How to blanch chokeberry berries. Aronia jam: tasty and healthy recipes

In rowan arena, it stands a little apart from other blanks. It is prepared at the end of the season, when the rest of the homemade preparations have already been made. This allows you to devote enough time to red rowan jam, because in some cases rowan berries require lengthy preparatory operations.

harvest time

Depending on the variety and geography, the taste of the fruit changes from bitter-tart in wild forest berries to sweet and sour with a slight almond flavor in garden berries. The largest and sweetest fruits of southern plants. In addition, harvest time is important for choosing a recipe for red rowan jam. Rowan ripens in late August - September, depending on the weather. She is advised to collect after "Peter-Paul fieldfare", at the end of September, by this time the berries reach their consumer ripeness, but retain traces of bitterness and astringency. Fortunately, the mountain ash does not crumble and easily waits for frost on the branches. After all, it is the frozen berries that “hit” the first frosts that lead in terms of taste characteristics, they also contain the most vitamins, and they should be collected for processing.

Ripe red rowan jam recipes

1 way. Remove 1 kg of fully ripened berries from the branches, remove defective ones, rinse with running water. Dissolve 25 g of salt in 1 liter of drinking water, boil, blanch the fruits in portions in a boiling solution, cool immediately. Process very ripe berries for 1-3 minutes, not ripe enough - 3-5 minutes. Combine 0.75 kg of sugar and water. Make a syrup, put the berries in a warm one, stand for 4 hours. Drain the syrup from the berries and boil. Boil for 5 minutes and pour the berries into it. With an interval of 4-5 hours, repeat 2 times, adding 350-400 g of sugar. In the third approach, boil red rowan jam to the end.

2 way . Wash 1 kg of mountain ash, throw in boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes at a uniform boil, avoiding boiling. Drain, spoon into bowls and refrigerate naturally. Boil syrup from 1.3 kg of sugar and 3.5 glasses of water in a basin, immediately lower the berries. After 2 hours, cook on low heat until tender, shaking frequently in circular motions and removing the emerging foam. Cool the finished red rowan jam, for this it is best to pour into deep plates. After 10-12 hours, distribute among jars, tie with parchment.

3 way . Blanch 1 kg of fruits in salted boiling water, cool, pour into a basin and pour boiling syrup (1 kg of sugar and 0.5 l of water). Insist up to 10 hours, cook until tender.

4 way . Blanch 1 kg of berries without twigs in water for 4–5 minutes, shake off and dip into boiling syrup (1.5 kg of sugar and 3 cups of water). Insist 5-7 hours. Then cook until the berries soften, take breaks for 10-15 minutes 4-5 times. Pour hot red rowan jam into dry warm sterile jars, twist, turn over, cool.

Red rowan jam, recipe with apples . Blanch 1 kg of mountain ash for 2 minutes in salted water. 0.5 kg apples cut into slices, scalded. From 500 ml of water from apples and 2 kg of sugar, boil the syrup, put all the fruits in boiling water, cook for 45 minutes, it starts to boil, remove the foam, pack in jars, twist, turn over.

Frozen red rowan jam recipes

The longest stage in the preparation of frost-struck red rowan jam is a multi-stage preparation.

Red rowan jam, a recipe from the old kitchen . Fruits without twigs quickly disassemble, pour cold water for a day. Drain the water through a colander or sieve, shake off the remains and refill with clean water, which should be changed 2-3 more times in a few hours. Boil syrup (1.5 kg of sugar / 3 cups of water), pour hot into berries, put in the cold (on a glacier) for a day, in our time after cooling - in the refrigerator. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, boil the syrup over medium heat for 20 minutes, pour in the berries and cook until the syrup thickens, 20–25 minutes.

Modern version. Berries, 1 kg, blanched with boiling water for 4-5 minutes or hold in a non-hot, turned off oven for 1-2 hours. If the berry is very frozen, first put it in a warm cooling oven (40 0C), then lower it into hot water at 95–100 0C. Pour the berries with a syrup of 1.5 kg of sugar and 600 ml of water and cook until tender, taking breaks for 10-15 minutes after each boil, 4-5 times. Let the red rowan jam ready for 12 hours, extract the berries from it and put it in jars. Boil empty syrup slightly and immediately pour into jars.

Red rowan jam, recipe with honey . Thaw the berries in cold water. Pour 500 g of honey and water into a basin, heat until honey dissolves, boil. Pour berries into boiling honey syrup and cook, shaking and stirring, over low heat in one go.

The benefits of red rowan jam

In terms of benefits, mountain ash is valued for beta-carotene, vitamin PP and ascorbic acid, sugars and organic acids, manganese and magnesium. There are not very many pectins in it, but there are tannins, and all parts of the plant have antiseptic properties. These components are usually preserved in berries after heat treatment.

The benefits of red rowan jam in the fight against colds, flu and bronchitis are obvious. It can take part in eliminating intestinal problems and cleansing the body of toxins, excess cholesterol and fats, and, of course, will improve the quality of life of heart patients and hypertensive patients. In the spring, the benefits of red rowan jam are manifested in the fight against vitamin deficiency, winter depression and chronic fatigue. Our ancestors were treated with red mountain ash for headaches and fumes. However, “fresh” heart attacks and strokes, coronary artery disease, thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting and high acidity exclude rowan jam from the diet.

Raw rowan contains parosorbic acid, the effect of which on a person is similar to that of an antibiotic. This limits allergy sufferers in the use of traditional medicine recipes from mountain ash, and the rest should not eat a lot of raw berries. When cooking red rowan jam, the acid is destroyed and restrictions are removed.

In the old days, mountain ash was valued and harvested as a gift from the forest, along with mushrooms, cranberries and lingonberries, perceiving it not as a simple delicacy, but as a complete healthy meal. Now everything is much simpler, new tasty and convenient varieties have appeared, and it takes a little longer to cook red rowan jam, but no more laborious than from other berries. And its taste and properties are worth the effort.

The beneficial properties of chokeberry are due to the content of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, P, PP, carotene, manganese, copper, boron, iodine, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, anthocyanates.

Aronia fruits contain sugars, folic, nicotinic, malic and other organic acids, riboflavin, phylloquinone, tocopherols, cyanine, pyrodoxine, thiamine, tannins and pectin substances.

One of the most USEFUL properties of this berry is the normalization of blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. It improves the functioning of the liver, increases immunity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Chokeberry - recipes for pressure

1. Chokeberry itself is already a cure for high blood pressure, as it normalizes it. Eat 100 grams of fresh fruits daily (you can use frozen berries). Contraindications are varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and peptic ulcers.

2. Use a decoction of berries, prepared from 1 kg of crushed fruits and 100 grams of water. The mixture should be boiled for half an hour on low heat, then the strained broth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. Drinking a decoction before meals normalizes blood pressure. You need to drink half a glass at least 3 times a day.

3. Infusion of chokeberry. 3 art. l. steam dry berries in a thermos 2 tbsp. boiling water. Drink the infusion, like a decoction, 3 times a day for half a cup.

4. 50 gr. crushed berries are mixed with a tablespoon of honey and taken daily in a course of 10 to 40 days.

5. Freshly squeezed chokeberry fruit juice, taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, has a wonderful effect on normalizing blood pressure. They drink a quarter cup - this is enough for the disease to recede.

6. You can improve the taste of the "medicine" from chokeberry juice and enhance its effect with honey. Add a teaspoon of honey to 2/3 cup of fresh juice. The resulting mixture is divided into three daily doses and taken before meals for 30 minutes. After two weeks of admission, you need to take a two-month break, after which it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

Harvesting chokeberry in its natural form

1. During collection, you need to cut off the brushes with scissors, folding them into shallow pallets. In order to always have a fresh berry at hand all winter, the branches can be hung in a cold place where there is no access to sunlight, for example, in a basement, cellar, underground, in the attic of a country house or in a closet on the balcony of a city apartment. The optimum temperature for blanks is about +5 degrees.

2. To get dried chokeberry, the berries are separated from the stalks and laid out in one layer on paper, periodically stirring it up. This should be done in a well-ventilated area at a temperature not exceeding +50 degrees.

How to cook chokeberry jam?

The preparatory stage before cooking jam is the heat treatment of chokeberry berries.

Aronia berries differ from all others in their dryness. Before cooking jam, they should be “softened”. To do this, the fruits are dipped for several minutes (from 3 to 5) in boiling water, and then in cold water. And only after this procedure they are already thrown into a colander and transferred to a container for cooking jam.

By the way, the decoction obtained by scalding the berries with boiling water should not be poured out - a certain amount of useful substances has passed into it. Therefore, it is best to cook Assorted jelly from it, adding syrups of other berries and fruits, sugar and starch.

Aronia jam recipe WITHOUT SUGAR

Making such a blank is a little more difficult than with sugar, but it's worth it, believe me! We only need a voluminous pot of water, in which jars of berries will be installed. Place a rag on the bottom of the pot.

We bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, put the berries treated with boiling water to the brim in jars (it is best to use half-liter ones) and put them in a saucepan. Boiling water should reach the shoulders of the jars, but not be poured into them, so the fire should be kept small, just to maintain a boil.

During the boiling of water, the berries will “settle” a little, so more berries should be added to the vacant place. This process must be continued for 20-40 minutes. Then the jars are taken out of boiling water one at a time and rolled up hermetically with metal lids.

Recipe for chokeberry jam with sugar

The most common option for harvesting chokeberry is berry jam with sugar. For cooking, the hostess will need a container of the appropriate size, a stove and the necessary components that make up:

Berries (1 kg), sugar (1.5 kg) and water (half a liter). The quantity can be reduced or increased while maintaining the indicated proportions.
From a pound of sugar and half a liter of water (you can use part of the water in which the berry was blanched), a syrup is prepared, with which a kilogram of chokeberry fruits is poured (the weight is determined before heat treatment with boiling water), with which the prepared berry is poured.

After boiling the mass, it is kept on fire for another 5 minutes, constantly stirring the jam. Then the container is removed, and the brewed berries are left to soak in syrup for 8-10 hours.

The last step is to make the jam. The container is put on fire again, a kilogram of sugar is added and boiled until tender, while the syrup retains its shape when dripping onto the plane, and does not spill.

You can put the finished jam in jars both under metal lids and under plastic ones. You can even cover with clean pieces of plastic wrap, wrapping them with a string moistened with water from below. After drying, the string decreases in size, tightly tightens the piece covering the neck of the jar, which creates tightness.

Recipe for chokeberry and apple jam

To prepare this wonderful jam, you need to replace half of the berries with apples, which, before cooking, are also blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water left after scalding the chokeberry.

Sugar syrup is prepared on the basis of the water remaining after blanching, pouring sugar into it, after dissolving which the syrup is removed from the heat. Then apples and berries are laid there and left for 3-4 hours. After boiling the mass for 5 minutes, again let the jam brew for 3 hours. This procedure can be repeated several times until the chokeberry becomes juicy and soft. After that, the jam is laid out in jars and closed with either nylon lids or metal ones.

Recipe for chokeberry jam on cherry leaves

A wonderfully tasty jam is obtained if cherry leaves are first boiled in water for blanching berries for 5 minutes.

Jam is being prepared according to the recipe described above, to prepare a dessert from a kilogram of chokeberry, you need to take 100 grams of cherry tree leaves.

Recipe for chokeberry jam "Assorted"

Often, citrus fruits are used to make blackberry jam. This dessert is prepared according to the usual recipe, only before the last stage of cooking, citrus fruits twisted in a meat grinder along with the peel are placed in a container with a mass.

For a kilogram of berries, it is enough to take half a kilogram of apples. After laying them and adding the remaining sugar to the mass, the jam is infused for 3 hours, boiled for 10 minutes and infused again for the remaining 5 hours (when preparing ordinary jam, the infusion process is carried out once for 8 hours). Next, citrus gruel is added to the mass and cooked for the last time.

A simple compote recipe

Chokeberry is thoroughly cleaned and washed before falling asleep in a container. Berries are poured into sterile jars for one third of the volume.

To prepare such a winter preparation, it is required to take sugar and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. This mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for five to ten minutes. Then, immediately after removing from the heat, the syrup is poured into the chokeberry in a jar.

Immediately close the containers with compote with metal lids. The jars turned upside down are wrapped warmly and left to cool completely. Then you can go down to the cellar.

Chokeberry compote with citrus fruits

It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, only before pouring the hot mixture of berries and syrup into jars, slices of peeled orange and half a lemon are added.

Compote of chokeberry with sea buckthorn

For cooking, take sea buckthorn berries and chokeberries in a ratio of 2: 1. All berries are washed, cleaned, dried on a clean towel.

Banks are steam sterilized.

Syrup is brewed at the rate of 130 grams of sugar per 3 liters of water. Berries are placed in jars (the proportions are indicated above) so that a third of the container is filled, and they are poured with hot syrup to the neck (just above the "shoulders").

Then jars with compote are sterilized in boiling water. For 3-liter containers, it will take half an hour of this procedure, for 2-liter containers - 20 minutes, for liter containers, respectively, 10 minutes is enough.

After the jar is taken out of the water, it should be “rolled up” with a metal lid, again sterilized in boiling water. The corked jar must be placed on the lid upside down, wrapped and kept for a couple of days.


The use of fruits and juice of chokeberry is contraindicated in duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, low blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, frequent constipation, as well as those who have increased blood clotting.

04/29/2019 | admin | No comments yet

How to blanch chokeberry

Tart black chokeberry jam will appeal to true gourmets, it will fill you with vitamins and diversify your daily diet.

chokeberry- a medicinal berry, which has long been used for many ailments, as well as for their prevention. Not everyone loves the taste of this berry in its fresh state, but no one will refuse a jar of sweet, slightly tart rowan jam with a pleasant sourness and amazing aroma. This extremely useful delicacy contains almost all the healing properties of fresh berries, because in the process of boiling it undergoes a short, gentle heat treatment.

Chokeberry jam will help:

  • reduce blood pressure;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • maximize the intake of vitamin C by the body;
  • reduce cholesterol;
  • balance the work of the endocrine system;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • eliminate fatigue;
  • cure headache;
  • restore normal sleep.

Even a beginner will easily understand how to cook this dessert for the winter, having studied simple recipes that use either one mountain ash with sugar or in combination with other additional components. It will take quite a bit of time to cook rowan jam, but the benefits from it will be truly invaluable.

7 recipes for chokeberry jam

Recipe 1. Classic chokeberry (chokeberry) jam

Ingredients: 1100 g of mountain ash, 1650 g of sugar, 710 ml of water.

We wash the chokeberry, clean it from the stalks. Place in a deep bowl. Pour cool water in the amount necessary to completely cover the berries. Keep the rowan in the water for a day. In a separate saucepan, combine sugar and 710 ml of water. Boil the syrup until transparent. We overturn the chokeberry in a colander, rinse. Transfer to a clean enameled container. Pour in boiled syrup. Let stand until cool. Drain the syrup, heat it separately, boil for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle rowan, cook for about half an hour. We pack the jam in clean pre-sterilized jars, cork.

Recipe 2. Jam "Five minutes" from chokeberry

Ingredients: 960 g chokeberry, 1270 g sugar, 390 ml water.

We sort out the berries, removing twigs and other unusable parts in the process. Wash under running water. In a container covered with enamel, boil a small amount of water, blanch the mountain ash in it for 4 minutes. Pour boiling water, immediately pour cold water. We turn over in a colander. Pour 380 ml of water into the pan. Slowly heating, pour 550 g of sugar. Boil syrup, stirring, 4 minutes. Aronia is placed in a wide container for cooking jams and preserves. Add boiled syrup. Heat with regular stirring, boil for 5 minutes. In a cool place we keep the container with the berry mass for about 9 hours. Then sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Warm up slowly, stirring. Boil 5 minutes. Let it brew for 8.5 hours. Then boil until thickened. We shift into a sterile container, roll up.

Recipe 3. Rowan jam with apples

Ingredients: 950 g of chokeberry, 450 g of apples, 6 g of citric acid, 1550 g of sugar, 420 ml of water, 5 g of cinnamon.

We wash the mountain ash previously sorted and cleaned from the stalks. Boil 1-1.7 liters of water, add rowan. Boil for 3 minutes, turn over in a colander. Rinse with cold water. In a deep saucepan or basin covered with enamel, heat the water in the amount indicated in the recipe. We fall asleep a third of the sugar. Boil until dissolved. Immerse the mountain ash in it, boil for 4 minutes. We leave the container in a cool place for 8 hours. We clean the apples, removing the core, peel. Cut into small thin slices. In a separate container, boil a small amount of water, pour apple slices. Blanch for 9 minutes. We warm the infused rowan in syrup. Pour in the remaining sugar. Slowly boil, stirring, removing the foam. After 15-20 minutes, transfer the apples to the boiling mass. Cook until thick. At the end, add cinnamon, citric acid. Mix well and pour into sterile small jars. We cork.

Recipe 4. Rowan jam with cherry leaves

Ingredients: 1100 g of chokeberry, 110 g of cherry leaves, 770 ml of water, 1100 g of sugar.

We wash chokeberry berries and cherry leaves. We boil water, immerse 55 g of leaves in it. Boil for 5 minutes. We take out the leaves. Let the broth cool, then pour it into the container in which the mountain ash is located. We stand for about 8 hours. Strain the liquid into a saucepan. Heat up, add the second part of the cherry leaves. We cook 5 minutes. We remove the leaves. Pour chokeberry with hot broth. Leave until cool. We pass again. Pour sugar into an enameled wide container for cooking jams and preserves. Pour in 210 ml of cherry broth. Slowly heat, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Pour the rowan into the sugar broth. Boil until thickened.

Recipe 5. Black chokeberry jam with currant berries a la Moscow

Ingredients: 550 g chokeberry, 1050 g sugar, 550 g black currant.

We sort out currants and mountain ash, cleaning in the process from twigs, stalks, unusable berries. Wash under running water. Lay out on a surface lined with paper. Leave to glass liquid. In a clean glass container, lay out the mixture of berries and sugar in layers. We stand in a cool place until the berry juice stands out. Then we leave the candied berries for another couple of days so that they are completely saturated with sugar. The resulting berry mass with juice is transferred to an enamel bowl. Cook slowly until thickened with constant stirring. We pack in a sterile container of a small volume.

Recipe 6. Rowan jam with plums

Ingredients: 750 g chokeberries, 450 g plums, 1300 g sugar, 680 ml water.

Chokeberry and my plums. We clean the plums from the stones. Remove twigs and stems. We heat water in a container covered with enamel. We add rowan. Blanch for 5 minutes. We extract the berries, place for a couple of minutes in another bowl with cold water. Pour 850 g of sugar into the rowan broth. Boil until transparent. Plums are divided into halves or, if desired, cut smaller. In a clear boiling syrup, immerse the rowan, plum slices. Remove the container from the fire for 12 minutes. After we fall asleep 450 g of sugar. Heat, stirring, until boiling. We leave the jam to infuse for 9 hours. Boil until thick. We shift into sterilized jars, roll up.

Recipe 7. Rowan jam with pears, nuts and lemon

Ingredients: 660 g chokeberries, 220 g pears, 70 g lemon, 660 g sugar, 160 g peeled walnuts, water.

We sort out the chokeberry, wash it under running water. Put in a deep bowl, pour boiling water. We stand 11 hours. We strain 200 ml of rowan infusion. Mix it in an enamel bowl with sugar. Boil until dissolved. My fruits, peel them. Cut the pears into cubes 2x2 cm in size. Finely cut the lemon, removing the seeds in the process. Chop the nuts with a knife. Pour chokeberry, pear cubes, nuts into the boiled syrup. Cook in three sets, about 15 minutes each. Between the stages of cooking we take breaks of 2 hours. When we cook for the third time, add crushed lemon to the jam. We take it off the fire. Cover the container with a cotton towel. We put a pan of the same diameter with the neck down on top. We leave this design for 2.5 hours so that the mountain ash softens. We roll the jam into a sterile container.

For those who are interested in how to cook mountain ash jam, unique in its taste characteristics and therapeutic effect, the following recommendations will come in handy. First of all, you need to make sure that the raw materials for the future healing dessert have reached the required degree of maturity. The fact is that chokeberry turns black long before full ripening. Fresh berries should be soft, collected during the first two autumn months. Since mountain ash has a sour and slightly tart taste, it is recommended to add sugar in the amount of 130-150 g per 100 g of chokeberry, if the recipe does not include other ingredients. Some variations of homemade preparations for the winter from mountain ash suggest grinding it in a meat grinder or using a blender. In this case, the jam will have a thick, viscous consistency and will become a wonderful filling for sweet pastries.

- an excellent delicacy that is used as an independent dessert, and in combination with other products: tea, pancakes, cheesecakes, casseroles. It will be stored for a long time, throughout the year to saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances. When including any chokeberry products in your diet, it should be borne in mind that its excessive consumption can lead to increased blood clotting. However, if this berry is not abused, it can prevent and even cure a wide variety of diseases, as well as surprise with its exquisite unique taste.


Mountain ash is extremely unpretentious, it is not demanding on soils, it tolerates frost well, and even pests bypass it. It would seem that an ideal horticultural culture, but the taste of the fruits of a wild culture leaves much to be desired. Its berries are small, hard and bitter in taste, but the beneficial properties of red mountain ash in winter are very relevant.

Useful properties of red rowan.

Rowan in the garden is a wonderful and useful plant. Its leaves release phytoncides, plant antibiotics into the air, due to which the air next to the tree is particularly clean and fresh. The fruits not only delight the eye with their fiery color in gray autumn weather, but also have a wide range of useful properties.
For example, mountain ash contains more vitamin C than lemons, and in terms of the content of carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the human body, mountain ash leaves carrots far behind. In addition, rowan fruits contain vitamin P, tannins, organic acids, sugar, essential oils and many other compounds.

Due to its rich composition, the beneficial properties of red mountain ash are widely used in traditional medicine. Moreover, not only fruits are used, but also leaves and bark. For example, fresh rowan leaves are rubbed and applied to areas of the skin affected by a fungus, and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and skin are treated with decoctions from the bark.

The medicinal properties of red rowan fruits include:

Normalization of blood pressure;

Metabolism is restored, the immune system is restored - which means the functions of the pancreas and spleen are restored - they produce a sufficient amount of antibacterial substances, which allows you to get rid of colds, thyroid inflammation, fibroids, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammation and joint pain;

The liver and bile ducts are well cleansed - which means clean vessels and capillaries, the cholesterol content in the blood decreases, heart murmurs, headaches disappear, memory and vision improve, limbs do not freeze;

The intestines are cleansed, inflammatory processes in it are removed - which means constipation or diarrhea stops, colitis disappears (the first 5-7-10 days of taking there may be light stools with mucus, this is normal and does not require stopping the intake);

As a choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent, and in combination with the leaves are used to treat scurvy.
Fresh juice from rowan berries and leaves with the addition of honey is an effective antiscorbutic agent.
Rowan also has anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening, astringent, diaphoretic, anti-dysenteric properties.

In addition to the above, rowan infusions are also used by the peoples of other countries for:

* diseases of the liver, * kidneys and urinary tract, * organs of the gastrointestinal tract, * anemia, * asthenia, * gout, * glaucoma, * malignant tumors, * atherosclerosis, * rheumatism, * with general weakness (after serious illnesses, operations) , * has an early - and ulcer-healing effect.

Fruits for future use are harvested in various ways. You can dry the berries in special dryers or on a baking sheet, in this form, red rowan berries do not lose their beneficial properties for two years, if stored in a tightly closed container in a dry and cool place. You can scroll the fruits along with sugar through a meat grinder and store in the refrigerator or cellar. Also, jams are made from mountain ash and juices are made.

Recipes from red rowan.


Squeeze juice from 1 kg of fresh berries, add 600 g of sugar, boil and cork.
This syrup is used to treat beriberi, urolithiasis and relieve pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

In the treatment of scurvy, rowan leaves are also added to the fruits of mountain ash, as it is believed that they contain more vitamin C.

Rowan juice.

Get juice using a juicer or juicer, pour into jars and sterilize. Sugar can be added if desired. And you can add it already when you use it.
Juice will serve as an excellent medicine for hypovitaminosis, exhaustion, anemia, help in the treatment of dysentery and strengthen the protective properties of the body.

In folk medicine, juice from fresh rowan berries is recommended for low acidity of gastric juice, taken 1 teaspoon before meals.
Also, fresh rowan juice is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids. From the fruits of mountain ash, you need to squeeze the juice and drink 1/4 cup, 3 times a day, with water.

Infusion (tea) from red rowan berries: pour 1 teaspoon of fruits with 1 cup of boiling water, leave to cool. Drink 0.5 cups 1-3 times a day as a valuable multivitamin remedy for allergic and other skin diseases.

Preparations from the fruits of mountain ash help to reduce the amount of fat in the liver and cholesterol in the blood, increase the resistance of blood vessels.

Rowan red, tincture.

Pour ripe rowan berries with vodka in a ratio of 1: 10, that is, take 10 parts of vodka for 1 part of the berries (by volume). Use 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day, to increase appetite, etc.

Multivitamin collection.

We mix two parts of dried rowan fruits, two parts of rose hips and one part of crushed nettle leaves. In the evening, brew one tbsp. l. mixture of 300 ml of boiling water, simmer for ten minutes in a water bath, leave to brew overnight, filter in the morning.

You can improve the taste of the medicine by adding sugar, and even better - natural honey. Drink half a cup three times a day during the epidemic period of colds (in winter and spring.

You can cook delicious and healthy sweet and sour tinctures or fruit drinks from rowan berries. For this, 40 g of berries are taken, crushed in a mortar, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Then the contents are shaken well and filtered through a three-layer gauze. More sugar is added to the filtered infusion to taste.

Powder from rowan berries.

Dry berries, leaves and flowers of mountain ash are ground into powder in a wooden mortar. The powder is included in the diet of patients diagnosed with diabetes, obesity. Rowan powder is able to have a carbohydrate-binding effect in the intestines. In this case, xylitol, sorbitol or fructose are added to it.

Rowanberry jam.

Sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones.
For 1 kg of berries, add 2.5 cups of water and boil while stirring for 5 minutes. Strain the berries through a colander and leave for now.

Prepare syrup:

Add 800 g of sugar to the water remaining from boiling the berries and boil until it is completely dissolved.
Pour the berries into the syrup, mix and leave for ten hours.
The next day, bring the jam to a boil and leave until the next day.
Then cook in three doses for 8-10 minutes with an interval of 6-8 hours.
Ready jam should be thick, a drop of syrup on a plate should not spread.
Mountain ash harmonizes well with apples in taste, so instead of 1 kg of mountain ash, you can take 700 g of mountain ash and 300 g of apples.

Perhaps every housewife knows how to cook jam, but not every housewife understands that prolonged heat treatment leads to the fact that all the beneficial properties of berries are significantly reduced in proportion to the cooking time. Therefore, if jam - then "Five Minute". But it’s better to make juice or freeze fresh berries. Of these, you can then make quick confiture and cook compote, or simply use bright red beads to decorate a doorstep or cake.

Cucumbers with rowan.

Cucumbers with mountain ash - a very tasty winter preparation. The recipe for such cucumbers is surprisingly simple, and adding red rowan berries to jars with cucumbers makes the preparation more beautiful and festive. Cucumbers with mountain ash look very impressive on the table and have an unusual spicy taste. The marinade is prepared with the addition of apple cider vinegar, but the cucumbers are closed without sterilization. From this amount of marinade, three seven hundred gram jars are obtained.

Cooking time: 8 hours or more.

List of ingredients.

Fresh cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg.
Red rowan - 300-400 g.
Water - 1 l.
Apple cider vinegar - 1/4 cup.
Salt - 1 tbsp. The spoon.
Sugar - 3 tbsp. Spoons.

Cooking method.
Rinse fresh, small cucumbers thoroughly, put in a basin and pour cold water over. Leave for 4 hours, then change the water to fresh and leave for another 2-4 hours. Rinse the cucumbers prepared in this way and cut off the tails. Rinse rowan berries and pour over with boiling water. Arrange cucumbers in sterilized jars along with rowan berries.
Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Add vinegar and heat to a boil, stirring constantly to marinade, so that the spices are well dissolved. Pour boiling marinade into jars with cucumbers, cover with sterile lids and let it brew for 10 minutes.
After that, pour the marinade back into the pan, heat it again to a boil and pour cucumbers over it again. Leave for 7 minutes. Then drain the marinade again, boil it again and pour it into a jar of cucumbers. In this case, you need to ensure that the marinade reaches the edges of the jar. Using screw caps, hermetically close the rowan cucumbers. Turn them over on a flat surface, wrap them up and leave to cool completely.


With all the beneficial properties of red rowan, it should be noted that it can also be dangerous. Rowan preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy. You should not eat mountain ash and nursing mothers. It should be excluded from the diet for people who suffer from low blood pressure and increased blood clotting. In addition, people with peptic ulcer should not get carried away with the berries of this plant against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice.

From delicious and very healthy berries of red mountain ash, you can make jam, jam, jelly, compotes and much more.

Let's take a closer look at these useful and tasty recipes for harvesting red mountain ash for the winter:

Red rowan compote

Separate rowan berries from shields, wash thoroughly, dip for 3-4 minutes in boiling water, cool in cold water and place in jars up to their shoulders. Pour rowanberries in jars with hot sugar syrup and pasteurize at 90 ° C.

Rowan compote in an accelerated way

Filling composition: for 1 liter of water 250–500 g of sugar.

Dip the berries for 3-4 minutes in boiling water, cool in cold water and arrange in jars. Pour in boiling sugar syrup. After 5-7 minutes, drain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour it back into jars with berries so that it slightly spills over the edges of the neck. Seal immediately and turn upside down to cool completely.

Red ashberry compote in syrup

Filling composition: for 1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar.

Collect the berries touched by the first frosts, separate from the shields, wash thoroughly, dip in boiling water for 3-4 minutes and cool in cold water. Pour the prepared berries with hot sugar syrup and let stand for a day. After that, the compote is heated to 65–70 ° C, poured into prepared jars and pasteurized.

Rowan-apple compote

2.5 kg of mountain ash, 2.5 kg of apples. Filling composition: for 1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar.

Cut the apples into 4 pieces, cut out the core and peel. Prepare rowan berries, mix with apples, place in jars, pour boiling syrup over and pasteurize at 90 °C.

Rowan pear compote

2.5 kg of mountain ash, 2.5 kg of pears. Filling composition: for 1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar.

Pears cut into 4 parts, cut out the core and peel. Prepare rowan berries, mix with apples, place in jars, pour boiling syrup over and pasteurize at 90 °C.

Rowan juice with pulp

1 kg of mountain ash, 200 g of sugar, 2 cups of water.

Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, throw in 3-4 tbsp. l. salt. Dip the rowan berries in a saline solution for 3–5 minutes, then rinse in cold water and rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with hot sugar syrup, transfer to prepared jars and sterilize in boiling water.

Rowan-apple juice

1 liter of rowan juice, 3 liters of apple juice, sugar.

Rowan juice has a very strong unpleasant bitterness. To reduce bitterness, mountain ash is harvested after the first frost or artificially frozen in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Extract juice by pressing. The resulting juice is filtered and mixed with apple juice. Heat the mixture of juices, add sugar to taste. Preserve by hot filling method or sterilize in boiling water.

Rowan mashed with sugar

1 kg of mountain ash, 2 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water, salt (for 1 liter of water 3-4 tablespoons of salt).

Pour boiling brine over rowan berries. After 4–5 minutes, remove the berries, rinse and mash with a wooden pestle or pass through a meat grinder.

Mix the resulting mass with sugar and put in a cold place for 4-6 hours.

If the sugar does not completely dissolve, heat the mass over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Store in glass jars closed with polyethylene lids or tied with parchment.

How to cook rowan jam?

Dip the berries into the hot syrup, dipping the rowan with a spoon. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside. Put the syrup on the fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, removing the foam. Return the mountain ash to the syrup again and cook for 25 minutes.

Seasoning of red rowan with garlic. The recipe for homemade preparations of red rowan. Ingredients Cooking method

  • Sort the red rowan berries, wash well and dry.

  • Peel and wash the garlic.

  • Pass the rowan and garlic through a meat grinder (you can use a blender).
  • Add salt and sugar, mix well.
  • Arrange the finished red rowan seasoning with garlic in sterilized jars.
  • Close lids tightly.

Seasoning of red rowan with garlic

  • Seasoning must be stored in the refrigerator. Did you like the recipe? Share it with your friends! Loading...

Do you want to treat your family with original jam with useful properties and unsurpassed taste? Then you should try to cook a rowan delicacy. Many believe that its berries are inedible, but this is a fundamentally wrong statement. Red rowan jam is very healthy and tasty if prepared correctly. How? Read on for the proven recipe. To make jam, you will need rowan berries and other ingredients:

  • Red rowan - 1 kg;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • Water - 1 1/2 tbsp.

It is advisable to collect mountain ash after the first frost, if it is possible to collect berries on your own. We clean the mountain ash from twigs, leaves and spoiled berries. Then pour the finished mountain ash with cold water and set aside for a day in a cool place to infuse. The next day, drain the water from the berries. The procedure for pouring rowan berries with water must be repeated 3-4 times. Now you can prepare the syrup for jam. To do this, we send water with sugar in a saucepan to the stove. The syrup is boiled over medium heat. When all the sugar has dissolved, fill our mountain ash with syrup and put it in the cold, again for a day. We boil the syrup drained from the berries again on the stove for about 20 minutes. Then we lower the berries and cook together for about half an hour. While the delicacy is cooling, you can prepare the jars - rinse them thoroughly and sterilize. Next, pour the delicacy into containers and roll up. Useful rowan jam is ready!

A simple recipe reminiscent of making liqueurs.


  • rowan berries - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 liter.

1. Separate the berries from the twigs, sort and rinse with water in a colander.

2. Add water and sugar to the pan, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, removing white foam.

3. Pour berries with hot syrup, mix.

4. Pour the mixture that has cooled to room temperature into a container for infusion, for example, a jar. Add vodka, stir.

5. Close the lid tightly, insist in a dark place for 20-25 days. Shake every 3-5 days.

6. Strain homemade rowan liqueur through a couple of layers of gauze.

7. Pour the drink into bottles, seal tightly. Store in cellar or refrigerator. Shelf life up to 5 years. Approximate fortress - 15-18%.

Rowan sauce for meat

The rowan sauce for meat, prepared according to the recipe from our website, has a bright rich taste, appetizing aroma and a beautiful view. Preparing this wonderful sauce is not at all difficult, and serving it is especially tasty with barbecue, fried and baked meat, and even fish. It has a pleasant tart taste and a very appetizing aroma.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Main ingredient: rowan
  • Generic name: sauce

List of ingredients

  • chokeberry - 500 g
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • garlic - 50 g
  • fresh basil - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method

Sort the rowan, wash and dry. Wash the lemon, dry it and cut into slices, removing the seeds. Garlic is easy to peel. Grind rowan, garlic and lemon with a meat grinder in mashed potatoes.

Wash the basil leaves, pat dry and finely chop. Transfer to the sauce, add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly and let the sauce brew.

The rowan sauce for meat is ready!

How to blanch rowanberries?

If you removed the mountain ash before frost, but want it to improve its taste, put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Before making jam, rowan should be blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. You can squeeze the juice from the mountain ash if you blanch the berries before that or bake them in the oven for a short time.


What diseases does rowan treat?

With urolithiasis and rheumatism, syrup from rowan berries is used. And rowan juice helps in the healing of ulcers, wounds and the elimination of warts. Chokeberry is used to treat eye diseases and hypertension.

To keep chokeberries as long as possible, they must be completely dry. Therefore, it is necessary to harvest chokeberry only during the day, when the dew has already subsided, and only in dry weather.

After the chokeberry harvest is harvested, it's time to think about how to save it. There are several ways to do this: storing chokeberry fresh, dried or frozen.

Storage of fresh chokeberry

Fresh chokeberry retains all useful properties. The only thing that can upset you is that in this way it can be stored for a relatively short time.

True, it is still possible to slightly increase this period. For this, chokeberry is harvested in a certain way - without picking the fruit from the brush. That is, they do not cut off each berry separately, but cut off a whole bunch at the base. Brushes with berries are laid out in a single layer in cardboard or wooden boxes and put away for storage in a cool room or hung on a pre-stretched rope.

Storage of dried chokeberry

The berries of chokeberry will also retain vitamins and nutrients, but for this they must be properly dried.

Aronia berries are cut off from the brushes, washed, allowed to drain and dried in the oven or.

Drying berries in the oven

The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet, pre-covered with parchment, put in the oven and incubated for 30 minutes. at a temperature of +40°С. Then the temperature is raised to +60°C and dried until cooked.

Important: chokeberry berries should not be overdried, so constantly make sure that in the process they do not acquire a reddish (or brownish) tint. It is this color that will be evidence that the berries are overdried.

Drying berries in a dryer

Aronia berries are laid out in it in an even layer, the temperature and drying time are set (according to the instructions for the device).

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Dried chokeberry berries are placed in a bottle or any other convenient plastic (glass) container that does not allow moisture to pass through and stored in a dry room, which is often ventilated.

Storage of frozen chokeberry

Aronia berries are packaged in small containers (washed in advance and completely dry), calculating the volume for the portion that is planned to be consumed at a time.

The containers are placed in the freezer, in the compartment for quick freezing. This is done so that during the freezing process, the sugar contained in the chokeberry berries does not turn into starch.

From frozen aronia berries, not only aromatic teas are prepared, but also compotes, and they are also added to various flour products. Before use, the rowan fruits are thawed at room temperature and mashed with a blender.

In addition to storing chokeberry fresh, dried and frozen, you can make a lot of tasty and very healthy delicacies from it: excellent juices and compotes, unusual jams, various fruit drinks and syrups.

  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. The berries are picked from the brushes, washed under running water and allowed to drain.
  2. Blanch 5 min. in boiling water, after which it is immediately immersed in cold water for 30 seconds, again allowed to drain.
  3. A syrup is prepared from water and sugar, with which the berries are poured, brought to a boil, boiled for about 5 minutes. and, removing from heat, leave for 10-12 hours for impregnation.
  4. Then put on a small fire and cook until cooked, which is determined by the syrup: they collect a little in a spoon and drop a drop on a plate. If the syrup does not spread, the jam is ready.
  5. It is poured hot into sterilized jars, rolled up and put away for storage.

For cooking you will need:

  • chokeberry (berries) - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Apples are washed, cleaned of seeds and peel and crushed with a blender.
  2. Chokeberry washed and 3-5 minutes. blanched in boiling water.
  3. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  4. Applesauce is added to the rowan berries and, pouring everything with syrup, leave to infuse for 3-5 hours.
  5. After the specified time, put the jam on a small fire, let it boil and, after boiling for 5 minutes, leave it again for 3-5 hours. If the rowan berries have not softened, the procedure is repeated again.
  6. The finished jam is poured hot into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

For cooking you will need:

  • black chokeberry berries - 1 kg;
  • lemon (large) - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.


  1. The rowan berries are washed, allowed to drain, mixed with half the sugar and left for 10-12 hours.
  2. Pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook for 10 minutes. (after boiling) over low heat. If during the cooking process the berries release very little juice, 100 ml of boiled water can be added to them.
  3. The lemon is washed, peeled. The zest is rubbed on a fine grater, the pulp is cut into small cubes and all this, together with the remaining sugar, is added to the boiled rowan berries. Cook over low heat for another 15 minutes. after boiling.
  4. Remove from heat, allow to cool completely and set to cook again, this time until done.
  5. Hot packaged in sterilized jars, rolled up and put away for storage.

Secrets of delicious chokeberry jam

  • chokeberry berries are somewhat dry, so before making jam, they need to be “softened”: 3-5 minutes. blanch in boiling water, then dip in cold water for a few seconds;
  • to make chokeberry jam even more piquant, you can add a little cinnamon to it;

With secrets of delicious chokeberry jam. Photo from
  • the water in which the berries were blanched can be used to make compotes, because some of the nutrients have passed into it. Just add sugar, apples (or any other fruits, or assorted berries and fruits) to this water and boil.

For cooking you will need:

  • chokeberry (berries) - about 300 g per 3-liter jar;
  • water and sugar - at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar for every liter of water.

  1. Aronia berries are washed and poured into sterile jars, filling them by a third of the volume.
  2. Put sugar in water (in a ratio of 2: 1), put on a small fire, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Berries in a jar are poured with ready-made hot syrup and, having sterilized them, roll them up. The duration of sterilization of cans with compote depends on their volume: 0.5 l - 15 minutes, 1 l - 25 minutes, 3 l - 50 minutes.
  4. The rolled cans are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket (plaid, thick blanket), under which they are left to cool completely.
Advice: Chokeberry compote will turn out even more piquant if you add an orange to it.

Compote of chokeberry and apples

For cooking you will need:
  • chokeberry (berries) - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • apples (small) - 12 pcs.;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 4.5 liters.


  1. Apples and chokeberries are washed and laid out in equal portions in two sterile jars with a capacity of 3 liters.
  2. Sugar syrup is prepared from water and sugar, brought to a boil, and, having filled the mountain ash with apples, the jars are immediately rolled up.
  3. Containers with compote are turned upside down, covered with a blanket on top, which is removed only after the jars have completely cooled down.
  4. You can store apple and chokeberry compote at room temperature.
Important: The amount of ingredients in this recipe is based on two 3-liter jars.

Chokeberry syrup For cooking you will need:

  • chokeberry (berries) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • citric acid - 15 g;
  • cherry leaves - about 50 g.


  1. Rinse cherry leaves and 2 min. boil in water.
  2. After the specified time, they must be removed, washed rowan berries are added to the water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes.
  3. Add citric acid, mix well and leave to infuse for a day.
  4. Then carefully strain the composition so that the precipitate remains in the saucepan.
  5. Add sugar to the filtered (you can use several layers of gauze) liquid and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Pour the finished syrup hot into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.
Chokeberry syrup is used to prepare various and, and also as an unusually appetizing addition to ice cream and pancakes.