Dry scalp and itching - what to do? Itchy scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment methods. Oily scalp Causes and solutions

Today, almost every second woman faces the problem of oily scalp. It would seem that I just washed my hair in the morning, and by the evening my hair already looks dirty and unkempt. No wonder. The environment around us is not good: dirt, exhaust gases, dust. All these factors constantly affect the condition of our hair and skin. Add to these factors an unfavorable harsh climate and the constant wearing of hats, and now we are already dealing with capricious hair that needs delicate care.

Causes of oily scalp

If we talk about the problem in general, then the scalp becomes oily primarily due to the secretion of sebum. In normal quantities, lard forms a thin layer of fat, which performs a protective function and prevents the hair from drying out, the penetration of bacteria and ultraviolet rays.

The amount of sebum secreted and the activity of its secretion directly depends on genetic predisposition. It is impossible to change these factors, but you can significantly improve the condition of your scalp and hair with carefully selected proper care and nutrition.

In addition, the causes of the problem may be:

  • Constant stress and excessive responsibility (high position, responsible position, stressful life situation, etc.)
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Poor nutrition
  • Incorrect and untimely care for hair and scalp
  • Problems with the nervous and endocrine system
  • Seborrhea
  • Heat and high humidity
  • Dry air

All women who experience at least one of the listed factors risk facing the problem of oily hair.

Why is oily scalp considered a problem?

First of all, oily scalp is an aesthetic problem. Those with oily skin often suffer from rapid hair contamination. Already 2-4 hours after washing your hair, your hair begins to get greasy and look untidy. In some cases, they even stick together into separate greasy icicles, which makes the hairstyle extremely unkempt. In addition, hair is difficult to fix in a beautiful hairstyle or style. Often, due to oily hair, dandruff with large oily flakes appears - seborrhea. It is clearly visible and makes the image untidy. Increased secretion of the glands can even lead to hair loss and weakening.

Sometimes the situation can be aggravated by improper care. In pursuit of the desire to get rid of oiliness and seborrhea, women dry out their scalp and hair and, having solved one problem, begin to struggle with another. Therefore, care during the treatment of oily scalp must be approached very carefully.

Proper care for oily scalp

The first thing you need to start with is this. Review your diet. Avoid everything fatty, fried and carcinogenic. It would be a good idea to reduce your consumption of sweets or even give up baking and chocolate. Instead, you need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and honey every day. It will have a good effect on the condition of your hair and giving up bad habits. Alcohol and smoking only make things worse.

External care also has its own rules that must be followed. If you have oily scalp, you should avoid the following points:

  1. Washing your hair with hot water (it is better to wash your hair with cool water)
  2. Complex tight hairstyles and styling
  3. Styling products
  4. Long hair (hair should be of medium length or short during treatment)
  5. Using curling irons and straightening irons
  6. Metal accessories: hairpins, barrettes, bobby pins, etc.
  7. Head massage
  8. Contact of the brush with the skin while combing
  9. Care that does not match your hair type
  10. Hair coloring
  11. Perm.

It is also worth washing your comb regularly, because particles of sebum remain on it. A dirty brush spreads old oils through your hair.

Washing head

The most common myths and misconceptions concern. Some people think that you need to wash oily hair as often as possible, others think that you should wash your hair less often, then your hair will become less oily. Both of these statements are misconceptions. You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty and regularly, not every day.

Frequent washing, on the contrary, stimulates the secretion of sebum. Hard water and aggressive components of shampoos negatively affect the scalp and force it to constantly replenish the damaged protective film, which causes the hair to become oily at the roots even more intensely than before.

It is best to wash your hair in the morning, as the sebaceous glands work most actively at night. Determining the regularity of washing in each individual case can only be done experimentally. However, try to avoid daily washing and completely give up the intention of washing your hair several times a day. The best option is to wash your hair once every 3 days.

Hair washing should consist of two stages:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Hydration

To cleanse, you need to use a mild shampoo without parabens, sulfates and silicones.

When washing your hair, a small amount of shampoo should first be applied to your hand. Then add some water, preferably cool. After this, lather the shampoo and apply it to your head. It is important to repeat this action twice. Then rinse the shampoo thoroughly. Shampoo residue on the hair negatively affects its condition and weighs down already heavy, oily hair.

Helpful Tips:

  • While applying shampoo, it is good to massage your head. This will improve blood circulation and stimulate the hair follicles.
  • If you have an oily scalp and dry hair, you should only apply shampoo to the scalp. When rinsing off the shampoo, the remaining product will end up on the ends. For dry hair, this rinsing is enough to remain clean, but not over-dried. After shampoo, apply a nourishing conditioner or balm to the ends of your hair.
  • It is advisable not to wash your hair with running hard water. It is best to soften the water first or, in extreme cases, boil it. If this is not possible, you need to finish washing your hair with slightly oxidized water. This can be regular or apple cider vinegar in a proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, citric acid or lemon juice diluted in water. Herbal infusions are good for rinsing. Chamomile has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Oak bark will help normalize hair secretion. True, this infusion can color hair, so it is well suited for owners of dark hair and red-haired girls. An infusion of calendula and nettle is also good for rinsing.

