Sodium chloride dropper indications for use. Presentation on the topic "Surgical treatment of gastric cancer" unsorted, on various topics

Rehydration and detoxification drug for parenteral use

Active substance

Sodium chloride

Release form, composition and packaging

250 ml - polymer containers (32) - transport containers.
500 ml - polymer containers (20) - transport containers.
1000 ml - polymer containers (10) - transport containers.

pharmachologic effect

Has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect. Replenishes sodium deficiency in various pathological conditions of the body. A 0.9% solution of sodium chloride is isotonic to humans, therefore it is quickly removed from the vascular bed and only temporarily increases the volume of blood volume.


Sodium concentration is 142 mmol/l (plasma) and 145 mmol/l (interstitial fluid), chloride concentration is 101 mmol/l (interstitial fluid). Excreted by the kidneys.



  • hypernatremia;
  • hyperchloremia;
  • hypokalemia;
  • extracellular hyperhydration;
  • intracellular dehydration;
  • circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema;
  • cerebral edema;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • decompensated failure;
  • concomitant therapy with corticosteroids in high doses.

WITH caution: chronic heart failure, chronic renal failure, acidosis, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, toxicosis of pregnancy.


IV. Before administration, the drug should be warmed to 36-38°C. The average dose is 1000 ml/day as an intravenous, continuous drip infusion with an administration rate of up to 180 drops/min. In case of large fluid losses and intoxications (toxic dyspepsia), it is possible to administer up to 3000 ml/day.

For children at shock dehydration(without determining laboratory parameters) 20-30 ml/kg is administered. The dosage regimen is adjusted depending on laboratory parameters (electrolytes Na +, K +, Cl -, acid-base state of the blood).

Side effects

Acidosis, overhydration, hypokalemia.


Symptoms: administration of large volumes of 0.9% sodium chloride to patients with impaired renal excretory function can lead to chloride acidosis, overhydration, and increased excretion of potassium from the body.

Treatment: in case of overdose, the drug should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy administered.

Drug interactions

Compatible with colloid hemodynamic blood substitutes (mutually enhancing effect). When adding other drugs to the solution, it is necessary to visually monitor compatibility.

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use in childhood

Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Dilutions of other drugs and more. A lack of sodium chloride in the body is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Saline solution is easy to prepare in .

Composition and process of obtaining the product

Saline solution is a 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). Several different types of salts are used to prepare it. In this case, each subsequent one is administered only when the previous one is completely dissolved. To avoid sediment, carbon dioxide is passed through the sodium bicarbonate. The last ingredient added to the composition is glucose - it is introduced just before use. To prepare an isotonic solution, use only distilled water. All processes for mixing salts are carried out using glass containers, since numerous studies have revealed that metals negatively affect the vital functions of tissues.

Application area

Saline solution is very widely used for medical purposes as a detoxifying agent - a drug that helps correct the body's condition during dehydration. Saline is used to dilute other medications, and although it cannot be used as a blood substitute, emergency resuscitation would be impossible without it. Saline solution is indispensable for washing contact lenses. Using it as a lotion promotes better release of purulent contents and disinfection.

In the body, sodium chloride is primarily found in the blood plasma; some of it is contained in the intercellular fluid. It is this substance that is responsible for the pressure of the plasma and fluid surrounding the cells. As a rule, the required amount of sodium chloride enters the body with food. Less commonly, its deficiency is observed against the background of uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea, extensive burns, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex and other pathologies. A decrease in sodium chloride concentration leads to blood thickening, and this creates the preconditions for the development of various ailments. With prolonged deficiency, a spasm develops in the muscles, skeletal muscles begin to contract convulsively, and a malfunction occurs in the functioning of all organs and systems, especially the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Thus, we can conclude that the role of saline solution in human life is simply enormous. It has virtually no contraindications; it is used with caution in cases of serious kidney problems and problems with blood pressure.

Modern medicine has long and quite actively used sodium chloride, which is more often called saline solution. It is relevant for intramuscular and intravenous infusions, it is used to treat wounds, rinse the throat or nose, and is used to restore water balance by placing droppers. Medicines for injection, including those containing potassium, are diluted with saline solution.

