How to prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits and properly brew it in a thermos to preserve vitamins? How to drink a decoction of rosehip fruits and roots? Adaptogenic and other beneficial properties of rose hips: how to properly prepare a decoction of dry fruits Su.

Rose hips are used in the form of infusions, teas or decoctions. To prepare a healthy drink, fresh, dried or crushed berries are used; honey and other ingredients can be added to the drink during preparation.

Rosehip is very useful product, it contains numerous vitamins and microelements necessary for normal operation the most various organs and maintaining excellent health.

Rose hips are usually consumed as a tincture or decoction. To do this, you can use fresh or dried product, adding components such as honey, which gives the drink more valuable properties.

Before brewing rose hips, you need to decide what exactly it will be used for and choose the most suitable recipe.

There are no special restrictions for drinking the drink; even people with allergies and infants can drink it.

Most often, dried fruits are used for cooking, in which all useful components are completely preserved. A drink made from classic recipe made from dried rose hips, you can even feed a five-year-old child.

To prepare, you should choose bright red fruits, then mash them in a mortar and pour hot water. The resulting mixture should be kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then cooled and strained. The finished drink must be topped up boiled water to the previous volume, after which drink at any time.

Tincture in a thermos

One of the most simple recipes How to brew rose hips is to prepare the fruit in. The cooking process is very simple:

  • the fruits must be crushed and then poured into a thermos;
  • water is boiled, cooled for 5 minutes, then poured into a thermos;
  • The drink must be infused for at least 5 hours, tightly closing the thermos with a lid.

You need to drink the resulting infusion 200 milliliters per day, but it is better to do this not every day, but after 2 days. For pregnant women, it is allowed to drink 300 milliliters per day; for five-year-old children, this dose is 50 milliliters. But it is not recommended for infants to drink a decoction prepared according to this recipe.

Before brewing, rose hips must be dried; for every 4 tablespoons of fruit there is a liter of water. If you use fresh rose hips, then there are 100 grams of fruit per liter of water.

The total brewing time can be long - up to 12 hours, which allows you to fully give everything to the drink. useful material and make it more tasty and aromatic. The resulting decoction can be drunk on its own or added to regular tea, especially for colds and kidney diseases.

One of popular recipes is brewing in a jar.

To do this, you need to prepare a heat-resistant dish and a fixing lid; the cooking process itself looks like in the following way:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into the jar and leave for a couple of minutes;
  • then 100 grams of fruit are poured into the container, the jar is closed with a lid and wrapped in a towel;
  • infusion time - half an hour;
  • Next, you need to crush the rose hips, close the jar and infuse the drink for two hours;
  • After cooling, the drink is filtered and can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Decoction in a slow cooker

One way to brew rose hips is the recipe in. To do this you need to take 2 liters ordinary water and 100 grams of fruit. The products are poured into the bowl, and the water should be warm, approximately 80 degrees. Next, set the “stewing” mode and set the cooking time to 2 hours.

After 2 hours have passed, it is set to heating mode for 7 hours, which allows you to completely preserve vitamin C and make the drink more tasty. Before use, the infusion must be filtered.

Rosehip for colds

Rosehip is very useful for colds, promotes rapid recovery and strengthens the body. For this purpose they are used the following ingredients:

  • dried rose hips - a tablespoon;
  • boiling water – 1 liter;
  • (it's better to take fresh).

To prepare, all components are crushed and poured with boiling water, after which the future drink is infused for at least 8 hours. Before use, it must be strained, and you should drink 150 milliliters every hour.

The entire volume of this drink is designed to be taken within one day; you can additionally add honey or raspberries, which will ease the course of a cold and strengthen the body.

Rose hips are extremely effective for weight loss, but you need to drink the decoction for at least 4 weeks, not forgetting about physical activity and proper nutrition.

Used for cooking various methods– in a thermos or in the form of a decoction.

Infusion in a thermos is very simple, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of fruit with a liter of boiling water, then infuse overnight. You should drink 200 milliliters of the drink half an hour before meals, dividing your meals into 5 times a day.

To prepare the decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of rose hips into one and a half liters of boiling water, place in a water bath, and then heat for half an hour. The drink is infused for at least two hours; it must be drunk according to the scheme of the first method.

Benefits of rose hips for the heart

Brewed rosehip is very good for the heart, it improves its functioning, helps to cope with hypertension, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

To prepare, do the following actions:

  • you need to mix 1.5 tablespoons of hawthorn and rose hips;
  • the resulting mixture is poured into a thermos and filled with 400 milliliters of boiling water;
  • the drink is infused for 7-8 hours, after which it should be drunk three times a day, 70 milliliters.

Decoction for the liver

Used for liver diseases following recipe:

  • 2 teaspoons of rosehip root are brewed in 250 milliliters of boiling water;
  • The drink should be kept in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then infused for an hour;
  • You should take the drink three times a day, 50 milliliters, this should be done about 15 minutes before meals.

Rosehip during pregnancy and for babies

Rose hips can be used during pregnancy and then given to the baby to improve health. For a child, the tincture is used as an additive to tea, 50 milliliters per day. It is better to start from 8 months, using following recipe:

  • rosehip leaves – 5 pieces;
  • fruits - 2 tablespoons;
  • ordinary water - 400 milliliters.

The leaves and fruits must be crushed, poured with water and cooked in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Then the drink is infused for an hour and filtered. The baby should be given this drink through a straw.

During pregnancy, you can use a recipe with honey, for which 250 milliliters of boiling water, a little honey and a tablespoon of fruit are mixed and boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes.

Then the drink is infused for an hour under the lid (you need to wrap the container with a towel), the finished infusion is filtered, you can take it three times a day, 100 milliliters.

Rose hips for the kidneys help not only improve general state, but also relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

To prepare, pour 200 grams of fruit with a liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Filter and drink 20 milliliters per day, 3-4 times in total.

In addition to the fruits, the root of the plant is used for kidney diseases, for which 50 grams of the crushed root should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for about half an hour. The drink is taken three times a day, 3 tablespoons, which can significantly alleviate the general condition and relieve pain.

Rosehip infusions for diabetes

An effective solution would be to brew rose hips for diabetes, which allows you to saturate the body with essential microelements, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, immune system. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • rosehip root - a teaspoon;
  • rose hips – 100 grams;
  • boiling water – 0.5 liters;
  • fresh, dried black currant leaves - 50 grams.

All components are mixed and filled with water, after which they are boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The drink is infused with the lid closed for 2 hours; you should drink it half an hour before meals, 100 milliliters. In addition, the infusion is added to tea, but you can drink it only 2 hours after eating.

A drink based on rose hips is very useful for various diseases or for general strengthening of the body.

You should drink it without sugar, but you can add honey, ginger or raspberries, which not only improves the taste and makes it brighter, but also gives the drink more benefits. There are a lot of brewing recipes, it all depends on the disease, age and the desired effect.

About the benefits of rosehip drinks

Everyone who cares about their health should know how to brew rose hips correctly, because this berry contains a lot of benefits.

In nature, you will not find a plant as rich in vitamin C as the fruits of rose hips.

As a rule, the content of this vitamin in plant products measured in thousandths of a percent (so-called milligram percent - mg%).

Lemons, for example, contain approximately 50 mg% vitamin C.

Much richer ascorbic acid black currant berries and red pepper: 100-400 mg%. In the best rosehip variety, Rosa Beggeriana, this figure increases to an absolutely incredible 17,800 mg%! But also in “simpler” varieties that grow on the edges of forests and along country lanes, healing vitamin enough.

In addition, this plant contains whole list other vitamins, as well as organic acids that help improve digestion, needed by the body microelements, including those that make up the hematopoietic group.

How to brew rose hips correctly

The most delicious drinks are made from ripe fresh berries that have been touched by the first frost, and the healthiest ones are made from dried fruits.

Before brewing, dry rose hips are often crushed - it is better to do this in a stone or wooden mortar.

Contact of the product with metal is acceptable, but some organic matter at the same time decomposes.

The beneficial substances are best preserved if you brew rose hips in a thermos or prepare a decoction in a water bath without boiling.

Please note that whole fruits take longer to brew.

Healing decoction

Traditionally, a decoction of scarlet berries is prepared in a water bath.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry fruits
  • 2 tbsp. hot boiled water
  • 2-3 slices of lemon.

Chop the berries and place them in an enamel saucepan or glass fireproof container. Fill with water.

Place the dishes in a water bath, closing it with a lid. After a quarter of an hour, remove, add lemon, cool slightly and strain.

This method of preparing a decoction is good because the drink does not need to be boiled. After all, as we know, Vitamins, especially C, are very disliked high temperatures .

To strengthen your immune system, take this healthy drink 100 ml twice a day for 2 weeks.


This is another way to brew dried rose hips.

