Words to improve vocabulary. No Words: How to Expand Your Active Vocabulary

Hello everyone, friends!

Social media is a very convenient means of communication. But, sometimes, when we correspond, we send the wrong message or the wrong place. Do not panic - the solution is simple. Let's figure out how to delete a message in VK so that it disappears not only from you, but also from the interlocutor.

From a computer

So far, VKontakte does not allow you to delete sent information from you and from the interlocutor when you want. At any time, you can delete a conversation only in your dialog interface. After such manipulations, your interlocutor's data remains.

But if 24 hours have not passed since the sending, the situation is fixable. Moreover, if the user did not have time to read the message during the day, he will never read it - it will completely disappear. At least on social media.

Step 1. Go to the desired dialog and click on the sent message that you want to remove. Regardless of when the correspondence took place, a panel with a basket will appear at the top.

Step 2 Click on the basket. If 24 hours have already passed, the data will immediately disappear and it will be possible to restore it. But in this case, you play only one goal - the data will remain with the other user.

If the day has not yet expired, the dialog box will be slightly different. VK will offer to choose whether to delete for everyone or only on its side. Check the box so that the message disappears from the user on the other side. After that, you will still be able to recover for a while - until you close or refresh the page.

A day seems to be a little bit. But before, it was impossible to do so. And the simplicity of the scheme allows you to quickly send a rash message to the basket, even if the user is online.

From phone

If you use the VKontakte application, then getting rid of the letter from yourself and from the interlocutor will not work - the social network does not yet provide such functionality. It will turn out to remove information only on your page. Perhaps the functionality will be expanded later.

The solution is simple - use a mobile browser. The actions are similar - select a block, check the box next to "Delete for all" and confirm the intention. A small difference between the desktop and mobile versions is only in the interface. To get to the liquidator button in the smartphone, you need to click on the ellipsis.

Delete the dialog

You can remove the entire dialogue with one click. To do this, on the block with the interlocutor in the “Messages” tab, you must click on the cross. In this case, the correspondence will disappear only with you - it will remain with the other user.

How to delete all correspondence

If you need to clear the entire history (for example, if you want to delete messed up messages), then either manually delete all dialogs, as in the screenshot above, or use a special VK bot that will do everything automatically. For example, Sobot.

Download and install the program on a PC, add an account.

Enter your VKontakte profile details. If you are not using a proxy, then drag the slider to the “On” position.

The “Clear Dialogs” functionality we need is hidden in the “Functions” tab. Move the slider to the "On" position and click "Continue".

The bot will clear all dialogs. At the same time, the information will remain with the interlocutors.

Related questions

Despite the simplicity of the scheme, in some situations you may have minor difficulties and questions. We answer them in advance.

  • What if you deleted the message without checking the box next to "For everyone"?

In this case, you need to find, select the deleted messages and click on the "Restore" button. After that, the data will appear again - now you can repeat the procedure, but according to all the rules.

This method works if you immediately realized and did not close the page. As soon as the page refreshes, the ability to restore anything will disappear.

  • What to do if you click on the trash, but there is no "Delete for all" item?

If this item is not present, then the message is old - sent more than 24 hours ago. To clear the email field for yourself and another user, you can try the spam scheme. No other way yet.

  • Will the recipient know about the deletion of the letter?

In the recipient's dialogue itself, after your manipulations, there will be no hint of the past data. If the user has not read the letter, then there is a chance that he will not know about it. But, perhaps, the person has notifications about incoming notifications - either by e-mail or by SMS. Therefore, it is not worth hoping for one hundred percent coverage of traces.

  • Will the correspondence disappear after the liquidation of the VK account?

No, it doesn't work. Even after deleting your account, all your messages will remain visible to another user. Only a dog will show off in front of your avatar, and the recipient will lose the opportunity to correspond with you.

  • Is it possible to destroy the correspondence if you are on the blacklist of the interlocutor?

No, in this case, it will be possible to remove the message only on your side.

  • What if your message was forwarded to someone else?

Correspondence between you and your interlocutor will be lost. The third addressee will keep the letter. For it to disappear, the efforts of the user with whom you personally corresponded are necessary.

  • Can I delete an unsent message?

Sometimes, due to technical failures, the message does not reach the addressee. If this happens to you, you will know about it by a red circle with a white exclamation mark next to the letter.

To ensure that the information does not subsequently end up with another person, click on the round icon and do what is true for a normal situation.

  • Are there special applications or services for deleting "stale" messages?

No, there are no working tools - neither from VKontakte, nor from third-party developers. If you are offered to use the help of any program, be on the lookout - this may be an attempt at fraud. At this point, it is impossible to completely remove messages that are more than a day old.


It is easy to remove information from correspondence both from you and from the addressee. But you need to hurry - 24 hours after sending, the possibility of cleaning disappears. Not in time - the user will be able to read the correspondence at any time. All other methods either do not guarantee results, or are non-working.

Have you ever deleted a wrongly sent message? Did you manage to do it before the other side read it? Share your story with blog readers.

If you need to eliminate all dialogs on VKontakte, you may encounter the problem of being able to delete all messages at once. There are simply no buttons for such an action in the social network interface. It is possible to delete messages one at a time, but it is not very convenient to clear the entire history of correspondence, especially when their number is quite large. But the solution to this problem still exists.

The easiest way is to delete all dialogs on VKontakte using a special script, the latest and current version of which can be easily found on the Internet. All actions are performed through the called console, since the script is not active in the browser line or on the site itself. So, having installed the current version of the script with the browser open, on the page with your dialogs and messages, call the console through “F12” or select the “Explore element” function and look for the “Console” tab. Delete everything that will be written there, and copy the specially created script and paste it into the resulting empty lines. Press the "Enter" key to run the script. After the process is completed and the actions taken, the browser must be restarted. You can also delete all data on dialogs through messages. But here you have to choose a dialogue for each contact specifically. After you go from the "Messages" tab to "Dialogs", select the contact for which you want to clear the history, and select the action - "Delete". The more contacts and, accordingly, dialogues you have, the more time it will take you to delete the entire history.

As an option for deleting messages in dialogs, this is to enter a link in the address bar http://vk.com/mail.php?out=1&cnt=500. After that, using the “Select All” key, select messages and click “Delete”. Also, some prefer to use the VKontakte bot - VKBot. Its interface is very simple, but the software itself is questioned, since the source is not very reliable.

One of these options is to clear not only all dialogs, but also messages in the “Spam” and “Sent” tabs. Which removal option you choose is up to you.

Today's post describes the process of how to delete all vkontakte messages at once without wasting even five minutes of your time.

Of course, sometimes correspondence, be it friendly messages that do not carry particular importance and semantic load, or, on the contrary, very important and, at times, confidential information, should be deleted due to several factors. The first is the possibility of obtaining access to it by third parties. And it doesn’t matter if your page is hacked or they simply lie in wait for the moment when the user forgets to close the session and completely exit the social network. The very fact of a possible leak of information forces you to be extremely careful and try to "clean up" your own virtual correspondence in time.

So, in order to delete all Vkontakte messages at once just follow a few simple steps:

1. Go to deposit "My Messages". Depending on the form in which the messages are displayed, do or skip step two.
2. If your messages are displayed as dialogs, you need to click "show as messages":

3. Now ATTENTION! For the next step, you must use a browser Google Chrome due to the presence of the necessary functions in it. If you are using it now, go to step 4, if not, open VKontakte in this browser and see step 1.
4. Next, while on the page "My Messages", press the key F12 on keyboard. In the lower window e, which opened in front of you, select the tab Console as shown in the image below:

5. Now download the archive with a text document: (downloads: 929). It contains a special code that you need to copy and INSERT IN THE CONSOLE WHICH WE OPENED IN THE BROWSER FROM A NEW LINE.
6. It remains only to press ENTER and... voila, messages will be deleted, and all. BE CAREFUL! MESSAGES ARE DELETED PERMANENTLY AND CANNOT BE RECOVERED.

Thus, deleting all Vkontakte messages, as well as dialogs, is quite simple. You just need to strictly follow the instructions and be careful. Good luck!

Similar news.

In the process of communication on the social network Vkontakte, correspondence can accumulate - messages and dialogues. If you like order and there is no need to accumulate them for history, then the question may certainly arise, “how to quickly delete all messages at once from the phone.”

This material is just the same and is intended to answer this question.

A solution for an Android smartphone will be considered, thanks to which you can clear all your correspondence on Vkontakte in just a few clicks.

We quickly delete all correspondence on Vkontakte from the phone

First of all, you will need to install an application called " Clearing the VK page and group» from Google Play.


Now you know how to quickly and easily delete all your correspondence that is available on the Vkontakte social network without any difficulties. With the help of the application presented in the article, this task is performed instantly and does not take time and effort at all. You can forget about the routine manual cleaning of each message and chat on Vkontakte.

On this, the guide for clearing private messages and chats on the Vkontakte social network can be considered complete.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.