Nishi katsuzo health system. Katsuzo Nishi System

“Correct posture is the key to excellent health” - the words of the famous Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi. He believed that a person, if he himself wants it, is able to cure all diseases. There is a weighty explanation for this statement - he himself created a healing system, thanks to which he lived a long life.

Today there are many methods of treatment of diseases, recovery. One of these is the Nishi system. Some have already practiced it, others have not even heard of it. Let's find out what the essence of the technique is, how it affects the human body.

We all want to live a long, happy life, and most importantly, we don't want to get sick. The famous Japanese healer K. Nishi believed that only through his own efforts a person can overcome all difficulties, always be healthy, which happened to him. As a child, he was given a disappointing diagnosis, the doctors said that he would live at most until he was 20 years old, they shrugged, saying that there was no way to cure.

Nishi was a weak, sickly child. The doctors diagnosed him with intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung. After the examination, the doctor issued a verdict: “Unfortunately, this child is not allowed to reach the age of 20 years.” As a child, he did not want fancy toys like his peers, he craved health.

Diseases did not leave Nisha either in childhood or in adolescence. They did not allow him to live normally, did not allow him to get the profession of an engineer. Katsuzo realized that he could not achieve anything in life if he did not take care of his health.

He applied various methods of treatment, recovery, followed the recommendations of Fletcher, the author of the nutrition system, thanks to which he managed to lose weight, and then get rich and become famous all over the world, studied Sinclair's works on hunger therapy.

As a result, Nishi managed to develop his own method of healing. She didn't show up right away. The healer gradually improved his methods, selected the best from what was already known to mankind. He called the technique of K. Nishi - Health System. It was made public when he was 44 years old (the average life expectancy of a Japanese of those times).

Many years passed, Nisha, who was predicted to die early, thanks to the desire to live, as well as faith, and then the author's technique, managed to maintain his health.

Description of the wellness system Nishi

The Katsuzo Nishi system is not a simple set of exercises, rules. It is a way of life that develops a habit according to the laws of nature. The author did not accidentally call it a system. Here you can not give preference to one rule, everything is interconnected in the system, just like in the human body.

The technique does not cure diseases, it contributes to the creation of health. The system considers a person as an indivisible whole. The merit of the healer is that from a huge number of materials he was able to choose the most important, and then combined the selected basics into a system that can be applied to absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age category. The teachings of philosophers, ancient healers, various literature related to health - ancient Greek, Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine - sources, in general, there were more than 70 thousand copies.

Nishi's theory was first published in 1927, and in 1936 the first book in English was published. Today there is an institute in Tokyo that works on the principles of Nishi's health. The system has been tested by practice and time. Thanks to the technique, many people got rid of terrible diseases, improved their health.

The system contributes to the prolongation of youth, it gives a chance to enjoy life, helps to resist difficult conditions, fight ailments, stress. This is a kind of teaching about the observance of the laws of life and nature. A person who observes these laws, in return receives the most valuable gift - health.

The technique is now available in different languages, there are many books, teachings that are based on the Katsuzo Nishi healing system. There are many followers who, just like Nishi in his time, got rid of incurable diseases with the help of a healing system. Maya Gogulan is a strong woman who followed in the footsteps of Nisha and, thanks to the technique of a Japanese healer, defeated cancer.

Before getting familiar with the methodology

From childhood, we are taught to keep our posture: at school at the desk, at home at the table. And it's not in vain. When a person slouches, this leads to weakening of the muscles and ligaments. After sitting all day at the computer, by the end of the day there is fatigue, back pain.

The recovery method provides for the formation of the correct posture with the help of special exercises, as well as swimming, a healthy diet, rest, sleeping on a hard bed and pillow. Thanks to gymnastics, the spine will gain flexibility, and thanks to proper nutrition - a building material, it will become stronger, posture will be formed.

The diet should be enriched with food sources of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. You should also take care that, in addition to these elements, vitamins A, C, D regularly enter the body - they are most important for the spinal column.

K. Nishi's health rules

Compliance with all six rules, regular exercise will help in promoting health, therapy and prevention of various ailments.

Rule 1 - a hard bed

Sleeping on featherbeds, soft mattresses, sofas is a pleasure. Do you know how a person pays for such pleasure? - Health. The spine is the backbone of life. Even its minimal curvature leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems. That is why it is so important to maintain correct posture. You must always pull the crown up. Eradicate the habit of sitting hunched over, remember this causes great damage to the internal organs, and to health in general. Sleep on the right pillow, more in this video:

Correct posture has a number of benefits:

  • exclusion of load on the spine;
  • normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • , as well as selections.

But this will not be achieved if you continue to sleep on a soft bed. Here is what the healer said about this: “To develop the habit of correct posture, there is no better remedy than to correct the disorders that occur in the spine by sleeping on a hard bed. If a lover of sleeping on a soft mattress allows his nerves to atrophy and then become paralyzed, then ailments will come to him without an invitation.

Rule 2 - rest, sleep on a hard pillow or cushion

Thanks to sleeping on a firm pillow, the vertebrae of the cervical spine are in their natural position. Rest on a downy soft pillow leads to the deflection of the vertebrae. As a result, due to constant comfortable sleep, the work of internal organs deteriorates, and pain in the back and neck is noted.

This rule also affects the nasal septum, and due to its poor condition, various diseases, increased irritability, and dizziness are noted.

In Japan, they say that a crooked neck is a sign of a short life. Katsuzo suggests sleeping on a hard cushion-roller in such a way that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae literally rest on it.

Rule 3 - the goldfish exercise

This exercise helps to cure scoliosis, correct the curvature of the spinal column, eliminate nerve strain, normalize blood circulation, coordinate the sympathetic, parasympathetic NS,.

It is performed simply.

  1. Lie straight on a flat bed
  2. Pull the fingers of the lower extremities towards the body.
  3. Place both hands under your neck, cross your fingers at the 4th or 5th cervical vertebrae.
  4. Wriggle your whole body in this position for one to two minutes twice a day - in the morning, in the evening.

Rule 4 - exercise for capillaries

This exercise helps in stimulating capillaries in organs, normalizing blood circulation, movement, renewing lymphatic fluid, and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Lie straight on your back, put a roller under your head. Stretch the upper and lower limbs vertically upwards, and then begin to vibrate them. Perform every day - in the morning, in the evening, for two minutes.

Even newborns who are not yet able to roll over on their side can cope with this exercise. At the sight of mom, dad, they rejoice, pull their arms, legs, shake them.

Rule 5 - closing hands, feet

Exercise helps to coordinate the functions of the nerves, muscles of the trunk and limbs, as well as the abdomen, thighs, groin. When carrying a fetus, it contributes to the normal development, growth of the baby, correcting its incorrect position.

  1. Lying on your back, on a hard cushion, place your hands on your chest.
  2. Open your palms, connect the fingertips of both hands.
  3. Press them against each other, then relax (repeat several times).
  4. Move your hands forward, then back (fingertips are still closed).
  5. Close your palms in front of your chest.
  1. In the starting position (lying on your back), lift your legs up above your body, connect your feet, and spread your knees as wide as possible.
  2. At the same time, raise your closed arms and legs, then lower them. Perform 10-60 times.
  3. Rest in the original posture, then meditate for two minutes.
  4. Do the exercise in the morning and in the evening.

Rule 6 - for the abdomen and spinal column

This exercise helps in coordinating the functioning of the sympathetic, parasympathetic NS, regulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

  1. Preparatory stage:
  • sit on a chair, raise and then lower your shoulders (do ten times);
  • tilt your head first to the right, then to the left (repeat ten times);
  • do tilts to the right-backward, left-forward (ten times in each direction);
  • stretching your arms in front of you, turn your head to the right, then to the left (once);
  • raising your hands up, turn your head first to the left, then to the right (once);
  • lowering your arms to shoulder level, bend them at the elbows;
  • take your elbows as far as possible, behind your back, while pulling your chin up.
  1. Main part:
  • after the preparatory stage, relax, put your palms on your knees;
  • swing the torso to the right, then to the left, while engaging the stomach;
  • do the exercise for ten minutes, every day, morning and evening.

While doing the exercise, say "Every day I get better." Self-hypnosis has a beneficial effect on both the mind and the body, it turns bad into good, and good into better.

M. Gogulan - a follower of the healer Nisha

“Health is the greatest capital” - the words of Maya Gogulan, a woman who followed the example of a Japanese healer and got rid of. She wrote a lot of books, works: "Say goodbye to diseases", "Laws of health", "You can not get sick." In his writings, M. Gogulan shares the secrets of his healing.

This man has gone through a lot of hardships. But in the end, she not only defeated cancer, but also improved her health. At 84, she looks energetic and young.

When the diagnosis sounds like a sentence, a person either gives up or begins an active fight against the disease. When Maya Feodorovna faced a malignant tumor, she not only defended her right to life, but also gave hope to thousands of the same doomed. Her writings, especially Say Goodbye to Illness, help in the healing of even incurable ailments.

This effective and simple system of healing and healing was created in the 20th century by the Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi. The Katsuzo Nishi System quickly helps to restore mental and physical health!

Katsuzo Nishi lived for 59 years, despite the fact that doctors predicted his death before the age of 20 and were sure that he would not live longer than this period.

The Katsuzo Nishi system does not require additional equipment, skills and a lot of time, anyone can do it.

These exercises help to heal the body, restore physical and mental health. The Katsuzo Nishi system itself includes 6 rules, 4 of which are exercises, and 2 rules relate to healthy sleep.

Health rules according to the Katsuzo Nishi system

1 rule - "Solid bed"

Katsuzo Nishi believed that basically health depends on a straight spine¹, so he said that a person should sleep on the floor or boards, that is, on a flat and hard surface.

When we sleep on a featherbed, mattress or sofa, we are not even aware of what our spine is experiencing. The soft bed "adjusts" to the spine, and the whole body presses on it in the places of bends. As a result of such a rest, the spine experiences enormous loads that harm our health.

When we sleep on a solid foundation, the vertebrae are located most favorably, the spine does not "sag" in unnecessary places, on the contrary, it aligns naturally. Sleeping on a hard floor promotes healing and has a good effect on all internal organs.

Rule 2 - "Solid pillow-roller"

A very important role for the favorable position of the vertebrae during sleep is also played by a hard pillow-roller, which is placed under the neck to align the cervical vertebrae.

The pillow-roller is half a cylinder, cut in height, it can be made by yourself, having the right tools.

Exercises on the Katsuzo Nishi system

Exercise "Goldfish"

"Goldfish" is a very effective exercise that helps to normalize many processes in the body, in particular the process of digestion.

The exercise is performed in the supine position.

First you need to put your hands under the neck, the feet should be brought together and perpendicular to the body, the surface should be flat. The exercise consists in the fact that from the middle of the body to the feet you need to make vibrating movements of the body, while you must try to keep your head and arms motionless.

Exercise for capillaries

This is a very simple but effective exercise. It allows you to significantly improve blood circulation, and, thereby, normalize many processes in the body. It is quite simple to perform it: lying on your back, you need to raise your arms and legs up and make vibrating movements.

Clenching hands and feet

This exercise not only improves physical health, but also increases a person's energy².

In the prone position, you need to close your palms and hold them in front of your chest so that the tips of your index fingers rest on your chin. You also need to close your feet, bending your knees. It is advisable to perform the exercise with your eyes closed.

Exercises for the back and abdomen

These exercises are performed in the lotus position³.

1. Raise and lower your shoulders to the limit 10 times.

2. Turn your head back, trying to see the coccyx, hands should be extended forward during the exercise.

3. Sharply tilt your head to the left and right 10 times (only the head should bend, the upper body remains motionless).

4. Tilt your head 10 times to the limit forward, then 10 times back.

5. Tilt your head to the right to the limit, and then slowly return it back. Run 10 times to the right, then 10 times to the left.

6. Raise your hands up with clenched fists. Then sharply bend them so that the elbow and shoulder create a line parallel to the floor. At the same time, you need to throw your head back. In this position, count to seven and sharply take your elbows back, pulling your chin up. Repeat 10 times.

7. In a position with a straight back, begin to slowly sway from side to side, while moving the stomach. During the exercise, you should repeat: "I feel good, but it will be even better." Run 10 minutes.

Petr Andreev

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ With a curvature of the spine, the system of exercises that you will find in the article will be useful:

³ The lotus position is one of the main relaxing asanas in yoga (

Currently, more and more people are becoming victims of civilization. Violation of the connection between man and nature leads to moral exhaustion. In addition, many people are accustomed to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes problems in the functioning of all organs and systems. The spine is especially susceptible to negative effects. To restore his work and improve the body, you can use Nisha's gymnastics.

Description of Katsuzo Nishi Health Systems

The healing technique of the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi is becoming more and more popular today. Although this man did not have a medical education, the state of his own health prompted him to look for methods that would help to cope not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate its causes.

Having studied the philosophical teachings of many countries, Nishi concluded that human organs should be considered in close relationship with each other. This system does not recognize the use of drugs.

The value of this technique lies in the combination of a solid systematic approach to the treatment of many diseases with affordable wellness procedures that are quite suitable for the elderly and children.

Nishi considers problems in the spine to be the main cause of pathologies. Therefore, in order to normalize the state of the body, it should be performed. Moreover, this system helps to eliminate most problems, including intervertebral hernia.

Great importance in the technique is given to peripheral blood circulation. The Japanese believes that the basis of any pathology are violations in the work of capillaries. The doctor offers simple ways to renew blood vessels. This will help vibration exercises, as well as air baths.

An important component of the health system is proper nutrition, because it is it that should give energy to the cells. Breathing exercises are also important.

Also, the cause of chronic pathologies is the decline of mental strength. In a depressed state, a person experiences fatigue and emptiness, as a result, interest in life disappears.

Golden Rules of Health by Nishi and Exercise

The Japanese technique is based on six rules. Exercise should be done naked. Thanks to this, skin respiration is stimulated, and the body is cleansed of toxins.

Hard bed. As the body ages, the muscle tissue that holds the vertebrae loses its tone. As a result, blood vessels and nerves are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed. Sleeping on a firm bed helps to properly distribute body weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to relax the muscles and eliminate the curvature.

Firm pillow. The use of a soft pillow provokes a dislocation of the vertebrae, which causes inflammation in the joints. As a result, the neck loses its mobility, as well as pain in the back of the head.
A solid pillow normalizes the condition of the spine, with its help it is possible to restore the functioning of the nasal septum, to ensure normal cerebral circulation, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is recommended to choose a pillow-roller.

"Gold fish". It should be done daily - in the mornings and evenings. Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve posture and cope with curvatures of the spine, improve the functioning of the intestines, stabilize the state of the nervous system, and improve blood circulation.

To do the exercise, you need:

  1. lie down, it is important that the surface is firm;
  2. straighten the limbs, feet should be on the heel;
  3. stretch out to stretch the spine in all directions;
  4. place the palms under the neck, connect the legs, and pull their fingers to the face as much as possible, and then vibrate with the whole torso.

Exercise for capillaries.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve the functioning of capillaries and provide tissues with nutrients. To do this, lie on your back, place the roller under your neck; raise the limbs up, the feet should be parallel to the floor; Shake your limbs for one to three minutes.

This exercise can replace jogging, but it eliminates the stress on the joints and the heart, and it is these contraindications that many people have.

Closing of hands and feet. Contributes to the normalization of coordination of movements and a significant improvement in the condition of the spine:

  1. lie on your back, place a roller under your neck, connect your feet and palms, and spread your knees to the sides;
  2. press the fingertips, then do it with the palms;
  3. put outstretched hands behind the head and hold or to the waist, place the fingers in the direction of the head;
  4. turn your hands to the feet and make a movement in the direction from the groin to the navel;
  5. extend the joined hands far and hold them over the body;
  6. put your hands over the solar plexus;
  7. move forward and backward with your palms.

Gymnastics for the abdomen and back.

With its help, you can improve the functioning of the intestines and stabilize the nervous system. First you need to kneel down, place the pelvis on your heels, straighten your back and make such movements - raise and lower your shoulders, tilt your head in all directions. Then tilt your head to the right side, and then gradually, stretching your neck, as if to roll it to the spine. Raise your arms, then bend them, and clench your hands into a fist. Tilt your head back, then take your elbows back, and stretch your chin to the ceiling.

Gymnastics Nishi is a real way to improve your body and cope with the pathologies of internal organs. The main thing is to clearly follow all the recommendations and systematically do the exercises.

Video: niche gymnastics for beginners from Maya Gogulan

Maya Gogulan shares her own experience of getting rid of cancer with the help of Nishi's gymnastics. Regular exercise and compliance with the rules of this technique will significantly improve your health. How to properly perform exercises and improve your body, look at the video:

Video: Nishi's Japanese gymnastics according to Sholokhov

Vladimir Sholokhov describes in detail the rules for performing Nishi Japanese gymnastics, which can radically change your life. Exercises are recommended to be performed in the morning at dawn. If you can only do gymnastics in the evenings, this should be done sparingly. To understand how to properly engage in this system, watch the video.

Katsuzo Nishi was the lead technical engineer for Japan's first subway project. At a certain stage, life forced this man to come to grips with his health and fight for it. Through the study of aikido and many preventive and healing theories, in 1927 Nishi formulated his 6 "golden" rules of health. His system is based on actions and exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. As a result of his search, Nishi came to the conclusion that a healthy spine is the basis of a healthy body. According to this Japanese, good posture is the key to the correct functioning of all major human systems and organs.

The site also offers its readers to get acquainted with the healthy lifestyle system of Katsuzo Nishi and the 6 "golden" rules that it consists of.

Rule 1. Hard bed.

Nishi urged all his followers to precede going to bed with a walk in the fresh air, and to indulge in sleep itself only lying on a hard bed. Thanks to this approach, the spine will get the opportunity to get rid of the clamps and completely relax overnight. Today, following this advice from the Japanese, it is not at all necessary to sleep on the boards; for the health of the spine, it is quite enough to purchase a good orthopedic mattress.

Rule 2. A roller instead of a pillow.

Roller Nishi recommended putting instead of a pillow during rest and sleep in the area between the head and neck. Thanks to such a simple measure, the quality of sleep will improve significantly and the tightness of the nerve endings in the cervical spine will completely go away.

Rule 3. Exercise "Goldfish" in the morning and in the evening.

This amazingly simple yet powerful exercise is based on vibrating movements. First, a little warm-up. We lie down on our back, we place straight arms along the head. We press the popliteal space to the floor, we feed the feet on ourselves and alternately pull the right and left heels forward, stretching the spine. Make several of these movements.

After such a preliminary stretch, we proceed to the “Goldfish” exercise itself. To perform it, it is recommended to place a small roller wound from a bath towel under the neck. Bend your arms at the elbows and place your palms under the lower occipital part of the head, move your feet towards yourself and start vibrating movements left and right from your toes. Vibration is instantly transmitted to the whole body. You seem to be shaking, making movements of small amplitude in a horizontal plane left and right. The main mistake during the performance of the "Goldfish" is that some try to make vibrations with the body up and down. It is not right! You need to swing right and left. Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration of your oscillations up to 2 minutes. Exercise perfectly relaxes the spine, eliminating all spasms and clamps.

After that, rest for 10 minutes, bending your knees and connecting your feet together. Bend your arms at the elbows and join your palms at the solar plexus.

It is very important that the Goldfish exercise is performed in warm temperatures and without drafts, otherwise, when you are cold, the muscles will not be able to relax properly. "Goldfish" is recommended to be performed both in the morning and in the evening. However, keep in mind that after sleep it is easier to achieve maximum muscle relaxation and the effect of the practice will be better. In the evening, before the Goldfish classes, it is recommended to take a warm shower, lie down with your eyes closed, relax and disconnect from the daily chores, and only then proceed to the exercise.
The vibrations of the "Goldfish" are suitable for any age and help to recover from injuries as soon as possible, release nerve clamps, normalize blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, stabilize the nervous system, improve the functioning of internal organs, improve digestion, the activity of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system .

Rule 4. Exercise to activate capillary circulation.

This exercise, like the "Goldfish", is based on vibrating movements. It is performed in the same way, lying on your back with a roller under your neck. This time you have to raise your arms and legs up, slightly bending them at the elbows and knees, respectively. Vibration to the right-left again start with the toes. Shaking is easily transmitted to all other parts of the body. Make oscillatory movements for 1 minute. In total, we have 3 approaches to this exercise.

Exercise is an active prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular varicose veins.

Rest in the position we took after doing the Goldfish exercise and do two more sets.
Finally, rest for 3-5 minutes in Savasana with arms and legs straight on the floor.

Don't stand up too fast. First roll over to your right side, bend your knees and pull them to your chest, place your head on the lower arm extended along the head.

After this, slowly sit on the floor and cross your legs in front of you in Turkish Pose or Lotus Pose.

Rule 5. Exercise for closing the feet and hands.

As a warm-up before doing this exercise, lie down on the floor, bend your knees and knead your feet. Bend your arms at the elbows, close the pads of the fingers of the same name in the solar plexus area, point your fingers up. Press them against each other 10 times.

Now alternate straightening your arms at the elbows with bending them 10 times. Lift your shoulders off the floor and return them to the starting position.

Then stretch your arms above your head, touching the floor with fingers closed to each other and return to the level of the solar plexus, bending at the elbows. 10 reps.

Now we will make a “pendulum” with our hands - alternate the movement of straight arms up and lowering them down to the legs.

It's time to turn on the footwork. They can slide on the floor, slightly straightening at the knees, or they can be lifted off the floor.

The latter option is only suitable if the lower back is completely healthy.

We connect the movements of the arms and legs: we straighten the arms up, and the legs simultaneously move down.

Then we lower our palms to the area of ​​​​the solar plexus and at the same time bend our legs more at the knees.

Start with 4-5 repetitions, gradually increase to 10 repetitions.

Then gently bring your knees together and pull them towards your chest. Rest in this position for half a minute.

The exercise for closing the feet and hands improves the coordination of the left and right parts of the body. In alternative medicine, such practices are often recommended as part of a rehabilitation program for injuries and neurological disorders.

Rule 6. A set of exercises for the spine and abdomen.

This complex can be performed sitting on a chair, or you can sit on the floor, cross-legged in the Turkish pose or Lotus Pose. Keep your back straight, pull in your stomach, stretch the top of your head up, you can close your eyes.

1. Raise your shoulders up, then down. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we will do an intermediate exercise. Straighten your arms in front of you, palms "look" forward. Turn your head to one side - look over your shoulder down. Then turn your head to the other side and look down over the other shoulder.

Now we raise our hands up, slightly bending at the elbows and again perform similar head turns, as in the previous exercise.

2. Gently tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Perform an intermediate exercise with head turns, as after lifting the shoulders.

3. Tilt your head forward, then tilt back. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Repeat the intermediate exercise described above.

If you feel that your back is tired, stretch forward, taking an emphasis on the floor with straight arms.

Straighten up and turn the body to the right, look over the right shoulder. Straighten up. Perform the same turn of the body and head to the left.

4. Turn your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we spread straight arms to the sides, bend at the elbows, palms look forward.

On the exhale, we connect the elbows, round the lower back, tilt the head forward.

On inspiration, we spread our elbows to the sides, throw our head back, stretch our chin up. We fix the pose for 7 seconds. We repeat the whole bunch 10 times.

That's all.

Using these 6 "golden" rules of health, Nishi and his followers achieved healing from many diseases, found the joy of life and felt it again. Many of Nishi's principles, including his "Goldfish" exercise, were included in the aikido training program, which this Japanese teacher was at one time. It remains for us to simply take this valuable work into service and make sure from our own experience of the effectiveness of the proposed program.

In the photo - Tatyana Kisil

The rules for maintaining health from the Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi will help you get back on your feet with any illness. And the use of special exercises will prevent the appearance of many problems.

Over the past few decades, world medicine has made more than one breakthrough, finding ways to treat many diseases that affect the human body. But a considerable number of previously unknown diseases were also discovered, which doctors are still not able to cure. Increasingly, patients are recommended folk recipes, as well as methods of alternative, oriental medicine. Hundreds of different techniques have a single basis - the human body is capable of self-healing, the body, spirit and soul are inextricably linked, and everything that is required for a full existence and health can be found in wildlife. The system of recovery according to Nishi is also based on these statements.

Katsuzo Nishi, a Japanese healer, had been very ill since childhood. Doctors did not give him even 20 years of life. However, the desire to gain absolute health and a firm decision to achieve the goal helped the young man defeat his death sentence. The body healing system developed by Katsuzo has been giving positive results to many people around the world for many years. Like all ingenious, it is quite simple and accessible to anyone.

System Basics

The whole mechanism of the body healing system according to Katsuzo Nishi is based on four elements:

  • psyche and emotions - a positive attitude, self-control lead to health;
  • food - able to cleanse and heal, as well as clog and kill;
  • skin - a protective case of the body, a respiratory and cleansing organ;
  • legs are the bodily support.

The principles of health proposed by Katsuzo Nishi will be useful not only for the sick. This is a complete and effective prevention of many diseases of the human body. It's no secret that many diseases are associated with nerves, spine and blood composition, so it is important to monitor their condition.

Katsuzo Nishi System

As Katsuzo Nishi argued, all diseases have a single root - the alienation of man from wildlife and the conduct of an increasingly unnatural, too technical and synthetic lifestyle. He deduced a set of rules that compensated for environmental conditions, capable of restoring and maintaining the health of the body.

Health rules:

There are a few more points in the above list, which it would be right to talk about separately. They are called "Six Golden Rules of Katsuzo Nishi for Healing" and directly affect the state of blood vessels, blood and spine.

golden rules

The Japanese healer recommended healing the body with the help of healthy sleep, as well as some exercises that improve the condition of the spine and blood flow, which should be repeated twice a day.

No. 1 hard bed

Even the slightest displacement of the vertebrae can lead to sad consequences and many diseases of all systems of the human body. Nerve endings are compressed, intervertebral discs are deformed. Compression of the vessels by the vertebrae disrupts the blood supply to the internal organs. Laying down on soft feather beds, a person only exacerbates this situation. In order to relax the spine, return it to its original position, eliminate the consequences of stress and sedentary work, it is important to properly equip a place for a night's sleep.

According to the Niche system, the bed should be flat and firm, without a soft spring mattress and a bunch of pillows. You need to lie on your back so that the spine can stretch out, correct subluxations on your own, normalize blood flow, give a person the necessary healing of blood vessels, spine and the whole body.

The advantages of such a bed include a full sleep and a restored nervous system, cleansing of blood vessels and free movement of blood, normalization of the intestines and other internal organs. Gradually, a complete recovery of the body will come.

No. 2 hard pillow


Recovery according to the Katsuzo Nishi system offers special gymnastics. Lying on a hard surface, using a neck roller, raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the floor. Do not pull the feet, leave in a natural state. Begin to vibrate lightly with all limbs, shaking for 2 minutes. Simultaneously with this movement, you should turn your feet outward and inward.

If it is difficult to immediately keep your legs straight, you can start lifting them bent at the knees. But as you practice, you should strive to stretch and keep all limbs straight.

No. 5 connect palms and feet

The diaphragm in the human body performs part of the task of the heart - it pushes blood. Interacting with the respiratory rhythm, it produces pressure on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the work of the lymphatic and blood vessels.

The connection of the feet and palms trains and gives healing to the diaphragm, normalizes neuromuscular tone. The blood flow is activated, and the main advantage is the improvement of the genital organs of men and women. Practicing such a load regularly, a woman will forget about painful periods, cysts, fibroids, endometritis, and can even be cured of infertility. During pregnancy, this practice has a positive effect on the development of the child, and also facilitates childbirth.


No. 6 strengthening the back and abdomen

This gymnastics stimulates the work of the vessels of the abdominal cavity, improving the movement of blood, the condition and peristalsis of the intestines. Constipation will be eliminated, stagnant feces are removed, thus, the body ceases to be poisoned from the inside and gradually receives healing.


You need to sit on your knees so that the buttocks rest on the heels. You can take a pose in Turkish. Keep the spine extremely straight. Eyes open, lips closed, breathing calm. Preparing the body for gymnastics, you need to stretch your head and arms in different directions several times. Now you need to concentrate, start swinging from left to right, at the same time perform back and forth movements with your stomach. Simultaneously with the rocking process, Nishi recommends saying aloud positive statements about the healing of every cell of your body, proclaiming that life is full of happiness, health, strength and ability to new achievements.

Additional healing methods according to Nishi

Along with the golden rules of healing the body, Katsuzo Nishi also recommends practicing other gymnastic exercises for blood vessels and the spine.

It also makes sense to learn to relax. The relaxation system from Katsuzo Nishi assumes complete immovable calmness of the human body for at least 40 minutes. It is necessary to find the most acceptable position, close your eyes, calm your breathing and not think about anything.

Water procedures can do a lot. With the help of water, you can improve blood vessels, muscles, skin, internal organs, blood, restore all vital functions. Hot and cold baths, contrast showers and douches are of particular benefit.

The Japanese advises to practice and specific running on the spot. More precisely, walking with jumps in a certain sequence.

However, the main guarantor of success in the application of the Katsuzo Nishi body healing system is a positive attitude and self-hypnosis.

Being in harmony with nature and with oneself, a person can accomplish incredible things, and self-healing in the first place. The example of Katsuzo Nishi is a very clear evidence of this. But you should always remember that any system of healing is allowed for use only after consulting a doctor.