Blood contains various chemical elements. Chlorine, together with potassium and sodium ions, maintains the balance of body fluids, the balance of the acid-base environment, and intracellular pressure indicators. The level of chlorides in the blood plays a special role in regulating the functioning of all body systems, guaranteeing a normal plasma balance.

Why is sodium chloride so important?

A chloride solution with a salty taste is prepared from the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. Chlorine, as a chemical element, helps disinfect liquids, but is a toxic substance. Sodium chlorine is present in blood plasma and other body fluids, where the inorganic component comes with food.

With extensive dehydration or limited fluid intake due to various pathologies, chlorine, along with potassium ions, is washed out of the body. A decrease in their concentration results in thickening of the blood, and a deficiency of important elements results in spasms and convulsions of smooth muscles, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Sodium chloride, which is a plasma-substituting and hydrating substance, is used by medicine to replenish the body’s water balance by administering the solution intravenously. In everyday life, this is a solution of ordinary table salt.

The therapeutic salt liquid has different concentrations. According to the instructions, it is produced in two types:

  1. An isotonic solution (0.9%) of German-made Brown restores significant loss of extracellular substrate as a result of dyspepsia, vomiting, burns, etc. Chlorine is necessary to replenish the lack of necessary ions in case of intestinal obstruction and various types of intoxication. Also, an isotonic solution is indispensable for external rinsing and for diluting medicinal substances.
  2. A hypertonic solution (3-5-10%) is used for external antimicrobial applications for removing pus, enemas for intestinal lavage. The solution is administered intravenously to force diuresis in case of poisoning or swelling of brain tissue. Chlorine is necessary to replenish micronutrient deficiencies, since, together with potassium and sodium, it maintains the balance of body fluids. A hypertonic solution can increase blood pressure during bleeding; it is used as a local decongestant in ophthalmology.

Important: saline solution comes in several forms, but before administering the drug, the ampoule is heated to a maximum of 38 degrees. For various cases, including pregnancy, a certain dosage is required.

Why are saline drips used?

Saline solution, which is an inert drug, can be called the most universal remedy included in any complex therapy. In particular, it is used intravenously:

  • to replenish blood volume as quickly as possible;
  • to restore microcirculation of organs in shock;
  • to saturate the body with important ions;
  • for detoxification in case of poisoning of any nature, which is helped by chlorine.

Important: due to its unique composition, similar to that of blood, the solution can be prescribed during pregnancy, since it does not threaten the development of the fetus. The procedure is especially relevant for poisoning, when the harm from toxic substances is higher than a cleansing dropper.

Why is saline solution given to pregnant women?

  1. Basically, the drug is used to dilute medications administered through a dropper with a maximum dose of no more than 400 ml for a single infusion.
  2. For general detoxification of the body of pregnant women. In addition, to restore normal blood volume, infusion of high doses of sodium chloride is allowed - up to 1400 ml.
  3. Arterial hypotension is considered an important indicator of the choice of injections (intravenous) with saline. Intravenous administration is indicated during childbirth, when there is a threat of low blood pressure. Especially if epidural anesthesia is performed.
  4. Drip administration of the medicine is used to saturate the woman in labor with chlorides, supplementing the injected solution with a set of necessary vitamins. The procedure is also relevant for severe toxicosis.
  5. Sodium chlorine is often necessary if swelling occurs in pregnant women. The cation is the main element of salt balance, responsible for the normal level of water in the body. However, excess sodium ions thicken the blood, slowing circulation and causing swelling.

Important: the introduction of a plasma replacement agent is permissible during pregnancy; breastfeeding is also not a reason for prohibiting the procedure, but only after being prescribed by a doctor and evaluating the research results.

Despite all the harmlessness of saline solution for pregnant women, the instructions indicate the conditions for the inadmissibility of administering the drug:

  • with an excess of chlorine and sodium in the body, but a lack of potassium;
  • in case of fluid circulation problems with the threat of edema;
  • in case of acute heart failure;
  • in case of taking increased doses of corticosteroids;
  • due to excessive hyperhydration.

What are the benefits of potassium chloride injection?

The special role of the element in the biochemical composition of the blood is explained by its ability to ensure the normal level of functioning of the heart, brain, and digestive organs. A deficiency of potassium ions leads to the disease hypokalemia, which can be caused by impaired kidney function or constant relaxation of the stomach. Therefore, the supply of the main cation in the intracellular environment is replenished, for which a chloride drug is prescribed.

