under which Laennec himself was taken and whether the indicators of patients in the two groups differed before treatment. There is also no mention of blinding or a placebo group.

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled method is a method of clinical drug research in which subjects are not privy to important details of the study being conducted. “Double-blind” means that neither the subjects nor the experimenters know who is being treated with what, “randomized” means that the distribution into groups is random, and placebo is used to show that the effect of the drug is not based on self-hypnosis and that this medicine helps better than a tablet without active substance. This method prevents subjective distortion of the results. Sometimes the control group is given another drug with already proven efficacy, rather than a placebo, to show that the drug not only treats better than nothing, but also outperforms analogues.

Acupuncture and placebo "uselessness"

A review article in the Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences mentions a study on as many as 107 patients "with a disease duration of 1 to 10 years, with varying degrees of psychosomatic pathology and liver pathologies, which was expressed in the presence of chronic hepatitis, fatty degeneration, cirrhosis of the liver." Patients were injected with the drug at acupuncture points. In this study, there was no control group at all, so there is simply no way to distinguish between the natural period of improvement during illness, the placebo effect, and other confounding factors.

It looks more exemplary about atopic dermatitis: traditional treatment drugs are described here, there is both randomization and a control group. However, 18 out of 60 patients are reported to have received a more severe diagnosis even before treatment began, but how these were distributed between the control group and the Laennec group is not known. But if there are more seriously ill patients in the control group, the results after treatment will be different there. In addition, the control group does not receive a dummy drug, so blinding is not possible in principle.

The same goes for the control group in the Laennec efficacy study against chronic fatigue syndrome. Aware of the general problem of non-reproducibility of psychological studies, the greatest attention should be paid to the evidence of the effectiveness of drugs in such conditions. However, the authors of the work note a decrease in anxiety and subjective assessment of the condition of patients without the use of placebo control. Its absence was cited by the authors as one of the study's limitations, but clarified that "appropriate patient information may also be accompanied by a placebo effect." This remark is not entirely clear: information for all patients should be the same, and if it is accompanied by a placebo (or nocebo) effect, this is the point of placebo control. In an ideal world in the control group and the drug all factors will be the same, except for the drug itself (this idea is sometimes exaggerated to the color of the walls in hospital wards or the pattern of flowers on their pajamas). So we can highlight it own impact to understand how effective it is. Alas, in the case of Laennec, we cannot do this.

In other cases (for example, in the article on the treatment of endometriosis), the drug group and the control group differed not only in the use of Laennec, but also in antiviral and hormonal therapy, and also in the fact that aspiration of the uterine cavity was performed in the Laennec group. It is already impossible to know what from this list helped the patients.

Design of a parallel randomized controlled trial

Fight fatigue and menopause

What do international sources say? Searching for double-blind controlled trials in the PubMed database of medical scientific articles is not plentiful. One study in 78 patients shows the possible effectiveness of human placenta extract against chronic fatigue syndrome, but it was not useful for idiopathic chronic fatigue syndrome. In this work, subcutaneous administration of the drug was considered for six weeks.

Work on 315 patients shows the effect of Laennec on people with chronic fatigue. Oddly enough, it was taken orally as a solution. Would the difference with the control group change if people in it were injected with the drug intravenously? We don't have an answer to this question.

You cannot take hundreds of medicines, mix them together and get a panacea. Depending on the conditions and condition of the patient, the same substance can be both a salvation and a deadly poison for him. The manufacturers of Laennec were more concerned with standardizing the composition of their drug than the manufacturers of the same Actovegin or Cerebrolysin, also obtained from animal materials (deproteinized hemoderivative blood of healthy dairy calves and lyophilisate of pig cerebral cortex proteins, respectively), but did not separate its components according to specific functions, were not convinced that their natural ratio in the placenta will be the most beneficial for the patient and that the components do not suppress or distort the action of each other. It would be easier to control the effects and the therapeutic dose of each of the substances separately than in the hydrolyzate of the human placenta, the content of elements in which can vary by 3-20%.

According to an ancient legend, the philosopher's stone turns any substance into gold. Many medieval scholars devoted their lives to its unsuccessful search.

The Japanese picked up the baton of alchemists. And judging by the outstanding results, they still managed to open the philosopher's stone. This is a hydrolyzate of the placenta "Laennec" (Laennec Placenta Extract) - an extremely effective stimulator of vital energy, created on the basis of the placenta.

It safely rejuvenates, renews and heals the body from the inside:

    • strengthens own immunity,
    • restores the liver and promotes general detoxification of the body,
    • has a powerful lifting effect,
    • significantly refreshes the quality of the skin,
    • systemically improves the functioning of all internal organs,
    • normalizes blood viscosity and thereby serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes,
    • improves cerebral circulation, vision, memory, hearing,
    • relieve stress and insomnia, general tension;
    • effectively affects the pelvic organs and the synthesis of sex hormones, eliminates frigidity and sexual weakness.

You already know that happiness is not determined by money. You already understood that after a certain level there is a craving to be healthy and live long to enjoy what you have achieved. It is this task that Laennec solves.

In a sense, Laennec can be compared to vitamins. However, even the most "advanced" vitamins contain no more than 30 artificially synthesized elements, which are absorbed by a maximum of 80%.

Such a unique composition has a versatile effect on a person.

The Laennec placenta is used worldwide to treat over 80 different diseases.

    • allergies and asthma
    • prostate adenoma,
    • hair loss,
    • symptoms of menopause, especially in women who refuse to conduct HRT,
    • male menopause,
    • metastases,
    • metabolic disorders, enuresis,
    • high and low blood pressure,
    • ulcers and stomach cancer
    • effectively heals wounds, fights against keloid scars,
    • chronic fatigue,
    • painful menstruation,
    • infertility,
    • ovarian dysfunction,
    • skin diseases,
    • constipation,
    • neuralgia, migraines and neuroses,
    • anemia,
    • osteochondorosis, etc.

At Platinental, we achieve amazing aesthetic results using Laennec drips for preoperative patient preparation and rapid postoperative recovery.

Why has Laennec won such recognition in world medicine? Not only for its rich composition.

We all know that when taking medications, one way or another, other organs suffer. And we "by default" accept these rules of the game.

As a new generation remedy, Laennec is radically different from drugs! This is a very high quality drug with intelligence. "Laennec" itself finds weak links in the body and takes measures to eliminate them. So he shows excellent results in the treatment of various diseases without causing any harm!

Nonsense, you say? Rave?

Are you smiling skeptically, because there is no cure for all diseases?

Let's get to the facts.

Have you noticed that the higher you climb the mountain of success, the less competitors around? On this difficult path, many rivals "burn out": they earn neurosis, become an inveterate drunkard, and deplete their strength with artificial stimulants.

Only the healthiest and smartest are at the top of the world. Those who make full use of the achievements of modern medicine to their advantage.

The secret of Laennec's effectiveness is in its production

At the heart of the production of "Laennec" is a whole philosophy.

So, the placenta for the drug is taken only after prosperous natural childbirth. But this is not the only condition. It is important that the pregnancy is desired by both parents, and the born child is full-term and healthy.

To ensure safety, the placenta undergoes many tests at different stages of its processing. The finished placental extract is additionally subjected to sterilization.

Donors who consented to the use of the placenta are healthy and the entire pregnancy is observed by a doctor. Subsequently, they are under close medical supervision for several years and are regularly tested for infections.

Placental droppers Laennec

For the introduction of "Laennec" different methods are used:

    • intravenous;
    • intramuscular;
    • injections mesotherapy method to acupuncture points.

Droppers are considered the most effective.

Droppers Laennec at the cellular level affect the problem areas of the body.

Placenta-based preparations improve heart function and increase calcium absorption (which is especially important in the period after menopause), stimulate insulin production and metabolic processes, and prevent the deposition of salts and cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Laennec restores vitality, efficiency, psychological stability and significantly improves the quality of life.