Products for oily scalp care

Only proper care can help you solve the problem of oily scalp and seborrhea without destroying your hair.


As has already become clear, it is best to choose a mild shampoo. As a rule, shampoos from the mass market are guilty of the presence of sulfates, parabens, silicones and other chemicals harmful to hair. Professional brands produce more natural and gentle cosmetics. But even among budget shampoo lines there are decent options. Carefully study the label and composition of the product before purchasing.

You can enrich your shampoo yourself at home by adding a couple of drops of aloe juice or gel to it. Essential oils can be used for the same purpose. ?

Shampoo must be for oily or combination hair types (if the hair itself is dry). Shampoos for dry, damaged and colored hair will only weigh down your hair and make your hair even greasy. There will be no benefit from them. The color of the shampoo should be as transparent as possible. White color indicates the presence of particles, which can subsequently weigh down the hair.

If you have dandruff, you can use medicated shampoos. But if the scalp is simply oily, and seborrhea is not observed, such shampoos are not the best option, since they destroy all pathogenic flora, which on a healthy scalp will cause a disruption of the microbiocenosis.

Frequently changing shampoo only causes stress. However, so that the scalp does not get used to the same product, the shampoo should be changed once every 1-2 months.

Dry shampoos

You can urgently tidy up your hair when you can’t wash it using dry shampoo. This product is most often sold as a spray and is a fine powder. Small particles of the product absorb excess oil, making your hair look tidier. There are many manufacturers of dry shampoos on the market. You can find both expensive and cheap options.

An alternative to dry shampoo at home can be talc, powder, powder, starch and even flour. However, you need to be very careful with such improvised means. They can be noticeable on the hair, and the effect of clean hair cannot be achieved.

It is worth noting that using dry shampoo can never replace washing your hair. Therefore, it is better to use this remedy rarely and only in the most extreme situations.

Balms and conditioners

If your hair is very oily, it is not advisable to use nourishing conditioners and balms. In the case of combination hair, refusing to use balm, conditioner and nourishing masks can worsen the condition of the hair.

Despite the fact that in the store you can easily find 2 in 1 shampoos, which supposedly already contain conditioner or balm, it is better to give preference to separate products. Using shampoo and conditioner separately, you can easily adjust the process and areas of product application.

Additional care

In addition to washing your hair, applying conditioner and rinsing, there are other important procedures: scrubs, peelings and masks.

How to get rid of oily scalp using oils?

Many owners of oily hair avoid it in their care, because oils can make hair even greasy and turn it into greasy icicles. If oils are used incorrectly, this belief can become true.

There are vegetable and essential oils. They work very well in tandem. Only vegetable oils can be mixed in unlimited quantities. You need to be careful with ethereal ones. Too high a concentration can cause burns and cause a lot of discomfort.

It is important that the oil is natural. Avoid low-grade oils with additional additives. Fake oils form a thick film on the skin and hair, clogging the pores and preventing air from penetrating. They are difficult to wash off with shampoo.

When using oils, pay attention to how you feel and the results. Even the best oil may not suit you - that's normal!

Vegetable oils can be used either alone or in combinations. After applying the oil, it is better to wrap your hair in a plastic cap or bag, and wrap it with a towel or put on a warm hat. Masks with oils should be kept on the hair for as long as possible. Ideally, it is best to leave the oil to work overnight and rinse thoroughly with shampoo the next morning. Vegetable oils work as natural hair balms.

You can use oil masks throughout your life. However, watch your hair and do not overfeed it.

Vegetable oils and their properties

Carrier oils are the basis of all oil masks.

Oil Properties
Strengthens follicles, promotes hair growth, eliminates dandruff.
CastorUniversal oil: restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands and damaged ends.
AlmondTreats seborrhea and dandruff, accelerates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.
Gives hair a healthy shine.
LinenNormalizes fat balance, smoothes and strengthens hair.
Eliminates dandruff, fights hair loss, cleanses the scalp, fights clogged pores.
OliveSuitable for combination hair, nourishes dry hair.
Well restores damaged hair, protects from negative external influences.

You can also use pumpkin, argan, macadamia, avocado, sesame, cocoa, and safflower oil.

