The benefits of blueberries for the eyes, medicines based on blueberries to restore vision. All about products How to choose equipment for a hike, organize outdoor activities, choose household appliances and the right products

The experts tested 6 samples of preparations for the eyes with blueberries and found out how much the berry itself contains

Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberry is a perennial shrub with upright, branched stems up to 40 cm high. It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, mainly in shady and swampy places. In Rus', it was believed that blueberries ripen at the end of July, after the day of Pankratius and Cyril. In order for the berry to be suitable for treatment, it must be harvested between July and August. People sort the berries with their hands, then dry them, and then artificially moisten them. You can store such a berry in a dark room, preferably a cool basement. Before removing the berry, the boxes are covered with gauze so that rodents do not get to it or foreign dirt does not get into the berry.

Blueberries are also used to make alcohol. Blueberries make wonderful liqueurs, as well as moonshine. It is believed that blueberry liqueur has medicinal properties. If you use it at 20 grams per day, you can get rid of stomach problems, in particular diarrhea. In addition, liqueur improves digestion. If you feel heaviness in your stomach, drink 20-30 grams of the liqueur. This will help the food to be processed faster.

These black berries with a bluish bloom contain B, PP and C vitamins, pectin and tannins, carotene, sugars, organic acids, anthocyanins, trace elements, essential oil. According to scientists, blueberries are the absolute leader in manganese content among other wild berries. American researchers have found that anthocyanins, which are rich in blueberries, due to their unique ability to suppress the activity of free radicals, slow down the aging process. Blueberries are rich in pectins. They help to quickly remove toxins from the body, salts heavy metals and radionuclides.

Useful properties of blueberries retain in dried form. So, dry blueberries are used as an anti-inflammatory agent for diarrhea, inflammation gastrointestinal tract and cystitis. Dried blueberries are part of many medicinal teas that are used for various stomach diseases.

fresh blueberries and jelly cooked from it is very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They prevent, inhibit putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, while tannins and dyes act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Blueberries are very useful for anemia, kidney stones, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases.

IN traditional medicine blueberries are used for sore throat, nephrolithiasis, gout, rheumatism. In terms of manganese content, blueberries are superior to all other berries, fruits and vegetables. Blueberries also contain vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene, tannins, pectins, sugars (5-6%), malic, quinic, succinic and lactic acids.

Blueberries contain very few calories. The required daily serving of blueberries (small plate) contains only about 40 calories, but provides the body with big amount vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, potassium and iron. Each serving of blueberries contains as much fiber as a piece of brown bread. Frozen blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and used as an additive to cereals and as an independent treat.

Healthy Recipes

Infusion. For internal use infusions of dry blueberries are recommended to be prepared by hot infusion and cold method: 2-3 tablespoons of berries are poured into a glass of cold boiled water and insist at least 8 hours, take 1/3-1/2 cup several times a day.

With tonsillitis, stomatitis, upper catarrh respiratory tract hot infusions of berries are useful: 1-2 teaspoons of dried berries are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for no more than 15 minutes, and then filtered. Take orally 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day or use as a rinse.

Leaf infusions are also taken for cystitis, urethritis and atony of the bladder, urolithiasis, gastric colic (gastralgia), cholelithiasis, chronic enterocolitis.

For hemorrhoids, enemas are made from the infusion of blueberry leaves, and for whites, it is used for douching.

Blueberry leaves are part of the fees prescribed for diabetes and urate stones, and the fruits - for flatulence.

Decoction. Thick decoctions of berries and juice are used in compresses and lotions for the treatment of weeping eczema, burns, purulent ulcers, etc. Decoctions are prepared as follows: 100 g of berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water, heated to a boil and boiled until the volume of decoction will not be halved. Compresses with blueberry broth or freshly squeezed juice are changed 3-4 times during the day.

With diabetes. Sick diabetes should be taken 3 times a day for 1 / 2-1 cup of infusion, prepared from 1 tablespoon of crushed dry leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. Insist until cool. Infusions of blueberry leaves are effective mainly in mild forms of the disease.

With inflammation in the mouth and throat. To prepare a decoction, 100 g of berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for low heat until the amount of liquid is almost halved.

Napar. At hemorrhoidal bleeding make enemas from blueberry leaves steam (60 g per 1 liter of boiling water).

For skin inflammation. Thickly boiled (do not cook for long) fresh blueberries are applied in a thick layer to the eczema-affected areas of the body, covered with gauze and tied. Such coverings are changed daily, and dried gauze is soaked with warm, clean whey from sour milk. With the same decoction and in the same way, rashes on the skin, acne, necrotic ulcers and burned or steamed places.

blueberry diet. Summer, rich in berries, - favorable period for those who want to lose a few pounds. Blueberries will help - it is simply indispensable for fasting days.

1st day: 700-800 g of blueberries and 1 liter of fat-free kefir

2nd day: 700-800 g blueberries and 300 g yogurt

3rd day: 700-800 g blueberries and 300 g fat-free cottage cheese(you can replace 150 g of cottage cheese with the same amount of yogurt)

The secret of blueberries is that they significantly lower blood sugar levels, so even after eating a large amount of berries, you can feel hungry. To avoid feeling hungry, it is better to combine blueberries with low-fat fermented milk products. A blueberry diet will help you lose 1-2 kg and saturate your body with vitamins.