In fact, Laennec droppers awaken the body's reserves, stimulate the active synthesis of enzymes and hormones, thereby reducing your biological age.

What you need to start treatment

Placental therapy is carried out after reaching the age of 18 as prescribed by a doctor.

The survey includes:

  • general blood analysis,
  • tests for infections (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, C),
  • hormones (STH, ACTH, thyroid hormones, sex hormones),
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, thyroid gland, pelvic organs,
  • immune status,
  • detailed biochemical blood test.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • childhood,
  • hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • drug allergy.


The effectiveness of "Laennec" in rehabilitation after plastic surgery

According to various sources, over the past 10 years, the number of plastic surgeries has increased several thousand times. The availability of aesthetic surgery has sharply raised the issue of rapid rehabilitation.

The effectiveness of "Laennec" for the correction of aesthetic problems proven by clinical trials. The complex composition of the placenta causes an active movement of growth factors to the area of ​​damage and accelerates healing by 15%.

The "Laennec" effect in detoxification

"Laennec" today earned the fame of an unsurpassed hepatoprotector- means of treatment and strengthening of the liver. It removes toxins from the body, mobilizes the body's defenses.

The drug is used to treat various hepatitis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver damage, normalize fat metabolism in the liver with excess weight.

Rejuvenation "Laennec"

Rejuvenation is a complex process. Not only our toned face speaks of youth. Mobility, activity, flexibility, strength, speed of reaction - the internal resources of the body also need to be replenished.

Do you live in the city? Then you know firsthand insomnia, stress, gas pollution, chronic lack of sleep, eating on the go, headaches, allergies ... In combination with alcohol and smoking, these factors contribute to early aging. They literally kill the immune system, dry out the skin, lead to chronic fatigue, wear out the body.

The components of the placenta in Laennec are the rare case when one medicine helps in the treatment of big city syndrome. They activate and nourish their own strength of the body, return it to a state of youth.

Even one procedure "Laenek" starts the renewal of body cells. Sick, defective, worn out, old and damaged are replaced. It is also important that "Laennec" does not allow the division of such defective cells. Thus, "Laennec" not only rejuvenates - it effectively prevents the appearance of tumors and slows down the growth of cancerous growths.

"Laennec" in cosmetology

"Laennec" is effective against psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, herpes, acne, age skin pigmentation.

For intensive hydration, another unique property of the placenta is used - to retain water in the skin in a volume that is six times the volume of the injected drug.

But this is not all the advantages of the new drug. It turns out that the color of our skin is largely determined by the state of the liver. An unpleasant shade in this case is not amenable to cosmetic procedures. Only "Laennec", acting simultaneously on the liver and skin, is guaranteed to return the color of spring sakura to our face.


"Laennec" - lifting

"Laennec" in droppers is used for tightening the skin of the whole body.

The drug has a powerful effect: it significantly improves the quality of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, increases its elasticity and hydration, and brightens age spots.

Facial mesotherapy shows an equally pronounced effect of lifting and firming the skin.

The Platinental Aesthetic Lounge Clinic is the official partner of RHANA Medical Corporation in Russia.

Price "Laennec"

The cost of a course of placental droppers is determined individually and depends on the nature of your disease.

To find out how much the Laennec course costs for standard diseases, visit the price list of the clinic.

The most popular, preventive course "Laennec" is held 2 times a year (autumn and spring), consists of 5 procedures 2 times a week.

"Laennec" is the shortest way to make an accurate Swiss chronometer out of your body.

To undergo Laennec procedures, please call +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16 in Moscow and (+7 843) 236-66-66 in Kazan.

Or book an appointment online and get 30% discount for a consultation! Or buy

They have been trying to find the recipe for eternal youth for more than one century. Modern cosmetology has invented many effective ways for visual rejuvenation: injection implants, thread lifting, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation, mesotherapy and many others. Unfortunately, none of these remedies can rejuvenate the human body itself or even stop the process of its physiological aging. Japanese scientists came closest to unraveling the mystery of immortality. They managed to create the drug Laennec. Instructions for the use of which indicate that without a thorough examination and recommendations of a doctor, you should not take this powerful remedy.

