The best expectorant for cough folk remedies. The ancient method of healing

Thanks to the experience accumulated over many centuries, traditional medicine knows great amount prescription expectorants intended for effective cleansing respiratory tract person from stagnant sputum. For this purpose, herbal infusions are used for drinking, rubbing, as well as other means for the preparation of which are used exclusively natural products, which do not, unlike chemical medicines, negative side effects on human health. True, in acute infectious diseases of the bronchi and lungs folk remedies Sometimes it has to be combined with drug therapy.

The most famous herbs, decoctions of which can cause liquefaction and increased sputum discharge, are licorice root (one of the most potent means), coltsfoot leaves, thermopsis, elecampane, oregano, plantain, marshmallow root,. Here is one of the recipes for an expectorant folk remedy: to prepare an herbal infusion, you need to take 1.5-2.5 tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs (one of the above), pour it with one liter of hot boiled (but not boiling!) Water and give infuse for one and a half to two hours. You need to drink one glass herbal infusion three times a day in between meals.

Natural antibiotics are onions and have strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Traditional medicine advises taking onions with honey to facilitate sputum discharge. To do this, the grated onion is mixed with a tablespoon of honey and given to the patient one teaspoon after eating. Garlic is recommended to be taken with milk. Three cloves of garlic are rubbed on a grater or chopped with a knife, poured with one glass of milk, put on the stove and brought to a boil, after which they give the patient to drink after eating one third of a glass three times a day.

Inhalations help thin sputum, accelerate its removal from their upper respiratory tract, and are an effective expectorant. Recipe: 2.5 liters of water, 20 drops of iodine, 1 tablespoon baking soda and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Traditional medicine recommends alcohol and turpentine as rubbing agents that cause increased cleansing of the bronchi and lungs from phlegm. Rubbing is done before going to bed, after which the patient must immediately go to bed and cover himself with a warm blanket.

Honey is a wonderful expectorant folk remedy that has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It has been established that it has a strong bactericidal effect due to the acidic reaction and the presence in its composition of special organic acids that prevent the growth of bacteria. In the treatment of respiratory diseases, honey is not only consumed orally, but also inhaled with it. Children with chronic bronchitis are given a glass of hot milk with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of goat fat to drink at night. A syrup of honey and horseradish juice (in a ratio of 1: 1) is a wonderful expectorant folk remedy that helps with acute and chronic bronchitis. However, it should be warned that this treatment is not suitable for people who are allergic to honey.

To strengthen and facilitate expectoration, traditional medicine recommends using as much as possible more products with high content vitamin C - for example, lemons and viburnum. - An excellent expectorant with antimicrobial and antipyretic properties. Be healthy!

Since ancient times, people have been treating coughs with folk remedies prepared from fees. various herbs. Some recipes have been preserved to this day and provide indispensable assistance in the treatment. Therefore, in this article we will figure out how to prepare an effective expectorant at home.

During a cold or infectious diseases there is a problem with expectoration and liquefaction of sputum. This is where effective sputum thinners and expectorants come to the rescue. After all, if it is not removed in time, then serious complications caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in sputum are quite possible.

How to alleviate the condition and contribute to the discharge and thinning of sputum at home?

It is very important during an illness not to exhaust yourself and get more rest, because improper and untimely treatment can lead to even more difficult consequences and a significant decrease in immunity. And this, in turn, will cause frequent occurrence colds and any other infectious diseases.

Bed rest

At the beginning of the illness, it is necessary, at least for a while, after which you can take a little walk in the park or forest. In case of colds, a dairy, vegetable-cereal diet should be observed, since in this moment Your body needs vitamins more than ever.


The next thing to do is quit smoking. This is perhaps the most important thing to think about when you have a cold. Smoking provokes a dry cough and significantly increases the duration of the disease.


First of all, you should remember that nothing will work if you do not use enough liquids. It can be all kinds of compotes, decoctions, teas, juices, etc. Linden tea, as well as chamomile, mint, and raspberry decoctions have proven themselves very well. It is more expedient to consume the liquid in a warm form, and even better, so that it corresponds to body temperature, so it will be absorbed into the blood faster. This is the best therapy for coughing.

Air humidification

This also plays an important role in colds, which contributes to the natural hydration of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This is one of the most important conditions in the fight against colds and cough. To date, there are various ways humidification of the air in the room. You can, for example, put a basin of water next to it, hang wet towels on radiators, or buy a household humidifier.

These are three components that are simply indispensable in the fight against any cough.


The following treatments to help relieve cough are - steam inhalation. Each doctor will recommend using this method to thin sputum. To do this, you can buy an inhaler at a pharmacy or build it yourself. In this case, any deep container into which hot water or a decoction of herbs is poured is suitable. The patient should bend over it, cover with a towel and breathe. It should be remembered that the procedure must be carried out carefully, do not lean too close to the container with boiling water, so as not to burn yourself with steam.

Expectorants at home for inhalation

Essential oils in solution for inhalation

Essential oils can also be used as effective expectorants. They can be added to the solution for inhalation. Just a few drops of any oil is enough. Mint, pine, eucalyptus, rose, sage, fir, lemon, lavender, juniper have proven themselves very well in this case.

What kind of sputum thinners and expectorants can be prepared at home?

That's all effective expectorants.

Mucus thinning compresses at home

The most famous and enough effective tool for the compress is a leaf white cabbage and honey. To do this, dip the cabbage leaf in boiling water for a few minutes until it becomes soft. On the chest, without touching the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, apply honey, then cover the smeared area cabbage leaf. wrap cling film and put on a warm bathrobe from above or lie down under a warm blanket. Hold the compress for about 4 hours (you can overnight). Repeat the procedure for 5-6 days. This is very effective method, which will help to quickly liquefy sputum.

For children, a compress cake helps well. To do this, mix vodka, vegetable oil, mustard, honey, cornmeal. Knead a stiff dough. Divide it into two equal parts. Place one on the chest, the second on the back through a cloth. This compress can be put on all night.

Also very effective for severe expectoration of sputum is a compress from vegetable oil. All that is needed is to warm it up a little, rub it in the chest area, wrap it in a cloth, preferably woolen, and put a heating pad on top. After a few days of use this tool You will already feel significant relief.

All of the above means have been used since ancient times by our ancestors, who did not know about the existence medical preparations, so folk remedies can be trusted, but not fully. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor, especially when it comes to children.

Take advantage of the unique information on how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs to cleanse the body with folk remedies at home.

Phlegm in our lungs accumulates with mucus, which is not needed by the body. And it understands this. Therefore, he tries to clear himself through a cough. But not every cough is considered a disease. So the body is protected from dust that gets into the air, and foreign bodies. Oh, how much dirt we draw into ourselves, if, for example, up to 15,000 liters of air enters us per day! Now calculate how much more soot, soot, microorganisms and gaseous substances settle on the airways. And then the cough appears, ready to protect them and cleanse them, from the depths respiratory system pick up mucus and expel it.

100 ml of liquid is allowed in the respiratory tract - this is the norm. When the walls of the bronchi become inflamed, the secretion of fluid (mucus) not only increases, but also becomes viscous, viscous. That's why he coughs heavily, with laziness.

What is needed for this? Herbs that will thin this mucus. So that, as doctors say today,. And we say that when you cough it is good to expectorate. Okay, it's not that important. The main thing is the effectiveness of the funds that are offered.

Folk recipes for expectoration of sputum (mucus)

For example, in the East, already in antiquity, they knew how to remove mucus from the bronchi and sputum from the lungs, using herbs that are now used in the manufacture of Pertussin, Mukaltin, Bromhexin, Potassium Iodide, etc. And we have a healing wealth in the form medicinal plants from the land where we live. This is a plantain healer, a coltsfoot healer, a thyme fighter with a cold, an intercessor for ailments different licorice and magical, giving strength to elecampane. You can buy the fees at the pharmacy or collect them yourself in bunches, and then mix them, and make teas from them. When the cough is dry, you creak with it. It breaks the chest, but does not remove sputum. Then we turn to the wisdom of the people in search of an expectorant.

Recipe 1 Elecampane

Be sure to keep dry elecampane roots at home, which help to remove sputum and mucus from the lungs and bronchi. Take one, with the little finger and fill it with half liters hot water(not boiling water). You can also add a slice of lemon to it. And how warm it will become, and a honey spoon (to taste). Drink for a few days every time you enter the kitchen, instead of coffee and tea.

Recipe 2 Thyme

Pour a handful of thyme with cold water and let it boil. Lower the heat slightly and let it simmer for another five minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and, covering yourself with a towel, carefully inhale the steam. Then, when it decreases, the broth can be drunk like a light tea, diluted boiled water. After such an “internal steam room”, immediately go to bed and cover yourself well. Thyme is generally unique.

Recipe 3 Expectorant collection

To prepare this infusion, you need to buy herbs in the market.

  1. Liquorice root. Grind and take from it 2 tablespoons.
  2. Thyme. It is sold in bundles. Grind with your hands and take 1 tablespoon.
  3. Plantain. Chop the leaves and take 3 tablespoons to collect.
  4. Altey. Chop the roots. Add 1 tablespoon to the collection.

We take from the collection 2 tablespoons and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap up to cool down gradually. You need to drink a glass three times a day. Phlegm liquefies under the onslaught of such an infusion and is easily coughed out. Effective Recipes " ".

Recipe 4 Onions and garlic will get rid of phlegm

Don't forget about the onion and garlic:

  • peel the onion and mix with honey, eating a spoonful immediately after eating;
  • rub the garlic (3 cloves) and mix with warm milk (1 tbsp), and then boil and drink a third of a glass at the end of each meal.

Recipe 5 The drink will bring out the mucus - hold on to it

A delicious drink, in the form of an expectorant, helping to get rid of phlegm and mucus. It is also recommended for tuberculosis:

  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • cocoa (1 tablespoon).

We grind these two products to a homogeneous consistency. Pour in milk (1 tbsp) and boil. Allow to cool slightly and then add good oil(1 tablespoon). You need to drink this drink every day. He is very efficient.

Recipe 6 Vegetables in compresses to remove mucus and sputum

Good expectorant compresses, which are required for dry coughs.

  1. Grate the radish. Place a clean white cotton napkin on the chest, spread the radish on top. Then cover with oilcloth and insulate. It will become warm, then the oven will start. Keep no more than 15 minutes to avoid burns. Remove the compress and wipe the skin with a dry towel. After this procedure, it is better to lie in bed under a warm blanket.
  2. Spread cabbage leaves with honey and apply to the chest. On top of a white cotton rag. Then dodge the oilcloth and a warm handkerchief.

Information you need to know "".

Recipe 7 Goat fat and honey will remove sputum

A prescription will help remove sputum and mucus from the lungs. Buy goat fat at the market. Melt it and lubricate the chest well, then insulate. At the same time drink hot milk with goat fat and honey. After this procedure, you need to stay in bed, so it is better to do it at night. Not everyone will like it, but health is worth a lot. Tell all those in need how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. Expectorants should also be used for prevention.

Choose your methods and recipes for treatment. Just don't forget to ask your doctor for a diagnosis. And the doors of the Centennial will always be open for you! Health and happiness!

When the cough becomes productive, then correct selection expectorant folk remedies will speed up recovery. A disease associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract tends to be accompanied by mucosal edema. Due to swelling and a cough appears: dry or wet. the main objective at the beginning of the disease - to minimize and mitigate dry cough. As soon as the treatment is carried out, sputum will appear, which must be removed from the body. Expectorant folk remedies can help with this, recipes from which you can cook at home.

Expectorants may be plant origin or medication. It is believed that medicinal fees, more gentle and effective, however, do not forget that before taking them, you should come to the doctor for the necessary advice.

During pregnancy, you can not use: herb oregano and wild rosemary, warm your feet and use jars and mustard plasters. This can lead to spontaneous abortion. It is best to drink more mineral water, linden tea and milk with soda, carry out inhalations with oils of thyme, thyme, camphor and gargle.

Homemade recipe from Siberian healers

You will need:

  • castor oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • essential oil of pine and juniper - 1 teaspoon each;

If it is not possible to purchase essential oil, then you can replace it with wood turpentine.

Preparation method. Heat castor oil in a water bath, then add essential oils, stir.

Application. Rub your chest and back, put on a cotton T-shirt, and a woolen sweater on top, put socks on your feet. After applying the mixture, you should go to bed. In no case do not go outside after the procedure.

You need to make a compress several times a day. Course - 5 days.

Therapeutic complex for sputum removal

Recipes should be rotated daily for a week.

  1. Elderberries - 3 teaspoons - add to 100 grams of boiling water, wait until it boils, remove from heat, insist. Drink all day like tea. You can add honey if you wish.
  2. Nasturtium herb - 3 teaspoons - brew in the same way. Drink 50 grams several times a day.
  3. 15 pieces walnut, 150 g of light honey, 105 g of agave juice, 105 g of lemon juice. Stir, put in a glass container and put in a cold place. Adults use 1 tbsp. spoon a couple of times a day for half an hour before meals, for children a teaspoon.

This remedy will help with night cough

You will need:

  • raw egg - 1;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • milk - 100 grams.

Lightly warm the milk. Mix egg and honey and add to milk. Drink the mixture just before bed.

With an old cough

  • unsalted butter - a tablespoon;
  • light honey - a tablespoon;
  • raw egg - 1;
  • baking soda - a teaspoon;
  • iodine solution - 2 drops.

Preparation and application. Heat the milk, add all the ingredients except the egg, mix thoroughly and drink. Then drink the egg.

medicine with garlic

  • light honey - a tablespoon;
  • garlic - clove.

Cooking. Grind the garlic, mix with honey. Put in a container, close it and put in a pot of heated water for 9 minutes.

Application. A teaspoon of the mixture should be added to 50 grams of water. Use 4 times a day after meals.

Expert opinion

The sooner the bronchi, bronchioles, and trachea are cleared of mucus, the sooner you can inhale full chest. Therefore, expectorants are indispensable. And if we remember that most pharmacological agents cough contains the lion's share of herbal ingredients, then folk recipes should not be forgotten.

The first group is inhalations. Soda, mineral water, essential oils - they not only expand the bronchi, activate the work of the ciliated epithelium, but also thin the sputum.

No less effective are various infusions and decoctions. With their help, the secret of goblet cells becomes more liquid, and the severity of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

O healing properties honey, a lot of articles and books have been written, and in the treatment of cough this remedy is not the last. However, it does not affect the mucus itself, but immune system. Due to the content of biologically active ingredients and enzymes, honey stimulates the immune system, thereby accelerating recovery.

But remember: if the cough does not go away within 1-2 weeks, consult a doctor immediately.

The ancient method of healing

Take turnips and light honey. Pour 200 g of turnip juice into a saucepan, wait until it boils, remove from the stove, cool and add 3 teaspoons of honey, drink. Do this mixture 4 times a day for a week. Drink after meals.

With the help of folk remedies, proven over the years, you can get rid of both just starting cough and the old one. However, if about a week has passed, and the cough still does not go away, you should start taking synthetic mucolytics prescribed by your doctor.

Expectorant folk remedies, often, help more effectively than medicines prescribed by a doctor. In addition, taking drugs made by folk recipes, does not harm your body if you follow the dosage correctly, which cannot be said about pharmacy medicines. The benefits of folk recipes a large number of which makes them the most popular and effective.

Among other things, another advantage of expectorant folk remedies is that they can be taken by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. The only thing to do with this is to make sure that you or your children are not allergic to the products used, and that you also need to follow the dosage correctly.

In our article, you can find out which expectorants should be used when different types cough, as well as bronchitis and pneumonia. Let's deal with this issue in more detail.

For dry and wet cough

When dry and wet cough usually used different kinds medicines made according to folk recipes: some accelerate sputum discharge, while others help relieve dry cough and prevent cracks in the mucous membrane.

With a wet cough, the following recipe is perfect:

  • Start with half a kilo onion and peel it off.
  • Cut the peeled onion as finely as possible and send it to a small saucepan prepared in advance.
  • Add 400 grams there too Sahara and one liter of water.
  • Put the pan on the fire and wait until it boils, constantly stirring the medicine. It is necessary to boil such a mixture for at least three hours.
  • After the medicine has boiled well, remove it from the heat and cool to room temperature.
  • Add 50 grams to the cooled liquid honey, stir it all, after which you can take an expectorant mixture.

Such a remedy must be taken within 4-5 days, five tablespoons at a time after meals. For children under 10 years old, the dose should be reduced to 1-2 tablespoons. Also be vigilant: make sure that the child is not allergic to onions or honey.

A banana is great for relieving the symptoms of a dry cough. In addition to the fact that the expectorant will be very useful, it is also tasty, so it can easily be given to children. And you can cook it as follows: choose a couple of ripe, but not overripe bananas, peel them and mash them into a pulp with a fork. Then pour 150 grams of water into the saucepan and add two large spoons Sahara. Heat the mixture, and when it boils, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. After that, add banana pulp there and you can take this expectorant immediately after eating.

Expectorant folk remedies for bronchitis

An excellent expectorant for bronchitis is black radish with honey. Many have heard about the miraculous remedies of black radish and honey, however, not everyone can use it correctly. In our article, we will tell you how to properly prepare black radish syrup with honey as an expectorant for bronchitis.

In order to prepare the most effective expectorant for bronchitis, you need to choose a black radish that is not too big size wash it well and cut off the top. Next, you need to arm yourself with a small knife or spoon and make a wide hole in the pulp of the fruit. Three tablespoons of honey should be put into this hole and covered with a cut off top. You can pre-make a few cuts in the pulp of the radish so that it starts up the juice and expectorant syrup turned out faster.

Send the radish with honey to infuse in a dark place for six hours, after which you will see how an amber syrup appeared in place of the honey. It should be poured into a separate container, and the radish can be used in this way two more times.

Ready expectorant syrup can be taken up to three times a day before meals. There are no contraindications, just make sure that you or your children are not allergic to honey or radish.

For pneumonia and congestion in the lungs

Concerning pneumonia and congestion in the lungs, then with such diagnoses, herbs brewed according to folk recipes will be an excellent expectorant. Herbs will not harm the body even during pregnancy, and they are also used as an expectorant for smokers.

Herbs such as thyme, coltsfoot, licorice root and oregano. And preparing an expectorant infusion is very simple. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of any herb you like, pour one liter of hot, but not boiling water over them, and wait a couple of hours for the expectorant to infuse. You can take no more than three times a day. Preferably one hour after eating.

Any of the proposed remedies will help you to remove sputum at home. However, before using such expectorant folk remedies, consult your doctor.