What is the best way to wash wounds? How to treat an open wound to heal faster

Minor skin injuries are one of the most numerous types of household injuries. Such wounds do not require specialized medical care and usually heal on their own. Correct initial treatment of the injury site will help speed up the healing process and prevent complications.

In case of minor injuries, primary wound treatment is performed right on the spot. You just need to correctly assess the severity of the damage.

What is the difference between a scratch, abrasion, and cut?

Scratch- this is a small wound, damage to the surface layer of the skin in the form of a narrow strip. You can get scratched by a protruding nail, a piece of wood, the edge of a table or chair, or a not very sharp instrument. The scratch results in minor capillary bleeding.

Abrasion- superficial damage to the skin over a certain area. This area is deprived of the epidermis - the upper epithelial layer of the skin. Abrasions most often form from friction between the skin and a rough object - asphalt, concrete, rough fabric. The abrasion may be bloodless or accompanied by minor capillary bleeding.

A cut- more serious damage sharp object or a tool (shard of glass, knife, razor). Unlike an abrasion, a cut penetrates the entire depth of the skin, including subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes affects deeper tissues. Cuts may be accompanied heavy bleeding, including from large vessels. Cuts to the fingers, palms, and feet are very dangerous - tendons can be damaged. Cuts to the abdomen and back may be penetrating wounds requiring immediate surgical treatment.

Any cut showing signs of arterial or venous bleeding, cuts to the abdomen and back deeper than a few millimeters, cuts to the fingers, palms and feet with impaired motor functions require emergency measures to stop bleeding and transport the victim to a medical facility.

How to treat scratches, abrasions, cuts?

Shallow cuts, abrasions and scratches can be treated independently. For this purpose they are used antiseptics - medical supplies, capable of destroying microorganisms or preventing and inhibiting their growth. The range of common antiseptics is quite wide and includes both old, long-known and modern drugs.

Diamond green (“zelenka”) 10 ml - 10 rub.

Chemically, it is tetraethyl-4,4-diaminotriphenylmethane oxalate and is one of the aniline dyes. It is rarely used for its direct coloring purpose, but as an antiseptic it is known to every person in Russia. Most often used as 1% or 2% alcohol solution, although there are also aqueous solutions with a concentration of 0.1% to 2%. It is used to treat the edges of wounds; it retains an antimicrobial effect for a long time, but does not have a hemostatic effect. It is curious that nowhere except Russia and countries former USSR, is not used, although it is known and even approved for use in some places. Well he doesn't like western medicine painted patients.

Iodine solution 10 ml - 15 rub.

Iodine in the form of a 5% alcohol solution is widely used to treat wound edges. By the way, the common pronunciation of “iodine” (through Y) is incorrect and does not correspond to either the pharmacy name of the drug or chemical nomenclature. Iodine is quite effective, destroying almost all major pathogenic microorganisms and even their disputes, but often causes allergic reactions, does not have a hemostatic effect. IN Lately Iodine is used less and less as an antiseptic, being replaced with other drugs.

Chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine) 100 ml - 15 rub.

0,05-0,1% water solution Chlorhexidine digluconate is used to disinfect both the surface of the skin around the wound and the cuts, abrasions, and scratches themselves. Due to its low toxicity, chlorhexidine is suitable for washing wounds in the oral cavity. Does not have a hemostatic effect.

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) 100 ml - 10 rub.

Hydrogen peroxide (3% aqueous solution) can be used to rinse large wounds as an antiseptic and hemostatic agent. Long-term use not recommended as it increases healing time and may cause scarring.

Modern antiseptic drugs such as miramistin, Octeniman, octeniderm, octenisept are more efficient and convenient, but also significantly more expensive. For example, a 50 ml bottle of Miramistin costs about 150 rubles, and the same amount of octanisept costs more than 200 rubles. Therefore, for minor cuts, scratches and abrasions, purchasing them is hardly advisable. But if in home medicine cabinet These agents are present, then they can be used for disinfection without any fear.

How to properly treat wounds?

Proper treatment of cuts, scrapes and abrasions significantly speeds up healing time and prevents complications.

  • minor injuries do not threaten life and health, so there is no need to panic and aggravate the situation by trying to provide assistance with dirty hands. Nothing bad will happen after a few minutes of hand washing. Minor bleeding will disappear from the wound on its own most pollution.
  • scratches and abrasions from minor bleeding(small droplets that do not run down the skin) can be washed completely clean water or antiseptic drugs (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, octeniman, octeniderm, octenisept) and completely lubricate with a solution of iodine or brilliant green. It is better not to apply a bandage; it heals faster in the air. If there is a possibility of contamination, you can apply a loose bandage of a sterile bandage or seal it with a bactericidal plaster.
  • more heavy bleeding, but without signs of arterial or venous, should be stopped independently. To do this, the cut is washed with clean water, the edges of the wound are treated with a solution of iodine or brilliant green, and a pressure bandage is applied with a sterile bandage. Under the bandage, directly on the damaged surface, you can apply a napkin or swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

Deep wounds with heavy bleeding, especially with signs of arterial bleeding, deep cuts with damage to muscles and tendons should not be treated. After rendering emergency assistance To stop the bleeding (strong pressure, tight bandage, tourniquet), the victim must be provided with qualified medical care.

First of all, you should make sure that there is no foreign bodies: glass fragments, specks, etc. Using a cotton pad or swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to clean the edges of the wound from dirt, soil, sand, if there is contamination.

Stop bleeding

If the wound is really deep, then a tourniquet or tight bandage should be applied slightly above the cut (for no more than half an hour). Treat the edges of the wound with iodine or alcohol, and fill the wound itself with hydrogen peroxide.


Apply a tight bandage to the cut site, while the edges of the wound should be as close to each other as possible, and folded gauze or a piece of paper treated with an antiseptic should be placed under the bandage.
Antiseptics that may be useful for deep cuts
Most popular means at cut wounds antiseptics are considered, such as: Dexpanthenol, produced in the form of a spray, cream, ointment or lotion. This spray can be used instead of peroxide for primary processing cut; Lifuzol – quite strong antiseptic, prescribed for the treatment of deep contaminated wounds, perfectly suppresses the development and reproduction of microbes; Etonium ointment - used in treatment purulent wounds, has analgesic and wound healing properties.
What to apply to a deep cut, depends on the condition of the wound. The main thing is to avoid complications such as wound infection, venous or arterial bleeding and tetanus. Often, a visit to the doctor protects against such consequences.

Quite often in the life of every person sudden injuries occur, various kinds damage, both superficial on the skin and deeper. That is why every person should know how to cope with skin damage at home. In the case of weeping wounds, not everyone knows what and how to do to solve this problem. How to treat weeping wounds? This article is devoted to this topic.

In the absence of proper treatment there is high risk infection with a wide variety of diseases. It is much easier for infection to enter the body through a wet wound. Everyone knows how to help with abrasions or light cuts, but what should be done if the wound does not heal for a long time and oozes?

What are weeping wounds?

Injuries, abrasions and burns are familiar to every person, starting with early childhood. Before you know how to treat a weeping wound, you need to understand what it is. This is a soft tissue injury that can occur in any part of the body. Weeping wounds may have varying degrees lesions and depth, touching the skin and blood vessels, bones and even internal organs.

Non-healing weeping wounds are a phenomenon when the surface of the injury becomes very wet. As for the process of formation of such wounds, it is the same as in all ordinary cases of damage. It is characterized by several phases: inflammation, regeneration, scar formation. Healing of weeping wounds must be carried out according to a strict strategy. It is necessary to constantly perform dressings using healing and disinfectants.

How do non-healing wet wounds appear?

Damage to the muscles and skin of soft tissues is observed. The difference between such a wound and an ulcerative formation is that it is located outside. And with an ulcer, the process occurs from the inside. When the damage is unable to dry out on its own, ichor appears. In most cases, this occurs against the background of joining bacterial infection. Considering that the immune system is trying to get rid of pathology, increased plasma release occurs.

Degrees of healing:

  1. Self-cleansing.
  2. Development of the inflammatory process around the wound.
  3. Granulation.

If the damage does not dry out for a long time, there is a possibility of additional infection and the development of sepsis.

Etiology of development

To find out which ointment for weeping wounds helps best, you need to find out what contributed to the occurrence of this problem.

Causes of weeping wounds:

  • laser, electrical burns;
  • inflammatory processes of the skin - eczema, dermatitis;
  • tanning abuse;
  • damage to the mucous membrane and skin of the fungal, bacterial type;
  • the presence of diaper rash in women under the breasts, in the groin and in the armpits;
  • burns from steam, fire, boiling water, hot objects;
  • improper blood circulation in tissues;
  • irritation caused by synthetic underwear;
  • umbilical wound in infants;
  • bedsores in sick people;
  • cuts, peeled skin.

As for newborns, in their case the therapy is carried out very carefully. The use of many medications is prohibited. Only drying, safe products are suitable for treatment.

Features of weeping burns

With such damage to the skin, namely the second and third degrees, a wound appears. It is called wet. If a wound becomes wet after a burn, this is explained by the fact that when the skin peels off, blisters appear, which burst almost immediately. This is why the fabrics underneath remain damp. Therapy involves drying out the lesions with drugs that promote the formation of a protective film.

To do this, apply a sterile, loose gauze bandage to the wound; it must first be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic. Drying sprays and ointments, sold at any pharmacy, are perfect. After treating the wound, streptocide powder and a bandage are applied to it.

The second method of therapy is open, which does not involve closing the wound. It is carried out until moisture ceases to be released from the wound. The cream or ointment for burns is smoothly applied, there is no need to rub it in, everything will be absorbed on its own. To enhance the antiseptic, restorative effect, nearby tissues are also lubricated. The procedure must be repeated at least five times a day.

Specifics of initial treatment of weeping damage

How to treat weeping wounds and how? To reduce the risk of complications, they are thoroughly washed. It is necessary to remove dust, dirt, and pus. For this purpose you can use antiseptics. Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. In case of its absence, it will do plain water with soap. Skin covering lubricate around the damaged area thin layer iodine, greenery. This is done in order to dry the edges of the newly formed wound and prevent the growth of bacteria.

The next step is protection from harmful microorganisms. Here you will need to apply a bandage. In case of deep damage, you cannot do without drug treatment and possible surgical intervention.

Effective drugs for the treatment of weeping wounds

Before using a specific product, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After providing first aid, you need to send the person to the hospital to avoid infection and the development of complications.

List of useful antiseptic drugs(ointments, sprays, creams):

  • "Unisept";
  • "Streptonol", "Streptocid";
  • "Dioxidin";
  • "Baktosin" and "Miramistin";
  • "Gorosten";
  • "Povidone-iodine";
  • "Chlorhexidine" and "Octenisept";
  • "Dezmistin", "Dekasan";
  • "Ectericide" and others.

For the initial treatment of a weeping wound, three percent hydrogen peroxide is perfect; it cleans and stops the bleeding. Furacilin solution prepared from tablets helps well. Per 100 milliliters warm water One tablet is taken.

How can you dry wet wounds?

How to treat weeping wounds? Considering the degree of infection, it is recommended to use various means. For shallow injuries and slow healing of weeping wounds, iodine mesh or brilliant green is applied to their edges. To wipe the surface with ichor, use a tincture of birch buds or calendula in alcohol.

If a crust forms very quickly and the ichor does not come out, it is necessary to soften the wound. A saline solution copes well with this task. The proportions of water and salt are 10/1. Ready solution has a powerful drying and healing effect, excellent resistance to bacteria, which are usually the source of wound suppuration.


  1. You will need a liter of saline solution; it can be easily prepared at home (the proportions are indicated above).
  2. They need to moisten the bandaged wound for a minute.
  3. Repeat the manipulation every four hours.

Due to this procedure, dressings with ointment can be done once every two days.

Streptocide ointment: instructions for use, how to use it correctly

This is a drug local action with antimicrobial effect. Works well against streptococci and other harmful microorganisms. Active components ointments destroy assimilation harmful microorganisms, strains.

Instructions for use of streptocidal ointment: before use, wash your hands thoroughly and clean the treatment area. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. The ointment is applied in a very thin layer; it cannot be rubbed in. May be used in conjunction with gauze bandage. The duration and frequency of use of streptocidal ointment directly depends on the dynamics of healing, individual characteristics wounds.

Don't forget about contraindications. Although the ointment is well tolerated, some people may be allergic to it. It is usually caused by individual intolerance to sulfonamides contained in streptocidal ointment. If the patient shows signs of allergy, this treatment should be stopped.

How does Streptonitol help?

The drug has an antibacterial effect and has an excellent effect on purulent-inflammatory processes: intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacteria, streptococci and staphylococci, antibiotic-resistant strains, Trichomonas. The ointment is famous for its good anti-inflammatory properties, which is explained by the presence of nitazol in its composition. It should only be used for its intended purpose.

Instructions for use of "Streptonitol" ointment: apply to burns and wounds, cover with a sterile bandage. You need to treat the affected area twice a day. The dosage depends on the area of ​​the weeping wound. The duration of the therapeutic course is selected based on individual characteristics and the dynamics of the healing process.

Folk remedies for weeping wounds

What else can you do to treat weeping wounds? If there is no threat to health, then you can even be treated at home using traditional medicine techniques.

Some useful recipes:

  1. Onion. Clears pus and relieves swelling. Make a paste by grating the onion head, then apply it to the damaged area. There will be a strong burning sensation, but you need to endure it.
  2. Potato. Grate and squeeze out the juice, moisten the bandage generously in it. Then apply it to the wound and wrap it. Change the bandage every four hours and leave overnight.
  3. Air. Promotes healing, fights germs. Preparation healing infusion: 1 tablespoon of root (dried) per glass of boiling water, boil in a steam bath. Cool and rinse the wound.

If the damage is shallow, then this treatment will help in about a week. If the wound does not heal for two weeks or more, you should seek medical help.

Thus, in the presence of weeping wounds, not only treatment with ointments and creams, but also proper primary treatment is of particular importance. The further course of the disease depends on it. Before using certain medicines And folk remedies consult your doctor.

First aid for a person who has received open injury, is to immediately stop the bleeding in any possible way.

If the bleeding is minor, simply applying pressure to the vessel will be enough. But if you see that the bleeding does not stop, the blood has a bright scarlet color and flows out under pressure in a pulsating stream, it means that the artery is damaged, and you should apply a tourniquet and immediately send the victim to the hospital. But keep in mind that incorrect application (too tight) can damage blood vessels and nerves and threaten tissue necrosis. A loosely applied tourniquet not only will not help, but can also stimulate increased bleeding (this happens if venous blood flow stops, not arterial).

Press the affected vessel with your finger a centimeter above the wound site, lift the limb and apply a tourniquet above the injury site. Place something soft under the tourniquet.

After 45 minutes, loosen the tourniquet for three minutes to restore blood circulation, then apply it again, but keep in mind that the tourniquet cannot be applied in one place for more than 1.5-2 hours. If there is no help, then the tourniquet is subsequently applied slightly above or below the previous application site.

Please note: in case of damage to the vein (dark red blood flows out slowly), a tourniquet is applied below the wound site.

The next, no less important task is to protect the wound from infection, since this is what can lead to any complications in the future. Be sure to disinfect your hands with alcohol. Before applying a bandage, try to remove dirt, soil and other foreign objects from the surface of the wound, preferably with a piece of cloth, tweezers or a bandage. Just don’t try to pick at an open wound, trying to remove dirt from its deep layers. Leave this mission to the professionals.

The best thing you can do is pour hydrogen peroxide into the wound. After superficially cleaning the wound, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or alcohol. In this case, under no circumstances should iodine be allowed to get into the wound itself - this will cause a burn to the injured tissues and cause unnecessary pain to the injured person.

To apply a bandage, you can use whatever you have on hand - a bandage, pieces of fabric, a scarf - but, of course, clean. If you have an individual package, that’s excellent. When you begin to cover the injury with a sterile bandage, be careful not to accidentally touch open areas with your hands.

If the wound is large and painful, look for some painkiller and give it to the victim. And then try to quickly get him to the nearest medical facility.

A small wound that does not pose a threat to life and health can be taken care of at home, but it is important to observe how it behaves. A few hours after injury, any damage to the skin usually becomes inflamed. This needs to be removed. For the first couple of days, treat the wound with tampons well soaked in a 10% salt solution or hydrogen peroxide. These products disinfect, prevent the growth of bacteria and the outflow of pus, if any, as well as blood clots and dead cells.

After a few days, Vishnevsky ointment and products containing streptocide will not harm. If you see that the wound is clean, you can apply a piece of aloe leaf to it (with the cut facing the wound). Aloe is very good at tightening and healing the skin.

Traditional medicine also advises using crushed plantain leaves or ointment from fresh leaves St. John's wort and sage. To prepare such an ointment, take these in equal parts, chop, and then rub with the internal lard. This product should be kept in the refrigerator.

Any wound, even the smallest one, needs mandatory treatment, which begins with the initial treatment of the injury with solutions that prevent infection of the injury. At the same time, it is important that the treatment is constantly adjusted, not only depending on the location of the wound and its etiology, but also on the course of the processes of restoration of injured tissue and the characteristics of healing.

In this section you will learn how to properly treat an open wound and what you can apply to the damaged area. You will also find answers to questions such as how to disinfect abrasions and scratches at home, how to properly treat deep and post-operative wounds.

Rules for treating wounds

When treating any wound, regardless of its location and origin, it is important to follow a number of certain rules.

Treatment open wound occurs when the following recommendations are followed:

How to treat an open wound

During the initial treatment of the wound, as well as during all subsequent treatments carried out when changing dressings, antibiotic drugs are not used, even those that have a fairly wide range of effects.

In most cases, antibiotic drugs eliminate different kinds bacteria, but in addition to them, fungi, as well as viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms, against which antibiotics would be powerless, could also enter the wounded area.

To treat wounds, you should use special antiseptic solutions that can destroy almost all types of pathogenic microflora, including the dangerous tuberculosis bacillus.

Of course, antiseptics do not accelerate the healing process, do not stimulate tissue regeneration, their goal is to destroy microbes, which significantly slow down and complicate all these processes, taking them away from tissues useful elements and oxygen for its own development.

But it is important to remember that if antiseptics are used incorrectly, the healing process can be significantly slowed down. At each stage of regeneration of damaged tissues, it is recommended to use suitable products.

What to apply to an open wound to make it heal faster? You will learn about healing in detail in a separate article. Also for healing deep damaged areas skin, special medical glue is used, in particular.

Most often when treating wounds they use:

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Treatment of abrasions and scratches

Such damage forms on the skin in cases where there is an impact on any hard surface or blunt object.

Often abrasions and various scratches occur as a result of a fall. As a result, the top layer of the epidermis is usually removed and the smallest vessels are damaged, which causes pinpoint bleeding. Such damage also requires mandatory processing to prevent infection and development of the inflammatory process.

First of all, the abrasion must be thoroughly washed with running water and soap (laundry or regular baby soap). This treatment allows not only to eliminate contamination, but also to destroy many pathogenic microorganisms.

After washing, the abrasion should be treated with an antiseptic solution. To do this, you need to moisten a gauze swab in hydrogen peroxide and gently wet the surface of the damage. After this, you can take a cotton pad, soak it in Chlorhexidine solution and apply it to the abrasion, securing it with pieces of plaster. This bandage should be left on for about an hour.

Next, the surface of the injury needs to be dried a little in the air, after which you can sprinkle the injury, for example, Boneacin, or any other, and apply a dry sterile bandage. When a crust (scab) forms on the surface of the abrasion, the bandage is removed and left in the air.

Treatment of deep wounds

Upon receipt deep wound, for example, a cut, it is not recommended to immediately try to stop the bleeding. The blood coming out of the wound washes out any contaminants that have gotten inside, which helps clean the wound cavity.

It is important to treat the wound with antiseptics, remembering that the use of alcohol is not recommended, as it causes necrosis of damaged tissue. Pouring hydrogen peroxide onto such injuries is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to an embolism.

For correct processing injury, you should soak a cotton pad or gauze swab in peroxide and gently blot the surface of the wound and the skin around it.

After this, apply a sterile bandage using a sterile gauze cloth attached with a bandage or plaster. The bandage must be changed the next day or as it becomes saturated with blood.

It is not advisable to apply the ointment immediately after receiving a wound. Most of these drugs are recommended for use only when granulation processes have already begun at the wound site or suppuration with active inflammation has appeared. It is popular in the treatment of purulent wounds.

If immediately upon receipt of a wound there is a serious danger of infection of damaged tissues, for example, in cases where the wound was inflicted by a rusty nail, a piece of rusty iron, glass located in the ground, and in other similar situations, then in order to avoid complications after treating the wound with antiseptics should be applied immediately antibacterial ointment. It is best in such cases to use an ointment that has water base and when heated on the surface of the body, it easily penetrates into the very depths of the wound cavity, killing pathogenic microflora.

If the wound is deep and narrow (from a nail), it is permissible to inject ointment heated to body temperature from a syringe directly into the wound cavity.

You may find information such as an algorithm or (PHO) wounds useful - you will also find information about this detailed information in the relevant articles.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to correctly assess the extent of the injury received. Certainly, minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right means and carrying out the necessary treatments in a timely manner.

If you have minor injuries, you should consult a doctor only if the wound, despite all treatments, begins to inflammatory process, and suppuration appeared.

Cuts should be given special attention Special attention. It is important to remember that only shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm, can be treated independently without contacting a doctor.

If you receive a larger cut after initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as stitches may be required.

If you receive serious or large wounds, you should contact a doctor immediately, and it is important to provide the victim with proper first aid before the ambulance arrives.