To prepare a broth that is excellent in its own way taste qualities ancient healing drink, you will need:

  • 20 dry berries
  • 2 tbsp. hot water
  • dry leaves of rose hips, strawberries, blackberries, currants (to choose from or assorted).

Place the berries in an enamel container and fill with hot water. Let it simmer for 3 minutes. Remove, add dry leaves, cover. Let it soak in the aromas for about a quarter of an hour. Drink it hot or refresh yourself with a chilled drink.


Infusions are prepared with water or an alcohol-containing product.

An infusion of water is prepared as follows: dried berries (1 tablespoon) are crushed and poured with boiling water (200 ml).

Cool covered to room temperature.

Then filter and drink 100 ml 2 times a day.

For medicinal alcohol infusion you will need:

  • 25 fresh rose hips
  • 300 ml water
  • 200 ml alcohol
  • 200 g honey.

Boil water and immerse the fruits in it. Boil for 10 minutes, let sit for 4 hours.

Strain, mix with alcohol and honey.

Drink 1-2 tbsp daily (2-3 times). spoons half an hour before meals.

Thermos: a great way to preserve vitamins

Many people prefer to brew rose hips in a thermos because it is convenient. But this method of preparing the drink also helps to preserve the rich “ inner world» healing berries. A thermos is a vessel that ensures tightness. If you are interested in how to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins, then this brewing method can be considered the best option.

How to brew rose hips correctly in a thermos? There's nothing complicated here. Usually whole fruits are taken. They will be needed 4-5 tbsp. l., boiling water - about a liter. Leave the brewed berries overnight. By the way, if you don’t know how much rosehip to brew per 1 liter of water, then write down these proportions - they will be suitable for any method.

Add sugar or honey directly to the cup.

If you want to treat yourself to a drink quickly, chop the berries.

It is advisable to brew rosehip tea in a thermos with a glass flask. Many beneficial substances contained in the plant are not “welcome” to contact with metal.

Healing rosehip tea

Rosehip tea – effective remedy with vitamin deficiency, hypertension.

It is appreciated by dieters and caring mothers who protect their children from colds.

Healing tea is brewed in teapots and thermoses.

2 tbsp. l. dried crushed berries are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for about 10 minutes.

You can add hawthorn, a little natural tea or hibiscus to the brew.

When treating children to tea, adjust its strength, taking into account their age.

Vitamin berries are included in many natural mixtures for weight loss: their structure contains elements that accelerate biochemical processes in the body and help “burn” fats.

Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. chopped berries with boiling water (800-1000 ml) and leave to steep overnight. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. By adhering to other diet conditions, you can get rid of a couple of kg in the first 10 days excess weight.

Rosehip has a diuretic effect - part of the weight loss is liquid.

How to brew rose hips for children

Since the aroma and taste of rosehip drinks are neutral, children are not very willing to treat themselves to them. Unless your child is extremely conscientious or simply obedient. You have to resort to tricks and add sugar, raisins, dried apricots, lemon or other tempting ingredients to the healing fruits.

Rosehip infusions can already be given one year old child, but not more than 80 ml throughout the day. As the baby grows, the amount healthy drink increase.

Rinse the fruits under cold running water, crush or chop (preferably in a mortar) and place them in a thermos. Add aromatic dried fruits, lemon, sweeten and pour boiling water (400 ml of water for 2 tablespoons of fruit). Leave for 7-8 hours.

To sweeten, you can replace sugar with honey, which is tastier and healthier to add immediately before drinking. Don't forget about - then this one bee product This healthy rosehip drink will make just a vitamin bomb!

Such infusions are also very useful for expectant mothers. They strengthen the immune system and protect against colds, which are especially dangerous during this period. In addition, most women suffer from edema during pregnancy, and rosehip drinks rid the body of excess fluid. But you should not drink more than 200 ml per day.

Delicious and delicious for nursing mothers healthy drink will also be beneficial. Correct usage Rosehip infusion improves lactation. You should drink it in portions (50 ml several times a day). It will be more convenient to brew the berries in a thermos, pouring them not with boiling water, but just with hot water.


Children, pregnant and lactating women should not use infusions prepared with alcohol-containing products.

Is it possible and how to brew fresh fruits?

Drink brewed with fresh berries superior in taste healing infusions and infusions of dried fruits.

It is especially good if the rosehip is frostbitten.

In frostbitten fruits, the concentration of nutrients is much lower than in those collected before frost, but a delicious, refreshing tea made from them will in any case bring more benefits than store-bought products.

Berries (simply ripe or frozen) must be mashed before brewing. You can put them in a teapot, pour boiling water over them and use them as tea leaves.

But it will be tastier if you grind the crushed fruits with sugar, lemon, add hot water and let it brew. Determine the proportions yourself. This drink is very good chilled. If you like hot drinks, prepare it in a thermos.

Rose hip root drink

IN folk medicine A drink made from rosehip roots has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps with joint diseases and removing kidney stones.

To prepare a universal drink you will need:

  • 150-160 g of dry root;
  • 1 liter of water.

Grind the root. Place it in an enamel saucepan and cover with water. Boil under a closed lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Pour into a jar, wrap it up. Let it sit for 5 hours.

Strain and take 200 ml 3 times a day for medicinal purposes for 10 days.


Drinks based on rosehip root are contraindicated for children.

  • When buying dried berries, remember: fresh fruits should be orange or scarlet in color, without mold, dried fruits should be brownish-red. The almost black crumbly berries are clearly overdried, and it is futile to expect any benefit from them.
  • It is highly advisable to strain the drink from crushed rose hips (2-3 layers of gauze). This is done to get rid of the hairs located in the middle of the berry.
  • Whole fruits can be brewed twice, especially if you choose a thermos as a vessel. A third fill is not recommended.
  • Crushed berries immediately give up their beneficial “richness”, so there is no point in brewing them a second time.
  • If you drink rosehip drinks regularly (with therapeutic purpose), rather than occasionally, limit yourself to one month of use. Then consult your doctor.

Useful video

According to many doctors, rosehip drinks, including in combination with other fruits - hawthorn, apples, apricots, should be drunk regularly. The video contains advice from an experienced doctor:

The beneficial properties of rose hips are limitless; the concentration of some substances important for health in them is several times higher than the content of the same substances in many well-known medicinal plants. But not only rose hips are good for health; the seeds, petals and roots of this plant also have a lot of useful qualities. Let's try to figure out why rose hips are useful and how to brew rose hips so that its healing qualities are not lost.

Brewed rosehip

What are the benefits of rosehip?

What are the benefits of brewed rose hips, you ask? Rose hips, which ripen at the end of summer, are a real storehouse of substances, vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to the body. The vitamin C content in them is 45-50 times higher than in lemons - the most popular “sources” of this vitamin. The vitamin C content in rose hips ranges from 6 to 18% depending on the type of plant.

In addition to vitamin C, these berries are rich in B vitamins, vitamins A, K, P and E, as well as microelements such as potassium, cobalt, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, manganese and molybdenum. And that is not all! Rose hips contain pectins, organic acids, sugars, essential oils and tannins.

Where is it used?

Scope of application of this plant is quite wide due to its rich biological composition, so how to brew dried rose hips many people know. Rosehip, having a pronounced diuretic effect, stimulates the activity of the kidneys, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes and the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

The high content of vitamin C makes rosehip infusion one of the most commonly used medicinal infusions for colds, atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency (how to brew rose hips is written below). Regular use infusion of rose hips helps strengthen vascular system, improve the condition of patients with malaria, treat disorders more effectively genitourinary system and anemia, as well as reduce blood pressure.

How to properly prepare rosehip infusion?

To take full advantage healing properties this useful plant you need to know how to brew rose hips. However, rose hips can be used to cook not only traditional decoctions, it makes excellent extracts, teas and tinctures. In addition, it is important to know how many times to brew rose hips.

Preparing the infusion

For getting maximum benefit from rose hips, it is necessary to brew it correctly. An important condition is to strictly observe the proportion - one part of rose hips should be ten parts of water, i.e. for one liter of boiling water you will need one hundred grams of rose hips (this is about four tablespoons). It is best to infuse the fruits of this plant in a thermos. Any housewife will tell you how to brew rose hips in thermosows. To do this, rose hips must be slightly crushed or pierced with a needle, placed in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for seven hours.

Preparing the decoction

In order for as many useful substances as possible to “release into the water” from rose hips, they can first be boiled in a sealed container, and then infused in a thermos for twelve hours. The infusion is filtered and drunk one glass before meals.

Preparing rosehip infusion for children

An infusion of rose hips is useful not only for adults, but also for children. However, many mothers are faced with the problem of how to brew rosehip for their child so that he drinks it with pleasure. This is quite simple to do; you need to sweeten the infusion a little and add something else tasty to it, for example, dried apricots.

Recipe for delicious rosehip tea for children

In most cases, when talking about how to brew rosehip tea, it is implied that it is the dried fruits of this medicinal plant that will be brewed. So, to make rose hip tea you will need the following ingredients: boiling water, dried rose hips, a little sugar and dried fruits.

Rosehip berries must be washed under running water and placed in a thermos, having previously been crushed or crushed. Then add a tablespoon of raisins or dried apricots and the same amount of sugar to the thermos. After this, you need to pour boiling water into the thermos and leave for 7-8 hours.

Cup of "health"

You already know how to brew rose hips, now it’s time to find out how to use them correctly. Before use, both the decoction and infusion of rose hips must be passed through cheesecloth so as not to swallow the hairs that are inside the fruit.

To strengthen your health with the help of rosehip infusion, you need to take 100 ml for one month. 2-3 times a day before meals. Then you need to take a break for at least two weeks and the course can be repeated.

Rosehip infusion during pregnancy

Now about how to brew rose hips during pregnancy. In this case, it is best to use the method of infusing dry rose hips in a thermos, and it is important to remember that 15 berries of this plant contain daily dose vitamin C, so you should not abuse this infusion.

Is it possible to brew rosehip root?

Remembering the beneficial properties of all parts of this plant, many people think about how to brew rosehip root. A decoction of rosehip roots is prepared as follows: one tablespoon of crushed roots is boiled for 15-20 minutes in 500 ml, infused for 15 minutes under a closed lid and filtered.

Selection and storage of rose hips

When buying fruits, pay attention to them appearance, they should be orange or red-brown in color without stains or mold. Too dark or even black color of the berries indicates that the rosehip is overdried, and its benefits will be minimal. It is best to store rose hips in a cloth bag or in dry, clean glass jars in a dark place.

Preparing rose hips for brewing

Rose hip syrup

To make rosehip syrup, first make a rosehip infusion. Return the finished broth, passed through a sieve twice, into the pan, add sugar and continue heating in a water bath until the sugar dissolves. Pour the prepared rosehip syrup into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. For 4 cups of rose hips, add 2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar.

How to brew rosehip (rosehip tea, rosehip infusion)

To brew rosehip tea, place the berries in a thermos and pour hot (not boiling!) water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of berries to 1 glass of water (or to taste). Brew the rose hips for several hours, then you can pour hot water over the rose hips again. Along with rose hips, you can brew a couple of sticks of cloves, cinnamon, anise or a little mint for taste. You can add honey to the finished rosehip infusion if you don’t like the sour taste.

How to dry rose hips

To dry rose hips, spread the berries in a single layer on paper in a dark, well-ventilated area and leave until they are completely dry. Place dried rose hips in sealed plastic bags or jars. Store in the refrigerator for several months or longer in the freezer. Dry rosehip is well suited for infusion, tea, decoction and other recipes.

Processing rose hips for jam, compote, jelly, smoothies, pies, marmalade and other recipes

Rinse the rose hips. Cut off the top and bottom ends of each berry. Cut the rose hips in half and remove the large seeds and fine hairy fibers from the inside. Now the rosehip is ready for further use.

Rose hip puree

To make rose hip puree, grind processed rose hips in a food processor. Transfer the puree into airtight plastic bags and store in the freezer.

What else can you cook from rose hips?

Add processed rose hips in one form or another to your morning meal. Toss fresh, peeled rose hips into homemade muesli or granola. Use frozen rose hip decoction or puree to make refreshing drinks. Add berries to baked goods (such as fruit bread or fruitcake). In Sweden, rose hips are used to make soup that is eaten... for breakfast or as a refreshing drink!

Frozen cubes of rosehip decoction or puree are also excellent cosmetic product, toning the skin and saturating it with vitamins.

Rosehip is a wild bush with useful fruits. It is grown very rarely as an ornamental plant. About what rose hips have beneficial features, many people know: it strengthens the immune system, makes the body resistant to various diseases, treats chronic and acute inflammatory processes. For treatment, to prepare tinctures and decoctions, rose hips root and berries are used.

Useful properties of rose hips

Rose hips contain more than lemons and. It is a good natural antioxidant. In the rosehip a large number of vitamins such as A, P, E, K, B2. Among its beneficial properties is a bactericidal effect.

By the way, not all varieties of rose hips are equally useful. For example, dog rosehip does not contain anything useful.

When creating medicines, the roots, fruits and even flowers of rose hips are used. Medicines obtained from these berries are used to treat arthritis, anemia, diseases of the genitourinary system and others. Ointments are made from rose hips, the external use of which helps treat dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite and psoriasis.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are used in treatment cholelithiasis. Rosehip is also able to stimulate the functions of the sex glands, stop bleeding, and reduce the fragility of blood vessels.

Rosehip oil is used to heal abrasions and shallow cracks, and also treat trophic ulcers and cracked nipples in women who are breastfeeding.

Rosehip tea is drunk for preventive purposes during flu epidemics. Mixed with honey, it is also drunk by patients with respiratory viral infections. This speeds up recovery and alleviates symptoms and complications.

Contraindications to the use of rose hips

You must be very careful when using rose hips; these, at first glance, harmless and, as was shown in the previous paragraph, have contraindications. healthy berries. People with gastritis or ulcers, as well as in cases of high acidity, should be especially careful.

A very concentrated infusion of rosehip is bad for dental health. Because of this, it is recommended to rinse your mouth clean water after each use of the infusion.

Rosehip is contraindicated for both heart patients and people with a tendency to form blood clots. People with high blood pressure should not use alcohol tinctures rose hips (in general, no one should use alcohol tinctures - alcohol is harmful and dangerous, no rose hips can fix this), and for hypotensive people - water tinctures.

If you take rosehip preparations for a long time, this can have a bad effect on the health of the liver, including the appearance of non-infectious jaundice.

People who are prone to constipation should also use rosehip tinctures very carefully. This plant can only make their condition worse.

Rose hips and pregnancy

Pregnant women should use rose hips especially carefully; the benefits and harms from it can be equally great. But if special contraindications no, then this plant will be a real godsend for expectant mothers. To keep your body in good shape, you need to take a cup of rosehip tea every day. It will have a general strengthening effect on the pregnant woman’s body.

But, as they say, everything is good in moderation. If you overdo it and drink too many decoctions, then there may be a disorder in the functioning of many internal organs.

Losing weight with rose hips

Lovers of various miraculous remedies Those who think that by drinking rosehip tea they will easily get rid of excess weight are mistaken (as, indeed, are lovers of other “miraculous” methods, such as). He will not be able to completely remove extra pounds, but he will actively participate in this process. Rose hips can improve the functioning of the stomach, remove toxins and waste, as well as other substances that poison the body.

As a result, if you regularly take rosehip tinctures, you can get rid of extra pounds and remove toxins from the body. But relying on tea alone would be very optimistic.

To obtain maximum effect In terms of losing extra pounds, you need to take rose hips correctly. How to brew it for these purposes? As one of the options, we can offer the following recipe: you need to pour three tablespoons of berries with a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Under no circumstances should you boil it, as this will kill all the beneficial properties. Take the tincture 5 times a day, half a glass.

Rosehip collection

You can buy rose hips, or you can collect them yourself. If you are not looking for easy ways or trust only yourself, then the information below is for you.

Rose hips must be collected after they are fully ripe. During this period, berries contain the most healing substances. It should be borne in mind that different varieties of this plant ripen in different time, so we will limit ourselves to indicating a fairly wide range: approximately this occurs in August-October.

To ensure that rose hips bring only benefits, it is better to collect berries from bushes that grow in environmentally friendly places. You cannot use the fruits of plants that grow near the road or in populated areas. It is better to pick berries with cups and stalks. And it’s better to clean them of these residues after drying, then it’s much easier to do.

How to dry rose hips?

First, you need to sort out the harvested crop and throw away the diseased berries. Under no circumstances should you wash the fruits. You can dry whole berries or cut them into halves.

You can dry fruits in different ways. The easiest way is to use the oven. To do this, you need to heat it to 40 o C, place a baking sheet with one layer of rose hips for about an hour, and then raise the temperature by another 20 o C and dry for 8-10 hours. But there is another option: set the temperature to 100 o C for 5-10 minutes, then reduce it to 70-75 o C and dry it.

To dry fruits efficiently, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of logs from the oven and constant air movement. To do this, you can leave the oven door open or constantly stir the fruit.

If you plan to dry rose hips in a Russian oven, then place the fruits in it no earlier than two to three hours after heating it. Although we suspect that if you have a Russian stove in working condition, then you most likely do not have the Internet and you cannot read this article, but suddenly...

You can also use a convection oven or electric dryer to dry rose hips.

If the rose hips are properly dried, the skin on the berries does not wrinkle when squeezed, but springs back. But overdried fruits will crumble.

