Competent speech and correct manners. How to learn competent and correct oral speech

How to structure a speech for a presentation correctly? I share my secrets...

The structure of your speech for public speaking has some similarities with the construction of a house:
What does it cost us to build a house?
Let's draw - we'll live...
What should we build a speech -
We took the topic and went to the people...

Here, as when building a house, a strong and deep foundation is needed, otherwise speech can crumble like a house of cards. The foundation is your knowledge, and the cement is your oratory skills, your facial expressions, gestures, posture, movement around the hall or stage.

4th Secret of Relationship Speaker/Listeners:

1. Imagine that You - excellent speaker, but you have absolutely no knowledge of the topic that you should cover in your speech. It's the same as if they brought me on stage to talk about the influence magnetic field Land for breeding rabbits in New Zealand lands. No matter how super-duper advanced speaker I am, the public will not hear anything useful from me - I have no knowledge on this issue.

2 . The second case is that you know very well all the nuances of the reproduction of these same New Zealand rabbits under the influence of a magnetic field, because you yourself participate in this process ….But you have no speaking skills, you don’t know how to convey information to listeners. And they will not be able to find out about your competence - you are not a speaker and cannot cover this topic.

3. You have excellent speaking skills in front of an audience, you are a professional in your stated topic, but the audience in the hall was not the target audience, which is not interested in your rabbits at all. How will the audience receive your performance? IN best case scenario- indifferent...

4. The following example: you are an excellent speaker, you are a professional in your chosen topic, and your target audience is sitting in the hall, who is waiting - can’t wait for you to reveal to them your secrets in breeding rabbits in the conditions listed above. And only in this example everything that is necessary for you to perform well and the audience to receive you well coincides. And only in this example will your house of speech construction be strong and durable...

Bottom line: Before you even choose a topic for your speech, think about these 4 points.

— The degree of your competence in the chosen topic. Remember the words of Socrates: if you do not have in your heart what is on your tongue, then no one will believe you.
— Your level of professionalism as a speaker– only daily training turns an amateur into a professional.
— Who is your target audience for the stated topic.
— How interesting is your topic for the target audience? or how you can attract and keep her attention. Always work in the audience's area of ​​interest.

Secret Recipe for Making Speech

Every housewife knows how to bake a layer cake: prepare three layers (more are possible) and spread them with cream or something else.
Exactly the same principle for preparing your speech: bake three layers (introduction, main part and conclusion) and smear them with whipped interest, fudge from attention, adding candied humor and raisins of emotional openness.

As you can see, the layers are different. Let's look at the recipe for each of them.

Layer No. 1. Introduction.

1.It is advisable to carefully think through the introduction, as well as the conclusion, down to the smallest detail. The first impression you make on the public determines whether the audience will listen to you attentively or continue to do other things. Did you arouse interest and trust in her or not.

2. The most important thing is to win the attention of the public. You went out in front of the audience, did not hide behind the podium, but positioned yourself so that everyone could see you from the audience and paused. At the same time, calmly, but demandingly, you look into the hall, gradually examining the entire space and all the people sitting. And only when there is COMPLETE silence do you smile at the audience and pronounce your first phrase.

I emphasize - do not speak until everyone closes their mouths and stops rustling and whispering. Only then do you open your mouth….

3. Come up with an intriguing opening. You shouldn’t start with ordinary phrases: “Today I will tell you this and that.” It is best to start with a question to the audience - this will attract their attention. Personally, I love provocative questions:

“Tell me, how did you manage to leave the comfort of your home chair in front of the TV and come to this room to listen to a person completely unknown to you?! What made you do this?

I listen carefully to one or two answers and smoothly move on to a compliment: “I admire you: only such purposeful people achieve success in any endeavor! Let's greet each other with loud applause!"
This way you killed several birds with one stone:

— easily caught the attention of the audience;
- the audience started talking, which means they established contact;
- complimented the audience;
— showed that you know how to lead the audience and gently forced them to fulfill your demands (applaud).

