Oratory - exercises for improving speech. Why do I need rhetoric courses and where to take them

Many professions of people that are associated with the constant pronunciation of speeches cannot do without knowledge of a special kind of science, like the art of eloquence. We can safely say that oratory is the most important lever of culture. Knowing the basics of oratory, they succeed in building their careers.

Public speaking today is considered as a kind of direction in science and art, because it is able to influence both the sensations and thoughts of a person, change his worldview.

Such a concept as oratory is recognized as a direction of creative activity of public speaking, which combines in the best way both rhetoric and acting techniques and psychological techniques that contribute to persuasion.

Everyone got into situations where only words are not enough to convince them of their position. The basics of eloquence in such situations play an important role in achieving the goal or proving the correctness of one's position. Today the art of persuasion plays an important role.

Oratory is understood as a type of dialogue that addresses a group of listeners with the clear goal of persuading and giving a certain concept of a specified problem. Speransky wrote: "eloquence is a gift to shock souls, pour passions into them and communicate to them the image of their concepts."

Facts about the origin of oratory

The first attention was paid to the art of oratory in ancient Greece. The history of oratory originated much earlier. But it was the inhabitants of Hellas who gave such art a meaning and a certain concept. In order to achieve a correct and interesting statement of speech for the interlocutor, many philosophers used various techniques.

For example, Demosthenes filled his mouth with stones and rehearsed on the seashore, trying to speak louder than the surf. This science is based on the principles of persuasion and effectiveness of speech.

Among the famous works of Aristotle, there is a work called "rhetoric", which is dedicated specifically to the art of eloquence.

All the achievements in the art of oratory of antiquity were adopted by the venerable theoreticians of the Middle Ages. To win the attention and love of the public, they used various techniques, including:

  • location;
  • finding;
  • memorization.

Among the great orators of this time are Martin Luther, Thomas Aquinas, Pierre Abelard. Their quotes and statements have remained in history and are relevant today.

The history of oratory has special features in each of the states. Sometimes eloquence was aimed at achieving specific goals, persuasion. Oratory in Russia had one more additional purpose: using eloquence, you can lead a person to good.

Rhetoric and oratory today

At the heart of modern oratory are disciplines. These are philosophy, psychology, linguistics, aesthetics, rhetoric, ethics. They are closely related to each other. A clear connection can be traced in the trio of rhetoric-grammar-logic:

  • knowledge of rhetoric gives coherence and consistency of thoughts in speech;
  • grammar is manifested in the correct use of words and their forms;
  • logic provides solidity and semantic coherence of speech.

Since ancient times, correct speech has been considered the basis of success. Such thoughts were also confirmed by well-known philosophers and scientists, for example, Aristotle stated: "eloquence is the worker of persuasion." This statement is true even now. After all, success in building a career in many areas of activity depends on the ability to persuade and convince your customers, colleagues and clients. Today, as before, speakers place importance on the following skills:

  • to model the intonation and timbre of the voice in accordance with the current situation;
  • correct intonation when pronouncing phrases;
  • improving the culture of speech in general.

When choosing a profession, it is always worth remembering that speakers were not born with inherent talent, the ability to speak and make persuasive speeches should be constantly trained and studied essential points and basic rules.

Rhetoric is a science that is on an equal footing with chemistry or physics, and with effort, every person can master it. Every person can master the basics of oratory, but to put them into practice, inserting the necessary words and quotes, probably, only purposeful and talented. This kind of science is for everyone.

Types of oratory

Oratory and culture have never been distinguished by their homogeneity. At different times, depending on the profession and era, it had different forms of oratory.

The modern teaching of oratory is perceived as a separate science and classifies it according to its features and implies manifestations and forms. Some divide oral speech into monologue and dialogic speech, and some divide such art into emotional and rational speeches.

There is a classification into genera and types of oratory, depending on the areas of activity in which it is used. Each such category combines different styles and types of speech, depending on which area of ​​life it will be used. One thing is clear that oratory is important for society as a social phenomenon.

