How to prepare rosehip infusion while preserving all the vitamins? How to properly process fruits. How to prepare a drink so that all the healing substances serve as an influx of vitality

How to prepare rosehip decoction - recipe

The healing properties of rose hips have been known for a long time. A decoction of rose hips contains a whole complex necessary for a person vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory, tonic, regenerating, anti-sclerotic, choleretic effect.

Benefits of rosehip decoction

Drinking rosehip decoction has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system And gastrointestinal tract. This healthy drink is able to normalize the body's metabolism, it promotes health internal organs, strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process. Rosehip decoction is especially useful for children. But it should be taken into account that when various diseases The therapeutic dose of rosehip decoction is determined by the doctor individually.
How to prepare rosehip decoction - recipe

This useful decoction You can cook it yourself. To do this, you will need one glass of boiling water and one teaspoon of dry crushed rosehip fruits or leaves. Pour boiling water over the rose hips and let it steep in a thermos for about two hours. If you have fresh rose hips, then pour them in the evening cold water, and bring to a boil in the morning. Take the decoction two to three times a day, half a glass before meals.

Rosehip during pregnancy and more

The properties of rose hips are very useful during pregnancy. Rose hips are far superior to others in terms of the amount of useful substances they contain. medicinal plants. Rose hips contain great amount vitamins, the highest concentration of vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants (pectins, flavonoids), tannins, fatty oil, sugars, organic acids. Rosehip decoction increases the body's resistance to bacteria in various infectious diseases, and has a general strengthening and vitamin effect.

Thanks to the high content ascorbic acid, a decoction of these fruits has an anti-atherosclerotic effect, stabilizes the level of adrenaline in the blood, strengthens the body's resistance to infections, external influences. Among other things, biologically active substances, which are contained in rose hips, will help in the treatment of diseases such as scurvy. Rose hips contain up to 600 mg of ascorbic acid, which is several times higher than its content in lemons.

Treatment with rosehip decoction

Rosehip decoction has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of hormones, has a diuretic effect, and promotes tissue regeneration. This remedy does an excellent job of treating:
hypovitaminosis C and P
cholecystitis and hepatitis
bronchial asthma
peptic ulcer
acute and chronic liver diseases
increased bleeding
endocrine disorders

Vitamin B1 contained in rosehip decoction has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and affects carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B2 is necessary in the structure of cells and is involved in the functioning of the visual organs. The analgesic effect of rosehip decoction is possible due to the sufficient content of vitamin K in it.

This miraculous drink is able to reduce bleeding, thanks to it, the secretion of bile in the body increases. It is also useful for frostbite, as it promotes the restoration and healing of soft and bone tissues of the body. To treat burns, rosehip seed oil is used, which promotes skin regeneration.

Rosehip decoction is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis, diseases Bladder, with anemia, kidney stone disease, for ulcers, various infectious diseases. Having a mild astringent effect, rosehip roots are used for diarrhea, and for constipation, the peel of rosehip seeds and fruits is used.
Rosehip - contraindications

However, it is worth noting that people prone to thrombophlebitis should, before using this folk remedy consult your doctor.

Rosehip tea for children

Rosehip tea is a multivitamin and its effect is versatile: tonic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating, hematopoietic and anti-sclerotic. It normalizes the functioning of the glands internal secretion and stimulates metabolism in the body. Positively affects the lungs, heart, and central nervous system.

The tea is prepared without heating - the rose hips are poured with boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes to 6-8 hours. It is best to infuse in a thermos. This tea can be sweetened with sugar, honey (from 3 years old), jam - be guided by the age of the child. You can also add lemon to rosehip tea (for a child after reaching 3 years of age if there are no gastrointestinal problems). intestinal tract).

Rosehip decoction for children

A decoction prepared from rose hips is prescribed for a variety of diseases, the treatment of which requires strengthening the immune system. For the treatment of hypovitaminosis of vitamins P and C, nephritis, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic diseases liver and intestines, atherosclerosis, increased bleeding. But! Treatment dose This decoction should only be prescribed by a doctor!

The decoction is prepared by heating in a water bath for 15 minutes. IN glass jar Place 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Place this jar in a pan of boiling water. After 15 minutes, remove the jar and cool at room temperature for 45-60 minutes. Squeeze through cheesecloth.

Rosehip infusion for children

An infusion of rose hips can stop and reduce bleeding, stimulate the function of the gonads, increase the secretion of bile, and reduce the fragility and permeability of blood capillaries. Rosehip infusion accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and frostbite.

The “seeds” of the fruit have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, and the pulp has a slight laxative effect.

Rosehip infusion for children is prepared in the same way as a decoction, only the time spent in a boiling water bath is increased to 30 minutes. The infusion is not cooled, but filtered while hot and the resulting volume is brought to the original volume.

Rosehip decoction and infusion for children should be stored in a dark, cold place or in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Biologically active substances with which rose hips are saturated increase children’s body resistance to infections and other harmful factors environment. Rosehip has an antiscorbutic and antiatherosclerotic effect, which is due to high content ascorbic acid in its fruits. The entire complex of vitamins contained in rose hips stimulates the functioning of the body's enzyme systems, strengthening the health of children.

Infusions, jelly, jam, rosehip tea are especially useful for children. Even using them relatively constantly and with short breaks gives visible results: overall resistance to diseases and performance increase. Just as effective various decoctions and rosehip infusions are used for stagnation V gallbladder and anemia.

Up to 6 months – 1/10 adult dose

From 6 months to 2 years – 1/8 adult dose

From 2 to 4 years – 1/6 adult dose

From 4 to 5 years – 1/5 adult dose

From 5 to 8 years – 1/3 adult dose

From 8 to 10 years –? adult dose

From 10 to 14 years old –? adult dose

From 14 to 18 years – ?-1 adult dose

Rosehip is a popular plant that is widely used in folk medicine. Typically used useful fruits this bush. It is customary to make teas, decoctions, and infusions from them, which are highly valued for their many vitamins and useful microelements in its composition. It is customary to drink rose hips not only to increase the body’s immune resources. It turns out that the fruits of this plant help eliminate toxins and help you lose weight. The main thing is to brew this unique natural remedy correctly. So, what methods of preparing rose hips exist? And what are the benefits of these drinks?

Useful properties of rose hips

First, it’s worth understanding why you should drink decoctions and infusions of rose hips. These berries have long been actively used in folk medicine. It's all about the unique biochemical composition this tool. Scientists were able to find out that the berries of this common plant contain:

  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • complex of mineral salts;
  • pectin substances;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins PP, B, K;
  • a collection of organic acids.

This is a unique storehouse of vitamins that benefits the entire human body! Such a rich composition of fruits has a general strengthening effect. However, rosehip is also valued for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Research by scientists suggests that drinking tea based on this gift of nature leads to the activation of reduction-oxidation processes in the human body. The use of such drinks has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of enzyme mechanisms. It is not surprising that rosehip is an excellent solution for normalizing body weight and losing weight. The herbal remedy not only leads to fat burning. Taking decoctions and teas based on it helps stabilize weight. The secret is that this product normalizes bile secretion and increases diuresis.

In addition, rose hips have a beneficial effect on liver function and the synthesis of hormones. Berries also have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. They calm and strengthen the body. Describe positive properties this inexpensive and accessible herbal remedy can be indefinitely long. However, the main thing is to brew it correctly. You can take both dried and fresh fruits. This is not a fundamental factor.

On a note! Thanks to proper intake of rose hips, you can effectively cope even with bleeding of various origins, diseases skin, cholangitis, vitamin deficiency, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fissures, eye diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, atherosclerosis.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

In order for the use of rose hips to be beneficial, it is necessary to preserve all the vitamins that nature itself contains in it. This is why it is so important to brew fruits correctly. This can be done various methods: in a thermos or other container. In addition, prepare an infusion with unique benefit You can use both fresh and dried berries.

Fresh rose hips in a thermos

The easiest way to make a decoction is to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos. It's very simple.

As for the proportions for preparing such an infusion in a thermos, they are as follows:

  • 4-5 tbsp. l. rose hips;
  • 1 liter of clean water.

In order for the infusion with its unique benefits to be prepared faster, you should first crush the rose hips. Then it will only take a couple of hours to prepare the decoction.

  1. You will need to pour fresh fruits into a thermos. However, first, whole berries should be thoroughly washed with water, and the container should be scalded with boiling water.
  2. After dry product brewed with a strong brew.
  3. Leave the infusion in a thermos for 10-12 hours. It's best to do this in the evening. The drink will brew well overnight in a thermos.
  4. In the morning, you just need to drain it from the thermos into another container and you can start adding rose hips to a new portion of tea.

Note! Rose hips can be brewed repeatedly. But doing this more than twice is not recommended!

It is important to consider that when brewing berries in crushed form, the finished rosehip infusion should be carefully strained several times. Otherwise, the decoction will contain a huge amount of lint, which not only makes drinking the drink unpleasant. They can severely irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and cause negative reactions.

You can dilute the finished drink from a thermos with honey or lemon juice. Such additional components will not only give the tea a more refined and pleasant taste. They will enrich the composition of the rosehip drink with vitamins and valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on health.

It is recommended to drink the infusion daily. Tea from a thermos can be consumed both cold and warm. It equally benefits the body in any form. It is best to take it before meals. Daily serving - 1 cup. Children under 12 years of age are advised to use a different dosage. They should drink ½ glass per day.

The vitamin infusion obtained from a thermos has a diuretic and choleretic effect. It benefits everyone, especially those who experience problems with the intestines, kidneys, liver or stomach.

How to brew fresh rose hips without a thermos

Prepare healing drink, enriched with the most different vitamins, based fresh berries Rosehip can be done without a thermos. But this brewing method requires close attention. Otherwise, the drink will simply lose all its healing natural power.

Not easy to cook aromatic drink, but a truly healthy decoction is recommended to follow the correct proportions. The option for brewing rose hips without a thermos involves using:

  • 100 g peeled berries;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare a decoction without a thermos, you should properly brew and use berries that have been previously collected and slightly dried at home. It is recommended to remove all hairs from the fruit before treating with boiling water.

  1. The berries should be laid out on a towel and lightly mashed with a rolling pin or kitchen hammer. You can also use a special mortar.
  2. It is recommended to brew rose hips in enamel or ceramic containers. The prepared rose hips are placed in the selected container and filled with clean cold water.
  3. It should be placed on the stove and cooked. The composition must be brought to a boil. Then the product is removed from the stove.

On a note! Before drinking the resulting tea, you should definitely strain it.

However, you should not drink this tea right away. It is necessary to give it time to thoroughly infuse and enrich the water with all the vitamins and other healing substances that nature has given it. About 3 hours will be sufficient for this.

How to brew dry rose hips

To preserve all the vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in rose hips, you can brew it with boiling water and in dried form. By the way, preparing a decoction from such fruits is practically no different from processing fresh rose hips.

Water and rose hips should be used in the following ratio:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 teaspoon rose hips.

Before brewing the fruits, the raw materials must be washed with water. It is recommended to chop the rose hips. A blender or coffee grinder is great for this.

  1. The resulting useful mass is transferred to a thermos. It’s great if its flask is made of glass. The workpiece is poured hot water.

Note! To brew dried rose hips, you do not need to use boiling water. Enough to take hot water, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees.

  1. The mass that turned out in the thermos should be brewed. For this, 45-50 minutes will be sufficient. Usually there is no need to infuse rose hips in boiling water in a thermos.
  2. The resulting infusion must be filtered. The “sediment” remaining as a result of decanting must be boiled for about 30 minutes.
  3. The finished broth will need to be strained a second time. The filtered drink is cooled and mixed with the infusion. Honey is added to the healing beneficial remedy if desired.

It is important to realize that such a remedy is preventive. This is not a drug. That is why, if you want to get rid of a certain disease with the help of rose hips, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. You definitely shouldn’t drink it mindlessly!

How to brew dry rose hips for immunity

There is another way to brew rose hips. This recipe allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of berries and vitamins. The result is a tea that has great benefits for the immune system and the entire body.

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon rose hips.

To enhance your activity with this drink immune system, the fruits should be properly brewed with boiling water. This is quite easy to do.

  1. To begin with, you will need to add hot water to the dried fruits and leave for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then you need to decant the resulting infusion through a thick cloth or gauze folded several times.

It is recommended to drink this composition warm. However, the tea should steep a little. The resulting tea should be drunk 3 times a day. It is recommended to consume after meals. It is this approach that ensures beneficial and effective impact composition on the immune system.

By the way, cook healthy tea For immunity, you can take not only rosehip berries, but also its roots. This recipe is quite easy to brew. You need to take rose hips and pour boiling water over them. The composition should brew well. He is given several hours for this. It is recommended to include not only berries in the brewing composition, but also the roots of the plant, which are thoroughly crushed beforehand. After infusion, the healing drink is brewed for a quarter of an hour. Then he insists for the same amount of time. Before drinking it, be sure to strain the tea.


The attractiveness of using rose hips is that this herbal remedy has very few contraindications. These include:

  • allergy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Video: how to brew rose hips correctly

Rosehip is one of the most ancient and useful means to boost immunity. People have learned to use the gifts of nature in the right direction. Rosehip helps cope with the lack of vitamins in the human body. But few people know how to properly prepare rose hips in order for it to have a truly beneficial effect on health.

Beneficial features

Rosehip is truly unique medicinal plant. Its action has been tested and proven by more than one generation of people.

The fruits of this plant contain much more vitamin C than the overseas fruit orange.

This plant also contains healthy vitamins groups B and B1, which have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic organs and contribute to the formation of the yellow enzyme in the human body.

Vitamin K, which is also found in fruits, helps improve blood clotting, and vitamin P strengthens capillaries.

We can talk for a very long time about the beneficial substances that rose hips contain. Just imagine that such a small berry contains:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • essential oil;
  • manganese, etc.

Mother Nature has given man every opportunity to maintain healthy body and spirit. Therefore, it is unreasonable not to use it even in modern life. Despite what has appeared in the world a large number of medical supplies that help boost immunity, nothing better natural remedies no one has come up with it yet.

Use of rose hips

For treatment, as well as for the prevention of many diseases, rose hips are used in fresh and dried form. Fresh berries must be thoroughly washed under running water so that they can be eaten in the form in which they were collected. They also make very tasty and healthy juice or compote.

Dried fruits and petals are used to prepare various infusions, decoctions, teas and compotes. It should be noted that any variety of rose hips is suitable for preparing tinctures.

Most often these fruits are used for:

  • treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • getting rid of excess fat reserves;
  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • improving metabolism.

Therefore, if you are still wondering whether to take rosehip tinctures, then the answer is obvious - it’s worth it!

Preparing rosehip decoction

It is very important to cook rose hips correctly. Then it retains all its beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Preparing the decoction is very simple. All you need to do is take:

  • a small handful of berries;
  • glass of water.

You need to cook it as follows:

  1. Place water on the stove and wait until it boils
  2. We wash the rose hips and add them to already boiling water.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Remove the broth from the heat, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for a day. The broth should brew well.

Before using the decoction, it should be mandatory must be strained. You can take it 2 times a day, half a glass, and always before meals.

The shelf life of such a decoction is no more than 2 days. This is provided that it will stand in the cold. Therefore, you don’t need to cook a huge pot at once, as you will simply transfer the ingredients.

Rose hip tincture

Another one of the most favorite drinks of many people is rosehip tincture. It helps strengthen the immune system and increase its resistance to various viruses and infections. To prepare, take the following ingredients:

  • a handful of rose hips (about 40 grams);
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparing the infusion is very simple:

  1. Grind the berries so that the grains remain intact.
  2. Place the fruits in a thermos and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Close the lid of the thermos and leave it for 8 hours.

This infusion should be taken regularly, approximately 20 minutes before meals. This is another way to boost your immunity and improve your health.

Making jam

Those with a sweet tooth cannot survive the winter without tasty and sweet jam. So why not combine business with pleasure and make jam from rosehip and its petals. Such a delicious dessert will not only be an excellent snack for tea, but also in a good way protection of the body during the cold season. So, for preparation we will need:

  • rosehip fruits and petals;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The proportions for delicious jam are as follows: for two glasses of berries you need to take 1 glass of sugar. Based on how much jam you want to get in the end, take as many products.

First you need to prepare the rose hips:

  1. We wash the rose hips well under running water, cut off the tail and tear off the stalk.
  2. Cut our berries into two parts and remove the seeds using a small spoon. Please note that from 1 kilogram of fresh berries we will only get 0.5 kilograms of peeled ones.
  3. We wash the already peeled berries again.
  4. Pour the fruits into a saucepan, pour boiling water over them and put on fire for 5 minutes.
  5. We catch the rosehips from the pan using a colander and rinse them again under cold water.

This concludes the preparation of the berries. It's time to start making jam:

  1. Cover the rose hips with sugar and add water. Again, pay attention to the proportions: 10 cups of berries to 1 cup of water.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and set to cook on the stove.
  3. Actively stir our future jam and do not forget to skim the foam that forms at the top. Bring everything to a boil. Everything should take you no more than 5 minutes.
  4. We remove our future jam from the stove and cover it with a lid. Leave it alone for 7-8 hours.

Repeat this 3 times. After 7 hours, the jam must be put back on the stove and cooked again for 5 minutes.

Place the prepared jam into special sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. It should be stored, like any preserved food, in a cold and dark room.

This is the perfect winter dessert that everyone in the family will love. If you do everything according to the instructions and cook the jam correctly, then it will be impossible to tear everyone in your family away from eating such a tasty delicacy.

Cooking secrets

Of course, it’s not enough to know how to properly prepare rosehip jam. You also need to remember some secrets and tricks that will help to significantly speed up and simplify this process.

  • The first secret concerns the time for preparing the jam. It is correct to do this in 3 “sets” of 5 minutes each with an interval of 7-8 hours. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to delay this process. Therefore, you can cook the jam in one go. In this case, 5 minutes of cooking is replaced by 40 minutes.
  • Checking the readiness of the jam is quite simple. To do this, you need to drop a small drop onto a plate or saucer. If the syrup does not spread over the plate, it means the jam is ready. Otherwise, it needs to be cooked further.
  • It is very important to store jam correctly. If you have a cellar, then there will be no problems with this. But if you're going to keep your " winter vitamin"in an apartment or house at room temperature, then during cooking, increase the portion of sugar exactly twice.

The most important thing when preparing jam from rosehip and its petals is good mood. You need to put your whole soul into the cooking process, and then you will get the most delicious jam, which you can think of.

Rosehip drink is popular and very healthy. How is this rosehip decoction useful? First of all, it is a general tonic that improves immunity. Medicinal properties Rose hips are used to prevent colds in winter time of the year.

Rosehip tincture is an excellent tonic. Doctors recommend using rosehip from high blood pressure, inflammation genitourinary system and for problems with blood vessels.

Healing properties of rose hips

No one will argue about it healing properties. Useful material, found in rose hips, are necessary for humans every day, and in terms of their content, rose hips are ahead of many plants.

In terms of the concentration of microelements, rose hips surpass all known berries and fruits, exceed lemons and currants in the content of ascorbic acid; in terms of content, the picture is far behind sea buckthorn and carrots. Vitamins B, C, K, E, P are included in rose hips. In addition, it also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and chromium.

Rose hip - effective remedy to combat excess weight. There is a lot of rose hips in the decoction chemical elements, which saturate human body beneficial compounds, thereby helping to speed up metabolism. By consuming a decoction or tincture of rose hips every day, you can see the results of the action of this plant on the body. It’s easy to prepare a rose hip decoction: pour boiling water over the rose hips and infuse.

Take the drink half an hour before meals. Rosehip can be taken even during pregnancy. After all, not everything medications and plants can be consumed in such a delicate situation.

Fruits are an excellent preventative against viral diseases, and if future mom If she regularly takes tea or rosehip decoction, she will protect and strengthen her body and greatly facilitate the functioning of her kidneys.

But you can still take it in moderation.

How to prepare rosehip decoction? If you have a cold, then a rosehip decoction will help get rid of it, the recipe for which is given below and preparing it yourself is not difficult. First of all, take one hundred grams of dry berries and wash them thoroughly. After this, the berries are placed in a saucepan with one liter of boiling water and covered with a lid. The berries should boil for about ten minutes, after which you turn off the heat and prepare the decoction for about twelve hours in a dark place, since in the light vitamin C, the most valuable in the prepared decoction, is destroyed.

The last procedure is to filter the broth and add sugar to taste. In order to brew rose hips correctly and get more benefits from the drink, you need to follow the proportions and cooking time. The secret is simple - you take rose hips in a ratio with water - 1 to 10, that is, you need to take 100 grams of rose hips per liter of water. Before you start preparing the decoction, the rose hips are first crushed, and then brought to a boil, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for a certain time. It is not necessary to add sugar, but if anyone likes such drinks sweet, then you can add a little.

Rosehip decoction - a recipe for many ailments

A decoction of rose hips is useful, but for some people it is contraindicated, for example, when consumed, it may cause allergic reaction for vitamin C content. Therefore, before consuming, you should make sure that the fruits are safe for your health and will not cause serious consequences in the body.

Those who have diabetes or cholelithiasis. It is also contraindicated for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to great content ascorbic acid. Before you start using the decoction, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Because of his rich chemical composition Rosehip has long been used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic and as a remedy against vitamin deficiency, a mild diuretic and bile purulent, and a laxative.

Rosehip, a decoction of which is very valuable as an antimicrobial agent, promotes fast healing wounds, increases resistance to harmful infectious diseases. The decoction is wonderful prophylactic and tonic, an excellent blood-forming drink.

Not only rosehip tincture from the fruit is used in medicine, but rosehip oil is also used for dermatoses and bedsores. Rosehip oil is used as a face mask, which smooths out wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and slows down skin aging. In addition, the oil relieves fatigue and stress.

rosehip decoction

Rosehip decoction and its beneficial properties. How to properly prepare rosehip decoction. How to properly prepare rosehip infusion in a thermos. How to prepare healthy and delicious drink from rosehip. You will learn about all this from this article.

Most likely, you have already heard about beneficial properties rose hips, from which decoctions, infusions, syrups are prepared, compotes and even jam are made. Why is rosehip decoction so useful? Rosehip is a natural multivitamin, the benefits of which were known back in the old days.

Useful properties of rose hips, preparation of decoction and infusion of rose hips, use of infusion and decoction of rose hips

A drink prepared from rose hips will be especially useful in the cold season, when the body becomes susceptible to all sorts of respiratory diseases. viral infections. Take for example, yesterday our thermometer showed -20, and today it’s already +5. Not every body can withstand such sharp changes temperature. Someone begins to sniffle, someone is overcome by a cough, fever and severe malaise. However, you shouldn’t run straight to the pharmacy for expensive vitamins and powders, because there are ancient remedies that nature itself gave to man. You just need to know how to use its gifts correctly.

Rosehip decoction and its beneficial properties

Infusions, decoctions, drinks and syrups prepared from rose hips are used:

  • as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for colds;
  • as a vitamin remedy for vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin C deficiency (there is more vitamin C in rose hips than in black currants and even more than in lemon fruits);
  • as an immunostimulating agent that stimulates both central and peripheral immune responses. Promotes the release of immunoglobulin A, which provides local protection of the mucous membrane from infection;
  • as a means of improving metabolism;
  • as a diuretic for diseases of the urinary system;
  • has an astringent and fixing effect;
  • used for gastritis with low acidity, with colitis, ulcerative colitis and rectal fissure;
  • used as a choleretic and hepatoprotective agent, used for liver diseases, cholecystitis, cholangitis;
  • in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, reduce arterial pressure, used for angina pectoris and atherosclerosis (reduces cholesterol in the blood);
  • for iron deficiency and aplastic anemia;
  • as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.

How to prepare rosehip decoction at home?

To prepare we will need:

dry rose hips (take 1 tablespoon of fruit per glass of water).

1. Pre-dried rose hips are crushed. To do this, you can use a mortar or, if you don’t have a mortar, then place the fruits on a towel.

2. Wrap them in a towel and crush them using a rolling pin or kitchen hammer.

3. Unroll the towel.

4. Place the crushed rose hips in an enamel bowl (do not use metal dishes to avoid the destruction of vitamin C) and fill with hot water.

5.Put on low heat and bring to a boil, leaving to simmer for 1-2 minutes. Turn it off.

6. Close the rosehip decoction with a lid and place it under the doll - a heating pad. If there is no such doll, then you can wrap the pan with a terry towel.

7. Leave it like this for 60 minutes. Then we strain. Rosehip decoction is ready for use.

How to prepare rosehip infusion using a thermos

Useful vitamin drink can be prepared using a thermos with a glass flask. For this method, we do not chop the fruits. The proportions are preserved, that is, we take it at the rate of 1 tbsp. dried fruits per 1 glass of water.


Place rose hips in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 5-6 hours. Then we filter, the rosehip infusion is ready for use.

From the resulting decoction you can prepare a healthy rosehip drink.

How to make a rosehip drink

To prepare the drink we will need:

  • ready-made decoction of rosehip fruit;
  • lemon;

rosehip drink

Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey to the cooled rosehip broth. Or you can do it even simpler, pour the rosehip broth into glasses, add a slice of lemon and honey to taste to each glass. It is advisable to drink this rosehip drink through a straw (to protect tooth enamel from destruction).