4. If you are afraid that no one will answer you - Start your speech with a quote from a famous person. For example: “Suvorov said: hard in training - easy in battle! And therefore I declare our teaching today open!”

Alternatively, you can start with a story from personal experience, but light and short.

5. Specify the time frame for the event. If it is long and with different speakers, it is better to hand out a schedule of all speeches and break times at the entrance.

6. Required state the purpose of your speech and what useful things the listeners will get from it. In other words, what will you feed and treat them with today? If you have several goals within the same topic, feed them one by one.
Be sure to separate explicit goals - you will tell them to the public, and hidden goals - you will say them only to yourself. Example of a hidden goal: improve the quality of pauses during a speech.

7. Remember that only a hungry audience can swallow everything, and a demanding one will want to wash down their food with a compote of emotions. Therefore, get ready for an emotional striptease - open up to the public, share yourself, your attitude towards it and what you are talking about, to whom you are talking and how you are talking. Share your emotions - they have a much greater impact than words!

Layer No. 2. Main part.

1. The main thing is don’t overdo it with the number of topics you want to dump on your listeners’ heads. Let it be less, but better, better quality!

After all, if you bake a real layer of pie, you don’t throw everything you have in the house into it: from honey to red caviar. You make a layer with one main ingredient, for example, nuts and 2-3 additional ones (raisins, vanilla, candied fruits). It’s the same when speaking – in the main part you reveal the main, key idea and several additional ones (2-3).

2. Don't forget to include a short story relevant to the topic. By doing this, you achieve the acceptance of the facts stated in history by those who do not agree with your point of view.

3.Think about how best to arrange the modules in a logical order, which reveal the topic.

4. Use diagrams, pictures, graphs and diagrams as technical supplements to your presentation. Present them through slides onto the screen. Be sure to write a caption under each slide, but don’t read it out loud.

5. When moving from one module to another, use pauses, thereby attracting the attention of the audience. Learn to use the appropriate tone to emphasize the most important sentence or idea. Just don’t be too harsh, the listener may get scared...

6. Make yourself a card with theses and look at it from time to time. Also, keep an eye on the time. Nobody canceled the regulations, and you yourself stipulated them at the beginning of your speech. Be kind - stick with it!

7. It is in this part of the speech that it is important to disturb the listener from time to time with an unexpected statement or a funny proposal - attention weakens every 15 minutes and your task is to catch him again.

8.Self confidence- this is your look into the audience, your even posture with your shoulders slightly raised and pulled back, your free gestures and movement around the stage. This is a measured pace of speech and the ability at any moment to switch the listener’s attention to what is in this moment you need to show or tell.

9. Be attentive to the hall. Be pleasant to the audience. Love your listeners and give them the opportunity to feel it. Love questions - it means that you were heard, and not just listened to.

10. Don't pull the cat's tail! If you have the opportunity to clearly and concisely express your thoughts, do it! People get tired of large quantity unnecessary words. Listeners are not a mill to which water needs to be poured.

11. From time to time, ask your listeners questions:

- What do you think?
- You agree with me?
- How can you hear me? back rows?
- Who has questions?
- Whoever understands, please raise your hands! - and you raise yours first...
— Who has questions on the topic?

Layer No. 3. Conclusion.

1. The conclusion plays as big a role in your speech as the introduction. Having covered the topic in the main part, you are in conclusion sum up what you revealed in your speech.

2. You list point by point what useful things you shared with your listeners today. Again talk about why this material might be useful to them and where they can apply what they learned from you. I think this point is very important!

3. Finish your speech a short history or a funny proposal. Give a compliment to the audience for the fact that she was attentive during your speech and received you warmly.

4. If there is an opportunity on the topic of the speech - make a call to action. For example, on this topic I can make the following call:

Remember, speakers are not born, they are made! Practice, practice and more practice! He who speaks, controls people! I wish you to perform as often as possible! Constantly improve your skill of attracting and holding the attention of listeners!

5. Try not to use words that you have finished your speech here. The call to action itself speaks to this. There are speeches when a call is not appropriate - Invite listeners to simply thank each other with applause.

Your name: *
Your email: *

Today in the comments they left me a link to the story Irakli Andronikov “First time on stage”, and since there is one continuous sheet, I’m not sure that people will read this creation to the end.
Therefore, I give the opportunity to read an excerpt where the boss describes his vision of everything that happened on stage... I read it - and cried!!! Here is this piece of text:

If you really don’t remember anything, let me remind you of some episodes. At that moment, when the inspector led you to the double bass, you suddenly kicked him, and then threw your leg forward, like in a ballet, and flirtatiously put your hands on your hips. After that, he patted the double bassist on the back of the neck, saying: “Don’t be afraid, yours is coming!” - and drove his elbow into the cellist’s face. Wanting to show that he had received a well-known upbringing, he turned and shouted: “Sorry!” And he caught on the violin bow. Here an episode occurred that, as they say, should have been “filmed.”

You took away the bow, but the violinist did not give the bow. But you managed to snatch it away, showed the audience that you, they say, are stronger than any violinist in the orchestra, gave up the bow, but at the same time shook the notes off the music stand. And along the narrow path between the cellos and violins, which you had to walk along with your hand on the hem of your jacket so as not to get caught, you walked with some kind of cheeky, small and nasty gait.

And when he got to the conductor's stand, he began to roll up his pants, as if he was reaching into cold water. Finally he perched himself on the stand, looked around the hall stupidly, grinned impudently and, shaking his head, said: “Well, well!” After which he turned his back to the audience and began turning over the sheets of the conductor’s score so that some thought that you would conduct the symphony, and Gauk would say the final word about it.

Finally, someone from the orchestra suggested to you that it would be a good idea to turn your face to the audience. But you didn’t want to turn around, but argued with the orchestra members and at the same time cleaned your shoes on your pants - your right shoe on your left leg - and at the same time told the orchestra members: “All this is my business - not yours, when I want, then I’ll turn around.” Finally, you turned around. But... you better not turn around! Here your appearance has become completely vile and completely disgusting. You blushed, threw the drops from your forehead into the first row with two laborious movements and, clasping your short arms, shouted: “Oh my God!”

And here's yours left leg began to make some incomprehensible movement. You began to shake it, twirl it, twist it, rubbed the cloth of the conductor's stand, jumped up and danced on the very edge of this tiny space... Then you changed your leg and kicked off in reverse direction, which caused the first violent reaction from the audience. At the same time, you writhed, backed away, grinned, bowed... The audience craned their necks, unable to comprehend how you managed to stay in this limited territory. But then you started waving your right hand.

He waved and waved and succeeded a lot! After a while, the audience watched your hand with bated breath, as if you were flying under a circus big top. The faint of heart closed their eyes: it seemed as if your hand would come off and fly into the hall. When you had thoroughly enjoyed the suffering of the crowd, you put your hand behind your back and very deftly caught yourself with your hand right hand by the left elbow and, moreover, pulled it with such force that the crunch of bones was heard over the silent hall, and one might think that a very old bear was eating a very old and, therefore, a very smelly goat.

Finally you said: “Unfortunately, Sergei Ivanovich is not among us today. And he is not a member of the Composers’ Union.” And at the same time you made some incomprehensible movement with your hand so that everyone turned to the entrance doors, believing that the frightened Taneyev had gone to the lobby to drink a glass of soda and was already returning. Nobody understood that you were talking about the late classic of Russian music. But then you started talking about his work. “Taneev didn’t solder pots,” you said, “but created creations. And here is his best brainchild, which you will now hear.”

And you hit the cello accompanist, the venerable Ilya Osipovich, on the bald head several times, so that everyone thought that this was the favorite brainchild of the great musician, however, illegal and therefore bearing a completely different surname. Nobody understood that you were talking about a symphony. Then you decided to clarify and shouted: “Today we are playing the First Symphony in C minor, tse-mol! The first, because he had others, although he wrote the First first... Tse-mol is C minor, and C minor is Tse-mol. I say this to translate you from Latin to Latin language" Then he paused and shouted: “Oh, what is this, why am I talking? I hope they don’t kick me out!..” At this point the audience felt sick with joy and embarrassment at the same time. At the same time, you continued to jump.

I wanted to run out onto the stage and exclaim: “Play allegro vivace from Swan Lake - Spanish Dance...” This was the only thing that could justify your strange body movements and gestures. I also wanted to shout: “Our lecturer is from the Caucasus!” He is suffering from tropical fever and is having a seizure. He is delusional and has no authority to make the statements he makes on our behalf.” But at that moment you finished and did not let me challenge you publicly...

Why didn't you tell me anything? Didn’t I warn you that you have some kind of stump instead of a tongue? That you can't talk, walk, or think? It turned out that you have a Toricelli emptiness in your head. How can you tell this? Incomprehensible! You have let me down terribly. I don't want anything to do with you! I'm outraged by you!..

And at this time they played the first part of the symphony, which I loved terribly. Then suddenly I hear that the first topic has appeared again; it already foreshadows the ending. The hall began to applaud, Gauk entered the living room, very pleased... I began to look around to hide somewhere. And I didn’t have time.

The room was filled with musicians and they began to ask: “What happened to you?” I wanted to answer, but Sollertinsky whispered: “Never indulge idle curiosity.” Nothing depends on these individuals. Second: science has not yet explained what happened to you. And thirdly: we have not yet figured out how to get you fired at will. I don’t remember clearly what happened next.

I only know that sitting next to me is a man whom I had probably seen no more than twice before—the now famous art critic Isaac Davidovich Glikman, whom I have since counted among my best friends. He pats me on the shoulder and says that I’m not the only one, but the Philharmonic is also to blame. They should have listened first, and not let the person out like that. And he winked at Sollertinsky. And Sollertinsky was already laughing and, wanting to console me, said:

- Don't be so upset. Of course, theoretically it can be assumed that things could be worse. But you should be proud that so far nothing worse has happened. The hall in which Mikhail Glinka and Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Hector Berlioz and Franz Liszt gave concerts - this hall does not remember such a performance. I'm not sorry for you. It's a pity the State Circus - theirs best program passed with us. We have already sent them a telegram expressing our condolences. Besides, I feel sorry for the director. He is still sitting in the hall. He can't come in here: he can't vouch for himself. Therefore, let’s clear the room, come to me and drink a bottle of Kakhetian wine, which I have saved in case of your triumph. If I had known that a historical event would happen today, I would have prepared a tank of strong drink. But, sorry, I didn’t have enough imagination!..


Therefore, competent speech and the ability to control it are the most important skills of any modern person. In one of the previous articles I talked about the ability to listen and hear, and today I will give a few simple tips About, how to make your speech more literate.

2. Stop swearing

No, of course, if your main interlocutors are street punks, then without masterful juggling swear words not enough. But when communicating with normal people swearing is an indicator of a low cultural level. Few people would like to communicate with a person who cannot express their emotions in competent Russian.

3. Harsh jargon is your enemy.

Jargon and competent speech are two almost incompatible concepts. Almost - because the jargon is different. Of course, two system administrators will understand each other much faster if they use “switch” in their speech rather than “network switch,” but in other cases it is better to call things by their proper names. The semi-criminal and “padonkaff” slang is especially annoying - it’s unpleasant and uninteresting. Rid your speech of these harmful phrases. Tell it like it is: “we got there quickly, because... we were lucky - the traffic lights had a green signal,” instead of “hey, we finally got here on the green light.”

4. Brevity is the sister of talent

If you can express the essence of your thought in two sentences, then there is absolutely no need to “spread it over the tree.” Competent speech requires the ability to speak briefly and to the point. But be careful, when the situation requires detailed clarification, it is better to spend a few minutes on additional explanations than to be misunderstood. Also learn the rules of cultural communication.

5. Vary your speech depending on the situation

Your boss probably won't like it. if they call him “Vitek” in person, and a friend, in response to the address “Vyacheslav Leonidovich...” heard from you, at best, will twist his finger at his temple. Learn to speak “the same language” with your interlocutor, and communication will be more productive.

6. Stop apologizing all the time.

Many people have the habit of constructing their sentences in a pre-apologetic tone. It seems to them that this way they will quickly endear themselves to themselves. This is not true. Confident, straightforward (within moderate limits, of course) speech will have a much better effect on the interlocutor than “I’m not very comfortable asking, but maybe you’ll agree...”, etc. Be more confident and assertive.

7. Watch for returns

8. Expand your vocabulary

Read more literature (“ladies’ detective stories” and free jokes” don’t count) and try to identify any interesting turns of speech or phrases, memorize them. Also make it a rule to open a spelling dictionary at least a couple of times a week and find words there that are unknown to you or little used. But be careful with this advice - use new phrases only in the necessary context. When a person, when asked “what are you doing this evening?”, answers: “I’m taking a siesta,” it looks at least stupid (for those who don’t know, a siesta is an afternoon rest).

9. Study specialized literature

If you want not only to improve your speech literacy, but to become a truly skilled speaker, then you cannot do without good, specialized literature. Which? Personally, in this regard, I really like the materials of Radislav Gandapas - without excess water and really to the point. I can also recommend the book “Secrets of Stylistics” from the authors I. Golub and D. Rosenthal.

Throughout the development of mankind, the ability to speak correctly and beautifully has been admired. The names of great orators have survived to this day: Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes. These were great speakers, thinkers, philosophers.

The ability to speak correctly is necessary to modern man more than ever. Hundreds modern professions, require competent formulation of thoughts, a clear presentation of the topic that is important to convey to the listener.

Professions that require communication with a person, a group of people, an audience: lawyers, sales managers, politicians, teachers and teachers. The list goes on.

To be able to master the word, to master the art of persuasion, to speak competently, clearly, interestingly, so that every word reaches the listener - these are the principles of the art of speaking beautifully.

How to achieve this? There are three basic principles, the observance of which will allow you to achieve success in this direction:

  1. Clear pronunciation of words (diction).
  2. Speech technique, content.
  3. Big lexicon.

Imagine a person who cannot pronounce some letters. It is impossible to understand what he is talking about; the meaning of what he said is lost. Remember the phrase of the famous speech therapist played by Rolan Bykov. “I live on Kievskaya Street, and she lives on Kievskaya (Kirovskaya).” Pronounce each vowel and consonant in a word clearly and clearly.

In addition to obvious speech defects, there are pronunciation errors that do not decorate the speech and make it less convincing.

These include:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation of unstressed sounds.
  2. Loss of pronunciation of individual consonant sounds.
  3. “Eating” vowel sounds.
  4. Unclear pronunciation of hissing sounds.
  5. Incorrect connection of sounds.
  6. Incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds.

This is caused by the peculiarities of pronunciation in the area where a person lives. You need to correct your diction with a speech therapist. You can negotiate and take private lessons.

It is important to know! To learn how to pronounce letters correctly, work on articulation—relaxing your facial muscles.

A significant condition is the pace of speech. Fast talking man jabbers, so it's hard to understand what he's saying. To correct this, speak slowly. For example, count to one hundred, recite a list of names and cities. By doing this regularly, pronouncing words in the sequence: forward and backward.

Develop your speech, expand your vocabulary. This is done only by reading literature. You need to read a lot. Preferably classical literature - an example of literate speech.

Make it a rule to read two or three pages a day out loud, always with expression. Watch classic productions: films, performances. There is no other way to expand your vocabulary.

Beautiful speech: lessons and exercises

You can learn to speak correctly and beautifully on your own. This requires daily training. Let's look at five exercises to help develop speech.

Write down and repeat words with combining consonant sounds: platoon, colander, swagger, and so on.

Learn by heart and repeat tongue twisters that combine difficult to pronounce consonant sounds.

Pronounce sayings with difficult-to-pronounce consonants R and Sh. First, read slowly, pronouncing each word. Gradually increase your speaking speed.

Take a sentence and, repeating, emphasize each word in turn. “The student did the exercise correctly.” First, focus on the first word, then on the second, third, fourth. Watch how the meaning changes.

After taking a short breath, as you exhale, clearly pronounce the consonant sounds (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa). After this, as you exhale, count to five, clearly pronouncing the numbers.

Fast way

When speaking, try to speak concisely. Do not use words whose meaning you do not know, so as not to seem funny.

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Pleasant voice, correct diction and ability to construct beautiful offers- here are the basics effective communication with people. It is no secret that our voice influences the feelings of the interlocutor, and figurative and competent speech easily reaches his consciousness and convinces. Therefore, it is so important to learn to speak beautifully and competently, correctly and clearly expressing your thoughts.

IN Everyday life The ability to speak beautifully will also give you and help you solve any problems easily.

The human voice is a powerful instrument in the development interpersonal relationships. With it you can work wonders: repel or charm, attract attention, invigorate or lull. As a rule, the gift of eloquence is rarely given to someone by nature; it usually means big job. Therefore, if you want to speak beautifully so that people want to listen to you, you will have to practice.

Below are tips and techniques that will help you get rid of dialect, master the basics of oratory and learn to speak beautifully and correctly. First, try recording your voice on a voice recorder. Did you listen and how did you like it? Probably not very... Stuttering, swallowing of endings, unnecessary pauses and many other unpleasant moments are noticeable. Now it’s clear what needs to be changed and what needs to be worked on to achieve beautiful speech. So let's get started.

Speech technique

It is divided into four subsections:

1. Breathing
The key to successful communication is perfectly executed deep breathing from the diaphragm. This must be learned in order to reduce the pressure on the speech apparatus, then the voice will be deep and sound beautiful. Many breathe shallowly, while the voice weakens, acquires a hoarse tone, becomes silent, quickly gets tired and sometimes even sits down.
When you manage to breathe properly, a healthy glow will appear on your cheeks and your overall well-being will improve.

2. Diction
Good diction is the first condition for beautiful speech. When you eat endings or sounds, speech sounds unintelligible. This happens due to lethargy and immobility of the lips. Because of this, burring, lisping and lisping appear. Speaking beautifully means pronouncing each word smoothly, opening your mouth well for clear pronunciation. You need to learn not to pronounce phrases too quickly or too quickly, since the speed of thinking of your interlocutor may differ from yours, and it will seem to him that you are speaking unintelligibly.

3. Voice
And again breathing, because this is the basis of the sonority of the voice. To create a voice, you need to learn to breathe with your diaphragm and understand how to use resonators correctly. Sometimes you notice when you communicate a lot, your voice shrinks, becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears, it becomes difficult for you to speak and you lower your tone. But it can be made strong, sonorous, flexible, with a wide range of sound. But for this you will need to improve your speaking technique, strengthen it and develop it.

4. Orthoepia
This science studies laws and rules correct pronunciation. Deviation from the rules leads to problems in communication; the listener ceases to understand what you are telling him and does not perceive the information that you want to convey to him. Spend a little time on spelling and your ability to beautifully express your thoughts, correctly placing emphasis even on complex words, will definitely be appreciated by those around you.

Important! Before you start doing speech development exercises, do some exercises. Physical exercise improve blood circulation, warm up the muscles, relieve physical and emotional tension, relax the forearms, shoulders and neck, and all the muscles that affect the voice.


  • head tilts different sides, rotation of the head in a circle;
  • swings and circular movements of the arms;
  • we turn and tilt the body in different directions, drawing circles with the hips.

After charging, you need to lie down on the mat and relax. Imagine a beautiful landscape, feel a light breeze, feel how the sun warms you and you take a deep breath of fresh air.
Now you are ready to practice.

Learning to breathe correctly

If you want to communicate beautifully and for a long time, so that your voice sounds and does not break, you just need to learn how to include the diaphragm in the sound production process. It is located in the solar plexus area.
To get started, practice maintaining your posture using the “wall” exercise, doing it every day for 5 minutes for several weeks. Press your back against the wall with your entire body from head to toe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. 6 very deep breaths. Inhale at 1,2,3,4 and exhale at 5,6,7,8. Then walk around the house at different speeds, while keeping your back position the same. Tell yourself more often: “I am brave and determined!” Your body will automatically react to these words of conviction with a straight back.

Exercises to train breathing from the diaphragm

The ability to express your thoughts beautifully is only half the success. You've probably noticed that some people want to listen, but others, even very smart ones, don't. What's the matter then? You will be surprised, but in fact it is not what a person says that matters, but how he does it. Pleasant timbre, correct abdominal breathing and the ability to pronounce phrases with different intonations can turn even the most boring report into an exciting show. Below are 3 exercises, after practicing which you will become the master of your voice.

Candle– trains slow breathing. Imagine that you are blowing on a candle; if it’s hard to imagine, then light a real one. Concentrate your attention on your stomach. Exhale slowly, try to keep the flame tilted.

Stubborn candle- do it deep breath, hold your breath a little, and then start blowing sharply and forcefully, trying to put several such energetic exhalations into one breath.

Extinguish 10 candles– the principle is the same as in the previous exercise, only we increase the number of candles from 3 to 10, spending less and less air on blowing out the candles, and leaving the amount of inhaled air the same.
After a few weeks of these exercises, you will notice how your diaphragmatic breathing has become automatic.

Let's vote

To make your voice big and sound beautiful, you need to learn how to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (chest) resonator systems. Take ten shallow breaths into your belly. Short inhalation and slow exhalation. And you can start exercising.

Moan– don’t forget about posture. Say the sound “M” with your lips closed. Say it as you exhale, without straining. Now start changing the position of your head while making the same sound. Gradually you will begin to feel vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound “M”, start adding other vowels: o-a-i-y-u, so that they sound like “mmmm-e-mmm-o-mmm-a-mmm-i-mmm-u-mmm-y” " When you have mastered this practice, move on to the continuous pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

Tongue Twisters. Pronouncing tongue twisters is a truly great way to hone your speech and master the art of speaking beautifully, pronouncing each letter clearly. Try saying the phrase: “broke,.. broke, broke,.. broke, broke, broke,” while rubbing your forehead. We do the same with the words “we are lazy” - rubbing the nasal cartilage, “we caught burbot” - rubbing the cheeks.

Horn– straight posture, lips in a tube, pronounce the sound “U” as you exhale. Next, combine it with other vowel sounds. The main thing is not to change the position of your lips.

Poetry– read them out loud and with intonation, using a medium tone. At the end of each line, inhale and say the line as you exhale. I recommend finding the poem “Reading Rules” on the Internet, which was written by A.V. Pryanishnikov. It is ideal for correct execution this exercise.

Training diction

First, do a warm-up with your speech apparatus. Perform all these exercises 5-7 times.

  • We close our mouth and relax. Say the “U” sound a couple of times, drawing out the “uuuuuu” sound. Now A, slowly opening his mouth vertically, no more than 3 centimeters.
  • Show your teeth. Clench your jaw and stretch your lips in an unnatural smile.
  • Fold your lips into a tube, jaws closed. Make circular movements with your lips up and down, from left to right. With the tip of the tongue we touch the lower row of teeth, open the mouth no wider than 3 cm. Now lift it to the upper palate, then to the left and right cheeks.