Eloquence is divided into:

  • Socio-political eloquence, which includes political and diplomatic speeches, reports that are related to politics, the economy and the social life of society.
  • Academic eloquence. This group includes lectures, reports and messages that are designed to convey cognitive and scientific information to listeners. The presentation of scientific works is maintained in a certain style.
  • Judicial eloquence is accusatory and judicial speech. This type of oratorical art of a lawyer is the key to his career.
  • Social and everyday oratory includes congratulatory, anniversary or memorial speeches.
  • Theologically - church art is represented by sermons in cathedrals and churches.

This classification fully reflects the art of oratory of the existing world, but this is far from a complete classification. Genera and types of oratory in society are represented by a significant list.

Among the most popular modern groups of oratory, one can single out eloquence, which is used on radio and television, advertising, speeches by politicians and diplomats, responses to press conferences, and so on. Without knowing the rules and concept of each group, it is impossible to make an effective performance. Culture and conversational skills are very important in such cases. They are always based on rhetoric and culture of conversation.

Oratory and career

As already noted, possession of the theory of oratory plays a role in building a career and moving up the career ladder. Knowing such rules is useful for any person who works in modern companies. Starting from the manager and ending with the CEO. A person must speak correctly and competently in business communication, there are a lot of reasons for this.

The manager of companies spends a lot of time on business negotiations with clients, as well as with employees of other companies and colleagues. Why is it taking so long? A person cannot correctly, clearly and concisely convey the desired idea and spends a lot of time explaining. But, knowing the basics of oratory, you can quickly and clearly convey an idea, and not violate mutual understanding in the team due to a simple misunderstanding.

It is also worth noting that young leaders sometimes do not develop relationships with subordinates for a simple reason. He does not know the basics of ethics and aesthetics of communication, causing a flurry of discontent among employees. Oratory, a culture of dialogue and rhetoric are necessary for them to organize work in a team of subordinates. Simple rules are needed.

There are many situations that every office worker faces during the working day, when eloquence is important:

  • Presentation at management meetings with a report on the work done or a report. The graphical presentation of the results is supported by clear speech and explanation. The success of a particular company depends on the impression made.
  • Report at a meeting among their employees. How well employees are able to voice tasks and formulate thoughts depends on the productivity of work and the speed of making appropriate decisions. The presentation and report should be clear and concise.
  • Spontaneous business communication. During the working day, a person will have constant business conversations, in addition to planned events. Conversations should be conducted both with the company's customers and with employees within the team. The culture and ability to conduct such conversations always affects the career. Managers love sociable, educated and able to communicate competently employees, and without such skills, you can easily lose your job.
  • Interview. In employment, the first impression plays a huge role, and its important component is the ability to talk about yourself, and the culture of speech.

As you can see, ordinary situations that are associated with business communication require a person to have the skills of correct and competent speech and eloquence. But after all, a huge number of professions do not exist without oratory, and the success of people who have chosen such specialties depends on the possession of oratory skills.

Without mastering the art of oratory, no lawyer will succeed. It is very important for him to have the skills that will help him correctly, competently and concisely state his position, especially during a judicial discussion. The value has the right emotional coloring. The oratory of a lawyer is considered the key to his career.

The tricks and subtleties of oratory

Everyone knows that rhetoric offers the secrets of oratory that help you better influence the audience in order to achieve your goals before speaking.