Storing rose hips

When the fruits are dry, remove the sepals. Then place the rosehip in a wooden box, paper bag, fabric bag or cardboard box. In two to three days at room temperature the humidity will level out. After this, the fruits must be transferred to tin or glass jars for further storage. There is no need to cover the jars with lids; it is better to tie them with gauze so that air circulates and the fruits do not become moldy. This is how you can store rose hips: medicinal properties he will not lose about three years.

Using rose hips: how to brew the fruits correctly?

As mentioned earlier, in order to preserve the beneficial properties of rosehip, you need to dry it properly. Therefore, do not try to dry it in the sun - the beneficial substances will be destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. You also need to know how to brew it correctly.

To prepare a drink from rose hips, you need to wash 1 tablespoon of dried berries, crush them and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 8-10 minutes, then leave for some time in a warm place, then strain. You can add honey or sugar to this decoction.

You can make jelly from rose hips. To do this, grind 100 g of dry berries, pour in 2 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain. Add 200 g of sugar, 0.5 g to the resulting broth citric acid or fresh lemon slices. Dissolve 50 g starch in cold water and pour into the broth. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil.

Popularly, rose hips can also be called “wild rose”, as it has beautiful flowers with a rich aroma. It is a natural and invaluable storehouse of useful substances. Not only its fruits, but also its seeds, roots, and petals have healing properties. The concentration of useful substances in rosehip is several times higher than that of others. medicinal plants. To use this gift of nature, you need to know how to properly brew rose hips and the features of this procedure.

What are the benefits of rose hips?

The fruits of this plant are valuable sources of antioxidants, while having a pronounced bactericidal and phytoncidal effect; it contains a large amount of vitamin K, P, C, which provide accelerated process tissue regeneration and bone fusion.

Due to such a rich composition and the content of a large number of microelements, it is recommended to use rose hips for general health improvement throughout the body, including for medicinal purposes.

Extracts, teas, vitamin extracts, decoctions, infusions, as well as syrups, for the preparation of which the fruits of wild roses were used, are widely used in folk medicine. These funds help support the body during a general loss of strength, anemia, exhaustion, including vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of vitamin C.

Thanks to the use of such drinks, you can maintain the normal functioning of everything human body and individual organs. Rosehip contributes to the destruction of various species harmful bacteria, inflammatory processes occurring in the body are also eliminated. It becomes possible to get rid of bleeding, reduce arterial pressure and saturate the body with such useful microelement, like iron.

Rosehip seed oil is recommended for use in folk medicine as an effective and all-natural healing and preventive remedy. When used externally, it occurs accelerated healing cracks and wounds, helps during the treatment of inflammation and irritation, burns, ulcers, eczema.

It is recommended to brew rose hips for cooking medicinal decoctions, which have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. This tool It becomes simply irreplaceable for a variety of colds.

A healing drink made from rose hips helps bring you back to normal. carbohydrate metabolism, this has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all organs of the human body, including the gallbladder, kidneys, bone marrow and liver.

Rosehip root has a pronounced astringent effect. Infusions and decoctions prepared from wild rose fruits help regulate the functioning of gastrointestinal tract, while they can be used as an effective and completely natural antiseptic for gum diseases, which is used to rinse the mouth.

How to properly prepare decoctions and teas from rose hips?

If you brew rosehip correctly, it will retain all its useful qualities And healing properties. This drink can also be used as a natural prophylactic, which helps prevent the development of various diseases.

To prepare this healing drink, it is important to strictly adhere to the ratio of rose hips and water 10:1 (about 4 tablespoons of wild rose fruits are needed per liter of water). To preserve maximum benefits and vitamins, you need to observe not only the correct proportions, but also temperature regime, as well as the infusion time of the decoction.

The raw materials for preparing such healing drinks can be prepared independently. This type of shrub grows not only in gardens, but also in wildlife- in the forest, in ravines, in clearings. Rose hips are best collected with the onset of autumn, and then useful and delicious drink You can drink it throughout the year.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that before preparing a healing drink, you need to grind the rose hips, which will significantly reduce the brewing time. Of course, you can use the fruits in their entirety, but then it will simply take more time to prepare the drink.

To ensure that wild rose fruits are well infused, it is recommended to use a thermos with a glass flask, which preserves much more useful substances. In this case, the finished drink will have a pleasant and mild taste, preserving the valuable qualities of rose hips.

