The harmful effects of smoking on the human body. Tobacco tar and its effect on the human body

Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health. But such knowledge does not interfere at all a huge number smokers buy more and more packs of cigarettes every day, poisoning themselves and those around them with harmful tobacco smoke. According to doctors, addiction to nicotine quite often causes the development of the most various ailments, including those capable of causing fatal outcome. But what exactly is smoking bad for health? Let's try to understand what the influence is tobacco smoke on the body.

Smoking is accompanied by dry distillation and incomplete combustion of tobacco leaves, which leads to the release of smoke, which is the source of various gases and tiny drops of tar. Scientists have found that in total tobacco smoke contains about four thousand different chemical compounds, while two hundred of them are the most toxic and can cause diseases associated with nicotine addiction.

The most detrimental to our body are certain particles of tobacco tar that provoke cancer. These are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as radioactive isotopes, phenols, nitrosamine, benzopyrene, etc. At the same time, the amount of carcinogens inside tobacco smoke is determined by the type of tobacco, its growing conditions, processing methods, and also the method of smoking. So the higher grades of leaves this plant have in their composition much less aggressive substances than the lower ones. So the toxicity of tobacco smoke is determined by the type tobacco product and ways of smoking.

Despite the fact that tobacco smoke is a source of a wide variety of aggressive particles, its most important element is considered to be nicotine, which has pharmacological effects characteristic of tobacco. This substance has quite strong toxic properties. It quickly breaks down inside our body, and causes the development of addiction. Nicotine detoxification is carried out in the liver, in this organ this chemical element converted to the less aggressive cotinine.

Nicotine is perhaps one of the most well-known poisons. It aggressively affects the central as well as the peripheral zone of the nervous system, in particular affecting the ganglia in the autonomic nervous system. This element has a two-phase effect, causing first excitation and then depression. At first, nicotine stimulates the excitability of the nervous system, becoming cause of mild euphoria. A smoker can be distracted from troubles and everyday worries, feeling a little intoxicated and warm. He may also experience reduced fatigue and a sense of relief. Similar effect arises against the background of oppression of activity hemispheres the brain, as well as the oppression of active thinking and memory. The short-term excitation caused by tobacco smoke is soon replaced by a general depression of the central nervous system.

Nicotine has a stimulating effect on the adrenal receptors, which leads to stimulation of the synthesis of adrenaline, as well as norepinephrine. As a result, the heart rate increases, arterial pressure, increases the contractile force of the heart muscle and increases oxygen consumption. Such processes have a positive effect on the mood of the individual, due to which he feels complete well-being and peace of mind.

Also secreted hormones lead to an increase in the amount of sugar and free fatty acids in blood plasma, which increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

Tobacco smoke is not only a source of toxic elements, it also has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. oral cavity, as well as upper respiratory tract. A similar effect is explained by the presence of acrolein in the smoke, which is precisely what causes the well-known smoker's cough. Its entry into the body leads to sputum production and narrowing of the bronchial lumen, which should be considered as defensive reaction body to stimuli. Long-term smoking is fraught with the development of a chronic type of bronchitis, as well as pulmonary emphysema.

The composition of tobacco smoke contains a number of toxic gases, some of which are able to combine with our hemoglobin, reducing its ability to carry oxygen to the cells of the body. This is fraught with the development of a chronic type of oxygen starvation, and subsequently - the occurrence of various ailments of the heart and blood vessels.

Tobacco smoke has a particularly negative impact on the health of children and adolescents. Such smokers develop excessive irritability, memory deteriorates, concentration decreases visual perception. At a young age, smoking leads to developmental delays.

Also, tobacco smoke is extremely dangerous for women who are expecting a baby and carrying out breast-feeding. So smoking during pregnancy affects the body weight of the fetus, its growth, and development, especially the state of the nervous system of the baby.

It should be borne in mind that the impact of tobacco smoke on a person will be equally aggressive with both active and passive smoking. So being in a smoky room leads to the inhalation of all the toxic components of tobacco smoke by a non-smoker.

Thus, the effect of tobacco smoke on the body negatively affects the state of all organs and systems, not only of the smoker himself, but also of his loved ones.

Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. Therefore, we can safely say that lung cancer mainly develops on the basis of smoking. Lung cancer is often so neglected that it is impossible to save the patient even at the cost of removing the entire lung.

AT medical science There are many works that show the harm of smoking. Scientists took 200-300 thousand people close to each other in age, occupation, living conditions. The only difference is whether they smoke or not. It turned out: among non-smokers, lung cancer occurs 12 times per hundred thousand people. Among those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day - 112, and of those who smoke two packs - 284.

It has also been proven that tobacco tar, experimentally injected into the lungs or skin of animals, causes cancer in all cases.


Smoking causes premature wear of the heart, blood vessels, as well as other vital important organs. One smoked cigarette increases the pulse by twenty beats per minute, raises the pressure by several tens of millimeters, and lowers the skin temperature. These changes last for about thirty minutes. Thus, during the day, the heart constantly receives an additional load, which eventually leads to disease.

When you inhale tobacco smoke, the vessels constrict, and the blood flow through them slows down, and in some cases even stops for a moment. The slowing of blood flow in the vessels of the heart is manifested by coronary insufficiency, that is, an attack of pain in the region of the heart. Therefore, smoking tends to exacerbate or trigger seizures. coronary insufficiency. In many patients, these attacks disappear immediately as soon as they stop smoking.

The World Health Organization, studying the role of tobacco, found that smokers die from coronary thrombosis four years earlier than non-smokers.
In people with vascular disease, smoking causes their sharp spasm, as a result of which any treatment will be useless if the patient continues to smoke.

For such patients, even exposure to tobacco smoke can be fatal. Experiments with such patients showed that even a puff of an unlit cigarette led to a noticeable decrease in blood flow in the finger. Sometimes in these patients, during the entire period of smoking, a complete cessation of blood flow in the subungual bed was observed. The temperature of the fingers and toes dropped to six degrees.

It is interesting to note that the use of any filter in a cigarette did not prevent a decrease in blood flow and a decrease in body temperature.

The effect of tobacco on the heart is evidenced, for example, by the following experiment: the isolated heart of a rabbit works rhythmically due to the fact that a special physiological solution continuously passes through the vessels that feed the heart, approaching blood in some ways. But if you take a cigarette, shake out all the remaining tobacco from it, and drop this solution on a tissue paper and introduce this drop from a piece of paper into the system supplying the heart saline, the heart will stop.

The sharp effect of tobacco on the human heart is to some extent mitigated by compensatory mechanisms that are mobilized by the body to fight the harmful reagent. Nevertheless, its influence remains and gradually leads to premature decrepitude, disability and the approach of early old age.


On the harmful effect of nicotine on the central nervous system can be judged by the effect of the first smoked cigarette: nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, sometimes loss of consciousness - these are the symptoms that speak of poisoning of brain cells.


Smokers sometimes say that smoking makes food taste better. Of course, if you first fill your mouth with some bitterness, then after that the most ordinary food will seem delicious. In fact, smoking reduces appetite. It has long been noticed: who quit smoking begins to gain weight. After the cessation of nicotine intoxication, all metabolic processes improved, better digestion of the food consumed.


Tobacco contains nicotine, an extremely toxic substance. Having smoked a pack of cigarettes, a person absorbs a lethal dose of it. But the pack is not smoked immediately - a person develops some resistance to poison.

Statistics says: deaths from cardiovascular diseases among heavy smokers twice as high as among non-smokers. According to the World Health Organization, smokers are ten times more likely to die from pneumonia and six times more likely to die from stomach ulcers than non-smokers.

No matter how skeptical we are about various extravagant studies by British scientists, their conclusions about the effect of smoking on the human body should be taken seriously. Having deeply studied all the medical aspects of this social phenomenon, they came to the conclusion that average duration The life expectancy of smokers is 6-7 years lower than that of non-smokers. The British claim that each cigarette smoked takes about 15 minutes of his life from a smoker. Early mortality among tobacco users is twice as high as among non-smokers. Tobacco users are twice as likely to suffer from allergies and colds.

The person who smokes is exposed greater risk get sick with various severe chronic diseases. Recovery process after such illnesses lasts much longer and often gives complications. Pathologies that are caused by smoking include heart disease, septic ulcer of the stomach, chronic bronchitis, various forms cancer primarily lung cancer.

