Is it possible to drink a decoction of St. John's wort? St. John's wort in traditional medicine

How to brew St. John's wort? How to use similar remedy? Now we will answer these and other questions. We will describe the features of preparing an infusion, a decoction, and tell you how to brew it. St. John's wort is a truly unique herb. It is a real panacea for many diseases. Contains a lot useful elements. They help heal and restore damaged body functions. Let's take a closer look at what healing properties it has. this plant, and how to use them wisely to help the body cope with diseases.

To begin with, it should be said that this grass grows almost all summer in the forest. It's not hard to find on your own. But it is worth remembering that there are several varieties of this miraculous plant. But in principle, their properties are almost the same. So there will be nothing criminal if you don’t get exactly what you expected.

For what diseases is it used? The benefits of a medicinal plant

Before brewing and taking St. John's wort, you need to know what diseases it helps with? Firstly, this plant - indispensable assistant for pain in the heart. If you suffer from diseases associated with this vital important body, buy St. John's wort, and the symptoms will gradually disappear.

In addition, this herb is a great assistant for rheumatism. As we know, no one is immune from this disease, especially older people. Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind that this plant will help.

You have become a victim of colds, ARVI and other diseases associated with the defeat immune system? This plant will help in this case too.

If you have problems with the genitourinary system, you are tormented by incontinence and other diseases, make a decoction of St. John's wort, and the symptoms will not bother you for a long time.

By the way, relatively recently another positive attribute this medicinal plant. It helps with nervous disorders and acts as an antidepressant. Of course, if you have been depressed for a long time, it is better to use natural remedy than antidepressants. As is known, such drugs reduce sensitivity and are addictive. Therefore, they should be used only in exceptional cases.

If you have minor worries, it is better to drink a decoction of St. John's wort and relax. Natural natural substances will do their job, and you can let go and calm down.

If you would like to purchase this medicine, you can come to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. Most likely, it will be in stock, and it will not be difficult to buy it for a small amount. But it’s still much better if you prepare the infusion yourself.

How to brew St. John's wort? First you need to collect this plant. It is recommended to do this at the beginning of summer. It is during this period that a lot of beneficial properties and substances are concentrated in it. Now let's move on to the most important thing - drying the plant. It's pretty Long procces. Therefore, you should be patient. You need to sew a small bag and put the grass in it. It is best to put all this in a dark, secluded place, where all the valuable qualities of this herb will remain unchanged. If you decide to brew St. John's wort by adding it to tea, this option will be the most optimal. But you should understand that the plant must dry for about a year.

It is not at all necessary to wait that long for the decoction itself. For these purposes, you can use fresh grass.

How to brew St. John's wort so that it does not lose its healing properties?

Firstly, you should fill the plant with not very hot water, and use better enamel dishes. If you manage to follow these recommendations, the plant will retain all its excellent properties and help cope with ailments.

How to brew St. John's wort if you don't have the opportunity to collect the plant and it's winter outside. As we said earlier, it can always be purchased at the pharmacy. This is not some kind of prohibited drug that requires a prescription or any doctor's instructions. Everything is absolutely accessible. All you need is desire and financial capabilities.

Brewing Features

So, how to brew St. John's wort bought in specialty store or a pharmacy? In this case, everything is extremely simple. It is usually sold in sachets, like ordinary tea. Accordingly, it should be brewed in the same way. But keep in mind that purchased St. John's wort will not have the same effect on the body as the one you collected yourself.

Now let's take a closer look at how to brew St. John's wort. St. John's wort tea is also famous for its healing properties and restorative effect. IN winter period This drink will be an excellent prevention of colds. So, everything is quite easy and simple. We take a teapot, put in the required amount of tea leaves, as usual, and add a spoonful of dried St. John's wort.

We talked earlier about how the drying process occurs. If you are a very thrifty housewife, it wouldn’t hurt to add raspberry, currant or mint leaves. This will be a real vitamin blow to the body, after which no infection will be scary. This tea should steep for about five minutes.

Preparation of a decoction from a medicinal plant

We examined in detail how to brew St. John's wort correctly. The next issue that we will address in this article will be the sequence of preparing the decoction. To do this, we need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb and pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. After this, the mixture should be heated in a water bath. You can consider the decoction ready! In order not to harm the body, it is better to consume it in small doses (about half a glass) before meals. Then you will feel an extremely positive effect and will be pleasantly surprised at how miraculous simple folk remedies can sometimes be.

Contraindications and precautions

Above we looked at how to brew and take St. John's wort. Why have we paid so much attention to this issue? This is because this plant, at certain doses, can lead to a completely unexpected effect. It is worth understanding that any drug can have negative effects if used incorrectly.

As for St. John's wort, it may also not have the properties that you need. Firstly, it should be noted that it is bad for people who are susceptible to high blood pressure. In addition, too frequent and long-term use St. John's wort can lead to bad work nerve endings of the eyes. Therefore, be extremely careful and remember that moderation is needed in everything.

