Online courses in Russian. Independent study of the Russian language

  1. Experience Information
    1.1. Relevance of experience
    1.2. Target Experience Line
    1.3. Leading Key Ideas
  2. Experience technology
    2.1. Theoretical substantiation of experience
    2.2 Analysis of the educational situation of teaching the Russian language
    both non-native and the relevance of the experience
    2.3. The main problems solved in the experiment
    2.4. Methods and forms of teaching Russian as a non-native language
    2.5. Extracurricular activities with students for whom Russian is not their native language
    at the initial stage of education
    2.6. Diagnostics of students' learning in the Russian language, for whom
    Russian is a non-native language at the initial stage of education
    2.7. Approbation of the textbook by E.A.Bystrova "Learning the Russian language" 5-7th grade"
    2.8. Other methods used in working with students for whom Russian is not their native language
    2.9. Extracurricular activities with students for whom Russian is not their native language
    at the main stage of training
  3. The effectiveness of the experience
  4. Bibliographic list
  5. Work experience review
  6. Application to experience

Experience information.

The relevance of experience.

In this period, during the period of the migration explosion, some school classes of the municipal educational institution of the secondary school No. 11 of the Krymsky district of the Krasnodar Territory consist of 80% - 100% of students for whom Russian is not their native language. The current situation related to teaching Russian as a non-native language has developed as follows: a school teacher has a standard philological education that provides for teaching Russian as a native language, and there is also no specialized textbook aimed at students of this category for whom Russian is not their native language. In this regard, the problem of "teacher-textbook-student" has arisen, which consists not only in poor knowledge of the Russian language, it is a more complex problem - social and psychological adaptation of the student to a new culture, new habits, traditions and customs, new value orientations, new relationships in the team. Consequently, the questions arise: “How to organize the educational process?”, “How to include work with these children in it?”, “Where to start?”, and most importantly, “How to teach Russian to non-Russian students?”.

Target Experience Line

The purpose of the experiment is to create conditions for the “soft” inclusion of children in the learning process, to correct existing and form new knowledge in the field of the Russian language, and to teach types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking, writing). Removal of interference in speech and at different levels of the language system.

Leading Key Ideas.

The main task of teaching the Russian language at the present stage is the purposefulness of education to achieve a specific end result.

So, the main key ideas will be the following:

  • To instill interest in the Russian language, psychologically prepare for further study of it at school;
  • To accustom the hearing of children to sounds, words of Russian speech;
  • To create in children a stock of the most commonly used Russian words, to develop the ability to use this minimum in colloquial speech;
  • To teach how to build elementary phrases in Russian, using words in the correct grammatical form.

Theoretical substantiation of experience.

The federal target program "Russian Language", adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2005, No. 833) for 2005-2010, contains a whole section "Strengthening the positions of the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation." This section includes a number of specific provisions. They aim at work in the following areas: “Studying the quality of Russian language proficiency as a non-native person studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation”, “Conducting a systematic observation and analysis of the balance of Russian national bilingualism in the territory of the Russian Federation, to prepare “forecasts and recommendations on the functioning of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this program, a theoretical study of the problem of Russian as a non-native language is carried out, and the activities of schools for teaching migrant children are analyzed.

Russians of more than forty nationalities and thousands of migrants from different CIS countries live in the Krasnodar Territory, so the Russian language acts as an intermediary language in the communication of people of different nationalities, regardless of their citizenship. However, many of the newly arrived refugees and internally displaced persons in the Kuban have little or no command of Russian. These are predominantly communities of Meskhetian Turks, who live compactly in our Crimean region.

Analysis of the educational situation of teaching Russian as a non-native language and the relevance of the experience.

In our school, which is located in the village of Nizhnebakanskaya, students of 21 nationalities study. 50% of students are Meskhetian Turks. For these students, Russian is not their native language. The majority of Meskhetian Turk children enter the first grade knowing little (sometimes not knowing at all) the Russian language. Within the framework of the municipal program "Russian Language in the Conditions of the Multinational Population of the Crimean District", the school administration distributes children into classes based on the level of Russian language proficiency, implementing an individual approach to students and based on many years of experience in teaching the Russian language. As a result, classes are formed in the school, which are 80% percent, and sometimes even 100% composed of students for whom Russian is not their native language.

There are no teachers with knowledge of the Turkish language in the collective of secondary school No. 11, therefore both teachers and children experience difficulties not only in the educational process, but also in simple communication. In this regard, the problem of "teacher-textbook-student" arises. At the same time, the school teacher has a standard philological education, which provides for the teaching of Russian as a native language. There is also no specialized textbook aimed at students of this category, for whom Russian is not their native language. A student who has the intention to learn the Russian language remains "not covered" by the software and methodological support of the educational process.

Since 1996, I have been working in secondary school No. 11 as a primary school teacher, and since 1999 as a teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1996, I first encountered the problem of teaching Russian as a non-native language, since my first class consisted of students of Turkish nationality. There were 27 Meskhetian Turks in the class. First, I decided to determine the level of Russian language proficiency of the students in my class, which helped me in my future work. To determine the level of language training of students, I used the Draft Educational Standard for Russian as the State Language of the Russian Federation, which defines the requirements for the level of training of students at the initial and main stages of education, and suggests ways to measure the level of language proficiency. Along with traditional forms, the standard also provides for non-traditional ones - testing, methods for measuring the level of proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, writing. (Appendix No. 1). Diagnostics of students' knowledge and skills allowed me to determine the level of Russian language proficiency of students in my class. As a result, I identified three levels: weak, medium and zero.

Students with a weak level of Russian language proficiency accounted for 45%, these are students who, with difficulty, but understood Russian speech, could speak on certain topics (about themselves, their family, communicate in a store, in transport). Their vocabulary was very limited. There was a strong accent that interfered with normal communication with the teacher and other students. There were strong lexical and grammatical interference due to the influence of the native language, a slow pace of speech, that is, the student was constantly looking for words to express his thoughts (translated from his native language).

30% of students had an average level of Russian language proficiency. These students made mistakes in stress and intonation, there were accents, lexical and grammatical interference. The students understood my explanations and could answer the question posed.

The remaining 25% of students are students with a zero level of Russian language proficiency. These students did not speak Russian at all, they did not understand my words. With such students, I communicated through student-advisers.

The main problems solved in the experiment.

Unfortunately, the problem was not only poor knowledge of the Russian language. It was more difficult the problem is the social and psychological adaptation of the student to a new culture, new habits, traditions and customs, new value orientations, new relationships in the team. Questions arose: “How to organize the educational process?”, “How to include work with these children in it?”, “Where to start?”, and most importantly, “How to teach Russian to non-Russian students?”.

Since then I have been working on the problem of teaching the Russian language to children for whom Russian is not their native language. I started my work by studying the difficulties of learning Russian as a non-native language.