Placental preparations

Translated from Latin, the placenta means "cake" and is very similar in shape to it. The development of the fetus is impossible without this embryonic organ. It performs the most important functions:

  • hormonal;
  • protective;
  • trophic;
  • excretory;
  • gas exchange.

Scientists have long discovered that most female mammals eat their placenta immediately after giving birth. At one time, it was believed that animals do this in order to protect themselves from predators who might be attracted to the smell of blood. However, later it turned out that the eating of the afterbirth is carried out by the mother in order to provide herself with the nutrients and vitamins that she needs after pregnancy and childbirth.

Already in ancient times, people had many traditions associated with the afterbirth. It was believed that it has healing properties and a huge energy potential. In ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Japan, India, the children's place was cleaned, dried and crushed. The resulting powder was used to treat seriously ill patients, as well as for rejuvenation.

The history of the creation of Laennec

The history of the study of the placenta in the modern world begins in 1912. A Swiss professor who studied sheep afterbirth discovered that it contains substances that stimulate the restoration of cell life. After another 20 years, on the basis of these studies, a method was discovered for the treatment of living, but severely damaged cells.

Scientists from the USSR did not lag behind their colleagues. The famous Russian ophthalmologist, academician Filatov, devoted a huge part of his life to the study of tissue therapy. During the research, he found out that the use of tissue preparations increases the biosynthesis of proteins in the body, improves metabolic processes, stimulates the activity of enzymes, activates the work of blood leukocytes and increases the amount of gamma globulins. Even during Filatov's lifetime, in the laboratory of his institute, several unique preparations were developed and manufactured. Among which was the extract of the placenta.

In 1945, a young Japanese doctor Hieda Kentaro got acquainted with Filatov's dissertation, which was devoted to tissue therapy. The Japanese was so fascinated by Filatov's discoveries that he decided to start his own development of a therapeutic agent based on the human placenta. The purpose of creating the drug was to restore the functioning of the liver and other internal organs. This was especially true for the Japanese after the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Despite the enormous difficulties that accompanied the first stages of work, the scientists did not give up. Until 1956, the technical equipment that the laboratories had did not allow the placenta to be completely cleansed of toxic impurities, blood and protein. Therefore, the first analogues of the future drug Laynek had dangerous side effects.

Only at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to a sharp jump in the field of computer electronics, high-precision laboratory equipment appeared. It made it possible to create a placental drug, practically devoid of any undesirable effects and side effects. As a result, the Japanese drug Laennec is the only safe remedy with worldwide fame and no competitors.

Production technology

The technology of obtaining the drug allows you to guarantee its complete safety. It goes through several stages:

The production of the drug itself is based on the latest technologies that allow you to get the maximum amount of useful substances. The manufacturer guarantees the highest degree of purification and complete safety of Laennec.

The preparation of the drug takes place in several stages:

The composition of the drug

Laennec is a hydrolyzate of the human placenta. The main feature of the drug is its ability to independently find damaged or already inoperable cells. After their discovery, the substances that make up the product begin to restore the vital functions of the cell.

Laennec contains:

The product is available in ampoules of 2 ml. The solution for injection is clear and may be yellow to brown in color. The carton box contains 50 or 10 ampoules.

Laennec therapy is a unique opportunity to prolong youth. In addition, the drug is intended for the treatment of more than 80 different diseases. The most common pathologies for the treatment of which laennec is used:

In addition, the drug promotes more active wound healing. Prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is often prescribed in the postoperative period.

Despite all the advantages and safety of the means, it has some contraindications:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation.

With caution and exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, the drug is allowed to be taken by the elderly.

Methods of administration

Laennec is available by prescription only. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly determine the method of administration, dose and duration of the course. It all depends on what problem the patient needs to solve. It is very dangerous to self-medicate and personally prescribe doses and courses of the drug.

