International Day of Healthy Eating. State budgetary institution of social services "Zheleznovodsk comprehensive center for social services of the population"

You are what you eat.

Incorrect or overuse food harms the body. Failure to comply with the diet and overeating leads to obesity. In order to promote healthy food, adherents of a healthy lifestyle founded an unofficial holiday in Russia.

Day healthy eating and refusal of excess food is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 2. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 9th time.


The holiday was founded in 2011 by members of a Russian Internet group healthy image life, adherents of diets and those who want to lose overweight. The idea for the creation was the American National Day of Permissiveness in Eating - Gluttony Day.

On this day, meetings, promotions and classes are organized that are related to proper and healthy nutrition. Flash mobs are organized. Nutritionists and psychologists conduct free consultations for those who want to change themselves and their lifestyle.

The physician and philosopher Hippocrates came to the idea that diseases in the body occur due to malnutrition.

The main problems of poor or excessive nutrition are ignorance, hunger and stress.

In terms of popularity among products in the world, pasta is in first place, followed by meat and rice in second and third place.

Health human body 74% depends on the food he consumes.

On the planet, only 44% of the population is guided by health considerations when choosing food. The remaining 66% choose products based on their cost.

Every year on Russian market The sales of fast foods, salty and sweet products to quickly and easily satisfy hunger are increasing.

Every year there are more and more adherents of healthy eating, or as they call themselves - pp-ers, in the world. Proper nutrition or “PP” is not only healthy, but also always fit appearance. Being fat is no longer fashionable these days. But the most interesting thing is that Healthy Eating Day arose as a counterweight to Gluttony Day.

Healthy eating against obesity

On June 2, 2011, several Russian enthusiasts decided to establish a day proper nutrition. By doing this, they wanted to troll the famous American holiday of gluttony, when you can eat as much as you want and whatever you want. Russian PP people seemed to be hinting to their overseas opponents that Gluttony Day in America takes place not only on June 2, but every day. This ingenious idea found approval not only among Russian residents, but also among healthy eating enthusiasts from several other countries of the world. But the emphasis here was no longer on trolling. It was necessary to attract people's attention to the problem excess weight.

Causes of obesity

A day of healthy eating and avoidance of excess food will not be able to change the situation with obesity overnight. He will only remind you that everyone can change the situation individual, starting directly with yourself. At first glance, it seems that weight is gained only due to overeating. In fact, there are many more factors leading to excess weight. This and bad habits, for example, alcohol consumption, as well as stress, which people, for the most part, are accustomed to eating.

Food culture

You can blame a lot on the transience of our lives, when it is impossible to allocate enough time for lunch, dinner and breakfast, and it’s easier to grab the first pie you come across and stuff it into yourself on the run. One pie is not a problem, but when their number starts to grow, it’s time to sound the alarm. In addition, food is increasingly consumed not for the purpose of replenishing strength, energy, or satisfying hunger, but simply for pleasure or as an antidepressant. Every year everything more people they begin to live under the motto: “Live to eat,” forgetting that they need to do exactly the opposite: “Eat to live.”

Do you want to lose weight?

A wide variety of scammers are profiting from the problem of obesity. They came up with all sorts of miraculous ways: “lose 30 kg in a week,” “Kremlin diet,” “eat more, lose more weight.” All this is nothing more than a scam. A person is offered to pay a huge amount of money for a miracle; the unfortunate person believes in a way to lose weight, because for that kind of money it must work. As a result, time passes, the result is zero, there is no money, and you get another stress that you definitely need to eat well.

This year, June 2 marks a kind of anniversary - the fifth anniversary of the Russian holiday - the Day of Healthy Eating and Avoiding Excessive Eating. main idea of this day - to attract wide sections of the population to issues of nutrition culture, show what an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to, talk about the problems of people with overweight bodies.

The history of the holiday

On May 11, America celebrates Glutton Day - Eat What You Want Day. At the same time, the United States ranks second in the world in the number of obese residents. In contrast to this holiday, a group of enthusiasts in Russia decided to establish a day of proper nutrition in order to once again remind Russians about the problem of obesity. This ingenious idea found approval not only among the residents of Russia, but also among adherents of healthy eating from several other countries of the world.

Obesity problems

The number of overweight people around the world is increasing. The reasons for this lie in various aspects of life. These include bad habits, psychological dependence on food, and a variety of conflicting information about the benefits and harms of certain products. Some people eat not because they are hungry and need to replenish the body’s energy reserves, but because they are dissatisfied with life and cannot find a way to calm themselves down. stressful situation, i.e. they “eat stress.” In addition, they lead to excess weight sedentary image life related to work, i.e. a minimum of movements and a maximum of well-fed food. Also, the reasons for excess weight can be refusal of breakfast, snacks on the run in lunch break And hearty dinner before bedtime. At the same time, many people use popular fast food for snacks.

All this has led to the fact that in Russia up to 30% of Russians currently have weight problems. According to the UN, Russia is in 19th place on the list of “fat” countries. And of course main reason obesity is overeating.

A whole bunch of diseases occur in people who are obese ( diabetes, hypertonic disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases) – this is a topic for a separate discussion!

Principles of healthy eating

The creators of this holiday call on this day to follow the principles of healthy eating, which, if you like, you can continue to follow in the future and tell your friends and relatives about them.
1. Follow not only your daily routine, but also your diet, i.e. eat food at the same time. This is justified by the fact that by a certain time it is produced gastric juice, which promotes rapid absorption useful substances food.

  1. Eat often, but in small portions. Nutritionists recommend 5-6 meals a day. In this case, the intervals between meals should not exceed 2 - 3 hours.
  2. The diet must be balanced, i.e. contain the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for a person, minerals, vitamins and should depend on the performed specific person activities.

What products can you pamper yourself on this day?

On this day you can make dishes from fresh vegetables (onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, radishes, cucumbers, etc.), cereals, bran; use low-fat varieties meat and fish (with vegetables); low-fat dairy products and egg whites.

What foods should you give up to keep your figure slim?

To be a slim person, not to be obese, not to get sick, you should not eat fried foods. Not recommended for consumption fatty foods: oil, lard, nuts, seeds, meat fatty varieties, salad with mayonnaise, canned fish in oil, fatty cheeses, sour cream, cream, ice cream. It is necessary to give up carbohydrates: sugar, sweets, chocolate, jam, marmalade, confiture, sweet fruit drinks. And also from frozen, canned products in boxes, jars (they contain a large amount of preservatives, food additives). Need to give up alcoholic drinks(most alcoholic drinks are high in calories due to their large quantity carbohydrates).

  • People who are obese especially need to be careful about limiting the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates - limit White bread, confectionery, baked goods, pasta, potatoes, sweet varieties of berries and fruits, sugar, honey, jam, candy.
  • The amount of water you drink should be 1.5 liters; You cannot drink alcoholic beverages.
  • With developed obesity, the total calorie content of food must be significantly reduced, and the main amount of carbohydrates should be supplied to the body mainly in the form of vegetables, herbs, unsweetened fruits and berries, which give a feeling of fullness.
  • The fat content in food should also be reduced and consumed mainly in the form of vegetable oil.
  • Food must contain sufficient amounts of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts.
  • Amount consumed table salt should be limited.

Down with excess food and extra pounds! Avoid excess food for at least one day. Eat only simple and healthy food. Way to slim figure and health begins with the first step. Take this step!

“I’ll go in for sports on Monday”, “I’ll quit smoking after submitting my report”, “I’ll start eating right after the weekend” - how often do we hear these phrases? How often do we pronounce them ourselves? But is it worth waiting for another Monday? Maybe we should start new life on holiday? Moreover, holidays are sometimes the most unexpected. The Day of Healthy Eating and Avoiding Excessive Eating was “born” in 2011, as a kind of Russian response to the American holiday - National Day when you can eat what you want. In contrast to this “Day of Gluttony,” the initiative was put forward to establish a “Day of Avoiding Excessive Eating.” Thus, June 2, 2011 became the birthday of the holiday, the main goal of which is to attract the attention of the general public to issues of food culture. It is no secret that the number of overweight people is growing significantly every year. The reasons for this lie in various aspects of life. Bad eating habits, psychological dependence on food, a variety of conflicting information about the benefits and harms of certain products. Skipping breakfast, snacking on the run during lunch, eating a large late dinner. Often we eat not because we are hungry or need nutrients, but because we are not satisfied with life, we cannot find The best way calm yourself down in a stressful situation. Food serves not a physiological, but an emotional need: for love, safety, acceptance, emotional satisfaction. All this has the most adverse effect on health. The number of diseases associated with obesity is growing. The number of charlatans and businessmen who profit from a person’s desire to lose weight is also growing. Belief in magic pills and drinks, in quickly and easily getting rid of excess weight acquired over the years, sometimes leads to irreparable harm to health, and often simply to the loss of money thrown away.

The day of healthy eating and avoidance of excess food is intended to remind us that we are responsible for what we feed our bodies. Let there be more reliable and useful information on this day about which eating habits are beneficial to health and beauty, and which are harmful and dangerous; how to properly structure your diet so that it is tasty, balanced and does not lead to excess weight. And it is on this day that everyone who wants to become slimmer and has not yet begun to realize their dream can begin their path to slimness. A common aspiration simplifies the solution of the problem, facilitates the first step, and provides a starting point.

The existence of Healthy Eating Day is further proof that when the right approach food can become not a time killer and a thief of our health, but a helper and friend healthy life. Celebrating this holiday is very easy - just plan and do pleasant and useful things that are so easy to organize, but which you haven’t gotten around to for so long. Give up processed foods and create a healthy and tasty lunch for the whole family, time your first training session to coincide with this date. gym or just take out your bike and ride around the summer park. Play active and funny Games with children, organize a diet picnic with friends or just take an evening walk for health and pleasure. Take care of your beauty - arrange home SPA treatments with your friends, visit the sauna or swimming pool. Fantasy can be limitless - the main thing is to complete all the things that have been put off for a long time, but are so necessary for our slimness, health and beauty.

The number of participants in the holiday is growing every year, and this is not surprising, because Healthy Nutrition Day has no territorial restrictions, age or gender restrictions - it is accessible to absolutely everyone! And everyone is able to celebrate it in their own way. What remains? Down with excess food and extra pounds! Long live healthy eating! Avoid excess food at least for today. Eat only simple and healthy food to satisfy your physical hunger. A journey of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step. Take this step! Of course, the Day of Healthy Eating and Avoiding Excess Eating is held publicly and en masse only once a year. But it is just a reason for everyone to think about how easy it is to exchange bad habits for healthy and beautiful life, which is available to each of us every day of the year. It's so simple! Good luck to everyone on the path to slimness and health! And see you on the same day next year - with improved health, a slimmer body, wonderful and cheerful well-being!

was “born” in 2011 as a kind of Russian response to the American holiday - National Day, when you can eat what you want. In contrast to this “Gluttony Day,” the initiative was put forward to establish a “Day of Avoiding Excessive Eating.”

Idea in short time received fairly wide support and was considered timely and necessary.

So, June 2, 2011 became the birthday of the holiday, the main theme of which is attracting the attention of the general public to food culture issues.

It is no secret that the number of overweight people is growing significantly every year. The reasons for this lie in various aspects of life. Bad eating habits, psychological dependence on food, a variety of conflicting information about the benefits and harms of certain products...

Skipping breakfast, snacking on the run during lunch, a rich late dinner... Often we eat not because we are hungry or need food. nutrients, but because we are not satisfied with life, we cannot find the best way to calm ourselves in a stressful situation. Food serves not a physiological, but an emotional need: for love, safety, acceptance, emotional satisfaction.

All this has the most adverse effect on health. The number of diseases associated with obesity is growing. The number of charlatans and businessmen who profit from a person’s desire to lose weight is also growing. belief magic pills and drinks, quickly and easily getting rid of excess weight acquired over the years sometimes leads to irreparable harm to health, and often simply to the loss of money thrown away...

Intended to remind you that we are responsible for what we feed our body. May this day be more reliable and useful information about which eating habits are beneficial to health and beauty, and which are harmful and dangerous; how to build your diet correctly so that it is tasty, balanced and does not lead to overweight.

And it is on this day that everyone who wants to become slimmer and has not yet begun to realize their dream can begin their path to slimness. A common aspiration simplifies the solution of the problem, facilitates the first step, and provides a starting point.

Down with excess food and extra pounds! Long live healthy eating! Avoid excess food at least for today. Eat only simple and healthy food to satisfy your physical hunger. A journey of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step. Take this step- and the meal planning service will help you with this!

Good luck to everyone on the path to slimness and health! And see you on the same day next year- with improved health, a slimmer body, excellent and cheerful well-being!