How to make learning interesting. How to do the first lesson

5. TRANSFORMATION. If kids could skip classes as much as they wanted, would they go to yours? Do you have lessons in your arsenal for which you could sell tickets? The author invites us to answer these questions. And if many people answer yes to the first, then to the second ... Burges suggests that we raise the bar to a level where people would be willing to pay just to be in your classes. You can’t say, they say, yes, yes, I know that you are bored, but all this must be learned in order to pass tests and get good grades. The hero of this article goes out of his way to present his lessons as a wonderful place where unique events take place. Kids keep saying that math is boring, history is boring. No, not history is boring, but the way history was taught was boring.

6. ENTHUSIASM. The teacher should burn with enthusiasm - both at the first and at the last lesson. He must be able to light a fire in the hearts of children. You can't cheat, the teacher must always be in the "on" mode.

The main thing is to interest the child and attract his attention. And you can do this with the help of "attention hooks", as Dave Burges calls them. Here are the main ones:

"I LIKE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT" You have to move in class! Is it possible to throw, roll or catch something inside the class? Is it possible to use outdoor games or play a skit? Is it possible to have a lesson outside?

"LONG LIVE ART"- use painting, music, dance, theater, modeling! What can children draw to better understand the topic? What music is best for the lesson? Can the children choose their own music for the beginning of the lesson? Can children make a video about the lesson? Is there a suitable dance? Can the guys play the role of historical characters? What can the students make that would be related to the lesson material? How to use origami and do something else with your own hands?

“WHAT IS IT FOR ME?”– show that you give knowledge that is truly useful for life. How to use children's hobbies in presenting material? How will the acquired knowledge be useful in life? What inspirational stories can you use? Is it possible to give children the opportunity to work independently and create something original? What current ones are related to the lesson? What heroes of popular culture can be attracted to increase interest?

"THE WHOLE WORLD IS THEATER"- Transform your office! How to change the classroom to create a suitable atmosphere for the lesson? Is it possible to decorate the walls, floor, ceiling? Maybe it's worth rearranging the desks somehow in an original way? Why not write some intriguing and unusual message on the board? Or show a QR code? Wouldn't you like to have a lesson in some cool costume?

"ADVANCED TACTICAL TECHNIQUES"- keep intriguing! Let the children try to solve some special mystery throughout the lesson. Use ciphers, riddles, codes for this. Use the love of children for technology, their savvy in this.

"FINISHING STROKE"- we complete the preparation and turn the lesson into an adventure. Come up with a game with repetition of the material. Turn class into a competition. Can you do some kind of trick, talk about an amazing phenomenon as part of the lesson?


Burges believes that anyone can become a great teacher. You need to set yourself the highest goal, not be afraid of failures and criticism. It is much more important to be active, not perfect. And when to start working on all this? Right now! There will always be doubts, but in order to overcome them, we must begin to act. And it's best to do this when you have a trusted team of enthusiastic teachers around like you.

What can I say, friends? This is an excellent book! This is brilliant work! It seems that during the time of reading this work, trying to answer the endless questions of the author, more interesting ideas came to my mind than in the whole year before. Burges gives a lot of ready-made recipes. But even more actively he asks questions. Questions that should awaken in the teacher the search, enthusiasm, creativity. The book is light and exciting, which you want to read from cover to cover as quickly as possible. Now it's up to the little things. I am ready to implement her ideas with my students. Expect my report in two weeks. I'm sure we'll succeed!

Alikhan DINAEV, newspaper "Hyeharho"

Many novice teachers, student interns of pedagogical universities experience fear of the student audience, uncertainty in their communication capabilities and doubts in their ability to establish contact with the class and position themselves as a teacher. If a young teacher fails to mobilize and gather his courage, even a methodically correct lesson may be in jeopardy. And students can interpret the timidity and indecision of the teacher as insufficient professionalism and lack of necessary competence.

