Symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord, causes, treatment. Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord and symptoms of the disease

Today, such a problem as pain is often encountered. spermatic cord in men, which in medicine are called funiculitis. This disease usually does not manifest itself in pure form”, it usually accompanies varieties of male urological diseases, injuries inguinal region. With absence timely treatment inflammation can provoke overgrowth in men, which leads to infertility. It is necessary to know what symptoms will help to detect the disease at the beginning of its manifestation, and how to eliminate it without various consequences and complications.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons that cause inflammation in men, and, as a result, provoke pain. According to the type of occurrence of the disease, the causes are divided into:

  • specific, for example, Koch's wand;
  • non-specific, which include strep infection, Escherichia coli, mycoplasma, chlamydia;
  • autoimmune characterized aggressive behavior immune system against the cells of your own body;
  • endemic occur due to the disease of jaundice or sepsis, most often found in the subtropics or tropics. Are characterized severe course affect life expectancy.

In addition, funiculitis is divided according to the mechanism of origin of the disease into:

  • primary, which is caused due to surgical intervention;
  • secondary, arising as complications of tuberculosis affecting the genitourinary region, sexually transmitted diseases.

They provoke not only infectious processes, but also trauma to the affected area.

There are several ways in which pathogens enter the affected area:

  • Hematogenous, in which pathogenic microorganisms get into the area of ​​the spermatic cord through the bloodstream with sepsis, the presence of an inguinal hernia. This path is extremely rare.
  • Intracanalicular, in which pathogens penetrate from the urethra as a result of inflammation of the male genitourinary system. The defeat of funiculitis in this way occurs most often.
  • Iatrogenic is characterized by the introduction of infectious aggressors during surgery on the testicles and spermatic cord.


untimely discovered inflammatory process leads to the fact that infectious aggressors first penetrate into the region of the vas deferens, while causing funiculitis. If the inflammatory process is not stopped at this stage, then pathogenic microorganisms will multiply rapidly, while penetrating further and further along the male genital tract, causing inflammation not only of the testicles, but also of the sex gland. When such a development of events occurs, the man's condition deteriorates sharply and requires surgical intervention. Accordingly, it is easier to suspend the process for initial stage its manifestations. The inflammatory process of the spermatic cord has the following stages of flow, based on which the symptoms of the disease also change.

The acute course is manifested by severe pain, which, when walking, passes into the groin, perineum, and lower back. At the same time, edema occurs in the spermatic cord, it will become shorter. During palpation, pain increases. In addition to local symptoms, there is a feeling of fatigue, weakness, fever appears. Along with the listed clinical picture, signs characteristic of damage to the genitourinary system develop, for example, excretion of excrement from urethra, pain, pain during urination. If a swelling of the scrotum appears, then this is a sign that the inflammatory process has passed into the egg, the appendage.
The chronic course is characterized by the absence of a pronounced clinical picture, due to which a man usually does not seek medical help, which is fraught with the development of various complications and consequences. Most often, with chronic funiculitis, a seal appears in the left testicle, spermatic cord, pain in the groin. If, upon palpation, there is a compaction of the spermatic cord in the form of a rosary, then tuberculosis is the cause of the disease. Often this form occurs in the presence of an inguinal hernia.

Most often, a man has inflammation in the left testicle, a lesion in the right testicle is diagnosed much less frequently.

Separately, it should be said about the development of the inflammatory process in the presence of an inguinal hernia, which often occurs with excessive physical activity. Usually, with the development of an inguinal hernia, inflammation enters the seminal canal through the inguinal pits, which is accompanied by severe pain, induration, nausea, and constipation.


In order to cure damage to the spermatic cord as soon as possible, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptomatology and undergo necessary examination. Since only when the diagnosis is confirmed, it is possible to prescribe effective therapy. Diagnosis is based on an objective examination and palpation of the groin area. In addition, the following studies will help determine the cause of the inflammatory process:

  • General analysis urine.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Taking a smear from the urethra to determine the causative agent of the disease.
  • A swab from the urethra will help not only to identify the causative agent of the pathology, but also to determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum allows you to determine the swelling, the size of the organ, the peculiarity of the blood flow.
  • Diaphanoscopy of the egg.
  • X-ray examination with the introduction of a dye, which allows you to accurately determine the location of the pathological process.


Appoint adequate treatment only a doctor can, having previously found out the cause that caused the disease. First of all, during the treatment period, it is necessary to completely exclude sexual intercourse, observe strict bed rest for several days, follow a sparing diet that excludes the use of fried, salty, smoked, spicy foods, and alcohol. You also need to quit smoking. In addition, it is recommended to wear a suspensory, in which the swelling that develops in the left testicle subsides. If a man's temperature rises, suppuration is caused in the right testicle, then cold should be applied to the affected area for a short time. For better resorption of seals formed in the left testicle, dry heat should be used.

Ice application should not exceed 5 minutes.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy is prescribed based on the severity of the disease and most often includes the use of the following medications:

  • you can relieve acute pain in the left testicle with the help of novocaine blockade. Usually 3 injections are enough to significantly alleviate the patient's condition;
  • to relieve a feverish state, fever, antipyretic drugs are used that can also have an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac;
  • to eliminate pain in the right testicle, analgesics such as Ketorol, Baralgin are prescribed;
    to relieve the inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is used with drugs such as Cefazolin, Azithromycin, Metronidazole, Rifampicin;
  • the chronic course of the disease, which is accompanied by suppuration, the appearance of a wound, requires treatment with antibacterial solutions. For this, a solution of Furacilin, Dimexide is often used.

Sometimes surgery is required, which is prescribed in the absence of a positive effect from traditional treatment, after which there is a cleansing of purulent exudate. In more serious cases, the spermatic cord is excised. Appointed operational methods to remove an inguinal hernia, torsion of the gland in the right testicle.


For addition drug treatment often use physiotherapy, which can speed up the healing process, relieve swelling. Physiotherapy is especially indicated for chronic course illness. For this, they usually use:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis using Lidase;
  • phonophoresis with Novocaine.

For the treatment of the inflammatory process of the spermatic cord in men, you should not use folk recipes because the disease is infectious nature which they are unable to cope with.


If you do not pay due attention to the signs of acute funiculitis in a timely manner, then it most often turns into a chronic course, dangerous for its complications. The most common consequences include:

  • most often, due to inflammation, dropsy develops, which is represented by the accumulation of fluid, which is inflammatory in nature and formed between the spermatic cord fascia. This complication usually occurs simultaneously with dropsy in the left or right testicle. It is dangerous because the resulting liquid presses on blood vessels, which worsens the blood supply to the organ, resulting in the formation of a hematoma, necrosis of the adjacent epithelium occurs, while spermatogenesis is disturbed, and infertility develops;
  • a chronic disease provokes the formation of a cyst, consisting of an admixture of germ cells and a connecting capsule. This state dangerous because it often hides behind a cyst cancer tumor. Based on what, when feeling any roundness, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible in order to exclude oncology with the help of analyzes;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...


Among the ailments that only men suffer from, funiculitis is quite common. This is an infectious disease that affects the spermatic cord, and over time can spread to nearby tissues. The acute phase of the inflammatory process is characterized by sharp pains, for the relief of which novocaine blockade is sometimes required. If the treatment was untimely or incomplete, then funiculitis can become chronic, which, in turn, leads to sexual dysfunction.

What is funiculitis?

In most cases, inflammation of the cords is a consequence of other diseases. Sometimes it is caused by specific microorganisms, for example, with tuberculosis. However, most often inflammatory processes in the spermatic cord occur as a result of:

  • epididymitis, that is, an inflammatory process in the epididymis;
  • genital trauma;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • urinary infections;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and ureters;
  • complications after surgery on the testicles or their appendages.

Acute inflammation is characterized by sharp pains in the groin, sometimes radiating to the lower back, swelling and redness of the scrotum on the affected side. Often these symptoms are accompanied by fever, muscle and joint pain.

If funiculitis becomes chronic, inflammation may occur when exposed to any of the above factors, but its symptoms will be less pronounced. Over time, the spermatic cord will be compacted, exudate will accumulate in it, while mild painful symptoms may become permanent. The result of this can be premature ejaculation, deterioration in the quality of sperm, turning into infertility, and finally, complete impotence.

Principles of treatment

The first symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord are a sign that you need to immediately contact a urologist or andrologist. Diagnosis is based on initial examination, rectal palpation of the spermatic cord, ultrasound examination, as well as tests. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which in most cases is conservative.

Surgery carried out only in the case of the formation of phlegmon.

Since funiculitis in the acute phase is accompanied by severe pain, treatment often begins with novocaine or ultracaine blockade of the spermatic cord. This manipulation consists in the fact that an anesthetic solution is injected under the membrane of the cord. Novocaine injection relieves pain symptoms for a time interval of half an hour to an hour, the action of ultracaine can last up to six hours.

However, it should be understood that the blockade of the spermatic cord itself only allows the patient to take a break from pain for a while, and the doctor to conduct a detailed examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Sometimes the blockade of the spermatic cord (novocaine or other) is combined with the introduction of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs.

Choice medical preparations and procedures are determined individual characteristics patient and his disease. Intensive anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, the choice of medicines for which is determined by the nature of the infection.

Inflammation in the initial phase is stopped by applying ice for a short (no more than five minutes) time, subsequently, they are used to dissolve hardenings. dry heat and physiotherapy.

As aid recommended folk herbal medicine- Taking anti-inflammatory drugs herbal decoctions based , . If the compaction of the spermatic cord persists for more than six weeks, then in order to avoid recurrences, it is removed surgically.

Patients are also prescribed restorative treatment and taking vitamins. With timely and qualified medical care The disease is cured successfully in most cases. A prerequisite for recovery is the treatment of all concomitant diseases as well as a healthy lifestyle and avoidance of bad habits.

Most often, funiculitis occurs against the background or some time after urethritis with urinary infection, or as a complication of manipulations on the urethra (long-term catheterization, bougienage, cystoscopy, various operations).

Infection from the urethra through the mucous membrane spreads to the vas deferens, inflammation first occurs inside the duct (deferentitis), and then it spreads to the loose fiber of the cord and the entire cord becomes inflamed - funiculitis.

Hematogenous spread of infection usually leads immediately to epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), and then goes to the spermatic cord.

Causes of the disease

Depending on whether acute funiculitis has developed or chronic, the causes are different. With the development of an acute process, the cause is often sexually transmitted infections, acute respiratory diseases, and inflammation of the urinary organs. Tuberculosis, frequent hypothermia, the presence of scrotum injuries, and surgical interventions on the pelvic organs lead to a chronic disease.

Chronic funiculitis often develops against the background of untreated infectious process, microbes spread through the bloodstream through the body and enter the scrotum. There they settle and affect the spermatic cord. Such inflammation is characteristic of gonococcal and chlamydial infections. Various injuries, including surgery, contribute to a decrease in immunity, which can provoke the development of the disease.

Funiculitis, depending on the course, is divided into the following forms:

  • nonspecific inflammation;
  • chronic form;
  • acute inflammation.

The chronic form is a consequence of tuberculosis, the clinical picture is scarce or completely absent. In an acute process, inflammation covers the entire scrotum and has vivid symptoms. Nonspecific funiculitis develops suddenly, is easily treatable.

Funiculitis develops when an infection enters the body. in organ tissue. it can get in in different ways:

  1. Hematogenous - with strong traumatic injuries harmful microbes mix with the blood and end up in the body.
  2. Intracanalicular - in the presence of chronic and acute inflammation of the male organs, the infection spreads from the urethra.
  3. Iastrogenic - inflammation of the seminal canal appears after surgery.

In addition, trauma, tuberculosis, streptococcal infection and various sexual infections contribute to the development of the disease. The disease can be acute or latent. The latter is aggravated against the background of favorable factors for the disease.

The main cause of funiculitis is an infection. Much less common is non-infectious inflammation (autoimmune). Ways of penetration of infection into the spermatic cord:

Depending on the type of pathogen, nonspecific and specific funiculitis are distinguished.

Nonspecific inflammation is inflammation caused by banal urinary flora (usually coli) or sexually transmitted pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, gardnerella).

Specific inflammation is a complication of gonorrhea, tuberculosis, trichomoniasis, brucellosis.

Doctors name several reasons that provoke the moment of inflammation in the spermatic cord, depending on the nature of the penetration of the infection:

  • Hematogenous - viral elements, together with blood, enter the tissue structure due to serious injury to organs;
  • Intracanalicular way - the infection proceeds from the urethra of a male representative due to the development of various acute, chronic pathologies in the area of ​​​​the reproductive system ( prostatitis, urethritis);
  • The iastrogenic way - infection by organs occurs during the operation, in the area where the spermatic cords are located.

Also, in addition to the above reasons, funiculitis may appear due to the presence of injuries, streptococcal infections, tuberculosis microorganisms, various sexual disorders (infection with gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas).

The flow of funiculitis in chronic form, with available urinary disorders, hypothermia can lead to a sharp exacerbation of the pathology. Often causes of exacerbation chronic pathology associated with STDs, inflammatory moments observed in the region of the kidneys, ureters.

Doctors distinguish 2 groups of development of this disorder:

  • Specific funiculitis - inflammation is provoked by the activity of pathogenetic elements (actinomycetes, tuberculous microorganisms), these pathological forms are rarely observed;
  • Nonspecific - the development of the inflammatory process is due to different forms chlamydia, staphylococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli.

By hematogenous way, pathogens penetrate along with the blood in case of serious traumatic lesions;

By intracanalicular route, the infection enters from the urethra of a man in various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases male organs (urethritis, prostatitis, etc.);

In the iastrogenic way, the infection is introduced during surgery in the area where this cord is located.

In addition, funiculitis can be provoked by trauma, streptococcal infection, tuberculosis and various sexual infections (chlamydia, gonococcus, Trichomonas, etc.).

Clinical signs of funiculitis

Along the course, acute and chronic funiculitis are distinguished.

The main symptoms of acute funiculitis:

  • pain;
  • thickening of the spermatic cord itself;
  • temperature increase.

The pain is aggravated by movement, by walking. It can be localized in the scrotum, in the groin, radiate down the abdomen. The spermatic cord is thickened on palpation, painful. Possible redness of the skin of the scrotum.

Funiculitis is very rarely isolated. Most often it proceeds as a continuation of epididymitis and orchitis. These diseases have a very bright clinical picture - sharp pain, swelling and redness of the scrotum, heat body. The picture of funiculitis is simply lost against this background.

Chronic funiculitis is not so bright. It may be the result of an acute funiculitis, or it may initially proceed subacutely, imperceptibly, as a result of which treatment does not begin on time. The patient is disturbed by unstable, drawing pains in the groin or scrotum. The spermatic cord is unevenly thickened, moderately painful. Temperature in a chronic process is rare.


The symptoms of the disease are general character, are manifested by severe pain in the perineal region, an increase in body temperature up to 39 ... 39.5 ° C and local induration. At the very beginning of the disease, the cord becomes thickened, then it thickens. In this case, the patient is worried about pain in the area of ​​​​inflammation. Already during this period, it is possible to determine the compaction of the tissues of the scrotum with the help of palpation. After that:

  • the general temperature rises;
  • the patient begins to worry about a headache;
  • weakness, loss of appetite.

However, if inflammation occurs against the background of a tuberculosis infection, funiculitis is not manifested by pain and high fever. The patient is not bothered by anything, but on palpation of the scrotum and testicles, tuberosity with swelling will be felt.

It is special that the rise in body temperature is characteristic only in acute inflammation. In addition, developing inflammatory signs- this is local redness and swelling of the male genital organs, high intensity of pain. Pain spreads to the muscles and joints, often given to the lumbar region.

Chronic funiculitis is manifested by the same signs as acute, only with less intensity. Periods of exacerbation occur with pain without fever and inflammatory processes.

Each form of the disease manifests itself with its own signs. The main symptoms of inflammation of the spermatic cord include:

  • severe pain, localized in the scrotum and the entire groin area;
  • discomfort felt in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • thickening and compaction of the spermatic cord;
  • mucous discharge observed from the urethra;
  • heat;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • tissue swelling;
  • general weakness;
  • muscle pain.

The chronic form is manifested by the same symptoms, but they are less pronounced. Most often, the disease in this case causes pain, which, with exacerbation, increases significantly.

The first sign of ongoing inflammation is a thickening of the organ. Men feel discomfort, pain at the site of inflammation. Through palpation, it is possible to feel it yourself. The inflammatory process is accompanied by elevated temperature. If the spermatic cords become inflamed due to the activity of tuberculous microorganisms, then the pathology can develop in an asymptomatic form, but a swelling with a tuberous apex will be felt in the focus of infection.

The inflammatory process develops in acute or chronic form. The acute form is characterized by the following features:

  • Puffiness, hyperemia;
  • Pain in the groin area;
  • Joints and muscles also hurt;
  • Weakness;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Painful sensations are often provoked in the scrotum, lower back.

When observing the patient's swelling of the scrotum, the inflammation passed to the testicles, appendages. The appearance of peritonitis, phlegmon is possible due to the development of an acute form of funiculitis, its signs in this situation will be similar to inguinal hernia.

The chronic course of funiculitis is characterized by almost unexpressed symptoms. A man can observe similar acute form factors, but they will be moderate, erased. Usually chronic course The inflammatory process is characterized by small pain attacks that disturb the male representative during an exacerbation of the disease.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord has two forms of leakage: acute and chronic. Each of them is accompanied by its own clinical picture.

1. The patient feels sharp and cutting pains in the scrotum and the entire groin area. Also pain syndrome sometimes it can give to the coccyx and lumbar region.

2. The spermatic cord noticeably thickens and thickens. Its dimensions are getting wider.

3. Feeling of severe discomfort at the site of inflammation and pain during urination.

4. On palpation, the patient can independently feel the thickening of the cord.

5. With development acute inflammation the person has a high temperature. There may also be weakness, chills, fever, and sleep disturbances.

6. Development of hyperemia in the inflamed area.

8. The appearance of pain in the muscles.

9. Difficulty in urination.

10. The appearance of mucous discharge from the urethra.

In its course, funiculitis in its acute form is a bit like an inguinal hernia, but it is characterized by more rapid development symptoms.

The chronic form of inflammation of the spermatic cord is accompanied by the same symptoms as the acute one, but at the same time, all manifestations of the disease will be as if erased and less pronounced.

As practice shows, chronic funiculitis most often causes recurrent pain in the groin, which intensifies during periods of exacerbation of the pathology.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: treatment and diagnosis

A urologist or andrologist conducts a thorough examination and collects the patient's complaints, then directs them to diagnostic procedures. The patient is prescribed tests such as a complete blood count and urine test, a swab from the urethra to determine the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics, and ultrasound procedure scrotum with the definition of blood flow in it.

A general blood test in an acute course is characterized by an increase in leukocytes and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate, protein and bacteria appear in the urine, the color of the urine is cloudy, the density is low, and often the appearance of an epithelium. A smear helps in identifying bacteria, such as gonococci, and then determines the sensitivity of bacteria to various antibiotics. And the ultrasound method helps to determine the extent of inflammation, thickening of the cord and the consequences of pathology.

If any signs of illness are found, a man should seek help from a urologist.

The doctor can also perform an X-ray examination: in the area of ​​​​the spermatic cord, the skin is dissected and a contrast agent is injected into it, and then an X-ray is taken. With its help, you can identify all the violations that have appeared. The whole procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.

  • Inspection. The diagnosis is based on complaints given by the examination.
  • ultrasound. Additionally, an ultrasound of the spermatic cord is prescribed (see Ultrasound of the testicles).
  • Urethral swab (see here). To clarify the possible causative agent of the disease is assigned bacteriological culture discharged from the urethra.
  • General blood and urine tests. Clarify the activity of inflammation.
  • Spermogram. If chronic funiculitis is suspected, a spermogram is prescribed.

1. Diaphanoscopy of the testicles.

2. Complete blood count.

3. A smear from the urethra for its further examination under a microscope.

4. Analysis of discharge from the urethra to identify the root cause and causative agent of inflammation.

5. Ultrasound of the genital organs and a detailed study of blood circulation in them.

In addition to the main diagnostic examinations, the doctor may prescribe x-ray examination called vasography. At the same time, under local anesthesia, the patient will be cut the skin in the area of ​​the spermatic cord and enter into the area of ​​​​its passage contrast agent. This will be followed by an x-ray.

This examination will show if there are violations in the patency of the ducts. They do it only in extreme cases, with suspicion of the development of complications in the vas deferens.

1. To begin with, the patient needs to completely abandon sexual intercourse, alcohol intake and smoking.

2. To relieve pain and discomfort, cold compresses can be applied to the scrotum, but not longer than 4-5 minutes.

3. If the disease has an acute course, then it should be treated with potent antibacterial drugs that are aimed at eliminating the activity of the infection.

4. With severe pain, the patient is shown novocaine blockade.

5. If a seal is detected on the spermatic cord within a month, it is simply observed. If after this time the condition of the spermatic cord has not improved, then it is removed.

6. In an acute inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

7. During treatment, doctors advise the patient to stay in bed and wear a suspensorium.

8. In the chronic form of the disease, the patient is shown physiotherapy. It is reasonable to prescribe it after the exacerbation and pain subside.

9. For pain during urination, the patient is prescribed various analgesics.

10. When elevated temperature antipyretics are used.

11. In case of severe inflammation, which is accompanied by suppuration and the formation of wounds, they must be carefully treated with antiseptics. Also, if pus began to collect inside the scrotum, a special drainage should be installed in it. Anesthesia is done using novocaine.

12. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed for the defeat of the spermatic cord by various infectious pathogens. At the same time, the duration of such treatment should be quite long (from two to three weeks, followed by observation and, if necessary, a second course of treatment).

13. If the disease provoked a tuberculous lesion, then first you need to eliminate its root cause and only after that proceed with therapy to restore the functions of the spermatic cord.

How is funiculitis treated?

It is impossible to say unequivocally what therapy is required to relieve testicular inflammation. Treatment depends on the type of disease and on the clinical picture that occurs during the course of an acute process.

Surgical intervention is rarely resorted to. Only in cases where phlegmon is formed in the scrotum.

In the acute form, funiculitis is stopped by the appointment of strong anti-inflammatory drugs, which include antibiotics of directed action or antibacterial drugs. Sometimes it is required to wear a suspensory applied specifically to the inguinal region.

Patients are advised to stay in bed and special diet. Fatty, spicy and salty foods are excluded from the diet, alcohol is completely excluded.

If the acute form of the disease caused suppuration and sharp rise temperature, an ice pack may be applied to the scrotum. Of course, it is required to follow all the rules that accompany the use of such treatment: no more than 5 minutes of constant presence of the bladder on the scrotum, then a break. Subsequently, in order for the infiltrate to resolve, already dry heat is applied.

Take off sharp pains using the blockade of the spermatic cord with novocaine. 3 such injections successfully relieve pain.

At the same time, the temperature is dropped with conventional antipyretic drugs.

Chronic inflammation in the spermatic cord is treated as it worsens with antibiotics, dry heat, and physiotherapy. Funds are running folk therapy- infusion of chamomile and calendula.

When an abscess that has arisen cannot be treated, and it can reach 1.5 months in time, the seal must be removed to prevent recurrence. To a greater extent, recurrence occurs during epididymitis.

In case of acute pain in the scrotum, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the course of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic treatment is prescribed medicines and some physiotherapy treatments. The patient's regimen is also changing, sexual intercourse is not recommended during the treatment period, it is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages and certain foods (sugar, salt, chocolate and seafood), which can provoke inflammation.

Antibiotics are prescribed for a long course, and any physiotherapy procedure is carried out after a decrease in body temperature. To improve blood circulation in the affected area, the patient is recommended to go in for sports.

Due to the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, severe pain in the perineum and the appearance of complications, surgical intervention is performed. First, the affected area is anesthetized locally, then part of the spermatic cord is removed. The operation helps to improve ejaculation, eliminates infertility that has developed due to inflammation of the scrotum.

To speed up the healing drug therapy treatment with folk remedies is added. These include ice baths, the use of dry heat, and herbal medicine. Ice bags are applied to the scrotum for 3-5 minutes, they reduce the intensity of pain. Then dry heat is applied.

Phytotherapy is a treatment with herbs. Decoctions and infusions of herbs are prepared, which are either taken orally or used topically as lotions. Herbal baths are also helpful. Relieve inflammation: chamomile, oak bark, yarrow, St. John's wort and others.

To properly treat a patient with funiculitis, the doctor prescribes medication and non-drug treatment in complex. Treatment is carried out at home, with the exception of running forms who are being treated in the hospital.

men with established diagnosis- acute funiculitis should adjust their lifestyle (refuse sexual intimacy, eliminate smoking and alcoholic drinks follow a special diet).

If the inflammation is purulent in nature, and conservative therapy for a month does not bring tangible results, then the seal is recommended to be removed. Surgical treatment is also indicated for a diffuse purulent process, only in this case it is used for sanitation purposes.

As for a chronic disease, during exacerbations, antibacterial drugs, dry heat, and physiotherapy are also used when inflammation subsides.

In some cases, the treatment of inflammation of the seminal canal in men involves surgical intervention. Indications for surgery are the absence of a positive effect from therapy medications and large sizes cystic formation. In this case, the scrotum is opened in layers, and the cyst is completely cleaned out. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

Treatment of funiculitis is usually conservative, carried out in a urological hospital.


Medical treatment includes:

  • antibiotics a wide range actions, upon receipt of the results of sowing - taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • novocaine blockade for severe pain.


Non-drug methods:

  • bed rest for several days;
  • sexual rest;
  • wearing a suspensor to reduce pain and swelling;
  • cold in the groin;
  • when acute inflammation subsides - physiotherapy procedures.

The prognosis is usually good and the patient makes a full recovery.

Diagnosis of the disease consists in the implementation of the following activities:

  • Questioning the patient;
  • Palpation of the scrotum;
  • Delivery of tests;

The above measures are enough to form a reliable diagnosis. The treatment of funiculitis is characterized by ambiguity due to its multifaceted etiology.

Therapeutic methods are determined based on the type of inflammation, the nature of its causes, and the symptoms of this pathology are also studied. Usually assigned conservative methods treatment of the disease, surgical intervention specialists resort in situations of complications, for example, phlegmon.

At the first stages of treatment, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse. For removal pain attacks, discomfort to eliminate suppuration, it is necessary to apply ice to the scrotum area, keep it for about 5 minutes. Further, for resorption of the infiltrate, it is recommended medical methods dry heat.

Pathology in acute form cured by the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial substances. Also, a man should not forget about bed rest. The doctor can eliminate acute pain syndromes by using novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord. The process of curing chronic disorders is usually supplemented by the use of physiotherapeutic procedural measures.

1. The development of orchitis and epididymitis is considered the most common complications in acute funiculitis. These phenomena significantly complicate the treatment process and reduce the chances of a complete recovery of the patient (the disease has a risk of becoming chronic).

2. The development of dropsy in the spermatic cord can happen with prolonged inflammation. It is an accumulation of fluid between the tissues and layers of the cord. At the same time, dropsy also often develops on the membranes of the testicles.

The main danger of dropsy is that the accumulated fluid will squeeze the vessels, which will lead to a decrease in blood flow in the testicles. This can provoke a violation of the production of live spermatozoa and the development of potential infertility in a man.

Traditional Therapy

First of all, the patient must give up sex, smoking and alcohol. Treatment of acute inflammation of the spermatic cord is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs, which are designed to eliminate the infection.

If the spermatic cord is sealed, it is observed within one month. In the absence of improvements, it is subject to removal. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve acute inflammation. For the duration of therapy, bed rest and the wearing of a suspensorium are recommended. Antibiotics are advisable only when the spermatic cord has been attacked by infectious pathogens. The duration of treatment is quite long - from two to three weeks with further medical supervision.

At chronic disease physiotherapy is given. As a rule, it is carried out after the removal of exacerbation and pain. If the patient has a fever, he is prescribed antipyretics. Existing wounds and suppuration should be treated with antiseptic agents. His pus accumulates inside the scrotum, the installation of a special drainage will be required.

Possible Complications

Other complications include infertility, inflammation of one or both testicles, dropsy, spontaneous ejaculation, and the formation of a cyst of the spermatic cord (funiculocele). Sometimes the inflammation spreads to the prostate gland, causing prostatitis.

A dangerous complication is a funiculocele, which reveals a round seal around the cord, which compresses it. However, it is only recommended surgical treatment. But it is easy to confuse it with a malignant tumor. In any case, the formation is removed, followed by a histological examination.

Complications are rare, mainly with treatment not started on time.

In the process of inflammation, exudate accumulates between the elements of the spermatic cord and between its membranes. If there is a lot of it and it is poorly absorbed, a cyst may form - a funiculocele. This formation can compress the contents of the spermatic cord, and there is also a danger of suppuration. In such cases, resort to surgical treatment– funicular puncture under ultrasound control or open surgery.

Rarely, funiculitis can be complicated by phlegmon or scrotal abscess. The treatment for this complication is surgical.

In the chronic course of funiculitis, infection of the lumen of the vas deferens is possible, which leads to male infertility.

With untimely diagnosis of pathology, the absence of therapeutic therapeutic measures inflammation of the spermatic cord can cause negative consequences, including infertility:

  • The appearance of orchitis, epididymitis - often observed in the acute form of funiculitis. They have a significant influence on the process of treating this pathology, reducing the likelihood of a complete recovery of a man, since the disease can become chronic;
  • emergence dropsy in the spermatic cord- fluid accumulates between tissue structures and layers of the organ. Often it appears on the testicular membrane. Usually its development is provoked by a long inflammatory process;
  • Education cysts at chronic inflammation - a round neoplasm coated with a protective capsule, filled with liquid. Often acts as a cyst oncological tumor. Therefore, in this situation, early diagnosis and further removal of the cyst by the surgical method is required.

3. In chronic funiculitis, the patient may develop a cyst. It is a round neoplasm, which is covered with a protective capsule and filled with a clear liquid. A cyst is dangerous in that an oncological tumor can hide under its appearance. For this reason, when diagnosing it, it is necessary to remove the cyst surgically as soon as possible.

In addition, despite the fact that the cyst itself cannot lead to infertility, it will gradually increase in size, and this will provoke a strong squeezing of the canal. In this condition, a person is at risk of developing infertility.

1. Timely diagnose and treat any acute pathologies the genitourinary system and genital organs, even if they do not yet cause pain or other unpleasant symptoms.

2. Avoid physical overwork and nervous exhaustion.

3. Timely treat any inflammatory processes in the body.

4. In case of injury to the scrotum, you should immediately seek medical help, and not wait until inflammation begins in the genitals.

5. It is important to have a regular sexual partner and a secure sexual relationship. This is the only way to avoid infection. infectious diseases sexually transmitted.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord: treatment, complications, prevention

To prevent funiculitis, you should monitor the condition of the genitourinary system, promptly and fully treat acute and chronic diseases, follow up external changes reproductive organs especially during acute respiratory diseases. If an injury is received, observe external changes in the scrotum. In addition, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives and exclude frequent shift sexual partners.

Regular preventive examinations help avoid complications in latent form inflammation of the spermatic cord, and fluorography - to detect tuberculosis in a timely manner. healthy image life and good nutrition with the receipt of vitamins and minerals will strengthen the body and protect against many factors that contribute to the development of funiculitis.

To prevent the development of the disease, men must follow simple rules:

  1. Timely eliminate the pathologies of the genital organs and the genitourinary system, even if they do not lead to discomfort.
  2. Avoid extreme fatigue and stress.
  3. Treat all inflammations that occur in the body.
  4. In case of injury, seek medical attention immediately.
  5. Have a regular sexual partner and use contraceptives.

With timely and competent medical care, the disease can be successfully cured. A prerequisite for recovery is the treatment of all other diseases, the correction of lifestyle and the rejection of addictions.

  1. Protection from infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. At the first signs of urethritis (pain, cramps during urination, discharge from the urethra) - see a doctor.
  3. Treatment of any acute and chronic foci of infection in the body.
  4. Healthy lifestyle. Any bad habits lead to a weakening of the immune system.

  • Timely diagnosis;
  • Avoid the state of nervous exhaustion, overwork;
  • If you find the first signs of pathology, immediately consult a doctor;
  • stick in intimate life one sexual partner, use contraceptive means of protection;
  • If the scrotum is injured, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord in medicine is defined by the term funiculitis. This is specific disease occurs only in men. Funiculitis rarely acts as independent disease. Most often, it becomes a complication of other diseases: orchitis, epididymitis or orchiepididymitis.

In addition, simultaneously with funiculitis, diferentitis develops - inflammation of the vas deferens.

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is necessary, since the development of this pathology can contribute to the spread of infection to nearby tissues. For men, life with this problem becomes painful and uncomfortable. Seals and sharp pains appear in the scrotum, which leads to dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Function of the spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is very important male organ he takes part in reproductive process. This is paired organ resulting from the descent of the testicles into the scrotum. Its length in normal condition about 20 cm. The testicles practically hang on it.

The structure of the spermatic cord includes:

  • vas deferens - the main element that connects the testicle with the seminal vesicles;
  • arterial vessels that are responsible for blood supply;
  • venous vessels in the shell of the organ;
  • lymphatic vessels;
  • nerve plexuses.

The main function of the spermatic cord is the passage of spermatozoa into the head of the penis. Inflammation this body can make this process painful and hinder reproduction.

Causes of funiculitis

Inflammation of the spermatic cord in men is a fairly common phenomenon. There are many causes of this disease, but the main one is considered to be the action bacterial infection on the seminal canal and nearby organs of the reproductive system.

There are three ways to get an infection:

Medicine divides funiculitis into two types, depending on the provoking microorganisms:

  • specific (results from the action of tuberculosis bacteria and actinomycetes);
  • non-specific (caused by the ingestion of microorganisms such as Trichomonas bacteria, chlamydia, gonococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli).

In addition to bacterial exposure, inflammation of the spermatic cord in men can occur as a result of:

  • hypothermia;
  • various injuries of the testicles;
  • exacerbation of chronic prostatitis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • surgical intervention in the organs of the scrotum.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of funiculitis depend on the form of the disease.

In total, doctors distinguish two types of inflammation of the spermatic cord:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The symptoms of both forms are almost the same, but with chronic funiculitis it is not so bright, but rather blurry.

The main symptoms of the development of the disease are:

  • Pain in the groin (with acute inflammation, it is stronger);
  • Seal, noticeable when probing;
  • Swelling and redness of the scrotum;
  • Increased body temperature (characteristic only for the acute form);
  • General weakness;
  • Headache and joint pain (noted in acute funiculitis).

These symptoms significantly affect general state man's health. Problems with urination and sexual function begin. Sometimes sleep patterns are disturbed. Therefore, having noticed the first signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


A urologist or andrologist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment for inflammation of the spermatic cord. As a rule, the diagnosis of funiculitis is made easily and quickly. To begin with, the doctor needs to state all the symptoms. Further, using the method of palpation, the specialist examines the patient: with funiculitis, there is a thickening of the organ.

There are a number of studies to confirm the diagnosis:

  • General analysis of blood and urine;
  • A smear from the urethra;
  • Analysis of urethral secretions;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • Diaphanoscopy of testicles.

Kit diagnostic procedures the doctor selects individually, depending on the stage of development of funiculitis and the characteristics of the general health of the man.

Basic Treatments

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is not particularly difficult. It all depends on the causes of the disease, the form and stage of its development.

For the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

Treatment of chronic funiculitis is possible with the help of physiotherapy. Most often, electrophoresis or magnetotherapy is used.

For effectiveness, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures for at least 14 days. Next is to take a break for 2 months.

Acute inflammation is treated medications. Most often it is a complex of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Acute pain syndrome on the first day is eliminated by novocaine blockade.

During treatment, it is recommended to apply ice to the groin area. This should be done no more than 5 minutes with a break of 15 minutes to avoid hypothermia. The cold will help relieve swelling and pain. If an infiltrate appears, it must be treated with dry heat.

At the final stage, physiotherapy is included in the treatment of acute inflammation - at least five procedures.

Treatment of funiculitis means traditional medicine includes the use of tincture. It is prepared from chamomile and calendula. In the ratio of 3 tablespoons of dried flowers of field chamomile, a spoonful of calendula extract. All pour 200 ml of vodka. The infusion should stand for at least two days, after using 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.

The surgical method is rarely used, only in case of cysts and phlegmon.

Consequences of funiculitis

Delayed treatment inflammation can lead to serious complications:

  • the development of orchitis, epididymitis or orchiepididymitis, which leads to dysfunction of the male reproductive system;
  • dropsy: it develops on the sheath of the spermatic cord and is an accumulation of inflammatory fluid. Dropsy is dangerous because it compresses the arteries, and thus impedes blood flow to the testicles, which can cause necrosis;
  • the formation of a cyst of the spermatic cord: it is dangerous because it can be hidden under its appearance malignancy; treatment is possible only with a surgical method with complete removal cysts;
  • male infertility, which is the most severe of the complications. As a result of a prolonged inflammatory process in the organ, the fusion of the walls of the duct begins. There is a blockage and the spermatozoa cannot pass from the bubbles to the head of the penis and perform their direct function. It is possible to get rid of this kind of infertility with the help of surgical intervention.


Prevention of funiculitis includes several rules:

The best way to protect yourself is to be attentive to your health and remember that inflammation of the spermatic cord can significantly worsen the general condition of the body.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord or funiculitis occurs as a result of an infectious or other disease of the genitourinary system, accompanied by an inflammatory process. The disease can be diagnosed in the acute phase or proceed in a chronic form. Untimely treatment leads to infertility.

Causes of the disease

The main factor provoking the appearance of funiculitis is the process of infection entering the body of a man. There are three ways to get it:

  • Hematogenous is characterized by infection through the bloodstream in the presence of open wounds and injuries. Microorganisms can migrate from other organs in the presence of other infectious foci in the body.
  • The intracanalicular pathway is due to the presence of inflammatory processes in genitourinary system men. When an existing focus flows to other organs. This is possible with prostatitis, urethritis, balanoposthitis.
  • Yastrogenic is characterized by the penetration of microorganisms during the surgical intervention.

That is, the causes of inflammation of the spermatic cord can be:

  • Infectious and viral diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Varicocele.
  • Hypothermia and trauma in the scrotum.
  • Surgical intervention in the genitourinary system.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and others internal organs urinary system.

If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, then provoke acute phase may:

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  • Hypothermia.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Varicocele.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Excessive emotional or physical stress.

Depending on the pathogen, the disease can be:

  • Specific, when the inflammatory process occurs due to the action of pathogenetic agents.
  • Nonspecific, caused by various microorganisms, such as gonococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, Trichomonas, microplasma or E. coli.

The occurrence of funiculitis with varicocele

The spermatic cord is a long round anatomical object about 20 cm long, which is localized in the inguinal region. male body. Varicocele - excessive expansion of the structure of the spermatic cord and testis. Because of this, the affected area increases in size, an inflammatory process begins, called funiculitis.

The spermatic cord suffers quite a lot with varicocele. It expands and thickens. The liquid ceases to be actively eliminated and stagnation occurs in the scrotum.

Symptoms of funiculitis

The disease can be expressed in both acute and chronic forms. Acute funiculitis begins spontaneously and rapidly affects the spermatic cord, and then all other tissues of the scrotum. It is easy to identify it by noticing the following symptoms:

  • Sharp severe pain in the groin area, mainly in the scrotum. Unpleasant sensations can be observed in the lumbar region and coccyx.
  • The size of the spermatic cord varies with big side. It becomes dense and thick. This can be felt with self-palpation.
  • During urination, the patient complains of pain and discomfort.
  • The process of urination is difficult.
  • The affected area is marked by the presence of hyperemic areas and swelling.
  • Mucous discharge may be observed.
  • The patient complains of general weakness, muscle pain, fever, especially if the process is acute.

The chronic course of the disease may have all the same symptoms, but with a less pronounced picture. This form is more dangerous because the patient long time may not pay attention to recurrent pain in the groin and not carry out appropriate treatment.


To differentiate inflammation of the spermatic cord from other diseases, a man is prescribed the following examinations:

  • Primary examination with the method of palpation.
  • General analysis of blood, urine.
  • Ultrasound of the genital area. With it, you can determine the degree of organ damage and the cause of the inflammatory process.
  • Collection and examination of secretions.
  • Diaphanoscopy or transillumination of the testicles with a thin beam of light.
  • MRI is performed quite rarely, only for special indications.
  • Radiography or angiography is performed when complications occur. The procedure is done under local anesthesia. A man makes an incision in the area of ​​​​the spermatic cord, where a contrast fluid is injected. After that, on the x-ray, you can see the presence of violations of the patency of the ducts.


Therapy is prescribed depending on the nature of the pathogen and the neglect of the disease. Usually funiculitis is well treated on early stage. All patients are shown:

  • Refusal of bad habits: alcohol and smoking.
  • Diet with restriction of fatty and salty foods.
  • Use vitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.
  • Abstinence from sexual intercourse during treatment.
  • Bed rest and wearing a suspensory.

In the acute course of the disease, it is necessary:

  • Take antibiotics to eliminate the infectious agent.
  • Drink anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the inflammatory process.
  • Put novocaine blockade with a strong pain syndrome.
  • Take analgesics if pain occurs only during urination.
  • Use antipyretics at elevated body temperature.
  • Undergo antibiotic therapy if the cord is damaged due to the action of an infectious carrier.

When funiculitis is caused by tuberculosis, the treatment is first aimed at eliminating the root cause, and only then at restoring functionality.

If the patient has suppuration or the presence of wounds, they should be treated with local antiseptics. With the accumulation of purulent contents inside the scrotum, a special drainage is installed.

In the chronic form, physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated. They can also be carried out after the relief of an acute condition.


From folk remedies use cold compresses as an auxiliary method to relieve inflammation and pain. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. Basically, decoctions of Chamomile, St. John's wort and Calendula are used for compresses.

Herbs can be brewed and drunk like tea, they will help strengthen the body from the inside. Phytotherapy is also used as sitz baths.

When acute condition passed, you can do warm compresses with dry heat, but before doing this, you should consult your doctor.

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated to the patient only as a last resort:

  • If a conservative treatment gave no results.
  • In the presence of seals on the spermatic cord, which during monthly treatment does not decrease.
  • If serious complications arise or the inflammatory process rapidly affects the surrounding tissues.

Surgical intervention consists in removing the affected part of the spermatic cord. After the procedure, it is possible to restore the process of ejaculation and prevent infertility.

If you look at the statistics, then those who were cured of funiculitis in a non-surgical way are much more than the operated patients. To avoid the use surgical methods it is necessary to contact a urologist in a timely manner.

What is the risk of inaction

If treatment is not started immediately, funiculitis can lead to:

  • The occurrence of dropsy of the spermatic cord - funiculocele.
  • Sepsis, especially if the disease is caused by an infectious environment.
  • Infertility. This is due to the fact that connective tissue begins to grow and closes the opening in the seminal duct.
  • Peritonitis, when the inflammatory process passes to the abdominal wall.
  • Varicocele. This is varicose veins veins in the area where the spermatic cord is located.

Preventive measures

  • Live sexually with only one partner.
  • Timely visit a doctor and treat all diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Avoid stressful situations and excessive physical activity.
  • Use contraceptives during intercourse.
  • Avoid injuries in the groin area.

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

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