Most children have systems of two languages ​​coexisting in their minds. At the same time, students perceive the laws of the Russian language through the prism of their native language and transfer the phenomena of their native language into Russian speech, which often leads to errors. This transfer is called interference. I considered the main task to overcome the negative, in this case, influence of the native language, to prevent interference errors in Russian speech. But for this, first of all, it is necessary to “see” the language material through the eyes of a non-Russian, to realistically assess the difficulties that the student must overcome.

These difficulties are due to discrepancies in the systems of the native and Russian languages, the absence of certain grammatical categories of the Russian language in the native language of students, the discrepancy between their functions in the native and Russian languages, and discrepancies in the ways of expressing certain grammatical meanings. And besides, the irregularity of linguistic phenomena in the Russian language itself: the more exceptions to the rules in the language, the more difficult it is to assimilate.

Difficulties in mastering Russian as a non-native language can be divided into three levels:

  • Difficulties common to any non-Russian;
  • Difficulties for speakers of a certain group of languages ​​(closely related, unrelated);
  • Difficulties for a particular nation.

So, for all those who study Russian as a non-native language, the category of gender, the category of animateness / inanimateness, the Russian prepositional-case and aspect-temporal systems are of particular difficulty. The degree of difficulty in this case may be different, depending on the degree of closeness of the native and Russian languages. The Russian category of gender covers nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verb forms (past tense, conditional mood, participles), therefore, the correct assimilation of many phenomena of the grammar of the Russian language (declension of nouns, agreement of adjectives, ordinal numbers, etc.) depends on the correct definition kind. Each language has its own system of distributing nouns by gender - and the difficulties in mastering the Russian category of gender are explained by the systemic discrepancies between the native and Russian languages. But not only them. There is no category of gender in Turkish at all. A large number of errors in gender agreement are caused by the lack of motivation for the category of gender in the Russian language.

All this leads to mistakes like: my book, beautiful girl, hot water, big room, mom said, one newspaper, my dad is strong, etc. Characteristic are the errors associated with the category of animateness/inanimateness. It was important for me to see the difficulties of the unit being studied in a complex: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, in order to determine the sequence of working with them. For example, in simple sentences: The book is on the table. The brother worked at the factory the teacher should provide:

  • phonetic difficulties (continuous pronunciation of a preposition with a noun, stunning / voicing: from the factory - in the table, etc.);
  • difficulties in mastering the case form (distinguishing prepositions in and on, different shaping of nouns in the prepositional case: in a factory, but: in a sanatorium, in a laboratory);
  • difficulties in learning verbal control (works where? happy with what? surprised at what?);
  • difficulties in mastering the agreement of the subject with the predicate in gender, number (my brother worked, the book lies).

Since the problem of teaching the Russian language to students of Turkish nationality was considered at that time only at the school level, I, working with non-Russian primary school children, taking into account all the difficulties of mastering the Russian language, from the first days of teaching students at school, tried to arouse their interest in learning the Russian language , develop a flair for the language, psychologically prepare for further study of it and other subjects at school. To do this, I singled out my methods and forms of work.

Methods and forms of teaching Russian as a non-native language

Since there are students in the class with different language levels of Russian language proficiency, it became necessary to create a collective form of work. The advantage of this form of work is that it significantly increases the volume of speech activity in the classroom: after all, choral answers help overcome the fear of making a mistake, and this is the most important thing when working with such students. This work is convenient for acting out the proposed speech situations that encourage them to ask or say something in Russian. They helped to create in children a stock of the most common Russian words and phrases for use in colloquial speech. Often I asked students who did not speak Russian well to say the name of this or that subject in their native language. This was necessary so that children with an average level of language proficiency could explain the lexical meaning of difficult words, and the student could better understand it.

Working in pairs helped me to correct the speech errors of students by compiling a dialogue on a given situation. The guys helped each other in the correct and clear pronunciation of non-native speech. The development of phonemic hearing was also achieved through individual work with the student.

I used chain work when working on reading techniques, when consolidating knowledge of grammatical forms and structures with and without visual support, when compiling stories based on plot pictures, and when retelling.

In order to instill interest in the Russian language, I used entertaining visual, verbal, role-playing games, various types of cards for both individual work and group work, handouts (abacus with vowels to reinforce topics such as “Unchecked unstressed vowel at the root of the word”, “Checked vowel at the root of the word” and others, circles with cases, do-it-yourself reference charts on various topics), subject pictures, riddles, rebuses, toys.

Entertaining games enlivened the lesson, made it more interesting and varied. The educational task assigned to the students in a playful way became more understandable for them, and the verbal material was easier and faster to remember. The consolidation of old and the acquisition of new speech skills and abilities in the form of a game also took place more actively. During the game, children learned new vocabulary, trained in pronunciation and fixing certain words, phrases, whole sentences in speech, tried to expressively read poems, riddles, proverbs.

The didactic games used both in the Russian language lessons and in other lessons were visual and verbal. With the help of visual games, I expanded the vocabulary of students, involving toys, objects, and various printed visual materials. Word games were often built without relying on objective visualization. Their goal was to consolidate the already known vocabulary and develop mental activity, the formation of speaking skills in accordance with the game task assigned to the students.

The word games that I used in the lessons were one of the effective means of controlling the process of forming students' oral Russian speech. Recall and reproduction of words in verbal didactic games were carried out along with the solution of other mental tasks: replacing one word with a synonym for it, the name of an object or character according to its features or actions, grouping objects according to similarity and difference.

Extra-curricular work with students for whom Russian is not their native language at the initial stage of education.

Equally important in solving this problem was the extracurricular work carried out at this stage of education. The parents of the students also helped me in this work. They took part in the events with pleasure, prepared and conducted them, helping me to communicate with children with a weak and zero level of Russian language proficiency. Students of Turkish nationality took an active part in classroom and school-wide activities. They prepared with interest, collected material, and also held open extracurricular activities. My students took part in school competitions, where they won prizes. (Tatashadze Nargiza - 2nd place in the Russian language Olympiad among 2nd grade students, Bezgunov Mehti - 3rd place in the Russian language Olympiad among 3rd grade students, Vatan Shakhzadaev - 2nd place in the Mathematics Olympiad among 3rd grade students).

Using these forms and teaching methods in the classroom, I made the program material more accessible for students to assimilate, increased their interest in learning the Russian language.

