First aid for back injuries. Qualified first aid for spinal injury


1. Call an ambulance.

2. Lay the victim on his back on a hard surface (shield) and ensure that he is completely immobile.

3. Eliminate neck mobility by wearing a neck collar or by applying cushions of soft fabric (clothes, blankets, etc.) to the side surfaces of the neck.

4. Give the victim 2 tablets of an anesthetic.

5. Monitor the condition of the victim until the arrival of medical workers.

In cases of respiratory arrest and / or cessation of cardiac activity, start artificial ventilation of the lungs and / or closed heart massage.

If it is necessary to clean the victim's mouth from foreign contents, keep his head, neck and chest in the same plane, while another person (assistant) turns him.

Transferring the victim to a hard surface (stretcher) is carried out with the utmost care with the help of at least 3 people (slide 4.5.43).

In this case, one person puts his hands under his shoulders (in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades) on both sides, located on the side of the head, thereby fixing it.

The second person places their hands (palms) in the buttocks (under the pelvic bones) and the lower part of the lower back.

The third one holds the legs in the area of ​​​​the knees and the upper part of the lower leg.

On command, all three simultaneously lift the victim and transfer them to a rigid stretcher or shield.

First aid for chest injury

General activities:

Call an ambulance

I. For easier breathing:

1) give the victim a body position that facilitates breathing: sitting, half-sitting (with the exception of cases of injury associated with a fracture of the sternum - in these cases, the victim must be placed on his back)

2) provide airflow and unfasten and/or loosen clothing that restricts breathing;

3) wipe the temples with a cotton swab moistened with ammonia and let the victim smell it;

4) limit the speech mode (exclude excessive communication with the victim).

II. To improve cardiac activity:

5) give the victim 15-20 drops of corvalol (valocordin, valoserdin).

III. Anti-shock measures:

6) give inside 2 tablets of an anesthetic (analgin, baralgin, sedalgin, tempalgin, etc.);

7) apply cold to the injury site (blister with ice, snow, etc.);

8) exclude the movement of the victim (complete rest);

9) if necessary, immobilize (limit mobility) the injured area of ​​the chest (ribs, collarbone, sternum);

10) warm (warmly cover) the victim;

11) monitor the condition of the victim until the arrival of medical workers.

In case of chest injury In addition to general assistance measures, you need:

1) treat the skin around the wound with an antiseptic (5% tincture of iodine, etc.);

2) close the wound with sterile material (napkins);

3) apply a pressure bandage (in case of a penetrating wound, apply an occlusive bandage);

4) apply cold to the wound.

With a chest injury, damage to the bone frame of the chest (ribs, collarbone, sternum) is most likely.

First aid for broken ribs:

1. Ensure the implementation of all the above general measures taken in case of chest injury, taking into account the peculiarities of immobilization of a rib fracture.

2. Limit the mobility of rib fragments by applying several strips (10-15 cm) of adhesive tape to the fracture area.

First aid for a broken collarbone:

1. Perform all general activities carried out in case of chest injury.

2. Limit the mobility of the clavicle at the fracture site by applying cotton-gauze rings or hang the arm bent at the elbow joint on a scarf to the neck and fix it with circular bandages to the body (slide 4.5.44).

Waiting for the arrival of medical workers or transportation of the victim is carried out in a sitting position.

First aid for a fracture of the sternum

Perform all general activities carried out in case of chest injury, taking into account the particular position of the victim's body in this injury (the victim must be laid on his back, on a hard surface).

! Remember: in all cases of chest injury, the victim must be urgently taken to a medical facility.

Correct and timely implementation of the necessary procedures will help a person recover from a complex injury and return to their previous lifestyle.

The main tasks of rehabilitation

The human spinal cord is reliably protected from accidental damage, but in case of injuries, car accidents, and falls, excessive load on the spinal column leads to its fracture.

The main causes of pathology are:

  • falling from height;
  • accident;
  • sports injuries;
  • osteoporosis and tumor processes in the spine;
  • strong blows to the back.

The most important stage is the period after a fracture of the spine, when the victim is required to actively participate in the recovery. During a fracture, the thoracic, cervical, lumbar, as well as the sacrum and coccyx may suffer.

Fractures are of the following types:

  1. Trauma with spinal cord injury.
  2. A fracture in which the spinal cord was not injured.

One of the most common back injuries can be seen in the photo.

People with trauma can be classified into three rehabilitation groups, which have different recovery methods.

Rehabilitation includes various exercises, massage in order for the patient to return to the normal rhythm of life as soon as possible. The complex of procedures is affected by the degree of damage, the type of injury and the general health of the patient. The instruction requires that you strictly adhere to the rules for performing physiotherapy exercises, otherwise you can seriously harm your health.

With various injuries of the spine, they immediately change their usual mode.

Some rules must be followed by all victims so that the condition does not worsen, the muscles remain in good shape, and the damaged section is fully restored.

  1. Twice a year, perform physiotherapy and other procedures recommended by a specialist.
  2. The first few months the patient is forbidden to sit. Depending on the type of injury and complications of the pathology, the doctor will determine when you can sit down after a spinal fracture.
  3. It is necessary to lie on the bed correctly and monitor the position of the body. During sleep, the back should be in the correct position, which will help orthopedic mattresses and other medical devices. Suitable roller in the neck and lower back.
  4. For competent correction and tight fixation of the injured back, a rigid corset is prescribed.

Despite the absence of pain, a person is not allowed to sit for a long time. You need to forget about active sports, gravity and heavy physical exertion. The type of fracture and its complications determine when it is possible to sit after a spinal fracture. Typically, this period lasts from 6 months to one year.

In some cases, people return to their previous way of life after two weeks, but the doctor takes into account the following indicators:

  • blood analysis;
  • body temperature;
  • the presence of pain;
  • type of damage.

The period when you can get up after a spinal fracture is determined by the complexity and location of the injury. With simple fractures, the patient is allowed to get up after two weeks. In other cases of moderate severity, it will take at least 2 months to get out of bed.

With severe injuries, a person cannot walk, and rehabilitation is aimed at restoring partial functions of the body, at self-service for the patient.

Modern methods of treatment

A spinal fracture is a complex pathology, the treatment process is quite lengthy. First of all, immobilize the victim. The course of complex therapy consists of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin substances for general strengthening of the body.

You can not do without drugs to speed up metabolic processes in tissues. Often, medications alone are not enough, the pathology is eliminated surgically.

The patient needs complete rest and bed rest for a long time. To support the muscles, you will need a corset, a special collar. Strict changes need to be made to the diet of the patient. Foods rich in calcium will help restore cartilage and bone tissue. You should give up bad habits, from fatty, salty and smoked dishes.

Sports after spinal injury

The type of injury affects whether a person can walk, be active, or take care of themselves. Some people are interested in whether it is possible to play sports with a fracture of the spine. Since any physical activity is prohibited for the period of treatment or surgery, the patient needs to wait for the general condition of the body to improve.

With some types of injuries, exercise therapy begins almost immediately after an unpleasant event. In other cases, based on these analyzes and the functionality of the upper and lower extremities, therapeutic exercises are started as early as possible. Thus, they strengthen the muscular corset and prevent bedsores and other complications.

Pregnancy and childbirth after trauma

Only a specialist after a thorough examination can answer the question of whether it is possible to give birth after a fracture of the spine. As you know, during the bearing of a child, a large load is placed on the spine, therefore, with certain injuries, it is completely forbidden to plan a pregnancy.

For simple injuries, you will need a doctor's control before delivery, high-quality prevention of complications of pathology, urinary tract infections and other diseases.

Compression fractures are the most common, followed by a caesarean section. The operation must be planned, otherwise the risk to the health of the mother and child increases. Almost always, after fractures, osteochondrosis of various departments develops, which complicates the entire process of bearing the fetus and leads to severe back pain.

In any case, a woman will have the opportunity to give birth to a child only after a full course of proper rehabilitation. Recommended special classes for pregnant women, swimming pool, breathing exercises.

Important! After labor, a woman in labor must undergo an MRI of the spine.

Proper Exercises

A complex of recreational gymnastics is prescribed in the absence of severe pain in the spine, after two or more months. With minor injuries, it is allowed to do exercise therapy immediately when the pain has passed.

Special devices for competent rehabilitation help the victim in the following points:

  • normalization of biochemical processes;
  • blood flow to the damaged area;
  • spinal deformity is prevented;
  • gradually improves mobility and activity in the back;
  • a stable state of health is maintained;
  • tissue is restored near the affected area.

It becomes much easier for a person after doing the exercises, and the pain decreases. Gradually, you can return to activity and prevent muscle atrophy, bedsores. Various clinics provide a full range of services for the recovery of patients after a minor injury, moderate and complex fractures.

The price depends on the type of damage and the duration of rehabilitation. An individual approach to each person is important. Effective exercise therapy can be seen in the video in this article.

Fracture danger

A person with a spinal injury not only changes their lifestyle, but also has a high risk of developing other pathologies without proper treatment or rehabilitation:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • degenerative changes due to instability of the damaged segment, which includes vertebrae, joints, ligaments and intervertebral fluid;
  • kyphosis or persistent deformities of the spinal column, especially with injuries of the thoracic region;
  • paralysis due to damage to the spinal cord.

Any complication can develop gradually, because bone fragments injure different parts of the spinal cord, numbness appears in the arms and legs, muscles relax, the patient has shortness of breath, dysfunction of the digestive tract. The doctor explains to the patient how to sleep properly, whether it is possible to lie on the side with a fracture of the spine, because incorrect movements and sharp turns can lead to displacement and complications.

To achieve the maximum result from the recovery period after a fracture, it is necessary to combine drug treatment with proper physical activity, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy and a balanced diet. Many serious consequences can be avoided by following the recommendations of specialists, which will allow a person to gradually return to an active life.

Sports doctor. Orthopedist. Graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Medical University. Currently engaged in teaching activities.

Orthopedist. More than 20 years experience. Graduated from Samara Medical University. He helped to get on his feet (in the literal sense) far from one hundred of his patients

Paramedic ambulance. Experience 18 years. Graduated from the Krasnodar Medical College. Despite the fact that Gennady has seen a lot of bad things, he still remains an optimist in life.

In case of partial or complete copying of materials from the site, an active link to it is required.

The information is given for general information only and should not be used for self-treatment.

Do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor.

Spinal injury: how to help and not harm

The spine is the backbone of the human body. In it passes the spinal cord, from which the nerve roots depart. The peripheral nervous system is responsible for the sensitivity and motor activity of all muscles and internal organs.

That is why spinal injuries can be very dangerous and lead to complete immobility of the victim. How to help a person with damage to the spinal column, while not worsening his condition, read our article.

Spinal injuries are usually closed, that is, they are not accompanied by skin damage and bleeding. Causes of spinal injuries:

  • impact when falling on the head while diving;
  • falling on the back or pelvis;
  • crushing as a result of a heavy object falling or a traffic accident;
  • jerky movements associated with rotation, flexion or extension, especially in the elderly.

Bruise and sprain

With a direct blow, a bruise of the spine occurs. If the applied force was small, only soft tissues suffer. In more severe cases, the vertebrae and spinal cord are damaged. In this case, the victim develops neurological disorders - a temporary violation of sensitivity or ability to move.

Symptoms of spinal injury:

First aid: rest and local use of cold. It is better to limit movements and take the victim to the hospital to rule out a more serious injury.

Sprain of the ligaments of the spinal column occurs in its mobile parts - the neck and lower back. It is caused by excessive bending or other sudden movements. One of the most common causes of this injury is a sudden change in the speed of the car, when the driver's head is first sharply extended, and then the cervical region is flexed. Head restraints must be used to prevent such damage.

  • pain in the neck or lower back, aggravated by movement or probing;
  • movement restriction.

First aid is to immobilize the affected department. A soft collar made of improvised materials (terry towel, sweater, and so on) is put on the neck. The victim can also hold his head with his hands, which will ease the pain. If the lower back is damaged, the patient must be transported on a rigid shield. A doctor's consultation is required.


Very severe injury - dislocation of the vertebrae. It occurs predominantly in the neck area. Signs of a dislocation in the cervical region:

  • pain in the neck that spreads to the back of the head, to the shoulders and arms;
  • the victim tries to support his head with his hands;
  • movements in the neck are impossible due to severe pain;
  • pain in the hands of a shooting character, decreased sensitivity, numbness, impossibility of movement in the upper limbs;
  • with severe dislocation, urinary and fecal incontinence is possible.

First aid consists only in immobilization. You need to fix the head without changing its position. A soft collar or wire splint is suitable for this. The victim needs urgent medical attention.


In case of a spinal fracture, the main task is not to damage the spinal cord and to deliver the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

Symptoms of a spinal fracture:

  • backache;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • protrusion of one of the processes of the spine;
  • swelling and hemorrhage at the site of injury;
  • back muscle tension;
  • breath holding - in case of damage to the thoracic region.

Any movement, especially spinal flexion, exacerbates the injury and can lead to permanent damage. That is why if there is no confidence in the correct provision of assistance, it is better to urgently call an ambulance without moving the victim.

Transportation takes place on a stretcher with a shield to prevent bending or twisting of the spine. When carrying on a conventional stretcher, plywood or a board should be placed on them. It is impossible to shift the victim from place to place or to other stretchers.

If the thoracic region is damaged, the person is placed on the stomach, folded clothes are placed under the head and chest. If the victim is lying on his back, it is very dangerous to turn him over by the arms and legs, as this will cause compression of the brain and its roots.

If the lower back is injured, the person is placed on his back. A roller or clothing is placed under the lower thoracic and lumbar region to slightly straighten the spinal column.

If there is bleeding, it is stopped with a sterile pressure bandage.


Splinting is performed for injuries of the cervical spine. You can use a soft cotton and gauze collar or a Shants collar. At the same time, a thick layer of cotton wool is wrapped around the neck from the back of the head to the collarbones and several layers of a wide bandage are applied, fixing but not tightening the neck. It is important that the head cannot tilt to the side. Additionally, when transporting in a prone position, you can put a slightly inflated rubber circle or a fabric roller under your head.

A spinal injury requires professional medical attention. If there is no certainty that the person providing assistance will not cause additional harm to the victim, it is better to refrain from any action. The exception is to stop bleeding with a bandage.

The specialist says about a spinal injury:

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Telephone appointment service for doctors in Moscow:

Information is provided for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Editorial address: Moscow, 3rd Frunzenskaya st., 26

What to do with a spinal injury

What should be done in case of spinal injury? Seek immediate medical attention. Check for air access. However, be aware that if the spine is injured, any movement of the head, neck, or back can cause or increase paralysis or even death.

Then feel your pulse and listen to your breathing. If there is no pulse or the person is not breathing, start chest compressions.

How to help the victim, who is conscious? Ask if he feels numbness, tingling, weakness, or burning in his arms and legs, and if he can move his arms, legs, feet, fingers.

Ask in detail what happened. If you suspect the victim has a back injury, do not move the victim. Wait for the ambulance to arrive.

How to help an unconscious person? Don't move it! Place rolled-up blankets, towels, and clothing on the sides of the torso, head, and neck to prevent movement and further injury to the spinal cord. Make sure that the body of the victim lies straight.

Do not give the victim to drink. Make sure his neck doesn't turn.

What are doctors doing? Doctors will immobilize immediately to fix the spine and prevent further injury to the spinal cord. For example, the victim may be placed on a long board.

Maintenance of vital functions

If the nervous system is damaged, breathing, pressure, heart rhythm and temperature may be disturbed; physicians should closely monitor the appearance of life-threatening changes. A heart monitor and a drip are placed to administer medications and fluids. Oxygen is used to support breathing. You may need special blankets or a warming mattress to keep you warm.

Restoration of breathing

If the upper part of the spinal cord is damaged, the victim may lose the ability to breathe, so mechanical ventilation will be needed to save his life.

If the injury is slightly lower, at the neck, the person may be able to breathe, but respiratory distress is not ruled out in this case. Physicians should closely monitor breathing.

Possibility of spinal shock

Spinal injury can cause spinal shock. At the same time, blood pressure drops and the pulse slows down. To increase the pressure, an intravenous infusion of drugs and saline is used.

Crack treatment

With a small crack, only a hard “collar” may be needed. The patient will receive pain medication and muscle relaxers until the fissure heals (about a week). Special exercises will help strengthen the back muscles. When walking, back support will be provided by a corset.

Neck fracture treatment

For a neck fracture, external cranial traction is used to immobilize the head and neck for up to three months. In this case, the head is fixed with clamps, ropes, counterweights and other devices.


Surgery may be needed for spinal cord compression or a vertebral fracture that cannot be repaired in any other way. During the operation, a part of the weakened bone is attached to the adjacent vertebra.

After the operation, plaster is applied and the patient is placed on a special bed, which allows avoiding bedsores during prolonged immobility.

What else do you need to know

If a back injury has led to permanent paralysis, the patient will need long-term care and special equipment. For example:

  • wheelchair;
  • special devices for eating;
  • mechanical fan;
  • clothing that is comfortable to wear.

Adaptation: assistance in rehabilitation

Rehabilitation measures aim to help the paralyzed person adjust to life after the illness. These include:

  • empathy;
  • help with adjusting to addiction and body shape change;
  • training in special toilet skills;
  • help to achieve meaningful goals.

"What to do with a spinal injury" - an article from the section Emergency conditions in surgery

First aid for a fracture of the spine: we determine the injury and assess the situation

A spinal fracture is a severe injury to the musculoskeletal system. This condition threatens the development of neurological complications and even death of the victim. This is due to damage to the spinal cord directly at the time of the fracture or subsequent displacement of the vertebrae and their fragments.

Competent provision of first aid often makes it possible to avoid formidable complications and create conditions for further restoration of the damaged spine and surrounding tissues.

Types of fractures

A spinal fracture can be traumatic or pathological. In the first case, the destruction of the vertebra occurs with simultaneous excessive loads, while there are no changes in the vertebra that lead to increased fragility of the bone tissue.

If there are such previous violations, then the fracture is considered pathological, it often occurs during everyday stress. This happens in the presence of metastases or primary tumors in the vertebral body, with multiple myeloma, osteoporosis.

With a fracture of the spine, the bodies, processes or arches of the vertebrae can be damaged.

According to the type of destruction, there are:

Vertebral fractures can be isolated or multiple, stable or unstable. In addition, they are classified according to the area of ​​damage. Therefore, fractures of the cervical, ore, lumbar spine and a fracture of the coccyx are isolated. Each section of the spine has its own characteristics of structure and functioning.

Features of injuries of different parts of the spine

The cervical spine is the most mobile, the distance between the vertebrae is the largest here. And here, damage of various mechanisms is possible - whiplash injury, direct local impact, compression when hitting the head along the axis of the body, excessive rotation. In this case, fractures are often accompanied by damage to the ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral discs, which leads to instability of the damage and fracture-dislocations. With injuries of the cervical spine, the risk of rupture or compression (compression) of the spinal cord is very high.

Injuries to the thoracolumbar region most often occur with sports injuries, road accidents, falls from a height (the so-called catatrauma), penetrating wounds (especially with gunshot injuries). Pathological compression fractures are also common. The high frequency of their detection in this area is associated with the peculiarities of the blood supply. It is here that metastases are usually found, and in osteoporosis, these departments are affected first. Compression fractures are found closer to the lower back.

Fractures of the coccyx are always traumatic in nature, they occur with a strong direct impact and are often accompanied by dislocations of the vertebrae.

What to do if you suspect a spinal fracture?

It is not difficult to assume a possible fracture of the spine, especially if the appearance of a complex of symptoms is in close temporal connection with the action of a damaging factor. But diagnosing a pathological fracture is often difficult even for a doctor without additional examination methods. Fortunately, pathological compression fractures are usually stable and are rarely life-threatening.

When the spine is fractured, pain occurs in the area of ​​injury. It can be so strong that it sometimes leads to the development of spinal shock. This is the name of a complex of pronounced changes in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and brain, which lead to a sharp depression of vital activity and can cause death. And pain relief is on the list of recommended measures to take before the doctor arrives. For this, any means are suitable, it is better to choose as strong as possible.

But it is important to remember that if a person has already lost consciousness or does not understand what is happening, taking a pill can be fatal for him. After all, if the medicine enters the respiratory tract, suffocation will develop. If possible, the victim is given injections of any drugs with an anesthetic effect. This is one of the first aid measures for a spinal fracture.

Compression or damage to the spinal cord is accompanied by a violation of sensitivity and paralysis of the body below the area of ​​injury, a violation of the regulation of urination and defecation. With partial damage to the spinal cord, so-called alternating syndromes can occur, when changes in sensitivity and paralysis occur in different parts of the body. This is due to the intersection of nerve pathways throughout the spinal cord. A fracture of the spine below the IV lumbar vertebra does not threaten the compression of the brain, at this level in the spinal canal there are already only nerve roots going down.

Sometimes signs of damage to the nerve formations appear immediately after the injury, but they can also occur later if fragments of the vertebra or the vertebra itself are displaced and deform the spinal canal. This can also occur with improper first aid. Therefore, the first priority in the event of the slightest suspicion of a possible fracture of the spine is to immobilize the victim. It is important to give his spine the maximum possible immobility in a natural position. This is called immobilization. This measure is the most important at the stage of first aid and when transporting a person with a fracture of the spine.

Immobilization rules

Immobilization and transportation of the victim is carried out according to certain rules. This is necessary to prevent secondary displacement of fragments and compression of the spinal cord. In addition, the restriction of movements somewhat reduces the severity of the pain syndrome.

To transfer a person with a fracture of the spine, a shield, a door removed from its hinges, wide long boards are suitable. If the size of improvised means is insufficient, it is necessary to tie them into such a structure so that the victim fits on it to his full height with his hands lying along the body.

It is necessary to ensure that such impromptu stretchers are even. If this is not possible, a soft stretcher or substitute is used for transfer, with the person placed on their stomach. But this method is undesirable, as it significantly increases the risk of spinal cord infringement.

Providing first aid to a person with a fracture of the spine does not require any special training. Simple actions are aimed at preventing the displacement of damaged vertebrae. This can prevent the development of serious and often irreversible damage.

Whiplash injury of the neck: causes of injury and choice of treatment

Myositis of the neck muscles: etiology and choice of adequate therapy

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Providing first aid for a fracture of the spine

With a fracture of the spine, the very first minutes between the accident and the arrival of the ambulance are sometimes extremely important. They say you can be lucky twice: the first time - if you fall successfully, the second - if the right person is nearby at that moment, namely: one who knows what first aid should be for a fracture of the spine.

The omission of something important, the loss of time, unskilled erroneous actions - these are the factors, unfortunately, that often lead to serious post-traumatic complications and even death. Every person needs to know the basic rules for providing first aid.

First aid for a fracture of the spine

Most often, fractures and bruises of the spine are associated with:

  • traffic accidents
  • sports
  • outdoor activities
  • hazardous production (for example, construction)

Being at the wheel of your car, being at a ski resort or near a water area among lovers of diving - you must always be prepared for an extreme incident and for the fact that someone may need your help.

Also, do not pass in your daily life past fallen elderly people. Many people develop osteoporosis with age, which leads to bone fragility. Thus, even household or street falls can provoke a fracture of the spine.

The insidiousness of a spinal fracture is that it is impossible to determine the degree of complexity of the injury from the very first moment. The fracture is usually hidden under non-threatening external signs - scratches, bruises, and the victim himself may be conscious, talk and even try to get up.

Compression fractures are more common in falls and accidents:

Explosive and splintered are the most unfavorable of this whole series, since they testify to the enormous force of impact and are often accompanied by damage and even rupture of the spinal cord and the victim's state of shock.

First aid for a fracture of the spine

The first thing to do when providing first aid is to forbid the patient to move, and even more so try to sit down.

Only an x-ray of the spine can give a complete picture of the injury. Before that, you are in the dark:

  1. Is there a fracture at all
  2. Which department is affected
  3. How many vertebrae are broken
  4. What type of fracture is it and is it stable?
  5. Is there spinal cord injury?

These are all the most important indicators for trauma, and answers can only be obtained at the clinic, where the person needs to be taken as soon as possible.

Second: you need to immediately call an ambulance or rescue service

Until diagnosis is made, any contusion of the spine is considered as a potential fracture, and first aid should be given to the victim as if it were a fracture.

If you are in a hard-to-reach place, and rescuers will not arrive soon, then you may have to act on your own.

Factors to pay attention to when providing first aid:

  1. Is the victim conscious
  2. Is there a breath
  3. Is the pulse palpable and does it have normal fullness?
  4. Does the person feel pain?

Positive four answers are a favorable sign, and you can proceed to transferring the victim to a stretcher and careful transportation.

If the slightest movement causes unbearable pain, and the place above the bruise is swollen, most likely a fracture has occurred. For pain relief, you can make injections of drugs:

  • Analgesics
  • novocaine
  • Hydrocortisone or any other corticosteroid

In case of sensitivity disorders below the area of ​​injury or twilight consciousness, painkillers in tablets should not be given due to possible dysphagia

Unconsciousness can be a symptom of pain or spinal shock. The first is due to nerve compression, the second is due to spinal cord injury.

How to resuscitate a fracture

The absence of breathing and pulse means the need for urgent resuscitation.

DP + D + CC, which means - the respiratory tract + breathing + blood circulation

What to do if you are not breathing:

  1. Check for airway freedom:

opening the victim's mouth, make sure that there are no vomit

  • Do artificial respiration (ID) - until the arrival of the Ambulance
  • Restore blood circulation:

    if the patient's chest remains motionless, then in the intervals between doses of ID, you need to do a heart massage.

    In order not to aggravate the injury, you need to put a blanket under the chest area during the massage.

  • A barely noticeable pulse indicates low blood pressure and insufficient CK.

    BP can be raised with a fast-acting drug such as heptamil

    Rules for transportation in case of a fracture

    1. At least three, and even better - five people should participate in transportation: each controls his own department
    2. The victim must be transferred to a rigid stretcher on his back:

    piece of plywood, shield, door, sleigh, etc.

  • If the transfer medium is soft, then transportation will have to be carried out on the stomach
  • All parts of the spine, including the cervical and legs, must be fixed with bandages, tourniquets, ropes, etc.

    If you have cardboard and gauze, you can make a simple neck corset. If not, one person constantly fixes the position of the head, holding it evenly with his hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears

  • It is strictly forbidden to seat a person, pull him by the arms and legs, try together or alone to turn him over on his side when shifting

    Some manuals describe how to transfer the victim to a stretcher literally step by step. The main thing is:

    • Consistency of all actions
    • Maintaining the correct position of all parts of the spinal column
    • Simultaneous rotation of the victim on command to the side
    • Putting on the stretcher and returning to the back
    Signs by which a fracture can be recognized

    With uncomplicated fractures in the cervical and thoracic regions, a neuroradicular syndrome occurs in the form of severe pain at the fracture site, which radiates to other places.

    If a fracture in the thoracic or cervical regions is complicated by a spinal cord injury, then myelopathy syndromes are characteristic of it:

    • shortness of breath, asphyxia (the worst option is respiratory paralysis)
    • arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation, bradycardia)
    • dizziness and nausea
    • loss of sensation in below-level areas of the body and limbs

    Since the spinal cord ends at the level of the first - second lumbar vertebra and then "degenerates" into nerve fibers intertwined into a thread, a fracture in the lumbar spine is considered less dangerous, and it mainly causes the "cauda equina" syndrome:

    • pain radiating to the legs and buttocks
    • loss of sensation and weakness in the lower extremities (with rupture of nerve fibers)
    • dysfunction of the pelvic organs

    With damage to the spinal cord in the segment of the upper two lumbar vertebrae, the following are possible:

    • paralysis of the legs
    • inability to independently control physiological processes due to "failure" of the sphincters of the bladder and rectum

    The last symptom is characteristic of a spinal cord injury of any localization, so it is impossible to judge by it in which particular department the fracture occurred.

    A full examination in the clinic will help clarify the picture, establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    When you go on a road trip or on an extreme vacation, include in your first aid kit everything you need to provide emergency care.

    Video: First aid for a spinal fracture

    Competently rendered first aid in case of spinal injury is the key to saving human life and health. Damage to the spinal column is a real danger and threatens with serious consequences. Let's try to figure out what types of spinal lesions exist and how to help the victim correctly and quickly.

    In order not to harm the patient when providing first aid, you need to know well the types of spinal injuries. They are classified depending on the location, degree and depth of the lesion, as well as the method of deformation of the musculoskeletal system. According to the nature of the damage, vertebral injuries are divided into the following types:

    • A fracture is a violation of the anatomical integrity of the vertebrae, as well as muscles, blood vessels, and nerve tissues, accompanied by a lack of motor activity and life-threatening. It is most often diagnosed in the cervical spine.
    • Dislocation - damage to the connection of the joints as a result of displacement of the vertebra located above in relation to the lower one. It is typical for the cervical part of the spine, less often occurs in the lumbar region.
    • A bruise is a violation of the spinal column, preserving the overall structure of the spinal cord and, in particular, the vertebrae. It is often accompanied by the formation of bruises, tissue necrosis and difficulty in the movement of cerebrospinal fluid along the spinal canal, damage to the nerve roots. Basically, the lower thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae are injured, less often the cervical ones.
    • Rupture of the intervertebral disc - a protrusion of the inner part or a rupture of the outer layer, irritating and damaging the nerve root.
    • Syndrome of prolonged compression - pathological disorders of organs and systems due to poisoning of the blood with toxins after prolonged massive crushing of soft tissues or compression of the vessels of the extremities.
    • Paraplegia - paralysis of the upper and lower extremities as a result of spinal cord injury.

    At the site of damage, injuries of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine are diagnosed, as well as simultaneous damage to several parts. According to statistics, the most frequent are disorders associated with the lumbosacral region, while in 25% of cases, injuries of the neck and chest are diagnosed.

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    What can cause injury

    Knowing the mechanisms of damage will help you quickly navigate when providing timely assistance. The most common causes of spinal injuries, leading to severe consequences, include:

    • Falls from a height, as well as as a result of loss of consciousness;
    • Injury due to careless diving in water bodies;
    • Accidents (traffic, domestic, industrial, etc.);
    • Disproportionate load on the spine;
    • Excessive sports loads;
    • Injuries during childbirth;
    • Gunshot, stab wounds and injuries as a result of explosions;
    • Aging of the body, leading to wear of the discs between the vertebrae and drying of the cartilage tissue;
    • Massive blow to the back;
    • Chronic diseases leading to a fracture of the spinal column (osteoporosis, tumor-like processes).

    For various situations leading to damage to the musculoskeletal system, its own statistics of lesions of one or another part of the spinal column is characteristic. In transport accidents, in most cases, the cervical region suffers, while at work, the lumbosacral region suffers. Birth complications lead to stretching of the spine.

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    First aid rules

    Injury in the spine is a relatively severe injury to the body, which carries a risk to life and health. At the slightest detection of damage to the spine, it is important to take the necessary actions in a timely manner aimed at providing medical care, on which the condition of a person and his life depends. In such cases, it is important to competently provide assistance before the arrival of specialists, which requires the necessary knowledge, practical experience and skill from an ordinary person.

    In order to provide assistance with spinal injuries as correctly as possible, you must first determine the location of the lesion.


    This segment of the spine is most often injured as a result of car accidents. "Whiplash" is formed at the moment of sudden injury, leading to a sharp flexion and extension of the neck.

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    The resulting displacement of the cervical vertebrae and multiple torn ligaments require the following principles of first aid:

    • Important psychological support for the victim, who is in a state of severe stress;
    • If an injured person claims that he is absolutely healthy, do not rush to agree: often the defeat of the vertebrae of the neck is accompanied by a traumatic brain injury, the patient's condition may worsen after a certain time period;
    • Do not focus solely on the trauma of the musculoskeletal system, it is important to characterize the general condition of the patient: there may be a violation of the performance of other organs and systems.

    The main action in case of damage to the cervical spine is the creation of temporary stability, which allows to protect the spinal cord from mechanical injury, which threatens with hemorrhage and ruptures of nerve fibers. To do this, you need to perform the following activities:

    If you are in a constraint (clamping, jamming), if possible, carefully remove the victim, holding the neck and head with your hands.

    1. Lay on a flat hard surface. To slightly extend the neck and prevent further displacement of the vertebrae, place a small roller under the shoulders;
    2. Convince the conscious person of the obligatory observance of the state of rest. In the patient, in the absence of consciousness, turn the head to one side, as this will not allow vomit to enter the respiratory tract;
    3. If it is impossible to independently transport to a medical facility, call an ambulance.
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    If possible, put a cotton-gauze collar around the victim's neck as additional support.


    For damage to the vertebrae of this segment, often combined with trauma to the chest, an external asymptomatic course is characteristic. A strong rib frame protects the spinal column, so lesions of the thoracic region rarely threaten a person's life.

    This spinal injury is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome that depresses the work of the lungs and heart. It is important to quickly deliver the victim to a medical facility for a thorough examination and treatment.

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    First aid for injuries of the thoracic region is reduced to a series of actions to reduce the risk of complications:

    1. Lay the victim on a flat hard surface;
    2. Release the chest from tight clothing;
    3. To avoid damage to the spinal cord, do not allow the patient to make sudden movements;
    4. Give the victim analgesics that reduce the negative impact of pain on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

    In case of damage to the thoracic segment of the spinal column, it is necessary to accompany the patient to the hospital, since severe pain often leads to loss of consciousness.