Linek can be entered in the following ways:

  • intravenously;
  • subcutaneously (mesotherapy);
  • in the form of droppers;
  • intramuscularly;
  • pharmacopuncture administration;
  • combined ways.

Anesthesia before using the drug is not required. Sometimes, skin numbness or a slight induration may occur at the injection site. However, after 30-45 minutes, the seals completely dissolve, and the numbness disappears.

  • take tests for thyroid hormones, sex, ACTH;
  • undergo ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid gland, abdominal organs;
  • get tested for infections (hepatitis, syphilis, HIV);
  • general and biochemical analysis of blood.

Application in cosmetology

Improvement of the body is not all that Lineek is capable of. The drug in cosmetology allows you to get stunning results. Cosmetologists say that the effect of using the product is noticeable after 2-3 procedures. The skin of the face restores its tone. It becomes smooth and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The tool is so effective that it allows you to get visual rejuvenation for 10-15 years. The difference between the placental preparation and other non-surgical methods of rejuvenation lies in the fact that not only the skin, but also the muscles are tightened and strengthened.

Rejuvenating laennec therapy

Laennec is able to significantly strengthen the muscular frame of the face, which allows the skin to better withstand the effects of gravity. To do this, the drug is administered by the pharmacopuncture method along the biologically active points of the face. This technique came from the East.

The simultaneous impact on the biological point of the needle and active substances from the placenta potentiates each other, prolonging the action of the drug and fixing the result. There are about 30 active points on the face, but only some of them are responsible for its rejuvenation. These are the points of the upper and lower thirds of the face. It is in them that the dermatologist must inject the drug to strengthen the contours.

When conducting pharmacopuncture injections, anesthesia is not performed. A 30 G needle is used, the length of which is 13 mm. For one procedure, 4 ml of the drug is required - these are two ampoules.

Before the procedure, the face is completely cleansed of cosmetics. Then it is further processed with chlorhexidine. After that, the drug is injected pointwise into the muscles of the face. The injection causes muscle contraction, and the active substances of the placental agent improve metabolic processes in it. In addition, they stimulate the growth and renewal of cells, as well as restore their connections. There is a natural lifting and skin rejuvenation.

Laennec has a high cost. For 10 ampoules you will have to pay 12,500 rubles, and a package of 50 ampoules will cost more than 60 thousand rubles. Due to the popularity of the drug and its high price, it is often counterfeited. This forces patients to look for analogues.

Unfortunately, the tool has no direct analogues. Some similar hepatoprotective mechanism of action is possessed by:

The pharmacological action of all these drugs is aimed at protecting and restoring liver cells. None of the listed drugs can be used to treat even half of all those pathologies that Laennec copes with. Moreover, these drugs are not used in cosmetology and are absolutely useless for skin rejuvenation procedures.


Only another Japanese placental drug Melsmon can be considered a true analogue of Laennec. There is no significant difference between the drugs. The first tool is universal and can be used by both women and men. Melsmon was developed specifically to improve the health of the female body and improve its hormonal levels.

The drug, entering the body, is able to correct age-related changes:

Perhaps thanks to this tool, 50-year-old Japanese women rarely look older than 35 years. Since in Japan since 1956 there has been a state program for the improvement of the nation, which provides for the use of placental drugs. And the average life expectancy of the Japanese increased from 65 to 82 years. However, the price of Melsmon is 40 thousand rubles for 10 ampoules, so you won’t be able to save.

Medicine stepped forward again, introducing to the whole world innovative method of rejuvenation- the drug Laennec, droppers of youth, giving the body an incredible feeling of health and a surge of strength. This development first appeared in Japan and actively spread around the globe, while earning overwhelming popularity.

What you need to know about the procedure

Laennec is an extract from the human placenta, which is incredibly powerful stimulant of vital energy. The unique properties of the drug have a regulatory effect on the work and functioning of the liver. The composition of the placental hydrolyzate is very rich in various useful components. The procedure itself is often referred to as placental therapy.

For 50 years, specialists have been producing Laennec using a special technology. The material used is the human placenta. However, this procedure has clear requirements and strict adherence to them:

  1. "Children's place" in the future is used in cosmetology only after a successful and natural labor activity;
  2. Itself must be planned and desired;
  3. It is extremely important that the born baby has good health;
  4. A written agreement is drawn up on the future use of the placenta in medical practice;
  5. A detailed examination of the donor for all kinds of infectious diseases is carried out;
  6. After meeting the above criteria, the donor continues to be observed by specialists over the next couple of years.

It can be concluded that Laennec is a unique drug that has no analogues.

Indications and contraindications

Before contacting a medical institution about the Laennec dropper, read the list of current indications and restrictions. The procedure is allowed in the following cases:

  • Skin diseases (any kind of progressive dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, and so on);
  • Chronic pathology of the liver;
  • Intoxication with medicines, alcohol or bad ecology;
  • Constant fatigue and;
  • (difficulty falling asleep, lack of sleep);
  • Climax;
  • Psychogenic disorders;
  • Violation of blood pressure;
  • Weak immune system;
  • Problems with the pelvic organs;
  • Sexual dysfunction in both sexes;
  • Frequent stress in life;
  • Vascular diseases of the brain, accompanied by headache, memory and intelligence impairment, absent-mindedness, dizziness and other symptoms;
  • Deterioration of the dermis;
  • The presence of age spots;
  • Recovery after surgery.

Laennec therapy has few limitations:

What effect does the dropper have?

Due to the rich and rich composition of the drug (all kinds of enzymes, vitamins, biologically active components), the body can experience such positive changes:

  • Effective correction of the mental and emotional state of a person;
  • Elimination of chronic fatigue and overwork, getting rid of loss of strength and weakness;
  • Charges the body with a sufficient amount of energy, increases physical activity;
  • The skin acquires a young, healthy and fresh look (firmness and elasticity appear);
  • Improving the patient's sexual life;
  • The body is cleansed of poisons and toxins (including alcohol poisoning).

The use of a dropper allows you to achieve an incredible effect. The above improvements are not the whole list of positive effects of Laennec therapy. Smoothing wrinkles, acquiring a healthy and even tone of the face, getting rid of rashes, age spots, flabbiness, a radical restart of all existing processes in the body - this is what a person feels after the procedure. In addition, placental treatment relieves the body of 80 different ailments.

Examination before therapy

An experienced specialist will not start a healing procedure without a preliminary examination, since this therapy has a very powerful effect, and with it serious consequences. First of all, the doctor will conduct a conversation with the patient, during which he will ask a few questions, study the medical history, and only after that will prescribe an examination. The latter includes:

  1. Biochemical and detailed blood test;
  2. Test for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis;
  3. Clarification of the state of the immune and hormonal systems;
  4. If necessary, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity (in some cases, it can not do without consulting the relevant specialist).

If the patient's health does not have any pathological abnormalities, the doctor proceeds to draw up a detailed therapeutic plan. Over the years, it has been found that the most relevant age for the procedure is 30-45 years. Since these figures coincide with the greatest activity of the body, which can be extended thanks to Laennec therapy.

How is placenta treated?

The doctor may administer the drug in the following ways:

  1. Intramuscularly;
  2. Intravenously;
  3. Injection by acupuncture;
  4. Droppers.

The best result can be achieved with a dropper. The course of treatment is 14-21 days. The finished solution is injected into the body within a few hours. The number of procedures performed is 4-6 days. There are two placental therapies per week. However, most often the course is extended. Most doctors are of the opinion that this approach can have the best effect. Substances, entering the body through the blood, carefully affect the painful areas.

Raw materials obtained from the placenta are able to quickly regulate metabolic processes (especially the absorption of calcium), improve the functioning of the cardiac system, activate the production of the hormone insulin, and protect the body from the accumulation of toxins, cholesterol and toxins. Brain activity improves, psycho-emotional status improves, former vitality and energy return. Life is again painted in bright colors, thanks to the innovative drug Laennec.

Placental Therapy Video

In this video, you will find out if Laennec is so useful and safe: