Trophic ulcers treatment of ulcers with folk remedies. Ulcers on the body treatment Purulent sores on the body

An ulcer is a defect in the mucous membrane or skin, resulting from the destruction of superficial tissues. The causes of damage include a change in blood flow in the microvasculature and a decrease in regeneration processes. This condition may be a local manifestation of a general disease.


Ulcers can complicate the course of a wide range of diseases, from diseases of the circulatory system to metabolic disorders. In particular, venous circulation disorders are associated with thrombophlebitis, arteriovenous fistulas and varicose veins. Violation of arterial circulation causes thrombosis, persistent vasospasm and embolism. A change in the function of the lymphatic drainage is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, anemia, scurvy and blood diseases. Ulcers on the skin can provoke malignant and benign tumors, injuries of various origins, neutrophic disorders and changes in the walls of blood vessels - atherosclerosis, syphilitic aortitis, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis.


The recovery process may require complex treatment and a sufficiently long therapy. If an ulcer is a local manifestation of a disease, one can not hope for a quick result, because it is necessary to influence all parts of the pathological process. First of all, careful skin care, bed rest, immobilization of the diseased limb and physiotherapy measures such as sollux or ultraviolet radiation are required.

At the initial stage of the disease, frequent bandaging with hypertonic solutions is indicated. Proteolytic enzymes are used to release purulent contents. The cleaned surface of the ulcer is fixed with bandages with antiseptics, antibiotics in the form of powders and ointments. Great importance is attached to general therapeutic measures that contribute to the improvement of immunobiological and reparative processes in the body.

The decision on surgical intervention is made when conservative methods of treatment do not allow to achieve a positive result. At the same time, altered tissues and pathological scars are removed at the site of damage to the skin, and the resulting defect is covered with a skin graft. As compresses and solutions for washing the wound, traditional medicine is also widely used: freshly squeezed potato or cabbage juice, wild strawberries, lilac leaf juice, etc. Ointments based on arnica, pelargonium (room geranium) and comfrey have a good anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Ulcers on the body are the result of necrosis of tissues that have already fallen off, but new tissue has not yet formed in their place. They appear as a result of one of the many pathological processes that slow down the rate of tissue regeneration. Ulcers can not only heal slowly, but not heal at all.

The presence of a damaged area on the epidermis carries another danger - the likelihood of a secondary infection.

Provocateurs of pathology

Skin ulcers can result from:

  • mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical or radiation damage to the tissues of the epidermis;
  • the presence of tumors (malignant or benign);
  • violation of the normal process of venous and arterial circulation;
  • diabetes;
  • scurvy;
  • anemia;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • progressive paralysis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • syphilitic aortitis;
  • changes in the tissues of the walls of blood vessels.

It is quite difficult to list all the possible provocateurs of the formation of ulcers on the body. It is for this reason that it is recommended to seek help from a specialist, and not try to solve the problem on your own.

Characteristic symptoms

The appearance of ulcers, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the skin. The appearance of the affected area changes, and the skin gradually begins to thin, which leads to a change in its density. After some time, these pathological processes will lead to the formation of an ulcer that begins to bleed.

Due to the fact that the body is constantly trying to restore the affected areas, a slow process of building up new tissue is observed at the site of the ulcer. But the rate of regeneration is low, and therefore the rate of destruction begins to predominate. This process contributes to the fact that the skin cannot acquire its former appearance.

The new tissue that the body builds up in the process of regeneration of necrotic areas has a modified appearance.

The healing process will be possible only if the normal functionality of the affected skin area is restored and freed from purulent contents. As a result, there will be a change in the speed of both processes. That is, regeneration will occur faster than the formation of necrotic areas.

Methods of therapy

Sores on the body will not only not disappear if they are not treated, but they can also increase in size, affecting more and more healthy tissues. Therefore, initially it is necessary to determine the source of the pathology. Symptomatic treatment will not give the desired results. The fact is that even if it is possible to regenerate the affected areas, they may reappear due to the presence of their main provocateur. That is, only complex treatment aimed at combating the provocateur of the disease and its symptomatic manifestation can give a positive result.

External manifestations of the disease require, first of all, proper hygiene care. They will prevent the penetration of a secondary infection, which, in turn, will contribute to a speedy recovery. At the initial stage of treatment, in the presence of a strong pain syndrome, the patient is prescribed painkillers.

A hypertonic solution can help clear the skin of purulent contents. After antiseptic treatment of the affected ulcerative area, a bandage is applied to the wounds. These funds help not only to remove pus, but also help to improve metabolic processes in tissues.

Regardless of the true source of the pathological process, the patient is prescribed a vitamin complex. It is also necessary to try in every possible way to increase the body's immune defenses.

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In the event that it is not possible to cure the ulcers formed on the skin, the patient may be scheduled for surgery. Surgically, all existing dead cells and defects are removed, after which the area treated in such a medical way is covered with transplant skin.

Sometimes, if the underlying pathology is identified in a timely manner and gets rid of it, the ulcers can go away on their own. But still, this method of solving a dermatological problem should not be considered, since there is a risk of infection of already existing ulcers.

Non-healing sore on the skin, what is it?

It could be a basalioma of the skin. It looks like a burgundy, reddish or pink sore on the skin that sometimes peels or hurts. The sore does not heal with conventional treatment and increases over time. A rounded formation with a reddish tint, sometimes there is a depression in the center. This sore belongs to oncological diseases.

As an oncologist, I am approached by patients with skin lesions of the face, torso, and extremities.

So what is a basalioma?

Basalioma of the skin of the face is a tumor that arises from the basal layer of the skin. This disease is cancerous. It differs from cancer of tumors:

  • slow growth
  • The absence of metastases.
  • Why is she dangerous?
If a patient does not pay attention to a wound that does not heal for a long time, it can capture more healthy skin cells, destroying it. The function of the skin is impaired.

Malignant cells cannot protect the body from the negative effects of the external environment.

How does basalioma proceed?

The patient does not even suspect that he is ill. There is redness, unevenness of the skin, most often the face. They pick off the crust, lubricate it with all kinds of creams and ointments. But there is no change. Basalioma begins to capture more and more tissues. If you do not touch it, then its growth is slow. But, if injured, rapid growth begins, ulcers form, with bleeding and suppuration.

What does a sore on the skin look like?


  • Damage to the skin with a dense and uniform film
  • Spherical shape (shape - half a ball)
  • Along the edges of the thickening
  • Depression in the center
  • clear boundaries
  • In the center is a dense film with small scales
Why do sores appear on the head?

The disease occurs when:

  • Sun abuse
  • The elderly (skin aging)
  • Violation of immunity
  • Cosmetic radiation exposure
  • genetic predisposition
  • Harmful working conditions (tobacco tar, oil products)
  • Inhabitants of hot countries.
  • How to treat sores similar to basalioma?
The two most commonly used treatments are:

The first option is surgical removal with small sizes up to two centimeters, removal on an outpatient basis is possible. The operation is performed under local anesthesia with radiofrequency excision. Further treatment consists in dynamic observation.

The second treatment option is radiotherapy. This treatment is carried out in the Oncology Center. For treatment in the RKOD, it is necessary to examine the KLA, OAM, b / x analysis, etc. (as for operation). Procedures daily from 15 to 17 sessions.

Thus, do not start your neoplasms. Contact the oncologist in time. This will save you time, money and restore your health!

What is the difference between basalioma and melanoma?

Melanoma, like basalioma, is a tumor that appears on the human skin. As mentioned earlier, the most important difference is that basalioma does not metastasize, and melanoma is of a malignant nature, in which metastases form very quickly, therefore it is considered the most dangerous form of skin cancer. But, and at the same time, melanoma is considered the most severe disease, it develops faster, is locally more extensive, and is practically incurable (with the exception of very rare cases).

In order to notice a progressive melanoma, it is necessary to conduct regular thorough self-monitoring of all formations on the skin. If you have moles, spots of various etiologies on your body, you need to pay close attention to changes in the color, size and texture of the formation. This is especially true for people who often sunbathe in the sun, have moles and freckles. Oncologists say that melanoma usually appears in young people and, according to statistics, it is more often young women.

Melanoma is an insidious tumor! Metastases can appear even from the formation of microscopic sizes. It is difficult to diagnose in conditions of such a small time interval. The disease grows from cells that form skin pigments (tan, birthmark, ephelids (freckles).

What does melanoma look like? And how to notice it?

  • Irregular bumpy contour of the mole
  • An existing mole has sharply increased in size, or a new one has appeared
  • Uneven color of the formation, the appearance of a red inflamed rim on the edges (usually age spots and birthmarks have the same color)
  • There may be blood and/or itching
It is important to know! The birthmark is in a normal state: it does not change color, size and structure, has clear rounded contours and does not bring any discomfort. This also applies to age spots.

According to the oncologist, melanoma in men is localized on the back, in women - on the leg (in particular, on the lower leg).

Melanoma occurs if you are often and for a long time in the sun, especially for people with fair skin, and especially for people with age spots and birthmarks on the body. It is strongly recommended that people with such skin features do not sunbathe under open sunlight. While being outdoors in the shade in the morning or evening hours (in summer), a person receives enough ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D for normal life.

Effective treatment of melanoma is the timely detection of education and immediate surgical removal.

As with basiloma, if melanoma is suspected, you should immediately consult an oncologist, since, as has already been said, the disease progresses rapidly.

An ulcer is a locally occurring defect on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, due to the influence of a provoking factor on the body. In its appearance, such a defect is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the tissues and the appearance of a crater-like depression in them.

Ulcers can form not only on the skin, but also in many internal organs. However, there is a separate disease that is associated with infection of the body with a specific bacterium Bacillus anthracis. This pathological process is called anthrax.

Anthrax is a particularly dangerous infectious pathology that can develop not only in humans, but also in animals. Its main danger lies in the fact that this disease often leads to brain damage, sepsis and infectious toxic shock.

As mentioned earlier, the main cause of ulcers on the body in this case is the penetration of a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis into the human body. This bacterial microorganism is characterized by a rather large size, rod-shaped form and the ability to form spores. Spores are formed if Bacillus anthracis enters the external environment and comes into contact with oxygen. At the same time, the stability of spores in the external environment is very high - they can stay in soil and water for years. However, the vegetative form of this bacterium does not have such a high degree of resistance. It is very quickly inactivated when boiled or treated with disinfectants.

The spread of this disease occurs from livestock and wild herbivores. An infected animal poses an epidemiological danger throughout its life, as well as within one week after death. It is worth noting that the skin of animals and their hair can be contagious for a very long time. As a rule, a person receives this infection through the contact route of transmission. In most cases, it is realized when butchering carcasses, caring for sick animals, preparing meat dishes from infected meat, and so on. In this case, a prerequisite is the presence of any damage on the surface of the skin. In addition, the air-dust route of infection is often noted. In this case, spores of Bacillus anthracis, which are in the air or on objects, enter the body. Sometimes there may be an alimentary way of penetration of the pathogen.

Anthrax is divided into two main forms: cutaneous and generalized. In more than ninety percent of cases, the skin form of this pathological process is diagnosed. It is characterized by a specific lesion of the surface of the skin. The generalized form can be intestinal, pulmonary and septic. The most dangerous option is the septic variety, which is accompanied by the circulation of the pathogen in the blood with its further spread to many other internal organs.

In most cases, the incubation period for this disease ranges from three to five days. However, in some cases, it can be lengthened or shortened up to several hours. Most often, this pathology occurs with inflammation of several adjacent hair follicles. This pathological process is called a carbuncle.

The clinical picture begins to develop with the appearance of a site of hyperemia and edema in the area of ​​the body. After some time, the affected area becomes more and more compacted and a papule forms on its surface, which then degenerates into a vesicle. At the first stages of the disease, the vesicle contains serous contents, which then become hemorrhagic. After opening such a vesicle, an ulcer remains in its place.

The ulcerative defect has raised edges and a dark brown bottom, which over time becomes covered with a dark scab. A characteristic feature is that as the pathological process progresses, new vesicles may appear along the edges of the ulcer, leading to an increase in its size.

As a rule, this disease lasts for five or six days. Throughout this period, a sick person experiences general weakness, his body temperature rises, muscle and headaches appear. Then the intoxication syndrome begins to gradually subside. Healing of the ulcer occurs after two or three weeks. At the same time, a rough scar remains in its place.

There is another type of this pathology - bullous. It is accompanied by the primary appearance of rather large blisters filled with hemorrhagic contents at the site of penetration of the bacterium. After opening such a bubble, an extensive ulcer also remains in its place.

The generalized form of this disease has a much more severe course with significant intoxication of the body. In this case, the symptoms from the organ system that was affected predominate.

Diagnosis of the disease

The cutaneous form of anthrax can be suspected already on the basis of a general examination of a sick person. However, to confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct microscopic and bacteriological examination of the discharge from the ulcer. In addition, various serological diagnostic methods can be used.

For the treatment of such a disease, a combination of antibacterial drugs with anthrax immunoglobulin is recommended. Such patients are prescribed detoxification therapy, as well as the application of aseptic dressings to ulcerative defects.

Methods for the prevention of this pathology include a thorough examination of domestic animals and their vaccination, control over the transportation, storage and processing of meat products. People who work with animals or their meat should be vaccinated.

Urticaria is a skin disease, the main cause of which is an allergic reaction. With hives, intensely itchy blisters of a pale pink color appear on the skin. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the eyes, lips, or throat, which makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. The disease urticaria can take both short-term (acute) and chronic forms; the latter causes anxiety to the patient from several months to several years. Usually, urticaria is treated with antihistamines, but this method of treatment does not help all patients suffering from a chronic form of the disease.

Acne vaccine

The French pharmaceutical company Sanofi will start creating acne vaccine. Sanofi management has entered into an agreement to develop a vaccine with the University of California in the United States. A group of specialists from the University of California, led by Chun Ming Huang (Chun-Ming Huang) found that the microflora Propionibacterium acnes affects the cells of the sebaceous glands due to the CAMP protein. Using experimental mice, the researchers were able to obtain antibodies to this protein.

General characteristics of psoriasis

Psoriasis, psoriasis, is a chronic skin disease of uncertain origin, often of a multifactorial nature. Among the total number of persons in dermatological hospitals, patients with psoriasis make up 7-22%. Manifestations of the first signs of the disease


Ticks the superfamilies Ixodoidae represent a group of highly specialized blood-sucking arthropods - temporary obligate parasites of mammals, birds and reptiles. This group unites representatives of two families. Ixodid ticks number at least 700 species belonging to the subfamilies Ixodinae and Amblyomminae. About 70 species are found in RUSSIA. Argas mites comprise approximately 100 species belonging to the subfamilies Ornithodorinae and Argasinae. In RUSSIA there are 17 species. The exceptional practical importance of ixodoid ticks as ectoparasites of agricultural animals, but especially as carriers of pathogens of many zoonoses and zooanthroponoses, has turned the study of this group into an independent branch of parasitology, in the development of which, along with zoologists, specialists in medicine, veterinary medicine and microbiology take an active part.