I want to learn Russian on the Internet. I learned Russian completely on my own: “It goes faster this way.”

Whatever the reasons that bring a foreigner to our country, the first thing he needs to get comfortable is to master the Russian language.

Even a short stay in Russia will pose significant difficulties for those who do not have at least basic Russian speaking skills. You will have to communicate with sellers in stores and passers-by solely with the help of gestures, because not all Russians speak English well enough, not to mention more specific languages, like Japanese or Chinese. Agree, there is nothing pleasant about such a language barrier. Moreover, when there are options for fairly fast and high-quality learning of the desired language.

Since not every foreigner can afford a Russian language tutor in Yaroslavl, Moscow and other cities, many decide to study on their own. And there really are chances for success, at least if you take the learning process seriously and don’t try to “in one fell swoop” cover all the subtleties of Russian spelling, phonetics and grammar. Learning will be easiest for those whose native language is semantically similar to Russian, but English speakers will have to get used to a number of features, such as the absence of articles, the presence of six cases of declension of words, as well as the specific use of soft and hard consonants. However, nothing is impossible. By following the tips below, you can achieve excellent results in just a couple of weeks:

    Approach the issue of learning systematically: that is, first master the alphabet and phonetics. And only after that move on to memorizing specific words and grammatical rules.

    Try to listen to live speech and read in Russian as much as possible. However, it is not at all necessary to start with classical literature. At first, periodicals and even signs on the street will be enough. This approach will allow you to understand how Russian words sound in real life, since this is not always clear from transcription, especially with regard to stress.

    Communicate in Russian as often as possible, even if your skills colloquial speech leave much to be desired. In any case, it will not be possible to improve them without practice. In addition, this will be an extra chance to find new friends among the local population.

    Try to get a job as a teacher for those who want to learn your native language. Many people need a good tutor in German, French or Spanish. And in this way you can quickly increase your lexicon In russian language. Plus you will receive additional income.

    Classes should be daily - use every free minute to improve your skills. 5-10 minutes two or three times a day are enough to move forward, while long breaks in study are fraught with the fact that the rules and words will be forgotten, and everything will have to start from scratch.

    Don’t despair if Russian grammar doesn’t come right away – gradually, with practice, you will definitely gain an understanding of the general principles.

A truly literate person knows the rules of the language and knows how to apply them, and does not simply rely on intuition. This skill comes through focused study of grammar. shares detailed instructions, how to remember and apply the rules of the Russian language.

How to learn a rule and learn to apply it

Read carefully

Things won't progress if you study while listening to music or with the TV on. Sit in a comfortable place and concentrate on your textbook. Read the rule carefully, paying attention to the highlighted words, examples and diagrams. If the essence of what was written did not fit into your head right away, read the text again.

Think about it

Don’t cram, but try to understand the essence of the rule. Say each point to yourself. Unclear words and formulations can be found in the dictionary. It is also worth retelling the rule in your own words. Look carefully at the examples. They show the effect of the rule in practice.

About writing compound nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are taught by Russian language teacher Victoria Romanova


By comprehending the rule, you start the process of memorization. All that remains is to keep the information in your head. Retelling it out loud will help with this. Memorization is hard - . Learn to reproduce the theme at home, and you can easily repeat it at the board or to yourself when you encounter a spelling problem in the text or a problem with punctuation.

Put it into practice

The ability to write correctly can only be brought to automaticity through practice.After thoughtfully completing the exercises, you will no longer have to pronounce the rule every time. To keep it from fading, periodically return to theory and assignments on this topic.

What else will help you better understand and remember the rules?


Places in the rules where you need to remember a lot of exception words are quickly stored in memory using mnemonic phrases (a way of remembering information using associations). One of these: “I healed the wound and climbed a tree.” This line helps to distinguish between words that are oral speech sound the same. You will find ready-made associations in the book. E. A. Lisovskaya "".

Charts and tables

To collect big rule into one picture, use diagrams or tables. Also look for infographics inAdukar's public page on the Russian language.

It’s also good to learn a language from videos. You will find videos according to all the rules that will be useful on the CT in our service.

Understanding word structure

To apply the rules correctly, you need to see the structure of the word.It is important to understand that the root or suffix contains the spelling. The easiest way to parse a lexeme into morphemes is to select words with the same root.

Definition of part of speech

The spelling often depends on the part of speech to which the word belongs. Learn to clearly distinguish an adverb from a noun with a preposition or an infinitive fromverb in the imperative mood.

Syntactic skills

To use punctuation marks correctly, learn to understand the composition of a sentence and highlight its parts. Correctly constructed circuit non-union proposal, will save you from punctuation errors.

If a student is able to parse a sentence completely, this will help him when putting punctuation marks. The diagram will be useful for proposals with different types communications. You also need to pay attention to the presence of phrases (participial, adverbial), interjections, and addresses.

Svetlana Pashukevich, Russian language teacher

Reading books

Being well-read directly affects literacy. The more times you see a word, the more more likely you will write it correctly. Even commas will fall into place intuitively if you have seen similar constructions in the text more than once.

By following these tips each time, it will become easier for you to remember the rules. The effort is worth it. In return, you get a high score on the CT, time saved on correcting errors in important texts, respect from others and self-esteem.

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04/02/2015: How to learn to speak Russian competently?

If you do not pay attention to this in a timely manner, such pronunciation can become entrenched in the student’s speech for a long time. He sifted through a lot of messages that came through agency feeds, called several ballet specialists, and even talked to the director of the troupe! Of course, the Russian language is very flexible, foreign words, one way or another, penetrate into it, some take root, others do not, however, respect for native language. And this despite the fact that he has long been an adult and a father.

How to speak Russian correctly in Russia is a question that interests not only foreigners, but also the Russian population of our country. This, in particular, is stated by explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. The surprising thing is that your pet will almost immediately try to sing along, and will soon remember those phrases that are repeated all the time. Men also love it when they are listened to, they also demand respect, and for some of them it is also very important to be listened to.

As for timbre, you need to try to speak in a low voice. And of course, you should never get annoyed with a client if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. You will become popular in your work team; competent speech will help you win the attention of your superiors and team and move up the career ladder.

A person who knows how to speak correctly, clearly, convincingly, and beautifully will always achieve what he needs. But, since we're talking about about working moments, we will dwell on them.

“Sorry” has a rival, a strange word - “I apologize.” They are always pleased to hear about how someone can depend on them, in a good way. If you send them instructions and requests in in writing, then the probability of their execution will increase significantly. This is all clear to you special terminology, but not for him. This is inevitable because ownership literary language- a necessary component of education, intelligence, required element status modern man. While they are in a store whose employees know where they can order heating at a good price country house, they must look at the product and be convinced of the advantages of your store, remember it as “good”.

If your financial difficulties wear temporary nature, it will be enough phone call to the bank with a promise to repay the debt in the near future. But it may also happen that the girl’s parents ask for time to discuss the marriage proposal. These will be your initial tasks in learning spoken language. You will understand a lot about yourself by hearing yourself speak and seeing yourself in a communication situation. However, try to make the conversation professional without violating both your rights and the rights of the traffic police inspector.

When expressing your point of view, use as few words as possible. For example: instead of “Oh, we’re late!” So in what way should we men communicate with representatives of the opposite sex so that they would like us in such a way? interesting activity? But there must be moderation in everything. Just listen to what the client asks and tell him about it. This is the whole people. This is his culture, his language. Well, if this is his usual way of speaking, then a lot of work will have to be done here.

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The image of every person depends twenty-five percent on his speech. It doesn’t matter what social status you have, if you want to gain the attention and affection of others, you will have to work at it. For your interlocutor to show interest in you, you must have good diction And grammatically correct speech, you should also pay attention to the voice production.

The ability to conduct a conversation will help in the most unpredictable life situations. Not only your close people, but also your work colleagues will take your opinion into account, your career will skyrocket, you will become an excellent interlocutor with whom it is interesting to talk, and you will be able to easily speak in front of a huge audience.

This skill will also be useful to managers, because, for example, it is easier to find partners for transactions than to keep their attention and interest them in your proposal. And it will help with this proper business conversation.

It’s easy to learn to speak competently; you just need to arm yourself with patience and attention.

Learning to speak competently

1. The first thing you have to do is acquire a pleasant habit - reading, at least 15-20 minutes a day.

Thanks to reading, you will expand your vocabulary, learn to correctly express your thoughts and construct sentences.

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3. There is no need to use words in a conversation whose meaning is unfamiliar to you. Explanatory dictionaries and reference books will help you, thanks to them you will expand your vocabulary, and at the same time pay attention to the stress in some words.

4. Try to increase the conversation time with your interlocutor. But, if you don’t have the opportunity to talk to anyone, I advise you to find a video where the announcer clearly and impeccably pronounces each phrase, and repeat after him. This exercise helps to expand vocabulary and forms correct speech, with intonation pauses.

5. Find someone to talk to with whom you can discuss films, TV programs or books at your leisure.

6. From time to time, record your speech on a voice recorder, so you will be confident that you are on the right course towards excellence. Do not forget to pay attention to the coherence of speech and the length of pauses. Deliberately prolonged pauses impart a certain theatricality to the speech, which immediately repels the interlocutor.

7. Learn to present information correctly and beautifully. A simple exercise will help you with this - “let’s talk about nothing.” Try to describe an object, for example a vase, in literary language for 4-5 minutes, then move on to the next object. Increase the time of exercise every day, and you will not notice how in the near future, in a conversation, you will be able to easily switch to any topic.

8. Forget obscene words, do not use terms that are unclear to your interlocutor. Don't use template phrases.

9. Learn to write sentences correctly, two exercises will help you with this:
1) choose a definition for any word, for example: “joy is...”;
2) write a few words on paper and make sentences from them.

10. Looking in the mirror, tell yourself about the events that happened to you during the day, while controlling your gestures and facial expressions.

And remember, the truest indicator of the level of your achievements will be the listener's reaction to your speech.

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In an effort to master fashionable and prestigious languages ​​- English, German, Chinese - modern young people pay less and less attention to native speech. Some people do not consider this necessary, others rely on text editors, and there are those who are sure that a school course is quite enough for their current activities.

However, employers pay attention to the literacy of documents drawn up, so for many people it is important self-study Russian language. But is it possible to achieve desired result without a tutor?

Here are some tips from teachers:

Start with grammar. Few people have the innate ability to “feel” language. To maneuver freely among the vast majority of rules, it is enough to master textbooks for grades 5-10. It's even easier if you had good grades in school Russian language. In this case, diagrams and humorous pictures-rules, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you “get back into shape.”

Try to use text editors as little as possible. Firstly, they are often wrong, and secondly, they reduce your self-confidence.

Don't relax.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Studying the Russian language on your own requires constant work on yourself, so even when chatting with friends you need to pay attention to spelling and punctuation.

Work on your pronunciation. Incorrect emphasis in words such as “cakes” and “call” during communication will reveal your gaps in education.

Read the classics. This is how you visually remember how certain words are written. At the same time, your choice is huge. An excellent alternative to Dostoevsky’s “boring reading” will be the works of foreign authors translated into Russian. However, before reading, you should ask for reviews about the quality of the translation.

And one more piece of advice. To improve your pronunciation, repeat after the announcers of news programs or programs on cultural channels. This is where you have the best chance of “absorbing” the thoroughbred sound classical Russian language. And if you want to study with us, welcome! There is a lot on the site interesting material For learning Russian language!

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The ability to express oneself competently lies not only in the lexical compatibility of words and the correct placement of stress. It is necessary to learn to highlight the main thing from a large amount of information.

Imagine that you are watching an interesting TV series that your friends have been telling you about so enthusiastically. After the tenth episode, the most interesting part begins, and the producer, as luck would have it, stretched out this moment and hid the climax behind a bunch of unnecessary details. After a few more episodes, you will stop watching and switch to a more informative film.

The same thing happens with speech. Opponents are not interested in hearing a story with a lot of minute details. The story should be concise and logically connected. Boring repels interlocutors and kills interest.

Step #2. Increase your vocabulary

Avoid using words whose meaning you do not understand. It will help to expand the area of ​​​​knowledge in terms of Russian speech Dictionary. If the value is unknown foreign words, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions not only help to express oneself in a variety of ways, but also contribute to joining different segments of the population. After a month of regular practice, you will be able to find mutual language with teachers, dancers and professors. Make it a habit to learn the meaning of 3-4 words a day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the aspects learned.

Eliminate words that do not carry any semantic meaning. These include “not the month of May.” May is a specific period called a month. It cannot be a year or an hour. Also common examples that do not represent separate information are considered to be “step back”, “raise up”, etc.

Step #4. Retell the information received

Psychologists advise standing in front of a mirror and talking to the reflection. Of course, this technique makes sense to try. But there is another way that allows a person to learn literacy. Once a week, gather your friends together (at least 4-5 people) and retell to them the knowledge you have previously acquired. Have you watched an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to present the plot in an interesting, concise manner, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch the audience's reaction. If listeners yawn, lower their eyes, or ask questions that are not related to the topic, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 options: independently analyze what exactly you did wrong, or contact your opponents directly. A common mistake newly minted “retellers” is overuse pronouns instead of calling characters by name.

Step #5. Avoid tautology

A tautology is a figure of speech when a speaker uses words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Such phrases make it difficult to understand, so they should be avoided. An example of a tautology can be considered “oil” or “ similar analogue" Remember, this rule is fundamental to competent speech.

To learn how to select appropriate words, you can watch announcers on radio or TV, and then analyze their mistakes. People who have a main job should take a closer look at the remote activity of writing articles. Copywriting forces you to select words that are identical in meaning but different in pronunciation.

Step #6. read books

Classic literature is rightfully considered a model artistic speech. Unconsciously, you will begin to adopt words and expressions from books that are ideal for a certain situation. Don't expect that 15 minutes of reading every day will make your speech literate. This process must be allocated at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the information you read will make itself felt, you will no longer experience difficulties in choosing words and constructing sentences. People who learn through mastery fiction, are called well-read. This happens for the reason that a person begins to express himself in words that he once learned and learned at the subconscious level.

Step #7. Watch your speech

There are a lot of slangs in the Russian language that are intended for specific situations. In an official setting and during public speaking before the upper strata of the population it is necessary to use professional vocabulary. When talking with friends or “ordinary” people, you should give preference youth slang. Regarding expressive jargon, avoid it altogether. The words “hut”, “bucks”, “car” do not intersect with literate speech in any way.

Video: how to learn to speak beautifully

An example to follow. Since it is simply impossible to learn to speak correctly and competently in one day, but you can make your fate easier by choosing a role model for yourself. Television announcers and program presenters are suitable for this. The main thing in this case is that the person is liked and has a beautiful and correct speech. After this, you should write down all his programs for yourself and listen to them every day. In this case, you will be able to learn competent speech much faster. If possible, you should convert the program to MP3 format and upload it to mobile phone so that you can listen to the announcer on the way to work or school. As a rule, after a few weeks a person begins to speak in the same phrases as his role model, and he himself may not notice it.

Communication. When thinking about how to speak competently, you should find several interlocutors whose speech seems competent and beautiful. You can arrange to meet with them at certain days and discuss various topics. As a result, you will be able to absorb their speaking style and vocabulary. Of course, not many will agree to this due to their busy schedule, but you shouldn’t despair, as you can join a debate club. There will be someone to talk to and discuss a variety of topics, and after a while you will be able to achieve your goal by making your speech more competent. If there is no free time for this, then you should be more active at meetings, holidays and celebrations. You need to approach people and start a conversation with them, this way you can increase your stock and the number of friends who will be happy to help make your speech beautiful and literate.

Training in front of a mirror. Since you can learn to speak correctly only by putting effort into it, you should perform a simple exercise every day. It will require a mirror, in front of which you will need to stand and conduct small talk. As a result, a person will see himself from the outside, which means he will be able to eliminate errors in facial expressions, gestures and speech. Of course, the first few classes will be overcome by a strange feeling, but you can get rid of it, just imagine yourself as an actor rehearsing new role. As a result, you will be able to control your facial expressions and get rid of unnecessary gestures. And to also use speech, you should take a book and read it out loud. Works with big amount dialogues. And for each character it is better to choose the appropriate intonation and gestures.

Creation. In order to learn to speak Russian correctly and without mistakes, you should engage in creativity, namely writing verse, poems, and stories. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but later you will be able to not only forget about your illiteracy, but also surprise your friends and family with literary masterpieces. To help yourself improve, you should let your work be read. different people. It wouldn’t hurt to create your own blog or post your poems on various forums. There, users will comment on them, give advice on what should be changed, and also point out the main errors and suggest how to fix them. This is a very good practice that will soon bear fruit. Grammatically correct speech- this is painstaking work, but the result is worth it, so you should not waste time, it is better to do it now, so that tomorrow you will not be ashamed of yourself.