  • Speaking in front of an audience should not be long and tedious (this does not apply to lectures and other scientific reports). Information is presented clearly and concisely. On average, the length of a speech should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • A simple trick from rhetoric, which consists in creating some intrigue, helps to retain and attract attention. At the beginning of the speech, you can attract attention with the words “once I ...” or “somehow it happened to me.” Such quotes will arouse interest in the speech and the speaker in the eyes of the audience. This is science. Not surprisingly, speakers were considered intriguers.
  • Despite the seriousness of the upcoming speech, scientific terms or exact facts should always be diluted with light humor. It is important to know the measure here, such jokes should not be made flat or vulgar, they have the goal of raising the mood of the listeners.
  • Emotionality is considered to be the fundamental moment in the performance. The rhetoric and culture of conversation gives her a special role. Its correct application is a complex science, because if the manifestations of emotions seem to the listeners feigned and unnatural, then the audience will not believe such a report, and the person will not inspire confidence in them.
  • Of great importance in the speech is silence at the right time, a pause after a fully expressed thought. Such moments help the listener to start thinking and reflect on the information received. Such a trick is used in moments when they have gone astray in order to gather their thoughts and continue. The science of eloquence talks about such moments, and the significance of their application.
  • The received theory of oratory and rhetoric is always supported by practical skills. If you want to become a sought-after speaker and learn how to make persuasive and competent speeches. Do not give up the situation of speaking in public, even if the audience is relatives and guests at the table.

In conclusion, it should be noted that oratory and rhetoric are important for every person, like a science. The culture of speech, its correctness and literacy help not only in work, but also in constant communication.

The ability to speak convincingly and work with an audience of listeners today is important for everyone. Even those who do not need to speak at conferences every day still need to present themselves correctly - getting a job, salary, career advancement depends on this. No matter how in-demand a specialist you are, it is important that you and your ideas are heard.

Two ways to improve your speaking skills:

  • go to courses in rhetoric or public speaking;
  • do self-study.

The main advantage of the courses is the real opportunity to speak in front of an audience of listeners. However, the courses also have disadvantages - due to the fact that there are many people in the group, the teacher does not devote enough time to everyone. Thus, there is no personalized approach, which is so important when working on the psychological and speech problems of people that prevent them from speaking correctly and freely.

In the case of self-study, the advantages are obvious - you can try different methods, spend exactly as much time on doing exercises and consolidating certain skills as you need, you can study according to a convenient schedule, etc. Oratory lessons do not have to be under the supervision of a teacher: today you can find a variety of video tutorials on the Internet, a tutorial for beginners, as well as many tips.

Beginner speaker mistakes

Training can take place in different ways. With the advent of the Internet in every home, video lessons have become very popular. In fact, they are no different from listening to a lecture at a seminar or training to improve rhetoric - except that you can not ask the teacher a question.

Videos can be free or paid. Free can be freely found, viewed and downloaded online. They provide information related to rhetoric, consider the most famous exercises to improve it. Paid lessons can be found on the websites of rhetoric teachers or by contacting them personally.

Popular exercises for developing public speaking skills include:

  • exercises in front of a mirror;
  • exercises with a voice recorder;
  • self-preparation of the performance using the given reference points.

In the first case, you can observe yourself during a speech or monologue. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, everyone will notice excitement and fuss that we ourselves do not notice, but which are visible to those who listen to a public speech. It is also effective to record speech on video - the effect of the exercise will be like in an exercise with a mirror, and the speaker will not be constantly distracted by the reflection in the mirror.

"Reference points" can be independently found on the Internet or in a book, or you can learn from a video in which the teacher talks about them. Knowing the "scheme" of the monologue, it is easy to make a speech. However, over time, the complexity of the task and training in improvisation will be required.

Video tutorials on the Internet also talk about other techniques that you can use in order to become an experienced speaker. The path to this will take some time, however, the result is worth it - you can speak at conferences and meetings in front of strangers, communicate with colleagues, partners and loved ones without hesitation, excitement, instantly formulating thoughts and being able to achieve the desired reaction to them.

Public speaking training is important at every age, for young and experienced professionals, and in a variety of activities. The time it takes to train will pay dividends for years to come. In addition, even if you know how to speak in public, it is worth periodically expanding your knowledge and abilities in the field of rhetoric - this will help in business, study, and personal relationships.

Publication date: 04/10/2016 07:44

Larry King... Have you ever heard such a name? This American became famous as one of the most prolific and authoritative journalists not only in the United States, but also far beyond its borders. His forte has always been the conversational genre ... In the 25 years that King was the permanent host of the super popular talk show on CNN, he interviewed more than forty thousand (just think about this figure!) Interlocutors! The accumulated experience formed the basis of one of the books written by King later on successful communication. And that's why we started talking about it... In the aforementioned book, King gave perhaps the most practical advice that a person dealing with public speaking can get. There he is:

"No matter what kind of conversationalist you are, remember that if you feel like you're a bad conversationalist, you can become a good conversationalist. And if you think you're already a good conversationalist, you can become an even better conversationalist."

The living word has incredible power... And this potential power was known not only long before the birth of Larry King, but also long before the advent of journalism in general.

Ancient Greece can rightfully be considered the cradle of the doctrine of eloquence. In the same place, ancient thinkers formulated the first laws of rhetoric. The reverence that the ancients had for oratory even found its embodiment in Greek mythology - in the image of the goddess of persuasion Peyto.

So why was the ability to handle the word so valued? Yes, because no other talent made it possible to achieve recognition as quickly ... In addition, the very structure of life required people to be able to make persuasive speeches - at holidays, public meetings, courts, friendly meetings ... As a result, the profession of orator became just as prestigious , as a profession of a commander or politician, and in the cities there were many schools where one could comprehend the basics of rhetoric and master its basic techniques.

By the way, even now anyone can do it: for this, it is enough to sign up for educational courses. Oratory (both then and now) includes not only the ability to speak competently, persuasively ... but also the ability to correctly present yourself, use body language, facial expressions, control over your voice. For some, this is easier, while others have to make titanic efforts to master all these skills. However, if there is a desire, there will be a result.

The famous ancient orator Demosthenes is a perfect example of this. The story goes that he was tongue-tied and had a very quiet voice by nature ... but he had no shortage of perseverance and imagination. He spoke his speeches, picking up a mouthful of stones, and did it ... on the seashore, the waves of which imitated the noise of the crowd. It is also said that while honing the art of eloquence in the privacy of his home, he once shaved half of his head, thus getting rid of the temptation to leave it.

It's good that you can master the art of public speaking without resorting to "demosthenes" methods. You definitely don’t need stones and a razor! Just pick up the phone and make one phone call...

Attention! Courses! Oratory with pleasure and pleasure!

The ability to speak in public has been a useful skill at all times. People who are fluent in oratory will always be in demand by society and will be able to find a job. It's no secret that there are few such people, they always stand out among others. They turn out to be successful leaders, politicians, businessmen, journalists, writers, teachers, as in many professions knowledge of rhetoric plays a crucial role. The purpose of this oratory course is to provide everyone with the opportunity to learn online materials, lessons, exercises, techniques and rules for mastering the basics of rhetoric for free.

What is rhetoric?

This word is of ancient Greek origin Greek rhetorike), and literally means " oratory". What is "oratory"? And how to develop your abilities for it?

Each of us at least a few times in his life had a chance to perform in public. And, for sure, no one doubts that in order to be fluent in oratory, you need to know and be able to do a lot. It can be said that the ability to speak in public reflects our intellectual development and our social skills.

Martin Luther King's famous speech

According to the definition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, " oratory"- this is a type of monologue speech used in a situation where the speaker addresses a large audience for the purpose of persuasion or suggestion. Oratory is often identified with eloquence, so a good speaker must be well-read, have competent speech, and be able to clearly express his thoughts. But the speaker also needs to be able to manage his excitement, master his diction and have a well-trained voice. In addition, it is important to master speech improvisation, be able to answer questions, maintain contact with the audience, pronounce the text with the necessary intonation, and much, much more.

Most of the described skills, which together form the art of public speaking, can be learned. To do this, it is important to work on yourself, to realize, analyze and correct the unsuccessful moments of your own and others' public speaking, and most importantly, to train your skills in practice. Our training will help you work through all these difficult steps on the way to cultivating excellent public speaking skills.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Online rhetoric lessons

The public speaking training posted on this site is an integration of many of the techniques described by public speaking experts. Each of the lessons involves the development of a specific skill that contributes to the development of your oratory skills. Naturally, each person can master these skills differently, so try to pay attention to those lessons that seem most useful to you yourself.