It is necessary to prepare for the first lesson from the first day of study at a pedagogical university. Psychological preparation is very important, it is necessary to participate in various scientific conferences, where students can observe and practice methods of working with the audience. To cope with the fear of public speaking, it is useful to participate in student amateur performances, KVN, competitions, and even just ask questions to the teacher during the lecture.

Preparing for the lesson

Confidence is usually given by the presence of the following components of a good lesson:

  1. An impeccable appearance that naturally starts with the bathroom and hygiene procedures. This point should not be underestimated, because. students always evaluate the appearance of the teacher and are quite critical of the existing shortcomings. Some kind of error, an awkward detail can cause the teacher to have a nickname and a reason for ridicule. The optimal suit for a man is a classic business suit with a tie; for a woman - a formal suit with a skirt or trousers.
  2. Knowledge of your subject (or, in extreme cases, a good command of the topic of the lesson). According to research, the erudition of a teacher, a deep knowledge of his subject for students is more important than his personal characteristics. Students respect teachers who are well versed in their subject, and prefer strict and demanding teachers who have a broad outlook and supplement the material from the textbook with interesting facts.
  3. Well thought out and learned lesson plan. While experienced teachers may limit themselves to a general outline of the lesson, novice teachers are encouraged to think through all the steps of the lesson (including the expected responses of the students) and the time allotted for each step. It is useful to have in reserve a few additional game exercises on the topic of the lesson in case the tasks provided for by the outline plan are exhausted long before the end of the lesson.
  4. Good diction. All the previous points will be of little use if the teacher does not control his voice and speaks too quietly, indistinctly, slowly or quickly. Increasing or lowering the volume of speech, pausing, emotionality helps to draw attention to the important points of the lesson, arouse the interest of students, create the appropriate mood, establish discipline, etc. Do not be lazy to rehearse all or some parts of the lesson in front of a mirror or classmate.

So, you cleaned yourself up, repeated the topic of the lesson again, got acquainted with additional literature, thought out and prepared an excellent lesson outline, rehearsed everything and are standing on the threshold of the classroom, armed with knowledge, enthusiasm and a pointer. What to do next, how to behave, what to pay attention to?

Conducting a lesson

  1. Entrance to the classroom, first impression. This moment is very important, excessive fussiness, haste will not add weight to you in the eyes of students. Enter with dignity, put your magazine and bag on the teacher's table and chair, and get the students' attention (by clearing your throat, lightly tapping on the table, etc.). With a nod or a look, let the students know that they should stand up and greet you. Do not neglect this moment and take this ceremony as a proper and indispensable sign of respect. Moreover, it adjusts to the working mood and helps to establish the necessary subordination.
  2. Acquaintance. If this is your first meeting with the class, introduce yourself (last, first and middle names), write your first and middle names on the board. To relieve tension, first tell us about your requirements, the rules for working in the lesson, the criteria for marks, touch upon organizational issues. For the first time, in order to remember your students faster, ask them to write their names on cards (it is better to prepare them in advance so that the students do not have to tear sheets from notebooks, and you do not have to waste time at this moment) and put them in front of you on the desk. Students love it when the teacher calls them by their first names. You can get creative and prepare exercises to break the ice and get to know each other better.
  3. Work style. Do not try to immediately become friends with students, for many teachers this not only prevents them from objectively assessing the knowledge of "best friends", but in some cases can lead to a disruption of the lesson. Do not be liberal, "flirt" with students, promise rewards for good behavior and excellent studies: these are the duties of students, and the reward is a mark. Do not allow familiarity and familiarity in relations with children.
  4. In no case do not try to gain authority by intimidating and humiliating students, suppressing them with your authority and omniscience. Do not try to "catch" students on trifles and do not abuse unsatisfactory marks (you put marks first of all on yourself as a teacher) - this is a sign of inexperience and incompetence.
  5. When taking a break from work to give students a break from work, by no means tell jokes, it is better to prepare an informative story or an easy game in advance, provided that you can return discipline to the class after the game. If you are not sure, then it is better to conduct a traditional physical education minute.
  6. Putting marks, comment, first be sure to praise for the effort, and then briefly comment.
  7. At the end of the lesson, do not shout homework to the children after them: they must wait for your permission before leaving the classroom.
  8. Be sure to fill out the journal, according to regulatory requirements, write down the date of the lesson, topic, homework. As experienced teachers joke, you can not give a lesson, but you must write it down!

