Renal failure in a child - symptoms and types of therapy. Chronic renal failure in children (pediatrics)

kidney failure in a child - a rare occurrence due to organ dysfunction and rapid progression. In the absence of timely medical care the baby may die. Therefore, each parent needs to know her symptoms and the treatment that the baby will need.

There are many reasons why children begin to fail kidneys. This is the formation of an anomaly of organs during intrauterine development or the activity of the pathogen in the baby's body after his birth. Therefore, the disease can be acquired or congenital.

Causes of the development of the disease in a newborn

In newly born babies, renal failure is diagnosed when both kidneys are congenitally absent or when the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system are not properly formed. Newborns develop pathology and due to the appearance of blood clots in the veins, vascular disease arteries of the urinary tract.

Acute renal failure in children or its chronic form appears when there is a violation of the outflow of urine or infection of the urinary tract. A pathological condition awaits a baby after a difficult birth or when his body is dehydrated due to intrauterine infection.

Babies up to 12 months

The causes of kidney failure in infants are metabolic problems, intestinal infections, congenital and acquired diseases that provoke the death of many blood elements.

older children

Chronic or sharp look pathological condition develops as a result of acute infectious diseases. Intoxication of the body with medications or nephrotoxic agents can provoke a disease at this age. Organ injuries, sepsis, hemorrhages and burns can also be causes. In adolescents, acute renal failure can be triggered by the formation of calculi in the kidneys, which causes a violation of the outflow of urine.

Symptomatic manifestations of pathology

Signs of kidney failure in a child do not differ from the manifestations in an adult. There are the following general symptoms renal failure in children:

  • emptying frequent;
  • the amount of fluid released does not correspond to the norm;
  • feeling unwell;
  • symptoms of body poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • change in color of the epidermis to yellow;
  • formation of stones and sand in paired organs;
  • tremor;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • swelling of the hands, feet.

The study of urine shows an increase in the level of protein in it. nephrotic syndrome - bright sign development of renal failure in children. It almost never occurs in adults.

Acute disease

Acute renal failure in children is an intoxication of the body with toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate due to the cessation of organs.

In the first days of the development of the disease, general malaise, nausea and other signs of poisoning are observed. During the first two weeks of illness clinical picture supplemented by uremia, the blood is saturated with nitrogenous toxins. Further violated water and electrolyte balance, diuresis, the child loses weight dramatically. At stage 4, there is a decrease in symptoms, the so-called clinical recovery.

If you do not start treating the pathology in a baby in a timely manner, it will develop into a chronic form.

Chronic kidney failure

Chronic renal failure in children can progress for a long time, leading to complete dysfunction of paired organs. Pathology is divided into congenital and acquired types. There are 4 stages of its development: latent, compensated, intermittent and terminal.

At the first signs incorrect operation kidneys in children, parents need to urgently contact a pediatrician. He will appoint necessary tests and refer you to a nephrologist.

Diagnosis of a pathological condition

The acute form of insufficiency is detected on the basis of the symptoms described above and the results of laboratory tests. In urine, there is an increase in creatinine, urea, sodium. The density and osmolarity of urine decreases, the presence of casts and leukocytes is detected. A blood test reveals a decrease in the filtration function by 25%, creatinine in the fluid increases sharply, and the potassium content decreases.

Additionally, doctors prescribe a hardware examination using ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging of the urinary organs, Bladder and ureters. If necessary, x-rays and cystoscopy are done.

In children, it is diagnosed on the basis of a survey, which reveals the presence of diseases in the baby genitourinary system chronic type. Blood test shows reduced level glomerular filtration, leukocytosis, an increase in potassium and a decrease in hemoglobin. ECG reveals noise and expansion of the boundaries of the heart muscle, tachycardia. There is an increase in blood pressure.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with acute glomerulonephritis and encephalopathies.

Urgent measures

With an attack of acute renal failure in a baby, parents should call an ambulance. It is forbidden to take any action independently.

AT medical institution the child will do a gastric lavage, introduce sorbents into the digestive system. Hemodialysis or hemosorption is performed as a last resort when the infant is in danger of death. After the crumbs, you can not feed for some time, until all vital signs return to normal.

Treatment methods for the disease

At acute form kidney failure therapy is aimed at detoxifying the body, restoring blood volume and circulation in the kidney tissue. With early detection of pathology good effect give the following medicines:

  • diuretics;
  • vasodilators;
  • anti-shock medications;
  • blood thinners.

In most cases, babies under one year of age are prescribed hemodialysis for acute renal failure. If the disease is complicated by hyperglycemia, pulmonary edema or the brain, hypertension, without an "artificial kidney" is also indispensable.

Adolescents are additionally prescribed plasmapheresis, that is, they filter the blood. To prevent infection, apply antibacterial drugs. During the recovery period, it will be appropriate to take potassium, glucose and electrolyte mixtures.

In the chronic form of the pathology, complex treatment of the kidney and all affected organs is carried out. The treatment regimen includes such drugs (as prescribed by the doctor):

  1. Antamicides. Reduce the amount of phosphorus in the blood.
  2. D vitamins and calcium. Normalize calcium metabolism.
  3. Means for lowering blood pressure in hypertension.
  4. Diuretics (to increase diuresis).
  5. Iron in the development of anemia.

If uremia progresses, hemodialysis is put on the baby. After the child's condition improves, they return to conservative treatment. To achieve sustained remission for long years most effective method is an organ transplant.

Complications when ignoring the disease

Kidney failure greatly complicates the life of the child. He needs constant hemodialysis. Pathology provokes deviations in the development of the baby, disability. Due to the neglect of the disease, the child may develop malformations of the central nervous system, anemia, ischemia, atherosclerosis. The outcome is deplorable - the death of the crumbs. In the case of an organ transplant, the baby needs to take expensive medicines for the kidney to take root.

Preventive rules

In order for the child's kidneys to work properly, you need to monitor his nutrition and the amount of fluid he drinks per day. The baby should not overcool the back, injure the lower back. With a hereditary predisposition to the disease, you need to take the child to regular preventive examinations for timely diagnosis.

Do not forget about the importance of treating all diseases of the genitourinary system. Any infection can become a provoking factor for the development of renal failure.

Kidney failure is not a death sentence for children. But it is important to diagnose in a timely manner and follow all the instructions of the attending physician. With acute renal failure in newborns, a number of complications develop, the disease becomes chronic. Here, the outcome will depend on the cause of the disease and the success of therapy. For older children, the prognosis is better. In 75% of cases it is possible to achieve full recovery functioning of the urinary organs.

One of the most serious and dangerous diseases Kidney failure is kidney failure in children that makes it difficult or impossible to excrete urine from the body. This leads to disruption of the functioning of other vital systems.

Pathology is characterized by a complex of diseases observed in the kidneys and ureter and is the cause of extremely severe conditions up to death. To prevent such manifestations, parents need to familiarize themselves with the information about the disease and, if necessary, be ready to help their child cope with it.

The disease can be acute and chronic. Both forms bring a lot of trouble and difficulties that must be overcome in order to give the child the opportunity to feel healthy and experience the fullness of life.

It should be noted that renal failure in children is manifested by characteristic different ages diseases. Newborns are more likely to suffer from PN due to various anomalies formed in the prenatal period, agenesis, polycystosis, as well as from venous and arterial thrombosis of the kidneys. The diagnosis of kidney failure in infants is sometimes misleading because their kidneys do not begin to function at full capacity until 2-5 days after birth..

In children of the first year of life, there is a manifestation of the extrarenal form of PN, necrosis of the kidneys, and congenital nephrosis makes itself felt. The development of pyelonephritis is detected both in very young children and in preschool age. Evidence of impaired renal function may be nocturnal enuresis lasting up to five years and older.

Important! Urinary incontinence during sleep adolescence indicates the presence of a serious disease of the renal system.

A child of any age with suspected renal failure should be carefully evaluated for diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent further development pathology.

Features of acute renal failure

This type of pathology is characterized by a sudden onset of symptoms, accompanied by a partial or complete cessation of kidney function. This leads to a decrease in the amount of excreted fluid - oliguria. In especially severe cases, the outflow of urine stops altogether - this is anuria.

Both forms of the disease are equally dangerous for child's body due to the fact that toxic substances and metabolic products are not removed from it. Untimely provision of medical care can lead to irreversible processes.

Acute renal failure in children is often associated with congenital malformations, but it is also provoked by acquired kidney disease. These include:

  • cortical and tubular necrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • extrarenal insufficiency.

Other factors to note include:

Acute forms, and in case of untimely treatment, can go into the chronic stage.

There may be specific and nonspecific symptoms. The former include oliguria and anuria, which were mentioned earlier. Nonspecific signs of the disease include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting syndrome;
  • liquid stool;
  • swelling of the hands and feet;
  • pain in the liver, its increase;
  • psychomotor disorders - from lethargy to excessive mobility.

Any of the symptoms of kidney failure in a child should alert parents and become an indication for a thorough examination in order to prevent development pathological changes and subsequent treatment.

Pathological processes in acute renal failure occur depending on the stage of the disease:

To speed up the recovery from the consequences of acute renal failure, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the nephrologist and the prescribed diet.

Features of chronic insufficiency

Unlike acute manifestation diseases, chronic renal failure in children is characterized by a gradual decrease in the efficiency of the kidneys. It can lead to a complete loss of their activity, caused by the destruction of the cells of the organ. The result is a decrease in the volume of the kidney and its complete atrophy. Chronic renal failure, like acute renal failure, can be congenital or acquired.

Of particular note are a number of diseases that have a negative effect on the renal glomeruli, which subsequently leads to a chronic form of pathology:

The most common of these are intrauterine malformations and hereditary diseases kidneys.

Symptoms of renal failure in children with a chronic form are considered depending on the stage of development of the disease:

  1. Latent - there is only an unusual weakness in the evenings, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and a change in the electrolyte composition of the blood.
  2. Compensated, followed by copious secretions urine (more than two liters during the day), the blood test continues to worsen, the previous symptoms increase.
  3. Intermittent with many new symptoms. The most important of them are a noticeable decrease in the efficiency of the kidneys and an increasing deterioration biochemical analysis blood (increase in nitrogenous compounds, urea, creatinine). There is a deterioration in the general condition, appetite decreases, the child is tormented by thirst. In some cases, hands may tremble and joints hurt. A general breakdown contributes to concomitant colds, infectious diseases, and throat problems. This situation becomes the basis for the progression of pathological changes.
  4. terminal stage characterized by sleep disturbance, increased excitability is replaced by apathy, then irritability. In addition, swelling appears not only of the limbs, but also of the face, the skin acquires an earthy color. At times, the temperature rises, belching, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are disturbing. There is a smell of urine when breathing. Possible bleeding, coma.

Due to the gradual increase in the deterioration of the functioning of the kidneys, they can completely stop, which is fraught with irreversible consequences. Life depends on artificial apparatus and maintained with hemodialysis.

Diagnostic examinations and therapeutic measures

Identification of pathological processes in the kidneys is possible with a laboratory study of blood and urine. They define normative indicators protein, sugar, other components in the form of bloody fibers, suspension, sediment, sand, turbidity or discoloration. Deviation from the norm indicates the presence of organ dysfunction and gives reason to continue the examination with instrumental methods - ultrasound, MRI, CT. In case of discovery tumor formations tissue biopsy is ordered.

General methods of treatment of renal failure, both acute and chronic, are aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms. The therapeutic course with the use of medications provides for the restoration of the organ's working capacity, the elimination inflammatory processes and pain sensations.

A feature of the treatment course in children is that the child can not always talk about his problems. Important role this is up to the parents. They should show maximum attention to the well-being of the child and, at the first alarming symptoms, immediately seek medical assistance. This primarily applies to those parents whose child has birth defects kidneys or previously observed pathological processes of this organ. Such children are shown systematic examinations and consultations with a pediatrician and a nephrologist.

If a therapeutic treatment does not give the desired results, hemodialysis is prescribed. With the manifestation of tissue death - an urgent organ transplant, which is a last resort.

Important! It should be noted that the treatment folk remedies kidney failure is impractical and dangerous.

This can cause a deterioration in the condition and lead to a severe course of the disease, and in some cases, to the inability to overcome it.

Diet and prevention

Of great importance in overcoming PI is adherence to a diet that provides for the restoration of fluid in the body, as well as a gentle load on the organ. This is achieved by eating foods that are not only useful, but also easy. Fatty, fried, spicy dishes should be excluded from the child's menu. The consumption of salt, protein products, sweets is limited. It is recommended to use teas with rose hips, chamomile, St. John's wort.

The need for proteins, potassium, sodium and water must be agreed with the attending physician. Protein is preferable to animal due to the fact that vegetable contains fewer amino acids than is necessary for the protein balance of a growing child's body. Special attention fluid intake should be given, taking into account the characteristics of the kidneys for its excretion.

The basis for the prevention of PN is the elimination of the causes that provoke it. Important parts - balanced diet, proper fluid intake, exclusion of situations leading to hypothermia, colds and infectious diseases. If there are any, timely treatment. It is necessary to undergo a laboratory and instrumental examination at least once a year, if any. genetic predisposition to kidney disease.

If you do not start the fight against the disease on time, it can adversely affect general condition child, lead to a lag in growth, development, and even disability. Chronic renal failure causes atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the central nervous system.

In the event of a complete failure of the functioning of the kidneys, hemodialysis is necessary, and a kidney transplant involves the constant further use of medications that prevent rejection of the transplanted organ.

But one should not despair. Strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician, systematic examination, diet will help to normalize the child's condition, and a properly selected course of treatment and compliance preventive measures give him a chance to live a full life.

Doctors rarely diagnose acute renal failure in children, but still pathology occurs. The disease is quite dangerous for the health and life of the child. The pathology proceeds quite sharply and is characterized by impaired kidney function, which cannot cope with the work. As a result, the amount of urine decreases and the body is poisoned by toxins that accumulate. Pathology is often diagnosed in newborns due to congenital anomalies or later complications during childbirth. The disease needs immediate treatment because procrastination and postponing treatment leads to complications and lethal outcome.

Acute, childhood renal failure

The disease of this form occurs as a result of the shutdown of homeostatic renal functions. This is due to hypoxia of the tissue of the internal organ, then the tubules are injured and edema occurs. In acute renal failure, an electrolyte imbalance occurs in a child. Doctors diagnose impaired ability to excrete water.

Without timely treatment acute insufficiency kidney failure will lead to the death of the child.

Stages of the disease

Symptoms manifest themselves depending on the stage at which the pathology resides. Doctors distinguish four stages of acute renal failure in children. The initial stage appears on the first day. The main sign of the pathological process of this degree is a decrease in the amount of urine. The second stage is called oligoanuric and is characterized by vivid symptoms. At this stage, most injuries occur. internal organs and systems of the child's body. Oligoanuric degree of the disease lasts from 1 day to 3 weeks.

At the recovery stage, the body practically returns to normal functioning, normal excretion of urine is restored. The duration of this stage ranges from 5 to 15 days. It is possible to speak about the last stage of recovery only after at least a year has passed, since it is extremely difficult to fully recover before this time. This stage is characterized by improved adaptation to acute diseases. After pathology in an acute form, it is difficult to predict the further situation, since often after acute illness chronic kidney failure occurs.

Chronic renal failure

At the last stage of the disease, an organ transplant is performed.

Chronic renal failure in children develops against the background of congenital or acquired pathologies. With this form of the disease, a gradual poisoning of the body with toxic products occurs. The pathological process is marked by the concentration of electrolytes and changes in the acid-base balance. In medicine, there are four stages in the development of a chronic disease in children:

  1. Compensated;
  2. Subcompensated;
  3. Decompensated;
  4. Final or dialysis.

On the initial stage no signs of the disease are observed and pathology can only be detected in a laboratory study. The next stage is marked by small gains in weight and height. The decompensated degree of insufficiency is marked by extensive symptoms. If the first three stages are identified in a timely manner and the child's condition is maintained with medicinal procedures and special diets, then it is possible normal development child.

Last stage chronic insufficiency the most dangerous and is characterized by uremia.

On the baby face and body swelling occurs, the child is tormented by nausea, loose stools, convulsions and other signs of the disease. These symptoms are manifested due to the accumulation of harmful toxins and fluids in the body. Uremia is marked by the accumulation of water in the lungs, leading to suffocation. If diagnosed last stage diseases, then an internal organ transplant is performed.

Main reasons

Abnormal fetal development common cause kidney failure.

Kidney failure in children can be provoked by many causes that are congenital, hereditary or acquired. Most of the causes are associated with abnormal development in the process prenatal development which cannot be avoided. In this case, parents need to support the child's condition with the help of special diets and preventive procedures.

Causes of pathology in newborns

Source of insufficiency in newborns are congenital pathologies. Often, pathology is diagnosed in the absence of both internal organs or in the case of improper development hearts and of cardio-vascular system. If the fetus has a vascular disease of the arteries of the kidney or the veins of the organ clogged with blood clots, then Great chance development of failure.

Often, impaired patency of the urinary tract and an infectious disease of the blood leads to pathology of an acute or chronic nature. The cause of the pathology may be dehydration of the newborn as a result of intrauterine infection. If there were difficult births with complications and bleeding, then the risk of pathology in the newborn increases.

For children under one year old

At the baby pathological process occurs against the background of congenital or acquired diseases, as a result of which dies a large number of cellular blood cells. Often, pathologies in children up to a year precede infectious diseases in the intestine. In some cases, the pathology is provoked metabolic disorders which are particularly pronounced.

In older children

Kidney failure in children can occur due to burns.

In older children (more than 3 years old), the source of the disease can be infectious lesions organisms that proceed in an acute form. Often, pathology is diagnosed after the child has been poisoned by nephrotoxic drugs or medications. due to injury or dangerous situations such as sepsis, burns or bleeding, kidney failure occurs. Often, adult children have urolithiasis or malignant tumor which led to blockage urinary tract. This results in kidney failure.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of kidney failure in children may not appear for a long time. The most striking symptoms occur in the second stage, when it begins. In renal failure, impaired excretion of urine occurs, which is the first sign of the disease. In children of different ages, the symptoms of insufficiency do not differ from the manifestations of the disease in an adult. With pathology, the following symptoms occur:

  • weakness and constant fatigue;
  • increased excretion of urine;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • low muscle tone;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • swelling on the face and limbs.

In kidney failure, laboratory tests of urine will reveal a protein.

Often, children of different ages have tremor and nephrotic syndrome, which is not so clearly manifested in adults during the disease. In some cases, mucus and blood can be found in the urine of a child, which is associated with damage to the mucous membrane of internal organs. urinary system. Parents should immediately contact a pediatrician if the above symptoms are found.

The primary "target" of the disease are representatives of the adult population, in rare cases, the syndrome is detected in children. Renal failure is more often an acquired pathology, although there are hereditary factors risk.

It is important for parents to have information about the signs that indicate the development of the syndrome in a child.

The primary symptom is a decrease in the volume of urine or complete absence diuresis.

The body cannot function in conditions of constant accumulation of metabolic waste products and toxins. He is also unable to maintain acid-base and water-salt balance. Pathology requires prompt medical attention, otherwise there is a risk of death.

Kidney failure - common "childhood" signs

The following pathological manifestations should become a cause for concern and seek medical attention:

  • a decrease in the volume of diuresis (urine that is excreted from the body);
  • severe swelling on the face and in the limbs;
  • general and functional disorders similar to the state of poisoning: lethargy, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • heat;
  • the appearance of an icteric skin tone.

When contacting a doctor and conducting a diagnosis, a change in the indicators of analyzes is revealed:

  • proteinuria (the presence of proteins in the urine);
  • signs urolithiasis at various stages (sand or calculi in the kidneys).

The development of nephrotic syndrome, characterized by edema, a significant amount of protein in the urine and a decrease in it in the blood, accompanies renal failure in children, but practically does not occur in adults.

Acute renal failure in children

Accompanied by intoxication of the body with metabolic waste products that cannot be excreted in the urine due to renal dysfunction.

Symptoms of this form develop quickly. For several days, symptoms resembling poisoning appear - the child becomes lethargic, nausea occurs, and sometimes vomiting.
Similar manifestations are associated with intoxication with nitrogenous metabolites (uremia) and a disorder of water and electrolyte balance.

Self-medication is not at this stage is unacceptable!

After previously insufficient diuresis increases again, while the body weight of the child may decrease. This is often followed by a stage, sometimes called "clinical recovery", when the signs of intoxication begin to gradually disappear.

However, after this, a relapse may follow - the return of pathological symptoms.

Signs of acute renal failure require immediate medical attention and hospitalization!

Renal failure in chronic form in children

It can develop as a result of the course of an acute form, be a consequence chronic infections urinary organs. In some cases, a burdened hereditary factor becomes the cause.
Pathological changes occur over a long period of time and threaten a complete loss of kidney function.

AT clinical medicine There are four types of diseases:

  1. latent (not accompanied by severe symptoms);
  2. Azotemic - a stage that characterizes clinical manifestations both general (intoxication) and related individual systems organism (digestive, nervous, cardiovascular);
  3. decompensation - added local inflammation and swelling;
  4. terminal - the only options for the patient in this case will be a kidney transplant or hemodialysis.

If the child has minor abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or the process of urination, you should immediately contact the pediatrician for advice. If necessary, the doctor will give a referral for examination by a narrow specialist.

Renal failure - therapeutic measures

The main goals in the treatment of acute renal failure are measures to cleanse the body of accumulated in it toxic substances and restoration of normal blood flow in the tissues of the organ. To do this, drugs are used various groups: diuretics, antishock medicines, as well as vasodilators and drugs that reduce blood viscosity.

Babies up to 1 year old undergoing hemodialysis procedures. Using a blood filtration machine artificial kidney» will help to eliminate complications in the form of edema of the tissues of the brain and lungs, high blood pressure presence of sugar in the blood.

For older children (from 10 years old) it is possible to use plasmaphoresis sessions (a procedure for cleaning blood that occurs outside the patient's body).

Antibacterial drugs are included in the treatment of renal failure to eliminate the existing one and reduce the risk of secondary infection. The introduction of potassium, glucose and electrolyte mixtures can act as a maintenance measure.

Chronic renal failure requires complex treatment both the damaged kidney and the initial comorbidity.

If the second or later stages take place and intoxication is observed, then hemodialysis sessions will be prescribed. From medications should be highlighted:

  • antacids as symptomatic therapy;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements (vitamin D, calcium, B vitamins);
  • iron preparations - with the development of anemia;
  • drugs that lower the level of phosphorus;
  • antihypertensive drugs (if CRF is accompanied by hypertension);
  • diuretics - in order to normalize the output of urine.

In the later stages and severe course disease, the only way out may be a donor kidney transplant.

Traditional Medicine Recipes for Kidney Health

Here are some popular methods for preparing natural medicines:

  • refreshing drink. You will need to mix in equal proportions raspberry sprigs, crushed rose hips and finely chopped blackcurrant leaves. Now pour 1 tablespoon of this mixture with boiling water (about 500 ml). The child should take this remedy daily in small portions;
  • fresh pomegranate juice. This drink helps stabilize water-salt balance. It is preferable for a child to take juice diluted with water. Regular use juice within two months will also become a general strengthening measure;
  • decoction of pomegranate peel and rose hips. Both ingredients should be crushed and mixed in equal proportions. Then pour boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Let the broth cool and strain. You can speed up the cooking process by replacing boiling with infusion in a closed thermos. Drink received natural medicine need small portions throughout the day.

Kidney failure is a serious disorder that can lead to death or the need for a transplant. However, the tendency to ignore the child's symptoms is much more dangerous. It should be remembered that timely appeal a doctor can provide diagnosis, treatment and a minimum of consequences for the baby's body. It is also important to follow the recommendations of the pediatrician in the treatment acute infections children's urogenital area, which often cause kidney failure.

A few years ago, if you were given such a diagnosis, it could mean only one thing that awaits you, in the near future, death. There would be none single chance survive. But the truth is, how can a person live if his kidneys gradually begin to fail, and cease to perform their functions. In an unhealthy person, toxins begin to accumulate, which slowly but surely destroy the entire body. Gradually stops working excretory system, comes to the point that there is no urination at all.

In the chronic form, there is a very strong intoxication of the body, there is a violation metabolic processes. And this process cannot be reversed. Therefore, in very severe cases, a person will not be able to live very long. The only salvation is a kidney transplant.

Usually, CRF hides a number of diseases that are associated with impaired kidney function in young children and have become the cause chronic form. Such a condition is damage to them or a decrease in their purpose for 3 months or more. It is classified into several stages, which have differences in the tactics of managing the patient and the risk of developing terminal renal failure.

Chronic form this disease develops gradually. Various toxic factors lead to the acute form of renal failure. This creates an acute condition.Due to this condition, kidney filtration is reduced to 25% of the norm, and creatinine in the blood exceeds 0.176 mmol / l.

Chronic renal failure (abbreviated as CRF) - pathological condition an organism that develops slowly due to a progressive disease of the urinary system. With it, the kidneys lose their ability to remove toxins from the body. With CNP, the imbalance of all metabolisms is disturbed, which leads to the failure of the body's systems. Chronic renal failure is quite rare, but it still exists and therefore it is so necessary to know how to act in this case and understand this problem.

There are two types:

  • acute
  • chronic

Acute form occurs in babies younger age due to congenital anomalies. It results from the accumulation harmful substances — .

Causes of occurrence:

  • antibiotics, anesthesia
  • consequence of tonsillitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever
  • blood diseases
  • underdeveloped kidneys

AT recent times the cause, which occupies one of the first places in children, infections of the genitourinary system and its anomalies.According to statistics, 3 out of 1 million children suffer from congenital renal failure. But at the age of up to 5 years, the situation is aggravated: 5 children per 100 thousand.Pay more attention to the health of children. For any illness, take him to the doctor.

Diagnosis of pathology

Probably, many of us think that it is very easy to recognize it, in fact it is not. In most cases, the disease progresses silently, proceeds without symptoms, and it is detected on late stage when brighter signs appear.

First, you must go to the doctor, because on your own you will not be able to diagnose the disease. It will be a whole range of activities. First of all, 2 analyzes will be prescribed: and. Color, amount of protein, etc. will mean certain problems.

Then they will appoint, thanks to him, you can view the organ in detail, identify a foreign formation, if any.

If a tumor is found, a tissue sample will be taken for. The specialist you contacted should collect an anamnesis of the disease, i.e. medical information obtained by interviewing the applicant or his parent. The doctor learns the symptoms, living conditions, past and chronic diseases, developmental delay features. Does an inspection. Assigns the necessary laboratory research, Ultrasound.