1c calculate interest on a loan. Typical accounting entries for loans

The organization can issue itself or receive borrowed funds. According to the terms of granting loans, short-term and long-term are distinguished. Another nuance that affects accounting is whether a loan is granted without payment for the use of funds (interest-free) or whether interest must be paid (interest-bearing). In this article, we will look at examples of postings for loans issued and received.

A legal entity, an individual entrepreneur and an individual can receive a loan. In turn, the organization can issue funds and property for time for use, both to other firms and to individuals (its employees, founders, outsiders).

Loan transactions

The term for issuing short-term loans does not exceed 1 year. When an organization receives funds from a credit institution, founder, etc. they count for . The loan can be received in cash, by transfer to an account, in foreign currency. Accordingly, entries will be made:

  • Debit 50 ( , ) Credit 66- Loan transactions.

When repaying the debt, the posting is reversed:

  • Debit 66 Credit 50 (,).

The amount of payment and its frequency is prescribed in the terms of the contract.

When a firm incurs additional costs when obtaining a loan, they are recorded in 91 accounts:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 66.

Long-term loans are provided for a period of more than a year. . You can take into account the loan on this account, or after the repayment period becomes less than 12 months, transfer it to account 66:

  • Debit 67 Credit 66.

An example of a loan receipt:

The organization received two loans: one for 6 months in the amount of 150,000 rubles, and the second for 36 months in the amount of 680,000 rubles. When applying for a long-term loan, the services of a lawyer were paid - 5,000 rubles.


Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
66 Received a short-term loan 150 000 bank statement
66 50 Repaid short-term loan after 6 months 150 000 Payment order ref.
67 Received a long-term loan 680 000 bank statement
60 Paid lawyer services 5 000 Payment order ref.
91.2 67 Legal services included in expenses 5 000 Certificate of completion
67 Repaid long-term loan 680 000 Payment order ref.

Accounting for loans at the lender - transactions for the issuance of loans

If the company issues a loan to another organization, then the postings will be as follows:

  • Debit 58 Credit (50, …)- posting on the issued loan.

As can be seen from the posting, a loan can be provided not only in the form of a sum of money, but also in the form of property (materials, fixed assets, etc.). The amount that will be taken into account in this case is the value of goods / materials, etc.

When issuing an interest-free loan to a legal entity, the amount is taken into account in the debit of account 76 and the credit of the account for issuing funds or property (50.10, etc.).

The return of loans is processed by posting:

  • Debit (50, 40…) Credit 58 (76).

With regard to the taxation of loans with VAT, there are two opposing points of view. The first is based on the fact that there is a transfer of ownership, which is an implementation (Article 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The sale is subject to VAT. The opposite point of view: when receiving and returning a loan in the form of goods, there is no object of VAT taxation.

VAT accounting entries for in-kind loans:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 VAT- when issuing a loan
  • Debit 19 Credit 58 (76)– accounting for input VAT when repaying a loan.

The issuance of a loan to an employee of the organization is documented by posting:

  • Debit 73 Credit 50 ().

Refunds are issued by return posting.

The organization issued an interest-free loan to a legal entity in the amount of 320,000 rubles.

Loan disbursements:

Accounting for interest on loans

Expenses on paying interest on loans are recorded as other expenses on account 91. In tax accounting, they are written off every month, regardless of their payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

wiring Debit 66 (67) Credit interest on loans is paid, and the record Debit 91.2 Credit 66 (67) they are included in expenses.

For organizations that provide loans, interest is taken into account in other income: Debit 76 Credit (50). Receipt: Debit 50 () Credit 76.

The organization received a loan in the amount of 120,000 rubles, which is taxed at a rate of 10% per annum. For the first month of using the borrowed funds (17 days), the amount of interest amounted to 567 rubles, for the second month 1000 rubles, for the third (12 days) 400 rubles, after which the loan was repaid.


Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
  • Received credits and loans
  • Issued loans


1C: Accounting for loans and borrowings for 1C: Accounting 8

The program "Accounting for loans and loans" of the company "NTC REAL SOFT" is designed to automate the accounting and tax accounting of loans and loans received and issued in rubles or foreign currency, in the program "1C: Accounting 8"

The module is designed in such a way that not a single typical configuration object "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8" has been changed. Therefore, after installing the program "Accounting for credits and loans", the order of a typical update is not violated.

The program was developed in accordance with the requirements of PBU-15 "Accounting for loans and credits and the costs of servicing them" and Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (in terms of tax accounting for the costs of servicing credit cooperatives and loans).

The program for calculating interest on loans and borrowings is especially useful for companies that use the received borrowed funds directly for the acquisition and (or) construction of investment assets. Interest is accrued taking into account the complex procedure for using borrowed funds: partly for an investment asset, partly for other purposes.

The main functionality of the program:

  • Received credits and loans
  1. Accounting for information on credit and loan 1C: amount, percentage, type of interest (fixed / floating), commissions, term, credit line, direction of use by default and others.
  2. Changing the terms of the loan while maintaining the history of the previous terms
  3. Accounting for the movement of borrowed funds: full / partial receipt, full / partial repayment of the loan body.
  4. Calculation of interest taking into account the directions of use and changes in the structure of use over time, changes in the balance of the principal body of the debt, changes in the terms of the contract, refinancing rate. Inclusion of a part of the accrued interest in the cost of investment assets (with control over the date of commissioning). Accrual is made automatically for all contracts using the "Fill" and "Calculate" buttons based on previously entered data.
  5. Control of the limit of accepted expenses for Tax accounting, taking into account the currency of the agreement, the date of conclusion and the type of interest rates.
  6. Ability to recalculate interest, commissions, penalties.
  • Issued loans
  1. Accounting for loan details: amount, percentage, type of interest (fixed / floating), commissions, term and others.
  2. Changing the terms of the loan while maintaining the history of the previous conditions.
  3. Accounting for the movement: the issuance and repayment of the loan. Movements are filled in automatically by clicking the "Fill" button on the basis of documents on the movement of funds.
  4. An automatic procedure for the formation of initial balances is provided to start calculating interest in any reporting period.


The program for calculating interest "Accounting for credits and loans" of the company "NTC REAL SOFT" is not an independent software product, for its operation it is necessary to have the installed configuration "1C: Accounting 8".

The functionality is completely independent, that is, it does not change any object of the typical configuration. That allows you to use typical mechanisms for updating the configuration.

Calculation of interest on loans

Conditions for credits and loans

Competitive purchases 8 on the 1C platform

Formation of a procurement plan

After registration in the system of procurement procedures, you can create a "Purchase Plan".

The procurement plan in the system is formed in the context of procurement procedures.

Formed " Procurement plan" may be:

  • Submitted to management for approval;

Purchasing procedures

The quality of the organization of procurement activities directly affects the results of the company.

To increase the transparency of the process of conducting procurement procedures, the system organizes accounting for the actual dates of completion of stages and accounting for documents confirming the completion of stages. A document corresponding to this stage may be attached to each stage of the procurement procedure.

The system visually presents the planned and actual deadlines for each stage of the procedure in the form of a Gantt chart.

The system implements the calculation of the delay from the planned deadlines for the implementation of the procurement procedure. In addition, the system provides for the operational calculation of the “Savings from the planned cost” indicator (highlighted in red).

Upon completion of the procurement procedure, the system registers the winner of the auction and data on contracts with the winner.

Conclusion of contracts with suppliers and control of execution of contracts

An important stage of the procurement activity is the control of the fulfillment by the supplier of obligations under the contract.

For each contract, the system allows you to maintain schedules of deliveries and payments with tracking of planned and actual values.

the system can record data on planned and actual values ​​of control parameters. Such parameters, for example, can be:

  • product quality,
  • the degree of completion of the stage of work on the project,
  • the level of service provided, etc.

The system also records information about the person responsible for monitoring the execution of the contract and the status of the contract. After all obligations under the contract are fulfilled, the date of closing the contract is recorded in the system.

Procurement financing

The functionality of the system allows you to control the limits of procurement financing.

