Can enamel be restored naturally? Restoration of tooth enamel

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, and all due to the fact that it is 95% composed of inorganic substances. However, bad habits and malnutrition lead to thinning and abrasion of tooth enamel. How to restore it?

The surface of the teeth has a porous structure, ions of various trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, strontium, zinc) easily pass through it. There is only one way out - to use preparations that contain these ions.

Is it possible to restore tooth enamel

Enamel covers the dentin (bone tissue of the teeth), performing a protective function. Its main components are calcium (up to 99%) and phosphates (up to 18%). Under the influence of various negative influences (mechanical, chemical, temperature) there is a decrease in these minerals. As a result - increased sensitivity to cold and hot.

Tooth enamel is not capable of self-healing. And this means that special methods of influencing it will be required. The most effective way is mineralization, it is the strengthening of enamel by saturating it with minerals.

Professional methods for restoring tooth enamel


The most popular method. It involves the treatment of enamel with fluorine-containing gels and varnishes, which hermetically “seal” all cracks and increase resistance to food acids. Fluoridation is carried out in 2 ways:

  • mouthguard method (application restoration) - the dentist makes a reusable mouthguard, it should be filled with fluoride gel and worn daily for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy is 7-10 days;
  • express method (deep fluoridation) - the doctor applies fluoride varnish with a brush, then the enamel is dried with a stream of warm air. After that, it is necessary to wipe the teeth with a swab moistened with a solution of calcium hydroxide. The procedure is carried out every six months.

Implantation of tooth enamel

This is a new and expensive method developed in Australia. It allows you to completely restore lost enamel, improve the color, shape of the dental crown, and even correct minor malocclusions. As an implant, a synthetic material is used, which in its composition is as close as possible to natural dental tissue.

The implant connects to the dentin at the molecular level, which allows you to achieve a lasting result for almost a lifetime.


The method is used in the most severe cases (with large chips, cracks). This is a standard dental filling, as a filling material, photopolymer composites are used, which have high strength and excellent aesthetics.

Porcelain veneers are also used to build up the front teeth. These are plates with a thickness of 0.5 mm. They are glued to the vestibular (external) surface of the tooth in order to correct aesthetic defects.

home remedies

Home remedies will be effective only at the initial stage of erosion. They are also suitable for the prevention of caries.


It is best to choose fluoride-containing pastes without abrasive components. An important point: such products must have a safe concentration of sodium fluoride - 0.11-0.76%. Also in the composition may be calcium gluconate, zinc oxide, triclosan. These ingredients are known for their antimicrobial and strengthening properties.

Rocs, President Unique, Biorepair toothpastes are very popular.

Remineralizing effect of toothpaste


Remineralizing gel is also an effective and convenient home remedy. All you need to do is brush your teeth with regular toothpaste and apply a thin layer of gel to the surface of your teeth. The course of application is 1-2 months.

Fluoridation of teeth in children can be carried out from 2 years. Home remedies must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, because an excessive amount of fluoride in the body negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and other organs.

Children's toothpastes for restoring teeth have a reduced concentration of fluoride - up to 0.023%.

It is also important for children to consume foods rich in calcium: milk, cheese, green vegetables, legumes, nuts. It is necessary to limit the intake of sweets, soda, acidic foods, they provoke the destruction of the enamel of children's teeth.


The cost of procedures in private dentistry:

  • express fluoridation - from 2,000 rubles;
  • burl fluoridation - 1,000–1,500 rubles;
  • tooth extension with a photopolymer - about 4,000 rubles;
  • ceramic veneer - 25,000 rubles.

We advise you to make an appointment with a dentist, the doctor will tell you which method of restoring tooth enamel is suitable for you. If you are looking for a dentistry with reasonable prices, use the search engine of our website.

The faster the development of modern technologies progresses, the worse the global ecology becomes every year. And this sad fact cannot but leave an imprint on people's health. Unfortunately, a modern person is so attached to work, computers and other devices that he sometimes has no time even to eat normally. Due to malnutrition, there is a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the body, which is reflected in the teeth. In particular, with age, the destruction of tooth enamel occurs due to constant demineralization.

The reasons for the destruction of tooth enamel are quite diverse, but there are several obvious ones:

  • bad habits, such as smoking and frequent use of energy drinks, have a very negative effect on enamel, and indeed on the whole body as a whole;
  • if you like and often eat sweets (sweets, jams, condensed milk and other sugar-containing products), sugar residues in the oral cavity are constantly in contact with the enamel layer of the teeth;
  • another reason for the destruction of tooth enamel are drinks with a high content of acid, in particular lemon juice (carbonated water with additives, lemonades, even banal tea with lemon), as well as all types of citrus fruits in any form;
  • Prolonged malnutrition can lead to a malfunction of the digestive system, which disrupts the acid-base balance, causing frequent releases of gastric acid outside the stomach. And this process also has a very negative effect on the teeth.
  • if during a meal you drink a hot dish with cold water or, conversely, ice cream with hot tea, such a sharp change in temperature weakens tooth enamel and contributes to its destruction;
  • and, of course, the destruction of enamel can have purely mechanical reasons. For example, constant grinding due to malocclusion or incorrect treatment, not to mention injuries.

To the question of why tooth enamel is destroyed, you can think of a lot of answers, but there are not so many ways to correct the situation, because of all the human tissues that are susceptible to damage, it is tooth enamel that is not restored naturally.

3 Effective Recovery Methods

Despite the lack of the possibility of natural restoration of tooth enamel, in modern dentistry there are several methods by which dental health can be maintained for a long time.


The very first and most commonly used method is local coating with fluorine-containing preparations, in other words, fluoridation. This enamel restoration procedure has the most reasonable price, however, it is advisable to apply varnishes or gels in a clinic several times in a row at certain intervals. If you are going to use these remedies at home, be sure to check with your doctor, because some drugs need to be handled with extreme caution. Although fluorides create a protective film on the enamel, if they get on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, they can cause undesirable consequences. Of the two methods of fluoridation for home use, the application method is the safest. Your dentist makes an impression of the jaw, which is filled with fluoride gel and placed over the teeth before each use. The method of restoring tooth enamel with fluorine varnish is best left to professionals, since extreme care is needed in applying varnish to the tooth with a special brush.


Is it possible to restore tooth enamel with its strong destruction? What is the best way to protect teeth with high acid sensitivity? The answer is simple - you need dental implantation. Thanks to this latest treatment method, it is possible not only to restore the enamel layer, but also to change the shape and color of the tooth. To build up the enamel, special materials are used, which are very similar in chemical and physical composition to the tissues of the tooth. Thanks to this extension, tooth enamel is restored at the molecular level, allowing you to save the results obtained for many years. Of course, this method of applying enamel on the teeth is by no means cheap, but the result is worth the money and time spent.


Since the enamel layer consists of hydroxyapatite crystals and its surface is not as smooth and uniform as it seems at first glance, pathogenic bacteria that cause caries very often enter the pores and defects of the upper layer. There are cases when the build-up of tooth enamel is not yet required, but it is still necessary to protect it from external influences and further destruction. First of all, this applies to carious processes of the initial stage. In such cases, the tooth enamel is partially restored through the process of remineralization, i.e. treatment of the upper layers of the tooth with a preparation saturated with essential minerals. Thus, a kind of protective film is created on the surface layer of enamel, which prevents tooth decay under the action of acids. This film is formed by replenishing enamel defects with active ions of calcium, fluorine and other minerals, i.e. regeneration of tooth enamel occurs as close as possible to natural.

Destruction Prevention

Of course, it is better to prevent destruction than to face the need to treat tooth enamel later. How to protect teeth from the almost inevitable process of demineralization? There are some simple tips to follow if you want to prolong the healthy life of your teeth.

  1. Regardless of what you ate, after finishing the meal it is advisable to brush your teeth, and if it is impossible to do this, at least rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Eat solid foods as often as possible, as they "train" the enamel. The same advice applies to foods enriched with vitamins and minerals (milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, vegetables, greens, etc.)
  3. Avoid sugar-based foods whenever possible.
  4. Use special therapeutic pastes containing calcium and fluorine, and rinses for brushing your teeth. In our country, it is customary to rinse your mouth with water immediately after cleaning, however, this is wrong, since all substances useful for enamel are immediately washed off. If you are not ready to give up rinsing, then at least do not rush to do it immediately after cleaning, wait a couple of minutes, let the minerals penetrate into the enamel.
  5. Choose the right toothbrush. Do not rub weakened gums with stiff bristles until they bleed; this will not help remove plaque and will only damage periodontal tissues. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months. By the way, the paste must be changed regularly, especially if it is curative.
  6. Don't forget to massage your gums as they provide nutrients to the tissues around the tooth.
  7. Toothpastes with a whitening effect destroy the enamel layer very much, so people with sensitive teeth are not recommended to use them at all, and if your enamel is strong enough, limit the use of such pastes to a maximum of two approaches a year.
  8. Do not abuse chewing gums. Although they give the breath a pleasant aroma, they contain sugar. And not every filling will withstand the frequent use of chewing gum.
  9. Most importantly, do not forget to visit a specialist at least a couple of times a year. This will allow you to detect problems at the earliest stages, so you may not even need treatment, but it will be enough to limit yourself to a number of simple preventive procedures.

Recovery tools

In order to completely restore the enamel teeth, you are unlikely to find a remedy in a pharmacy. However, at present there are a large number of various toothpastes and gels, the use of which at home is recommended by doctors to effectively strengthen the enamel.

If you find any tangible damage in yourself, do not self-medicate, the natural restoration of tooth enamel in case of serious damage is impossible even with the use of all commercially available products. Only a professional dentist will be able to assess the extent of the damage and prescribe the appropriate treatment, as well as recommend you what products to use at home.

Under the influence of external and internal factors, the enamel can lose its density and become thinner. Most often, this leads to the appearance of a painful reaction of the tooth to stimuli.

To restore it, there are many methods that are used not only in clinics, but also at home.

What it is?

Enamel is translucent hard shell width up to 2.5 mm having a crystalline homogeneous structure. Its purpose is to protect the dentin and pulp chamber. The main part of the enamel consists of inorganic type minerals supplemented with an organic matrix and water.

When minerals are washed out, the enamel structure becomes loose and can be quickly destroyed.

Methods for self-treatment

Most people try to avoid visiting the dentist to the last and, with an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, they try to fix the problem on their own. For this, manufacturers have developed special tools in the form of gels and pastes, the action of which is aimed at restoring tooth tissues.


Oral care products are presented in a wide range. You can find a large number of different pastes with restorative properties. The most popular types include:

  • Sensodyne Repair & Protect- effectively restores tooth tissues and protects them from microbial attack. The composition of the product includes a unique formula NovaMin, which includes highly concentrated calcium and phosphates.

    The recovery effect can be observed only with daily use at least 2 times a day. The cost of the paste 180 rubles.

  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief- a paste with a mineralizing effect, designed to quickly relieve pain with high enamel sensitivity.

    The main component is calcium, which seals the dentinal canals. Can be used no more than 1 time per day. The effect of anesthesia occurs within 1 minute. The cost of pasta is 170 rubles.

  • Silcamed "Biocalcium". Due to the content of hydroxyapatite and phosphate complex, the enamel is saturated with minerals and leveled. The paste is suitable for frequent use up to 3 times a day or more. The price of this product is within 100 rubles.
  • President Unique- is aimed at the rapid restoration of enamel, which occurs due to the three calcium compounds that make up the composition: pantothenate, lactate and glycerophosphate.

    With daily use at least 2 times a day, the recovery effect will be visible in a month. The cost of one package of this paste is 190 rubles.

  • SPLAT "Biocalcium". Serves to eliminate micropores and cracks in tooth tissues. The active substances are calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite. With twice daily use, the result can be seen in a few weeks. Pasta price - 170 rubles.
  • Wunderdent- designed to restore damaged enamel due to remineralizing properties. The paste contains an active complex, which includes ions of potassium, calcium and other minerals.

    The tool is intended for daily two-time use and can be used for overlay applications. The price of one pack of paste is 200 rubles.

Special funds

If the pastes are not satisfied with their result or there is a desire to achieve a restorative effect in a short time, you can additionally use special tools:

  1. R.OhC.S.MedicalMinerals. The gel contains a complex of minerals, including calcium. Serves as a good mild remineralizing agent and helps to restore the color of the crowns.

    The application is permanent - the gel is applied after each cleaning of the teeth. The cost of one package of the drug - 400 rubles.