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In tobacco smoke, there are no substances that would not have a detrimental effect on the human body. Of particular note is nicotine and tobacco tar.

Most smokers are unwilling to believe that nicotine is a powerful poison that cannot be completely neutralized by any cigarette filters. By toxicity, it shares the palm with hydrocyanic acid. It is enough to pass through the respiratory tract 1 mg of nicotine for this dose to be lethal.

When you smoke one pack of cigarettes a day, an almost lethal dose of nicotine enters the body. However, since the process of nicotine absorption occurs gradually throughout the day, nicotine poisoning does not occur. Not the last role is played by the "hardening" of the smoker, but only until a certain time.

Many smokers remember the reaction of their body to the first cigarette they smoked: vomiting, coughing, cold sweat. This is nothing but the first symptoms of nicotine poisoning of brain cells. And although over time the body adapts to such aggressive external influences, the poisoning of brain cells continues.

Nicotine slowly and gradually, almost imperceptibly to humans, destroys the heart, liver, digestive organs, respiratory and nervous systems, weakens sexual function. Sound and visual perception, touch and smell are reduced. In men, along with the weakening of sexual function, sexual sensitivity decreases. The duration of sexual intercourse can be significantly reduced, while sexual intimacy is often accompanied by a painful reaction.

The effect of tobacco tar on the human body

Along with nicotine, tobacco tar is no less dangerous. A heavy smoker on average smokes up to 1 kilogram of tobacco per month, which contains about 70 milliliters of tobacco tar. Within 10 years, more than 8 liters of this terrible carcinogen enter the body of a smoker. No matter how much the body defends itself, to resist such a powerful harmful effect on respiratory organs he is unable to. Already at the age of 50, the lungs of smokers have the same changes as those of non-smokers at the age of 70-80.

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Scientists from different countries, with the help of experiments with animals, have convincingly proved that tobacco tar is a carcinogen that contributes to the development of cancer. The human body, regularly exposed to harmful effects, is forced to adapt and modify its cells, which eventually turn into cancerous cells that are deadly to human health.

Not surprisingly, lung cancer is 20 to 30 times more common among tobacco users than non-smokers. At the same time, 96 percent of lung cancer patients are smokers with 20 years of experience. Statistical figures say that only 1-2 percent of non-smokers get lung cancer.

In addition to tar, when a cigarette is burned, the amount of other harmful substances also increases significantly. The temperature at its tip exceeds 600 degrees Celsius. This is a kind of mini-plant for burning garbage, the smoke of which goes straight into respiratory system smoking.

Carbon monoxide reacts with blood to cause oxygen starvation. Carbon monoxide, combining with hemoglobin, instantly enters all organs and tissues of a person through the bloodstream. The consequences of such "pleasure" are predictable: shortness of breath, the development of atherosclerosis, various heart diseases. And it's far from complete list pathologies associated with smoking.

Some statistics


It has been proven that smokers with a 10-year experience suffer from various chronic diseases three and a half times more often than everyone else. In particular, they suffer from chronic bronchitis twice as often, and if you take the whole group respiratory diseases- four times. Statistics confirm that a smoker is at risk of getting a myocardial infarction 12 times more often than a non-smoker. Of all patients admitted to medical institutions diagnosed acute infarction, 82 percent are smokers.

Long-term smoking also affects gastrointestinal tract. It can provoke the development of an ulcer, since harmful substances from combustion products, falling on the gastric mucosa, trigger destructive processes in the cells of the stomach itself and inhibit the production of protective mucus. And its quantity is not enough to neutralize the acidity of the stomach that has increased due to the causticity of smoke. The effectiveness of gastric ulcer treatment decreases dramatically if a person continues to smoke.

On average, due to various kinds of diseases, adherents of tobacco, in comparison with non-smokers, die 15 years earlier, from lung cancer- for 11 years, heart disease - for 8 years, chronic bronchitis- for 14 years.

Harm of passive smoking

Cohabitation and communication with a smoker can also cause serious illness, especially for children. It is enough for a passive smoker to stay 60 minutes in a smoky room so that all the harmful substances in his body are in the same quantities in which they are present in one cigarette.

It is for this reason that children under 5 years of age in families where parents allow themselves to smoke in the presence of a child are 73.9 percent more likely to suffer from various diseases than in those where there are no smokers. In families where both parents smoke in the apartment for many years, there is not a single healthy child.

Relatively recently, doctors have come up with such a term as "smoker's face." It is dry skin, like parchment, deep wrinkles, an unhealthy complexion and a flaccid muscle tone. Not the most pleasant image that I would like to see when looking in the mirror. And The best way Avoid this by quitting smoking.

Specially for Solonikin Vadim

The harm of smoking is a destroyed genetic code ...
The result is suicide, albeit a slow one...

Slow suicide - there is the one harm of smoking. Although many people are skeptical of such claims, and you don't have to look far for examples, just ask any smoker you know about the dangers of smoking . And you will hear the answer that it is harmful, yes, but there is nothing to be done about quitting hard, or there is another type of smokers who also recognize this harm, but say that they can quit smoking at any moment, although in fact they are deeply mistaken. And the fact that smoking is a slow suicide, few people even think about it and sometimes they can just laugh at it. But at present, all scientists who have studied this problem and the harm of smoking, unanimously declare that smoking is just such a suicide, and also that this is a huge national tragedy, along with drunkenness and alcoholism treatment problems, especially when innocent children acquire this bad habit, unaware of the harm, and to what it results in. The same smoking, as well as the use of alcohol, children observe in enormous quantities on television, even in the most talented films and theatrical productions, many directors force their characters to smoke or drink cognac. Children tend to imitate adults, and even more so what they are shown on television, and, accordingly, they absolutely do not think about the true dangers of smoking, imitating their favorite characters or just adults. This causes incalculable harm, both to the whole people and, of course, to the individual.

As for specific figures, there is no need to look far and intensively for them regarding the negative impact of smoking. The British Royal Society of Physicians found that every cigarette smoked by a smoker shortens his life by 7 minutes. Is it a little or a lot, let everyone decide for himself. If you take average the harm of smoking in terms of shortening the life of each smoker, then this very life expectancy of a smoker is on average less than that of a non-smoker by 6-7 years. In a concrete life, one can see the most terrible results of smoking, when lung cancer kills 40-year-old people. Here, consider how much this person shortened, in general, his life, by no means 6 - 7 years will work. Perhaps this is the insidious intention of this bad habit that it literally blocks the willpower of a person and makes him steal decades of his life from himself.

The harm caused by smoking and the consequences of unbridled craving for cigarettes are considered not only in the context of mortality, but also in terms of morbidity. After all, the negative impact in this context also lies in the fact that it always exacerbates a particular disease. Smokers have a much higher mortality rate from other causes than non-smokers. Smokers are most susceptible to a variety of allergic disorders and colds, just as the recovery itself after a smoker's surgery or respiratory diseases takes much longer and has a high chance of giving certain complications. The whole “salt” of smoking also lies in the fact that the risk of getting sick with some kind of chronic diseases increases.

As for the manifestation various diseases characteristic of smokers, the most terrible, of course, is cancer, but in addition to it, the list of these diseases is very long.

The threat that hangs over our society in relation to any human body is constantly increasing as tobacco consumption increases every year.

Tobacco smoke has several constituent elements that have a detrimental effect on the human body. A smoker, as a rule, smokes 1 kilogram of tobacco per month, which contains 70 mg of tobacco tar, which is one of the most harmful elements. It is easy to calculate that in 10 years the airways of a smoker pass through themselves 8 liters of this very tar. Now think about how destructive harm of smoking if the human body, which, although it contains ingenious self-defense mechanisms laid down by nature itself, is systematically supplied with such an amount of a carcinogenic substance.

For an example of the harm caused by tobacco tar, we present the following experiment and its results:

Experimental data, for qualitative evidence of harm tobacco tar was carried out using a special apparatus in the form of an electric motor, with the help of which 60 cigarettes were immediately smoked by him. After that, the resulting smoke was collected and cooled. This sudden cooling of the smoke causes the tobacco tar to settle, which is subsequently dissolved in acetone. The skin of ordinary mice was lubricated with this prepared solution 3 times a week. Control mice were lubricated with acetone alone. In these last mice, after lubrication with acetone alone, not even skin irritation was observed, while in those mice that were lubricated with a solution of acetone and tar, skin cancer developed in 44% of cases. Lubrication lasted just over half of the mice's lifespan, at approximately 71 weeks.

Thus, the catastrophic harm of smoking has been proven experimentally, and it has also been established that a disease such as cancer in smokers occurs 30 times more often.

As for the quantitative ratio of cancer mortality, certain figures per 100,000 population can be given - non-smokers - 3.4; people who smoke less than half a pack a day - 51.4; from half a pack a day to one - 144; people who smoke more than 40 cigarettes per day - 217.

Smoking, if you look, in general, from the side of common sense, looks rather unreasonable. Now, if smokers people were able, at least for a short time to be freed from the action and slavery of this drug, could imagine their future, as well as the harm of smoking that is inflicted on the entire human body without exception - it seems that they have developed an aversion to such an insidious drug, which they themselves destroy systematically.

Those people who think that the damage consists only in the fact that tobacco smoke has a negative effect only on the lungs are mistaken. In fact, the same harm is done to the heart, blood vessels, and germinal organs. The carcinogenic harm of smoking affects not only the lungs.

Cancers of other organs and specializations are also observed in smokers 2 times more often.

Concerning negative impact smoking in general plan, then it can be expressed in the fact that smokers have much lower working capacity than non-smokers. At work, the extremely negative effect of smoking can manifest itself in the form of a several-fold increased negative effect of a number of harmful substances on the smoker's body. As for chronic bronchitis, it occurs 4 times more often in smokers.

The next type of harm from smoking is " second hand smoke", which causes lung disease not only in those who smoke themselves, but also in those who inhale this smoke, especially for children. Frequently ill children under 5 years old, in a family of smoking parents, 73.9%. If both parents smoke, then the figure rises to 77%.Most strikingly, in a study of families where three people smoke in relation to the above children, not a single healthy child was found in them. persistent cough day and night, but it is immediately necessary to mention that a non-smoker can receive such harm, even if he simply systematically communicates with a smoker. Together with all this, this negative habit is also manifested in the obvious degradation of a person, a change in his behavior, which, in turn, is manifested in the fact that a person can smoke freely in public place in the presence a large number people, including women and children, as well as simply throwing away a cigarette in a public place, or simply having a dialogue with an opponent with a cigarette in your mouth. Feelings of decency are simply lost, personal oral hygiene leaves much to be desired.

As for the harm of smoking in relation to the heart and blood vessels, here it is in no way inferior that harm which are easy to apply. In addition to tobacco tar, tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, which in itself is a very toxic substance. lethal dose nicotine for a person, provided that he takes it by mouth, will be 1 mg. This dose is usually absorbed by smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. And only due to the fact that a person who smokes, with prolonged smoking, and develops a certain resistance to this poison, then its absorption does not occur immediately, but during the day, and therefore poisoning does not occur. Probably, those who smoke or smoked remember perfectly the first, and sometimes the first few cigarettes they smoked, namely the influence of that smoking, the first, in the form of a sudden onset of not very wellness, namely, nausea, dizziness, sometimes vomiting, "cold sweat" - these symptoms are the first evidence of poisoning of brain cells with nicotine, and this poisoning repeats every time a person smokes.

The effect of smoking on the walls of blood vessels is as follows - the vessels spasm. Tobacco smoking can cause and exacerbate attacks of coronary insufficiency. Therefore, smokers are most likely to be exposed to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Accordingly, the impact, as well as the harm of smoking on the heart.

If a person has attacks of angina pectoris, sometimes the basis of treatment for this disease, as well as a way to stop angio pain, can simply be smoking cessation.

In relation to the vessels, the harm caused by smoking affects and peripheral vessels, and a disease occurs, which is called obliterating endarteritis, and in Russian speaking, there is a blockage of the vessels from the inside. The characteristic symptoms of the onset of this disease are intermittent claudication, which manifests itself as a sharp pain in the calves of the legs when walking. Pain after stopping a person disappears, but as soon as he starts to follow further, it reappears and makes the person stop again. This is the first call to the smoker that harm and damage has been done, and in order to recover from the above disease, one must immediately stop smoking, since smoking and simultaneous treatment this disease not being cured.

Since we are talking about the dangers of smoking in this article, we will continue further about this disease. If suddenly a person does not quit smoking, then the disease simply continues its development and this development gets its manifestation in the form of necrosis thumb legs and feet later. In this case, the leg has to be amputated. If the smoker is not convinced and does not clearly show the disgusting effects of smoking, then the disease can pass to the next leg, and then the hands.

The harm that comes from smoking can easily be seen in the presence of cardiovascular disease. It should also be warned that smoking creates all the conditions under which cardiovascular diseases occur very easily and vice versa more severely.

Smoking man easy to distinguish from other non-smokers even by appearance, namely the smoker dry skin, flabby muscles, yellow face, lethargy of movements. Everything is exacerbated many times over if a person still suffers from alcoholism, respectively, he must be saved not only from smoking, but also subjected to treatment for alcoholism.

/ Prevention and personal hygiene in the light of traditional medicine and treatment folk media with the help of/ Medicinal plants in folk medicine and treatment with folk remedies

Tobacco smoke is a hot mixture of harmful gases, vapours, liquids and solids that result from the combustion of tobacco leaves. Measurements have shown that at the end of cigarettes, cigarettes, and especially cigars, develop the temperature is very high (600-900°C). Wherein dry distillation of tobacco (pyrolysis). Many organic substances burn to gaseous products, some liquids evaporate, and solids turn into the finest microscopic dust, forming harmful substances. Thus, tobacco smoke is an aerosol of gases, liquids and solids.

The chemical composition of tobacco smoke is very complex. In forDepending on the quality, grade and composition of tobacco, 1200 components are distinguished in it.

The harmful gaseous components of tobacco smoke include: carbon monoxide ( II) (carbon monoxide) and carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, methane, arsenic oxide ( III), ethane, nitric oxide(I ), etc. It should be taken into account that even substances that are harmless in the normal state are toxic when hot and sprayed.

Compared to gaseous liquid fractions of tobacco smoke are more diverse and toxic. From liquid substances that have a toxic effect on the body in tobacco smoke, more than 30 different acids, over 20 alcohols, 27 aldehydes and ketones, 65 ali phatic hydrocarbons and 45 phenols, forming that tank tar, essential oils. Among the many kitties lot of tobacco smoke especially strong poisons are hydrocyanic, formic and oily.

Hydrocyanic acid is a deadly poison. One drop of it is enough to instantly kill a person; it paralyzes cellular and tissue respiration. Despite the fact that the content of hydrocyanic; acid in the smoke is small, it increases oxygen starvation and disrupts the metabolism in the brain, heart and muscle tissues. Acids strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and alveoli, facilitating the penetration of tobacco poisons into the bloodstream and causing inflammation of the larynx, pharynx, and upper respiratory tract.

Of the subliming alcohols, the poisons are methyl vyy, ethyl, propionic, butyric and higher polyhydric alcohols, called fusel oils. They are poison lung tissue, easily penetrate into the blood, especially affecting the nervous system. Aldehydes and ketones harmful products decay organic matter; pain Most of them have a bitter taste. Together with Serovodo genus and nicotine they cause profuse salivation, nausea and urge to vomit.

Aliphatic hydrocarbons and phenols (among them benzpyrene and benzathracene), which are part of tobacco tar, lead to malignant neoplasms.

Tobacco tar and tar stick easily to thininner shells pulmonary tract and alveoli, obstruct for normal gas exchange between the lungs and the blood. Settling on the teeth and gums, tar leads to inflammation of the oral mucosa, the formation of brown plaque and tooth decay, which is the cause bad smell from mouth.

Influencing vegetative functions body, nicotine changes the secretion of the adrenal glands, increasing the release of the hormone adrenaline and its effect on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, when smoking, the heart rate increases sharply, while peripheral blood vessels constrict for a long time. Per minute, the frequency of contractions increases by 20-30 beats, and vasospasm sharply increases blood pressure, violates the nutrition of tissues and muscles, brain, kidneys, liver, skin.

Nicotine is a poison that stops the conduction excitations through ganglions. In the whole body disruption of such transmission prevents nervous regulation cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory and other systems, metabolism, glands internal secretion. It has been established that nicotine interferes with the absorption of vitamin C by the body, destroying it, causing increased deposition in the walls blood vessels lime and cholesterol, which leads to sclerotic changes.

Nicotine is especially harmful to the body during muscular activity, as it disrupts blood circulation and the regulation of vital organs and the body itself. muscle tissue. At the same time, the harm of smoking can be reduced only to nicotine would be too one-sided. Nicotine is only one of the main poisons, the narcotic effect of which which creates a craving for smoking and the formation of a harmful, anti-hygienic habit, turning into a disease - nicotine addiction. Attention should also be paid to other components of tobacco smoke that poison the body, reduce its protective properties, interfere with growth and development, contributing to the emergence of various diseases.

There are fewer solid fractions in tobacco smoke than gaseous and liquid ones, but their effect on the body is even more detrimental. These fractions include: arsenic compounds, radioactive and carcinogens, soot. It is estimated that 1 ml of tobacco smoke contains 600,000 fine soot particles. They clog the lung tissue, make it difficult to breathe. Arsenic oxide ( III) is an extremely toxic compound that poisons the lungs and nervous system.

Scientists have found radioactive polonium (210 Rho) in tobacco smoke with a decay period of 138 days. When smoking, 80% of polonium passes from tobacco into smoke. It emits alpha(a) particles. When smoking two packs of cigarettes, a person emits radiation of 36 rad, and allowable dose, set by the International Council for Radiation Protection, is 6 rad. Considering that tobacco smoke also contains radioactive lead C 20 Rv), bismuth (210 Bi ), (40 K ), emitting beta (B) particles, then the total radiation when smoking a pack of cigarettes reaches 50 rad. This is quite enough to cause cancer of the lips, larynx, lungs and other organs with prolonged smoking. In the lungs of smokers, 7 times more radioactive polonium was found than in non-smokers, in the liver - 3 times, in the heart - 2 times, in the kidneys - 1.5 times. Many scientists believe that the presence of these substances is more dangerous than the action of other substances in tobacco smoke combined.

Thus, when smoking, many substances in a hot mixture of gases, vapors and dust act on the body. They easily penetrate into the blood, and through the walls of the capillaries - into all cells, tissues and organs.

The education of students' intolerant attitude to smoking should begin with an explanation of the composition of tobacco smoke and disclosure of the toxic effect of its components on all organs and systems of the body.

The influence of tobacco smoke on the human body has been studied in physiological, toxicological and social terms.

Physiological studies have made it possible to find out the effect of smoking and tobacco smoke on all systems and organs. we are a person, on his mental and physical work property.

Toxicological studies have proven that tobacco smoke and its individual components have a toxic effect on living organisms, revealed the mechanism of acute and chronic poisoning when smoking.

Smoking, depending on the strength of tobacco, its doses, duration of action, leading to acute or chronic nic poisoning of the body. Acute poisoning called sharp violation vital important functions body as a result of a single smoking of a large amount of tobacco.

The first introduction into the body of the whole complex toxic substances Tobacco smoke causes a sharp defensive reaction: salivation and tearing, nausea, breath holding, coughing with simultaneous impairment of the nervous, respiratory, circulatory and other systems. The composition of the blood changes dramatically, which has a strong effect on the medulla oblongata.

Acute poisoning is accompanied by a brain disorder blood circulation, spasm of the heart vessels, reduce change in body temperature, clouding or loss of consciousness. To provide first aid to the injured blows put on the back and apply to the forehead cold compresses, and in case of cardiac arrest - to do artificial respiration, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and then send it to a medical institution.

Acute poisoning is especially dangerous for children and adolescents, whose protective properties and resistance to adverse conditions are much lower than in adults.

Chronic poisoning causes painful changes structural-morphological and functional nature resulting from prolonged smoking. At chronic poisoning the activity of all vital organs and systems is disrupted, efficiency decreases, sexual impotence occurs, premature aging, in children, growth and development of the body are delayed. Smoking children and teenagers ki do not tolerate well infectious diseases, y themlower protective functions and immunity of the body, they do not resist bacterial poisons and do not withstand long-acting high temperature. It should be emphasized that for protective functions and immunity harm but not only smoking itself, but also being in smoky premises.

Let's take a look at how smoking affects different systems body in chronic poisoning. It can be thought of as a series of immediate and supporting means of strikes on the main systems of the body.