In the system, you can register information about the limits of procurement financing. In the future, this will help to control the overspending of the planned funds for a particular article or project.

Accounting for funding limits is carried out in the context of cost items, projects, investment programs, etc.

You can get statistics on procurement financing limits using the "Budget execution control" report.

Manager Monitor

For operational management, the system provides a “Target indicators monitor”, on which in real time you can see the target and current values ​​of the controlled indicators of procurement activities.

With the help of the Target Indicators Monitor tool, the company's management can control and predict the target indicators of the company's procurement activities.

“Target indicators monitor” will allow you to monitor the following indicators:

  • The total value of the concluded contracts
  • % of public procurement procedures
  • % of procurement procedures conducted in the form of electronic trading
  • % of centralized purchases
  • Number of overdue procurement procedures
  • Delays from the planned deadlines for the implementation of procurement procedures
  • Total amount of purchases (annual plan)

Reports and analytics

To analyze the results and statistics of procurement activities, the system implements a number of reports with flexible settings for filters and data groupings.

The system can generate a report “ Procurement plan“. The procurement plan can be:

  • Submitted to management for approval
  • Prepared for posting on the company's website or the official website (zakupki.gov.ru)
  • Prepared for placement on electronic trading platforms

The report will help control the execution of the procurement plan “ Procurement plan execution report“. The report clearly shows the data on the winner (the line with the winner's data is highlighted in orange) and data on the delay from the planned deadlines for the procedures (actual dates and backlog in days are highlighted in red in the report).

You can get statistics on purchase financing limits using the report “ Budget execution control“.

Using the Gantt chart, you can analyze the plan for conducting procurement procedures.

With the help of the report Procurement Progress Report” you can conduct statistics on the progress of purchases by deadlines and statuses.

The automated information system "SYNEXP: COMPETITIVE PURCHASING" allows you to carry out the following types of procurement procedures:

  • Request for price quotes.
  • Competition.
  • Open auction.
  • PDO (multi-lot PDO).
  • etc.

The full set of procedures is determined by the internal regulations of the organization and can be flexibly configured in the system.

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In this article, we will consider the options for financial investments of the organization, namely loans issued to other companies: monetary (interest-bearing) and non-monetary (goods, materials), as well as the reflection of these operations in the program 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0.

money loan

We conclude a written agreement reflecting the conditions (loan amount, interest for using the loan, loan term). We talked about how to draw up a payment calendar for the contract in the article Loans to employees in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 Interest payments can be set periodically or at the end of the loan term. At the same time, it must be remembered that financial investments are always risks (risk of insolvency, bankruptcy of the borrower, etc.). In the contract, we recommend providing for penalties for violation of the conditions. The less general formulations, the more constructive - the better for everyone.

Interest-bearing loans issued are accounted for on account 58.03 “Granted loans”. The operation for issuing a loan (D-t sch.58.03 - Kt sch.51) is not subject to VAT, because. the borrower does not transfer ownership of the subject of the loan (clause 15 clause 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The issuance of a loan is not recognized as an expense of the organization for tax purposes.

Interest on a cash loan is reflected on account 76.09 “Other settlements with various debtors and creditors”. With the OSNO (accrual method), interest on a loan is recorded monthly on the last day of the month, regardless of the date of their payment. With the simplified taxation system (cash method), interest on a loan is reflected on the date they are received from the borrower. At this moment, non-operating income arises for tax purposes (clause 6 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In fact, the interest for using a loan is the cost of services for providing a loan; they are not subject to VAT, as is the amount of the principal debt. In the VAT declaration, the accrued interest for reference is reflected in section 5 (code 10100292).

Important: "Input" VAT on costs associated with the issuance of a loan is not deductible, it is included in other expenses of the organization. If the share of operations on loans issued in revenue is less than 5%, then the organization can accept the entire "input" VAT for deduction, fixing this in the accounting policy.

Consider the reflection of operations in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0.

The accrual of interest on the loan on the last day of the month is included in other income (BU) and non-operating income (NU) on a monthly basis, regardless of subsequent events in the execution of the contract. Such an event may be the forgiveness of the debt to the borrower.

Section "Operations" - "Accounting" - "Operations entered manually":

If the borrower fails to comply with the terms of the agreement, the lender charges penalties (penalties, fines). Date of reflection of penalties - the date of recognition by the borrower (payment, written consent) of penalties or the date of entry into force of the court decision (under OSNO) and the date of payment of penalties (under USNO).

Important: Penalties for improper performance of the terms of the contract are not subject to VAT. are not related to payment for goods sold and are not listed in Article 162 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

We also reflect the document "Operations entered manually":

Consider the option when the parties have a debt forgiveness agreement.

The forgiveness of the main debt is not taken into account by the lender in the expenses for taxation of profits (do not check the box) (clause 12 of Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Interest on a loan in accounting is written off as expenses (debit of account 91.02), but is not accepted for tax accounting purposes. Interest forgiven date is the date of the debt forgiveness agreement.

We form the Analysis of the subconto "Counterparties" (borrower).

As can be seen in the figure, the parties agreed to forgive both the loan amount and the amount of interest. The agreement is fixed by a written agreement on debt forgiveness, loan settlements are closed.

Consider a non-monetary loan (goods, materials).

In economic activities, organizations can provide each other with goods and materials with payment for services rendered. The peculiarity of the loan agreement being concluded in this case is that it must accurately indicate the quantitative, varietal and other characteristics of the transferred goods or materials. subsequently, exactly such goods or material must be returned. In addition, the agreement specifies the interest rate (per annum) for the loan.

In this case, the ownership of goods (materials) passes to the borrowing organization, and therefore is subject to VAT (clause 1 clause 1 of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and is reflected in accounting records as a sale on the date of shipment.

Consider an example with a non-monetary loan of materials (raw materials).

Accounting entries in this case will be as follows:

The issuance of a loan as an expense for tax purposes is not recognized.

Important: When returning a non-monetary loan, the principal debt must be returned with the same product (materials), while if the purchase price for this product differs from the original price, the difference will not be taken into account for profit tax purposes. The borrower draws up a document for the sale of goods (materials) at initial prices and charges VAT.

Accounting entries will be as follows:

After registration and repayment of a non-monetary (goods, materials) loan, we form an Analysis of account 58.03.

Thus, VAT accrued by the lender payable to the budget when issuing a non-monetary loan is deductible when repaying the loan. But it also happens differently.

After the return of the loan from the borrower to the simplified taxation system, the lender loses VAT. "simplifiers" do not issue invoices. This must be taken into account when concluding a contract. Perhaps this loss will be compensated by further fruitful cooperation. In any case, "when you do good to others, you first of all do good to yourself." (B. Franklin)

Interest on a non-monetary loan is calculated in the same way as interest on a cash loan is calculated (Debit 76.09 “Subconto” - “Borrower” Kt 91.01 “Interest on loans received”).

VAT on accrued interest is determined by calculation (for example, 18/118; 10/110) upon receipt of funds from the borrower (clause 4 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Payment of interest in this case is associated with the payment of property transferred to the borrower.

The lender issues an invoice in 1 copy. and transfers it to the borrower, the borrower is not entitled to a tax deduction. We create an invoice "in advance" because only this document assumes the estimated VAT rate. Select the type of operation code "01" "Sale of goods, works, services and operations equated to them."

We form the Analysis of account 76 in the context of sub-accounts to verify the correctness of the calculation of VAT on interest paid.

We form the report "Analysis of subconto" - "Borrower". The report reflects movements in all related accounts for this borrower.

Loan settlements are closed.

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Getting a loan is often accompanied by the obligation to pay interest for its use within a certain period of time. In certain situations, they are normalized.

Interest on loans received is recorded as a debit entry for other expenses 91.2 and a credit or accounts. They are accrued every month under the accrual method, if the loan term is more than a year. Under the cash method - on the day the interest is transferred.

If the debt is controlled (the loan was provided by a foreign organization that owns 20% of the authorized capital, or an affiliate of this organization), the interest is calculated by dividing the interest rate for the reporting or tax period by the capitalization ratio as of the last reporting date. This value cannot exceed the limit level (Article 269 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When issuing a loan in foreign currency, a need arises. Under the cash method, this situation is not possible.

Typical postings in accounting

During the construction of real estate, interest on the loan is included in their initial cost:

  • Debit 08 Credit 66 (67).

After construction is completed, a record is made:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 66 (67).

If the interest rate exceeds the controlled debt ratio, then a deferred tax liability arises, which must be recognized at:

  • debit of account 68.4.2 and credit of the account.

Example of transactions for a loan from a legal entity

The firm was granted a cash loan for a period of months at a rate of 12% per annum in the amount of 350,000 rubles.


Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
66 Received a loan 350 000 Loan agreement

bank statement

91.2 66 Interest accrued on a loan 38 500 Accounting information
66 Percentages listed 38 500 Payment order
66 Loan repaid 350 000 Payment order

If the lender is an individual, from the amount of interest paid to him: 13% - for residents and 35% - for non-residents. This operation is documented by posting: Debit 73 (76) Credit 68 personal income tax. The transfer of interest to an individual is carried out by recording Debit 66 (67) Credit (50).

Loan from an individual

The organization received a loan from the director in the amount of 80,000 rubles. at 5% per annum for 3 months.


Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
50 66 Received a loan 80 000 Incoming cash order
91.2 66 Interest accrued 600 Accounting information
73 68 personal income tax Withheld personal income tax from interest 78 Accounting information
66 50 Interest paid 522 Account cash warrant
66 50 Loan repaid 80 000 Account cash warrant

Quite often in practice, enterprises issue loans to their employees in order to maintain and develop their staff. Any company has the right to issue a loan to its employee. In this article, we will consider the accounting of loans in 1C, we will study the accounts for accounting for loans and interest on them, as well as personal income tax.

When issuing a loan to an employee, an agreement is concluded with him in writing (regardless of the amount), in which all the main points must be spelled out: the amount of the loan, the term for which the loan is granted, the terms of issue (interest-bearing or interest-free), the loan repayment period and percent. If an interest-free loan agreement is concluded, then the text of the agreement must necessarily indicate the absence of the borrower's obligation to pay interest.

Consider the process of issuing a loan to an employee using an example:

  • Loan amount - 500,000 rubles.
  • Loan term - 36 months.
  • Loan interest - 4%
  • Refinancing rate - 7.25%

The issuance of a loan to an employee in the 1C program begins with the creation of a payment order. In the main menu, select "Bank and cash desk", then "Bank", then "Payment orders".

Rice. one

We go to the list of payment orders, and click "Create". We carefully monitor the filling of the fields. Pay attention to the "Type of operation" - "Issuance of a loan to an employee."

If an exchange with a bank is configured in BP 3.0, then the document will be created automatically when uploading a bank statement. We check the correctness of filling in the details.


So, the funds are transferred to the employee under the loan agreement.

To repay the loan, it is necessary to create a new deduction in the 1C program. To do this, from the main menu, go to the menu item "Salary and personnel" - "References and settings" - "Salary settings".

Rice. 5

In the salary settings, select the "Deductions" item.

Rice. 6

Open the hold list. Using the "Create" button, add a new hold.

Rice. 7

We create a deduction, fill in the “Name”: Deduction for repayment of a loan. And in the "Category of retention" we do not select anything, since nothing suits us from the list proposed by the program. We assign a code to our new hold and close it using the “Record and close” button.

Rice. eight

In the same way, we create the type “Deductions for interest on loans”. Thus, two of our new holds were added to the list of holds.

Rice. 9

Currently, accounting for loans and loans in 1C is partially implemented, therefore, various programs for accounting for loans and loans are offered. But it is useful for any accountant to be able to calculate any indicators manually. Today we will learn how to calculate the amount of interest, material benefits, as well as the amount of personal income tax from material benefits manually using formulas.

For the indicators described above, the following calculation formulas are used:

  • Interest amount = Debt amount x Interest x Number of days in a month / Number of days in a year;
  • Amount of material benefit = Amount of Debt x (2/3 refinancing rate - percentage) x Number of days in a month / Number of days in a year.

Let's do the calculation for our example:

  • The amount of interest \u003d 500,000 x 4% x 20/365 \u003d 1095.39 rubles;
  • The amount of material benefit \u003d 500,000 x (2/3 x 7.25% - 4%) x 20/365 \u003d 219.18 rubles.

To withhold the loan and interest on it from the employee's salary in 1C, the document "Payroll" is used. We find it in the menu "Salary and personnel" - "Salary" - "All accruals". We get into the list of accruals, and using the "Create" button we create a new "Payroll".

Rice. ten

In the document "Payroll" fill in the details. First, we indicate the employee from whose salary the deduction will be made. Secondly, using the "Hold" button, we fill in two deductions - a monthly payment and interest.

Rice. eleven

Deductions in our document are shown in summary, for details, click on the amount of deductions.

Rice. 12

The document "Payroll" does not create entries for withholding the monthly payment and interest on the loan, therefore, to reflect these amounts in accounting, you must use the document "Manually entered transaction". We find it in the menu "Operations" - "Accounting" - "Operations entered manually". We go into the list and create a new operation using the "Create" button.

Rice. 13

Filling in the lines:

  • Dt 70 - Kt 73.01 - reflects deductions from the employee's salary to pay off the debt and interest;
  • Dt 73.01 - Kt 91.01 - reflects other non-operating income in the amount of interest on the loan.

Rice. fourteen

The date of receipt of income in the form of material benefits from savings on interest is the last day of each month. At the same time, the organization is a tax agent in relation to these amounts, and is obliged to withhold personal income tax from material benefits. The only exception is the situation when the purpose of the loan is to purchase housing or land for construction. Interest on personal income tax will be as follows:

  • 35% - if the employee is a tax resident of the Russian Federation;
  • 30% - if the employee is a non-resident of the Russian Federation.

Thus, returning to our example, we calculate personal income tax from the material benefit to the employee:

  • RUB 219.18 x 35% = 76.71 rubles.

Consider how to reflect this amount in the 1C program. In the main menu, select "Salary and Personnel" - "Personal Income Tax" - "All Documents on Personal Income Tax".


Using the "Create" button, we create the document "Individual income tax accounting operation".

Rice. 16

We fill out a new document. We indicate the employee to whom the loan was issued, the date of the operation - the last day of the month. In the tabular part, we indicate the income code - 2610 Material benefit received from savings on interest for the use of borrowed (credit) funds, as well as the amount of material benefit.

Rice. eighteen

The personal income tax accounting operation also does not create accounting entries, therefore, in order to reflect the withholding of personal income tax from material gain, we again create the “Manually entered transaction” document. From the main menu, go to "Operations" - "Accounting" - "Operations entered manually". We create a posting Dt 70 - Kt 68.01 Deducted from the salary of personal income tax from material benefits.

Rice. 19

And yet, in order to automatically deduct personal income tax from the employee’s salary from the employee’s salary, you need to make adjustments to the registers. To do this, press the "More" button in the newly created "Operation", and find the "Select registers" item.

Rice. twenty

In the list that opens, we find "Mutual settlements with employees" and "Salary payable."

Rice. 21

We mark them with checkboxes. In the “Operation” document, a tab “Settlements with employees” appeared, it needs to be filled in.

Rice. 22

We also see the "Salary payable" tab. Let's fill it out too.

Rice. 23

The second option: if personal income tax from material benefits needs to be withheld when paying wages to an employee, then you can additionally create a new type of deduction and reflect it and the amount on the “Deductions” tab of the “Payroll” document. Then the amount payable for the month will be calculated taking into account the tax calculated on material benefits (that is, the employee will receive less by the amount of deduction). All movements in the registers will be made by the document “Payroll”.

Rice. 24

We created all documents for accounting for a loan to an employee, and also reflected this operation in accounting, despite the complexity of this issue, we made sure that the 1C 8.3 program provides full functionality for performing such calculations.