Blueberries for the eyes

Probably, today everyone knows that blueberries are very useful for vision: a whole range of medicines is being developed on its basis. Scientists have shown not only beneficial effect berries on visual acuity (especially at night), but also on blood circulation in the retina. Due to its ability to reduce eye fatigue, blueberries are a must for those whose work is related to increased load to the organs of vision.

Sometimes in the spring, people suffering from myopia noticeably worsen their vision, they see worse at dusk. The fact is that in the spring there is depletion of the retina of the eye, because for a long time the natural sunlight writes a magazine Women Health"Besides, some people in the gloomy winter time save on lighting, forcing the eyes to overstrain. As a result, the retina spends much more light-sensitive pigment - rhodopsin than usual. Therefore, she absolutely needs support in the form of vitamins and trace elements.

In such cases, mashed blueberries with sugar work great. But you can also use ready-made preparations containing blueberry extract. In them, the concentration of substances useful for the eye retina is much higher, so taking one tablet or capsule can replace 2 kilograms. fresh berries. As a result, the visual pigment rhodopsin will be restored, the blood circulation of the fundus will improve, which will favorably affect vision. However, do all preparations that contain blueberry extract, as it is written on the package, really contain it? Center of Expertise () on concrete examples found out that not all.

Quality checking

At the first stage of testing, the presence of blueberries was determined by the presence and composition of anthocyanins, having determined which, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: there are blueberries in tablets and capsules or not. At the same time, the presence of synthetic dyes was determined. At the second stage, the amount of anthocyanins was determined in order to compare with the values ​​declared on the labels. Checking others useful substances declared on the labels (vitamins, zinc) were not carried out. Attention was focused on the main ingredient, because it is the word "blueberry" that is present in the name of most dietary supplements, and it is with blueberries that they try to lure the consumer.

The test result was disappointing. Despite the fact that blueberries are listed in the composition of all additives and synthetic dyes are not declared, the promised blueberries were not found in most tablets and capsules, but some additives “sinned” with synthetic dyes. So, 4 test participants - "Vizivit", "Okovit", "Bilberry Optima" and "Bilberry-f" did not contain blueberries at all. Instead, the anthocyanins of chokeberry and grapes were found in the Vizivit preparation, as well as two artificial dyes - E132 (indigo carmine, blue) and E122 (azorubine, red), about which nothing was said on the label. But the composition food product, namely, dietary supplements belong to this category, must be indicated on the label in full with the designation of all used food additives, including dyes. Dietary supplements of the drug "Okovit" contained grapes instead of blueberries. In addition, two artificial dyes E133 (brilliant blue) and E127 (erythrosine, red) were also found in Okovit, which the manufacturer "modestly" kept silent about. The Blueberry-f eye supplement contained beets instead of the promised blueberries, while Blueberry Optima contained only beets and grapes. Such a substitution of raw materials is called falsification. With such a raw composition, “blueberry-free preparations without blueberries” are unlikely to help the eyes and fulfill all those loud promises of help. visual apparatus that are on the labels.

The study involved 7 brands of dietary supplements based on blueberries and its extracts:

- "Blueberry-f" , manufacturer LLC PTF "Farmakom", Kharkov, Ukraine, 40 tablets. Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Ingredients (claimed): berries and blueberry shoots, eyebright, vitamin premix (E, B1, B6, B12, C, D), sugar, starch, calcium stearate. do not correspond to the norm. Blueberry anthocyanins (claimed/actual): not specified / not found . Anthocyanins from other plants: beet . Foreign dyes (synthetic): not declared / not found.

- "Blueberry forte with vitamins and zinc" , manufacturer CJSC "Evalar", Altai region, Russia, 50 tablets. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 2 times a day . Ingredients (claimed): blueberries, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, P, zinc oxide, microcrystalline cellulose, granulated sugar, calcium stearate, A380 brand aerosil. Physico-chemical tests (only for blueberries): correspond to the norm. not specified / 0.55 mg per tablet . Anthocyanins from other plants: does not contain . not declared / not found. General conclusion as a product with blueberries: contains blueberries, but in small amounts, which will not bring real benefits.

- "Blueberry Optima" , manufacturer of PE "ECO-MON" for OOO "Osokor", Kharkov, Ukraine, 50 tablets. Recommended dosage: 2 tablets 2 times a day . Ingredients (claimed): blueberry fruit powder, thiamine chloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, zinc oxide, ascorbic acid, rutin, lactose, calcium stearate, aerosil, croscarmellose sodium. Physico-chemical tests (only for blueberries): do not correspond to the norm. Blueberry anthocyanins (claimed/actual): not specified / not found. Anthocyanins from other plants: beets, grapes. Foreign dyes (synthetic): not declared / not found. General conclusion as a product with blueberries: does not contain blueberries - will not benefit as a preparation with blueberries for the eyes.

- "Okovit blueberries" , manufacturer LLC "Elit-Pharma", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 50 capsules. Recommended dosage: 1 capsule 3 times a day . Ingredients (claimed): blueberry fruit extract, vitamin premix (vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, folic acid, PP, biotin), zinc, beta-carotene, starch, fructose, sorbitol, calcium stearate. Physico-chemical tests (only for blueberries): do not correspond to the norm. Blueberry anthocyanins (claimed/actual): not specified / not found . Anthocyanins from other plants: grape. Foreign dyes (synthetic): not declared / found E133 and E127. General conclusion as a product with blueberries: does not contain blueberries - will not benefit as a preparation with blueberries for the eyes.