In this section of the training on the skill of public speech, you can watch videos of famous speeches by prominent speakers: Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Vladimir Lenin and others. Also here you can find videos from various competitions, presentations and speeches of people in front of investors. In addition, the section contains video tutorials by leading experts in the field of public speaking.

4 rules of rhetoric

  • First rule. Start giving any speech with a strong desire to achieve your goal.
  • Second rule. Try to always prepare for the performance.
  • Third rule. Show confidence even if you don't feel confident.
  • Fourth rule. Practice more (this is true for any other skill).

These four rules of public speaking are, in fact, the foundation of any good speech. If you do not set goals for yourself to achieve great success in rhetoric, but only try to prepare for a specific speech, then they may come in handy.

If you are planning a more detailed approach to the study of the art of oratory, we will be happy to provide you with useful and interesting information in the lessons on our website.

We wish you success in mastering the art of oratory!

Who is primarily interested in oratory courses in Moscow? They will be of interest to you if you:

  • you want to learn how to successfully and confidently speak in front of a large number of people,
  • you want to acquire the skills of an effective speaker, who completely owns the attention of the audience,
  • want to learn how to easily inspire and win over interlocutors,
  • strive to gain self-confidence, forget about stress and excitement when communicating with an audience,
  • you want to learn effective communication techniques that can be used for business and personal negotiations.

Our courses in rhetoric and oratory in Moscow at the A. Petrishchev center "IGROKS" are created especially for you! We offer a highly effective training program that will teach you the art of public speaking in practice, give you an unforgettable feeling of self-confidence.



Public speaking training offers you an excellent opportunity to learn effective communication skills. After all, if you are not a hermit, then you constantly interact with other people. With our help, you will master many useful subtleties of public speaking, learn the techniques of effective communication in general. You will learn how to conduct a conversation correctly, how to easily win over an interlocutor, how to convince a person by harmoniously instilling in him your view of the situation.


Oratory training is self-confidence training. After all, it is this quality that most often determines life success or failure. In addition, a sense of self-confidence is a prerequisite for productive personal growth. Thanks to our training, you will learn to resist stress and control your emotional state, effectively achieving your goals. You can boldly move forward without getting lost in conflict or difficult situations.

With the help of our qualified teachers, you will gain new knowledge and master it in practice, thereby revealing your rich potential. One of them is Alexander Petrishchev, a well-known coach, the founder of our center and the author of many unique techniques.

We made sure that the trainings were held in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. The interesting form of our classes will undoubtedly make studying a fun and enjoyable pastime.


Stage 1 - Oratory Training.
The art of public speaking:

  • types and rules of speaking in front of an audience,
  • acting and psychological techniques of the speaker,
  • rhetorical techniques of brilliant speech,
  • development of determination, ingenuity and ingenuity,
  • methods of attracting and retaining the attention of the public,
  • the art of eloquence and improvisation,
  • development of charisma, confidence and stress resistance.

2nd stage of rhetoric courses - Training "Skill of Effective Communication".
Persuasion skills (debating, persuasion techniques and skills):

  • psychology of influence and training of business communication,
  • manipulation countermeasures,
  • conflict management techniques and defense against aggressive opponents,
  • the ability to motivate, inspire and dispose interlocutors,
  • methods of effective negotiation,
  • psychological techniques for developing stress resistance,
  • technology and secrets of harmonious relationships.

We invite you to public speaking courses in Moscow at our IGROX center so that you can become more confident, stronger and armed with the skill of eloquence. Knowledge of the skill of communication, oratory is the basis for the development of a harmonious personality.

The modern world is a world of communication and constant interaction of people. The more efficiently and effectively you can interact with the people around you, the more opportunities you have. We are happy to give you a chance to learn this amazing art, the art of effective communication. After you comprehend its basics and can improve further, changes for the better will not take long.

Sign up for training now!