Bates exercises. The unique Bates method for restoring vision - works at any age

Every year the number of people with perfect vision is steadily decreasing. Hyperopia, myopia and other ophthalmic problems have become the norm not only for middle-aged and elderly people, but also for young people. Contact lenses and glasses have become an integral part of life modern man, and the next trip to the doctor comes down to the fact that the patient receives a prescription for the next pair, instead of finding out the cause and trying to correct the situation.

Almost everyone knows that only surgery will help to cure the disease, and very few have heard of Bates' simple. This simple technique designed to improve vision without surgery and wearing glasses.

A bit of history

William Bates was born in 1860, a significant year for history, and devoted his whole life to patients with ophthalmological problems. However, he was not an ordinary specialist. In order to alleviate the suffering of his patients, he closely observed their condition and reaction to one or another type of therapy. In those distant times, of course, there were no chances to radically improve the situation, but he succeeded with the help of a special technique that was effective and short term restores visual function.

The famous ophthalmologist died in 1931, and his wife continued his work. However, during his work, many followers appeared who believed in the possibility of returning visual acuity. The most famous Russian scientists and propagandists of the Bates method were G. A. Shichko and V. G. Zhdanov. The first finalized the methodology and made his additions, the second, who was a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, combined everything together, and the method began to be called by the name of the main authors - the Shichko-Bates method.

Eye muscles and vision

To the invention of his own technique professor was pushed by disappointment in the ways of recovery visual function that existed at that time. He was the first to notice that those who wear glasses each time have to replace them with stronger ones. However, those patients who tried to stop wearing them for a while noticed a significant improvement in visual acuity.

Then it occurred to Bates that the quality of visual function is affected by six eye muscles. They are shaped like an eye and allow it to focus on different subjects. Normal condition the muscles of the eye in a healthy person are relaxed, and the eye itself has a spherical shape. This allows him to correctly focus objects on the retina. So, the scientist concluded that farsightedness is the result of regular and prolonged tension of the longitudinal muscles, and myopia is the result of transverse ones.

So the theory arose that in order to restore vision, it is necessary to train the eye muscles, relax some and train others, depending on what kind of problem needs to be eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Improving vision without glasses according to the Bates method has its advantages, which cannot be ignored.

But the method also has its drawbacks. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is necessary before starting classes.

  • The technique was never recognized in official ophthalmology, so no doctor will guarantee improvement.
  • The method cannot be used in diagnosed retinal detachment or suspicion of it.
  • After surgical intervention at least 6 months must pass before such gymnastics can be applied.

Despite the shortcomings of the method, he has many followers who have already coped with their ailments and abandoned contact lenses and points.

The professor refutes the postulates

Many scientists still do not recognize the system of the American scientist, because in it Bates refutes the truths known to everyone from infancy.

A little unusual advice, but it really works. This was confirmed by many people who were not afraid to experience unconventional trends in the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies.

Bates eye exercise

The first and foremost condition is to avoid wearing glasses, if possible. Then you need to clearly follow the instructions, and the opportunity to improve vision will become a reality. The technique provides for several options for exercises.


The essence of the exercise is in complete relaxation of the eye muscles and the opportunity to give them rest. Important role in this case, palms and imagination play, which will be needed to present this or that picture in colors.

The first time the exercise will be difficult to perform, but over time it will become habitual.


This technique allows relax as much as possible not only the muscles of the eyes, but also the whole body and eliminate nervous strain, which, according to Bates, is the most serious enemy of vision.

Over time, this exercise will become easier to perform, and one letter will turn into a line or even two.


The point is to gradually accustom the eyes to bright light , and the main assistant will be the sun.

The duration of solarization exercises should not exceed five minutes.

Moving and swinging

The meaning of exercise in muscle tension visual apparatus when turning the head in different directions.

The number of repetitions must be increased gradually, because it is difficult for an unprepared person to get used to it.


The point of the exercise is to with frequent blinking, try to focus your vision on a specific object.

It is necessary to devote at least 15 minutes to classes daily, and the result will not be long in coming.

Addition to the main complex

A few simple exercises can be done regularly to restore vision.

In order for the eyes not to get tired, it is necessary to blink easily for several seconds after each exercise.

Exercises according to the Bates method for restoring vision have saved many patients. The opinions of ophthalmologists around the world are quite diverse, but this does not prevent many patients from improving visual acuity on their own. This is not a panacea, but regularity and perseverance allow you to achieve amazing results.

Attention, only TODAY!

Prevention and treatment eye diseases not always limited to appointment drug therapy or .

Many ophthalmologists recognize the effectiveness of special gymnastic methods to improve the blood supply to the eyeball and relieve tension.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Bates with myopia, hyperopia and other diseases is used as additional method treatment.

Vision is a very valuable gift

The human visual apparatus is a receptor organ that perceives light rays and transmits visual information to the brain.

The main part of the visual apparatus is eyeball, consisting of optical structures, the actual receptor (retina) and auxiliary components.

Optical structures focus light rays on the retina, which, in turn, transmits primary visual information through the optic nerve to the corresponding part of the brain.

Diseases characterized by visual impairment can be caused by various pathological factors. Myopia and farsightedness are most often caused by a change in the shape of the eyeball and a violation of the focus of light rays on the retina.

The natural wear and tear of the structures of the eyeball during the aging process also plays a role. For temporary correction of such pathologies, doctors prescribe wearing glasses or.

Elimination of the cause of visual impairment is possible only with the help of laser surgery. However, a large number have been proposed alternative methodologies, which include eye gymnastics according to Bates.

Dr. Bates and the essence of his methodology

Eye exercises give good result

Dr. William Horatio Bates (1860-1930) was one of the best ophthalmologists in a famous hospital in New York. He also taught medical students and was in private practice.

The main topic of his research was related to the functioning eye apparatus and treatments for visual impairment. In 1919, Bates published The Bates Method for Improving Vision Without Glasses, in which he described new methodology prevention and treatment of eye diseases.

His theory was based on a new understanding of the role of the ciliary muscles in maintaining visual acuity. A series of experiments conducted by Bates and his assistants confirmed some of the assumptions.

Bates' medical practice was different from accepted norms in ophthalmology. If a patient was diagnosed with nearsightedness, farsightedness or presbyopia, Bates did not immediately start fitting glasses for vision correction, but tried to find a way to fully restore function.

The main provisions of the doctor were as follows:

  • can be restored. So, Bates compared eye disease with other pathologies that can be completely eliminated. When the hands are broken, doctors restore the integrity of the bones and apply plaster, after which rehabilitation is carried out. Doctors insisted that if there was a way to fully restore the functions of the hand, then it was possible to completely restore vision.
  • Refusal of artificial lenses and glasses. Bates never prescribed temporary vision correction devices to his patients. He insisted that lenses and glasses are no different from crutches, while it is necessary to eliminate the cause of eye diseases. The doctor also considered wearing glasses the cause of a gradual deterioration in vision.
  • Visual acuity is flexible. Bates' basic assumption was that visual acuity varies from very low to high, depending on the emotional and physical condition person. During the experiments, the doctor observed a change in visual acuity in patients during short period time.
  • Restoration of visual acuity is associated with the rejection of bad habits. Bates came to the conclusion that most ophthalmic defects are somehow caused by improper hygiene organ of vision. Bad habits include reading in poor lighting, monotonous work, eye strain, and working under stress. Bates insisted on efficiency special methods relaxation, allowing to reduce the load on the structures of the eyeball.
  • Rest and eye training is the key to recovery. The Bates technique is based on passive and dynamic relaxation. At the same time, relaxation refers not only to the general ability to relax the muscles of the eye, but also to get rid of stress.
  • . The researcher has developed many gymnastic techniques to restore vision and prevent the progression of myopia. Most of the exercises are based on touch, light massage, fixation, muscle work and exposure to light.

