Benefits and harms of manual therapy of the spine. The benefits and harms of manual therapy

Movement is life. And with a healthy spine and the absence of pain, they allow you to live full life and enjoy every day. But as soon as any disease of the musculoskeletal system appears, a person immediately feels discomfort not only when moving, but also at rest, and sometimes excruciating pain. In this case, it is urgent to contact a qualified doctor - a chiropractor, who will help not only get rid of pain syndromes, but also eliminate their root cause. Remember, the sooner you start full competent treatment the faster the recovery will be.

Manual therapy is the diagnosis and treatment of joints and spine, disorders in muscular system as well as diseases internal organs with hands.

In development modern medicine people began to have some doubts and questions related to the impact of manual therapy on the human body. “Is manual therapy dangerous for a sick spine?”, “Does manual therapy treat the cause of pain or only relieves symptoms?”, “Does the treatment affect the whole body as a whole or only the lesion?” - these and many more questions are constantly asked by patients of our clinic who suffer from arthrosis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuritis, etc.

Let's still find out what is actually a myth and what is reality.

When conducting initial consultation without an external examination, a vertebrologist can put correct diagnosis . No, this is not true. If at the initial consultation without an examination and additional examinations, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment, then there is a high probability that you have not come to the most experienced and conscientious specialist. Initially, the doctor must determine the presence accompanying symptoms- pain in the spine, numbness in the limbs, weakness, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbance, etc. If the patient came to the appointment without pictures, then to clarify the diagnosis, it may be necessary to additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis - MRI, CT, X-ray. And only on the basis of the images and conclusions of the examination, the collected anamnesis and examination, the doctor can make a final diagnosis.

Manual therapy is a type of massage . Some patients suggest that manual therapy is not just similar to massage therapy, but is also a variation of it. Actually it is not. Massage affects soft tissues- skin, fascia, muscles by stretching and rubbing, and manual therapy - on joints, bones.

By influencing the body with manual therapy, only diseases of the spine and joints can be eliminated. . Referring to statistics, most of patients turn to a chiropractor specifically with problems of the spine and joints - osteochondrosis, impaired posture, sciatica, arthrosis, intercostal neuralgia and many other diseases. But manual therapy can also help with other diseases. It is for this reason that patients with various pathologies notice a significant improvement in their condition during the course of treatment. Therefore, the list of diseases in which improvement is noted is quite wide. It can be gastrointestinal disorders such as colitis, bulb ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer, indigestion, constipation; respiratory diseases - bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis; diseases of the ear, throat, nose; gynecological diseases- inflammation of the appendages, polycystic ovaries, impaired menstrual cycle; kidney disorders - urolithiasis disease, diseases Bladder, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence. It is very effective to use manual therapy to correct psycho-emotional disorders, restore metabolism, and eliminate obesity. You ask how with the help of hands you can influence the internal organs and nervous system? This is explained by the fact that the internal organs of a person are reflexively connected with the spine.

When performing manipulations, a chiropractor can set a hernia . An experienced specialist not only cannot repair a hernia, but should not try to do it. For example, a sequestered intervertebral hernia, as well as osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome are contraindications for manual therapy. Additional examinations are needed to confirm the diagnosis and exclude the intervention of a chiropractor. Among the few contraindications for manual therapy - rheumatoid lesions joints and spine, severe osteoporosis, tumor processes.

Manual therapy is a very painful and dangerous procedure. . In fact, manual therapy is not dangerous procedure and does not cause pain correct technique execution. Manual manual therapy procedures are very effectively used in patients different ages. If, nevertheless, during the session, pain, stiffness is felt, then the treatment process should not be forced. It is necessary to clarify the cause that causes pain and discomfort, to conduct therapy aimed at eliminating it.

Manual therapy is new modern method treatment . In fact, manual therapy is rooted in the distant past. Even more than 2.5 thousand years ago, the founder and representative of modern medicine, Hippocrates, described in his works the methods manual medicine. And in the countries of Asia, Europe, Egypt, even earlier works on manual therapy were found.

There are beliefs that manual therapy is very dangerous and even contraindicated in case of a sick spine . When the first pain symptoms appear in the spine, it is necessary to contact a chiropractor, but not on the advice of a girlfriend or acquaintances, but in the direction of an experienced specialist - a neurologist, an orthopedist. An examination should be carried out and proper treatment. Quite often, we ourselves are a doctor for ourselves: we got sick, we tried massage, manual therapy, and if it didn’t work, then it doesn’t heal. Treatment should be selected individually for each patient. This is the only way to achieve maximum possible outcome and return to a full-fledged life full of pleasant events!

The theory of manual therapy is based on the conclusion that the spine is to blame for almost any disease. Or rather, violations in it. Dizziness, frequent headaches or even fainting can be a signal that due to the displacement of the vertebrae, the blood circulation of the brain is disturbed. acute pain in the neck and lower back possible symptom pinched nerve. Constant fatigue in the back, most likely, muscle spasms, the cause of which is changes in the spine. If you delve further into the study, you can find out that the work of the internal organs is directly related to how well and correctly our spine is built. That is, pain in the pancreas is not necessarily an echo of yesterday's feast, and the heart can "wine" not only because of a love story with a sad ending.

If we do not talk about serious sports injuries and accidents, then the wear and tear of the vertebrae, alas, is a natural process. It, like the aging of the body in general, cannot be stopped. With age, every person undergoes destructive changes in the intervertebral discs. This leads to irritation of nearby nerve endings and inflammation. The next stage is a change in blood circulation and, as a result, muscle tension and deprivation of the usual light mobility due to spasms in certain areas of the back. That is, exactly where the affected spine is located.

The peculiarity of manual therapy is that it is a non-drug treatment. listening to your complaints and detailed descriptions pain, as well as looking at x-rays, the therapist only assesses the degree of the disease with his hands and then again conducts a series of manual effects on the back and spine area. The good news is that the first relief effect will appear immediately. The bad news is that it's easy to be deceived. To obtain maximum effect and get rid of the disease forever, you need not two or five visits to the doctor. By the way, a competent specialist will never schedule another session for you the next day. It will take three to five days for your muscles to fix their new position, which the therapist will give them during manual therapy. Only then can you proceed with the continuation of treatment.

Of course, it is impossible to stop the process of wear and tear of the body. But it depends on us when the spine suddenly announces itself.

Spinal problems start small and get worse every day. Remember with what back you sit in front of a computer monitor in the office or having dinner at a restaurant (for sure, after this phrase, many people thought and straightened their backs). If today your spine does not make itself felt, does not scream with pain and spasms in the back, then either you have an excellent heredity, or you are smart and live actively and sportily. In other cases, with our hyper-sedentary life, an absolutely healthy spine is just a matter of time.

How to postpone long years forced acquaintance with manual therapists?

  1. Go to the swimming pool. If you don't know how to swim, go to water aerobics. This is the only kind physical activity, which is prescribed to patients even with severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Swimming restores, heals and even more so prevents diseases of the spine. It also helps to relieve excess weight.
  2. Don't slouch. In addition, without being afraid of the sidelong glances of colleagues, try to conduct telephone conversations while standing. And even more so, do not ask for documents from the printer: walk around the office more often.
  3. Do not lift heavy objects. Always be a lady. Carrying heavy bags of groceries is also ugly.
  4. Move more. Do not scold the broken elevator. Know that even for four floors of climbing stairs, the spine will be grateful to you. And the back muscles of the thighs, by the way, too. Park farther away from the office or get off one stop early for a walk. If this does not motivate, buy a bracelet that will count your steps, post the result in social network and give tips on changing your lifestyle.

Over the past few years, manual therapy has become popular, but it is very difficult to find really good, real specialists. Ask friends, read reviews on the Internet, collect information. The fame of masters with golden hands is spreading rapidly and widely. Once you get to the clinic to the first doctor found on the Internet, you take a big risk: even one wrong move by a novice chiropractor can become too expensive.

Will manual therapy of the spine help to overcome the disease?

The history of manual therapy is estimated, perhaps, for thousands of years, since this medical practice known since time immemorial.

AT this moment experts do not deny the effectiveness of the technique in relation to various diseases of the spinal column, therefore, quite often it is included in the treatment regimens for ailments associated with degenerative dystrophic changes, violation of the normal anatomical position of the vertebrae, prolapse intervertebral hernias etc.

Experts Recognize the Effectiveness of Manual Therapy

Such interest in this type of treatment is explained by the fact that manual therapy of the spine has the highest percentage of complete recovery. Along with this, the method is common cause the development of complications. What is manual therapy? What are the pros and cons of manual therapy today?

What does manual therapy treat?

Using the technique of manual impact on the spine, in just a few sessions, you can get rid of persistent pain syndrome in the back, discomfort in the spine when performing movements, pain in diseases of the joints of degenerative origin, and much more.

Manual therapy effectively relieves back pain

According to numerous reviews of manual therapy, this method allows you to eliminate functional blockages of nerve fibers caused by displacement of the vertebrae, relieve spasm from the muscle tissue of the back, restore normal blood supply to the affected areas of the spine, and the like.

What is this treatment method?

What is manual therapy: the benefits and harms of the technique? What is the essence of manual influence on the body? Such questions concern many patients who are faced with the need to try this method of treatment on themselves.

"Manualka" or manual treatment - a set of therapeutic techniques based on manual methods of influence on structural elements of the musculoskeletal system, which allows you to identify and treat a huge number of pathological conditions in this area.

The main advantage of such a correction is its naturalness and safety in comparison with other similar methods, for example, massage.

If we consider how massage differs from manual therapy, then the key argument here is more wide range effects on the spine and the effectiveness of manual treatment compared with other options similar treatment. Besides, in last years The technique is widely used in pediatrics. Manual therapy for children (including manual therapy for infants) is successfully used in the treatment of childhood diseases of the spine, asthma, as a rehabilitation and elimination of the consequences of injuries.

You will learn more about the method of manual therapy from the video:

Often, vertebrologists practice manual therapy during pregnancy, when, as a result of increased loads on the spinal column, a woman begins to experience back pain associated with weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the back, as well as old mechanical damage.

Sometimes doctors have to combine two such things as manual therapy and HIV infection.

The most commonly prescribed manual therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is in this segment that a strong pain syndrome occurs, which is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, semi-consciousness, and the like. Manual therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is a real chance to overcome chronic pain in the neck area.

Manual therapy for back pain is a common practice for many diseases of this segment of the spinal column. The most common option is manual therapy for hernia. lumbar, the efficiency of which is about 65%.

So there are the following indications to manual therapy

The main types of manual treatment

Varieties of manual practice are divided into several classes, based on the direction of exposure and depending on therapeutic goals:

  • manipulation impact (treatment of diseases of the spine, ribs, pelvic bones, limbs);
  • visceral manual therapy, which deals with the treatment of internal organs (similar manual therapy of internal organs is used in relation to patients suffering from pathologies of the intestines, heart, lungs, and pelvic organs);
  • craniocervical manual therapy aimed at correcting headaches and problems with the bones of the skull (manual therapy for headaches is a common method for preventing cranialgic seizures, the main cause of which lies in the violation of the patency of the cervical vessels);
  • self-treatment or manual therapy to oneself, when the patient independently performs manual manipulations;
  • myofascial manual therapy techniques, the action of which is aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments, relieving muscle spasm etc;
  • a complex of manual therapy methods for joint pathology;
  • soft manual therapy or kinesiology, healing effect from which occurs as a result of a complex effect on three components human health: musculoskeletal system, metabolic processes and emotional background.

It is difficult to find a doctor who is fluent in absolutely all the methods of the "manual".

But it can be said with confidence that a specialist who has thoroughly studied at least one option for manual exposure will certainly help the patient cope with the problem that concerns him.

Rules for the procedure

Before visiting a specialist for the first time, many patients are interested in how long a manual therapy session lasts. On average, the procedure takes about 30 minutes. This time is absolutely enough to carry out all the necessary manipulations to correct the pathological condition. Therapeutic effect should appear after 1-2 sessions. Therefore, when asking how many sessions of manual therapy should be done, an experienced specialist will answer - about 7-10, but not more than 15 per year.

How is the session of manual therapy - see the video:

How often can manual therapy of the spine be done?

Doctors recommend not to rush to complete the course of manual treatment and maintain reasonable pauses between sessions, which are about 2-6 days, depending on neglect. pathological process, individual characteristics and age of the patient.

Contraindications to the technique

Despite the fact that manual therapy methods are effective in relation to a huge number diseases of the musculoskeletal sphere, this treatment option has its own contraindications for use:

The negative effect of manual therapy can also occur after a session of manual exposure to a patient who has relative contraindications, for example, old injuries. The doctor must necessarily take into account such contraindications to manual therapy when prescribing a course of treatment, which will avoid the occurrence of undesirable consequences and complications of the underlying pathological process.

If the doctor did not take into account the contraindications for manual therapy, serious complications may occur.

Possible consequences

Most clinical cases Feelings after manual therapy are always positive, and a person can say with confidence that this technique has allowed him to improve his health. But sometimes it happens that after a session of manual therapy, the back hurts, dizziness occurs, or the overall body temperature rises. Why is this happening? What are these symptoms associated with?

As you know, each organism is individual, therefore it reacts completely differently to treatment.

Often the consequences of manual therapy make themselves felt after the first session of manual manipulations, and patients begin to complain about the appearance discomfort, which they associate with the side effects of treatment.

Sometimes people complain that after manual therapy they feel dizzy. A similar reaction occurs in about 1 out of 1000 patients who have used the services of a chiropractor. Given side effect is temporary and most likely associated with the redistribution of blood. Therefore, if after manual therapy a headache or dizziness is noted, it is necessary to seek clarification from a specialist.

Fever after manual therapy rare symptom. It occurs predominantly in patients with chronic inflammatory processes which, under the influence of manual influence, are activated and aggravated. In any case, if after manual therapy it became worse and general state health is broken, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible to clarify the nature of the ailment.

The method of manual therapy is well used in conjunction with other methods of treatment. Manual therapy is often used in cases where it is necessary to eliminate pain, restore mobility. With manual therapy, no drugs are introduced into the body, no drugs are used. additional funds. However, only a doctor can prescribe it. And only if you passed all necessary examinations. Sometimes, in order to speed up recovery, it is necessary to add more physio procedures.

Manual Therapy - a Method Proven for Thousands of Years

Manual therapy, literally, means "treatment with hands", if literally translated from Latin, it will turn out - treatment with palms. This method is designed to treat the spine, joints, disorders in the muscle system and even diseases of the internal organs. Do not confuse manual therapy with simple massage. Massage helps when it is necessary to correct some muscle “misunderstandings” in the body. And the chiropractor will correctly “tune” the spine, intervertebral discs and bones. This procedure will remove pain for many years. This method of treatment is by no means from the new century. He is already thousands of years old. Even in the Middle Ages, there were healers and healers, who were called "chiropractors". Like many centuries ago, today the success of manual therapy depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

A good chiropractor is the key to successful treatment

Rumors about the usefulness of manual therapy are not an exaggeration. Visible results are already after the first procedures. In a person, pain sensations decrease, discomfort disappears, cheerfulness appears. But one must be careful in choosing a doctor, since an inept specialist will not help, but only cause harm. What if in question about the spine, the results improper treatment can be very, very sad. Therefore, when choosing a doctor - be interested in his experience and do not contact traditional healers who are not liable before the law for the result of their treatment. It is better to choose a well-tested medical Center about which patients leave good feedback.

What does manual therapy treat?

manual therapy is prescribed:

  • with diseases of the spine,
  • if necessary, eliminate functional blockages (displacement of the vertebrae);
  • to relieve reflex muscle spasm and for some other disorders.

Often, people who complain of pain in the back, lower back, pain in the arms and legs, "numbness" of the arms and legs, dizziness often turn to a chiropractor. Manual therapy is inevitable for such diseases:

Manual therapy is a complex method of treatment. For the treatment of each vertebra, there are about 100 various techniques! Each patient has his own problems and depending on their complexity, the chiropractor chooses the treatment. Its purpose is:

  • elimination of the root cause of the disease,
  • pain relief,
  • stop the development of certain diseases.

When you go to a chiropractor, remember that chiropractic is not just a back massage, but complete treatment, which has a number of contraindications. A doctor may prohibit manual therapy sessions if a person has:

Only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe manual therapy. And if you need offers you a lot good clinics and experts in this field.

What are the benefits of manual therapy

Manual therapy will help not only with dislocations and other injuries. This article will discuss how else such a unconventional way solving problems of the musculoskeletal system. recent decades this practice of treatment has become the most popular. Its whole principle is to maintain the health of the spine. Chiropractors believe that most diseases are based on problems and disorders of the spinal column.

The main cause of headaches, dizziness, migraines and even fainting can be pinching and misalignment of the spinal discs. Such clamps impede blood flow through the spinal column to the brain.

Periodic or constant pain in the lower back or neck can be triggered by pinched nerves. Unfavorable changes in the spine can provoke muscle pain in the back. How harmonious and healthy our spine depends on the health of internal organs. That is, it is far from a fact that pain in the liver and stomach is caused by New Year's feast and my heart tingles because of unrequited love. Our body is subject to aging processes and the spine, unfortunately, is no exception. Serious injuries and illness exacerbate this problem. But you shouldn't despair either. Even in the most severe cases, it is worth pulling yourself together and helping your body. therapeutic gymnastics, massage and resort to the services of a chiropractor. By taking such care of your health, you will significantly improve the quality of your life. Each person has the strength age-related changes wear occurs intervertebral discs. In this regard, inflammation and irritation of nearby nerve endings occurs. The result of this is a deterioration in blood circulation and, as a result, a decrease in the level of former mobility. Manual therapy will offer you not drug treatment, which is an absolute plus. After examining the results of the x-ray, the specialist works with his hands on the painful areas. What is most interesting, the effect of such therapy occurs immediately after the first session. But do not rush to celebrate the end of treatment on this. Get a quality course. This is more than five procedures. And pay attention, an experienced and competent specialist will never prescribe a procedure for every day. Rest after therapy should be at least 3-5 days. This time is necessary for your muscles to get used to the new position for them, which the chiropractor gave them. After rest, you can continue treatment. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid aging and wear and tear of the spine, but if you monitor your health, lead an active healthy lifestyle life, then a trip to a chiropractor can be postponed for many years. Be sure to visit the pool and swim more often in reservoirs. Even people with very serious sports injuries and impairments skeletal system doctors recommend water procedures. Even if you can't swim, you can sign up for water aerobics as an option. Watch the position of your back. Do not hunch!

Women, beware of lifting heavy objects. Move more, don't use the elevator. An excellent prevention of problems with the spine will be well-known yoga. And remember: a person who wants is looking for a lot of opportunities, not wanting only reasons! Take care of your health today!

Discussing with patients at the reception the option of prescribing manual therapy as a method of treating certain pain disorders, I often hear the question: “Isn't it dangerous? What if something breaks on me?"

How justified are such fears? Of course, the likelihood of adverse events against the background of any treatment is present. always. Yes, when a patient uses a drug, goes to physical therapy, massage, etc., there is always a possibility of side effects, complications. The concept of "undesirable reaction" is applicable, in principle, in relation to any method of treatment. What is the reason for the sometimes “superstitious” fear of manual therapy on the part of patients, and sometimes even doctors?

It is an obvious fact that during manual therapy, the effect of treatment is often visible immediately, immediately after the procedure. In the same way as the positive effect, adverse effects also occur almost immediately. In such cases, this allows the treatment method to be associated as giving negative effect, there is a so-called negative reinforcement.

However, when using other methods of treatment, the speed of development of the effect is not always lightning fast. For example, when taking an anesthetic drug, a positive effect most often occurs no earlier than 1.5-2 hours later. Adverse reactions in this case, they may appear gradually, with prolonged use of the drug.

And yet: what danger does manual therapy carry? If we do not rely on word of mouth data, but turn to scientific data, we will see that there is not so much information on this topic. For example, one UK study from 2010 searched for and analyzed deaths after manual therapy. In the entire medical literature, 28 such published cases were found. In total. In the world. Is it a lot or a little? The method has been used since time immemorial. The authors considered that a lot. And they delivered their verdict: manual therapy is dangerous, and you should not use it. Damage to the vertebral artery followed by a stroke was indicated as the main cause of death.

However, in 2016 a major American study(about 1000 patients with damage to the arteries of the neck and the development of ischemic stroke), demonstrated that the relationship of manipulations on cervical region of the spine and the development of this pathology was obviously not detected. And most other recent studies also do not find such a relationship.

And if you compare manual therapy with other methods of treatment? And again, the most popular is drug treatment. What is the frequency of adverse events with long-term use commonplace painkillers (NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)? Here we can operate with more accurate data. Bleeding and perforation of the gastrointestinal mucosa occur in about 1 in 100 patients who regularly take NSAIDs, and are the direct cause of death about 2 times more often than in the general population. Impressive? I think yes.

It turns out that all methods of treatment, wherever you look, are harmful, dangerous. What to do? Endure the pain and turn to no one? This approach is practiced by some patients. As a result, chronic pain syndrome, lost time, and often the development of dangerous complications.

Most reasonable approach, in my opinion, is timely appeal to the doctor, adequate examination, the use of combined treatment regimens with a combination of reasonable doses and timing of the use of medications and non-drug treatments suitable for the patient without outdated prejudices.

Often between such concepts as manual therapy and massage, we put an equal sign. However, this opinion is erroneous. After all, during massage, only muscle tissues. During a manual therapy session, the specialist has the same effect on the muscles and joints. Like A complex approach not only solves a number of problems associated with spinal diseases, but also improves blood flow, nourishes tissues and tones muscles.

Manual therapy has another name - vertebrology. This technique can rightfully become the medicine of the future. An experienced chiropractor often solves problems that traditional medical methods have not been able to solve.

The concept of manual therapy

Manual Therapy - What is it? This concept has a fairly broad meaning: it is everything that is treated with the help of hands. This is where the confidence in its great potential arises. However, you should be aware that all existing methodologies manual therapy have rather strict rules developed by professional therapists who practice spinal treatment.

In terms of effectiveness, such therapy significantly exceeds the hardware and drug treatment of diseases of the spine. And this is due to the fact that during the session the doctor deals with the solution of the individual problem of a particular patient. After all, people of different sex and age come to the manual therapy centers. As a rule, their state of health and level physical development are different. This also applies to the back problems they experience. If one patient complains of persistent migraines, the other is treated with an old hernia.

During the session, the therapist uses 2 main techniques: soft and hard. The first one is based on the technique of muscular-energy techniques. In a rigid technique, percussion techniques are used.

The specialist uses various combinations of manual techniques in his work to ensure successful treatment. The use of only one technique is very often ineffective, and in some cases even provokes complications.

The meaning of the technique

Manual therapy - what is it and what is its meaning? The main task of the manual therapist is to create the most favorable spatial relationship for the radicular vessels and structures of the nervous system.

During the session, the doctor eliminates such orthopedic defects as a violation of posture and deformation of the spine.

Main criterion successful treatment- this is a decrease in pain and discomfort, as well as a partial correction of spinal deformity by 8-10 sessions. Duration full course the specialist determines individually in each case.

The history of the technique

Manual therapy - what is it and when did it appear? The development of manual therapy is rooted in ancient times. It is noteworthy that it is mentioned not in one, but in many cultures of the world, for example, in Egyptian, Indian and Chinese. Who were the first chiropractors, no one knows. There is an opinion that they were hunters who used special manual techniques to reduce dislocations and treat injuries.

Gradually, these people accumulated knowledge about anatomy and physiology. human body and studied the functions of the joints. As a result, the first method of treating injuries appeared - bone-cutting. Even Hippocrates mentioned in his writings about a similar method of treating diseases of the spine.

In ancient times, doctors widely used the method of stretching the body, walking on the back of the patient, tapping on the back with special wooden blanks, and even punching. However, the main development of manual therapy did not begin until the 19th century. At this time, two directions appeared at once:

  • osteopaths;
  • chiropractic.

They differed from each other in their views and the methods of treatment used. Chiropractors have most often used a hard approach, using a variety of percussive techniques extensively. It is worth noting that these people did not even have medical education. The osteopathic school, as you know, also did not require compulsory education, however, osteopaths treated their patients in accordance with the achievements of medicine.

Significance in modern medicine

In the 20th century, manual therapy, which quickly spread throughout Europe, gradually began to gain popularity and signs of modern medicine. Osteopathic and chiropractic specialized centers began to appear in cities. They still exist and are engaged in the treatment of people.

In Russia, the first symposium on manual therapy was held in 1989, and a year later the first Association of Manual Medicine was established. 1997 was the most significant year for the development of manual therapy, as it was officially recognized as a science and approved as a medical specialty.

Treatment Methods

Manual therapy of the spine is a special set of manual techniques aimed at correcting the pathology. The goal of manual therapy is to heal and restore the optimal position of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

This is achieved with the help of techniques performed by hands. Thanks to manual therapy techniques, the joints move away from each other.

Specialists working in well-known clinics of this specialization usually practice their own methods of healing, all of which are based on the principles on which manual therapy was originally formed.

For example, consider the technique of subcutaneous myofascial therapy. The essence of this method is to work with tissues. It allows you to normalize reflex mechanisms (muscles, structures). Since this method implies a fairly intense effect on the body, manual therapy treatment can only be carried out after a thorough examination.

Currently, this technique is used to treat various neurological diseases - headaches and muscle pain, sciatica. It is also used for diseases of the joints and spine (artitis, arthrosis, spondylosis, hernia, and others).

Main indications

There are many indications for manual therapy. As a rule, it is prescribed for:

  • herniated disc;
  • osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • regular dizziness;
  • persistent headaches;
  • violation of posture;
  • pain and tension in the muscles;
  • impaired mobility of internal organs;
  • chronic fatigue and stress.

Along with this, manual therapy is used as a rehabilitation after injuries.

Diagnosis and contraindications

In order to make the correct diagnosis, CT, radiography, MRI, electroneuromyography and hardware reflexology are used.

This method of treatment of the spine is not suitable for everyone. The main contraindication to manual therapy is an infectious disease of the joints or spine. Manual therapy courses are contraindicated in the presence of fresh injuries of the spine, arms or legs. Among other diseases that do not allow manual therapy, we should highlight arterial hypertension, tumors, mental disorders. Also, it cannot be prescribed in the postoperative period.

You should not resort to such treatment when infectious diseases With elevated temperature and intoxication, acute heart diseases, disorders in the spinal and cerebral circulation.

A chiropractor should always take into account all contraindications, including relative ones, which include old injuries.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine associated with degenerative changes in closely spaced intervertebral discs and vertebrae. Manual therapy for osteochondrosis is quite effective only in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of the disease, in which there are no bone growths.

Cervical osteochondrosis of the spine suggests special exercises. This disease is quite common today.

Therefore, almost all manual therapy methods are aimed at eliminating this symptom.

Automobilization is considered an effective technique. During the session, the patient tilts his head slightly forward, clasps it with one hand, and rests on his chin with the other, then turns his head and makes small wiggles.

Causes of pain after a session

Sometimes it happens that the patient experiences pain in those areas that the manual therapy doctor worked on. This is due to the fact that one muscle group begins to work actively, while the other gets rid of too heavy load. The effect after a session of manual therapy can be compared to when you "sit your leg" and then straighten it. As a result, not very pleasant sensations appear.

They, as a rule, pass on their own, but to speed up the process, you can do yourself a self-massage or develop muscles with one or another simple physical exercise.

The Benefits of Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy - What is it? It allows you to get rid of unbearable pain that does not go away after taking it. medicines. Today, manual therapy of the spine is widely used in the treatment of back diseases. Often it produces a greater effect than drug treatment.

A session of manual therapy includes a set of special techniques performed by hands. They are aimed at relaxing the muscles and normalizing the mobility of bones and joints. Such sessions can improve blood circulation and reduce pain. The doctor selects specific methods and techniques after examining the patient.

Cost of treatment

There are many chiropractic centers that employ professional doctors ready to help the sick. How much does manual therapy cost? Prices for specialist services are often lower than the cost of drugs, which sometimes do not bring the desired result. In addition, the methods of manual therapy are rapidly developing and improving. On average, the cost of a chiropractor appointment is about 1800-2800 rubles and depends on the complexity and duration of the procedure.

Finding a good chiropractic center and an experienced therapist will not be a problem. To do this, you just need to contact a specialized clinic. The patient can always inquire about the experience and qualifications of those specialists who work in the center and choose the most suitable chiropractor.

Frequently asked Questions

Many people doubt the effectiveness of procedures or have questions related to treatment. Any specialist in manual therapy can easily answer them. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that should be of interest to people who want to learn more about this technique.

How long does a course of manual therapy last? Duration always depends on the nature and development of the disease. The patient who applied to the manual therapy center will be offered to undergo about 8-10 procedures. In rather complex cases, the number of sessions can reach 15.

When does the result appear? Usually pain begin to decline after 2-3 manual therapy procedures. It should be understood that at least 8 procedures are required to consolidate the effect and completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Spinal manipulation - does it hurt? As a general rule, there should be no pain during the procedure. The patient may experience only a feeling of discomfort during some manipulations by a specialist. If during the procedure the patient experiences sharp pain, he should immediately report this to the therapist. Probably, in this case, the treatment will have to be adjusted, replacing manual therapy with more gentle methods, such as physiotherapy.

Availability and ease of treatment

It should be noted that manual therapy, reviews of which are mostly positive, is quite affordable and easy method treatment of back problems. Today there are many specialized centers in all regions of the country that offer the most favorable prices and conditions. Only the best specialists work in these centers.

Manual therapy medical centers use unique techniques treatment of all types of diseases of the spine and joints. After completing the course of treatment, the patient will be able to forget about the pain and return to a full life.

The method of manual therapy is well used in conjunction with other methods of treatment. Manual therapy is often used in cases where it is necessary to eliminate pain, restore mobility. With manual therapy, no drugs are introduced into the body, no additional funds are used. However, only a doctor can prescribe it. And only if you have passed all the necessary examinations. Sometimes, in order to speed up recovery, it is necessary to add more physio procedures.

Manual Therapy - a Method Proven for Thousands of Years

Manual therapy, literally, means "treatment with hands", if literally translated from Latin, it will turn out - treatment with palms. This method is designed to treat the spine, joints, disorders in the muscle system and even diseases of the internal organs. Do not confuse manual therapy with a simple massage. Massage helps when it is necessary to correct some muscle “misunderstandings” in the body. And the chiropractor will correctly "tune" the spine, intervertebral discs and bones. This procedure will allow you to remove pain for many years. This method of treatment is by no means from the new century. He is already thousands of years old. Even in the Middle Ages, there were healers and healers, who were called "chiropractors". Like many centuries ago, today the success of manual therapy depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

A good chiropractor is the key to successful treatment

Rumors about the usefulness of manual therapy are not an exaggeration. Visible results are already after the first procedures. In a person, pain sensations decrease, discomfort disappears, cheerfulness appears. But one must be careful in choosing a doctor, since an inept specialist will not help, but only cause harm. And if we are talking about the spine, then the results of improper treatment can be very, very sad. Therefore, when choosing a doctor, take an interest in his experience and do not contact traditional healers who are not responsible before the law for the result of their treatment. It is better to choose a well-reviewed medical center, about which patients leave good reviews.

What does manual therapy treat?

manual therapy is prescribed:

  • with diseases of the spine,
  • if necessary, eliminate functional blockages (displacement of the vertebrae);
  • to relieve reflex muscle spasm and for some other disorders.

Often, people who complain of pain in the back, lower back, pain in the arms and legs, "numbness" of the arms and legs, dizziness often turn to a chiropractor. Manual therapy is inevitable for such diseases:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • vertebral hernias,
  • scoliosis,
  • posture disorders,
  • vertebrogenic syndromes, etc.

Manual therapy is a complex method of treatment. For the treatment of each vertebra, there are about 100 different techniques! Each patient has his own problems and depending on their complexity, the chiropractor chooses the treatment. Its purpose is:

  • elimination of the root cause of the disease,
  • pain relief,
  • stop the development of certain diseases.

When you go to a chiropractor, remember that chiropractic is not just a back massage, but a complete treatment that has a number of contraindications. A doctor may prohibit manual therapy sessions if a person has:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • acute injuries of the skull, spine, pelvis, bones;
  • acute disorders of cerebral and spinal circulation, strokes;
  • thrombosis and occlusion of the vertebral artery;
  • the stage of stable subcompensation of post-traumatic intracranial hypertension, as well as the progressive type of intracranial hypertension;
  • acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord, its membranes (myelitis, meningitis, etc.).

Only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe manual therapy. And if you need offers you many good clinics and specialists in this field.

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