Essential oils

Oil Properties
LemonAdds shine and manageability to hair, dries it out.
LavenderFights dandruff and irritation, enhances hair growth.
It has antibacterial properties, has strengthening properties, fights oily dandruff, and gives hair a natural shine. Does not cause unpleasant reactions, can be used in its pure form.
MintTones, gives freshness to hair, fights skin diseases, removes excess fat.
KedrovoeAccelerates hair growth, improves blood circulation.
GrapefruitAntiseptic effect, normalization of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oiliness in the root zone.
PatchouliAdds shine and manageability to hair.
MelissaRegulates sebum secretion.
EucalyptusDisinfects, tones, reduces hair loss, treats dandruff.
Suitable for all hair types, gives hair manageability, smoothness and silkiness.
PinesStrengthens hair, fights hair loss and dandruff
rosemaryStimulates hair growth, fights fragility, improves cell regeneration

Homemade masks for oily scalp

All ingredients should be mixed, applied to the scalp and warmed.

Composition of the mask How long to leave on the skin Notes
Grapeseed oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Lavender oil - 4 drops
20 minutes.The base oil should be warm.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Whipped chicken yolks - 2 pcs
Rosemary oil - 4 drops
1 hourIf the honey is thick, hold it over steam.
Kefir - 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil - 4 drops
30 min.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Clove oil - 4 drops
30 min.
Any base oil
Melissa, bergamot, eucalyptus oils - 2 drops each
30 min.After this mask, it is advisable to rinse with vinegar.
Grated burdock onion - 1 pc.
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.
1 hour
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Whipped egg white - 1 pc.
1 hour
Raw yolk - 1 pc.
Almond, peach oil and cognac - 1 dessert spoon each
40 min.
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Coconut oil - 50 gr.
- 1 tsp.
25 min.
Dry yeast - 10 gr.
Warm water - 10 ml.
Egg white - 1 pc.
Before dryingBeat everything together with a whisk until smooth.
Colorless henna - 20 gr.
Clay - 10 gr.
Bergamot – 6 drops
1 hourPour hot water over henna and wait half an hour. Mix with clay and bergamot.
Yogurt - 40 ml.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Vitamin B2 – 5 ml.
45 min.Whisk all ingredients. Apply over the entire length of hair.
Any clay - 2-4 tbsp. l.
Warm water
Egg yolk, beaten with a teaspoon of honey (optional)
20-30 min.

Folk remedies effectively combat the problem of oily hair. Mustard mask for oily scalp is one of the most effective masks. To prepare it, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard with hot water until mushy. Add to it 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of any essential oil suitable for oily scalp. Apply to the head and insulate. You need to wear this mask on your skin for at least an hour, but if the burning becomes unbearable, wash it off immediately! The mustard mask should be done 2-3 times a week for a month.

Scrub for oily scalp

In addition to masks, scrubbing has a beneficial effect on oily scalp. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a week before washing your hair. If the scalp is in good condition, scrubbing is allowed once a month. You can purchase a scrub from a professional cosmetic brand, or you can make it at home. For this you will need:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. hair balm
  • Your favorite essential oil (you can take tea tree or lavender oil) - 2 drops.
  • Fine salt (preferably sea salt) - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients. Apply with massage movements to the scalp, hold for 2-3 minutes. After washing in the usual way, apply the balm.

Professional ways to treat oily scalp

Regular hair and skin care at home certainly brings results. But sometimes the process of treatment with folk remedies requires a certain patience and a long supply of time. You can get faster results by contacting a specialist. An experienced cosmetologist or trichologist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. The tables present professional methods for treating oily scalp.

Procedure name Well Session duration Description
Laser rain10-12 procedures10 min.The procedure is absolutely painless. Laser energy affects the condition of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the hair structure improves, the amount of sebum decreases, and the scalp becomes healthier.
Ozone therapy7-10 procedures20 minutes.Most often it is an injection procedure, less often the “greenhouse effect” is used. Works well in combination with other procedures. Improves blood circulation, reduces the amount of secreted fat, saturates tissues with oxygen, kills pathogenic flora.
Mesotherapy5-10 procedures30-60 min.Injection technique. Aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands and improving the condition of the scalp.
Plasmolifting or plasma therapy1 procedure3-4 min.An injection procedure in which a person’s own blood plasma is injected under the skin.
Cryotherapy15 sessions5-10 min.Using a special applicator, the scalp is treated with liquid nitrogen.
Darsonval10-12 proceduresDuring the procedure, micropulses of high-frequency current are applied to the skin.

How to choose individual care

As you can see, there are many professional and folk methods for treating oily scalp. How to choose the right care?

If oily scalp is a genetic predisposition, to maintain hair in good condition, you need to focus on home care, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Once every 3-6 months you can do salon procedures.

If increased oily hair is a consequence of any disease, the emphasis should be on eliminating the problem and treating the disease, maintaining the hair with proper home care. In case of hormonal changes, it is advisable to wait out this period without ceasing to properly care for your hair.

Lifehack for 3 kopecks in the fight against oily scalp.

Healthy and beautiful hair is the most expensive decoration of any woman. And not everyone can boast of thick hair. After all, even those with beautiful hair can have many problems that can cause a lot of trouble.

A common problem among women is oily scalp. An oily scalp can actually cause a lot of problems, because due to the fact that there is excess oil, the hair becomes dirty much faster, and the appearance becomes less attractive. In the fight against excess sebum, women often use special shampoos that remove hair from one problem, smoothly transforming it into another - dryness and brittleness. Such methods should not be used, because there are many other ways to deal with excess fat on the scalp.

Causes of oily skin

The production of sebum is not just a normal process, but also necessary in order to protect the skin from negative external factors. But, if the work of the sebaceous glands increases, much more oil is produced than necessary, which is why the scalp becomes oily. It follows that the main problem of oily scalp is overactivity of the sebaceous glands. There are many reasons why the sebaceous glands work quickly.

Disease of the gastrointestinal tract,
Hormonal imbalances in the body (pregnancy, menopause, active puberty),
Changes in the body's nervous system.

In addition to the main causes of oily scalp, there is another problem that matches all the symptoms - this is seborrheic dermatitis. With seborrheic dermatitis, sebum not only increases in secreted volumes, but also changes in composition. Seborrheic dermatitis is dangerous because in this disease the sebum is oversaturated with free fatty acids, which leads to extremely active proliferation of bacteria, and, even worse, blockage of the sebaceous glands can occur. If you do not start to fight this problem, the consequences can be disappointing, acne will begin to appear, and subsequently hair will begin to fall out.

Causes of oily scalp that depend on you

1. Poor nutrition(eating fatty, sweet, starchy, and unnatural foods leads to the formation of sebum);

2. Washing your hair with hot water(hot water provokes sebum production even after you have washed your hair, so your hair quickly becomes greasy);

3. Oversaturation of hair and excessive care(if you overuse moisturizing and nourishing masks, as well as home remedies, your hair can become oversaturated and become greasy within a couple of hours after washing).
We should also not forget that the oiliness of the skin is strongly influenced by factors such as ecology, climate and even bad habits. Before you can begin to combat oily skin, you need to identify the cause, perhaps it was caused by something that was a normal daily activity.

How to care for oily scalp?

You need to take care of oily scalp correctly, choosing only special cosmetics. Never use 2in1 products, such as shampoo + conditioner. In addition, cosmetic detergents should not contain silicone and lanolin.

Wash your hair only when it gets dirty and preferably with a special shampoo for oily hair. When washing, apply it only to the roots; if you also apply it to the ends, you may encounter another problem - brittle and dry ends.

Not recommended for use balms and masks. However, if the hair itself is dry, then it is better not to exclude it. At the same time, use these products correctly: apply them only to the ends and in small quantities, but in no case to the scalp.

Throughout the day, try your best comb your hair less often, you should also not touch them with your hands. When combing, we distribute sebum throughout the hair. If you have normal hair type, then this procedure will even be useful, since sebum protects our hair, but if the sebaceous glands are overactive, this will lead to the hair getting dirty very quickly.

How can Rinse your comb more often, because after combing, sebum remains on it, and if it is not washed off, then the next time you comb it you will only transfer more of it to your hair.

Don't blow dry your hair, this drying method provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands, it is best if the hair dries naturally, but if you cannot exclude a hair dryer, then you should dry your hair with cool air.

Rinse your hair after washing cool water, thanks to this, the pores will narrow and the risk of rapid hair contamination will decrease.

Masks for oily scalp

Homemade masks can significantly reduce sebum production if it is produced in excess; the following components are suitable for oily scalps:
- clay(Green clay is best, but blue and white clay will also work). Clay absorbs sebum and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;

- egg yolks, help fight excess sebum secretion;

- essential oils, suitable for oily scalp: essential oil of bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, patchouli, eucalyptus, lavender);

- sea salt(exfoliating the scalp with salt helps hair stay clean longer); - mustard, owners of oily scalp are to some extent lucky, since the popular mustard mask for hair growth suits them perfectly. Mustard has a drying effect, which is beneficial for the skin.

Clay mask for oily scalp

For such a mask you will need clay and water; instead of water, you can use herbal decoctions, then the effect will double. Mix the clay with warm water until a homogeneous paste is obtained and rub into the scalp. We apply only to the root part; cosmetic oil should be applied to the length of the hair, since clay can dry out the hair. Keep the mask on for half an hour, then wash off with water and a small amount of shampoo. You can also rinse your hair with a herbal decoction or lemon water.

Mask with oils for oily skin

Grapeseed oil (base oil)
- essential oils for oily hair (optional)

We use grape seed oil as a base, as it is very light and helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Add one or more essential oils to the base oil, in proportion to 1 tbsp. no more than 2 drops of essential oil. Then massage into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes.

Yolk mask

Mix 1 yolk with 1 tsp. cognac and 1 tsp. water, mix thoroughly and apply to the scalp, this mask will not only reduce the oiliness of the scalp, but also stop hair loss and strengthen the hair roots.

Rinse hair and scalp

For oily scalp, rinsing will be very useful.

- with lemon juice. For this, 2 tbsp. dilute lemon juice with a liter of water and rinse hair after washing. If desired, you can simply wet your scalp after washing with a cotton swab with this solution. - with herbal decoctions. For oily scalp, a decoction of oak bark, calendula, chamomile, burdock, and St. John's wort is suitable. In order to prepare a herbal decoction you need 2-3 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of herbs. boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool and rinse your hair with this decoction after washing or simply rub it into the scalp. A decoction can be made from several types of herbs.

By choosing the right care and following these recommendations, you can forget about such a problem as oily scalp and give your hair freshness and cleanliness.

Dry scalp occurs when the sebaceous glands in the scalp are disrupted, causing moisture to be unable to be retained in the cells. This causes a person to experience itching, dandruff, and constant discomfort from the tightness of the scalp. This trouble entails the following: the hair, not receiving enough moisture from the hair follicles, begins to split and break. If you delay in solving this problem, then in the future you may encounter serious diseases: seborrhea, baldness, thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, and others. Dry scalp requires constant competent care, and in advanced cases, the help of doctors may be required to solve the problem. To understand how to moisturize your scalp, and what products will be useful to you for this, you need to find out the cause of the problem.

The reasons leading to dehydration of scalp cells can be divided into two large groups: external and internal.

External factors include:

  • abuse of styling devices that can overheat the hair and scalp;
  • washing your hair with excessively hot water;
  • poor hair care: frequent washing, abuse of hair styling products;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat;
  • being in a room with dry air;
  • frequent presence in rooms where there is tobacco smoke;
  • using shampoos and other cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type.

External factors also include a complete lack of hair care. After all, just washing your hair is not enough today. If you do not use a conditioner after washing your hair and do not make moisturizing masks, then dehydrated hair and scalp can become your problems.

Internal factors include:

  • dehydration of the body due to non-compliance with the drinking regime and abuse of diets;
  • skin diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, which can also be caused by diseases, poor chaotic nutrition and, again, diet abuse;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

If the sensations on your scalp bring you constant discomfort, if it constantly itches, if dandruff haunts you, then these are symptoms of dry skin, which means you need to urgently take measures to eliminate the problem.

Folk remedies for dry scalp

Dry scalp can stop being a problem if you apply moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week. To do this, you don’t have to visit beauty salons or cosmetologists; you can help your hair become more beautiful at home.

  • Burdock oil is a proven and reliable remedy that solves many hair and scalp problems. It is a medicinal product in itself, so it just needs to be applied regularly to the skin and hair along the entire length. You need to keep this mask on your hair in a warm place for at least 40 minutes, and if possible, leave it overnight. Burdock oil can be used together with sea buckthorn oil and honey (all products are taken in equal parts). The mixture should be applied to the scalp and left for at least 40 minutes. Let us remind you that washing off oil from your head is quite problematic, so leave such procedures for the weekend.
  • A simple and healthy hair mask based on homemade fatty sour cream. It should be mixed in equal parts with lemon juice, and then an egg should be beaten into the resulting mixture. The composition must be thoroughly beaten and slightly heated in a water bath. It is also applied to the scalp for 30-40 minutes.
  • A mixture of fresh cream (about 100g) and flour, which is applied to clean hair and scalp, will moisturize the scalp well. The mask should turn out viscous, keep it on for half an hour. It is washed off with clean running water without shampoo.
  • You can quickly get rid of the problem of dry scalp if you nourish it with an egg yolk-based mask once a week. The raw yolk of one egg needs to be beaten, mixed with two tablespoons of hot water and a tablespoon of vodka. The mask is applied with massage movements to the hair roots and left for half an hour.
  • An onion mask will help not only cope with dryness, but also stop hair loss. It is prepared like this: you need to prepare puree from a medium-sized onion in any way convenient for you (using a meat grinder, blender or grater). Then the pulp is laid out in gauze folded in several layers. The juice secreted through the holes in the gauze should be wiped over the scalp exactly as long as it takes to treat the entire head. Next, you need to wrap your hair in cellophane and a warm towel. The mask lasts for an hour.

All masks must be washed off in one way (unless otherwise stated above): with a large amount of warm running water using shampoo. For rinsing, it would be a good idea to use a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, as well as mustard (1 tablespoon per liter): they will not only help strengthen the hair, eliminate unpleasant odors, such as from onions, for example, but also fight the problem when the hair is prone to to fat content .

The problem of dry head cannot always be solved with folk remedies. . In special cases, you should resort to cosmetics or even medications.

Cosmetic and therapeutic products to combat dry scalp

Burdock, sea buckthorn and other oils mentioned above are included in hair masks, shampoos and conditioners. If you find one of these components in a cosmetic product, you can safely use it to combat dehydration of the hair and scalp.

But there are other compositions:

  • Moisturizing shampoos.