Using fresh rose hips

Fresh rose hips contain the greatest amount of useful substances, so it is recommended to brew them immediately. As a rule, the period of fruit ripening lasts several weeks and rose hips collected at this time will have the largest number useful qualities.
  1. First, the rose hips are thoroughly washed and all rough fibers are removed, as they can cause sore throat and irritation.
  2. The prepared fruits along with the seeds are kneaded with a fork.
  3. This mass is placed in a glass container (it is advisable to use a glass thermos flask), then hot boiled water is poured in, the temperature of which should be about 60? C, but not higher. It is worth remembering that too hot water can destroy all the beneficial substances and vitamins.
  4. Need to stick correct proportions- about 1 tsp. gruel from fresh rose hips, take 1 tbsp. warm water.
  5. After the rosehip is filled with liquid, the container must be closed with a lid and left for 60 minutes to infuse well.
  6. After the specified period of time, the infusion must be filtered and poured into a separate container, and then left for some time.
  7. The strained mass of fruits should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. rose hips take 500 g of liquid.
  8. Then the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, after which it is filtered again and cooled to room temperature.
  9. Then the decoction and infusion are mixed, it is advisable to add a small amount of honey to the resulting drink.

Rosehip, brewed given method is very beneficial for the body, since the freshly prepared infusion retains almost all valuable minerals and vitamins that react to high temperatures. By boiling wild rose fruits, you can achieve maximum benefits from the drink.

Using dried rose hips

Dried rose hips can be used for health purposes throughout the year. In this case, you need to brew wild rose as follows:
  1. Rose hips are washed under running water and then crushed using a blender, but you can use a coffee grinder or meat grinder.
  2. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the fibers inside the fruit.
  3. The resulting pulp is transferred to a glass thermos flask, after which it is filled with boiled water, the temperature of which is no more than 60? C.
  4. The container is covered with a lid and left for about 45 minutes, and then filtered.
  5. The pulp from wild rose fruits is filled with water in the following proportions - 1 tsp. For rose hips, take about 500 g of water.
  6. The composition is placed on the stove, brought to a boil, then the heat is turned down to a minimum and the broth simmers for 30 minutes.
  7. The drink must be filtered and left for a while until it cools to room temperature.
  8. Then the decoction is mixed with the previously prepared infusion.
  9. You can add a small amount to the finished drink natural honey or sugar.
If you are brewing whole rose hips, you should prepare for the fact that this process will take quite a lot of time, and to effectively brew a healing drink, it may take about 7 hours. It is very convenient to brew rose hips at night, and in the morning the healthy drink will be completely ready.

How to use rose hips to boost immunity?

If you are concerned about weakness and malaise, in order to strengthen the immune system and improve the overall health of the body, you can use warming rosehip tea.

To do this, you need to chop the rose hips and add water in the following ratio - 1 tbsp. l. 1 tbsp of product is taken. liquids. The composition is left for 10–14 minutes to infuse well. Part medicinal tea you can add Sudanese rose (hibiscus), black or green tea, mint.

To strengthen protective functions body, it is worth preparing rosehip tea in a water bath. For this, take 2 tbsp. l. wild rose fruits and pour 350 g of hot boiled water. Then the container with the mixture is placed in a deep saucepan and left to simmer for 15 minutes. The finished drink is left for a while until it cools to room temperature and filtered.

Rosehip petals, which can be used not only dried, but also fresh, are also very beneficial for the body. They should be brewed like simple tea - together with tea leaves or separately. After the petals are poured with boiling water, the drink is left for 10–14 minutes to infuse well. The tea prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant and light aroma, delicate taste and is very useful in the presence of gallbladder diseases.

How to use rose hips for weight loss?

Rosehip helps you quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds and get your weight in shape. It contains a large number of valuable vitamins and microelements. That is why a drink made from rose hips helps not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the body’s strength. the right level, without using a variety of strict diets.

Rosehip includes in its composition nutrients, which help normalize the metabolic process and help speed up metabolism. For this purpose, you need to drink a healing drink from the fruits of wild roses several times during the day. However, to get the desired result, you need to complete a full course, which lasts 3-4 weeks.

If rose hips are brewed for weight loss, you need to place 3 tbsp in a thermos. l. dried fruits, then pour 1 liter of boiled and hot water. Then the thermos is tightly closed with a lid, and the broth is left to infuse for 10–11 hours. The finished drink should be drunk about half an hour before the start of the meal. This decoction should be drunk 2-3 times a day.

Before using rose hips for weight loss, you need to remember that the fruits of wild roses are very high in calories - 100 g of dried product contains approximately 110 kcal.

Rosehip is very useful for the human body and helps not only to bring weight back to normal or get rid of colds, but also to improve overall health.

How to brew rose hips correctly, watch this video: