Statistical methods of quality management. Quality management methods

The emergence of various methods and tools for quality management creates difficulties in choosing for further use in the company; this problem is primarily related to the improvement of ideas and concepts in the field of quality management. Therefore, it is necessary to systematize all accumulated methods in quality management in order to clearly understand their essence.

Quality management methods are methods and techniques by which management subjects (bodies) influence the organization and elements of the production process to achieve set goals in the field of quality.

Let's consider the most complete presentation of quality management methods and tools used in methodological and educational literature (Fig. 1, Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. “Classification of quality management tools and methods”

This classification of methods consists of four groups: theoretical foundations, concepts and foundations, complex methods, individual methods. Individual methods are divided into methods for managing social systems, information, and equipment for the object of influence.

Rice. 2. “Classification of quality management methods”

* Tomokhova I.N., Ryzhova N.A.: “Classification of quality management tools and methods,” 2008, p. 88.

This paper discusses the most applicable quality management systems in enterprises. Let's consider the well-known quality management system - Total Quality Management (TQM), which has been successfully implemented in many companies. Integrated quality management presupposes impeccable performance in relation to all processes of the company, so these may include design, production, logistics, marketing, service and the active participation of both employees and clients, suppliers within the framework of the developed and implemented quality system. Let's consider the values ​​of the TQM system, which are the basis for effective application.

First of all, this philosophy implies customer orientation, i.e. The customer's needs come first and are immediately satisfied. Active participation and support from management is very important, thereby setting an example, all employees of the company will be involved in the process. Such participation should be supported by corporate training, empowerment, motivation and bonuses. The concept of TQM involves continuous efforts to identify and eliminate unnecessary activities, and continually improve the processes for creating a product or service. Also includes education, training and employee development. The company is managed only on the basis of reliable facts and data. Moreover, business planning is integrated into the overall business strategy. And of course, partnerships and alliances with suppliers, clients, educational institutions and other organizations are an important point. They all interact and form a common system. An organization will not realize the full benefits of TQM if only some of the characteristics listed above are selected and implemented. They must be used in combination.

To achieve long-term success in the development of the company, TQM is based on a systematic approach. The plan-do-check-action (PDCA) cycle is a general framework for continuous improvement (Figure 3).

Rice. 3. "Cycle diagram"PDCA»

* Tikhonova E. A.: “Continuous quality improvement”, 2008, p. 352

The cycle has four components. The first is planning. It is necessary to define goals, i.e. you need to know exactly what you need to achieve. It is impossible to improve everything at once; therefore, it is necessary to set priorities, and also clearly understand how, in what time frame and with what help they will be achieved.

The second stage is the implementation of the plan itself. No matter how detailed the adopted plan is, its implementation will require changes to existing methods of work. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to the performers what is changing and why, as well as teach them new methods of activity. Only after staff training has been completed can planned changes be implemented.

Next comes the evaluation of the results obtained. In order for the assessment to be objective, the goals set must be quantified. The last step is to apply corrective actions. All changes must be made immediately. The plan-do-check-fix cycle can serve as a blueprint for improvement at any level. It is most suitable for gradual, small-scale changes at the workshop or production site level.

After the advent of TQM, standardization of companies gained popularity. Over the past twenty years of global quality management practice, ISO 9000 standards have been used, which are based on a process approach to management. However, it is worth noting that this took a very long time. The first to express an opinion on the importance of quality assurance issues and emphasized the role of management in making decisions about quality were D. Juran, W. Shewhart, E. Deming, F. Crosby. Thus, it took more than 40 years to realize the need for a systematic approach in matters of quality of products or services.

In 1946, 25 countries created the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as a worldwide federation of national standards organizations. The Soviet Union was one of the founders of ISO and a permanent member of its governing bodies. Twice a representative of Gosstandart was elected chairman of ISO. Russia became a member of this international organization on September 23, 2005 and joined the ISO Council.

At the end of the 1970s, at the beginning of the 1980s. experts collected and analyzed all accumulated knowledge and practical experience, and studied national standards for quality assurance systems. Thus, in 1987, the first version of the ISO 9000 series of seven fundamental standards was introduced: ISO 8402:1986; ISO 9000:1987 (four documents); ISO 9001:1987; ISO 9002:1987; ISO 9003:1987; ISO 9004:1987 (three documents); ISO 10011:1987 (three documents).

The listed documents are the quintessence of the experience accumulated at that time in the field of creating quality assurance systems. Standards

ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 were intended for certification purposes. In the process of practical work with ISO 9000 series standards, additional documents were developed to help users work with the system, as well as new versions of the standards. Thus, the ISO 9000 series standards issued in 1994 served as the basis for the development of international regulatory and guidance documents for environmental management systems (ISO 14000 series standards), industrial safety and health management (OHSAS 18001 and OHSAS 18002).

The ISO 9000 series of standards is a set of general international standards that describe QMS used by organizations of any type and size that:

  • supply material products (equipment or parts) – Hard;
  • supply software – Soft;
  • supply processed materials – Materials;
  • provide services – Service.

The main cases of application of standards, as well as tasks that are solved using the ISO 9000 series, are presented in table. 1.

Table 1.

Main cases of application of standardsISOseries*

* Comp. from the book: Serenkov P. S. “Methods of quality management”, Minsk, 2014, p. 36.

The ISO 9000 series of standards addresses various aspects of quality management and provides guidance and tools for organizations that want their products and services to meet customer requirements and continually improve quality. At the moment, the ISO 9000 series includes the following standards: ISO 9001:2015 establishes requirements for a QMS; ISO 9000:2015 contains basic concepts and vocabulary; ISO 9004:2009 focuses on how to make a quality management system more effective and efficient; ISO 19011:2011 provides guidance for conducting internal and external audits of a QMS.

ISO 9000 standards define the methodology for the functioning of a quality system, which should ensure a high level of products or services produced. The need to use international standards is important because many organizations operate in a global economy, selling or buying goods and services outside the domestic market. Thus, ISO 9001 defines the basic principles of quality management that a company must apply, thereby demonstrating the ability to provide products (services) on time, which in turn will affect customer satisfaction and loyalty.

ISO 9004 is used to increase the positive effects obtained from the application of ISO 9001 for all parties interested or affected by the company's actions (employees, owners, suppliers, partners and society as a whole). This standard is recommended as a guide for companies whose top management plans to continuously improve the performance of all processes in the company. ISO 19011 covers the areas of auditing quality management systems and environmental management, providing guidance on how to conduct audits, both internal and external. This standard provides an overview of how an audit system should operate and proceed.

Let's consider the scheme for applying ISO family standards based on the process approach (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. “Application of ISO family standards”

There are five main directions in the standard that determine the company’s actions when implementing the system:

  1. General requirements for the quality of the management system and documentation;
  2. Management's responsibility for its actions, policies, planning and objectives;
  3. Resource management and distribution;
  4. Product sales and process management;
  5. Measurement, control, analysis and improvement.

It can be concluded that the use of process-oriented management provides the following advantages: firstly, a clear understanding of customer needs. Secondly, clarity and unity of the company's goals, which contributes to the effectiveness of the continuous improvement process. Thirdly, it becomes possible to track the dynamics of changes in the company, as well as the effectiveness of the goals set. Fourthly, strategic goals are implemented taking into account the opinions of all employees, thanks to this the team is united on the basis of common values ​​and corporate culture.


  1. GOST ISO 9000-2011 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (access date: 04/13/16)
  2. Polkhovskaya T. M. “Standardization of management systems: past, present, future” // Quality Management 01(01)2008
  3. Serenkov P. S. “Methods of quality management. Methodology of organizational design of the engineering component of the quality management system" - Minsk: New knowledge; M.: INFRA-M, 2014.
  4. Tikhonova E.A. Continuous quality improvement - Quality management. 2008. - No. 4. - P. 348-358
  5. Tomokhova I.N., Ryzhova N.A. “Classification of quality management tools and methods.” Magazine "Service plus", No. 4, 2008.
  6. ISO Central Secretariat: “Selection and use of the ISO 9000 family of standards”
  7. ISO – International Organization for Standardization [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (access date: 04/13/16)
  8. J. Gerald Suarez "Three Experts on Quality Management: Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran", 1992.
  9. R. Nat Natarajan "Total Quality Management". P. M. SwamidassEncyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management 10.1007/1-4020-0612-8_997© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000

Quality - techniques and methods by which relevant authorities can influence the company and elements of the production process in order to achieve the best effect. They can be classified on different grounds: social, economic, statistical, socio-psychological, organizational and so on. Let's take a closer look at the main groups.

Economic quality include the creation of special conditions that will encourage employees, teams, and departments to constantly improve their level. The identification of this group was associated with the development of the modern market. This required, in turn, the widespread and mandatory use of economic methods in quality management, which include:

  • financing of this activity;
  • cost accounting in all departments that are part of the quality management system;
  • availability of economic incentives for production, material incentives and remuneration of employees;
  • pricing of services and products, taking into account their level of quality;
  • application of special measures when influencing suppliers;
  • mandatory business planning when creating modernized and new products.

Organizational and administrative methods of quality management will be carried out through mandatory executive orders, directives and instructions that come from management. In addition, it is permissible to have other requirements that are aimed at ensuring and increasing the optimal level of quality. This is about:

  • regulation (functional, official, structural);
  • standardization;
  • rationing;
  • instructing (explanation, clarification);
  • administrative influence (based on resolutions, orders, instructions, instructions, etc.).

Social and psychological methods of quality management are aimed at influencing the course of various processes that exist in any In this context, these methods include:

  • mandatory moral incentives for high-quality work;
  • techniques and methods for improving the socio-psychological climate in any team (we are talking about eliminating conflicts, selecting and ensuring compatibility in a group of employees);
  • availability of consideration of individual psychological traits of organization members;
  • mandatory formation of staff motivation aimed at achieving the required quality;
  • development and preservation of traditions at the enterprise in order to ensure the required quality;
  • ways and techniques to activate self-discipline, initiative, responsibility and creativity of everyone in the team.

Statistical methods of quality management combine a large group of methods that are associated with analysis and processing of a large number of quantitative results and data. We are talking about histogram, stratification (stratification), dispersion (or spread) and control charts. In addition, they also include separate and specific tools that are used to work with non-numeric, special information. For this purpose, cause-and-effect diagrams are used, systematizing and summarizing the existing logical results and converting them into numerical form.

The most popular method in this group is a flowchart - a graphical representation of the sequence in the implementation of the main and additional stages of any process.

Therefore, at present, quality management systems in organizations of any profile are very well formed, justified and developed.

Classification of quality management tools and methods

Relational data integrity

Logical restrictions that are imposed on data are called integrity constraints. They are formed in accordance with the properties of the software in the form of predicates, which may have meaning for some data sets true, For others - lie. Constraints are used in data models to maintain data integrity during system operation. That is, the DBMS must monitor the compliance of data with specified restrictions when transferring the database from one state to another. The use of restrictions is also related to the adequacy of software reflection using data stored in the database.

There are two main types of restrictions: internal And obvious.

Internal – These are limitations inherent to the data model itself. They are superimposed on the structure of relationships, on connections, on the permissible values ​​of data sets embedded in the selected data model.

Explicit– these are restrictions set by software semantics. They describe the range of permissible values ​​of attributes, the relationship between attributes, the dynamics of their change, etc.

There are two types of internal integrity constraints in RMD:

1. Integrity by existence - a potential relation key cannot have a Null value. In other words, since the potential key of a relationship allows us to select only one from the entire set of instances of an entity, an entity that does not have an identifier does not exist.

2. Relationship integrity - defined by the concept of a foreign key of a relation: a subset of attributes of the relation R 2 is called a foreign key for the relation R 1 if for each value of the foreign key of the relation R 2 there is the same value of the primary key in the relation R 1 . A foreign key is the glue that binds individual RDB relationships into a single whole. Linkage data integrity means a system of rules used in a DBMS to maintain relationships between records in related tables, and also provides protection against accidental deletion or modification of related data, and against incorrect changes in key fields.

V.V. Efimov divides quality management methods into economic, organizational and administrative, socio-psychological and scientific-technical. The last group combines methods of working with equipment, information (including statistical), complex and research methods. V.V. Okrepilov identifies three groups of quality work methods: quality assurance methods, quality incentive methods and quality control methods, and also offers a classification of techniques and means of total quality management into four areas (objects) of management: “Quality”, “Process”, “Personnel”, “Resources”. In this model, individual methods, systems and theories are located at one level.

For the most complete presentation of methods and means of quality management, the approaches to systematization used in methodological and educational literature can be combined and supplemented (Fig. 1, 2). Quality management tools include tools, objects, a set of devices for implementing quality management: office equipment, banks of regulatory documentation, communications and metrology equipment, etc., as well as management relations - relations of subordination and coordination.

Rice. 1. Classification of quality management tools and methods

Quality management methods are methods and techniques by which management subjects (bodies) influence the organization and elements of the production process to achieve set goals in the field of quality. Along with individual methods, complex methods representing their combinations are highlighted, as well as theoretical foundations, concepts and systems. Unlike integrated methods, concepts and systems involve not only the application of a certain set of methods, but also reforming the approach to managing an organization.

It is useful to classify individual methods according to the object of influence: information, social systems, equipment. The latter are associated with the characteristics of a specific production process, including methods of measurement, adjustment, etc. Management of social systems, as a rule, is divided into economic, organizational, administrative and socio-psychological methods.

Economic management methods imply the creation of economic conditions that encourage employees and teams of enterprises and departments to systematically improve and ensure the required level of quality. The development of market relations requires wider use of economic methods of quality management. Such methods may include:

  • financing activities in the field of quality management;
  • economic accounting in the departments of the quality management system;
  • economic stimulation of production;
  • pricing of products and services taking into account their level of quality;
  • application of a system of remuneration and material incentives;
  • use of economic measures to influence suppliers;
  • business planning for the creation of new and modernized types of products and services.

Organizational and administrative methods are carried out through mandatory directives, orders, management instructions and other regulations aimed at increasing and ensuring the required level of quality:

  • regulation (functional, official, structural);
  • standardization;
  • rationing;
  • instructing (explanations, clarifications);
  • administrative influence (based on orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions, etc.).

Social and psychological methods influence the social and psychological processes occurring in work teams to achieve quality goals. In the field of quality management, these may include:

  • moral incentives for high quality work results;
  • techniques for improving the psychological climate in the team (elimination of conflicts, selection and ensuring psychological compatibility of employees);
  • taking into account the psychological characteristics of members of work collectives;
  • formation of motives for the work of personnel aimed at achieving the required quality;
  • preservation and development of the enterprise’s traditions to ensure the required quality;
  • ways to increase self-discipline, responsibility, initiative and creative activity of each team member.

The goal of modern quality management is not only to increase customer satisfaction (primarily through quality products), but also to achieve this in the most economical ways. Depending on the characteristics of the organization, various methods can be used to increase its efficiency: “Total Productive Maintenance of Equipment” (TPM), “Streamlining” (5S), a quality economics system, process reengineering, etc.

Rice. 2. Classification of quality management methods

Statistical methods of quality management (Fig. 3) usually include not only methods associated with the processing and analysis of large amounts of quantitative data, but also individual tools for working with non-numerical information. For example, in the Seven Essential Quality Control Tools group, the histogram, stratification, Pareto, scatter, and control charts are designed to analyze quantitative information. A cause-and-effect diagram organizes logical data; with the help of a checklist, information of any kind is summarized in numerical form. Sometimes, instead of stratification, this group of methods includes a flowchart - a graphical representation of the sequence of process steps.

“Seven New Quality Management Tools” primarily work with logical and associative connections, systematization of factors and areas of problem solving. These are Affinity and Relationship Diagrams, Tree Diagrams, Matrix Diagrams, Arrow Diagrams and Program Process Diagram (PDPC). Matrix data analysis (priority matrix) - mathematical analysis of a large amount of numerical data in the form of matrices to identify priority data - the only one of the seven methods that gives a quantitative result.

The international standard ISO 9004–4:1993 “Guidelines for Quality Improvement” contained recommendations for the use of most of the listed tools - the simplest ones that do not require knowledge of mathematical statistics and are accessible to workers at any level. In the modern version of the family of international standards ISO 9000 series (MS ISO 9000), a standard has appeared entirely dedicated to statistical methods: ISO/TR 10017:2003 “Guide to statistical methods as applied to ISO 9001:2000”. It offers a modern classification of statistical methods (families of methods) for quality management. These are descriptive statistics, design of experiments, hypothesis testing, measurement analysis, process capability analysis, regression analysis, reliability analysis, sampling control, modeling, statistical process control charts (SPC charts), statistical tolerance assignment, time series analysis. The methods listed include most of the “traditional” (the simplest and most well-known) tools.

Rice. 3. Two approaches to the classification of statistical methods of quality management

Table 1. Classification of quality management methods by management subjects

Quality management methods.


Quality management methods.

Lecture No. 3

Questions to review and consolidate the educational material covered in class.

1. Purpose of training shooting.

2. Organization and conduct of training shooting.

3. Fire training assessment

4. 1 – 5 PM shooting exercises (UIS).

5. 1–10 PM shooting exercises (MVD).

6. Safety measures during shooting

Art. Lecturer at the Department of B and TSP

Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service S.Yu. Presnyakov

Topic: “Methodological foundations of quality management”

Quality management methods- this is a method and a set of techniques for influencing the means and products of labor aimed at achieving the required quality.

Quality management methods are divided into four groups : organizational, socio-psychological; economic; organizational and technological.

Organizational methods- a set of methods that facilitate the organization of a managed subsystem that will ensure the required quality.

This group of methods includes administrative (orders, directives, resolutions, directions, instructions), disciplinary, providing motivation (establishing responsibility and forms of encouragement), stabilizing, based on organization-wide and linear-functional regulation based on norms, standards, explanations, consultations, familiarizations, warnings.

Social-psychological methods- a set of ways to influence the spiritual interests of employees, the formation of their motivations related to ensuring appropriate quality.

These methods include: nurturing and promoting devotion to the enterprise, self-respect as an employee of this enterprise, pride in its achievements, and forms of moral stimulation.

Economic methods of quality management- methods of influence based on the use of economic incentives and the creation of material interest in achieving a given goal in the field of quality.

The group of economic methods also includes: financing activities in the field of quality management; economic stimulation of production, provision of products and services to consumers that meet their requirements; planning the creation of new and modernized types of products and services; pricing of products and services taking into account their level of quality; the formation of funds for economic incentives for quality, the use of a system of remuneration and material incentives taking into account its quality at each workplace of the production system and the quality management system as a whole; the use of economic measures to influence suppliers based on the quality of the products they supply and the services they provide.

In 1950 ᴦ. Dr. W.E. came to Japan from the USA. Deming and conducted a number of short-term seminars on quality management. Royalties from the book, compiled from lectures given at these seminars, were used to establish the Deming Prizes. There are two of these awards: for an individual and for an enterprise. The Deming Award for an Individual is awarded to one or more individuals who have contributed to the dissemination and development of the theoretical principles of statistical quality control methods.

In 1991. The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), founded by 14 of the largest companies in Europe, such as Philips, Volkswagen, Nestlé, Renault, Electrolux, Fiat, Olivetti, British Telecom and others have established a European Quality Award based on the results of evaluates enterprises according to nine criteria: the role of management, personnel management, policy and strategy, resources, processes, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, social impact, business results.

In 1996 ᴦ. In Russia, an annual government award in the field of quality was established, awarded to organizations for achieving “significant results in the field of quality of products or services, ensuring their safety, as well as for the introduction by organizations of highly effective quality management methods.” No more than 12 prizes are awarded annually, which are presented to the winners of the competition during World Quality Day (second Thursday of November).)

Organizational and technological methods are divided into methods for controlling the quality of the process and products and methods for regulating the quality of the process and products. The main place in organizational and technological methods is occupied by statistical methods of quality management.

Quality management methods. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Quality Management Methods." 2017, 2018.

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