The product allows not only to balance the balance of potassium in the body, but also to restore water-electrolytic balance, and will prevent tachycardia and some types of arrhythmia. The drug in the form of injections has a moderate diuretic and chronotropic effect. Small doses can dilate the coronary vessels, while large doses narrow them.

For injections using the drip method, potassium chloride is diluted with saline solution (0.9%) or glucose (0.5%). The instructions for the drug warn of a number of contraindications for its use:

  • hyperkalemia of various causes;
  • problems with kidney excretory function;
  • complete heart AV block;
  • a number of metabolic disorders, including acidosis;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Important: drip administration of potassium chloride leads to stimulation of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, has an antihypertensive effect, and can lead to intoxication of the body, so the drug requires caution in use, especially for pregnant women.

The need for potassium-sparing drugs during pregnancy forces the doctor to choose what is more important - the expected benefit for the mother or the full development of the fetus. Drip administration of potassium during breastfeeding leads to its cessation. The prescription of any drug for pregnant women must be justified by the state of health, taking into account contraindications and expected side effects.

Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum

Saline solution or sodium chloride is quite widely and actively used in modern medicine. It is noteworthy that it has been helping people out for decades and continues to be relevant; it has no competitive substitutes. Saline solution can be taken intravenously and intramuscularly, as a means for washing the nose, gargling, and for treating wounds. In other words, its range of applications is wide.

Indications for the use of sodium chloride for the treatment of diseases

So, why do they put in a sodium chloride drip? First of all, to regulate the well-being and condition of the body during dehydration, a sodium chloride dropper is capable of restoring the body’s water balance in a fairly short time, due to which the sodium deficiency is quickly replenished, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition and well-being. It is very important that the solution does not linger in the body, it is quickly eliminated.

If intoxication of the body occurs, for example, with dysentery and food poisoning, a sodium chloride drip is also given, because the solution helps remove accumulated toxins. By the way, within an hour after the administration of saline solution, a patient with poisoning will feel much better, and after a few hours, a sodium chloride dropper, if indicated, can be placed again, but, as a rule, one is enough.

Also, saline solution is used to rinse the nose, which is very good for a runny nose. The solution is able to wash away all pathogenic infections and moisturize the mucous membrane. By the way, you can use saline solution to rinse the nose for small children, even newborns, who cannot ease their breathing with drops or sprays.

Why is a sodium chloride drip placed in ENT practice? To rinse the nose, but not externally, as described above, but internally, that is, a sodium chloride dropper is placed directly into the nasal sinuses. This is most often done for acute purulent sinusitis.

The throat can also be washed, this is especially true for influenza, acute respiratory infections or sore throat. At the same time, in the presence of purulent deposits, you need to gargle with saline solution as often as possible.

During pregnancy, women often have health problems, so a sodium chloride dropper can also be given, but in this case the solution should be administered only as prescribed by a doctor. You cannot do this on your own!

It is very important to note that during pregnancy, more than 400 ml of saline solution should not be used in one infusion; this is quite enough to maintain a normal condition. An increase in the volume for administration can only be prescribed by a doctor based on diagnostic results.

The composition of the sodium chloride dropper is very similar to the composition of blood and therefore it can be given even to pregnant women and small children. Saline solution is a universal medical remedy, time-tested.

Sodium chloride, or sodium chloride (NaCl) is a chemical compound used in everyday life as table salt or sea salt. In medicine, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid is used for the manufacture of medicines for external or parenteral (bypassing the gastric tract) use, effective for many diseases and persistent deviations of physiological norms of human health. One of the pathologies that responds well to treatment with multifunctional drugs based on sodium chloride is hemorrhoids.


Active ingredient: sodium chloride.

Excipient: chemically inactive and non-pharmacologically active water for injection.

Release form

In medical practice, NaCl is used in the form of:

  • powder (standard weight - 100 g);
  • tablets (0.9 g of active ingredient in 1 tablet);
  • ready-made sterile medicinal solutions for droppers (0.9%, 10%);
  • liquids for external (local) use (salt content 2%).

A nasal moisturizing aerosol is also produced from sodium chloride (standard volume - 10 ml).

Saline solution

A physiological or artificially prepared isotonic solution is a 0.9% aqueous solution of NaCl (salt content - 9 mg per 1 ml of water) with an osmotic pressure equal to the osmotic pressure created by the intracellular fluid and blood plasma.

Osmotic (hydrostatic) pressure is the force that provokes the movement of solvent ions through the semi-permeable cell membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one.

Description of the medicinal substance: transparent, colorless, odorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

  • solvents;
  • regulators of water-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance in the body.

Release form:

  • ampoules of 2 ml, 5, 10, 20 ml;
  • glass bottles of 100, 200 ml, 400, 1000 ml with a sealed rubber stopper and an aluminum cap;
  • plastic dropper bottles of 100, 200, 400, 500, 1000, 3000 ml with an airtight seal.

Containers with medicine are packed in cardboard boxes along with a description of the medicine and instructions for use.

Hypertonic solution

Hypertonic solution is a highly concentrated aqueous solution of NaCl (salt content 1-10%) with an osmotic pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of plasma.

A 10% solution (10 g of active ingredient per 100 ml) is packaged in 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 400 and 500 ml in sterile, hermetically sealed glass or plastic bottles.

Pharmacological action of sodium chloride

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When the drug enters the body, it immediately begins to act. Molecules of an isotonic NaCl solution saturate the vascular system, sodium ions freely pass through the cell membranes (membranes) in different directions, without disturbing the balance in the pressure of the cellular and intercellular fluid. The water-salt balance is quickly normalized and removed from the blood vessels, first into the interstitial fluid, then into the urine. The half-life is 60 minutes.

The administered hypertonic solutions replenish the lack of sodium and chlorine ions that occurs in various pathologies, increase diuresis (the body's production of the physiologically required volume of urine), remove excess fluid during edema, and stimulate intestinal motility.

When used externally, concentrated solutions exhibit antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps cleanse infected wounds from contaminants and separate purulent contents.

What is sodium chloride used for?

The detoxifying and rehydrating properties of sodium chloride make it possible to use the substance in complex treatment regimens for a number of diseases and pathological conditions.

Saline solution NaCl 09 is prescribed in cases where the presence of sodium and chlorine ions in the blood is slightly reduced. A lack of fluid in the body can occur due to dehydration when:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive loss of extracellular fluid and its insufficient supply during physical activity;
  • intoxications.

Blood thickening is recorded in diseases such as:

  • hypochloremia (decreased chlorine levels in the blood);
  • hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cholera;
  • nutritional dyspepsia (impaired absorption of beneficial elements in the gastrointestinal tract).

Hypertonic solution NaCl 10 (3%, 4%, 10%) is used for:

  • compensation of blood loss due to internal bleeding;
  • inhalations;
  • cleansing the eyes for conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea;
  • restoration of salt balance in thermal and chemical burns;
  • sanitation of open wounds, bedsores, cellulitis, abscesses;
  • moistening the dressing material.

2-5% of the liquid is used for therapeutic gastric lavage in case of stagnation of gastric contents, poisoning with silver nitrate, alcohol, household chemicals, as well as other toxic and noxious substances.

Purpose of nasal spray:

For hemorrhoids

Concentrated saline solution has a beneficial effect on hemorrhoids. NaCl relieves inflammation, activates the regeneration process in tissues, improves blood circulation in the anus and rectum, and promotes the resorption of blood clots and lumps.

Salt has an antimicrobial effect and prevents secondary infections from bleeding or weeping hemorrhoids. Sulfates (salts of sulfuric acid), phosphates, carbonates and hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals, which are part of sea salt, form a kind of “health cocktail” with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effects.

Methods of using sodium chloride

Isotonic and hypertonic solutions are used for:

  • infusions;
  • inhalations;
  • rinsing;
  • rinsing;
  • rectal administration;
  • external processing.

Infusion is the slow introduction (infusion) of a medicinal fluid into the vascular bed.

Types of infusion:

  • intra-arterial;
  • intravenous.

To quickly achieve a therapeutic effect, the medicine is administered intravenously (using infusion pumps). This allows you to achieve the required concentration of the drug in the blood in the shortest possible time.

Slow infusion is carried out by drip (using droppers). This technique allows you to adjust the volume of the drug supplied and has a gentle effect on the veins and arteries.

Small volumes of isotonic NaCl solution are allowed to be administered subcutaneously.

In the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, NaCl is used for local application to the affected area and rectal administration. The most effective are sitz baths, lotions, and saline enemas.

Treatment rules:

  1. Sitz baths. Prepare a solution at room temperature, pour into a convenient container (plastic basin). Sit in the water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes (in case of exacerbation of the disease - no more than 10 minutes). Repeat the procedure daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  2. Lotions. Soak a sterile napkin or a piece of medical bandage with a concentrated saline solution (4 tablespoons of salt per 2 glasses of water) and apply to the hemorrhoids. Leave for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.
  3. Cleansing enemas. Prepare 1 liter of standard solution, heated to +32...58°C. Using an Esmarch mug or syringe, inject the liquid into the rectum and hold for 2-5 minutes. Empty your bowels. Do not use for anal bleeding.

How to breed

Preparation of medicinal solutions at home is carried out by mixing salt crystals with water that has been boiled, distilled, or water for injection specially prepared under aseptic conditions (can be purchased at a pharmacy).

Recipe for preparing a standard solution: 1 tbsp. dissolve salts in 1 liter of water. Use as directed within 24 hours. Since the resulting liquid is not sterile, it cannot be ingested or used to clean open wounds. It is necessary to avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

To dilute liquid medications that are administered by infusion, use from 50 to 250 ml of NaCl solution per dose of the drug.

Medicinal substances for inhalation are mixed with saline in a 1:1 ratio.


The use of the drug is prohibited in the following cases:

  • cerebral and pulmonary edema;
  • increased content of sodium or chlorine ions in the body;
  • anemia;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys (oliguria, anuria);
  • acute heart failure;
  • disturbances of physiological osmotic pressure;
  • incompatibility of the main drug and solvent.

Subcutaneous and intramuscular administration of hypertonic solutions is prohibited.

Side effects

Side effects:

  • hyperkalemia (excess potassium in the blood);
  • overhydration (excess fluid in the body);
  • acidosis (increased acidity)

Subcutaneous and intramuscular administration of hypertonic solutions leads to the development of tissue necrosis (death).


Overdose is unlikely. In rare cases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • headache and muscle pain;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling;
  • insomnia;
  • general weakness.

If negative reactions develop, you should stop taking the drug.

special instructions

Before dissolving liquid medications, make sure that dilution in saline is possible.

With long-term infusion of large doses of NaCl and simultaneous use with corticosteroids or corticotropin, it is necessary to monitor the content of electrolytes (Na+, Cl-, K+) in the blood plasma and urine.

Does not affect the control of vehicles and other mechanisms.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of saline solution is allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of hypertonic fluids is possible in a hospital setting for pathological conditions that threaten the life of the mother and fetus (preeclampsia, toxicosis with uncontrollable vomiting).

Use in childhood

Due to the immaturity of the urinary system, the administration of NaCl to children requires monitoring the child’s condition during treatment, as well as micro- and hydrobiological indicators.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the age and body weight of the child.


Sodium chloride is compatible with other pharmaceuticals.


  • Norepinephrine Agetan (Noradrenaline Aguettant);
  • Filgrastim;
  • Polymyxin B (Polymyxinum B).

When treated with sodium chloride drugs, the effect of inhibitors of blood pressure regulation may be reduced.

Compatibility with alcohol: infusion of NaCl solution weakens the toxic effects of ethanol on the body.


The following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Gluxil;
  • Physiodose solution for topical use;
  • NaCl solution Isotone;
  • Cytocline solution for infusion;
  • Sanorin Aqua Sea water;
  • Marimer nasal spray;
  • Salin;
  • Aquazolin drops.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Medicines should be stored out of the reach of children. Powder, tablets - in a dry place, in cardboard boxes or hermetically sealed containers.

It is possible to freeze liquid medications provided that the integrity of the packaging is maintained.

Best before date:

  • powder and tablets - without restrictions;
  • 0.9% solution in ampoules - 5 years;
  • 0.9% solution in bottles - 12 months;
  • 10% solution in bottles - 2 years.