Usually they are not just a shampoo for daily scalp hygiene, but also a product for gentle care of sensitive scalp and hair. They are able to gently wash your hair without harming the epidermal lipid barrier, retaining moisture in the hair and nourishing the skin. They do not take time, do not irritate the skin and do not dry it out. An example of such a product is Emolium shampoo, which can cope with the problem of dry skin even in a child, because it can be used to wash the hair of children over 3 months old. This moisturizing shampoo is able to nourish and regenerate not only the hair, but also the hair follicles, providing them with moisture for a long time.

  • Moisturizing masks.

Now we are not talking about compositions prepared independently, but about products developed specifically for hair restoration and nourishment of the scalp. Masks that have a truly healing effect on the scalp are usually sold in pharmacies.

  • Multivitamin complex.

Lack of vitamins is one of the main problems of dry skin, including the scalp. By taking a complex of vitamins and following a drinking regime, you can quickly ensure that the water balance in the skin is restored and it begins to look younger.

Dry scalp with psoriasis

To care for hair with psoriasis, you need to stock up on special keratolytic shampoos that do not contain tar, which help remove dead skin cells from the scalp and moisturize dry scalp. They are applied to the roots of the hair and left for 5 minutes, after which they are washed off. Such products help the skin cleanse itself of lesions; after using them, you need to wash your hair with a mild shampoo that prevents the formation of dandruff. It is worth noting that the shampoo should be free of fragrances and dyes. As an option, you can even use a children's one, as it will minimize the possibility of allergies.

What is dandruff and methods for eliminating it that really work!

Dandruff (seborrhea) is one of the manifestations of unhealthy, dry scalp. This problem is familiar to every adult: some encountered it once, while others suffer from it all their lives. Seborrhea is dead skin cells on the scalp. In the correct “schedule,” such cells should be renewed once a month, but if the yeast fungus on the scalp begins to actively multiply, then this cycle closes to seven days, and dandruff begins to form once a week or even more often. As a result, “spent” cells accumulate on the scalp, bringing a person both physical and moral distress. After all, seborrhea not only causes itching and other inconveniences, it also makes a person’s appearance unkempt.

Treating dandruff by itself is completely useless. You need to start by moisturizing your skin. You need to make sure that the anti-dandruff shampoo you choose is also moisturizing.

This is how it turns out to be an unhappy chain: improper hair care (here, improper nutrition) entails loss of moisture throughout the body, including the scalp. This problem leads to the following: the appearance of dandruff, which in turn leads to the fact that the head quickly becomes fat. This makes us wash oily hair more often, which further aggravates dry scalp. Vicious circle! What to do? We offer a solution - comprehensive treatment!

If dry scalp is a rare occurrence for you, then take our advice! In less than a month, your hair will not only look like the photo in a glossy magazine, but will also be healthy. Otherwise, when dry scalp is your constant problem, consult a doctor immediately so as not to aggravate the problem to the extreme!

In conclusion, I would like to say the following: all of the above tips and recommendations should be followed by absolutely everyone, regardless of whether there are problems with dehydration or not! After all, the best treatment is prevention!!!

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There are a lot of products that are aimed at combating dry scalp along with oily hair. However, it is not always possible to find what is right for you. This is due to the fact that dryness is caused by a variety of problems.

  1. Hair styling using thermal devices. Irons, curling irons, electric curlers, hair dryers not only help give your hair a well-groomed look, but also dehydrate the top layer of the scalp under the influence of hot air. The problem is aggravated if combs with metal teeth are used when styling. Because of this, microtraumas remain on the skin, which leads to cell death and itching.
  2. Using inappropriate hair and scalp care products. Incorrectly selected, or can cause dry scalp and increased oily hair. The allergic reaction intensifies when using aggressive styling products. Mousses, varnishes, and foams often contain large amounts of alcohol, which additionally dries out the scalp.
  3. Hormonal imbalances. If the body's production of some hormone increases or decreases, this can also cause dry scalp with oily hair. Signs of hormonal imbalance are: increased fragility of hair and nails, the appearance of pimples and blackheads, interruptions in the menstrual cycle. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. If you often eat fast food, semi-finished products, instant products, then the body will quickly react to the lack of vitamins and microelements. A variety of diets, for example, those that use only one product, can lead to the same effect. And often this manifests itself in dry scalp. To solve the problem, you need to diversify your diet and start taking a vitamin complex.
  5. Increased proliferation of fungi on the scalp can not only cause dryness, but also cause hair loss. This problem also requires observation by a doctor.
  6. Insufficient water intake. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of clean water per day. We often overlook this advice, which causes dehydration of the skin not only on the head, but throughout the body. Itching, dandruff and unpleasant reactions to cosmetic procedures appear, especially when using thermal devices.
  7. Bad habits. Tobacco and alcohol also cause dry scalp and increased hair loss. This occurs due to vasoconstriction, which, in turn, causes insufficient nutrition of the hair follicles.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation period. At this time, a huge amount of nutrients, microelements and vitamins that are required for the development of the baby “leaks” from the woman’s body. In addition, hormonal levels change and, as a result, dry skin occurs, and often hair loss. Any treatment at this point should be selected by a doctor.
  9. Seasonal. The skin begins to peel off with a lack of and, as well as iron. You can increase the level of these substances in the body with the help of vitamin complexes or by diversifying your food. The most vitamin A is found in carrots, parsley, pumpkin, apricots and spinach. Sunflower and soybean oils, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin E. The trace element iron is found in lentils, white beans, chickpeas, tuna, shellfish, buckwheat and dark chocolate.
  10. Heating appliances. During the winter season, houses become dry due to radiators and heaters. This is reflected on the scalp. You can solve the problem by increasing the humidity in the room, using humidifiers or using folk remedies. For example, you can hang wet towels on heating appliances, which will evaporate the moisture.

Effective treatment

Women share with each other recipes for moisturizing the scalp and getting rid of hair loss, but they only give results if there are no serious problems in the body. If you are unsure of the causes of dryness, itching and dandruff, or folk remedies did not help, then you should consult a trichologist. Self-medication for hormonal imbalances, fungal diseases or during pregnancy and lactation can worsen the situation.

Treatment by a specialist will help determine the root of the problem and choose the right means to combat the disease.

There are many ways to get rid of it at home. According to women's reviews, the best of them is simple mayonnaise. With its help, you can forget about the problem quickly and for a long time. The eggs and oil contained in mayonnaise nourish and moisturize the scalp. The component kills bacteria and stops the proliferation of microflora.

Need to take 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and distribute it evenly over the scalp with massage movements. Wear a cellophane cap and, if desired, an insulating cap, so the mask will work faster. Leave the mayonnaise on your head for 20–40 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and regular shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask

If dryness appears, then you should use a mask of olive oil and lemon. It perfectly nourishes the skin and allows you to gently remove dead cells. To prepare, you only need olive oil and lemon juice. To 2 parts butter you need to add 1 part juice. The oil needs to be slightly warmed up; to do this, place it in a container and hold it over the steam. Then add juice to it and apply to the scalp. The mask must be insulated with a towel and left on 20–30 minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water using regular shampoo.

Antiseptic mask against peeling

Onions are an excellent antiseptic. Its use helps strengthen hair follicles and cleanse the skin of dead particles. To prepare the mask you will need 1–2 onions. They need to be grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender. Then, using gauze, squeeze out the juice and rub it into the scalp with massage movements. Put on a cellophane cap and insulating cap and hold from 1.5 to 2 hours. Then rinse with warm water using regular shampoo.

It leaves a strong odor on the hair that is not so easy to get rid of. Decoctions of chamomile or oak bark will help reduce it.

However, they do not guarantee 100% odor removal, so it is best to do the mask in the evening before the upcoming weekend.

Softening mask

One of the best ways to soften your skin is to use an oatmeal mask. It deeply nourishes and moisturizes the follicles, secretly cleansing them of dead particles. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Decoction (can be replaced with chamomile or sage) – 0.5 cups.
  • Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.

Oatmeal flakes should be poured with broth and left for a couple of hours to swell. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, secure with a cellophane cap and insulate with a cap or towel. You need to keep the oatmeal mask at least 2 hours, s Then rinse with warm water using conventional products.

Itchy scalp causes a lot of trouble for women and men. One of the reasons why your skin may itch is a dry scalp. Causes, symptoms, treatment methods - all these questions on this problem should be studied very seriously, because improper treatment can only aggravate the situation. Of course, itchy scalp is no joke and it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Determining your skin type

There is a myth that it can only peel and itch, however, this is not entirely true. For example, dandruff, which in turn is one of the causes of itching, can be caused by both increased oily skin and dryness. Determining your skin type is quite simple. You need to take a white paper napkin and rub it for 25 seconds. on the scalp. If there is a greasy mark on the napkin, you can assume that you have oily hair type. If the napkin is still dry, then most likely you have either combination or dry scalp. What to do now? You need to be guided by the ends of your hair; if they are dry and too split, then you undoubtedly have a dry type, and if the ends are oily, you have a combination type.

Dry seborrhea

Dry seborrhea is the well-known dandruff. It occurs when the scalp is too dry. As a result of this, the top layer of the integument begins to peel off, which we call dandruff. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the proper treatment. If the skin is dry, it is necessary to use special products containing various oils. However, this is not always able to give results, especially instant ones.

Some women are concerned about the question: “Why is the scalp dry and itchy after washing?” Agree, after washing your hair, all crusts from the scalp should be washed off and, at least for a while, the itching should stop. In this case, you need to pay attention to the shampoo used to wash your hair. As a rule, curl care products indicate what type of hair they are intended for: oily, dry, normal. If the type is not indicated on the shampoo, then most likely there are some recommendations: for brittle hair, for frequently dirty hair, etc. It is necessary to select a shampoo and conditioner that will nourish the scalp.

Hair care products - shampoos, conditioners, masks

Sometimes, even though a girl uses shampoo for dry and brittle hair, the question still arises about what to do if in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to allergic reactions on the skin. Try changing all your hair care products; perhaps one of them is causing you an allergic reaction. In winter, curls are especially affected, so you may also be allergic to the material from which the headdress is made. Don't panic if you've chosen a bad shampoo and your scalp is dry and itchy. What to do in such cases is no secret to anyone. First of all, you need to change your hair product. It is best to temporarily buy medicated shampoo from a pharmacy; it will help quickly restore your scalp.

Hairsprays and dyes

You suddenly find that your scalp is dry and itchy. What to do if this has never happened before? Hair dye may be to blame if you have recently changed your image. Some types of dyes can dry out the scalp. If dyeing is so necessary, and this causes skin irritation, try using balms for curls after dyeing, which will protect the hair and scalp as much as possible.

Here's another secret for those who really like to do different styles: if you use the same mousse or varnish for a long time, it can cause itching and irritation of the skin. In this case, try changing products and choosing a different manufacturer.

Psychological factor

The scalp, like any other part of the human body, reacts very sharply to stress and depression. After a little nervousness, you discovered that your scalp was dry and itchy. What to do in such a situation, especially if you can’t cope with nervous tension? In any case, the nervous system must be protected, so think about whether the game is “worth the candle.”

If depression or stress does not go away, and even the itching of the skin clearly begins to irritate you, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you a sedative. Whatever you put on your hair, nothing will help if the cause of the itching is a nervous breakdown. Some people bite their nails during stress, while others scratch their heads, everything is relative.

In addition, nervous conditions in humans greatly reduce immunity. Thus, it becomes easily available for a variety of diseases. It is imperative to monitor the body’s immune system and maintain it in proper condition.

Symptoms of itchy skin in diseases of the nervous system

Skin itching in diseases of the nervous system is significantly different from other causes and most often occurs on dry skin. First of all, it is characteristic that it appears on its own and also disappears. Very often, women complain of a sensation of movement on the scalp. In addition, a person usually does not even notice that stress can occur in other parts of the body. What is characteristic is that if this disease is not treated, it can develop into a more serious form - a person scratches entire bleeding wounds on his head. If you realize that you are starting to itch again due to nerves, try doing this. You should not scratch your already dry skin with your nails. Use light massaging movements over the entire head.

Dry scalp: causes

What to do if dry scalp causes itching and As a rule, dry skin in this area can be caused by several factors: poor diet, bad habits, hormonal imbalance in the body, improper hair care. In addition, dry scalp may indicate serious inflammation that develops in the human body. However, in 60% of cases, it is poor nutrition and bad habits that cause this problem. Try to analyze your diet throughout the day to see if it contains enough vitamins and fluids. It is known that a lack of vitamins in the body leads to brittle and dry hair.

After frequent washing of luxurious curls, itching of the scalp may also occur. What to do in this case if your hair becomes very oily? Scientists have found that the more often we wash our hair, the more oily it becomes. Try to increase the period of “unwashed hair” by at least one day (that is, if you used to wash every day, now you need to wash it every other day). After a week, most likely, you will be very surprised to find that your hair has stopped getting oily quickly.

Treatment for dry scalp. Folk remedies

Of course, only a trichologist can prescribe the necessary treatment after a thorough examination. However, there are a huge number of folk remedies that help moisturize the scalp and make your hair smooth and shiny.

Oils (sunflower and burdock) moisturize dry skin very well. Before use, the oil must be slightly warmed in a water bath. Hair should be divided into strands and oil should be rubbed into the skin in small quantities. You can use the oil as a hair mask, but if you have a combination hair type (the skin and roots are dry, and the ends are oily), this is not recommended. The oil is washed out very poorly, and the curls will have a “greasy look” for several days after washing off.

Burdock root is very helpful for dry skin. Approximately 20 gr. This plant must be boiled for 15 minutes and cooled. A decoction of burdock root can be rubbed into the scalp once a week. You can brew chamomile in the same way. It has a very beneficial effect on both the skin and the curls themselves.

Many women do not risk using various folk remedies, fearing that they may cause harm. On the one hand, the girl’s scalp is dry and itchy. She doesn’t know what to do, because it causes great discomfort. But, fortunately, there are remedies that can be used without fear. Dry skin is explained by the fact that the skin lacks fat and does not have enough “nutrition”. The problem can be solved by rubbing your face cream. It is important that this is a proven cream that you have used more than once. This way, you will avoid an allergic reaction that may occur when using a new cream.

However, this wonderful method also has contraindications. If wounds have formed on your head as a result of scratching, it is not advisable to apply cream to these places. To quickly heal wounds, use special medicinal products purchased at the pharmacy.