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

How to awaken the “appetite” of students for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to competently use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques in order to conduct memorable lessons?

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. An interesting lesson should be history and English, an open lesson and a traditional one. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

    Plan the lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, their tendency to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

    Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of fantasy - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.

    Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.

    An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).

    Use a variety of techniques for a fun lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.

    Be flexible! Breakdown of equipment, fatigue of students or unexpected questions - these are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (better - in a playful way).

    How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.

    Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.

    Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.

    To keep your lessons interesting, constantly look for and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!

    Create and constantly replenish your own methodological piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in every lesson.

    Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting English lesson.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

    Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.

    Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell a new topic while sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.

    Give more interesting examples from personal experience, because a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary person. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of successful and effective teaching, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson
So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. An interesting lesson should be history and English, an open lesson and a traditional one. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.
Plan the lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional mood, inclination to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.
Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit your imagination- and non-standard solutions are sure to be found. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.
Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.
An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).
Use a variety of techniques for a fun lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.
Be flexible! Breakdown of equipment, fatigue of students or unexpected questions - these are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (better - in a playful way).
How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.
Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.
Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.
To keep your lessons interesting, constantly look for and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!
Create and constantly replenish your own methodical piggy bank for the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in each lesson.
Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting English lesson.
The focus is on the personality of the teacher
It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?
Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.
Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell a new topic while sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.
Give more interesting examples from personal experience, because a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary person. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.
We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of successful and effective teaching, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

It has been proven that the more interesting the lesson, the higher the motivation and effectiveness of learning English. In this regard, there are three general types of classes: frontal, group and individual.

Front lessons

Frontal lessons are those in which the teacher gives the students new information, the students listen and then ask questions at the end of the lesson. The whole process is based on a monologue and a visual presentation of information. Usually this is not the most exciting type of class, but there is a variant of the frontal lesson that can be considered an exception: an excursion.

For example, an English lesson on the topic of animals can be held at a local zoo; the teacher can name each animal and give a short description, depending on the level of knowledge of the class. To make the children more interested, the teacher can assign group tasks. For example, at the end of the tour, each group should talk about their favorite animal ().

You can also use an interesting book as a basis for the lesson. Such, for example, as the popular book "Funny English Errors and Insights: Illustrated". This book contains 301 examples of funny English mistakes made by schoolchildren, journalists, parents and even teachers.

You can read the mistakes to the class, and if someone does not understand what the humor is, then you or one of the students can explain it to him. A child will learn a lesson much better if it is presented in the form of a joke.

Group lessons

Group classes usually involve competition or teamwork. This type of class is recommended for the advanced level. An example of an interesting lesson in this case could be a theater competition, where each group chooses a play or a fragment of it for themselves.

Each group must make their own costumes and be as creative as possible with the scenery and the embodiment of the plot. You can suggest a specific theme, such as Halloween, Shakespeare, or even a TV series.

Another example is a gaming trial. The characters in the book can serve as a basis here. One group of students can defend the actions of the character, the other can condemn; another can be a jury, and a teacher can be a judge. Have the "advocate" and "prosecutor" groups discuss their arguments, and then one or two will come forward and argue for the group's point of view.

The jury must hear the parties and reach a verdict, and the judge will manage everything that happens. It can be based on literary classics such as Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (and consider, say, whether Miss Havisham's actions are fair), as well as films or television series.

Individual lessons

Individual lessons depend on the level of each student. It is important not to impose anything in them, but only to give advice and offer interesting material for work, so that it stimulates the child - for example, homework built in a playful way, or analysis of an interesting text for advanced levels.

Interesting English lessons are not difficult to conduct, their only requirement is that they must be creative and stimulate knowledge of the language.

What interesting English lessons do you know or practice?