  2. Elmex Gelee– restores crown tissue by saturating the enamel with fluoride. Good for weekly single application for both adults and children. The price of the gel varies in the range 250 - 320 rubles.
  3. LACALUT fluor Gel. Designed to protect enamel from damage by strengthening it. Fluorine and magnesium act as active substances here. The drug is used no more than once every 7 days. Its cost is about 200 rubles.

Folk remedies

If there is no possibility or desire to use special tools, folk methods of restoring the surface of the tooth will come to the rescue.

Among the many recipes, the following are considered the most effective:

  • 1 spoon solution salt and a glass of water rinse your mouth for 3 minutes once a day. The rinsing procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed. In order to speed up the process of penetration of minerals into the tissues of the tooth, you can add 3 drops of any essential oil;
  • relieves soreness with tooth sensitivity ground wheatgrass, which is superimposed on the affected crowns in the form of an application;
  • strengthen the structure of the enamel with cloves and soda. Both components are mixed in equal parts, pour boiling water and insist. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product several times a day;
  • propolis has excellent remineralizing properties. It is used both as an independent tool and in combination with other components. A good effect is the imposition of propolis on problem areas for 5 minutes.

    You can achieve a good result by conducting frequent and prolonged rinsing of the mouth with a decoction. calamus mixed with propolis. For this, the components are taken in a ratio of 2: 1;

  • gradual restoration of enamel can be observed when brushing your teeth with a special mixture prepared from ground ginger root and mustard. The only drawback of this recipe is a strong burning sensation during application.

Therapeutic treatment

Most often, home methods for restoring enamel give only a slight or temporary effect. In addition, they require consistency and duration during application, which is not always possible to control.

To get a high-quality restoration of the crown surface, it would be best to contact a dentist who will select the most optimal restoration method available.

fluorine varnish

The use of fluorine varnish is indicated for small sensitivity of crowns or as a prophylactic agent in childhood. Compared to other methods, this method is considered less effective, but at the same time the most budgetary.

The essence of the method is to apply fluoride varnish on the surface of the crowns, where it forms protective film. During the entire time that the film is on the crown, there is release of fluoride in her tissue.

The procedure requires repeated visits and most often has only minor temporary Effect.


Unlike fluoridation, this technique involves saturation of the enamel with a whole complex of minerals, which included calcium and fluorine ions. It is designed to eliminate microdefects and pronounced sensitivity of the enamel when it is abraded.

For remineralization, preparations are used, the formula of which allows saturating the crown with these components so that they do not interfere with each other. During the procedure, there is a rapid replacement of voids and defects minerals.

Due to this, the enamel is compacted and restored. Remineralization gives a quick effect and maintains it for a long time due to the protective film that forms on the surface of the crowns.

Deep fluoridation

This technique is considered innovative. It allows you to solve the problem of pathological abrasion of enamel, effectively eliminates cracks and levels the surface of the crown.

The principle of action is to apply combined preparations based on minerals, which penetrate into the deepest layers enamel and seals dentinal canals and pores, preventing leaching of useful components.

This procedure allows you to get strengthened enamel immediately after the procedure and save the result for a long time.

Baby teeth

For most parents, children's milk teeth act as a temporary phenomenon that does not require special attention. But this is a delusion. It is from the health of milk teeth depends on the correct development of the bite child in the future.

Therefore, enamel restoration procedures are also indicated for milk teeth. For children, exactly the same drugs are used as for adults. The difference can only be in the time of the procedure.

At the youngest age up to 5 years preference is given to a short procedure - the application of fluorine varnish. With good perseverance, any technique can be used.


The result of strengthening the surface of the crown will directly depend on the method chosen. Dental practice has shown that the use home remedies gives little effect.

The minimum result can only be achieved after 2 - 3 months regular use. After the cessation of exposure to folk remedies, as a rule, the state of the crown getting worse again.

Therapeutic methods have shown the maximum efficiency. Using fluoride for a month there is a sustained recovery effect around 4 – 6 months.

At remineralization the enamel is quickly restored and well resists the aggressive effects of irritants and bacteria during 6 – 12 months. The best results are shown by deep fluorination. His actions are enough 1 – 2 years.


Special care is required not only for teeth subject to deterioration in the quality of enamel, but also for those that have undergone a remineralization and fluoridation procedure. Prevention in this case is as follows:

  1. Minimize inclusion in the diet of foods containing acids and carbohydrates, which aggressively affect the crowns.
  2. Use for cleaning brushes with soft bristles and pastes based fluorine and calcium.
  3. Produce regularly gum massage improves blood circulation and nutrition of dental tissue.
  4. Introduce foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and other foods into your diet minerals.
  5. Get rid of bad habits that provoke the risk of developing dental pathologies and lead to enamel deformation.

Enamel is the protective covering of the teeth. This hard tissue is exposed to all sorts of loads and harmful influences during life: excessive pressure when eating, the influence of food acids, sugar, and temperature changes.

She is also sensitive to staining when drinking strong tea, coffee, red wine, cigarettes. To protect this shell from destruction and preserve its natural snow-whiteness, there are many means, both modern medical and folk.

Enamel regeneration folk remedies

We have already introduced readers to how at home, now let's talk about the return of enamel to its original form.

1. Darkened enamel is restored by this method. Crushed cloves are applied to the gums and dental plates (it can burn a little). Then rinse your mouth well with a soda solution (half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water).

2. It is also strengthened by a mixture of garlic and beets. The slurry is applied periodically to the gums and the mouth is rinsed with soda.

3. Hydrogen peroxide removes yellowness well and whitens. In order not to get a burn of the oral cavity, take a 3% solution. Wipe your teeth with a moistened cotton swab and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or soda solution. The result will be visible after three weeks of regular use of peroxide. After that, take a break for 5-7 days. About the use of hydrogen peroxide and its amazing properties.

4. If the yellowness is insignificant, simple soda will help. This product is completely safe for health and does not destroy the enamel. Baking soda is recommended for hygienic cleaning every other day.

5. A baking soda and peroxide combo recipe is an effective home remedy for restoring and strengthening the whiteness of enamel. Soda is mixed with peroxide so that a porridge-like mixture is obtained. This paste is gently applied to the teeth with fingers or a brush. Leave for a maximum of 3-4 minutes, then rinse your mouth with water. It is desirable after such a procedure to clean with a paste with fluoride.

6. Rinsing will help remove yellow plaque: take a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 parts of water are added to 1 part of 3%), salt and baking soda are added to it.

7. An excellent natural bleaching agent is strawberries. The pulp of its berries can significantly improve the appearance of your smile. To do this, the teeth are brushed with pulp or simply rubbed on the berries. After such a procedure, be sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water to avoid acid exposure or treat with a regular paste.

8. Since ancient times, people have used wood ash to restore whiteness. It can be completely replaced with pharmaceutical activated charcoal. This tool removes plaque well and, with careful use, does not harm the enamel. can be done no more than twice a week.

9. Perfectly strengthens, eliminates hypersensitivity and restores enamel, ordinary or sea salt. To do this, make a concentrated salt solution (4 teaspoons per half glass of water) and brush your teeth by dipping the brush into it.

10. You can wipe your teeth with dry salt. For this, it is desirable to take a small one. The brush is dipped in water and dipped in salt. Then clean as usual. Such a tool successfully removes the stone and cleanses from plaque.

11. Salt and vegetable oil - a very successful combination for the restoration of enamel. With this composition, it is easy to strengthen the damaged shell and get rid of hypersensitivity to temperature changes in food.

Expert opinion

It is impossible in principle to restore tooth enamel, but it is quite possible to stop its destruction and strengthen it with the help of folk remedies. Remember only that it is impossible to abuse such methods, and it is better to use them after consulting a dentist.

Salt and soda will whiten your teeth perfectly both as a tooth powder and as a solution. These substances also inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. Propolis and calamus also strengthen the enamel and activate local immunity, preventing diseases of the oral cavity. Cinnamon, fennel, mint perfectly clean tooth enamel and freshen your breath, and regular consumption of fermented milk products will make your teeth strong and white.

12. Strengthens wheat grass. The young stem can simply be chewed. Plant fibers clean teeth well, juice relieves inflammation of the gums, and alkalizes saliva. Such an environment in the oral cavity favorably affects the state of the surface layer.

13. Whitening, hemostatic and disinfectant properties of lemons have been noticed. If you moisten the brush with lemon juice and brush your teeth regularly, they will become much whiter, and the gums will become stronger and stop bleeding. Direct wiping with a slice of lemon will also help.

14. Restores enamel regular rinsing with propolis tincture. In a glass of water, drop 8-10 drops of the extract. And how to cook it, read.

15. A wonderful folk remedy for stopping the destruction of the surface layer with the help of calamus and propolis. Usually, alcohol tinctures of these natural products are used for this purpose. Make a rinse solution: 50 ml of calamus, 25 ml of propolis, 1 tablespoon of water. Rinse with this composition for at least 4-5 minutes. After these procedures, a visit to the dentist is not required. Black plaque gradually disappears, the enamel is strengthened. Propolis tightens all cracks.

16. It is useful to use ground chicken egg shells inside.

18. Ground ginger is a bactericidal agent. Its use as a toothpaste (add a little water), it not only removes plaque from the enamel, but also protects it from dental diseases.

19. No less effective in achieving regenerative processes: cinnamon, cloves, fennel, mint. A powdered mixture of these plants is used for cleaning. These herbs protect them from destruction and help restore enamel from dark spots.

20. Enamel can be protected from destruction by occasionally chewing pine resin or beeswax.

21. Traditional healers advise drinking only melt water with silicon added to it, removing sugar from the diet and replacing it with natural products - stevia, licorice root or honey.

Remember that traditional medicine can help restore tooth enamel if the process of its destruction is not critical. Otherwise, only modern technologies in the field of dentistry will help in this matter.

Human tooth enamel is a transparent film that is located on the surface of the teeth and protects them from various external influences. 97% of enamel is made up of minerals, which also include phosphorus and calcium.

The health of such a mineral coating of teeth largely depends on how well a person eats, as well as on his age characteristics.

Tooth enamel plays an important role in human life, because, first of all, it prevents and. Any damage to the enamel can lead to negative consequences.

Unfortunately, enamel, unlike other tissues of the human body, cannot be restored on its own. Correcting the current situation is possible only by artificial methods.

There are many methods that allow you to restore the natural color of the enamel. Some of them can be done at home, or, to achieve the desired result, you need to seek help from a qualified dentist.

Why does tooth decay occur?

The factors influencing damage to tooth enamel are closely related to the negative impact that comes from the environment and from the food that a person eats.

These include the following:

Almost no one knows that orange juice is a huge damage to enamel. The acid contained in the fruit slowly destroys the topmost layer of the coating. If, at the same time, sugar is added to the juice, then the destructive process occurs more actively.

Why is it important to fix the problem in a timely manner

Enamel does not belong to those tissues that are capable of self-regeneration, therefore it is very important to eliminate this problem in a timely manner.

If the problem is left without due attention, then plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth over time. In this case, it is necessary if it is not carried out on time, the risk of education increases. Stones are the first stage that leads to tooth decay.

That part of the enamel that has undergone destruction becomes completely open to the negative influence of pathogenic microbes and viruses. At the same time, a person begins to react painfully to hot and cold food or drinks.

If the restoration of tooth enamel is not carried out in time, then this becomes the cause of the formation and erosion of the tooth coating.

Enamel restoration at home

Existing remedies that restore enamel make it possible not only to strengthen the tooth, but also to restore the protective properties, that were present before the damage to the dental membrane.

With proper use, enamel products will allow you to carry out an independent restoration of your teeth without leaving your home. Among them, special attention is paid to therapeutic gels and solutions for rinsing the mouth.

As an additional recovery, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

How can you restore tooth enamel at home:

The use of folk remedies

Folk methods for the restoration of enamel are especially popular. They are not only effective, but also easily accessible to everyone.

Before resorting to the help of traditional medicine, it is necessary to take into account the fact that tooth enamel is very easy to damage. It is for this reason that when using folk remedies, you do not need to rush much, otherwise you can only harm your own health.

The following traditional medicine methods are considered the easiest to use:

What modern dentistry offers

Modern dentistry offers its patients several options for the restoration of tooth enamel:

  • the first is based on restoration of the tooth structure itself by returning to its composition calcium ions, fluorine and other useful components;
  • the second is the use of artificial materials.

The most popular methods of professional restoration of tooth enamel:

It is important to adhere to the following hygiene rules:

Restoration of tooth enamel is a complex process. In order not to face such a procedure, it is important to monitor the condition of your teeth, regularly consult a dentist and eat only healthy food.

If, nevertheless, there is a need for restoration, then you will first need to consult with a specialist.