Calcifications in the lungs: causes of formation, methods of elimination. Calcifications in the lungs: what is it, what are the reasons for its appearance

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the terminology that will be used in the material. So, by calcification in medicine we mean the accumulation of tissue atypical for an organ, filled with deposits of calcium salts. Calcifications in the lungs can form under the influence of various pathogenic factors. These areas of altered alveoli impede gas exchange and reduce the vital capacity of the lungs. Moreover, they can become foci for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, since calcium does not have immune activity and does not allow the body to quickly and effectively suppress the development of bacteria, viruses and rods.

The pathological process of formation of areas of salt deposition begins with damage to physiological tissue. What is this from a pathogenetic point of view? This is a defeat of normal cellular structure, which is gradually replaced by scars of connective tissue cords. This type cells do not have a circulatory network, are not supplied with oxygen and nutrients. In order to stabilize its structure connective tissue easily attracts ions of various salts.

Let's try to analyze the causes of calcifications in the lungs and the possibilities used for treatment in children and adults. We will also look into the potential risks that these strange foci of altered tissue carry.

Calcifications in the left and right lung - the reasons may be different

Depending on a person’s lifestyle and profession, risk factors for respiratory damage may vary. But the most common is the classic trilogy:

  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, living in polluted environmental conditions);
  • inflammatory processes in the lung tissue (pneumonia, tuberculosis, asbestosis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis);
  • chemical and thermal effect(unfavorable professional conditions, working in a hot shop, visiting a sauna and steam room in a Russian bath and a number of other factors).

The causes of calcification in the lungs are determined only on the basis of the life history and morbidity of each individual person. This is due to the fact that tissue dehydration is a long process, requiring many months and even years. Therefore, fluorography shows calcifications right lung may appear 2-3 years after the injury on the legs acute pneumonia. Despite this, the patient's condition requires constant monitoring and differential diagnosis.

Even minor calcifications in the right lung, as well as on the other side, can be a primary risk factor for the development of tuberculosis and cancer. Therefore, it is important to exclude more serious pathologies already at initial stage. To do this, it is recommended to perform a bronchoscopy with sampling biological material for subsequent hysteroscopy, culture of discharged sputum, which makes it possible to determine infection with tuberculosis.

In some cases, survey radiography in several projections is indicated. In difficult cases it is recommended CT scan, which is the most effective modern method diagnostics

Calcification in the left lung requires no less attention, indicating the greeting of some inflammatory process next to him. Often, a more thorough diagnosis reveals infectious myocarditis, serous endocarditis and a number of other myocardial pathologies in the chronic phase. It is recommended to do an ultrasound of the heart and an ECG. A general blood and urine test is also required.

Even a single small calcification in the lungs requires treatment!

Unfortunately, at present, doctors inadvertently miss such cases and do not tell patients that even a single small calcification in the lung cannot appear just like that, on its own. And it requires careful additional diagnosis and adequate treatment.

It is very difficult to restore calcified lung tissue; sometimes it takes several years of rehabilitation before a person can breathe again full breasts. But these efforts are not in vain, since when conducting therapy, first of all, the doctor takes care of reducing the risk of developing oncology and tuberculosis.

Treatment of calcifications in the lungs begins with searching for the cause of its occurrence and subsequent removal etiological factor. In most cases, this is a sign that the person has had long-term contact with someone infected with TB. And in the lesion surrounded by calcified tissue, it is Mycobacterium tuberculosis that can be encapsulated. Therefore, consultation with a phthisiatrician and mandatory laboratory tests are required. If it will be positive reaction, then preventive treatment of tuberculosis infection is carried out.

After eliminating the cause, the process of restoring the vital volume of the lungs begins. Recommended good nutrition With high content proteins of plant and animal origin. Drugs that accelerate tissue regeneration are also used. This could be "Solcoseryl", "Actovegin" for intravenous administration and subsequent administration in tablet form. Electrophoresis with aloe, fibs, vitreous. It is recommended to use medicinal herbs that facilitate the process of sputum discharge and the release of alveoli from mucous secretions.

Using vibration massage, reflexology and regular complexes breathing exercises can be fully restored physiological state lung tissue.

An excellent remedy is good rest on the sea coast. Its duration must be more than 40 days a year.

Are calcifications in a child’s lungs dangerous?

IN Lately Cases of congenital changes in the structure of normal tissues of the body have become more frequent. Are calcifications in a child’s lungs dangerous if they were formed during prenatal development? Is it possible to fight them and is it necessary to do so?

Let's try to understand these issues. It’s worth starting with the fact that most likely such a symptom indicates that the baby in the first years of his life was faced with a case of tubercle bacilli aggression. His body most likely neutralized dangerous pathogen and placed it in a special capsule covered with lime deposits. This requires careful treatment by a phthisiatrician. Especially if there is a hypertrophic Mantoux reaction.

Intrauterine infection can also contribute to salt deposition. Treatment in this case is not required. Most likely in the process of development respiratory system the object will disappear on its own. However, it is recommended to monitor the child’s condition and, whenever possible, conduct additional examinations.

General practitioner Nechaeva G.I.

Every year, in Russian Federation A routine preventive medical examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine whether a person, according to health standards, meets his profession. One of the mandatory checks is fluorography of the lungs.

As a rule, the image shows clear paired organs or certain shadows, indicating that the person smokes. But sometimes, small accumulations called calcifications appear on a fluorographic image. These are neoplasms that form on the lungs after suffering an inflammatory process.

The lungs are one of the special important structures in the human body, allowing the body to be saturated with oxygen. As a rule, they remain clean, but in rare cases, calcifications can be seen on the image.

These are neoplasms formed in place of dead soft tissue. As a rule, these are peculiar consequences of serious inflammation that occurred earlier. Thanks to a fluorographic image, it is possible to determine whether a person is sick and whether he needs special help.

Small neoplasms are calcium salts, hence the name calcifications. The deposits infect a specific area on the lungs.

As long as the size of the affected tissue does not exceed 1 cm, there is no cause for concern. But with the growth of dead tissue, oxygen starvation may develop, and other difficulties with the respiratory tract may arise.

Darkening on a fluorographic image is a sign of an inflammatory reaction.

This disease, after incubation and acute period developed into chronic form. Calcifications in the lungs appear as a result of the activity of harmful bacteria. Such microorganisms are the main sources of damage.

It is impossible to independently diagnose the presence of calcium salts. But seeing the symptoms using a fluorographic image is quite possible. As a rule, calcifications indicate incipient tuberculosis, in 10 cases out of 100.

What are calcifications

Calcifications– excess calcined salts formed on the affected areas. The presence of several small clusters is not a cause for concern, provided that they do not progress.

The optimal ratio, taking into account the area of ​​the respiratory tract organs, is 1 to 100 (there is less than 1 micrometer of calcium salt per centimeter of lungs).

Calcifications in paired organ are formed as a result of acute inflammatory diseases once suffered by a person. These include pneumonia, tuberculosis or malignancy.

Reasons for appearance

As noted earlier, calcifications in the lungs arise as a result of previous inflammatory reactions, gradually turning into a chronic form. Which can be caused by a number of diseases.

In addition to this, there are other reasons for the appearance:

Tuberculosis is not the only factor that causes calcifications to form. After visiting fluorography, the doctor will indicate the exact cause of the occurrence.

Treatment options

How to treat pulmonary calcifications?

People with this lesion do not need complex treatment. If all the necessary components are present in the body, and the immune defense works thoroughly, there will be no problems.

To control the situation, it is enough to undergo annual fluorographic prophylaxis. It is better to save the photographs taken during the procedure so that the attending physician can assess the situation.

Calcifications in the lungs negatively affect not only the respiratory tract, but also the condition of the human body as a whole. Treatment is more like prevention of this phenomenon than a serious therapeutic course.

First of all, you should start getting enough sleep. If you establish a daily routine and normalize the schedule, you can eliminate suitable flora for the development of calcification. Next, treatment consists of supporting and strengthening the immune system. To do this, you should take special immunostimulating agents, including complex medications.

All diseases that affect the respiratory tract greatly reduce human immunity. Full recovery will take several months.

To complete treatment, you should limit your consumption of tobacco and alcohol-containing products.

You can use folk remedies. It is enough to mix honey, dried apricots, walnuts and half a lemon to fully prevent the disease. This remedy should be taken before breakfast, one tablespoon at a time.

Calcifications are an accumulation of calcium salts in any organ of the human body. Most often, during the examination, not one, but several such lesions are discovered, and the reason for their appearance has long been known - this is how the body tries to cope with dead tissue that may appear after injury or inflammation. It turns out that calcifications are a kind of defense of the body, when those areas that, over time, as a result of decomposition, can cause enormous harm, are literally packed into such “capsules”.

Lung formations

Most often, calcifications are found in the lungs during x-ray examination. The main reason is previous tuberculosis. In some cases, such a formation may appear without previous tuberculosis, simply as a consequence of contact with mycobacteria.

If a person has good immunity, then the emerging tuberculosis granuloma is quickly limited from healthy tissue and begins to calcify, that is, become covered with layers of calcium salts. This helps to reduce the pathological process to a minimum, and the disease itself will not begin to develop.

Less commonly, deposits can appear with pneumonia, microabscess, or in the presence of cancer. Thus, the human body tries to limit the area pathological process.

If we talk about calcification, then in itself it does not require any treatment. However, it is imperative to find out the cause of this phenomenon and find out whether the person currently has active tuberculosis.

Formations in the prostate

Calcifications in the prostate are a rather rare phenomenon, and their appearance is associated with both the presence of an inflammatory process and circulatory disorders. When transferred venereal diseases or in the presence of chronic prostatitis, these formations are diagnosed much more often.

The main symptoms of the presence of such fractions in the prostate can be considered:

  1. Pain in the groin.
  2. Blood in urine.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Frequent urinary retention.

After diagnostic procedures and productions accurate diagnosis treatment is carried out, which is based on taking antibiotics and courses of physiotherapy. If conservative therapy does not help, then the stones, and this is one of the types of stones, are removed through surgery.

In the kidneys

The reason for the accumulation of calcium in the kidneys is a variety of inflammatory processes in this organ, and the most common is glomerulonephritis. Also, such a pathology can occur after suffering or untreated kidney tuberculosis. When treating, the most important thing is to eliminate the cause of the development of calcification.

Often such accumulations are observed in athletes who eat a large number of squirrel. Moreover, they do not have any symptoms of damage to this organ, and the pathology is detected completely by accident when medical examination during an ultrasound.

The danger of salt deposits in the kidneys is that they can impair normal work these organs. If there is only one calcification, then, as a rule, this condition does not require treatment, but multiple areas may indicate that oncological processes may be beginning to develop in the kidneys, so additional examination is required.

Calcium deposits in the mammary gland

It is impossible to detect these formations in the mammary gland by palpation, but they are clearly visible during a study such as mammography. The presence of calcifications is not always a suspicion of a malignant tumor, but rather the opposite - in 80% of all cases, these formations indicate the presence of a benign tumor process.

If this is so, then these areas themselves are not treated in any way, and treatment is carried out only for the identified tumor formation. However, it also happens that diagnosed single calcifications are not a sign of a breast tumor, which is simply not found during further diagnosis.

In some cases, diseases may be diagnosed that lead to calcium deposits in the soft tissues, most often this fibrocystic mastopathy and various adenoses. The calcifications themselves are never removed using surgical intervention, however, it is worth remembering that such formations can also appear in the area of ​​other organs.

Calcium deposits in the aorta

Such a well-known disease as atherosclerosis is actually calcinosis, because atherosclerotic plaques contain only calcium. They can occur both in the vessels of the heart and in the arteries that supply the brain. The main reasons for this phenomenon can be considered:

  1. Leaching calcium from bones.
  2. Increased calcium levels in the blood.
  3. Stress.
  4. Bad habits.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Obesity.
  7. Wrong diet.
  8. Physical inactivity.

As for treatment, this disease is easier to prevent than to cure, since such plaques cannot be removed using conservative therapy. Only surgery to replace the affected area of ​​the vessel can help here.

To prevent this pathology, it is necessary to donate blood once a year for calcium content, and if its amount is elevated, then it is necessary to take Urgent measures in order to reduce general content this element.

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Lung calcifications are the term for the accumulation of calcium deposits in tissues. They are a consequence of inflammatory phenomena and indicate reflection by the immune system infectious agents, negatively affecting the body. Determining the causes ​of​ ​and​ ​treatment​ ​calcification​ ​in​ ​the lungs is necessary in order to prevent recurrence of the pathological process and structural changes organs.

Calcifications​ ​and​ ​their​ ​danger

Calcifications in the lungs are represented by modified alveoli, enclosed in a durable shell consisting of calcium salts. Such areas of “dead” tissue are formed as a result of the immune system suppressing an infection.

The causes of calcium formations are various inflammatory conditions, usually undertreated and “muffled” by the body, when the acute course of the pathology becomes chronic. Calcifications most often occur in the lungs during tuberculosis when protective forces resist its mycobacteria. The formation of lime deposits is also possible in other human organs (kidneys, liver, etc.).

The mechanism of formation of calcifications in tuberculosis is as follows: when mycobacteria enters the body, a tuberculous granuloma is formed in the lungs. The immune system actively trying to neutralize her. In the middle of the inflammatory focus, connective tissue replaces dead alveoli. To limit this pathological area from healthy tissues, a shell of immune cells (epithelioid, macrophages, lymphocytes) is formed around it. Over time (several years), it becomes saturated with calcium salts, forming a dense capsule.

Multiple​ ​calcifications​ ​in​ ​the lungs indicate frequent contact with a patient with tuberculosis.

For other pathological conditions The formation of calcium formation occurs in a similar way. In some cases, it is a congenital pathology.

When calcification is detected in the lungs of infants, an examination is carried out for the presence of an inflammatory process. In its absence, the pathology tends to resolve over time. If calcifications in the roots of the lungs are detected on x-ray in preschool and school age(if the size of the Mantoux test papules exceeds), primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is suspected, which requires appropriate therapy.

Often, the detection of calcification in the lungs on fluorography occurs by chance, during preventive examinations.

However, many patients find it difficult to compare the finding with past inflammatory phenomena due to the duration of the calcification process. The question arises about the treatment of calcification ​in​ ​the lungs, ​is it​ ​dangerous. To answer, the doctor evaluates the degree of damage and changes in the structure of the organ.

The danger of calcifications lies in the following effects on the body:

  • The affected area cannot be a full participant in the gas exchange process, and the tissues experience oxygen starvation.
  • Large calcifications with a large area provoke severe lung dysfunction.
  • Inside the calcium capsule may be present pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause a relapse of the disease, since it becomes difficult for the immune forces to fight them in the affected area.
  • Weakening of the protective abilities of the body, which is in tension, waiting for reinfection, it becomes increasingly difficult for it to endure the effects of infectious agents.

Reasons​ ​appearance

The causes of ​the formation of​ ​calcifications​ ​in​ ​the lungs are mainly associated with a previous inflammatory disease. These include:

On initial stages There are no clinical manifestations of the disease. With single calcifications unpleasant symptoms associated with colds. Patients usually do not take these symptoms into account.

With small calcifications in the lungs, pronounced clinical manifestations are also not observed. The larger the affected area, the more severe the symptoms. If, with a small prevalence of the process, there are mild manifestations of inflammation and malaise, then with a significant degree of tissue structure disruption, pronounced lung dysfunction is observed.

Symptoms of the pathology include:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness, irritability, apathy, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite;
  • hyperhidrosis, mainly at night;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • tachycardia, shortness of breath with minimal physical exertion;
  • sensations of lack of air, congestion, bloating, heaviness, pain in the chest area;
  • increased frequency of breathing;
  • with multiple calcifications, vomiting is possible;
  • an increase in the size of lymph nodes (with oncology, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • change in skin color (cyanosis), shape of fingers (“ Drumsticks"), nails ("watch glasses") due to oxygen starvation fabrics.


Often, calcifications in the lungs are an incidental finding during a routine fluorographic examination. In the picture, the formation is represented by a rounded shadow against the background of normal pale lung tissue. In this case, the density of deposits is similar to bone, it is possible diagnostic error when taking calcinate for callus ribs

Formations are determined by various sizes (small, medium), there may be several of them. If there are no other changes in the structure of the lungs (foci of tuberculosis), the radiologist’s conclusion determines the diagnosis of “Petrification in the lungs,” which requires further examination by a phthisiatrician.

If calcification​ ​in​ ​lymph nodes​ ​of the lungs is detected, it means that the patient (usually in childhood) suffered intrathoracic tuberculosis lymph nodes. This finding is often accidental and does not pose a danger to human health.

Diagnostic measures are aimed at identifying the causes of the formation of calcifications and differentiating them from other pathologies (oncology, helminthic infestation And so on). For this purpose they are appointed additional methods patient examinations:

  • tuberculin test;
  • CT scan to clarify the diagnosis of calcifications in the lungs;
  • laboratory tests of sputum, feces, blood for helminthic infestation, general tests blood and urine, biochemistry;
  • bronchoscopy with collection of biomaterial.

The risk group for the occurrence of pathology includes:

  • HIV-infected;
  • persons in contact with patients open form tuberculosis;
  • smokers;
  • diabetic patients;
  • social workers;
  • people taking immunosuppressive therapy.


How to get rid of calcifications in the lungs directly depends on the reason for their formation. In each individual case, therapy is prescribed individually, based on the patient’s medical history and examination data. Typically, active treatment of the pathology is not required.

Therapy consists, first of all, of monitoring, controlling formations, their number, size, preventing and preventing inflammatory processes, and maintaining immunity. If calcification parameters are stable and there are no negative dynamics, therapeutic measures are not required.

Intensive treatment is carried out in case of detection of structural changes in the lung tissue, expressed clinical manifestations. Based on the cause of the pathology, the appropriate drug therapy(anti-cancer, anti-tuberculosis, etc.).

Surgical intervention is used in rare cases, with impressive size of the formations. Crushing calcifications is impractical, since it is impossible to remove decomposition products from them. Spontaneous resorption of formations over time is often observed.

When correcting metabolic disorders that caused the development of calcifications, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • Problems with calcium absorption arise from a lack of vitamins A, E, C, and excess vitamin D.
  • Calcium supplements should be used as prescribed by a doctor to avoid worsening the situation. It is recommended to drink additional water with lemon juice- this improves the metabolism of the mineral.
  • To stabilize metabolic processes, the diet must contain protein products, as a source of amino acids that transport calcium to cells. Salt intake should be limited.
  • To improve the functioning of the biliary system, it is recommended to use choleretic drugs, it is possible to use folk remedies.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, infrared laser, etc.), massage, and specially designed breathing exercises have a restorative effect on tissue.


If the cause of the appearance of calcifications in the respiratory organ is tuberculosis, or if it is suspected, a phthisiatrician will prescribe preventive therapy anti-tuberculosis drugs (Isoniazid, Rifampicin), immunomodulators (Levamisole). Therapeutic measures take a long time (6-12 months).

Respiratory infections (pneumonia, etc.) are subject to treatment antibacterial agents(Augmentin, Sumamed). If a helminthic infestation is detected, treatment is carried out anthelmintic drugs(Nemozol).

In case of formation of calcifications during oncological pathology, therapy uses chemotherapy, radiation, etc. If metabolic processes are disrupted, medications are prescribed that improve metabolic processes, vitamin complexes, calcium. However, when taking it, you should strictly adhere to the dosage and regimen of taking the drugs.


The drug is presented in the form of tablets, powder, solution for injection, the active ingredient is isoniazid. The main anti-tuberculosis drug. Inhibits mycobacterial DNA synthesis, disrupts cell integrity, and suppresses the production of phospholipids. Indications: all forms and localizations of tuberculosis in children and adults.

Contraindications: epilepsy, seizures, poliomyelitis, renal and hepatic dysfunction, severe atherosclerosis, phlebitis (with intravenous administration).

Side effects: headache, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, euphoria, hepatitis, psychosis, peripheral neuritis, paralysis of the limbs, manifestations of hypersensitivity.


The drug is presented in the form of capsules and ampoules. The active ingredient is rifampicin. The drug has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action and inhibits RNA polymerase. For the treatment of tuberculosis, the effectiveness is comparable to Isoniazid, but is less toxic. Indications: tuberculosis, inflammatory pathologies respiratory organs, osteomyelitis, biliary and urinary tract, gonorrhea, rabies.

Contraindications: infants, pregnancy, urinary dysfunction (decrease), hepatitis, hypersensitivity, cardiopulmonary failure(with intravenous administration).

Side effects: hypersensitivity, dyspepsia, pancreatic and liver dysfunction.


Contraindications: impaired hematopoiesis (fall of leukocytes below 3 billion/l).

Side effects: headache, fever, sleep disturbance, taste, smell, dyspepsia, agranulocytosis, manifestations of hypersensitivity.


Presented in the form of tablets, syrup, dry substance for making a suspension, drops, powder for injection. Active ingredients: amoxicillin, clavulanic acid. The drug has pronounced bacteriolytic properties wide range actions. Indications: infections of the respiratory system, skin, soft tissues, urogenital tract, sepsis, septicemia, peritonitis, postoperative infections.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, severe liver dysfunction, pregnancy.

Side effects: dyspepsia, liver dysfunction, manifestations of hypersensitivity, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, candidiasis.


The drug is presented in the form of tablets, capsules, powder for making a suspension, the active ingredient is azithromycin. Medicine has pronounced bactericidal properties with a wide spectrum of action. Indications: infections of the respiratory system, ENT organs, skin, soft tissues, urogenital tract, scarlet fever, Lyme disease.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, use with caution in severe renal and hepatic dysfunction.

Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, intestinal disorders, increased liver parameters in the blood, manifestations of hypersensitivity.


The drug is presented in the form of tablets and suspensions. The active ingredient is albendazole. It has pronounced anthelmintic properties with a wide spectrum of action. Indications: enterobiasis, ascariasis, toxocariasis, necatoriasis, hookworm disease, trichinosis, strongyloidiasis, taeniasis, giardiasis, echinococcosis, opisthorchiasis, neurocysticercosis, clonorchiasis.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pathologies of the retina, children over 1 year.

Side effects: dyspepsia, abdominal pain, liver dysfunction, intestinal disorder, hematopoietic disorders, increased blood pressure, headache, convulsions, decreased visual acuity, acute renal failure, hypersensitivity.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is used as a complement to the main therapy after mandatory consultation with a doctor. Alternative medicine recipes are aimed at increasing the body's defenses, preventing and preventing inflammatory processes.

Recipe 1

Combine raisins, nuts, dried apricots, honey in equal proportions with lemon juice squeezed from half the fruit. Take 1 tablespoon (for adults) or 1 teaspoon (for children) throughout the day before meals.

Recipe 2

Finely chop and combine dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, black raisins, pollen. Mix the composition thoroughly. Drink 1 tablespoon (for adults) or 1 teaspoon (for children) three times a day during the cold season.

Recipe 3

Grind 1 tablespoon of chicory and motherwort herb, brew 400 milliliters of boiling water in a thermos, leave overnight. Consume the entire volume during the day, and then prepare a new infusion. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Recipe 4

Every day before bed, drink tea from a mixture of herbs and berries: mint, lemon balm, chestnut flowers, viburnum, strawberries, fireweed, cranberries, black currants.

Recipe 5

Used in the treatment of tuberculosis next remedy. Brew 100 grams of dry St. John's wort herb with 500 milliliters of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes, then leave the mixture for an hour. Combine the infusion with 500 grams of aloe, crushed into pulp, with 500 grams of honey, 500 milliliters of dry white wine. Leave for 12 days in the refrigerator. Use 1 teaspoon every hour for 5 days, then in the same volume every 3 hours. The course of therapy is a month.


Calcifications in the lungs require regular monitoring and assessment of the dynamics of the pathology. It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and prevent relapse. TO negative consequences calcifications include their growth and the appearance of new formations, as a result of which the normal functioning of the respiratory organs and the entire body is disrupted.

Among the complications of the condition are:

  • deterioration of health;
  • difficulty breathing, up to the development of respiratory failure;
  • increased risk of developing cancer;
  • the likelihood of developing inflammation, tuberculosis increases (with fibrotic changes in tissues), as the body becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to infectious diseases.


Preventive measures are aimed at stabilizing respiratory function, strengthening the body's defenses, preventing the development of inflammatory diseases and their complications. These include:

  • regular x-ray examination;
  • compliance with hygiene measures (use of individual utensils, personal appliances, etc.);
  • proper rest, sleep;
  • correct and balanced diet, refusal of strict diets with a small amount of fats and vitamins;
  • avoid harmful conditions professional activity;
  • timely and adequate treatment inflammation in the respiratory system;
  • refusal bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol).

When in soft tissues and internal organs deposits of calcium salts are formed, which normally should not be there, this process is called calcification, calcification or calcinosis.

Calcium salts are deposited at the site of destroyed tissues, and therefore appear in areas where there was previously inflammation, in all kinds of diseases, be it oncological process, tuberculosis or something else, i.e., in fact, calcifications replace dead or irreversibly changed cells. In addition, multiple widespread calcifications can form if calcium metabolism in the body is disrupted.

Calcifications can appear in any organs and tissues, and most often they are a symptom of an underlying disease. TO general symptoms signs of calcification itself include chronic inflammation(weakness, fever), poor appetite, sleep disorders (insomnia, daytime sleepiness), neurological disorders(dizziness and headaches, irritability). Local signs manifest themselves depending on which organs and tissues are affected by calcification.

Calcifications in the lungs

Calcification in the lungs usually occurs due to previous tuberculosis. However, in order to acquire calcifications in the lungs, it is not necessary to directly suffer from tuberculosis. They can also occur after contact with Koch's bacillus in childhood. Calcifications are formed as follows: if a person strong immunity, the tuberculous nodule is delimited from healthy tissue, and the place where it is located becomes calcified. In more rare cases, accumulations of calcium salts occur after pneumonia, lung abscesses, and cancer.

Symptoms of pulmonary calcification include rapid shallow breathing (tachypnea), shortness of breath, and cyanosis (blue discoloration of the face, hands, and feet). Shortness of breath can develop at a stage when compensatory mechanisms can no longer cope with the load. The appearance of tachypnea is due to the fact that the body is trying to restore the normal gas composition of the blood, disturbed due to damage to lung tissue. In addition, when long term diseases, “drumsticks” and “watch glasses” are formed: fingers lengthen, nails widen.

In most cases, calcifications in the lungs are detected by chance, during a routine examination. As a rule, the calcifications themselves do not need to be treated. But if they are detected in a person, he needs to undergo a full examination so that the doctor can accurately determine the cause of calcification and make sure that the patient does not have active tuberculosis.

Calcifications in the kidneys

The most pronounced clinical picture calcification has calcification in the kidneys. The volume of urine decreases sharply (as the filtration function of the kidneys is impaired); urinary toxins accumulate in the blood, and as a result, bad smell breath (smell of acetone), and the skin turns yellow. The face and legs swell. Renal edema differs from cardiac edema in that it does not have a blue tint and is not cold to the touch. Signs also develop renal failure(appetite disturbance, sleep disturbance, weakness, dizziness).

In the kidneys, as with damage to other organs, calcification is the result of inflammation. At the top of the list of causes of calcification of areas in the kidneys, as in the case of the lungs, is tuberculosis. Also, calcifications may appear in people who have had pyelonephritis, especially if they have not gone away. full course therapy.

Calcifications in the liver

With liver calcification, pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, because the Glissonian capsule - a thin fibrous membrane covering the surface of the liver - shrinks or, on the contrary, stretches. Varicose veins in the anterior abdominal wall(behind specific type, which acquires the stomach, this manifestation is called the “head of a jellyfish”), the esophagus (this causes bloody vomiting). IN abdominal cavity fluid accumulates, i.e., ascites occurs.

Calcifications in the prostate

The cause of the formation of calcifications in the prostate, in addition to the inflammatory process, may be poor circulation. They also often appear in men who have had sexually transmitted infections or who suffer chronic prostatitis. Sometimes calcification develops if the patient has impaired venous drainage from prostate tissue. In this case, some areas of the prostate gland are compressed by swelling, and they are insufficiently supplied with oxygen. As a result of the action of all of these factors (as well as a number of others), changes appear in the prostate cellular level and, as a consequence, areas of calcification.

If calcium salts accumulate in the prostate gland, less sperm is produced and it becomes thicker. Due to the fact that calcifications block the urethra, urination is impaired. In addition, the secretion of the prostate gland stops, and as a result, erectile dysfunction develops.

Calcifications in other organs

Calcifications in the thyroid gland appear most often with diffuse or nodular goiter, as well as after thyroiditis or hypothyroidism. When it becomes calcified, the amount of thyroid hormones released decreases over time, causing a person to feel weak, drowsy, lethargic (both physical and mental), and constantly cold. His metabolism is disturbed: a person quickly gets fat, even if he eats very moderately. The thyroid gland itself increases in size and looks like a node with many depressions and tubercles.

Calcification of the myocardium can occur in a person who has suffered a heart attack, myo-, endo- or pericarditis. With myocardial calcification, signs of a severe cardiovascular disorder appear: pain in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbances, lips, ears, fingers, tip of the nose turn blue, swelling appears in the legs (at the same time they also turn blue and become cold to the touch).

Calcifications in the breasts may be a sign of cancer. Therefore, a person who has been diagnosed with them urgently needs to undergo a full examination for cancer pathology. But there is no need to panic ahead of time, calcifications in the chest are not only a symptom malignant neoplasm: they can also appear with mastopathy or after mastitis.


Calcification is revealed by radiography. The consistency of calcifications is similar to bone, so they appear on an x-ray as dense, stone-like structures. CT or MRI can not only detect calcifications, but also clarify their size and location, and therefore they are used for a detailed examination. Ultrasound is used not so much to diagnose calcification, but to exclude other pathologies. If calcifications are found in several organs or if no obvious reason calcifications are carried out biochemical analysis blood for calcium levels: hypercalcemia may be the cause, and the doctor should check whether it is present or not. With calcification of organs internal secretion(for example, thyroid or prostate gland) conduct a study of hormone levels. This is necessary in order to find out whether hormone replacement therapy is needed in this case.


When calcifications are detected, the first step is to treat the underlying disease to prevent its progression. But after completing the course of treatment, patients should undergo regular clinical and radiological examinations.

Calcifications are rarely removed surgically: surgery does not eliminate the cause of calcification, but simply helps get rid of the results of its action. Moreover, during the operation, healthy tissues are also damaged, which is why their work is even more disrupted.

If clinical symptoms calcification is obvious, the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy. Which one exactly depends on which organ is affected: if the kidneys, hemodialysis is used (hardware, extra-renal cleansing of the body from toxic metabolic products); if the myocardium, cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic drugs; if it’s the liver, they put in IVs with solutions; if thyroid, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.

There are many reasons for calcification. Therefore some special measures there is no prevention. The main thing that doctors advise is to approach routine examinations responsibly, undergo them and treat them on time inflammatory diseases any organs, if any are found. And, of course, remember that an introductory article will never replace a consultation, examination by a doctor and his instructions. Self-medication with much more likely You can harm your health rather than be cured. If you have any suspicious symptoms, be prudent and consult a doctor.