- "Visivit" , manufacturer of OJSC "Kiev Vitamin Plant", Kiev, Ukraine, 30 capsules. Recommended dosage: 1 capsule per day. Ingredients (claimed): anthocyanins (as part of a dry extract of blueberries), vitamin A, selenium (as part of sodium selenite), excipients milk sugar, methylcellulose, calcium stearate, aerosil, talc. Physico-chemical tests (only for blueberries): do not correspond to the norm. Blueberry anthocyanins (claimed/actual): at least 12 mg / not detected . Anthocyanins from other plants: chokeberry, grapes . Foreign dyes (synthetic): not declared / found E132 and E122. General conclusion as a product with blueberries: does not contain blueberries - will not benefit as a preparation with blueberries for the eyes.

- "Strix" , manufacturer "Ferrosan", Denmark, 30 tablets. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 2 times a day. Ingredients (claimed): blueberry fruit dry extract, beta-carotene, excipients: blueberry fruit powder, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, methylcellulose. Physico-chemical tests (only for blueberries): correspond to the norm. Blueberry anthocyanins (claimed/actual): 18 mg / 16.1 mg per tablet . Anthocyanins from other plants: does not contain . Foreign dyes (synthetic): not declared / not found. General conclusion as a product with blueberries: contains blueberries in sufficient quantities, the dosage could be increased by 1 tablet.

But there is also good news. Two dietary supplements contained blueberry anthocyanins and did not contain anthocyanins from any other plants. These are Strix supplements (Ferrosan, Denmark) and Blueberry Forte with Vitamins and Zinc (Evalar, Russia). True, the amount of anthocyanins in the tablets of these two brands was very different. therapeutic effect has not only the presence of blueberries, the quantity is no less important. So, each tablet "Strix" contained 16.1 mg of blueberry anthocyanins. The tablet "Blueberry forte with vitamins and zinc" contained 0.55 mg of blueberry anthocyanins, which is unlikely to lead to the desired effect for the eyes.

According to the recommended levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances(MR, the level of consumption of anthocyanins is 50-150 mg per day. But do not think that the more anthocyanins or blueberries with anthocyanins consumed, the more pronounced the effect. Several studies with clinical trials in this area have shown that with an increase in the dose of anthocyanins from 50 mg to 100 mg and up to 150 mg, the effect was enhanced, i.e. no more active, progressive improvement in vision was noted. So chasing higher doses of anthocyanins does not make sense. It is enough to reach 50 mg.

Anthocyanidins contribute to the regeneration of the light-sensitive pigment of the retina - rhodopsin; improve retinal trophism, stimulate its microcirculation; restore tissue mechanisms of protection of the retina; strengthen the collagen matrix connective tissue; stimulate the synthesis of glycosaminoglycan - a component of connective tissue, thereby making retinal capillaries stronger; stabilize phospholipids cell membranes; inhibit lipid peroxidation. Thus, the sensitivity of the retina to different levels of light radiation is improved and visual acuity is enhanced in low light.

Something about anthocyanins . Violet, blue and red dyes of flowers could not leave chemists indifferent. In 1849, French chemist Charles Moreau attempted to isolate anthocyanins from cornflowers. Asters, chrysanthemums, petunias, geraniums, pansies and even poppies have become objects in the study of anthocyanins. That is why many anthocyanins get their name from flowers: pelargonin from Pelargonium, petunidin from Petunia, delphinidin from Delphinium. But for the study of food products, the presence of anthocyanins in fruits and berries is of great interest: grapes, blueberries, currants, elderberries, chokeberries, strawberries, etc. According to the qualitative composition of anthocyanins, i.e. according to the list of anthocyanins present in the product, it is possible to determine which fruit was used in production. For example, is there strawberries in strawberry yogurt. Anthocyanins are also used as food additives - dyes (E163). They withstand light and temperature, but their color is highly dependent on the pH of the environment: red or purple in a neutral environment, anthocyanins will turn blue in an alkaline environment.

Interesting about blueberries

Blueberry leaves have been used as a substitute for tea since ancient times. Traditionally, their astringent, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties were valued.

In Rus', blueberries were referred to as "rejuvenating" berries.

Blueberries are on the astronauts' menu. Anthocyanins, which give these berries their bright purple color, prevent the formation of plaque in the blood vessels.

Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), the first woman to describe herbs, used blueberries to regulate menstrual cycle. In the 16th century, the German botanist Hieronymus Bock recommended taking berries to treat stones in bladder, liver disorders, and syrup - for coughs and lung diseases.

The first serious research on blueberries was carried out at the Boston University Food Research Center. Scientists have found that blueberries can powerfully counteract aging, rejuvenate the body. After seeing the results, the research leader himself started eating blueberries for breakfast.

In ancient times, blueberries were considered so expensive and valuable that people could work for weeks for a hundred grams of berries. There was such a belief that the berry can remove the evil eye and spoilage if consumed within 6 days.

Of all the wild berries, blueberries are the hardest to pick. It does not grow in sunny glades, like strawberries, but in the most gloomy corners, into which they do not penetrate Sun rays. However, people do not pay attention to these inconveniences and rush into the forests every summer to collect fruits from a low-growing shrub. Blueberries are harvested for the winter - beneficial features and contraindications are already known to everyone, not only berries, but also leaves and shoots, because they contain the main medicinal properties for human body. There are a lot of plant recipes.

What is blueberry

A perennial deciduous slow-growing bush of blueberries (chernegi, blueberries, blueberries) belongs to the genus Vaccinium of the Vereskov family. It grows up to 60 centimeters high. Flowering lasts from May to June, and the berries ripen in July-August. The plant begins to bear fruit from the second year. At first, a small number of large berries appear on the bush, but over time they become many, but already smaller. Fresh fruits are low in calories: 100 grams contain only 57 calories.

Where does it grow

Blueberries do not grow in the southern hemisphere. Residents of hot eastern countries are not familiar with this plant either. The only place on the planet where you can find large blueberry plantations is the northern hemisphere. In the North, it is easy to see thickets of shrubs that stretch for tens of kilometers. Blueberries grow in well-moistened marshy places, in coniferous or mixed forests. The largest berry plantations are located in Russia.

What does it look like

In ordinary forests, the height of a blueberry bush reaches 20-35 centimeters, but near a swamp, a plant can grow up to half a meter. The berries there are also juicier and larger. The stems of the shrub are straight branching, and the leaves are thin, smooth, finely serrated. Small flowers of the plant have a white-greenish color with a pink tint. Blueberry fruits are a blue-black berry similar in shape to a small ball. Inside it is purple-red in color with numerous seeds.

Useful properties of blueberries

The plant is rich in antioxidants that help fight stress. The use of berries, due to the neutralization of free radicals, slows down the aging process of the body, is the prevention of cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack. Vitamin composition plants presented ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, group PP, B.

  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.


famous bactericidal properties due to the fact that they contain vitamin C in large quantities. The use of preparations containing blueberry leaf helps to get rid of heartburn, relieves stomach cramps, increases acidity gastric juice. Blueberry leaves have useful anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic properties, therefore they are effective in kidney and liver diseases. Decoctions are used for infections oral cavity- stomatitis, periodontal disease. Blueberry leaves can do one harm to the body - cause allergic reactions.


For treatment, fresh, frozen or dried blueberries are used, if there are no contraindications. The presence of useful tannins in them has an anti-inflammatory effect. Frozen berries are indispensable in winter in the treatment of sore throats and for the prevention of colds. When frozen, blueberries do not lose their beneficial properties, having a beneficial effect on the immune system and digestive system. It is used for indigestion, diseases of the pancreas, liver. Dried berries have a diuretic effect, so they are used for urolithiasis.


What blueberries are good for the body has been known for a long time, but not all people know that the shoots of the plant also have anti-inflammatory properties. If there are no contraindications, they are used in diabetes due to the ability to lower glucose levels. Blueberry shoots collect toxins and salts of heavy metals, remove toxins from the body, which helps to eliminate inflammatory reactions in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Young elements of the plant are used for degeneration of the retina, so the use of tea from blueberry shoots improves vision.

Folk recipes with blueberries

Due to the presence of valuable trace elements, blueberries are used during the diet, used in cosmetology and cooking. It helps to cope with tumors, strengthens blood vessels, improves metabolism in the process of losing weight. Rejuvenating berry in folk medicine is used to treat rheumatism, burns, hemorrhoids, cough, and other pathologies. In gynecological practice, douching is carried out with an infusion of shoots or leaves of a plant. Blueberry antioxidants help to cope with anemia, control arterial pressure.

For vision

The benefit of blueberries for the eyes is that its components improve vision with myopia. Use for the treatment of infusions, freshly squeezed juice, jam. How blueberries are prepared and used for vision:

  1. A decoction of dried berries. Pour 200 g of blueberries with ½ cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then drink half a glass medicinal drink 2-3 times a day until vision improves.
  2. Drops from fresh blueberries. Squeeze the juice from several fresh berries, dilute with water 1: 2, instill both eyes daily, if there are no contraindications.

With gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa imposes certain restrictions on the diet. Plant secretin, which is found in blueberries, helps to normalize the digestion process. A rich complex of minerals and vitamins promotes the regeneration of cells in the walls of the stomach, preventing their destruction. How to take blueberries for gastritis:

  1. Blueberry wine. Increases the level of acidity. To prepare, you need to take half a glass of berries, rinse, pour 100 ml of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add 1 glass of homemade grape wine, hold for another 10 minutes on fire. The tool is taken three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals 30 minutes.
  2. A decoction of dry leaves. For cooking, it is required to pour 60 g of crushed raw materials with a liter of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. It is necessary to take a drink for half a glass before each meal.

From hemorrhoids

If we compare the benefits and harms of blueberries, then we must take into account that there are very few contraindications, and the healing properties of the berry cannot be counted. For example, dry leaves of the plant are widely used for hemorrhoids. And compresses are made from berries, which are applied to hemorrhoids. Folk recipes for hemorrhoids:

  1. Enemas from blueberry broth. Steam a couple of tablespoons of chopped dry leaves in a glass of boiling water, boil for 25 minutes. After the broth, strain, add boiling water to the edge of the glass and divide into 4 procedures.
  2. Sitting baths. In a sealed container, boil for 20 minutes 20 grams of dry or fresh berries, then squeeze, strain. The temperature of the decoction should not exceed 60°C. Baths should be taken until the water cools down.

From impotence

With sexual impotence, blueberries will also help. This dietary product effectively fights kidney diseases and genitourinary system, provoking erectile dysfunction at the man. Recipes for impotence:

  1. Blueberry tea. For its preparation, both berries and leaves of the plant are used. A richer and brighter taste can be obtained from young shoots. The plant is brewed and drunk for impotence, as regular tea.
  2. Blueberry juice. It is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice without sugar every morning. natural drink from impotence is drunk on an empty stomach in a chilled form.

For sore throat

Blueberries are very useful for children. Especially during a sore throat or severe cough. Typically, along with drug treatment doctors for sore throats prescribe drugs such as Blueberry Forte or others containing blueberry extract. Recipes recommended by traditional medicine:

  1. Infusion. One st. l. crushed fresh berries should be poured with boiling water (250 ml), let it brew. Drink a drink in two doses every day until the symptoms disappear. When treating a cold, you can make the infusion more concentrated.
  2. Gargling. A thick blueberry decoction should be used not only for oral administration, but also for rinsing the mouth. This should be done as often as possible during the day to get rid of inflammatory processes.

For skin diseases

The plant is effective in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Especially the plant saves pregnant women, who are forbidden to use many medicines while carrying a child. The plant has many useful properties that are not lost when used externally:

  1. Compresses. Pour dried berries with water in a ratio of 1: 5, cook until half of the liquid boils away. The mixture should be cooled, put on gauze, then used on the affected areas of the skin in the form of a compress, if there are no contraindications from the doctor.
  2. Puree. Instead of a decoction, you can use freshly squeezed mashed potatoes. Berries should be mashed, put on gauze bandage which must be changed several times a day.

From pressure

Organic acids, proteins and monosaccharides contained in blueberry fruits have a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. Help normalize blood pressure following recipes:

  1. Infusion. With hypertension, it is useful to drink blueberry infusion at a dose of one glass per day. To prepare it, 4 teaspoons of fruit should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then insisted for 8 hours.
  2. Morse. To prepare the drink, you will need 200 g of fresh berries, 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Blueberry fruits must be wiped, poured with water, boiled for 7 minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat, filter and add sugar. You need to drink mors daily for 2 glasses.

For diarrhea and constipation

Blueberries contain a lot nutrients, which help to normalize any stomach disorders. Recipes:

  1. From constipation. Berries are famous for their ability to remove toxins and act as a mild laxative, so for constipation, they are best consumed fresh. You can get rid of the problem by eating 100 g per day.

The eyes are the main organ through which a person receives most of the visual information. But over time, vision can deteriorate. It is quite difficult to restore it today, so it is better to constantly monitor it and maintain eye health. For these purposes, more and more often natural products, characterized by a large number of various useful substances. Blueberries are just one of those plants that have a positive effect on eye health.


Blueberries are a berry that grows only in the northern hemisphere of our planet. You can find it only in coniferous forests, where it is present. enough moisture. Since ancient times, many people have used this berry to restore or support vision.

Many are lost in conjecture, whether the myth that blueberries are a healing tool for restoring vision, or reality. Today, its benefits are a scientifically proven fact, confirmed by many tests.

Blueberries contain a universal complex of useful substances that helps with various diseases. The composition of this berry contains several unique components:

  1. tannins - in some types of berries, their percentage can reach 12%.
  2. organic acids - up to 7%.
  3. vitamins of various groups.
  4. common acids such as malic, oxalic, and many others.

Blueberries contain the so-called vegetable insulin, which is needed not only for the eyes, but also for other human organs. The plant has unique properties, since not only berries, but also leaves are used for food. They, in turn, are rich in various micro and macro elements. Some components of blueberries are unique antioxidants that prevent the development of various diseases, including heart disease or cancer.

Beneficial features

Restoration of vision is a complex and lengthy procedure that requires a thorough analysis of the state of the whole organism. In order to exclude similar phenomenon, many experts recommend engaging in the prevention of eye diseases. This is not at all difficult to do, since you just need to replenish the body with the necessary substances.

In its composition, blueberries just contain the necessary components that help improve vision. The berries of this plant have many useful properties:

  • Blueberries are unique prophylactic . It is recommended to use it for detachment of retinal tissues, as well as for impaired blood circulation in it. The benefit of the product is also that its components significantly improve blood circulation. eyeballs. This, in turn, allows you to deliver more oxygen and various useful components to them.
  • Particular attention should be paid to anthocyanins, which are the main components that can affect the state of photosensitive cells. Thanks to such structures, the eye produces the right amount of the pigment rhodopsin, which affects the ability of the retina to distinguish between different colors and shades. Anthocyanins also improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots inside the vessels. This has a good effect on the functioning of the eyes, and also helps prevent diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

  • Blueberries improve defense mechanisms organism. The components of the product increase the strength of the retinal vessels, which become more elastic. This is facilitated by the presence of vitamins A, group B, C and PP, as well as flavonoids and other similar products.
  • The fruits of this plant recommended for use in the presence of astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, myopathy and others similar diseases. Blueberries help the body heal itself, which is not always possible with medical preparations. It should be understood that the product will not be of benefit when the eyes are affected. organic diseases, including cataracts, etc. To exclude the development of conjunctivitis, you should eat fruits every day and at least 2 tbsp. l. berries.
  • If a person introduced blueberries into his diet and consumes them every day, then his retina will recover much faster than those of someone who does not eat such a berry. It should be noted that in some cases it is possible to significantly improve the functionality even greatly damaged areas eyes.

Blueberries contain a complex of various vitamins and microelements that affects all parts of the eye. But the benefits of it will be noticeable only if you take it constantly, and not one-time.


The benefits of any herbal preparation are relative. The human body is very complex, so the same substances can both positively and negatively affect various bodies. This also applies to blueberries, the use of which may be limited by several contraindications:

  1. berries this plant not recommended for people who are sick urolithiasis;
  2. allergic reactions to blueberries are rare, but they do occur, so people with allergies should eat them with caution;
  3. blueberries strengthen, so a large amount of it can lead to constipation;
  4. diseases of the pancreas - a contraindication to the use of this berry;
  5. blueberries can be incomparable with various excipients. Very often these combinations lead to the appearance chronic fatigue or lowering blood pressure.

The benefits and harms of blueberries are relative concept.To restore the body without harming it, you should take only the doses allowed for it.. It is not always possible to find this golden mean on your own. Therefore, it is better to consult with a doctor first, who will prescribe you a specific course of treatment or prevention.

Please note that blueberry leaves are not as harmful to the body under certain conditions as berries. But they also need to be taken quite carefully.


It is quite difficult to cultivate blueberries, since it is almost impossible to recreate the conditions for its growth artificially. Therefore, in in kind it is only available in summer. It is almost impossible to buy blueberries in winter. Unless you find frozen berries as supplies from some friend. Today, based on this product, many medicines are produced. But very rarely they are certified.

A reliable drug can be considered tablets "Strix" that have passed many tests. They are dietary supplements and contain many vitamins and other useful substances in their composition. Such vitamin complex improves vision and saturates the retina with the necessary trace elements.

There are many blueberry-based supplements on the market. They do not have any medicinal properties. The presence of useful substances in the composition is not always true. Many pharmacies sell eye drops, extracts or syrups based on blueberries. You should buy them only if they have passed all medical tests and meet all international standards.

It is important to use these drugs only after consulting with an experienced doctor who cares about your health, not their profits.


Blueberries are very often used to treat vision. It allows you to restore the health of the eye for a relatively a short time. The use of this plant is not limited to the prevention of vision problems. Many experts argue that it is better to eat fruits only fresh. Therefore, the easiest way to restore vision is freshly picked berries or freshly squeezed juice. These products should be used periodically for several months.

There are a few more popular recipes that can be used to prevent eye health:

  1. An infusion of blueberry leaves and roots. Preparing it is relatively easy. Pour the product with boiling water and leave for a while so that all the elements go into the water. Use this product 1 cup once a day.
  2. A decoction of dried fruits. To prepare it, you will need 200 g of blueberries, which are poured with 0.5 cups of boiling water. Drink this decoction should be several times a day with a dosage of about half a glass at a time.
  3. Drops. They are made from fresh juice. You need to squeeze it out of freshly picked blueberries. After that, the composition is diluted clean water in a ratio of 1 to 2. To improve vision, the resulting mixture should be dripped into the eyes in a few drops.
  4. If you suffer from nearsightedness, you can correct it with a simple blueberry jam. For this, 1 tbsp. l. dilute with boiling water and drink it before breakfast. The course should be repeated periodically.

It should be noted that blueberries bring benefits in almost any form. Therefore, it can be used both as tinctures and regular jam.

Our northern forests are full of blueberries. Berries, which gives a low-growing shrub of the heather family, have long been collected for jam, jelly and pies. And our ancestors did not know that blueberries can somehow improve vision. Data about healing power plants appeared only after the Second World War. A funny story has been preserved associated with the first experience of using blueberries as an eye medicine.

Legend has it that RAF pilots had great respect for blueberry jam tea. Having eaten heartily before the flight, they cheerfully went out into the night battle and set fire to enemy targets with unprecedented destructive accuracy. Such amazing accuracy was associated with the ability of blueberries to improve twilight vision. Since then, this theory has been disturbing minds and hearts. Whether this story is true or not, we will never know. But the fact remains: for several decades, blueberries have been in special demand as a product that improves vision.

What Science Says

In fact, science confirms the influence of various components on vision. For example, not so long ago, foreign scientists noticed that the use of. But that's about positive influence blueberries on twilight vision among scientists there are very conflicting opinions. Clinical researches completely refute the evidence of "cured" and "improved". Randomized, placebo-controlled trials that took place in 2000 in the United States clearly found no evidence of the effectiveness of blueberry extract for night vision disorders. So the myth has been dealt with. Now let's move on to reality.

And the reality is this:

  • Blueberries help restore the retina in patients with retinopathy - a non-inflammatory disease of the retina.
    Retinopathy usually develops as a complication of hypertension and diabetes. Efficiency in diseases of the retina is provided by the anthocyanin dye, which gives the dark blue berries a rich color.
  • There is evidence that blueberries are beneficial for dry eyes. Early studies on the properties of blueberries showed that the combination fish oil, lutein (a carotenoid that increases visual acuity) and blueberry extract helps with dry eye syndrome and headaches in people who strain their eyesight for a long time. Therefore, combined blueberry supplements can be useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • It is also assumed that daily intake 120 mg blueberry extract for at least 12 months improves vision in glaucoma. And finally, some experts claim that blueberry extract can reduce fundus pressure and increase blood flow with increased intraocular pressure.

However, I emphasize that there is no exact evidence of the last two properties of blueberries yet. The only effect confirmed official medicine while retinal retinal repair remains.

Russian love for blueberries

In our country, preparations and supplements with blueberry extract are obviously very popular. And Russian experts, contrary to the opinion of Western scientists, argue that blueberry-based products still improve visual functions in dystrophic eye diseases, regardless of their cause. Moreover, many consumers really notice the beneficial effect of these products on vision.

It is difficult to say what is the reason for the discrepancy between the scope of the use of blueberry extract in Russia and in the West. Perhaps the northern blueberry has a beneficial effect on our, domestic, eyes. There is a possibility of a placebo effect, which can sometimes reach 50%. Well, if visual impairment is caused by diabetes mellitus or high pressure, blueberry preparations work in fact. In any case, there is simply no real alternative to these means. Rather than bewildered and doomed to watch a progressive decline in vision, it is really better to start treatment and rely on its effectiveness. Moreover, blueberry extract is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants. And here we come to the most interesting - to the choice.

With all the abundance of choice…

The Russian pharmaceutical market is filled with the most different means with blueberry extract. Sometimes their cost can differ in tens of times. What is the reason for such a striking price run and where is it, the ideal combination of quality and acquisition costs?

Let's start with the fact that blueberries are not the cheapest berry. It grows in northern pine forests and swampy areas. Collecting it is quite laborious, especially on an industrial scale. These nuances automatically increase the final cost of raw materials, so products containing blueberries cannot cost mere pennies.

By the way, in our market there is only one medicinal product based on blueberry extract - Strix. All other numerous tablets with blueberries or its combinations with vitamins and other substances are dietary supplements. Well, what follows from this, you ask.

And the fact is that the composition of dietary supplements is often a philosophical concept. It is not supported by anything other than the assurances of the manufacturer. There is a very real possibility that in the cheapest products blueberries are present only in the picture that adorns the box. Accordingly, the more expensive the additive, the more likely it is that the declared and actual composition are the same. Therefore, if you really want to support vision or enrich your body with vitamins and antioxidants, you should not choose the cheapest package in the blueberry variety. Give preference to either the drug Strix - there the composition is clearly verified to hundredths and thousandths of a milligram - or rely on intuition and buy dietary supplements from the middle or high price category.

Marina Pozdeeva


There are a lot of herbs and berries useful for the human body in the world. Each of them can help in the treatment of a particular disease. And what can help cure and how is blueberry wild berry useful for a person? What is so special about it that most people collect not only fruits, but also leaves? We will answer these questions in the article.

What is a blueberry?

Blueberry is a shrub small size with silvery stems and small pale green leaves. It belongs to the heather family. At the end of spring, blueberries are covered with reddish single flowers. This berry ripens in the middle of summer and waits to be picked and eaten.

It is not clear why it was called blueberries, because in fact its berries have a lilac tint, which is formed as a result of a wax coating on the fruit in the form of a thin film. It is he who will tell the connoisseur that blueberries contain a lot of essential oils.

Blueberries are a berry that grows in coniferous forests, in glades, swamps or on rocks, but it has not yet been possible to grow it in household plots, like raspberries or strawberries. That is why you will have to follow it into nature, where it grows and fills with juice without the participation of a person in this.

Blueberry fruits are small in size - about 8 mm in diameter, inside are saturated with a special coloring matter, which for a long time remains on the hands and lips of those who love to eat it. But not only people love to eat it, but also forest birds.

Most of the blueberries are eaten in the form of fresh berries, and this is very useful for humans, because it contains many substances that are useful for our body. But you can also make preparations for the winter - cook jam, dry berries in the sun, or freeze them in the refrigerator. And in Lately most housewives prepare blueberry juice, it will be a great help in cold weather, when the body needs microelements and vitamins so much. But let's take a closer look at what kind of berries like blueberries have useful properties and contraindications.


100 g of blueberries contain only 57 kilocalories, but it still contains: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and ash. This berry is very rich in nutrients. Blueberries contain the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, niacin and choline.

It also has a large amount of macronutrients - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. But its nature also rewarded microelements: the berries contain a lot of iron, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium.

Blueberries: benefits for the body

Blueberries contain a lot of vitamin C, flavonoids and tannin, which is why it is considered indispensable in the treatment of eye diseases. There is an opinion that if you regularly eat blueberries, you can protect your eyes from retinal detachment.

In folk medicine, it is also widely used for the treatment and prevention various diseases. So, for example, a decoction of berries is considered an excellent remedy for diarrhea and intestinal disorders. It is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, it is often drunk with tonsillitis, pharyngitis and chronic rheumatism.

Also, such a solution perfectly helps in the treatment of ulcers, burns and other skin diseases. But fresh berries help well in the prevention of scurvy.