Now you can do articular gymnastics.

  • Say the vowels on one exhale, trying to use all your muscles: I-E-A-O-U-Y. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation and put several ligaments into one exhalation. After you master this combination, start experimenting with others.
  • Do the same with vowel sounds, substituting consonants for them. Example: Bi, ba, bo…. , beep..., beep, beep..., beep, bep..., then with the sound P, TD, KG, FV, M, N, L, R. Gbdi.., Bdgi.., Ftki.., Mi-mi.., Mrli... You do the same with whistling and hissing sounds S, Z, Zh, Sh, Shch: Si-zis.., Zissi.., Zdi.., Sti.. etc. By connecting them into groups and combining them.
    And also read as much as possible more tongue twisters, they will perfectly help you practice your speech apparatus.


The science that studies the set of rules of normative literary pronunciation, emphasis in words, the beauty and sound of speech, as well as the rules of articulation of sounds and phrases. Since there are countless rules in orthoepy, if you want to speak beautifully, pronouncing words correctly, you need to turn to the appropriate literature.

Working with speech

You need to be able to correctly set intonation in your speech, in order to learn this, the best way to train is by expressively reading literary texts aloud, recording them on a dictaphone. Listen, analyze how correct it is, correct the shortcomings and read again. Do the same with an article from a newspaper, technical literature or any other source. Bring life and brightness to your voice - start speaking correctly!

Beautiful, correct speech is a necessary attribute of a successful man. Why is it so important to develop speech for an adult if he has certain problems with it? Maybe we shouldn’t bother and continue to communicate at the same level? It’s better, of course, to improve your skills. I'll explain why.

Firstly, with correct, confident speech, efficiency in communication immediately increases. It becomes easier to come to an agreement with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

Secondly, in a pickup truck this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it."

How to develop correct and beautiful speech for an adult

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing you should do is visit a speech therapist. With the help of a doctor, you can quickly correct the situation in better side. He will give recommendations on how to properly work on correcting speech.

If you have no obvious defects, then you can enroll in a public speaking school. There they teach you how to speak and speak in public confidently, to interest the audience, so that people listen to you with enthusiasm. Of course, this costs money, and often significant money. But eventually you will rise in life new level, and the fee for these courses will be returned more than once. Such schools operate in most large cities.

How to develop competent speech

In order to develop competent speech, you'll have to work hard. You can take the first steps yourself:

Reading fiction . Extremely useful activity, in which you learn the correct and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new vocabulary, subtle feeling humor and much more. After consciously reading several books, you can already feel a certain result.

View public speaking famous people . Choose the person who most impresses you in terms of beauty and literacy. This could be a politician, a business coach, or a person in some other profession related to publicity. Watch recordings of his performances, remember the moments you liked the most and made an impression on. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home training:

In addition to the above tips, you can do it at home specific exercises who will help you with oratory. Important Terms For successful development- methodicality, diligence and awareness of what you are doing at the moment.

#1 Reading tongue twisters. Where would we be without them? One of the most productive and popular exercises for speech development, which in a positive way affects articulation. To begin, choose several tongue twisters to work on different sounds. Each tongue twister should be carefully worked on, bringing its pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading aloud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedy, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and sentences with correct intonation and expression.

#4 Story by keywords. To do this, you should write down a few words that are not related to each other, and use them to come up with them on the fly. short story. This exercise develops logical thinking and intelligence.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose a topic, sketch out a short conversation plan. Target this exercise– the ability to competently conduct a conversation, captivate your interlocutor, and acquire persuasion skills in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the entire article, are the tip of the iceberg. But with the help of this information you received basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you complete the exercises above, your communication skills will noticeably improve. Good luck!