Throughout my work in elementary school, I conducted open lessons in Russian on the topics: “Spelling a soft sign after nouns hissing at the end”, “ Transfer of words with a soft sign, speech development lesson on the topic “My small homeland” and extracurricular activities “Journey to a fairy tale”, the game “Clever and clever”, “Farewell to the ABC”, “Congratulations to our mothers”, “Meeting with veterans of the war”, “Farewell to the initial school” for teachers of our school, where it demonstrated an increase in the level of Russian language proficiency of non-Russian students, showed work to overcome the difficulties of mastering the Russian language, instilling interest in the Russian language of non-Russian students. At the district seminar "Creating a favorable educational environment at school by introducing new teaching technologies", which was held on the basis of our school, I conducted an open lesson-test on the topic "Adjective name" in the 3rd "D" class. (Appendix No. 2). This lesson, one might say, was the final stage in working on this problem in elementary school. The guys really showed a good level of proficiency in Russian, they coped with various types of tasks, both in collective work and independent individual work, this was proved by their marks for the lesson and positive statements addressed to the students of the class by the present teachers of the district.

Diagnosis of Russian language proficiency of students for whom Russian is not their native language at the initial stage of education.

The data obtained as a result of the measurement: in the class by the end of the third year of study there were no students with a zero level of language proficiency, with a weak one - 15%, with an average - 60%, and with a good one - 25% - they proved an increase in the level of Russian language proficiency. All the students in my class were transferred to the fifth grade, that is, to the second stage of education.

In 1999, I moved to work as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Together with my class, I continued to work on the problem of teaching Russian as a non-native language in Turkish classes.

The guys came to the basic school mainly with an average level of proficiency in Russian. New difficulties arose before the students: new learning conditions, new forms and methods of teaching, new subject teachers, new classrooms, which means that I had to find new ways to solve them. Of course, I continued all the work that I did at the initial stage of teaching the Russian language. But every year, although the students grew older, new and new difficulties appeared in teaching non-Russian children the Russian language.

By that time, this problem had become regional in our district. On the basis of the school, together with the IMC, a regional problem group was organized, which included teachers - philologists of the district, including teachers from our school. At the meeting of the problem group, issues of teaching the Russian language in classes where Russian is a non-native language were discussed. Teachers exchanged experience, made plans for the future.

Approbation of the textbook by E.A.Bystrova "Learning the Russian language" grades 5-7.

Galina Stanislavovna Dluzhnevskaya, at that time the director of the IMC, suggested that I work with the textbook by E.A. Bystrova "Learning Russian" for students in grades 5-7. The preparation and publication of this textbook was carried out within the framework and at the expense of the Federal Target Program "Children of Refugee and Forced Migrant Families" of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. The textbook is designed to solve the problem of social and speech adaptation of children to the new conditions of education in Russian. This manual is recommended in order to activate the existing speech skills and abilities of students in a short time, to ensure communication in Russian in the educational and everyday spheres. Correct existing and form new knowledge in the field of the Russian language. Ensure "soft" inclusion of children in the learning process. To prepare them for understanding the speech of subject teachers, reading educational literature on various subjects of the school cycle. Accordingly, the course includes three sections:

  • Introductory colloquial.
  • Introductory subject.
  • Corrective.

Each course in this manual has its own objectives. Introductory-colloquial - removal of the language barrier, activation of students' knowledge of the Russian language, expansion of their vocabulary. This makes it possible to prepare students for free communication in Russian within the walls of the school and further education in Russian. The task of the introductory course is to prepare non-Russian students for studying in a Russian school, that is, to teach them to read textbooks in various subjects, to answer in Russian in all lessons, to master the basic concepts, terms and terminological combinations used in school subjects. The main rate is the correction rate. Its task is to form new knowledge in the field of the Russian language. The course contains important sections of the Russian language: phonetics, morphology, syntax, punctuation, and the development of speech occupies a special place. They reflect the difficulties of mastering the educational material and ways to overcome them.

I used this manual only as an additional methodological material for the lesson. I consider it inappropriate to switch to teaching non-Russian students only using this textbook, since, firstly, there is no textbook for grades 8-9, and secondly, this manual does not prepare students for final certification in grade 9, not to mention the unified state exam, thirdly, it is desirable and expedient to introduce introductory-speaking and introductory-subject courses at the first stage of education. But still, this textbook in my work was of great help in teaching schoolchildren, and helped them to form new knowledge in the field of the Russian language.

Since the tasks of the introductory-speaking and introductory-subject courses were solved back in elementary school, special attention, on my part, was paid to the corrective course.

The remedial course is a whole section, which includes such sections of the Russian language as phonetics, orthoepy, spelling, morphology, syntax, speech development.

The material of this section can be studied not only in grade 5, but also used as an additional one in grades 6-9 selectively, taking into account specific difficulties for non-Russian students.

When studying phonetics in the 5th grade, I used exercises that helped me in consolidating and improving the pronunciation skills of sounds and stress, in correcting the accent in students' speech, in developing and improving speech hearing among non-Russian students. With the help of this material, I prepared for the lessons, compiling demonstration tables “Sounds of vowels and consonants”, “Hard and soft consonants”, “Voiced and voiceless consonants”, “I, Yu, E, E, at the beginning of a word, after vowels and b, b", individual cards, prepared visual aids and handouts on each topic. In the lessons, students performed various tasks with interest, for example: read the way words are pronounced, read quickly a tongue twister, change words according to the model. I drew students' attention to the headings that are placed on the pages of the textbook: "Pay attention!", "Remember!", "Distinguish!", "Let's play!", "A little humor." When summarizing the "Phonetics" section, I held an open lesson for teachers of the district, when a meeting of the problem group of the district was held on the topic "Individual approach to students of ethnic classes in teaching the Russian language." At the lesson, the students showed a good level of Russian pronunciation and excellent knowledge of the topic "Phonetics". (Appendix No. 3).

Working on morphology in grades 5-7, I also turned to the textbook edited by E.A. Bystrova "Learning Russian in grades 5-7." It provides material that is aimed at overcoming difficulties in the study of such parts of speech as a noun, an adjective, a numeral, a verb, a pronoun.

The main difficulties that students of ethnic classes experienced when studying a noun are the prepositional-case system of the Russian language, gender, the category of animation / inanimateness.

The difficulty of assimilation lies in the fact that in the Turkish language there is no category of animation / inanimateness as such, but the names of active and passive objects are distinguished. The first are words denoting people. To the second - all other nouns, including the names of animals, birds, fish, insects. The question is who? in Turkish refers to nouns denoting people only; dog, cow, perch, like the names of things answer the question what?. Taking into account the indicated difficulty, it is planned to form the skills of recognizing animate / inanimate nouns by meaning and posing questions who? what?

One of the most difficult categories in the study of Russian as a non-native language is the gender of nouns. This is primarily due to the fact that it is a logically unmotivated category. It also causes difficulties because it is absent in the native language of students. The material on overcoming this difficulty is considered from different positions. For example, the gender of nouns can be determined by gender, by endings in the nominative case, by suffixes, and the exercises given in the textbook provide for the possibility of forming nouns not only masculine, but also feminine.

In my Russian language lessons, I included exercises, fairy tales, riddles, game moments like “Who is faster?”, “Let's have a rest, let's play!”, “Let's talk!”, “Do you know?” Offered by E.A. Bystrova. At the regional seminar "Problems of teaching the Russian language in ethnic classes", which was held on the basis of our school, I conducted a general open lesson - a master class of the Russian language in the Turkish 6 "G" class on the topic: "Noun". (Appendix No. 4) The students showed themselves only on the good side. All teachers and methodologists of the region admired the answers of the children, kind words addressed to the students were also expressed by R.M. Gritsenko, who was present at the lesson.

E.A. Bystrova recommends paying special attention to the syntax and punctuation of the Russian language, which are difficult for non-Russian students to master. These are phrases: forms of communication of words in a phrase, intonation: the role of logical stress in the semantic content of a sentence, a simple sentence: types of sentences, word order in a sentence, homogeneous members of a sentence: punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence, a complex sentence: direct and indirect speech, dialog.

The most effective means of developing punctuation skills in children of Turkish nationality were tasks for expressive reading, especially when placing punctuation marks at the end of a sentence, in sentences with the same members, direct speech, and when addressing. Separate tasks were aimed at developing in students the ability to independently construct sentences, starting with the ability to pose questions to: 1) the subject (who? or what?) and its action; 2) predicate (what is he doing? what did he do? what will he do?). To prevent the influence of the native language, I used exercises to change the direct order of words in these sentences to the reverse. Using different types of tasks in the lesson, I achieved good results in studying the section of the Russian language “Syntax. Punctuation”, and these results were visible on an open lesson on the topic “Phrase” in grade 6 “G”, which I conducted at a meeting of the regional problem group “Using new technologies in teaching children with poor command of Russian speech” on the basis of our school, as well as at an open lesson in 9 “V” class - “Generalization on the topic “Compound sentences”. (Appendix No. 6).

I built the methodological system of teaching a second language not only taking into account the patterns of mastering new language material, but directed it to eliminate the reasons that impede this assimilation, as well as to prevent and remove interference. All exercises to prevent and remove interference were divided into:

  • exercises to remove interference at different levels of the language system. These are exercises for observing and analyzing selected linguistic phenomena that cause the greatest difficulties, training exercises (imitative, substitution, question-answer, transformational, model exercises, etc.), translation exercises.
  • exercises to remove interference in speech, that is, reproductive exercises (retelling, retelling with elements of transformation), reproductive and productive (composing dialogues, short texts according to samples), productive (situational, communicative).

All the work was carried out together with the work on the development of speech, which I paid special attention to, since it was necessary not only to acquaint students with the basic speech concepts: speech, text, style, type of speech, but also to teach them to build statements taking into account the knowledge gained. This textbook helped me overcome all the difficulties of working in Turkish classes on the development of students' speech, as it presents an original methodology for working with speech concepts, based on modern achievements in the field of linguistics.

At the international scientific-practical conference "Teaching and functioning of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation in a multilingual environment", which was held in September 2006 in the city of Sochi, I gave a master class lesson in an unfamiliar class, where all students are of Adyghe nationality. It was a speech development lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Preparing for the composition“ My favorite animal ”. (Appendix No. 5). In the lesson, I used the experience that was accumulated during the entire period of work with students for whom Russian is not their native language. E. A. Bystrova’s teaching aid also helped me a lot in organizing and conducting the lesson. The students were helped by the demonstration and handout material made by me on the basis of the textbook by Bystrova E.A. The present directors of the region's schools, methodologists, head of the department of Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching it at the St. Petersburg State University, vice-president of ROPRYAL Yurkov Evgeny Efimovich highly appreciated the lesson, its organization, as well as the active work of students.

Other methods used in working with children for whom Russian is not their native language.

Working in classes with students for whom Russian is a non-native language, I also use a teaching aid edited by S.I. Lvova. Its schemes - tables for punctuation and spelling allow you to simultaneously influence the visual, logical, emotional memory of the child, which makes it possible to more fully use different channels for obtaining and consolidating educational information and, of course, improves the quality of education. The scheme makes it possible to present theoretical material in a visually illustrative, systematized form, in the form of a kind of graphic symbol that exposes and visually emphasizes the main features of a linguistic phenomenon. I want to note the system of accelerated spelling training by T.Ya. Frolova, which my students really like for their dispersed spelling training. In 2004, I attended advanced training courses where T.Ya. Frolova dwelled in detail on her methodology. Even then I realized the need to apply it in practice. The dispersed study of spelling and punctuation in parallel with the study of other sections of the language really has its advantages, and this is of great importance when teaching children with a native non-Russian language. The technique of T.Ya.Frolova is:

  • compact study of "Spelling" and "Punctuation" as independent or backbone sections;
  • reducing the volume of the studied spelling and punctuation material by combining rules with a common identification feature into one information unit, into one accessible generalized comparative rule.

In my work with students when practicing spelling and punctuation, I used formula algorithms, rhymes, spelling and punctuation warm-ups, “Do not believe your ears” warm-ups, graphic diagrams, as well as illustrations that reflect the order of application of the rules in images.

Extra-curricular work with students for whom Russian is not their native language at the main stage of education.

In order for students to successfully master the Russian language, one should not be limited to the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Long-term practice of teaching the Russian language shows that the full mastery of the program material and perfect command of the Russian language as a means of communication is possible only if students are given the opportunity to speak, listen, read and write in Russian for at least 5-6 hours a day. day. It is impossible to foresee this in the curriculum and school programs. Therefore, it is necessary to solve these problems not only in the classroom, but also in the process of extracurricular work with students. Thanks to this work, which is carried out purposefully, and systematically develops interest in the study of the Russian language. My students like it, they collect material with interest, prepare and conduct it. Class hours, conferences, disputes, quizzes, contests for the best reader and the best essay, the release of literary newspapers, amateur art evenings, lectures, competitions - all this has a great educational effect, contributes to solving problems in mastering the Russian language by students. Days and Weeks of the Russian and native languages ​​play an important role in familiarizing students of all ages with the Russian language. On the "International Mother Language Day" the school held competitions for reciting poems and statements about the mother tongue, essays "I love you, mother tongue", an exhibition of national costumes, household items, dishes of national cuisine. I spent a brain-ring on the Russian language with students of the 7th Turkish grade, a trip to the country "Russian language" in the 6th Turkish grade. These events are the most massive, the whole school is involved in the organization and conduct.

At the district seminar of deputy principals of schools on the topic “The work of the administration of secondary school No. 11 on the introduction of modern educational technologies, on expanding the participation of state and public school management in educational work”, I held an open class hour on the topic “Family traditions and holidays”. Students acted as historians, were antiquarians and archaeologists when they were looking for old family things, journalists, reporters when they asked their parents about their great-grandparents, writers when they wrote essays about the family, photographers, culinary specialists and even linguists when they got acquainted with the meaning of new unfamiliar words. In addition, the students took part with pleasure in the literary festival “I love you, my dear homeland ...”, dedicated to S.A. Yesenin, prepared for the lesson-portrait “N.A. .Yu. Lermontov (a diploma was received in the regional competition for the development of the event), the correspondence excursion on the topic “Russians-Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature” was interesting. The students prepared creative works both in the Russian language and in literature. For example, Iskandarova Zarina and Iskandarova Zarifa prepared the exhibition “Lermontov in Taman” based on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, designed the exhibition of Tamin Kokoev based on the work of A.P. Students like to do creative work, they make every effort to do it: they visit school and rural libraries, fine art circles.

I am the head of the Russian language and literature classroom, which is fully equipped with interactive teaching aids, didactic material and methodological literature. Taking advantage of the capabilities of the cabinet system, I systematically use a computer, multimedia projector, TV, VCR, DVD, and to prepare for lessons, the Internet. All methodological, reference, fiction is also used by me in my work. I myself make interesting presentations for lessons, use electronic teaching aids, a library of electronic visual aids, multimedia applications, collections of dictations, trainings, electronic dictionaries, to prepare for the exam in the Russian language, a collection containing rules and assignments. I offer all this to my students, and this allows students to organize listening to literary and musical works, watching movies (screen adaptations of the works being studied), and also to do computer work with pleasure. The children themselves collect, record films based on the works of the school curriculum. This work also develops students' interest in learning the Russian language, psychologically prepares them for further study of it at school, accustoms children's hearing to sounds, words of Russian speech, creates in children a stock of the most common Russian words, develops the ability to use them in colloquial speech, teaches them to build elementary phrases in Russian, using words in the correct grammatical form.

I consider the result of my work to be that my class as a whole successfully completed the second stage of education (with the exception of students who dropped out due to relocation), there was not a single repeat year, and some students continued their studies at the third stage. They successfully passed the Unified State Examination and are now studying at colleges and universities in the Krasnodar Territory, most of the students in my class continued their education in colleges, and then in universities in the United States and Turkey. These are Pasha Abdullaev, Vatan Shahsadaev, Farida Akhmedova, Mehdi Bezgunov, Alibek Bekirov and others. As for the level of proficiency in Russian, it can be noted that the growth is noticeable, and all the students of Turkish nationality with whom I had to work have reached a good level of proficiency in Russian.

On April 12-15, 2006, Moscow hosted the final of the inter-regional competition of projects of educational institutions “Dialogue is the way to understanding. Integration of refugees and other categories of international migrants through education”. Our school was included in the list of finalists of this competition. She presented the project "Creation of optimal conditions for the organization of a multicultural space by means of education in a rural school of multinational composition." One of the components of this project was the development of my open lessons, compiled on the basis of the textbook by E.A. Bystrova, as well as material for its testing. Pupils for whom Russian is not their native language went to defend the project, including Usmanov Teyfur, a student of my class.

16 institutions participated in the presentation of projects of educational institutions - finalists of the competition, which was held at school No. 653 of the southern autonomous district of Moscow. Children and teachers shared their experience, teachers also talked about the problems they have to face. The problem of teaching Russian as a non-native language was also raised, as well as teaching other subjects in Russian.

Summarizing and disseminating my work experience, I spoke at methodological associations of teachers of the Russian language and literature at school, at a meeting of the problem group of teachers of the district on the topics “Individual approach to students of ethnic classes in teaching the Russian language”, “Russian as a non-native language in the Federal Target Program” Russian language”, “Russian language in the multinational Kuban and in the CIS countries”, “Teaching Russian language to bilingual children”, “The essence of the technological approach in the educational space of a multinational school”, at the regional conference of language teachers. The materials of the experience are available in the social project "Dialogue - the path to understanding", as part of the work of the experimental site on the basis of the school on the topic "Creating optimal conditions for the organization of a multicultural space by means of education in a rural school of multinational composition", they are also published on the school website and on the website Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", in the journal "The World of the Russian Word".

The effectiveness of experience.

The study of scientific and methodological literature on teaching non-Russian students, acquaintance with the textbook by E.A. Bystrova, teaching methods of T.Ya. Frolova and S.I. Lvova - all this allowed me to analyze my teaching activities, summarize my own experience and come to a decision many problems that one has to face in the process of teaching non-Russian students.

Thanks to the methodological recommendations of E.A. Bystrova, the reasons for the “failure” of a number of students became clear. Methods, forms, a system of exercises, the presence of motivation helped create conditions for the “soft” inclusion of children in the learning process, correct existing and form new knowledge in the field of the Russian language, remove interference in speech at different levels of the language system, and also teach types of speech activity ( listening, reading, speaking, writing). All this helped to create an atmosphere of trust, cooperation and partly creativity in the lessons. There is still much to be tested and analyzed, but I am pleased with the increase and preservation of a steady interest in the study of the Russian language by students of ethnic classes at all stages of education. It is too early to talk about high results, but the percentage of the quality of knowledge does not stand still, it is increasing: 2004-2005 academic year - 48%; 2005-2006 - 56%, 2006 - 2007-61%.

In this work, every theoretical statement is supported by material taken from my experience. I hope that the presented work will become not just an example of the effectiveness of using the methods and forms of work I have chosen, but will also interest Russian language teachers, help them in the way it helps me to organize the process of teaching Russian as a second language more effectively.

Bibliographic list

  1. Asmolov A.G. Reference and information publication of the Ministry of Education of Russia "Bulletin of Education". Publishing house "Pro-Pres", 1995 p. 96.
  2. Bystrova E.A., Kudryavtseva T.S. Guidelines for the textbook "Learning the Russian language". Grades 5-7/ Collective of authors.-M.: Valent, 1999.- 64 p.
  3. Verbitskaya L.A. Scientific and methodological illustrated magazine "The World of the Russian Word" No. 3. – Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University. 2006 p.120.
  4. Frolova T.Ya. A technique for intensive teaching spelling. Russian language: A book for teachers. - Simferopol: Taurida, 2001. - 272p.; ill.

to a holistic description of the experience of Zoya Vladimirovna Salova,
Russian language teacher MOU secondary school No. 11
villages of Nizhnebakanskaya, Crimean region
on the topic "Teaching Russian as a non-native language"

For thousands of years our people have been creating this miracle of miracles - their own language, which acts as the native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of Russia, and as one of the world's languages ​​of communication in the near and far abroad. Involuntarily, the words of A.N. Tolstoy, said back in 1934: “The Russian language should become a world language. The time will come - the Russian language will be studied along all the meridians of the globe. These words turned out to be prophetic.

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the authority of the Russian language not only among the peoples of Russia, but also in other CIS countries and abroad. Knowledge of the Russian language makes it possible for every person to communicate with people of other nationalities and opens up ways and prospects for interethnic and intercultural cooperation. In this regard, on December 29, 2005, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the federal target program "Russian Language" for 2005-2010, which contains a whole section "Strengthening the positions of the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation." Within the framework of this program, a theoretical study of the problem of Russian as a non-native language is carried out, and the activities of schools for teaching migrant children are analyzed.

In secondary school No. 11 of the village of Nizhnebakanskaya, Krymsky district, there are school classes consisting of 80% -100% of students for whom Russian is not their native language (mostly children of Turkish nationality). There are no teachers with knowledge of the Turkish language, therefore both teachers and students experience difficulties not only in the educational process, but also in communication. In this regard, the problem of "teacher-textbook-student" arises, which consists not only in poor knowledge of the Russian language, but also in the psychological adaptation of the student to a new culture, new traditions and customs, new relationships in the team.

“How to organize the educational process?”, “How to teach Russian to non-Russian students?”, “Where to start?” - these questions arose before the teachers working in ethnoclasses.

The relevance of the experience of Salova Z.V. at the moment it is undoubted, since she has found answers to the questions posed and continues to work on them further. The purpose of her experience is to create conditions for the "soft" inclusion of children in the learning process; correction of existing and formation of new knowledge in the field of the Russian language; listening, reading, speaking, writing; removal of interference in speech and at different levels of the language system.

The key ideas that guided Zoya Vladimirovna, working on the problem of teaching the Russian language to children for whom it is not native, are of great importance for improving the educational process, for organizing methodological work at school, since the diagnosis of her students to determine the level of Russian proficiency speech showed that by the end of the 3rd year of study there were no students with a zero level of language proficiency (in the 1st year of study 25% of students); with a weak one - 15% (in the first year of study - 45%); with an average level - 60% (in the 1st year of study - 30%) and with a good level - 25% (there were none in the 1st year of study).

In 1996, when Zoya Vladimirovna faced the problem of teaching Russian as a non-native language in Turkish classes, there were few methodological recommendations. She used the Draft Educational Standard for Russian as the State Language of the Russian Federation, MP for Teaching Russian in Tajik and Uzbek Schools.

Great help in organizing and conducting Russian language lessons was provided by the textbook "Learning the Russian Language" for students in grades 5-7, edited by E.A.Bystrova, on which Zoya Vladimirovna had been working on approbation since 2002. The demonstration and handout material made on the basis of this textbook helped her to conduct a master class lesson in an unfamiliar class, where all students were of Adyghe nationality in September 2006 in the city of Sochi (as part of the international scientific and practical conference "Teaching and functioning of the Russian language as state language of the Russian Federation in a multilingual environment”).

Directors of schools in the region, methodologists, head of the department of Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching it at St. Petersburg State University, vice-president of ROPRYAL Yurkov Evgeny Efimovich, who were present at this lesson, highly appreciated the lesson, its organization and the active work of students.

Schemes and tables from the educational and methodological manual edited by S.I. Lvova made it possible to present theoretical material in a visually illustrative, systematized form, in the form of a kind of graphic symbol that students remembered well and applied in practice.

In her work with students, when practicing spelling and punctuation, Zoya Vladimirovna used formula algorithms, rhymes, spelling and punctuation warm-ups, graphic diagrams, illustrations by T.Ya.

The novelty of the experience of Salova Z.V. consists in the fact that it builds a methodical system of teaching a second language not only taking into account the patterns of mastering new language material, but also directs it to eliminate the causes that impede this assimilation, as well as to prevent and remove interference. She works on improving pronunciation skills, correcting the accent in students' speech, and developing speech hearing in non-Russian students.

A creative approach in teaching the Russian language is manifested in the close connection between academic and extracurricular activities, which are carried out purposefully and systematically develop interest in learning the Russian language.

Zoya Vladimirovna makes interesting presentations for lessons, uses electronic teaching aids, a library of electronic visual aids, multimedia applications, and uses the Internet in her work. Her students enjoy listening to literary and musical works, watching educational films and discussing them, collecting, recording films based on the works of the school curriculum, which develops interest in learning the Russian language, increases the vocabulary of the most commonly used Russian words, develops the ability to use them in colloquial and written speech.

The positive quality of the experience of Salova Z.V. is that her class as a whole successfully completed the II stage of education, during the study there was not a single repeater, students who continued their studies at the III stage successfully passed the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and study at universities and colleges of the Krasnodar Territory , USA, Turkey. All her students reached a good level of Russian speech.

In the presentation of the projects of educational institutions “Dialogue is the way to understanding. Integration of refugees and other categories of international migrants by means of education”, which took place from April 12 to April 15, 2006 at school No. 653 of the southern autonomous district of Moscow, was attended by her student Usmanov Teyfur.

One of the components of the project was the development of extra-curricular activities and open lessons, compiled on the basis of the textbook by E.A. Bystrova, as well as material for its testing.

The results of the work are obvious: students study the Russian language with interest, an atmosphere of trust, cooperation and creativity reigns in the lessons, the percentage of quality speaks for itself: 2004-2005 academic year-48%, 2005-2006 academic year-56%, 2006-2007 academic year year - 61%.

I believe that the quality of the generalization of experience meets the criteria for advanced pedagogical experience.

The applications presented by Salova Z.V. will arouse interest both among Russian language teachers working with non-Russian students, and among the leaders of the Moscow Region and methodologists. Appendix No. 1 deserves special attention, which will allow you to determine the level of language proficiency of students of any nationality, and lesson notes with presentations will help you prepare lessons in a quality and interesting way.

The experience of Salova Z.V. can be used both in general education schools with a multinational composition when teaching Russian as a foreign language, and in other educational institutions.

The federal target program "Russian Language", adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2005, No. 833) for 2005-2010, aims to work in the following areas: "Study of the quality of knowledge of the Russian language as a non-native person studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation "," Carrying out systematic monitoring and analysis of the balance of Russian national bilingualism on the territory of the Russian Federation, for the preparation of "forecasts and recommendations on the functioning of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of the Russian Federation." The experience of Salova ZV will help to implement the work in these areas, as this is a good solution to the urgent problems of education posed to teachers of elementary school and the Russian language and literature.

The teachers of our school and district schools (Yu.M. Balkovaya, O.N. Nikitina, N.I. Gritsenko, G.V. Kadatskaya, Z.S. Dzhambekova, I.V. Aramesko, N.A. .Parkhamchuk., teacher of secondary school No. 2 A.Ch. Lazareva), she repeatedly spoke, summarizing and disseminating her work experience, at meetings of the problem group of teachers of the Russian language and elementary grades of the district on the topics “Individual approach to students of ethnic classes in teaching the Russian language ”, “Russian as a non-native language in the Federal Target Program“ Russian Language ”,“ Russian Language in the Multinational Kuban and in the CIS Countries ”,“ Teaching Russian Language to Bilingual Children. She made a report "The Essence of the Technological Approach in the Educational Space of a Multinational School" at the district conference of language teachers.

The materials of the experience are in the social project "Dialogue - the path to understanding", as part of the work of the experimental site based on the school on the topic "Creating optimal conditions for the organization of a multicultural space by means of education in a rural school of multinational composition", they are also published on the school website and on the website Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", in the journal "The World of the Russian Word".

  • Appendix No. 6 - summary of the Russian language lesson in grade 9
  • How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language and remember them forever? The answer to this question is of interest not only for students, but also for those who have long graduated from school. There is hardly a person who would not like to write and speak correctly. The tips in this article will help you to cope with this task.

    Where to begin

    How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language? To begin with, you should stock up on a textbook and a collection of tasks, the implementation of which will help consolidate what you have learned. Proper preparation for classes is the key to success. You need to tune in to remembering the rules. In no case should you learn them in a hurry, under the influence of certain distractions (music, TV, and so on). The best time to learn new information is in the morning and evening hours.

    Also, a person must understand why he is going to learn this or that rule, whether he will need it in later life and in what situations. The right motivation is the key to success.


    How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language and apply them successfully? The mistake is made by those who try to remember the text without understanding the essence of its content. To begin with, you should carefully read the rule, while each word is clearly pronounced aloud. Then you need to determine the meaning of each word.

    Then you need to try to reformulate the rule. Suppose that it has the following structure: "We do ... when there is ...". You can say this: “If there is ..., then we do ...”. Next, it is worth highlighting keywords, for example, using color. This will ensure participation in the memorization process. You can also represent the rule graphically, for example, in the form of a table or diagram. The more actions a person performs with the text, the higher the likelihood that he will remember its content.

    How to quickly learn the rules in the Russian language, consisting of several points? First you need to understand the content of each part. Then all the points must be connected together.

    We connect fantasy

    People with a developed imagination can take advantage of this when remembering the rules. This method is actively used by primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers. If a person can figuratively imagine the content of the text, he will remember it better.

    Fixing the material

    How to learn the rules of the Russian language? Many people forget the importance of reinforcing what they have learned. You can not neglect the exercises, the implementation of which will help to apply the rule. It is advisable to choose a variety of types of exercises, this will allow you to remember all the possible nuances. During the execution of the work, it is necessary to pronounce the content of the rule again and again.

    Retelling the studied material is the shortest way to memorization. The content of the rule can be told to yourself or to someone from the household. It is also useful to answer someone's questions regarding the material studied. For example, an assistant can ask a person about the case in which something specific is done or written, and he must name the condition. If there is no opportunity to resort to someone else's help, you can ask questions to yourself and answer them.

    Read and write

    How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language on your own? Reading books is the shortest way to achieve this goal. We are talking about books, and not about texts on the Internet, which are often full of grammatical errors. The best choice would be classical literature. While reading books, visual memory works, and pronouncing the text aloud allows you to use sound memory as well. A person not only expands his vocabulary and develops the skill of combining and combining lexical units. His brain also fixes the correct spelling of various concepts and terms. This reduces the number of spelling errors.

    Rewriting books is another way to remember the rules of the Russian language. It is quite laborious, but the result is worth it. By rewriting one page a day, a person can become more literate in no time. During this task, be sure to work with the text. It is necessary to track the familiar rules that are found in sentences, to control the correct placement of punctuation marks, spelling of words. However, even if a person simply rewrites texts, the rules will begin to be deposited in his subconscious without additional effort.

    Mnemonics - a quick way to learn the rules of the Russian language

    Mnemonics is a memorization technique that has been used since before our era. This method was used by ancient orators who needed to learn their long speeches. Most researchers attribute its invention to Cicero. So, what is the fastest way to learn the rules of the Russian language? The practical examples below will help you understand this.

    • How to remember the use of the verbs "to put on and" to put on "? "I put on Hope, putting on clothes."
    • “It’s not great, not wonderful, but dangerous and terrible to write the letter “t” in the words “interesting” and “tasty” in vain. Such text will help you better remember seven words that do not use the letter "t".
    • How to remember the cases of the Russian language? A funny tongue twister will help to cope with this task. For example, "Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag a diaper." Or "Ivan Chopped Firewood, Varya Stoked the Stove."
    • How to quickly learn prefixes that need to be written together? It is enough to remember the word "avtomotovelofotoradiomonter".
    • After the letter "C" is always written "I", however, there are exception words. It’s easy enough to learn them: “Gypsy tiptoed chicken chicked chick.”

    The funnier the phrase, the easier it is to remember. For example, “Whoever writes “CA” in verbs is a real sheep.”

    Creative Methods

    Using mnemonics is a quick way to learn the rules of the Russian language. Of course, there are other creative methods. For example, you can try to sing a rule that is difficult to remember. In this case, it will certainly crash into memory.

    Another effective way is to speak a complex text into a voice recorder. This recording should be regularly listened to before going to bed. Finally, the text of the rule can be shouted out, this also contributes to memorization.


    Learn grammar. There are people who understand all the rules intuitively. They do not need to remember the entire grammar course in school in order to correctly write a compound word. So don't be surprised if your desk mate or work colleague never bothers looking up a word in a dictionary or cramming the right rule. If you don't have this ability, just learn the rules. The school course is enough not to make mistakes in words. Therefore, ordinary textbooks for 5- will help you. You can remember the forgotten rules and pass tests for knowledge of certain ones on the website

    Don't rely on built-in text editors. It would seem that we know if there is word and other useful programs? Firstly, they may not identify all errors: some words in the context may be spelled differently. Secondly, you can easily get into a situation where it will be impossible to use the spell checker. Illiterate texts spoil the impression of and significantly lower his reputation in the circles of educated people. Therefore, learn to find your own mistakes and, more importantly, to avoid them.

    Do not allow yourself to neglect the correct spelling of words. Yes, you are chatting online with a friend. Yes, except for him, no one will see yours. But getting used to writing illiterately from time to time, you form a habit of doing it always. You are not required to have a perfect speech in everyday life, but try to avoid the most gross mistakes.

    Watch your speech. Find a dictionary with words. Remember the stresses in the words that you often encounter in everyday life. For example, in any form of the word “call” (called, call ...) is placed on the last syllable. As in the words "bows", "cakes" (the emphasis falls on "s").

    Read more. Good books not only allow you to develop as a person and learn something new, but also train your literacy. Have you met a well-read but illiterate person? Constantly having the correct spelling of words in front of your eyes, you will become less likely to make mistakes when writing.

    Explanation on the fingers often has to be used when meeting new words. Masters of their craft are advised to use only as a test of understanding. The words themselves need to be semantized - to explain the meaning through pictures, gestures, playing entire situations or defining on, and the latter only works for an advanced level.

    Lessons should be made as fun as possible. If your group is sociable, simple people, then games will help you a lot. They can also stir up a beech - it is unlikely that you will have to work with a completely closed person who does not make good contact. But if the student does not want to join the game in any way, there is no need to force him.
    Use interesting texts and videos for lessons. Choose topics that are of interest to students. Ask for their opinion more often, do not impose your own. And, when they already more or less master the vocabulary and grammar, put them in a real communication situation, for example, if your topic is "Restaurant", then in the end you need to go to a real restaurant.

    Remember that in Russian lessons, new vocabulary should be given on the basis of the old grammar, and new grammar on the basis of words and expressions already covered. This way you will ensure the correct assimilation and consolidation of the material, and it will not be too difficult for your students to understand you.

    Spanish language is one of the most widespread in the world, as it is spoken by the vast majority of the inhabitants of Latin and South America. Many would like to learn it on their own. To do this, it is important to learn how to use electronic resources and make a plan for learning the language.

    You will need

    • - a computer;
    • - the Internet;
    • - writing accessories;
    • - 2 notebooks;
    • - headphones.


    Set precise goals. Think carefully about why you want to learn Spanish. If it's for memory and attention (or curiosity), then you don't need to make an hourly schedule to master it. But when it comes to the tight deadlines that remain before an interview or internship, the speed of mastering will be completely different.

    Always be in a positive mood. It is important to constantly have only the mood, otherwise learning a language can turn into hard labor. For this reason, many people give up doing this business. Try to be emotionally involved in the process itself. Don't get attached to the result at first.

    Select quality listening material. You can do it on the same resource. Listen to Spanish speech every day for 2-2.5 hours. This will help you to react quickly during a real conversation in the future. In addition, using this method, you will be immersed in the language environment, which will speed up the process of learning Spanish.

    Get a notebook to write down new words. As soon as you come across a new Spanish word from a tutorial or other source, immediately write it down in a notebook. Opposite it, write the translation and above - transcription, if necessary. Review new vocabulary every evening and every morning. At the end of the week, ask a friend or family member to check on you. Let you have a word on . You must give the Spanish equivalent. This method will allow you to quickly gain a lexical minimum for communication.

    Start chatting with native Spanish speakers as quickly as possible. Once you've learned enough words, mastered the grammar, and learned how to listen, then you'll be able to communicate in simple phrases with Spanish speakers. Do this through Skype or social media. Practice as often as possible. Then success will not keep you waiting.


    For communication at the initial level, it is enough to master no more than 500-700 words.

    You have been studying Russian for more than a month, but you still can’t say a word, and you can’t talk about watching movies? You are probably just learning Russian incorrectly.

    Let's talk about simple but effective rules that will help you start speaking Russian in just a few lessons!

    Rule 1. Learn Russian with the immersion method. Listen to the radio, watch movies, look for video tutorials in Russian. An intermediary language prevents you from concentrating on the language you are learning, and, accordingly, slows down the process of mastering Russian. If you want to speak or understand Russian, the communicative method will give you much more than any grammar book.

    Rule 2. Try to memorize phrases, not single words. Along with the phrase, you also learn grammar. How to use this or that word in this context and in this situation, how to build sentences, how to ask questions - all this comes not with cramming the rules, but with memorizing the most used phrases in the Russian language.

    Rule 3. The aspect of the language that you pay the most attention to when learning will be the one you develop the best. For example, if you only do grammar tasks, decline words, conjugate verbs, you will be a master at this. But you will never speak unless you try to speak. Do you want to watch Russian films? Watch movies! Do you want to speak with Russians fluently? Try to talk, find a teacher or interlocutor and practice, and you will speak! You cannot play a musical instrument if you only watch others play. Practice needed!

    Rule 4. Give Russian lessons at least ten minutes, but every day. If you hear Russian speech and try to speak, the results will not be long in coming. Repeat the material covered, try to speak with Russians. Regularity is very important in the process of learning a language.

    Rule 5. Find your motivation. If you don't know why you need Russian, you will quit your lessons very soon. Read Dostoevsky in the original? A great reason to learn Russian! Travel all over Russia alone? Great, you need to know at least basic phrases to survive. Watch Russian comedy shows and understand the Russian mentality? Great motivation. Or maybe you want to find your love in Russia? Or conquer the Russian-speaking distant relatives of your family? Look for your personal motivation, and you will not refuse to study the Russian language!

    Listen, speak, read and join our large Russian-speaking family!

    The Russian language is a very important subject of the school curriculum, the study of which largely depends on obtaining a good certificate and successful admission to a university. In addition, it is difficult to find a profession that does not require at least a basic knowledge of literate writing. And given that all modern activity is somehow moving online, where you need to be able to express yourself in writing, then we can say that it is extremely necessary for any person today to write without gross errors and be able to express their thoughts in writing.

    It is easier for students with a humanitarian mindset - many of them know literate writing on an intuitive level and can write correctly and pass dictations with high marks without knowing the rules. But many children cannot do without the help of a teacher who can clearly explain the complex rules of the Russian language and show how to apply them in practice. This is required to develop the skill of competent writing in a child. In certain situations, some children do not receive a sufficient level of knowledge of the Russian language and are deprived of the opportunity to successfully pass the state exam.

    When you might need more help:

    • The child is passionate about sports or art and does not keep up with the school curriculum due to intense training or classes at a music school;
    • lack of contact with a teacher in an educational institution - the child simply cannot learn the rules from the lips of a certain teacher or conflicts with him because of the subjective attitude of the teacher;
    • low level of teaching the subject at school, while the student is faced with the task of entering a prestigious university.

    If parents deal with at least one of the listed cases, they are forced to look for alternative opportunities for their children: hire third-party tutors or use the possibilities of modern online resources in the field of distance education.

    Russian language home education

    Today, teaching Russian at home does not require the involvement of a tutor. You can systematically and methodically master the program in all sections of the subject with the help of interesting video tutorials. For example, our website contains lectures on all sections of the subject from grades 1 to 9.

    Classes will allow the student to effectively learn the most difficult topics, ignorance of which often spoils the guys' annual grades or jeopardizes admission to the university. Our site offers a wide range of lectures. A student can study both individual problematic topics, and repeat the entire program for a certain class, if, for example, the child was often sick this year.

    Now long absences from school are not terrible. Being at home on sick leave or forced to leave the country with their parents, the student can learn the rules of punctuation and spelling on their own - you only need a PC or tablet computer and Internet access.

    Online learning Russian

    • The scientific plan is developed in accordance with the standards of the general educational program;
    • the ability to communicate with teachers - the child can ask the teacher a question if he has difficulty understanding the topic;
    • classes can be held in a place convenient for the student - only a computer and access to the Internet are required;
    • clear and functional interface of the student's personal account;
    • preparation courses for the exam, significantly increasing the chances of successful admission.

    If a child wants to study at his own pace, plans to enter a university for a specialty that requires a deep knowledge of the Russian language and wants to feel confident during tests and exams, remote video lessons will help him learn the subject at a high level. This is the key to successful self-realization in the future and self-confidence.