But in folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also blueberry leaves. A decoction of them can lower blood pressure, which will greatly help people suffering from hypertension. But it will also be useful for diabetics, because it has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, but only by initial stage diabetes. But Bulgarian healers use in the treatment not only blueberry leaves, but also alcohol tincture.

Blueberry tincture

Blueberry tincture is great for diabetic patients, as it lowers blood sugar levels. Also, tincture of berries is used in the treatment of diarrhea and with a lack of vitamin C.

You can prepare it at home as follows:

  • Take 100 g of berries, fresh is better, but dried is also possible.
  • Pour in 1 liter of alcohol.
  • Insist for 15 days.
  • Take the tincture three times a day, diluting 1 teaspoon of the tincture in a glass of water.

The tincture retains all the medicinal properties and helps to strengthen the immune system, especially after winter.

Blueberries during pregnancy

Women who are preparing to become mothers are advised to eat more fruits, as the child inside them takes all the nutrients, so they are not always enough for two. Blueberries can also be included in the diet. Useful properties and contraindications must be weighed and analyzed so as not to harm the child.

According to nutritionists, all the beneficial substances contained in blueberries are very useful for pregnant women, and they should include it in their diet.

These berries contain iron, which will help keep hemoglobin levels normal. Calcium will help form bone structure baby, because the bones of the child grow stronger in early childhood. Also, the use of blueberries will save future mother from colds because vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

In addition, the berry helps to remove toxins from the body and toxins from the blood. It must be remembered that women who are preparing to become mothers should not get carried away eating blueberries, because they have a fixing property, and this can lead to constipation, which, in turn, can lead to other problems.

As for the use of blueberries by nursing mothers, during this period it is better not to eat berries and not drink decoctions based on them, as the baby may have problems with the intestines, colic and spasms will appear.

Blueberries for the eyes

It has long been no secret to anyone that blueberries for vision are the most best product. To all those who have eye problems and those who spend most time at the computer monitor, you just need to add fresh blueberries to your diet. But if there are no fresh fruits, then dried or frozen berries will do.

You can not only eat it fresh, but also cook all sorts of goodies from it. For example, you can make berry-milk soup. To do this, you will need 200 g of berries and 1 glass of milk, sugar to taste. You can also bake pies, dumplings or pancakes with it. IN winter period you can eat blueberry jam or cook compotes from it, which will also help keep your eyesight normal and remove inflammatory processes after long work at the computer.

Blueberries for oncology

We already mentioned in our article that blueberries are rich in antioxidants, and these beneficial properties are simply indispensable in the treatment of cancer. With uncontrolled reproduction of cancer cells, a large number of ionic forms of oxygen decay are formed. And they are quite aggressive and quickly destroy everything around them, all the free space from their destruction is occupied by a neoplasm.

To slow down this process a little, you need to take an infusion of blueberries. It is easy to prepare: 300 g of berries should be poured into 1 liter of water, insisted and taken 1 glass three times a day.

Also, the berry contains a large amount of fiber. Therefore, when taking fresh berries, a large amount of toxins are removed from the intestines.

For a long time, they have spoken positively about the effectiveness of taking these berries, as blueberries have useful properties. And contraindications to its use are also present, so you should not abuse the fruits.

Most Useful Properties

In fact, all the beneficial properties of the berry are mainly aimed at treating diseases of the intestines and the genitourinary system. Many inflammatory processes in these organs can be cured by blueberries.

Infusions of berries and compotes help children get rid of frequent urination and reduce pernicious influence on the body nervous stress. Also, dried blueberries in the form of an infusion are recommended for involuntary urination at night.

Most people in old age have putrefactive processes in the intestines. An infusion of blueberries will also help eliminate them, you need to drink it 1 glass three times a day. A decoction of the leaves will help get rid of constipation and bloating.

But in order for blueberries to bring the maximum of useful substances to the body, it is necessary to pick the berries correctly and in special places.

Where and how to pick blueberries?

You can find blueberries in the northern regions of Russia in coniferous forests. She loves moisture and shade. Berry picking begins in the middle of summer, but for picking leaves, the flowering time of the shrub is best suited - this is the month of May.

It is better to collect berries on young bushes. You can determine the age by the number of branches on the stem - the more there are, the older the shrub. It is better to pick berries by hand in wicker baskets or buckets and in no case pour them, as they can be severely damaged.

If you buy blueberries in the market, then take a closer look at them so that all the berries are whole, and if they still have a bluish coating, then you can buy them. Plaque means that the berries were picked by hand and not poured from container to container.

Fresh berries or dried blueberries have a lot of useful properties, so you can not only eat it right away, but also prepare it for the winter by simply drying it in the sun. At the same time, all its useful properties are preserved.

Blueberries: contraindications

Like any medicine, blueberries not only have useful properties, and they also have contraindications for taking, but there are not very many of them.

  1. Blueberries, its juice, infusions and decoctions are contraindicated for people with urolithiasis, or rather, with oxalate stones.
  2. Also for those people who have a tendency to allergic reactions, it is contraindicated. Those who have intolerance to the constituent components in the berry are not recommended to use it in any form.
  3. Use a large number berries can lead to constipation.
  4. For those who suffer from pancreatic diseases, it is better not to eat blueberries.

For everyone else, it is simply necessary for the body, because it was not for nothing that our grandfathers called this berry youth.