All about the methods of castration of a cat. Methods of castration of cats

Good day to all!

Today I would like to tell you about our experience of castration of our beloved Scottish fold cat Bonechki. In this review, I will try to tell you everything that I know about this procedure, which we encountered on own experience and what I learned on the Internet while preparing the cat for castration. But first, meet the main character of my review.

Some official information

Castration is the removal reproductive organs in animals. In males, the testicles are removed, and in females, castration can be partial - only the ovaries are removed or complete - the ovaries are removed along with the uterus.

This operation should be distinguished from sterilization. Sterilization and castration two different operations with different consequences.

During sterilization, in males, only the spermatic cords are tied up, without removing anything, and in females, only the uterus is removed, while leaving the ovaries. After the operation, the animals lose their ability to reproduce, but at the same time retain all other instincts and behaviors characteristic of non-operated animals.

Of course, you need to start with the preparation of the cat

I will say right away that we did not have a question about whether to castrate a cat or not. When we decided to adopt a kitten, we immediately knew that this fate would not escape him. As terrible as it may sound, but first of all we really wanted to make life easier for ourselves. So that there are no recorded angles and other delights when a cat needs a cat.

At first, we thought for a long time at what age to castrate a cat. In the veterinary clinic, we were told that the optimal age is 6-9 months. Since our kitten was born on July 1, then half a year fell on the January holidays, we decided to postpone this business until February - March and castrate the cat at 8 months. We decided to sign up in advance, as in our city on similar procedures queue at the vets. In addition, it was necessary to know the day exactly so that 12 hours before the operation, the kitten should not be fed. Water is not prohibited.

As I remember now, our recording was scheduled for March 3 at 11-00. We arrived 20 minutes before the appointed time, so that the kitten could at least get used to the veterinary clinic.

By the way, be sure to check that the kitten has all the necessary vaccinations, this is very important, because after the operation, the immunity of the animal weakens.

In the veterinary clinic, in these 20 minutes, they signed a service agreement with us and took consent to surgical intervention. At this time, the doctor carefully examined Bonya, measured her weight, temperature, and even listened to her heartbeat. After that, the cat was given an injection that prepared the body for anesthesia and surgery, this injection was responsible for the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Then, after 20 minutes, anesthesia was introduced and I was told to leave the office, as the doctor would now begin the operation.

The whole operation lasted about 20 minutes. And 10 minutes later they took out the kitten to me and handed the sleeping Bonya into my hands. I wrapped him in a blanket and took him home, of course, without letting go. Be sure to take a blanket with you, after the operation the animal really needs warmth.

First day after surgery

Bonya slept for 3-4 hours after anesthesia. As I remember now, he woke up from the fact that his body began to shudder from vomiting. I was so scared, I grabbed the cat in my arms, but I calmed down in time, as the doctor warned about similar condition. When the urges stopped, I put the kitten back on the bed, but for some reason he jumped off and went somewhere. And he walked stumbling, waddling from side to side, like a drunken peasant. To be honest, looking at his walk was very funny, but pity for the animal interrupted this feeling. Bonya slept with us that night, but in his usual position, curled up in a ball. By the way, on the day of the operation, we also did not give the kitten food, only water.

The day after the operation

Bonya went to the toilet for the first time. We offered the kitten food, but he ate very little, mostly drank, sleep and wakefulness went on as usual.

On the third day the kitten already ate well, even went to the toilet for the most part. By the way, on the third day after the operation, in our case, nothing reminded me of anything.

Why did we decide to castrate the cat.

Firstly, Having studied all the information, we realized that this does not affect the health of the animal in any way. Unlike, for example, the same pills that some animal lovers use to make a cat stop wanting a cat. On the contrary, this procedure helps the cat avoid periodic Wishlist, which, believe me, he feels very well.

Secondly, of course, we wanted to protect ourselves and our apartment from the cat's horn and the described things, corners and other furniture.

cat castration procedure

Castration called the removal of the gonads of males (in cats or males). The term "sterilization" is commonly used when referring to operations to artificially incapacitate the reproductive abilities of female animals.

To be more precise, sterilization still implies an artificial violation reproductive function without removal of the sex glands (both in females and in males), while castration is precisely the removal of the sex glands (testes in males, ovaries or ovaries and uterus in females). In this section, in order to avoid unnecessary complexity, we will speak of this process primarily as depriving males of the ability to bear offspring.

Benefits of castrating cats

Castration domestic cat has economic, preventive and curative purposes.

The need for this procedure for cats in the city is connected not only with the fact that their owners do not have the opportunity (and desire) to raise the offspring of their pets, but also with preventive measures.

For example, the behavior of a mature uncastrated cat (and it matures by about six to nine months) is characterized by anxiety, which results in the fact that he will begin to mark the territory, from which an unpleasant smell will spread throughout the apartment.


  • The cat (in most cases) stops marking territory
  • Loss of aggression and screaming
  • Reduced risk of urinary tract infections
  • According to statistics, neutered cats get sick less and live longer.

After castration, the cat becomes more calm and obedient, while this, as a rule, does not affect his temperament in any way: a more mobile animal will remain the same after castration.

The age at which it is best to castrate cats is decided in each case individually in consultation with a doctor.

But it can be noted that the castration of a cat, carried out in a fairly early age, passes, as a rule, easier, besides, in this case there is less probability for the occurrence postoperative complications. Usually castration of a male is carried out until he has matured completely (9 months -1 year).

The same can be said about cats, but it should be noted that this process before puberty, it may somewhat slow down its development, and after puberty and complete formation (at the age of 1-1.5 years), it may not lose its sexual activity, although it becomes sterile. It is better to castrate a cat after 7 - 8 months.

At home or in the clinic? Location of the procedure.

Spaying a cat at home

The place of this procedure (at home or in) is chosen by the owner individually and with right approach is irrelevant to this issue.
The advantages of doing castration at home include convenience for the owner and the least stressful environment for the cat (the fact is that transportation to the clinic and long waiting in lines is severe stress for your cat, and the postoperative condition requires complete rest).

Castration in the clinic is convenient for the doctor (when all the necessary tools and preparations are at hand). The question of observing asepsis and antisepsis is completely on the conscience veterinarian, carrying out castration of a cat in clinical setting does not guarantee professional approach to the point.

How does this happen?

  1. Animal examination
  2. Medicines are administered to help the cat undergo surgery
  3. Anesthesia is done
  4. According to the method, the doctor, after removing the hair in the scrotum, makes incisions in the skin (one or two) above the testes, ligates the vessels and, cutting off the spermatic cords, removes the testes and removes them
  5. Sutures are applied (or not, depending on the method of the procedure)

This procedure is painless for the cat, as it is performed under general anesthesia.

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Necessary preparation of the animal before the procedure

Animal preparation is important point which needs to be given Special attention. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, your pet risks getting complications, and you are overweight. headache and additional material costs. When preparing a cat, you must follow a starvation diet.

The fact is that with the introduction of drugs for anesthesia in cats, a gag reflex occurs. To avoid getting vomit into Airways, males should not be fed for about 6 hours, and females for about 12. It is convenient to carry out the operation in the morning, when your pet has not had time to get very hungry and put the whole house on its “ears”, besides, you will have a lot of time to watch him after, which is important for his health.

Recovery and care of the cat after surgery

castrated cat

During anesthesia, the thermoregulation of the body is disturbed, therefore, after all procedures put the animal in a warm place, protect it from drafts!

The pet can go to the toilet in wrong place(this is normal). Therefore, it is desirable that the toilet is not far from the place of rest.

When the effect of anesthesia wears off, the cat will sleep for some more time. After he wakes up, he will be weak and disoriented for a while. It is necessary to ensure that the pet, which has not yet fully recovered, does not injure itself. Ask the doctor about how to care for him, how to treat wounds, how to protect the stitches from "licking".

Eating can occur after 8-12 hours, the food should be easily digestible, and the portion is small.

Cat recovery is much faster than cats. This is because cats have a less invasive procedure, ie. requiring a smaller area of ​​intervention with low traumatization of animal tissues.

Undesirable consequences: how to avoid them

obese cat

So, you turned to a qualified veterinarian, properly prepared and cared for your pet. The operation is over and the patient is doing well.

What to look out for in order to avoid unpleasant consequences?

There is an opinion that the most frequent complication castration is urolithiasis (UCD). This is not entirely true: there is no direct relationship between castration and ICD. This disease is a consequence of impaired metabolism and is most often found in overweight animals.

So proper nutrition- a guarantee of the health of your animal and this applies not only to the ICD. Diseases of cardio-vascular system, digestive tract, joints - the most common consequences of obesity.

Overweight body occurs in both castrated and non-castrated animals and depends mainly on nutrition and on genetic predisposition to completeness. The fact is that with the elimination of the instinct of reproduction, your cat begins to lead a more measured life: anxiety, aggression disappear during the hunting period and the associated decrease in appetite. So if the animal is prone to corpulence, after castration, weight gain will occur faster.

That is why it is very important to approach the issue of feeding responsibly. For castrated animals, there are special dietary feeds that are sold in veterinary pharmacies, and on the use of which you can always consult the seller. A more detailed consultation on feeding and maintenance will be given to you by a veterinarian.

The cost of castration in our clinic

Remember that careful and attentive attitude to the health of the pet will prolong his life!

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No owner wants his beloved pet to suffer, which is why many postpone the castration procedure or do not resort to it at all. The cat will not bring kittens, which will not cause any problems. However, problems can arise, and considerable ones. They are mainly associated with the behavior of the pet after reaching puberty. The cat can become nervous, aggressive, and drugs that reduce cravings for the opposite sex help only for a while. In addition, they can undermine the health of the animal. Advantages of castration Castration of a cat is simply necessary if there are cats in the house. Adopting kittens is a rather difficult task, so if you are not breeding purebred cats, then it is better to go with the pet to the operation. With the onset of sexual hunting, the cat can begin to "mark" furniture, shoes, and anything. This pungent smell is sometimes simply impossible to remove from the apartment. In addition to "tags", other troubles may follow - when prolonged abstinence the cat is likely to develop diseases genitourinary system. It is much easier and more humane to castrate a cat, so you will save both yourself and the animal from problems. The only option in which castration of a cat may not be required is free range. If your pet can leave the house whenever he pleases, then you will not face problems associated with sexual hunting. True, the cat may disappear for several days or suffer in a fight with other males.

Castration of a cat, age

by the most optimal age for a cat castration operation, the age is from six months, or rather, 7 months. During this period, the animal is already fully formed and quite easily tolerates interventions. this kind. A huge advantage is that the young cat has not yet begun to delimit its territory and has not come into contact with cats. Castration of a cat whose age has already exceeded the mark of seven months is also possible. However, in this case, the likelihood of complications increases, and the cat, which has already gone through mating games, most likely will not stop marking the territory. Of course, the desire to "walk" will decrease, but it will not disappear completely.

Operation and aftermath

Castration of a cat is not the most complicated operation. During it, the animal is under anesthesia and does not feel any pain or pain at all. discomfort. During this procedure, the testicles are completely removed from the cat. Removal occurs through two small incisions, which later heal quickly and do not cause discomfort to the pet.

cat after castration

should not be left alone for at least the first few hours. In no case do not let your pet lick the wounds, as he can scratch them and healing will take much longer. You can put on a special collar on the cat, which will not allow him to reach the scar. Immediately after castration, try to keep the animal calm. It is better to lay the cat on a warm bedding on the floor. Do not leave your pet on a chair, sofa or bed. Until the cat comes to his senses after the medication, his coordination is impaired, the animal can easily fall. A castrated cat does not require increased care or attention, the only thing that may be required is a change in diet and stricter control over nutrition. The thing is that neutered cats tend to set excess weight. It is better to transfer the pet to special food and if he eats homemade food- exclude fish from his diet. More detailed recommendations you can get from your veterinarian.

How much does it cost to castrate a cat and what is included in the price?

The cost of castrating a cat directly depends on where exactly the operation will take place. When carrying out the procedure at home, the price will be slightly higher than in the clinic. The final price is calculated depending on your place of residence. It is much easier and more correct to carry out the operation in a veterinary clinic. After all, the conditions there are much better than at home. Castration of a cat, the price of which is indicated in our price list, includes the preparation of the animal for the procedure, general and local anesthesia and of course, a consultation with a doctor for further care.

Surgical methods castration- the most common safe and reliable methods that prevent uncontrolled animal reproduction and regulate the uncontrolled animal behavior caused by hormonal surges.

Surgical methods of castration of cats:

  • palliative - ligation of spermatic cords (sterilization) of cats,
  • radical (removal of the gonads) - castration cat.

Palliative operation (sterilization) - ligation of the spermatic cord in cats. She does not reduce sex drive and sexual functions in the animal, tk. testes and ovaries during these operations are preserved, and hormonal background the animal does not change (i.e. cats still mark and scream during the mating season). This type of operation is chosen very rarely, it can be preferred if the owner has both cats and cats, but does not want to breed kittens.

radical method - castration of a cat - surgery for the removal of the testicles, which, along with stopping bleeding, delivery, tracheal intubation, is mandatory for any certified veterinarian.

Castration of a cat is done in two ways:

open way. This operation is as follows. Under general anesthesia, the skin of the scrotum is dissected, the vaginal membrane of the testicle is opened. By pressing, the testis is squeezed out. Separate the vas deferens from the vessels and tie them together in a knot. These manipulations are performed on the other side. After that, the testes are removed, and the spermatic cords are removed into the vaginal membrane. Seams, with a properly performed operation, are not superimposed!

Closed way. Perform without opening the vaginal membrane of the testicle. The testis together with the vaginal membrane is removed from the scrotum along with spermatic cord. The spermatic cord, together with the vaginal membrane, is ligated and dissected, while, if necessary, a hemostatic clamp is applied. The same manipulation is carried out with another testis. The skin of the scrotum is not sutured.

Duration surgical intervention both ways for about 5 minutes.

Contraindications to perform castration no. In cases where there are contraindications to general anesthesia The operation can be performed under local anesthesia.

Preoperative preparation. Castration - planned operation, therefore, by the time of the operation, it is necessary to prepare the cat: - monitor its condition (temperature, appetite, activity, stool and urination),

  • the animal must be healthy;
  • pre-deworm the animal;
  • the day before, wash the cat with zoohygienic shampoo ();
  • do not feed the animal for 10-12 hours before the operation (to avoid vomiting);
  • do not drink for 4-6 hours before the operation.

Postoperative period usually goes smoothly. special care for animals is not required. After the cat comes out of anesthesia, it is necessary to look after him during the day. It is desirable to limit the activity and mobility of the animal. After the final awakening (after 3-4 hours), you can offer him water. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not lick the wound. Provide him with a clean litter box and keep him free of litter for a few days.

A small, fluffy lump - this is exactly what a kitten looks like in the eyes of a child and many adults at the time of its acquisition. However, over time and, accordingly, the maturation of the cat, it becomes clear that it is necessary to determine the future life of this pet, namely: decide whether to castrate the animal?

Uncastrated cat: possible problems

Perhaps in the first year of your cat's life, the question of whether to castrate him will not arise sharply, but with the advent of the first spring, you will increasingly begin to think about this issue. Most often, cats that are rarely on the street, it does not matter, voluntarily or at the whim of their owners, start marking territory. Most often, pets do not even care where to do it. Both ordinary slippers and an expensive sofa can be completely spoiled.

It is noteworthy that cats, unlike cats, are more importunate in their desires. So, caring owner seeing how it pet tormented, most likely, will offer the cat:

  • go outside and find a cat there on your own;
  • bring a couple to the house or send them on a date.

In the case when the first option does not work, the second also cannot always fully satisfy you. Often it is not enough for cats to enjoy one meeting, and they continue to behave indecently. In addition, in most cases, in addition to marking the territory, animals vocalize songs loudly. It is at such moments that the question of whether to castrate an animal becomes particularly acute.

The question often arises before the owners: should they castrate or sterilize their cat? Veterinarians have their own opinion on this matter. Castration is an operation., in which an incision is made on the scrotum and the testes of the animal are completely removed. Sterilization is simply the tying of the spermatic cords. In the latter case, the animal endures the whole process more easily, however, if the goal of the owner is to make sure that the animal does not mark and does not scream, this option should be excluded. After sterilization, the cat will not be able to have offspring, but all his bad habits will remain.

If you have a cat, veterinarians advise choosing castration. The operation is more difficult, but after it everyone will be satisfied. Castrating a cat is more dangerous, as there is a risk of complications.

Experts say that there is only a small period of time when castration is desirable. This is the age of the cat from 7 months to 7 years. There is one more nuance: sometimes the age depends on the breed. Some cats reach the age of puberty much later than their relatives.

Some owners doubt to the last and hope that the pills and drops, which, as they say, should relieve arousal, will work. But, in the vast majority of cases, in the end, they still decide to castrate their house cats.

How to prepare for surgery

Any vet will tell you what to do this procedure necessary before the first "mating" of the animal. Otherwise, the cat will still have a slight desire, because the pituitary gland continues to produce sex hormones, and your pet already remembers exactly how it was and from time to time will want to continue.

When choosing a place where the animal will be operated on, one should still give preference veterinary clinics. Although the procedure will take about 30 minutes, it is best to do it in special conditions. Important and stay loved one in the first hours after the procedure.

The following tips will help:

It is important to understand that if an animal is castrated, its behavior can be a bit unpredictable. Some cats begin to lead their usual lifestyle after a few days, while others become ill. And it doesn't matter what health your pet has, there is an opinion that this happens due to psychological discomfort.

Before deciding on castration, it is important to know that it is undesirable to carry out this operation on animals that constantly walk freely along the street. Remember that habits, despite the procedure, he will most likely still remain. In the first days after the procedure, he will already want to walk in the company of cats. It is unlikely that the owners will be able to keep them from going out, and outside the home territory it is too high risk of catching an infection because the wound hasn't healed yet. And in the future, the cat will have a hard time.

Everyone chooses the option that suits him best. In any case, it is worth evaluating all the pros and cons, and only then decide on such important step.