Another option for using the plant

Let's look at another way to brew fresh St. John's wort. To do this, simply place a couple of spoons of the plant in a mug of boiling water (you can also use flowers). After this, transfer the container with the herb to a dark place, and after a couple of hours you can already drink the finished decoction. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparation.

This decoction can be used for inhalation. This will help on long time get rid of colds and ARVI. You just need to breathe for a while over the steam that this plant gives off, and all ailments will go away and will not bother you for a long time.

What is best to combine with and for what diseases?

But if you are worried about migraines, you should add regular black or green tea and rosehip.

When making a decoction to get rid of stomach pain, simply add mint and nettle to this plant. There is an opinion that the drink will even help get rid of stomach ulcers.

If you have problems with your organs genitourinary system, you can add chamomile and calendula to the decoction of St. John's wort.

A little conclusion

So, in this article we examined an issue that concerns many of us. So is it possible to brew St. John's wort? Yes. Having answered this question, we gradually reached other topics. We talked about how to brew St. John's wort. We looked at what beneficial properties this herb has, what time is best to collect it, how to use the plant correctly and competently so that it does not lose its important properties and qualities. We also looked at which medications work best with St. John's wort, and how to combine them correctly to achieve the desired effect.

St. John's wort is indeed, in some sense, an absolutely amazing plant. It cures the most various diseases. The spectrum of effects of the herb is incredibly wide and varied.

One of the most effective plants in therapeutic practice is St. John's wort, or common St. John's wort. This medicinal herb grows up to 30–70 cm, blooms in June-August with small yellow flowers. The most favorable habitats are light forest glades and dry meadows. For medicinal purposes, the leafy tops of the plant with inflorescences are used. It is best to collect them from the very beginning of flowering, since during this period the content useful substances maximum.

In nature, there are several types of herbs called St. John's wort. There are shrubs with this name, and even small trees. In folk medicine, St. John's wort (St. John's wort) and St. John's wort are used. They differ both in appearance and in their healing properties quite slightly.

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that St. John's wort could protect against evil spirits, ghosts and witches. It was placed in the child’s crib or hung from the cradle. It was believed that the baby would dream like this good dreams, And devilry won't scare him.

On fresh St. John's wort grass, girls told their fortunes about love: they crushed the stems in their hands, if the juice came out red, then the feeling was mutual, if it was colorless, then the chosen one was indifferent.

St. John's wort was taken by travelers on the road; it was believed that it would protect against attacks by wild animals and robbers.

There are many legends about the origin of St. John's wort. Thus, among Christian peoples, its appearance is associated with the death of John the Baptist. When his head was cut off, St. John's wort grew in place of the drops of blood that fell to the ground. Therefore, according to Slavic tradition This plant is called "Ivan's blood".

Composition and beneficial properties of St. John's wort

St. John's wort contains many useful substances, which is why it has healing properties. The plant contains flavone compounds (rutin, quercetin, etc.), ascorbic and nicotinic acids, saponins, sugars, carotene, tocopherol, hypericin, cetyl alcohol, choline, hyperoside, phytoncides, essential oil, tannins, resins and bitter substances. The healing components allow this medicinal plant to be used quite widely. It is used as an antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing, antirheumatic, diuretic, choleretic, astringent, anthelmintic, and also as a regenerating drug.

Since ancient times, infusions from the herb St. John's wort, prepared in water, have been used to treat colds, stomach, Bladder, bedwetting, inflammation of the female genital organs.

And only very recently, medical scientists discovered another beneficial property of St. John's wort. As shown clinical researches, the plant has a positive effect on nervous system and has an antidepressant effect. This makes St. John's wort even more valuable, since it has almost no contraindications and does not cause side effects, in contrast to sedatives of chemical origin.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of St. John's wort:

    Tocopherol is vitamin E, which is necessary to protect the body from the destructive effects of free radicals;

    Carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is necessary for proper operation eyes, skin cell renewal, fighting viruses and bacteria;

    Tannins help cleanse wounds from infection, relieve inflammation, and accelerate healing;

    Nicotinic acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and nervous system;

    Vitamin C increases immunity, promotes the restoration and renewal of cartilage and ligaments, maintains skin turgor, and prevents the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells;

    Hypericin and hyperforin are special substances that have antidepressant effects;

    Hyperoside and rutin strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

    Phytoncides are plant “antibiotics” that have a powerful antimicrobial effect.

This combination is biologically active substances as part of a medicinal plant allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases.

St. John's wort in cosmetology

St. John's wort is successfully used for:

    Increased fat content skin;

    Withering and wrinkles;

    Baldness and dandruff;

    Pustular skin diseases;

    Cracked heels.


With abundant acne On the skin of the face, daily evening washing with St. John's wort infusion is recommended. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped dried herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. You need to wash your face with the infusion every evening before going to bed, do not get it wet with a towel, do not rinse it off, and let it dry on the skin.

Increased oily skin

If a greasy sheen quickly appears on the skin, a strong decoction of St. John's wort will help you. Pour two tablespoons of dried herbs into one glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and wipe your face with a cotton pad, let dry, rinse cool water.

You can make a mask from steamed St. John's wort herb. To do this, pour two tablespoons of raw material into four tablespoons of boiling water, stir, and let it brew. The resulting slurry is applied to a cleanly washed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Do it no more than twice a week.

Withering and wrinkles

Ice rubs and St. John's wort based lotion will help restore skin tone. For ice rubs, you need to prepare a decoction of St. John's wort (see recipe above), cool, strain and freeze, pouring into special ice molds. Every morning after washing, it is recommended to wipe your face and décolleté with a piece of ice.

To make lotion, you need to mix 1 glass of St. John's wort infusion (see recipe above) and mix with 1 tablespoon of vodka. Wipe your face and décolleté after washing in the evening before bed.

Baldness and dandruff

For baldness, one third of a glass of St. John's wort infusion should be taken orally 10 minutes before meals, 2 times a day. To get rid of dandruff, you need to rinse your hair after washing with St. John's wort infusion prepared according to the recipe described above.

Pustular skin diseases

At pustular diseases The skin is wiped with a decoction of St. John's wort. To prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas, washing is carried out using a cotton pad. The disc should be moistened in the broth, squeezed lightly, and using blotting movements, treat the skin in an area with a radius of no more than 3 cm, throw away the used disc, and take a clean one. Repeat the entire procedure on the next area of ​​skin.

Cracked heels

To alleviate the condition, shown foot baths. To do this, you need to prepare 2 liters of decoction at the rate of 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs per 0.5 liter of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes. Pour into a small bowl, cool to 45 degrees (hot, but tolerable), lower your feet and hold until the broth cools.

Use of St. John's wort in medicine

The active substances that St. John's wort is rich in have made it “the herb for 99 ailments.”

Classical medicine

In the official medical practice They use both dried raw materials - St. John's wort herb, and medicines made on its basis.

The plant is used for following states:

    Depressive states, insomnia, increased anxiety.

The effectiveness of this healing herb at inflammatory diseases oral cavity is due to the content of large amounts of tannins, phytoncides and beta-carotene.

The drug Novoimanin is made based on St. John's wort extract. It is indicated when purulent diseases skin – , infected wounds, inflammation of the pharynx, sinusitis. Its effectiveness is so high that it is able to suppress the growth of even aureus, which is resistant to penicillin drugs.

The choleretic effect and the ability to normalize intestinal motility during diarrhea is associated with the content of essential oil in the plant.

The ability of St. John's wort to eliminate manifestations is well known. Numerous studies have shown that in patients with lung depressive states The effectiveness of drugs based on St. John's wort is even higher than that of classical antidepressants. In addition, the herbal preparation does not cause drowsiness, lethargy, does not affect the ability to drive a car, and does not reduce reaction speed. Antidepressants based on St. John's wort improve mood, relieve anxiety, and cause a rush vitality. Official medicines based on St. John's wort to combat depression, anxiety, irritability and restlessness: the German drug Gelarium Hypericum and the Russian herbal remedy Negrustin, which are sold without a prescription.


Warning! Treatment of any disease will be effective only if the diagnosis is known accurately and the existing complications and contraindications are taken into account. In complex advanced cases, techniques traditional medicine must be combined with classical methods treatment of a particular disease.


    Gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder, hepatitis, including viral;

    Skin infections, burns;

    Mental illnesses, including depression;

Before starting any herbal therapy, you should consult your doctor. This will help you avoid fatal mistakes, the price of which is life and health.

St. John's wort is most often used in the form of:

  • Water infusion;

    Alcohol tincture;

    Healing tea.

All of them can be made at home.

Very popular herbal teas, which, in addition to St. John's wort, include other medicinal plants. The fees work more efficiently and quickly due to the summation of beneficial properties.

As a raw material for cooking dosage forms St. John's wort can be used dried herb purchased at a pharmacy. It is sold in bulk in cardboard boxes or in the form of filter bags. It is best to use grass in bulk.

If you wish, you can prepare St. John's wort yourself, if it is possible to collect the plant away from major roads, factories, factories, and railways.

St. John's wort should be collected during its flowering. Plants are cut with a knife close to the ground. Dry with the tops down, tying them into bundles. When drying, avoid direct exposure sunlight, it is better if it is a shaded place (canopy, attic).

Treatment with St. John's wort: the best recipes

It is very important to remember that this medicinal plant can cause serious harm, and to understand this, just read the name carefully. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is best to consult a doctor. As a rule, fresh herbs are used as an external remedy. To do this, leaves and inflorescences are crushed, which promote the healing of wounds, ulcers and, and are used as lotions for sore spots - for example, for rashes, and also after insects. You can add a little honey and use the plant as a bandage to treat joints or lower back.

Freshly squeezed St. John's wort juice is used quite rarely. Since it is difficult to obtain the required amount of juice, infusions, tinctures, decoctions, ointments and oils are often prepared.

St. John's wort infusion: To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh herbs or 1 tablespoon of dry herbs, and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for 3-4 hours in a dark place, after which the product can be consumed 15 ml 3 times a day before meals to get rid of gastritis, normalize the acidity of gastric juice, cholelithiasis, headache to improve venous circulation, increase, etc. When colds or infections of the oral cavity, use rinsing with St. John's wort infusion. To treat inflammation on the skin, lotions or compresses with the same remedy are prepared. The infusion is used for treatment skin diseases in children, adding it to the bath when bathing.

St. John's wort decoction: it is used in almost the same way as an infusion. To prepare the decoction, you need an enamel pan or heat-resistant glassware. Take 1.5 tablespoons of herb and pour it into a glass hot water. After which the container with the brewed herb is heated in a water bath for 20–30 minutes, but do not boil. A decoction of St. John's wort is used externally for washing, rubbing the skin, rinsing hair, and internally for intestinal infections.

St. John's wort tincture: St. John's wort herb is infused with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:7 or 1:10, left in a dark place for three days or more. The drug should be taken by mixing with water: one teaspoon per 50 ml of water. This medicine is also used for rinsing the mouth and for inhalation. Alcohol tincture is very effective as a warming compress for muscle or joint pain.

For external use prepare ointment or oil. This product promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers, bruises, sprains, etc. An ointment is prepared by mixing animal fat, Vaseline or fatty baby cream with evaporated St. John's wort extract or dry herb powder.

St. John's wort oil: it can be prepared as follows: take one part of the flowers and infuse it in two parts of olive, almond or peach oil for three weeks. This drug is used as oil compresses to treat ulcers, burns or wounds.

To prepare the medicine, you can take regular vegetable oil, add dried herbs and leave for 5 days (in a ratio of 1:1.5). If healing oil is prepared from fresh herbs, then the proportions are 1:1. In the villages of Siberia, this oil is widely used to treat gums and oral mucosa (in case of stomatitis or).

St. John's wort tea. It is prepared in the same way as a hot infusion. Pour 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort into a teapot and add 1 glass of boiling water. Linden blossom, a spoonful of honey or a handful of strawberries can be added to the tea. Tea is used not as a remedy, but as a prophylactic to strengthen.

There are many traditional medicine recipes based on St. John's wort. Here are the best ones.

Treatment of the stomach with St. John's wort

If gastritis is accompanied severe pain, then it is possible to use herbal mixture. To prepare the infusion, you will need one part each of the herb meadowsweet, nettle and St. John's wort. The herbs should be placed in a dry jar and mixed thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Then take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour it into a teapot and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink half a glass 5 times a day before meals.

If heartburn bothers you along with gastritis, then collecting plants will help: 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, . Pour all ingredients into 1 liter of water. Let it brew for 2 hours, take half a glass half an hour before meals or when an attack of heartburn begins.

Treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort

Vitiligo is a disease in which unknown reasons in certain areas the skin loses its pigment - melanin, and white round spots appear in this place. In severe cases, they grow slowly, merging with each other and capturing more and more areas of the body. Vitiligo most often affects exposed skin areas: face, neck, décolleté, and hands. The spots do not hurt or itch.

St. John's wort has been used for the treatment of vitiligo for a long time. In the fight against this disease, an infusion of herbs and ointment were used:

    Infusion for the treatment of vitiligo. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dried St. John's wort herb, put it in a faience teapot, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening before bed for 3 weeks. After an 8-day break, repeat the course of treatment. Do this until total there will not be 8 courses;

    Ointment for the treatment of vitiligo. Collect fresh St. John's wort flowers, compact well glass jar"up to the shoulders." Pour in cold-pressed vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, as much as you need. Place in the sun for 2 weeks. Collect fresh St. John's wort flowers again, compact them tightly into a jar, and pour in the squeezed oil from the first portion. Leave for 2 weeks. Collect the flowers in the jar again and pour in the squeezed oil from the second portion. Do this 5 times. Vegetable oil towards the end it will turn into a thick viscous liquid, reminiscent of cream. You need to lubricate vitiligo spots with it once a day, leave until completely absorbed. Wash off any remaining residue after 30 minutes with warm water.

Treatment of sinusitis with St. John's wort

To treat sinusitis with St. John's wort, you will need a decoction of this herb (see recipe above). Before rinsing, place drops in nose vasoconstrictor drops to relieve swelling and give access healing water to the nasal sinuses.

Rinse nasal cavity warm decoction of St. John's wort 3 times a day. After the procedure, it is good to blow your nose with both nostrils at once. The course of treatment is 7 days. Rinsing can be done using a syringe without a needle. Tilt your head over the sink, draw a decoction into a syringe and insert it into the nostril. Spit out the secreted fluid.

Treatment of the liver with St. John's wort

At stagnation V gallbladder, it is necessary to stimulate the secretion of bile. An infusion of St. John's wort will cope well with this task (see recipe above). In the morning after waking up, drink 0.5 glasses of infusion on an empty stomach. In half an hour, have breakfast. During the day, take 2 tbsp. l. after each meal, but no more than 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is 7 days.

Treatment of gastritis with St. John's wort

An infusion of the plant helps with exacerbation of gastritis. To prepare the infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon or 1 filter bag of St. John's wort herb, brew them in a glass container with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave to steep for about 1 hour. Drink 15 ml (1 tablespoon) before each meal.

Treatment of alcoholism with St. John's wort

To induce a feeling of disgust for alcohol, a strong decoction is prepared using St. John's wort. Pour four tablespoons of chopped dry herbs into 2 cups of boiling water and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Cool. Drink 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening before meals. The intake must be conscious, that is, there will be no effect if you add the decoction to food without the knowledge of the patient. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Treatment of depression with St. John's wort

Since those components of the medicinal plant that have an antidepressant effect are poorly soluble in water, the most the best drug during treatment anxiety states and mood disorders is St. John's wort tincture. You can prepare it at home. The recipe is written above. To get rid of depression, take 10-12 drops of tincture 3 times a day before meals. Duration of treatment is 1 month.

St. John's wort is a slightly toxic plant. If this herb is used for a long time, discomfort may appear in the liver area, and sometimes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

The main side effects and contraindications are:

    Photosensitivity is increased sensitivity skin to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, those receiving treatment with St. John's wort should not stay in direct sunlight for long;

    The plant causes an increase blood pressure, therefore, patients with hypertension should consult a doctor before starting treatment with this herb;

    Women taking birth control pills, it should be remembered that St. John's wort reduces their contraceptive effect, so the onset of unwanted pregnancy;

    Long-term use of this medicinal plant can cause a weakening of potency in men, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug;

    Drinking decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort for more than 1 month in a row can cause liver enlargement;

    In patients with mental illness this herb can cause an exacerbation of manic syndrome. The same effect can occur when simultaneous administration St. John's wort with other antidepressants. Patients may experience hallucinations, confusion, and in severe cases, coma may occur;

    St. John's wort should not be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, as it promotes faster removal of the drug from the body, as a result of which the effect of antimicrobial therapy is reduced;

    Another important note: St. John's wort can halve the blood levels of a very important medication called Indinavir. Given this circumstance, people with AIDS should not use St. John's wort. In addition, the plant significantly reduces the effect of anticoagulants and heart medications, so it is better not to use it together with these drugs;

    Older people using modern antidepressants should take St. John's wort especially carefully. Combining this medicinal herb with antidepressants can lead to dizziness, confusion, anxiety, and seizures;

    St. John's wort should be used with caution by people who require anesthesia, as this plant can prolong or enhance the effects of some pain medications. Therefore, before administering anesthesia, it is very important to inform the doctor about the use of St. John's wort. Latest Research plants have shown that some components of the plant also have a negative effect on the optic nerve.

Can St. John's wort be used during pregnancy?

Since this plant is famous for its healing properties, the question often arises: can expectant mothers use it? Use St. John's wort internally when pregnant and breastfeeding is strictly contraindicated, since St. John's wort can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, and also imparts a bitter taste to breast milk.

External use in the form of ointments, rinsing, washing is allowed for women at any stage of gestation.

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).

St. John's wort – herbaceous plant, widespread throughout Russia. It can be found on the edges of forests, clearings, meadows, and fields. This plant has long been bright yellow flowers used in medicinal purposes. What St. John's wort helps with, why people drink it, readers will learn from this article.

Composition and properties of St. John's wort

The healing power of this plant is recognized not only traditional healers, but also official medicine. This herb contains powerful antioxidants, tannins, vitamin C, phytoncides, which exhibit properties similar to antibiotics. The plant also contains antidepressants - hypericin, hyperforin. Rutin can strengthen vascular walls. St. John's wort has astringent properties and also has bactericidal, antimicrobial, soothing, and anti-inflammatory effects.

What does St. John's wort herb help with??

The herb St. John's wort has shown itself to be an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It helps fight:

rhinitis, sinusitis,
purulent wounds,
diseases of the digestive system,
nervous disorders,

As an excellent antiseptic, St. John's wort is used to treat burns and wounds in the form of lotions and applications. Thanks to its tannins, the plant is successfully used in dentistry. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth for bacterial stomatitis. Some diseases of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys can also be treated with decoctions of St. John's wort. In gynecology, the herb is used for uterine bleeding. Compresses with crushed raw materials - the herbaceous part of the plant - help relieve inflammation in the mammary gland. St. John's wort also helps eliminate various skin problems– rash, irritation, diathesis, abscesses. That is why this plant is often used for bathing small children.

Why do they drink St. John's wort??

Decoctions and infusions from the plant are taken internally for diseases internal organs and inflammatory processes in the throat, larynx, bronchi and sinusitis. Why do you drink St. John's wort?

1. From bleeding.
2. From neuroses, depression.
3. For diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
4. From intestinal infections and digestive disorders.
5. For cough.
6. For rheumatism, gout.
7. For neuralgia.
8. For epilepsy.

Methods of using the plant

As you can see, the effect of the plant is very versatile, so it is important to know exactly how and in what cases to take it correctly. There are several ways to use St. John's wort:

1. In the form of tea;
2. Decoction;
3. Alcohol tincture.

Making tea is very easy. Take a teaspoon of inflorescences and the green part of the plant, brew with boiling water (200 ml is enough). Cover the cup with a saucer and leave to brew for a quarter of an hour. Tea is a non-concentrated drink; you can drink a glass of it in the morning and evening. What effect can you expect? At daily use herbal tea The immune system is gradually strengthened, intestinal function improves, chronic inflammatory processes fade, performance improves, mood stabilizes, depression goes away, and sleep improves.


St. John's wort decoction is not just a drink, but a full-fledged medicine. To prepare, you will need a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials. We brew the herb and place the dishes in a water bath. Boil the product for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid, leave for 1 hour, strain. The product should be brought to its original volume with boiled water. The decoction can be taken orally or used externally or to rinse the mouth and throat. Drink a third of a glass three times a day orally.

St. John's wort tincture

Alcohol tincture they cook like this. Take 20 g of raw material, place it in a glass vessel with a lid, pour in 100 ml of vodka. The product is sealed, shaken, and put in a dark place for 10-14 days. After infusion, filter. Drink St. John's wort in alcohol, 15-25 drops 3 times a day. This remedy helps against hypotension, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, neuralgia, and inflammation in the bronchial tree and sinuses.


Contraindications include the following conditions:

1. Pregnancy.
2. Lactation period.
3. Hypertension.
4. Allergy to raw materials.
5. Children's age.
6. Increased clotting blood.
7. Problems with potency.

In any case, before starting treatment, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking St. John's wort drugs in order to avoid possible negative consequences.

Attention! St. John's wort should not be taken for a long time without a break. You should drink the infusion, decoction or tincture for no more than 14 days, after which the course of treatment is interrupted for 10 days. This recommendation is due to the fact that the herb contains substances that have the ability to accumulate in the body and cause negative reactions.

We discussed in some detail what the St. John's wort plant helps with and why people drink it. Its medicinal properties are multifaceted, but before you start taking this herb in any form, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications for it. Do not neglect to consult a doctor if you have chronic diseases or pathology.

St. John's wort has long been glorified in Rus'. “Just as you can’t bake bread without flour, you can’t cure a person without St. John’s wort,” says folk wisdom. And to this day it is medicinal plant widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

What is St. John's wort?

St. John's wort is a perennial herb with bright yellow flowers, reaching a height of one meter. There are about 200 species of this grass in the world, 50 of them grow in Russia. IN Western Siberia, Central Asia and in the Caucasus, the most common St. John's wort, or St. John's wort. You can meet this plant in the forest or in the field. St. John's wort grows like a weed along roadsides, in vacant lots, and clearings. In such places, collecting grass for further use is not recommended.

There are several versions of where the name "St. John's wort" came from. According to one of them, it came from the Kazakh language. Translated, "jerabai" means "healer of wounds." According to another version, the name of the herb speaks for itself. St. John's wort can cause severe burns on the skin of livestock with white fur. This is explained by the content of a special pigment in the grass, which several times increases the sensitivity of albinos to sunlight. St. John's wort is dangerous only for such animals.

Benefits and beneficial features St. John's wort is widely used in the production of medicines. In addition, folk alternative medicine cannot do without it.

Chemical composition

St. John's wort flowers and leaves contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. Chemical composition defines healing properties plants for its use as medicine. Vitamins E, C, PP, essential oils, tannins, carotene, choline and other micro- and macroelements provide effective prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Useful properties of St. John's wort. Its harm to the body

At proper preparation and in the right dosage Flowers and leaves of a plant have an effect on the body therapeutic effect. In alternative and conventional medicine, tea is also prepared from St. John's wort, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a very long time. St. John's wort is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound healing, antidepressant, diuretic and cholagogue. The herb also has a general strengthening effect on the body, thereby increasing its resistance to various diseases.

The benefits and harms are as follows:

  • Successful treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract(colitis, gastritis).
  • Removal nervous excitement- acts on the nervous system as a sedative.
  • Effective prevention cardiovascular diseases(strengthens the heart muscle).
  • Treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • Normalization of intestinal function (prevention of constipation, treatment of diarrhea).
  • Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle, stops uterine bleeding.
  • Used for bronchitis and asthma.
  • Treats bedwetting in adults and children.

The beneficial qualities of St. John's wort can be continued to be listed endlessly, because it has long been considered a remedy for a hundred diseases. However, the grass is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

Indiscriminate use of folk remedies based on St. John's wort can cause significant harm to the body.

Firstly, St. John's wort, the harm and benefits of which depend on certain factors, narrows blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure.

Secondly, it is important to avoid overdose folk remedies and preparations based on St. John's wort. It can provoke abdominal cramps, cause headaches, nausea and vomiting, and in the blood of women.

Thirdly, when long-term treatment a slight toxic effect on the body may occur. It should not be used simultaneously with other medications, since the plant reduces their medicinal effect.

Contraindications for use

St. John's wort in any form should not be taken:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • people with high sensitivity to solar radiation;
  • with individual intolerance.

All products prepared using St. John's wort should be taken only after consultation and as prescribed by a doctor.

St. John's wort tea: benefits and harms

St. John's wort can be prepared healing drink with a pleasant tart taste. Tea with St. John's wort, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, will help get rid of many ailments.

  • Stop diarrhea. It is enough to take a tablespoon of dried St. John's wort and yarrow and brew it in a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Stop bedwetting in children. To do this, just drink a glass of St. John's wort tea some time before bed.
  • Tea made from St. John's wort and mint will help calm the nervous system.
  • You can strengthen your immune system if you drink weak tea made from St. John's wort and rosehip every day.

How to brew St. John's wort tea

To really cook healthy drink, you should learn how to brew tea correctly. To do this, you will need a porcelain teapot, which must be doused with boiling water before adding the herbs.

The dry mixture is poured into the kettle at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water. Then boiling water is poured in and St. John's wort tea, the benefits and harms of which allow it to be used as a tonic and warming medicine, is ready. Before pouring it into cups, it must sit for at least 15 minutes.

By mixing St. John's wort with other herbs, leaves and berries, you can enrich the taste and healing composition tea. For example, if you add oregano and rose hips and let the raw materials brew in boiling water for at least half an hour, the result can be a tasty

Refreshing tea from St. John's wort, the benefits and harms of which have long been proven, can be prepared by adding black currant, raspberry or cherry leaves to the dry mixture. Such a drink will not only be healthy, but also especially aromatic.

How to prepare St. John's wort for the winter

St. John's wort is usually harvested in July - on the 7th. This is the time when it blooms. For preparations, not only the flowers of the plant are used, but also the upper part of the stem. St. John's wort is dried outdoors in a place protected from sunlight or in a well-ventilated area (for example, in an attic). A special dryer for vegetables and fruits is also suitable for this. Temperature in this case it should be set at 35-40 degrees.

St. John's wort, the harm and benefits of which have long been assessed in both modern and non-modern traditional medicine, can be stored in natural fabric bags, cardboard boxes or paper bags for no more than two years.

The plant is widely used in official and alternative medicine. From dry or fresh raw materials, decoctions, tinctures, teas are prepared, and oil is obtained. Extracts of the plant are used to make medicines: natural antibiotics, antidepressants, septic tanks.

The herb has about 100 varieties, but only two types are used as medicinal raw materials:

  1. Ordinary (perforated)
  2. Tetrahedral


St. John's wort: contraindications

Due to the high concentration of biologically active substances, there are extensive contraindications for St. John's wort. The herb is slightly toxic and can pose a threat to the body. Infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort are so rich that they should be taken with great caution, strictly observing the proportions and recommended doses.

St. John's wort contraindications are relevant for people who have been diagnosed with:

  • Hypertension
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy
  • Liver diseases

The herb is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age and women during lactation. Treatment with St. John's wort should be avoided summer time, as it reduces the natural protection of the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation.

St. John's wort contraindications should be taken into account when long-term use decoctions - spasms and pain may occur in digestive organs, nausea.

For men, long-term use of the herb can result in a temporary weakening of potency.

Simultaneous use of St. John's wort is prohibited:

  • With antibiotics, painkillers
  • With drugs to treat the heart
  • With anticoagulants
  • With antidepressants
  • With oral contraceptives
  • With drugs to treat HIV

Treatment with St. John's wort is canceled for patients whose bodies contain transplanted organs. Taking the plant can provoke their rejection.

St. John's wort is contraindicated for use if the herb was collected in environmentally unfavorable regions - there are no beneficial properties in such raw materials. The plant tends to accumulate cadmium - chemical element, hazardous to health.


Useful properties of St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are explained by its unique composition which includes:

Coumarins – reduce the risk of blood clots.

Cineole is a substance that calms the nervous system.

Tanning components– have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, healing and astringent properties.

Geraniol is a substance that stops development coli, Staphylococcus aureus, salmonella. Has anti-influenza effect.

Myrcene – destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Azulene – heals wounds, relieves inflammation.

Saponins – have a diuretic and laxative effect, remove cholesterol.

Hyperoside - restores the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces allergic manifestations, eliminates inflammation.

Hypericin – rejuvenates body cells.

Pinenes – strengthen capillaries.

Carotene, vitamins C, B3, P– strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, promote the health of the epidermis, nails, and hair.

All components of the plant act combinatorially, not suppressing, but enhancing the effect of each component on the body. The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are manifested in its antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The plant is used to treat wounds and relieve inflammation from mucous membranes. Preparations based on St. John's wort are recommended for the treatment of the heart, blood vessels, diseases of the nervous system, digestion and urinary system.

Medicinal properties of St. John's wort

The basis for the manufacture of medicines, tinctures and healing compresses St. John's wort or St. John's wort appears. It is this type of plant that contains resinous substances (about 17), tannins (12), saponins, flavonoids and essential oils (about 0.3). Herbal remedies from St. John's wort promote tissue restoration, strengthen the immune system, improve well-being during menopause, and eliminate depression.

The plant is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Inflammation digestive system
  • Liver and gall bladder dysfunctions (bile stagnation, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, kidney stones)
  • Vitiligo
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Migraines, depression
  • Malfunctions of cardio-vascular system
  • Worm infestation
  • Wounds, burns, purulent ulcers, eczema
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Mastopathy
  • Dental inflammation
  • Diseases respiratory tract
  • Sciatica, gout

St. John's wort is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Tinctures and masks based on it are used to treat acne, to rejuvenate the skin and fight wrinkles, and for baldness in men. Baths with St. John's wort decoction help get rid of cracked heels, soften the skin and heal tissue.

St. John's wort for men

St. John's wort flowers are used for cooking healing decoctions and tinctures for the treatment of prostatitis. They relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation in the genitals. At acute forms diseases are treated with herbal mixtures, including St. John's wort and calamus rhizome. The decoction is taken 1 spoon 4 times a day. Plant-based oil is used as microenemas at night.

Taking a decoction of the plant affects potency and enhances libido. St. John's wort is a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances sexual function. Decoctions and infusions are especially useful for men who have sexual problems due to stress, fatigue, and psychological tension.

However, it should be remembered that there are contraindications for St. John's wort for men. With long-term use of decoctions (more than 20 days), the opposite effect may occur in the form of a decrease in potency. Symptoms resolve on their own after discontinuation of this potent herb.

How to brew St. John's wort

The herb is mainly used as tinctures, decoctions and herbal teas, since it is very difficult to obtain juice from the plant. Herbal decoction cook in an enamel pan in a water bath. The cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes, as all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort will disappear.

There are two ways to brew dry or fresh herbs:

  1. Insist. Take 30-40 g of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion is kept in a dark place for 3-4 hours.
  2. Cook in a water bath. A similar amount of raw material is placed in a pan, steamed in a water bath for 20 minutes, and cooled.

St. John's wort tincture

An alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort is indicated for oral administration for vascular diseases, urolithiasis, depression, helminthic infestation, insomnia. The product is used externally for hair loss, for rinsing oral cavity and throat.

The herb and vodka are taken in proportions of 1:5, placed in a dark glass bottle and infused for 10 days. The finished tincture is used in drops (50 drops 3 times a day). If rinsing is indicated, the product is diluted with water.

St. John's wort tincture is used to treat infected, purulent wounds, for boils, burns. Taking the product improves appetite, relieves spasms in stomach ulcers, improves immunity, helps with hemorrhoids and the treatment of gynecological ailments.

How to drink St. John's wort

Herbal medicines based on St. John's wort should be taken with caution and not combined with other medications. Treatment has the greatest effect when taken in courses, with breaks of a month or two.

Tinctures and decoctions should be drunk in strict quantities, taking into account the contraindications of St. John's wort. Alcohol tincture should be taken:

  • After a stroke, for depression - 30 drops per 2 tbsp. L. water, during meals, treatment duration is 10 weeks.
  • For sore throat, dilute 6 drops of tincture in a spoon of water and take before meals. As a rinse 1 liter. dilute the tinctures in a glass warm water.
  • For nervous disorders, dizziness, insomnia - 30 drops before meals.

St. John's wort decoction is taken:

  • With cystitis, kidney diseases– 1/3 glass before meals.
  • For radiculitis - 2 tbsp. Spoons (4 times a day), treatment course 2 months.
  • Treatment of gastritis – 1/4 cup daily, 3 times a day.
  • For varicose veins - 1/4 cup three times a day, in combination with honey (2 tsp).

A decoction of the plant is used for inhalation and douching for gynecological ailments. Tinctures and decoctions help with menstrual irregularities, menopause, and cervical erosion.

Can St. John's wort be used for children?

Any preparations based on St. John's wort are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. In small quantities, the herb can be added to warm baths for children aged five. The plant relieves inflammation of the skin, calms the nervous system, and eliminates allergic rashes.

Oil and weak decoctions of St. John's wort can be used externally to heal small wounds on the child's body.

Scientists have not fully studied the effect of St. John's wort on children's body. Due to the fact that the plant contains toxic components, the introduction of St. John's wort teas and decoctions into a child's diet is prohibited.