Many gymnastic methods Beista is still relevant.

Bates exercises for myopia

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Bates will get rid of glasses

Gymnastics methods for the treatment of myopia according to Bates are based on restoring healthy accommodation of the eyes.

Accommodation is a process of improvement optical power eye, carried out with the help of the lens and associated muscle fibers.

This mechanism allows you to equally effectively see near and distant objects of the world.

Bates had his own ideas about the influence of external and internal muscles on the shape of the eye and the ability to focus. In addition, the doctor associated a violation of the muscles of the eye with mental stress.

Based on these ideas, the doctor developed the following exercises:

  1. Palming is a simple exercise that involves covering your eyes with your palms for a few minutes. In this case, you do not need to press on the eyeball and perform any manipulations. According to the doctor, this simple exercise relaxes the muscles of the eye, and also eliminates physical and emotional stress in the patient.
  2. Visualization. According to Bates, mental images help to relax and eliminate stress. The exercise is based on the effect of black color on vision. As one of the variants of the method, a person needs to close his eyes and imagine various black objects (bag, umbrella, raincoat, and others) for several minutes. Another option involves working with a table to determine visual acuity. First, the patient needs to see the lowest line as best as possible, and then close his eyes, and imagine the symbols of this line even more black.
  3. Method of memories of the sense organs. Bates suggested that memories of other stimuli help the organ of vision to relax. The patient needs to close his eyes with his palms and try to reproduce familiar smells, sounds and taste sensations in his mind as best as possible.
  4. dynamic vision. According to the doctor, visual acuity is deteriorating due to prolonged observation of one point in space. The patient needs to select two characters on the table, slightly removed from each other, and quickly switch attention from one to the other within a few minutes. The characters must be on the same line.
  5. Sun exposure. The patient needs to close his eyes, and direct his face towards the sunlight. According to Bates, sunlight improves visual acuity by changing color hues.

About the Bates method exercises for the eyes - in the video:

LONGEVITY.RU. Recovery of vision. Recovery of vision according to Bates

Restoration of vision according to the Bates method.
natural method restoration of vision
Eyes. Vision. Eye exercises.

If you really want to restore vision, then read the article to the end. If you don't have the patience or time to read and practical use Tips - wear glasses.

This section is based on the transcripts of the lectures of Professor Zhdanov V.G.

In the section on restoring vision using the Bates method, you will learn:How is the human eye arranged? why do people lose their eyesight; why it is very harmful to wear glasses; why it is dangerous to have poor eyesight, what it can threaten in the future, and most importantly - you will learn a very simple and affordable set of exercises for the eyes, which allows anyone to improve their eyes and begin to see without glasses just like with glasses, and even better.

That is, almost any person who wears glasses can take them off and, with the help of simple exercises, restore vision and begin to see without glasses. It's possible, it's available, it's tested, and we'll talk about it.

But first, a little theory, otherwise it is not clear how this can be in principle and why we know very little about this.

Approximately 180 years ago, a German physicist and physiologist suggested the work of the human eye. He suggested that the human eye has the shape of a ball, in the front part there is a lens and a biconvex lens, and around this lens is the so-called circular ciliary muscle.

Hermann Helmholtz - Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz was born on August 31, 1821 in Potsdam, near Berlin, where his father Ferdinand Helmholtz was a gymnasium teacher; his mother Carolina, nee Penn, came from an English family who had settled in Germany. Hermann von Helmholtz received his initial education at the Potsdam Gymnasium, and then at the age of 17 he entered the Royal Institute of Medicine and Surgery, from which he graduated in 1842, writing his doctoral dissertation “De fabrica systematis nervosi evertebratorum”

How a person sees according to Helmholtz

According to Helmholtz, a person sees as follows: when the ciliary muscle is relaxed, the lens of the eye has a flat appearance, and its focus is on the retina, and such a relaxed eye with a flat lens sees perfectly into the distance, because a clear image of distant objects, according to the laws of geometric optics, is in the focus area optical system. In this case, a clear image of a distant object will be just on the retina.

And in order for a person to see an object up close, it is necessary to change the parameters of this optical system. And Helmholtz suggested that in order to see something up close, a person strains the ciliary muscle, it compresses the lens from all sides, the lens becomes more convex, changes its curvature, the focal length of the convex lens decreases, the focus goes inside the eye, and such an eye with a convex lens sees perfectly close. That is, a clear image of close objects, according to the laws of the same geometric optics, is behind the focus of the optical system. As a result, the image of a close object will again be exactly on the retina.

So, a person needs to see something in the distance. He blinked, relaxed his ciliary muscle - the lens became flat and he sees well into the distance. It must be seen close up - it strains the ciliary muscle, the lens has become convex and he sees up close.

Myopia according to Helmholtz

In some people (Helmholtz himself did not understand why), the ciliary muscle tenses up, making the lens convex, but does not relax back. Such people with a convex lens, he called myopic. They see well near, but they do not see far, because a clear image of a distant object is built in the region of focus of the optical system. In this case, a clear image will be inside the eye. And on the retina there will be some kind of indistinct, smeared, blurry spot. And then Helmholtz proposed to compensate for myopia with the help of a biconcave negative minus spectacle lens. With the help of glasses, the focus returns to the retina and myopic people in minus glasses see perfectly into the distance.
And since then, more than 180 years, all eye doctors in the world shortsighted people pick up minus glasses and recommend them for constant wear.

Farsightedness according to Helmholtz

In many people, Helmholtz believed, the work of the ciliary muscle weakens with age. As a result, the lens is flat, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and classical far-sighted people see perfectly into the distance. But to see up close, you need to squeeze the lens, make it convex. And the muscle forces to compress the lens is no longer enough. And a person looks into a book, and a clear image of the letters is obtained behind the focus of the optical system, i.e. closer to the back of the head. And on the retina there will be just a vague, blurry spot. And then Helmholtz proposed to compensate for farsightedness with the help of a biconvex plus spectacle lens. With the help of glasses, the focus is turned inside the eye and far-sighted people in plus glasses see perfectly up close.
And since then, more than 180 years, all the eye doctors of the world have been choosing plus glasses for far-sighted people, recommending them for reading and for working near.

William Horatio Bates

But for our happiness, a wonderful American scientist, professor, ophthalmologist lived in the world, who developed his own system for restoring vision without the use of glasses and surgical intervention. How does it happen restoration of vision according to the Bates method? According to Bates, restoration of vision occurs by restoring the work of six oculomotor muscles. But let's get it right. So, after graduating from medical school, Bates worked as an eye doctor for five years and was horrified and despaired by the results of his work. In every single patient he prescribed glasses, their vision only worsened. None of his patients got their eyesight back.

William Horatio Bates - Born in Newark, New Jersey. Medical education received at Cornell in 1881, the degree of doctor medical sciences- at the American College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1885. Bates began his practice in New York, working for a time as a physician's assistant at the Manhattan Hospital for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and hearing. Between 1886 and 1888, Bates worked as a staff physician at the Bellevule Psychiatric Hospital. From 1886 to 1896, Bates also served as a staff physician at the New York Eye Hospital, and worked in a number of other medical institutions USA. From 1886-1891 he taught ophthalmology at the New York Hospital Postgraduate Research Institute.
In 1896, Bates decided to leave his work in the hospital for several years due to the need for experimental work. In 1902, Bates went to work at London's Charing Cross Hospital. Two years later, he entered private practice in Grand Forks, Dakota, where he continued for six years. In 1910, he took up the post of physician for the care of the visually impaired at the Harlem Hospital in New York and worked there until 1922.

And Bates asked himself the question: “Well, how is it?”, - he is an eye doctor and should treat people's eyes. And he, instead, prescribes them and recommends wearing glasses. And in people, from the use of glasses, vision not only did not recover, but became worse and worse. As a result, after a year or two or three, they return and require new, stronger glasses.
And the second thing that Bates noticed was that some of his patients in the summer, leaving on vacation in the countryside or in the mountains, accidentally broke or lost their glasses. Since glasses were quite expensive in the nineteenth century, people with poor eyesight were forced to go without glasses for some time. When they returned from rest, they came to him for glasses, then checking their eyesight according to the table, he noted with surprise that for many, due to the fact that they did without glasses, their eyesight began to improve, that is, there was partial recovery vision.
And now, thirty years, studying the work of the human eye, Bates came to the conclusion that the theory of vision of Hermann Helmholtz is incorrect in general. Picture in human eye is built differently than Helmholtz suggested - due to the work of the ciliary muscle and changes in the curvature of the lens, but The image in the human eye is built in exactly the same way as it is built in an ordinary, simple camera. By changing the length of the eye itself. And here the main work in the process of accommodation, that is, focusing the eye on sharpness, is played by six oculomotor muscles.

He designed and manufactured a device unique for its time, which he called the “retinoscope”. With the help of a retinoscope from a distance of up to two meters, he could determine the parameters of the eye.

Each person has six oculomotor muscles in each eye.

  1. Upper longitudinal, which lifts the eye up;

  2. Lower longitudinal, which lowers the eye down;

  3. Internal lateral longitudinal, which reduces the eye to the nose;

  4. External lateral longitudinal, which leads the eye to the side;

  5. Upper transverse, which fits the eye from above across in a semicircle;

  6. The lower transverse, which fits the eye in a semicircle from below.

How one really sees

When all six oculomotor muscles are completely relaxed, the eye takes on the shape of a ball due to excess internal pressure, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and such a relaxed eye sees perfectly into the distance.
To see up close, you need to change the parameters of this optical system. A person further relaxes the longitudinal muscles and strains the upper and lower transverse muscles, squeezing his eye from above and below. And since the human eye is liquid, due to this compression it is fed, pulled forward, like a camera lens. The focus goes inside the eye, and such an eye stretched forward sees perfectly close.
A person needs to see into the distance again - he blinks, relaxes the transverse muscles, and tightens his longitudinal eyes, the eye again takes the form of a ball, and he again sees perfectly into the distance.

Myopia according to Bates

In some people, Bates found the cause. These are, as a rule, physical, mental, visual stresses, overstrains and injuries. That is, people strain the transverse muscles, squeeze the eye, the eye stretches forward, but does not return back - the muscles do not relax. Such people, with their eyes extended forward, he called myopic.

A typical example of the appearance of myopia in children is when a child is five or six or seven, and it even happens that he has spent eight lessons at school, i.e. sat, looked at a book, at a notebook, his transverse muscles were constantly tense, therefore, his eyes were stretched forward. He returned home from school and again for the lessons. Again, the transverse muscles are tense, again the eyes are extended forward. And in a child, from such prolonged visual tension and stress, the transverse muscles of the eyes tense up and no longer relax. And parents suddenly notice that the child sees well up close, but no longer sees into the distance. He begins to squint, squint, not to recognize something. They take this unfortunate child to an eye doctor, who shows him a test card from five meters away, and he sees only the upper letters. Everything is clear, your child has myopia. And the child is prescribed the first minus glasses in his life.

But as soon as a short-sighted person puts on minus glasses, you can be sure: the transverse muscles will never relax by themselves, the glasses will no longer allow them to do this. Moreover, with some new visual loads, experiences, stresses, these muscles can tighten more and more, the eyes stretch forward more and more, and as a result, problems with glasses begin: minus one and a half, minus two, minus three, minus five , minus eight, etc.

What does Bates offer for the nearsighted?

Bates offers a simple and clear scheme natural recovery vision in myopia. Namely: it is possible to refuse glasses as much as possible, or temporarily replace them with weaker ones and with the help of simple special exercises train weakened longitudinal muscles. And the vision of a nearsighted person will be restored

Glasses do double damage to our eyes.

The first harm that goggles do- they do not allow the transverse muscles of the eyes to work. Glasses work instead. A near-sighted person needs to relax his transverse muscles to see into the distance, and he has minus two glasses. He sees everything perfectly in them and does not even try to relax these muscles.

The second harm caused by glasses- not less, but, unfortunately, much larger, this is what a person's glasses immobilize his eyes. A person who does not wear glasses constantly moves his eyes - up, down, right, left. His longitudinal muscles are constantly working. These muscles are well developed, in excellent tone and working condition. As soon as a person puts on glasses, he begins to twist not his eyes, but his head. And his eyes in their sockets become motionless. And since the eyes in the sockets are motionless, the longitudinal muscles of the eyes do not work. And in humans, those muscle groups that do not work very quickly begin to degrade and can even atrophy as unnecessary.

Farsightedness according to Bates

For many people, with age, i.e. by the age of forty, forty-five years, due to lack of training, the work of the transverse eye muscles begins to weaken. And by the age of forty-five-fifty, the longitudinal muscles of the eyes begin to strain quite strongly and slagging. The eye is still spherical, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and classic far-sighted people see perfectly into the distance.

But in order to see something close, you need to squeeze your eye and stretch it forward. And the longitudinal muscles of the eyes do not let them go forward, while the transverse muscles do not have enough strength to squeeze it and pull it forward. And as a result, a far-sighted person sees poorly near or sees nothing at all. But if he put on plus points, then be sure that the transverse muscles will very soon stop working at all, because. a far-sighted person in plus glasses does not need the transverse muscles of the eyes in principle. Instead, glass works exactly one hundred percent.

What does Bates offer for the farsighted?

It offers a simple and understandable scheme for the natural restoration of vision in farsightedness. Namely: it is possible to refuse glasses as much as possible, or temporarily replace them with weaker ones, and with the help of simple special exercises, relax the longitudinal muscles, and with the help of other similar simple exercises, train the weakened transverse muscles. And the human eye will again begin to work like a well-oiled camera. Shrink, stretch forward, see close, go back, become a round ball and see perfectly into the distance.

In some people, the longitudinal muscles tighten, tense, slagging, pull, pull the eye back and, in the end, their eye rests on back wall eye sockets. And they keep pushing him. Pull, pull, and the eye becomes flat. And the focus goes beyond the retina. And people with a flat eye can no longer see into the distance without plus glasses. They wear plus and a half glasses for distance, because plus and a half return focus to the retina, and they read at plus three, because in order to read, you need to drive the focus inside the eye. Such a visual disorder, doctors call hypermetropia. And people with this vision disorder wear bifocals.

Strabismus according to Bates

The third visual disorder that is corrected by the Bates method is called strabismus.

The cause of strabismus is very simple. It usually occurs in children as a result of fright or trauma. At the moment of fright, some longitudinal muscle of the eye is tensed. Well, for example, the internal longitudinal muscle of the right eye is tensed. And the outer, on the contrary, is stretched. As a result, the left eye looks straight, and the right eye squints inward.
What does orthodox medicine offer? The easy way is surgery.

Bates was a categorical opponent of any operation on the muscles of the eye. And he proposed a simple and understandable scheme for the natural elimination of strabismus. Namely: with the help of simple exercises, the internal tense, longitudinal muscle of the eye must be relaxed, and with the help of other similarly simple exercises, the weakened external muscle must be trained. And the muscles themselves will put the eye in place.
By the way, in children, strabismus recovers faster and easier than in adults, because in children their eyes grow, their muscles are not yet slagged, i.e. elastic.

You all know, we had this comedian movie actor. He had a very rare kind of internally superior strabismus. His upper muscle and internal longitudinal were tense, while the lower and external were weakened. And his eye squinted inward upwards. This gave him a simply indescribable comic appearance. “... he was offered in America to remove strabismus using the Bates method. He agreed, removed the squint and completely lost his comic charm.

Savely Kramarov - Savely Viktorovich Kramarov (born October 13, 1934 in Moscow - died June 6, 1995 in San Francisco) - Soviet and American theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974). Kramarov is a bright original comedian of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Winning appearance (squint, pleasant smile on the whole face), powerful comedic temperament, innate acting skills, charm, facial expressions and mobility of the body allowed Kramarov to create numerous comic negative characters, funny in their absurdity and stupidity. He was characterized by a grotesque manner of performance. The heroes of Kramarov were always charming and, for all their shortcomings, in essence, harmless. Kramarov was a prominent representative of Soviet satire. Any, including non-humorous text, Kramarov knew how to pronounce and beat in such a way that it caused laughter and applause.

Astigmatism according to Bates

And the fourth visual disorder, which is corrected by the Bates method, by the way, is corrected only by the Bates method, is called astigmatism.

Astigmatism in translation into Russian is “image distortion”. Astigmatism is a visual disorder, before which “spectacle” medicine has signed in impotence.
Bates proved that the cause of astigmatism is the same incorrect work of six oculomotor muscles. With astigmatism, the muscles in a person are tense and tense in different ways. That is, pressure on the eye different parties carried out with different strengths. And due to the fact that the pressure on the eye from different sides is carried out with different force, it loses its symmetrical shape. It disrupts the symmetrical course of optical rays, and the image begins to blur, blur, sometimes double, triple, sometimes one image is superimposed with a shift on another. All these phenomena are called in one word - astigmatism.

When a person, according to the Bates method, relaxes all the muscles of the eye, the eye, due to excessive internal pressure, again restores a symmetrical spherical shape, the symmetrical course of the optical rays is restored, the image becomes clearer and the person's astigmatism disappears.

Children are especially amazing. If you start studying with children at home, then they will be able to develop their eyesight and two hundred and three hundred and even five hundred percent.

So, the American ophthalmologist professor William Bates in 1901 published scientific work, in which he proved that all four visual disorders: myopia, farsightedness, strabismus and astigmatism- associated with a person wrong work six oculomotor muscles. Some muscles are overly tense, and some are overly weakened. As a result, some people develop myopia, others hyperopia, others strabismus, and almost everyone develops astigmatism.

Moreover, Bates developed a system of exercises that allows you to relax tense muscles, train weak ones and restore a person’s vision.

He borrowed the basis of these exercises from the North American Indians. They developed a multi-thousand-year culture of development and preservation of vision in boys, youths, men, and warriors. And Bates noticed that the Indians are constantly doing some kind of exercise with the eyes. He delved into the essence of these exercises, as an ophthalmologist professor understood their purpose and developed his own method.

The Bates Method is over a hundred years old.

And, of course, a completely legitimate question arises: “Why do we know almost nothing about this?” There are three very good reasons for this.

The first reason is money. The annual net profit from the sale of glasses, contact lenses and eye surgeries in the world exceeds tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars. What is the relationship? Attention answer!

The law of economics is:the consumer must not disappear!

The second reason is the rigidity of our medicine. For more than a hundred years, the Bates theory has been known, according to which people restore their eyesight, and in all medical institutes, students for some reason study only the theory of vision of Hermann Helmholtz, according to which, when vision deteriorates, it is necessary to prescribe glasses.

And the third reason is also banal. In order for a person to restore his sight, he needs to work on himself. And for many, as it turns out, this is simply unacceptable. It turns out that it is easier to go to the doctor and pick up new glasses for yourself, if only to do nothing yourself.

These three reasons seriously hinder the introduction of the Bates method into our lives.

A few words about eye diseases

The cause of glaucoma and cataracts, however strange it may seem, is very simple. These are congestion in the eyes.

The fact is that the human eye is supplied with blood, including through the oculomotor muscles. If these muscles are well developed, then supplying the eye with blood, they constantly massage it, squeezing and unclenching. Happening in the eyes normal exchange substances and the eyes of a person are healthy. As soon as the work of the oculomotor muscles is disrupted, primarily due to glasses, the blood supply to the eye immediately deteriorates, metabolism is disturbed and stagnation begins in the eyes - the excretory tubules become clogged, intraocular pressure rises, here you are, and glaucoma. Slags begin to be deposited on the lens, inside the vitreous body, here you are, and a cataract.

Ninety percent of people who have initial glaucoma and cataracts are greatly helped by the eye exercises of Professor William Bates. As soon as a person begins to do exercises for the eyes, he restores the working capacity of the muscles, therefore, the blood supply to the eye is restored, and congestion in the eyes resolves by itself.

By the way, human body capable of regeneration. That is, our body, when creating favorable conditions, is capable of restoring its organs and their normal functioning. This, in fact, is the basis of the Bates method. We create conditions for normal blood supply, and diseases begin to recede.

In our country, as it turned out, no one knows and does not even promote the initial stage of cataracts. When you wake up in the morning, open your eyes, look at the ceiling, and there are some flies floating in front of your eyes, some kind of garbage - this is initial stage cataracts. This can happen for five or ten years. And then, at one fine moment, a veil suddenly appears, a fog in the eyes, and, as they say, wait until it matures, prepare money for the operation.

A few words about medicine

The Bates method is a non-medical method. This is a psychological and pedagogical method. And all over the world, the Bates method is not practiced by ophthalmologists, but by educators and psychologists.

But the most curious thing is that when a person restores vision within a few weeks by the shock method, then he does not have to allocate special time for this in order to maintain excellent vision.

Well, now a few exercises to relax and train the oculomotor muscles. These exercises are already today you can include in your arsenal of exercises to restore your vision.

First exercise, which we will learn with you, is called “palming”, from the English palm - “palm”. You all know that our palms have some kind of unknown to science, but very healing radiation.

palming- a term coined by William Bates for an eye exercise, which consists in closing the eyes and covering them tightly with the palms for several minutes. As a result, the eyes will relax, and relaxation will give good vision.

How to do palming

You need to put your palms together, as if you want to water the birds. Fingers all together so that the water does not spill. The palms are almost straight. Then, with the fingers of the palm of one hand, we cover the fingers of the other hand at a right angle - a “house”. Next, put this construction of folded palms on your eyes instead of glasses so that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the little fingers, and the eyes hit exactly the centers of the dimples of the palms Pay attention to the fact that your nose must stick out between the little fingers. To do this, you need to move your palms slightly up or down to the bridge of your nose, but so that your nose is sure to breathe.

Now open your eyes under your palms and make sure that the light does not penetrate through the cracks, i.e. so that the palms tightly close the eyes, and they, in turn, falling into the dimples of the palms, calmly open and close.

Palming with scientific point vision- this is “bio-faresis of the eyes”, this is the warming up of the eyes with the warmth of one's own palms. So before palming, you need to rub your palms together until heat appears.

So, rub your palms against each other until heat appears. They put them in a "house". Put on eyes instead of glasses. Eyes, of course, closed. The elbows were placed on the table or pressed to the chest, but so that only they were not on weight.

Pay attention to the fact that the head is not thrown back and not strongly tilted forward. Again, eyes are closed.

From this moment on, every time you read, write, watch TV, work on the computer, as soon as you feel tired, tired eyes - they put everything aside, rubbed their hands until warm and did palming for three to five minutes.
In five minutes, when you open your eyes, you yourself will gasp - how well they will rest and be ready for further visual work.

And now a few exercises to train weakened oculomotor muscles.

Attention attention!

Palming is good for everyone. You can sit under palming for at least a whole day - it's not dangerous, it's useful. The bigger, the better.

But exercises - you can’t do a lot and often. If you do a lot of them, your eyes will hurt and you will never do it again. Therefore, exercises can be done only three times a day - before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner.

In addition, there are contraindications for exercise.

First contraindication- if a person had an operation six months ago, that is, less than six months have passed since the operation.

Second contraindication- if a person has a detached retina. With a detached retina, you can not do exercises. You can provoke further detachment. Therefore, in case of retinal detachment, it is necessary to go to the doctors, now there are methods - they weld the retina of the eye. After welding, you need to wait six months for it to take root well, and only after that carefully start doing exercises for the eyes.

How are eye exercises done?

Eye exercises are done without glasses. In this case, the face is motionless. Only one eye works. sudden movements cannot be done with the eyes. Before starting the exercises, you need to blink intensively in order to tune in to the exercise.

First exercise

Raised their eyes up. Dropped down. Up. Down. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

Second exercise

Eyes squinted to the right. Left. Right. Left. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

The third exercise "Diagonals"

Eyes raised to the right. Then down left. Right up, left down. Blinked - blinked - blinked.
Reverse Diagonal. Left-up, right-down. Left is up, right is down. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

Fourth exercise "Rectangle"

We draw a rectangle with our eyes: we raised our eyes up (to the upper left corner), then to the right to the side (to the upper right corner), lowered them down (to the lower right corner), then to the left to the side (to the lower left corner) and again up (to the left top corner). Blinked - blinked - blinked.
Reverse rectangle. Done. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

Fifth exercise “Dial”

Imagine a huge clock. Where the bridge of the nose is the base of the arrows. And we look around the dial numbers. They raised their eyes to twelve o'clock, and "went" in a circle. Three o'clock, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. Blinked - blinked - blinked.
Counterclock-wise. Twelve, nine, six, three, twelve - nine, six, three, twelve. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

The sixth exercise "Snake"

Eyes to the side and start drawing a snake with eyes from the tail. First from right to left, then from left to right. And up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, that is, we draw a sinusoid curve with our eyes. Blinked - blinked - blinked. And in the opposite direction: up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. Blink-blink-blink.

Exercise “Solarization of the eyes on a candle”

There is another very important exercise called “Solarization of the eyes on a candle”

This exercise, described in books, can be done in the sun, with a lamp, with any light source. To imagine what kind of exercise “Solarization of the eyes on a candle”, imagine that in front of you at a distance outstretched hand there is a lit candle, your eyes are always looking along the nose and, of course, without glasses. Turn your head quickly to the left and look left side along the nose. And then, just as quickly, we turn our head to the right, and we are already looking to the right side and also along the nose. Turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right.
We do not pay any attention to the candle at all. When we look to the left, we will feel in the dark that the candle is somewhere to the right. Then a turn - a candle flashed before my eyes. And here we are along the nose, with our eyes we are already looking to the right, and we will already feel the light from the candle to the left. Then again turn - again the candle flashed before my eyes. Like this, back and forth, back and forth. We do not pay attention to the candle.

So, we do solarization of the eyes on a candle:
Turn your head left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left and right. Blinked - blinked - blinked.

And now they rubbed their hands and did palming. That is, they rubbed their hands until warm, folded their palms in a “house”, put them on themselves instead of glasses over their eyes, put their elbows on the table or pressed them to their chest. Calm down, relax, take a comfortable position. We begin to relax the muscles of our eyes. Our eyes are good, our eyes are resting, we will practice - every day they will see better and better. The muscles in our eyes relax.

Nearsighted people have now imagined how their transverse muscles of the eyes relax, how their eyes become round again, balls, how perfectly they will see into the distance. Without any points.

And the far-sighted imagined how their longitudinal muscles of the eyes relax, how they allow the eyes to easily stretch forward with cucumbers and see perfectly up close. Without any points.

The retina of our eyes relaxes, light-sensitive cells, cones, rods relax. The vessels that feed the retina with blood relax. Cells relax optic nerve cells relax visual analyzer in the brain. Our entire visual tract is relaxed.

Eyes closed, palms on nose, you are sitting in a comfortable position. Elbows are either on the table or pressed to the chest. We continue palming.
And now under palming we will do exercises for the eyes.

So, under palming, i.e. under the palms they opened their eyes, blinked - blinked - blinked. Eyes up, down, up, down, up, down. Blink-blink-blink. They squinted their eyes to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left. Blink-blink-blink.
Diagonals. They raised their eyes to the right-up, then left-down, right-up, left-down, right-up, left-down. They blinked, blinked, blinked.
Reverse Diagonal. Left-up, right-down, left-up, right-down, left-up, right-down. Blink-blink-blink.
Rectangle. They raised their eyes up (to the upper left corner), then to the right to the side (to the upper right corner), lowered them down (to the lower right corner), then to the left to the side (to the lower left corner) and up again (to the upper left corner). Blink-blink-blink.

Reverse rectangle. Raised eyes up, left, down, right, up, left, down, right. Up, left, down, right, up, left, down and right. Blink-blink-blink.
"Clock face". They raised their eyes to twelve o'clock, and walked in a circle. Three o'clock, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. Blink-blink-blink. Counterclock-wise. Twelve, nine, six, three, twelve, nine, six, three, twelve. Nine, six, three, twelve. Blink-blink-blink.
And, finally, the "snake". Eyes to the side and draw a snake with the eyes. Up-down-up-down-up-down-up and down. Reversed. Up-down-up-down-up-down-up and down. Blink-blink-blink.
The eyes were closed. We continue to relax the eye muscles.
In order to better and faster relax the muscles of the eyes under palming, Bates came up with one very important exercise, which he called “Pleasant memory”.
And every time you do palming, you need to think about something good, good, pleasant. Remember a pleasant meeting, a pleasant journey, a pleasant vacation. A pleasant memory, it greatly relaxes the human psyche, muscles, facial muscles and eye muscles.
And relaxation is the basis of the Bates method. Relaxation, and then training of weakened oculomotor muscles.

Getting out of palming

The eyes are closed. Under the palms, the eyes closed slightly, loosened, closed, loosened, closed, loosened. The eyes are closed. They removed their hands from their faces and shook their heads with eyes closed. Up-down, up-down, up-down and up-down. Right-left, right-left, right-left and right-left. And now they rubbed their eyes a little with their fists, but not much. We took a deep breath, exhaled and open our eyes, quickly, quickly, blinking. Blinked - blinked - blinked. They blinked - blinked - blinked and looked at some object.

Pay attention to how your vision sharpens after exercise.

The fact is that with the help of exercises we saturated with oxygen and nutrients visual rods of the retina. And the visual sticks are just responsible for twilight vision.

Now rub your hands again until warm, fold your palms in a “house” and do palming. The eyes were closed, the elbows were placed on the table or pressed to the chest. We took a comfortable position, calmed down, relaxed, we continue to do palming. We continue to relax the muscles of our eyes.

Whenever you do palming, pay attention - at the first moment you will have residual light images looming in front of your eyes. For a minute and a half, a TV looms, a candle, a light bulb, a piece of a window, some kind of fog, a cloud. This indicates that your visual tract is overexcited. The light does not enter the eyes. And we think we see something. And here, in order to remove these residual light images, Bates, under palming, came up with another very important exercise, which he called "Introducing Black".

And so every time you close your eyes and do palming, you have to imagine, say, a black velvet curtain in the theater, it is so black-black, big-big. And now the light goes out, and it's getting blacker and blacker. Or imagine the black mascara that you poured in front of you and cover up these luminous places.

And the second palming exercise, even more important, is pleasant memory.
Every time you do palming, you need to think about something good, good, pleasant.
We turn on the light. Ask someone to turn on the light in the room or area where you are. And again we exit palming:

Under the palms, the eyes closed slightly, loosened, closed, loosened, closed, loosened. The eyes are closed. They removed their hands from their faces and shook their heads with their eyes closed. Up-down, up-down, up-down and up-down. Right-left, right-left, right-left and right-left. They moved their heads, restored the blood supply to the brain.

And now they rubbed their eyes with their fists. We took a deep breath, exhaled and open our eyes, quickly, quickly, blinking. Blinked - blinked - blinked. They blinked - blinked - blinked and looked at some object.

Pay attention - the colors have become more juicy. The fact is that with the help of exercises we have saturated the visual cones of the retina with oxygen and nutrients. The visual cones are responsible for color perception.

So, now I have to tell you what know, but, unfortunately, eye doctors hide from patients. Why it is harmful for people to wear glasses and why it is dangerous to have poor eyesight.
The fact is that in people who are short-sighted, their eyes are stretched forward, and due to the fact that their eyes are stretched forward, their retina is very stretched, strained. It is precisely for this reason that many professions are prohibited to short-sighted people. They are banned from many sports. Because with some kind of sharp stress, the retina of the eye can exfoliate or tear. And this leads to partial, and sometimes complete loss of vision in the eyes.
It is especially dangerous to have severe myopia for girls, girls and young women. Those who are going to have children. Because at the time of childbirth from the stress they can go blind.
Scientists have determined that over the twentieth century, from 1900 to 2000, the visual load of civilized mankind has increased by about twenty times. Our ancestors mostly looked into the distance, how the fields bloom, the herds graze. Their eye muscles were relaxed all the time. And our children now ninety percent of the time are forced to look closely - study, books, computer, TV, small games. And the eyes turned out to be unsuitable for long-term close-up viewing, the eyes need to look into the distance. And if the eyes are not helped, then the matter can end very quickly and very sadly.

“… you can not do morning exercises. You can live happily ever after without gymnastics. You can not brush your teeth in the morning, and without teeth you can live happily ever after. But if a person loses his sight, then suddenly he loses almost everything in life...”

Contact lenses are even more of a dead end than glasses. These are goggles for the eyes. Among other things, they also provoke early cataracts.
Many eye surgeries are not a panacea, but a way to delay the onset of vision loss and blindness. If you find a site
useful, you might want to recommend it to your friends and family.

Don't forget about them!

Visual impairment can occur due to diseases, injuries, adverse effects external factors: work at the computer, eye strain, smoke, contamination, toxicity environment. Along with medication and operational methods Gymnastics for the eyes is widely used - the Bates method for restoring vision.

Basics of the Bates Method

The American ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He developed a revolutionary method for his time to restore vision without the use of medication. His technique was not recognized by traditional medicine, but was a wild success and was described in 1920 in a book published by Bates.

The basis of the theory that became the foundation of the technique for restoring vision by the Bates method is the doctor's conviction that the deterioration is associated with excessive tension of the eye muscles and a violation of the accommodation of the lens.

Traditional medicine does not agree with the Bates method, since it explains the weakening of vision by organic disorders in the tissues of the eye. However, despite the official rejection, the Bates method has a large number of supporters and followers, it is simple and accessible to everyone.

Eye exercises (treatment and prevention of disorders) are based on two principles:

  1. “All diseases are from the nerves”, excessive mental stress, stress, strong emotions lead to uncontrolled overstrain of the eye muscles, and at the same time to myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and strabismus.
  2. It is necessary to master exercises that allow you to relieve spasticity of the eye muscles, and there will be a chance to restore vision without glasses, contact lenses and surgery.

Followers of the Master: Shichko-Bates Exercises

With an emphasis on the psychogenic component of treatment, a physicist who studied optics and, by virtue of his convictions, popularized unconventional ways treatment, managed to combine the works of Bates and the psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko.

G.A. Shichko argued that every person is his own healer and self-hypnosis plays a decisive role in treatment.

Zhdanov combined Bates' exercises and Shishko's instructions: in the evening, on the eve of a night's sleep, it is necessary to write down key phrases that work with the subconscious in a specially kept diary. Words spoken aloud or thoughts do not have the same power as written ones. Attitudes should be positive, deployed and carefully calibrated:

  • my vision is improving day by day with exercise;
  • I clearly see small objects near me and in the distance, etc.

Similarly, you can deal with bad habits, overweight.

Bates' gymnastics: we restore vision on our own

Bates was sure that mental stress, stress, tension lead to pathological muscle tension in the body. First of all, such processes affect the health of the eyes.

At rest, the eyes see both small objects located near and distant objects equally well. But permanent psycho-emotional stress bears fruit and pathologies develop. Followers of Bates claim that neither computers nor reading have nothing to do with it: it's all about muscle tightness. They need to be relaxed and taught to be at rest: vision will be restored.

Basic course exercise is universal and suitable for people with various disabilities. For deeper work, there are additional exercises depending on the pathology (farsightedness, myopia, strabismus, astigmatism).

All exercises are performed without glasses.


Gymnastics is based on palming - covering the eyes with the palms.

You need to sit down, rest your elbows on a hard surface (table top), relax, shake your hands several times, as if shaking off water.

Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to rub your palms against each other for 10-15 seconds (it should be warm), then fold them in a boat and cover your eyes with them. The convex part of the "boat" is above the pupil.

Breathing should be calm, measured. After the palms close their eyes from the light, on the retina, which means before the eyes, will appear light spots floating colored circles. By relaxing, it is necessary to achieve the appearance of an absolutely black background, without light inclusions. If the goal is achieved, then the black field will remain in front of the gaze for some time after the palms are removed. Vision will become noticeably clearer and brighter.

Palming is an excellent eye strain reliever and is recommended to be done as many times as possible throughout the day, but always every time you feel tension and before falling asleep.


Pleasant memories bring pleasure and relax the psyche. This phenomenon used by Bates to relieve eye strain.

On early stages mastering Bates gymnastics, it is recommended to do this exercise like palming - with your eyes closed. Later, having mastered the technique, you can not close your eyes.

It is necessary to reproduce as clearly as possible in memory some pleasant memory - a feeling, it does not matter - a sound, a smell, a color, a picture. The main thing is to immerse yourself in it as completely as possible, restore it to the smallest detail, relive it again. If success is achieved, there will be blackness before the eyes.


Impaired vision gives the brain a distorted picture of the world around it. In order to fix it, you need to mentally imagine various items, painted black without the slightest light or other blotches. Each image must be held “before the eyes” for no more than a second, replacing it with the next one.

The second exercise involves working with a table to test visual acuity. Hanging it at a distance of 4-6 meters in a bright room with good lighting, you need to select a letter with your eyes (from the line located as low as possible), look at it for a few seconds, and then cover your eyes with your palms and imagine this very letter anthracite-black and large. After the eyes are opened (after 3-5 seconds of relaxation), the letter in the table will be visible much more clearly.

Rocking and moving

It is not recommended to hold your gaze at one point for a long time; it is necessary to move your gaze from close objects to distant ones and back.

  • You need to fix your eyes on the letter in the table (for 1-2 seconds), then look at another letter (the first one should remain in the field of view, but its clarity is lost). Fix on the second letter (1-2 seconds), return to the first without losing the second. Such "swings" help to relax the eyes.
  • Fix your gaze on a large letter in one of the top lines of the table, then translate it to a smaller letter, without losing sight of the first one (it is less visible than the second), then return to the first. If the exercise is performed correctly, then it seems as if the table is shifting up and down.
  • Working with one selected letter. Fix your gaze on a large letter and move it from top to bottom, from one side to the other so as to make the letter “swing”.

If possible, you can "swing" the letters mentally, closing your eyes and imagining the image of the letter in black.

Blinking (glimpses)

  • Perform palming, then open your eyes for 1 second, fix your gaze on any letter from the table and perform palming again. Close your eyes several times and, removing your hands from your eyes (eyes are closed!) Turn your head from side to side 4-5 times, blink.
  • Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Breathing is calm and even. Turn right: head, eyes, shoulders. The left heel can be slightly lifted off the floor. Then, without stopping, repeat the turn to the left, then again to the right. The exercise is performed without focusing on specific objects, it is recommended to perform up to 100 turns in one approach. The exercise can be done several times a day.
  • Put your index finger to your nose and turn your head so that it seems as if the finger is moving, not the eyes. It will be possible to strengthen the feeling if you close your eyes and touch your finger with the tip of your nose.


sunlight good for the eyes. In order to perform solarization exercises, you need:

  1. Close your eyes, turn your face sunbeams. After the eyes get used and the sunlight does not irritate them, you can lift one eyelid, looking down, after a few seconds, do the exercise with the second eye.
  2. Choose an area where there is a clear border between light and shadow, stand so that one half of the body is in the sun, and the other is in the shade. Close your eyes, turn your head so that “before your eyes” light and shadow smoothly change. Perform the exercise until the difference ceases to be a replacement.
  3. Close one eye with the palm of your hand, leave the other open, but look down. Turn your head from side to side (you can often blink). Continue whipping by lifting open eye in the sun and blink continuously. Then do the same exercise with the other eye. Sunlight can be replaced with artificial light, but this replacement is not as effective for the eyes.

After completing the solarization complex, palming must be repeated, in time it should be twice as long as solarization.

From which side to look

Benefits of the Bates Method:

  • the effectiveness of restoring vision at no cost and the general availability of gymnastics;
  • prevention of visual impairment, the ability to master practices to relax not only the muscles of the eyes, but the whole body.

Gymnastics has its contraindications:

  • threat/retinal detachment;
  • 6 months after eye surgery

Why is this method not used by "traditional" medicine? because it is not in her tradition to treat without the use of expensive drugs ..

An excerpt from a lecture by Professor Zhdanov:

“... The American ophthalmologist professor William Bates in 1901 published a scientific work in which he proved that all four visual disorders: myopia, hyperopia, strabismus and astigmatism are associated in humans with improper functioning of six oculomotor muscles. Some muscles are too tight and some are too loose. As a result, some people develop myopia, others hyperopia, others strabismus, and almost everyone develops astigmatism.

Moreover, Bates developed a system of exercises that allows you to relax tense muscles, train weak ones and restore a person’s vision.

He borrowed the basis of these exercises from the North American Indians. The Indians developed a multi-thousand-year culture of development and preservation of vision in boys, youths, men, and warriors. And Bates spied - the Indians are constantly doing some kind of exercise with the eyes. He delved into the essence of these exercises, as an ophthalmologist professor understood their purpose and developed his own method.

Why Indians? Yes, because the Indians inherit a part ancient culture India Superior, once a single super-education, including Asia (with Europe) and both Americas .. ALL THIS WAS CALLED ONE WORD - INDIA!!! (read more - ) Therefore, the knowledge of the Indians is echoes traditional medicine, existing in the vastness of Eastern Asia (India, Tibet, China) because they are all heirs of the culture of the WHITE GODS who once came from the north ..

The Bates Method is over a hundred years old.

And, of course, a completely legitimate question arises: “Why do we know almost nothing about this?” . Some naive people say: "Vladimir Georgievich, why don't you tell people in the Health program in such a simple Russian language what's the matter, why don't you show all these exercises." Under this, oddly enough, there are three very good reasons.

The first reason is money. The annual net profit from the sale of glasses, contact lenses and eye surgeries in the world exceeds fifty billion dollars. These $ 50,000,000,000 for a hundred years do not allow scientific truth to break through to consumers who suffer so much from ignorance of this truth that many even go blind.

At one time, we sent information about this vision restoration system to hundreds of countries. Only the Japanese responded, many thanks to them.

They sent thank you letter and share the results. “... On the basis of one sociological institute — in order not to undeservedly offend anyone, allow me not to mention the name of the institute — we conducted research among students. Positive result amounted to over 80%. But in this moment the Japanese economy is not ready to accept such a load ... "

I don't get it, where is the economy?

Then comes the explanation: “... If 10% of the nearly sixty million poorly sighted Japanese throw glasses, restoring their vision, there will be 6 million unclaimed glasses. This will be a significant blow to the economy, and we believe this way of restoring vision is premature for Japan.”

Attention answer! The law of economics is this: the consumer must not disappear!

If you recover or, God forbid, die, then you will not go for glasses. Is not it? There is a whole network of organizations and structures interested in people with poor eyesight.

Several years ago, when one of my students decided to open his The educational center to restore vision, he, unfortunately, was next to the company "Optics". He was delicately told: “Stay out of our business! Don't take our customers away!"

So, my dear, I congratulate you. You are a client! AND If you think that someone needs your health, then you are deeply mistaken !!

On the contrary, thanks to your poor eyesight manufacturers of glasses, medicines earn a lot of money, pretending to care about health, image, etc. Every time they offer to change the appearance, artificially create fashion, specifically support the need to constantly change glasses.

The second reason is also banal - it is the inertness of our medicine. For a hundred years, the most accurate theory of vision of the eye of Bates has been known, according to which people take off their glasses and restore their vision. Until today, in all medical institutes of our country, for some reason, students study only the theory of vision of Hermann Helmholtz, according to which, at the first sight disorder, glasses should be hung over the eyes and eventually the person should be brought to blindness. Our most important institute of eye diseases in Moscow, all its branches throughout the country, do you know whose name it bears? Eternal breadwinner Hermann Helmholtz.

And the third reason is also banal. In order for a person to restore his vision himself, he needs to work on himself. We have to work. Gotta get sober healthy lifestyle life, eat right, it is necessary to cleanse the body, eye muscles, eyes from accumulated toxins, restore their elasticity. Finally, you need to do these exercises. And for many, as it turns out, this is simply unacceptable. It turns out that it’s easier to go to the doctors, whine about getting new eyes, so long as you don’t do anything yourself.

These three reasons, I think, really seriously hinder the introduction of the Bates method into our lives.

As you can see, all 3 reasons are easily overcome if you overcome main reason- your laziness.!!!

How to restore vision(Shichko-Bates method)

You already know how to save your eyes. This article will be useful to those who have not followed wise advice before. Chinese medicine and now wants to restore sight. As a translator, I know firsthand how tired the eyes are and how vision falls. Fortunately there is simple exercises to help restore it.

I will give excerpts from the first lecture by Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, which is part of the course on vision correction using the Shichko-Bates method.

Relaxation exercises and training of the oculomotor muscles

Starting today, you can include these exercises in your arsenal of exercises to restore your vision.


The first exercise that we will learn with you is called "palming", from English word"palm" - palm. It is known that our palms have some kind of unknown to science, but very healing radiation. And a person constantly involuntarily heals himself with his palms. “Oh, my stomach hurts. Oops, my head hurts. Oh ear. Oh, my tooth hurts." And everyone strives to bring his palm to his sore spot. It turns out that with your palms you can provide significant assistance to your tired and sore eyes.

How palming is done

Like this, place your palms together. As if you want to drink birds from the palms. Fingers all together so that the water does not spill. Fingers together. You don't have to go deep. Almost straight palms.

And now, with our palms facing us, we cover the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand. To get a type of roof like this. Right angle.

Now you will put this design of palms on your eyes instead of glasses in such a way that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the little fingers, and the eyes would fall exactly in the center into the dimples of the palms. Please note that your nose should stick out between your palms. And it is necessary that this nose must breathe.

And now, under the palms, open your eyes and so press your palms to your cheeks, to your nose, move your palms so that your eyes are open and the light does not fall on your eyes. To avoid gaps. Not near the nose, not from the cheeks, nowhere. So that your palms close your eyes tightly, and your eyes, falling into the dimples of the palms, calmly open and close and therefore the light does not fall on your eyes. This exercise is called palming. From a scientific point of view, this is “eye biophoresis”, this is the warming of the eyes with the warmth of one’s own palms.

Here is how this exercise is done classically. Rub your palms together until warm. Fold your palms in a “house”. Put on your eyes. Close your eyes. Put your elbows on the table. The main thing is that the head should not be thrown back and not strongly tilted forward and that the elbows should not be on weight. The eyes are closed.

From now on, every time you read, write, watch TV, work on a computer, as soon as you feel tired, tired eyes - you need to put everything aside, rub your hands until warm and do palming. Three to five minutes. In five minutes, when you open your eyes, you yourself will gasp - how well they rest and will be ready for further visual work.

And now I will describe several exercises for training weakened oculomotor muscles.

Attention! You can sit under palming for at least a whole day - it's not dangerous, it's useful. The bigger, the better. But those exercises that I will show you now - you can’t do a lot of them. If you do a lot of them, your eyes will hurt, you will curse everything in the world and will never do it again. Therefore, the exercises that I will now show you can be done only three times a day - before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. And no more than I will show you.

In addition, there are contraindications for these eye gymnastics exercises.

The first contraindication is if a person had an operation six months ago. Well, that is less than six months after the operation. That is, after any operations on the eyes, you have to wait half a year for everything to heal there, to heal, and only after that you can do this gymnastics for the eyes, which I will show you.

The second contraindication is if a person has a detached retina. With a detached retina, you can’t do this gymnastics. You can provoke further detachment. Therefore, in case of retinal detachment, you need to go to the doctors, now there are methods - they weld the retina. After welding, you need to wait six months for it to take root well, and only after that carefully start doing this gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Such gymnastics is done without glasses. In this case, the face is motionless. Only one eye works. Do not make sudden eye movements.


Blink your eyes quickly, quickly. Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink. That's like butterfly wings. No need to squint. Light rapid blinking of one eyelid.

By the way, this light quick blinking relaxes the muscles of the eyes. And people have long noticed: if you see poorly, blink. The man blinked and blinked - he really sees much better.

Exercise 1

Raise your eyes up. Down. Up. Down. Blink-blink-blink.

Exercise 2

Squint your eyes to the right. Left. Right. Left. Blink-blink-blink.

Exercise 3 - "Diagonals"

Raise your eyes to the right and up. Then down left. Right-up, left-down. They blinked.

Reverse Diagonal. Left-up, right-down. Left-up, right-down. They blinked, blinked, blinked.

Exercise 4 - "Rectangle"

Draw a rectangle with the eyes. Raise your eyes up, top side, side, down, bottom, up. They blinked.

Reverse rectangle. Top, side, down, bottom, up. They blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked.

Exercise 5 - "Dial"

Imagine a huge clock. Where the bridge of the nose is, the arrows begin. And we look around the dial numbers. They raised their eyes to twelve o'clock, went in a circle. Three o'clock, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. They blinked.

Counter-clockwise. Twelve, nine, six, three, twelve. Nine, six, three, twelve. They blinked, blinked, blinked.

Exercise 6 - "Snake"

Eyes to the side and start drawing a snake with eyes from the tail. Up-down, up-down, up-down, up. And head, back, up-down, up-down, up-down, up. And a tail.

Exercise "Good memory"

In order to relax his vision better and faster under palming, Bates came up with one very important exercise, which he called "Pleasant Memory".

And every time you do palming, at this moment you need to think about something good, good, pleasant. Remember a pleasant meeting, a pleasant journey, a pleasant vacation. A pleasant memory, it greatly relaxes the human psyche, muscles, facial muscles and eye muscles.

Relaxation is the basis of the Bates method. First, relaxation, and then there is a training of weakened oculomotor muscles (performing the above exercises + blinking between exercises - and all this under palming).

Exercise "Representation of black"

Whenever you do palming, pay attention - at the first moment you will have residual light images looming in front of your eyes. For a minute and a half, a TV looms, a candle, a light bulb, a piece of a window, some kind of fog, a cloud. This indicates that your visual tract is overexcited. The light does not reach our eyes, but it seems to us that we see something. And here, in order to remove these residual light images, Bates came up with another very important exercise under palming, which he called "The representation of black."

And so every time you close your eyes and do palming, you have to imagine, say, a black velvet curtain in the theater, it is so black-black, big-big. And now the light goes out, and it's getting blacker, darker. Or imagine the black mascara that you poured in front of you and cover up these luminous places.

Getting out of palming

So, now we remember the way out of palming. The eyes are closed. Palms on the nose. Under the palms, the eyes slightly closed, loosened, closed, loosened, closed, loosened. Eyes closed, hands removed from face. And shook their heads with closed eyes. Up and down - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The blood supply was restored. And now, like children, they rubbed their eyes with their fists. Take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes, blinking quickly, quickly.

Pay attention - the colors have become more juicy. The fact is that with the help of exercises we have saturated the visual cones of the retina with oxygen and nutrients. The visual cones are responsible for color perception.

Exercise 7 "Solarization of the eyes on a candle"

In a dark room, you need to light a candle in front of you at a distance of about two meters. This exercise, like all the other exercises in this article, is performed without glasses. Imagine that your eyes do not move and always look only in front of you, i.e. to see the side, you need to turn your head, not your eyes.

Turn your head and look at the left wall. Now quickly turn your head to the right and look at the right wall. Turn your head to the left, right, left, right (20-30 times).

We do not pay any attention to the candle at all. When we look at the left wall, we will feel in the dark that the candle is somewhere on the right. Then whack - a candle flew before my eyes. And now we are already looking at the right wall, and we will feel the light from the left. Then whack - again a candle in front of my eyes like this flies back and forth quickly. We do not pay any attention to the candle.

This is just part of the first lecture, which lasts over an hour. ZHDANOV-CENTER -

The entire lecture can be viewed here: