Barely social benefits. What is included in the second group of disabled people, the rules and conditions for its receipt

Being a social state, Russia provides its citizens with material support in the event of various unfavorable circumstances in their lives, for example, due to the acquisition of any diseases, loss of a breadwinner, participation in hostilities, and the like. Responsible for providing this support is the social protection system, which provides a great variety of various pension payments, compensations and benefits. In this article, we look at what EVD is and to whom it is paid.

So, under the three mysterious letters EDV, a rather simple concept is hidden - a monthly cash payment. The amount of the required funds coming to needy citizens of the Russian Federation is fixed. Money is paid, as the name implies, every month.

The Pension Fund of our country is responsible for the transfer of funds or delivery to the citizens to whom they rely. Each city has its own territorial department of this structure. The EDV benefit is federal, therefore, its issuance is carried out in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To whom is the EDV paid?

Since this payment to the population is of a social nature, it is by no means due to all categories of citizens representing Russian society. On the whole, rather narrow strata of the population who have suffered due to various life circumstances receive UDV. Let's take a look at them briefly in the list below, and then talk about each category separately.

1. First of all, the payment of benefits is due in this case to veterans who, during their military or labor service, have shown qualities that distinguish them from all, and today have merits to their homeland:

  • persons who became participants in the war of 1941-1945, both healthy and disabled;
  • citizens who took part in actions of a combat nature;
  • veterans who have served in the military or public service all their lives;
  • citizens who have worked for the good of the country for decades;
  • persons who have received a disability as a result of taking part in actions of a combat nature.

2. People who have acquired a state of health characterized as a disability, including persons of childhood.

3. Citizens whose health has been damaged by radiation resulting from:

  • nuclear tests;
  • radiation accidents.

4. Other beneficiaries of the federal level, namely:

  • persons who during the Great Patriotic War were held captive by the fascist invaders;
  • citizens who in the Soviet Union or already in the Russian Federation were awarded the title of Heroes or Heroes of Labor;
  • citizens awarded the Order of Glory, or their relatives, if the holders of the order themselves have died.

Now, so that you can get a complete picture of the categories of privileged citizens, and, perhaps, find yourself or your relative among them, we will take a closer look at each of them.

Veterans funds

There is a huge list of special merits to the country, encouraged by various benefits. However, everyone will agree that the status of a veteran and his merits are perhaps the most significant.

Additional payments to these great people are provided by the state. Let's see what categories of veterans are taking place today.

The sought-after citizens were awarded special distinctive badges of merit (medals, orders, titles) during the Great Patriotic War. Also included in the category of veterans of the war of 1941-1945:

  • persons who served at defensive facilities;
  • residents of the besieged Leningrad (1941-1944);
  • rear servicemen.

Each of the social categories listed above is entitled to cash payments for UDV, which have a fixed amount.

The second category of veterans, considered by us in the article we are looking for, is represented by citizens who took direct part in the course of military operations. We are talking about conscripted employees of the Ministry of Defense:

  • Soviet Union of Socialist Republics;
  • also today's Russia;
  • Internal Affairs Bodies;
  • State Security Bodies;
  • military personnel of the automobile troops, as well as employees operating aircraft, performing the duties assigned to them by their homeland during the course of hostilities in Afghanistan;
  • sappers working on the battlefields from 1945 to 1951.

According to the legislation currently in force in Russia, benefits are provided for many civil categories. In ours, we will consider what tax benefits the state provides to war veterans.

  • were wounded while fighting at the front;
  • received damage while in close proximity to the combat area;
  • suffered while serving military units of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation located abroad;
  • were injured during periods of hostilities under other circumstances.

The fourth category of veterans - persons who served in the military during the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the total length of military service which amounted to twenty years or more, having the following awards:

  • orders;
  • medals;
  • honorary titles.

The following kind of veterans are citizens who carried public service in the Soviet Union or carry it in modern Russia, awarded for the worthy performance of their duties:

  • medals;
  • honorary titles;
  • orders.

At the same time, representatives of the desired category have the length of service or length of service necessary for retirement due to:

  • reaching the appropriate age;
  • a sufficient number of years of service;
  • other types of retirement.
  • for women, it is 35 years or more;
  • for men aged 40 and over.

At the same time, the required persons have:

  • veteran's certificate;
  • were awarded the corresponding medals or orders;
  • received insignia from various departments;
  • the amount of their work experience is sufficient to receive pension payments.
  • state orientation;
  • military orientation.

The desired variety includes those persons who became disabled in the performance of the duties assigned to them by the state due to the received:

  • wounds;
  • diseases;
  • injuries, etc.

Payments to citizens from different disability groups

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what kind of person is considered disabled. So, according to the official definition, a disabled person is a person whose state of health:

  • violated;
  • accompanied by obvious "malfunctions" in the work of the body, resulting from a previous or current illness;
  • worsened as a result of injury or congenital defects, due to the presence of which the subject's life is limited.

Disability is another reason for receiving preferential accruals

Depending on how physically or mentally limited a citizen is, a specific disability group is determined for him. The adult category of citizens has three of them:

  • first;
  • second;
  • third.

For each of the groups, monthly cash payments are set differently, therefore, the amount of material support varies among themselves.

To confirm the presence of health problems, and, as a result, disability, and at the same time to determine the specific group to which a person belongs, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. However, it should be understood that the state of health of a citizen can:

  • worsen;
  • improve.

In this case, in order for the amount of the UDV payment to correspond to that due to a particular disabled person, it is necessary to conduct a re-examination. Having established belonging to a new group, the State Pension Fund recalculates the payment, respectively reducing or increasing it.

The federal law of the Russian Federation states that persons with disabilities have the legal right to partially spend the amount of the monthly cash payment received by them to pay for the services provided to them by social organizations.

Financial support for victims of radiation-type disasters

According to the letter of the law in force in the territory of our country, citizens who have been exposed to radiation are also subject to social protection.

In the first group of state "clients" there are the following categories of citizens who suffered as a result of the catastrophe that occurred at the nuclear power plant in the city of Chernobyl:

  • persons who received radiation and other illnesses as a result of the accident;
  • disabled persons who also suffered during the event in question;
  • representatives of the military structure and other persons carrying out the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe;
  • people who were taken out or voluntarily moved from the zone of radioactive contamination;
  • citizens who donated bone marrow to restore the health of the victims;
  • citizens who carried out the elimination of the consequences of the disaster during the years 1886-1990;
  • people who were taken out according to the evacuation plan or who voluntarily moved from the contaminated zone in 1986, including children who were inside the mother's womb at the time;
  • people who permanently reside (lived) or conduct (conducted) work activities directly in the zone of the radiation Chernobyl disaster, who have the right to resettle in another area, and who have a preferential status of a socio-economic nature.

Persons affected by the Chernobyl accident are entitled to EDV

In addition to persons affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, there are other categories of citizens affected by radiation in other disasters:

  • accidents in 1957 at the Mayak enterprise;
  • discharges of radioactive waste into the Techa River;
  • due to nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk test site.

It should be said that there may be situations in which the same citizen will be entitled to receive a double monthly cash payment, since in his case there will be two grounds for this. This case is considered exceptional, but the desired right to receive funds for citizens is fixed by law.

Financial support to other categories of federal beneficiaries

In addition to the categories of citizens already listed by us, the right to receive the payment in question is also assigned at the legislative level to other members of the public, namely:

  • persons recognized as Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as modern Russia;
  • citizens awarded all degrees of the Order of Glory and their relatives (provided that the cavalier himself is deceased);
  • Heroes of Labor, recognized in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation;
  • citizens awarded with all degrees of the Order of Labor Glory.

In order for the listed persons to be entitled to a monthly cash payment, they must be citizens of our state (Russian Federation). In the event that one person was awarded the listed awards and titles not once, but several times, he is also entitled to receive a single payment.

Speaking of relatives of the untimely departed Heroes of the USSR and modern Russia, as well as holders of various orders, it should be said that for them the procedure for paying funds, as well as the amount of cash receipts sought, are determined in accordance with the norms established by law for the original recipients of payments. The amount of income is influenced by the number of family members.

Children in these cases are entitled to money under the following conditions:

  • if they are minors;
  • up to 23 years old if they are studying full-time at a university;
  • if the child is disabled and the required diagnosis was made before the age of 18, the payments last for the entire period during which the disability remains relevant.

If the number of family members of a hero or holder of an order increases, then, according to the letter of the law, state structures recalculate the amount of financial support.

The amount of monthly material support

Under certain circumstances, it is possible to increase the payment. So, you can get a large amount if:

  • carrying out annual indexation;
  • refusal to receive a set of social services in favor of monetary funds.

In the second case, you can refuse to receive social category services:

  • fully;
  • partially.

Even if some services continue, the amount may already increase significantly. In the table below, we will consider what is the amount of the amounts due to one or another category of citizens.

Table 1. The amount of payments due to various categories of federal beneficiaries

Who are the recipientsThe amount of the monthly cash payment due
Participants in the war of 1941-1945, injured and disabled.
  • total amount: 5 thousand 180 rubles 46 kopecks;
  • the amount provided that the set of social services is preserved: 4 thousand 105 rubles 27 kopecks.
  • 1. Persons who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

    2. Mothers, fathers, as well as spouses of military personnel who defended their homeland in this war.

    3. Persons who were in the fascist occupation, while being in childhood.

  • full payment: 3 thousand 885 rubles 33 kopecks;
  • payment subject to retention of the right to use the service package: 2 thousand 810 rubles 14 kopecks.
  • 1. Citizens who did not serve in the military during the Great Patriotic War.

    2. Persons working in defense and erecting military facilities during the war of 1941-1945.

    3. Relatives of those captured and killed as a result of being hit by the military, as well as missing servicemen, invalids of military operations, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military battles.

  • the entire due amount: 1 thousand 555 rubles 13 kopecks;
  • minus services: 479 rubles 94 kopecks.
  • 1. Persons with an award from residents of Leningrad under blockade.

    2. Veterans taking part in hostilities.

  • the entire payment: 2 thousand 850 rubles 26 kopecks;
  • while maintaining services: 1 thousand 775 rubles 7 kopecks.
  • Persons with a medically confirmed first group of disability.
  • total amount: 3 thousand 626 rubles 98 kopecks;
  • subject to maintaining the ability to use all social services: 2 thousand 551 rubles, 79 kopecks.
  • 1. Disabled people who have a second group.

    2. Children with disabilities.

    3. Persons who have received disability as a result of the harmful effects of radiation after the Chernobyl disaster.

    4. Citizens who carried out the liquidation of the radiation accident in Chernobyl, working in the period from 1986 to 1990.

    5. Children who have received disability due to the influence of radiation.

    6. Citizens belonging to the special risk unit.

  • full amount of payment: 2 thousand 590 rubles 24 kopecks;
  • 1 thousand 515 rubles 5 kopecks.
  • 1. Persons with disabilities of the third group.

    2. Citizens who have suffered damage to health due to radiation that has spread after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    3. Children who got sick due to radiation.

  • the entire amount of the payment: 2 thousand 73 rubles 51 kopecks;
  • without refusal of services: 998 rubles, 32 kopecks.
  • Persons living and working in the resettlement zone.
  • full payment: 518 rubles 37 kopecks;
  • Children permanently residing in the resettlement zone.
  • total amount: 1 thousand 295 rubles 13 kopecks;
  • with the ability to use all social services 219 rubles 94 kopecks.
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory, as well as their relatives who claim to receive funds after their death.
  • the entire amount of the payment: 61 thousand 81 rubles 74 kopecks;
  • with the preservation of services: no change.
  • Heroes of labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, full cavaliers of the award badge of labor Glory.
  • total amount: 45 thousand 38 rubles 77 kopecks;
  • with the ability to use the services: no change.
  • Let's take an example. Imagine a certain citizen Ivanov, who, according to a medical report, is a disabled person of the second group. The desired state of health was established to the citizen as a result of the catastrophe that occurred at the nuclear power plant in the city of Chernobyl.

    The monthly cash payment due to Mr. Ivanov is 1,515 rubles 5 kopecks. Usually, a citizen preferred to use the social services provided to him, however, once again he preferred to refuse some of them, which he turned to extremely rarely.

    He applied to the branch of the Pension Fund, located in his city, with a statement in which he indicated the refusal of some social services, retaining only one of them. As a result, the amount of payment due to him increased to 2,590 rubles 24 kopecks.

    According to the letter of the law, the application that was filed by citizen Ivanov at the time of the official registration of the refusal of services in favor of an increase in the monthly allowance paid to him will be valid until the moment when Mr. Ivanov changes his mind and again decides to receive social services available to him.

    Indexation of monthly cash payments 2018

    According to the legislation that applies to the functioning of the pension system, the indexation of the amount of pensions and social payments of a different nature is carried out once every twelve calendar months. In the current 2018, it was held in the first months. It made the following changes:

    • the amount of pension accruals for citizens of pensioners who do not carry out work activities changed by 3.7%;
    • monthly cash payments increased by 2.5%;
    • increased the cost of a set of social services.

    In other words, since the beginning of 2018, the price of NSI for beneficiaries of the federal level is 1 thousand 75 rubles 19 kopecks. This amount includes the following services:

    • providing medicines - 828 rubles 14 kopecks;
    • trips by rail - 118 rubles 94 kopecks;
    • treatment in the sanatorium-resort zone - 128 rubles 11 kopecks.

    Video - Monthly cash payments in 2018

    The procedure for the appointment and transfer of material assistance from the state

    In order for you to be assigned a monthly cash payment, you need to go to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation corresponding to the place of your official registration. If a minor child is entitled to receive funds, his legal representative must apply with him. Upon reaching the age of 14, a small citizen has the right to apply independently.

    Your appeal is considered in the following terms:

    • 10 working days in case of refusal;
    • 10 working days + 5 on top, if there was a positive decision.

    Within the specified period, you will be assigned payments and will be notified of the decision. Officially, the allowance will begin to accrue to you directly from the date of submission of the application, and will continue to “fall into your pocket” until you retain the right to it.

    The monthly payment is calculated for the current calendar month period as follows:

    • if the beneficiary also receives pension accruals, then the EDV will come along with them;
    • in the event that the recipient of the payment does not accrue a pension, he will need to choose the method of delivery of funds and indicate it in the application being submitted.

    If the beneficiary has circumstances that potentially affect the change in the amount of the monthly cash payment, or, in the end, lead to the termination of payments, he is obliged to inform the representatives of the Pension Fund of Russia about this in time.

    Summing up

    The main purpose of paying monthly material benefits from the state is to support the needy categories of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as their families. Our fellow citizens who fall into the category of beneficiaries, almost all have special merits to their homeland. Those of them who did not accomplish any feat for the good of their native country do not have the opportunity to fully or even partially satisfy their own needs, and therefore need the help of the state.

    In addition, various social services are offered by official government structures to beneficiaries, helping not only to ensure a decent standard of living, but also a certain level of comfort. In the event that a citizen refuses to use them, he is entitled to a monetary increase to the principal amount for this.

    To get more accurate information regarding the formation of the amount of the payment, its accrual and other points of interest to you, you can contact the local department of the Pension Fund directly.

    Remember, some of the bureaucratic difficulties of registration that you will have to face are quite solvable. In any case, they are not a serious obstacle in order to refuse to receive additional funds, which may well make your life easier, making it much more enjoyable.

    The payment provided to the disabled of various categories, veterans and other needy persons once a month, referred to as UDV, is social support. In addition to a certain amount, the EDV includes a set of social. services or NSO (free travel, vouchers, etc.). The EDV has been operating since 2005 in order to provide people with disabilities and other socially protected persons with acceptable living conditions. True, since 2019, the EVD has not been paid to working pensioners. About what features are inherent in the considered cash payment, under what conditions and how much you can count on, read on.

    Who is entitled to EDV and where to apply?

    Eligible for social assistance:

    Persons with acquired or disability from birth (childhood);

    Former prisoners of concentration camps who had not reached the age of 18 at the time of captivity;

    Heroes and holders of orders of labor and glory;

    Victims of the Chernobyl accident;

    Combat veterans.

    It is also possible to apply for a UDV for a third child born after 2012 and living in a region where a difficult demographic situation has developed.

    Grounds for payment of UDV to persons with disabilities

    First of all, it is important to have a disability group (1,2 or 3). This fact is confirmed by an extract from the act received during the survey within the framework of the ITU. Among other things, UDV is charged to disabled people belonging to a special category - these are combat invalids. WWII, those who suffered as a result of man-made disasters and prisoners of concentration camps.

    Depending on the underlying basis, one or another amount is formed. If there are several reasons (for example, we are talking about a disabled person of the 1st group, a former prisoner of a concentration camp), the applicant is given the opportunity to choose on which basis of the two he will receive money.

    As for obtaining information on the nuances of the payment, its main source is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In the territorial department of this institution, specialists should:

    Determine the grounds for obtaining a EDV;

    Help write the appropriate application;

    Suggest what documents are required, what is missing, etc.

    The application must be made at the place of residence of the applicant.

    How is the monthly disability allowance calculated?

    When determining the amount, various factors are taken into account. The maximum in rubles is 5000, and the minimum is 600. For example, the category to which the disabled person belongs is taken into account. Those who have the status of a hero of the Russian Federation, the USSR, are holders of the Order of Glory, the Order of the Customs Union, etc., have the right to count on the summation of payments.

    Steps for issuing an EDV

    The algorithm as a whole consists of three specific steps:

    1. After assigning a disability group, you can immediately submit documents to the FIU.

    2. As soon as the papers are accepted, their verification follows (as a rule, no more than 10-15 days from the date of application). If everything is in order, the specialists generate a notification of the accrual of the EDV.

    3. Direct appointment and issuance of funds occurring from the 1st day of the month following the month of application. A certain amount will be added to the pension every month.

    What documents does a disabled person need to accrue UDV?

    Focusing on the grounds mentioned earlier and on the category of a citizen, it is necessary to collect a package of documents with slight differences. In general, you may need:

    Passport or residence permit;

    Application for the purpose of payment;

    An extract from the ITU act (as evidence of a disability of 1, 2 or 3 groups)

    A document that gives an idea of ​​the preferred method of delivery of funds.

    A disabled person of military operations or the Second World War will need appropriate certificates (for example, a military ID, etc.). And in the extract from the act it is prescribed that there is a direct connection between the disability group and the injury.

    If the applicant survived the consequences of a man-made disaster, he cannot do without a certificate of the Chernobyl liquidator, as well as an extract indicating that the group was assigned as a result of radiation exposure, radiation sickness, etc.

    Experts recommend submitting documents before October 1 of the current year.

    Features of processing an application for the payment of EDV

    Only a correctly executed document will be accepted for consideration, so we pay attention to the items that are mandatory:

    Full name of the applicant and his passport data;

    Exact address of residence, plus reporting obligations if location changes;

    The basis on which the amount of the payment will be determined;

    Date of submission of application with signature.

    Supporting papers are attached to the application. If the registration is handled by a guardian, a relative, you will need a certified power of attorney. The payment will be counted from the date of application for it, but at this moment the disabled person should have the right to receive funds.

    Note that in the absence of an account, representatives of the PFR will open it to transfer the amount. If the recipient is underage or incapacitated, the account is created in the name of his representative. And in the event of the death of the recipient, funds not withdrawn from the account can be inherited.

    The size of the EDV for the disabled in 2019

    The payment is fixed and, for example, for the disabled 1 group from February 1, 2019 is equal to3.782,94 rubles. The size of the payment can be influenced by choosing the form of NSO (in kind or in cash).

    At the same time, disabled people 2 groups are supposed to be 2,701.67 rubles, a third group - 2,162.62 rubles. And here changes are possible if, say, a person is the owner of a disability group and a participant in the Second World War. Then he has a chance to receive a payment on one of the grounds (as a rule, the one that is larger is charged).

    NSO for the disabled

    A set of social services is included in the UDV and, if desired, can be replaced by a specific amount. In 2019, for example, disabled people of groups 1,2,3 will be credited with 1,121.42 rubles (monthly) if they refuse the NSI. In general, persons with all categories of disability receive the following benefits::

    Free trip once a year to the place of treatment (the privilege also applies to the accompanying person);

    Provision of orthopedic shoes and dental prosthetics services free of charge;

    Free dressings, medicines and medical products, if they have a doctor's prescription;

    Drug provision within the limits of 863.75 rubles;

    Vouchers to the sanatorium (up to several times during the year);

    Reducing the working week (if we are talking about a disabled pensioner);

    Out-of-competition enrollment in a university, etc.;

    Discounts on travel in public transport;

    30 days vacation if the working week is 6 days;

    Possibility to work 35 hours a week without pay reduction;

    50% discount on CU payment;

    The right to purchase a land plot near the place of residence;

    Caring for the needy, providing food and other assistance.

    It is necessary to issue a refusal from the NSO in full or in part and write an application for the issuance of money before October 1 of this year.

    Change of group and payment of UDV to disabled people

    If a lower or higher group has been set, payments are subject to recalculation. This will happen on the basis of an act that will be received by the FIU from the ITU bureau after the examination. That is, you do not need to write an application.

    If the disability group gives the right to issue a larger amount of UDV, it will be paid from the date the new disability group is assigned. When the payment decreases, it is accrued from the 1st day of the month following the one for which the previous disability group was assigned.

    When does EDV increase?

    Plus, this payment can change every year during indexation. For example, on February 1, 2019, the EVF increased by 4.3%. Also, the refusal of the NSO will allow you to make a larger payment, since the funds are summed up.

    When is EDV denied?

    Reasons for refusal will be:

    Lack of status required for the allocation of funds (participant in the Second World War, disabled person, etc.);

    Errors when filling out the application;

    Non-compliance with the law of the papers attached to the application.

    Advantages and disadvantages of EDV

    The considered type of social assistance has a number of advantages.:

    This is additional monthly support;

    Not the smallest payouts for some categories;

    Possibility to issue NSO.

    Of the negative points stand out:

    Unavailability of payment for all citizens;

    It is not always possible to combine the EDV and the NSO, and sometimes it is necessary to partially refuse funds.

    A huge number of Russian residents improve their financial situation through a monthly cash payment (UDV). Deductions are made from the budget of the federation. Consider who can receive this material assistance, and what actions need to be taken to do this.

    Important information and legislation regarding the EFA

    Law No. 122-FZ, which regulates all aspects related to the EDV, came into force in early 2005. It spells out the process of providing benefits to certain individuals, which consist in the possibility of receiving payments every month. At the same time, other rights that make it possible to receive assistance on the basis of others are reserved for these citizens.

    In the case when a person can receive UST under different laws and legal acts, then it will be paid only for one.

    True, the choice is left to those who are entitled to it. Usually the largest is assigned.

    Persons entitled to payments on the basis of laws No. 1244-1 and No. 2-FZ, which prescribe aspects of social protection of people affected by radiation exposure in Chernobyl and at the Semipalatinsk test site, may receive UDV on other grounds.

    Citizens entitled to a monthly cash payment

    Regular financial assistance according to the law is available to certain persons:

    • veterans
    • disabled people
    • once underage prisoners of fascist Germany;
    • citizens affected by radiation exposure (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, during tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, etc.).

    Convicted persons who have the opportunity to receive the EDV should apply to the PF authorities at the location of the prison. The intermediary in the negotiation is an employee of the administration of the correctional institution.

    Those who live in social institutions must submit a completed application and all necessary documents to the PF at their location. For minor children, all actions aimed at obtaining a UDV must be performed by parents or guardians. In the case of large families, according to local law, they can go. For children brought up in orphanages and shelters, the procedure for processing documents is carried out by employees of the administration of these institutions.

    Authorities that can be contacted for payment processing

    To receive social benefits, you should contact the local authorities of the Pension Fund of the country, to which citizens belong according to registration. On the spot you will need to write an application.

    Residents of the Russian Federation, whose place of residence is not confirmed by registration, must apply for the right to a single tax to the PF authority located in the area of ​​​​residence or actual residence. Those who receive pension benefits in a certain body of the Pension Fund apply there as well.


    To be eligible for payments, you must submit the following documents:

    • passport (copy);
    • papers indicating a preferential position (certificate of "labor veteran", "war veteran", etc.);
    • certificate confirming registration (copy).

    Terms of appointment

    After a citizen writes an application for the appointment of a EDV, employees of the District Administration are required to consider the documents within ten days.

    They must report the verdict, attaching the rationale, no later than 5 working days after the first stage.

    At the same time, a citizen can confirm the possibility of obtaining a EDV or refute it and refuse a benefit. Within the same time frame, issues of suspension and extension of the accrual of payments are resolved.

    Procedure and amount of payment

    The amount of the monthly payment every year on the first of April. It is calculated without taking into account the district coefficient (accepted by the Government of the country for a certain area).

    The amounts of monthly cash payments for 2015 are presented in Table 1.

    The procedure for assigning a preferential payment is quite simple:

    1. From the moment the right to receive it arises or later, a citizen should write an application, attaching the above documents. You need to contact the FIU.
    2. The day of applying for confirmation of the right to a benefit is the day of writing an application to the Pension Fund.
    3. In the case of sending the application and documents by mail, the date of consideration is indicated on the postal stamp from the place of departure.
    4. An employee of the territorial body of the PF is obliged to explain all the nuances, accept the application, checking the correctness of its completion and verify the original documents with copies.
    5. Applicants are registered in a special system.
    6. After consideration of the documents, a decision is made on the availability of the EDV.
    7. The allowance is calculated according to the circumstances affecting its amount.
    8. The payment is made at the same time as the pension through the organization that delivers it.
    9. The method of transferring payments to the Pension Fund bodies for persons who do not yet receive a pension is chosen by them independently. To do this, you will need to fill out an application.

    How much accruals will be made is determined by the period for which a citizen belongs to a category suitable according to the law.

    A monthly cash payment is a social benefit that is provided to certain categories of citizens, the list of which is established in a number of federal laws. In order to be able to take advantage of such payments, there is a certain procedure for their registration and receipt, which will be discussed below.

    The process of issuing and receiving EDV

    UDV are state payments that rely on a certain list of beneficiaries. Persons who have the opportunity to receive such material assistance are strictly specified in Federal law.

    The general rules for calculating and receiving EVD are as follows:

    1. A citizen must fall under the list of persons entitled to receive a UDV, in accordance with the Federal Law. To find out, you can carefully study the legal norms, or contact the employees of the Pension Fund at the place of registration, residence or temporary residence of a citizen with a written or oral appeal.
    2. A citizen must collect a mandatory list of documents and submit it to the PFR office at the place of registration, temporary stay or residence if he falls under the specified preferential category.
    3. A citizen needs to wait a few days (the timing of consideration of submitted documents will be discussed below) after submitting documents in order to receive a positive decision on the start of payments and start receiving them.

    Some nuances of registration and receipt of EDV

    Despite the transparency and simplicity of this procedure, there are some nuances of registration and receipt of the UDV. There are situations when one and the same citizen has the right to receive a UDV under two Federal legal acts at once (for example, he is a participant in hostilities and a liquidator of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). In this case, the legislation says that such a citizen has the right to independently choose for which privileged category he will be issued a UDV (for example, the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident).

    The next nuance is that in some cases a citizen has the right to financial assistance from the state on two grounds at once, established by one Federal Law. In this case, he is assigned a payment for that privileged category, which provides for greater material assistance.

    for example, a participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident received a disability as a result, and continues to perform his official duties in the exclusion zone. These are the two grounds for which payments are due. Large material assistance for disability, so he will receive 5 thousand rubles, and not 2 thousand on the second basis.

    The next nuance is the registration of such assistance, if a minor has the right to it. Until the age of 14, documents are submitted by his parents or guardians. This occurs at the place of residence or registration of the minor, or the location of the parents and persons replacing them. From the age of 14, a child can start the registration procedure himself, if he is not recognized by the court as incompetent.

    The last nuance concerns those citizens who at the time of registration are in places for the elderly or other similar institutions. EDV is accrued to them at their location. The moment of accrual of UDV is the date of the citizen's application, and not the time when the relevant regulatory act was adopted giving such a right.

    It must be remembered that only the territorial offices of the Pension Fund are involved in the process of accrual and payment of the EDV

    List of persons entitled to receive EVD

    The list of citizens who have the opportunity to receive EVD is clearly regulated by several federal laws. These citizens include:

    1. Participants of the Second World War, the blockade of Leningrad, who served in the Red Army and other formations (units) that were not part of its structure. This also includes disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other combatants in the military units of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
    2. Former prisoners of concentration camps who received a disability, as well as those who were in the ghetto;
    3. Disabled people, including those who received disabling diseases in childhood;
    4. Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, who received disability and occupational diseases, those who were resettled, and also continue to live in contaminated areas;
    5. Citizens affected by a radioactive accident at the Mayak enterprise;
    6. Heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation for heroic deeds in military service and success in socialist labor, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

    An exhaustive list of citizens eligible to receive EVD in 2017 can be found in the article.

    List of documents

    In order to be able to receive a UDV, citizens are required to collect the necessary package of documents and submit it to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. The main required documents include:

    1. the conclusion of the MSEC (medical and social examination) on the presence of a disability. For those who receive EDV for such reasons;
    2. a copy of the certificate of a participant in hostilities, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. For citizens falling under this preferential category;
    3. certificates confirming the guardianship of a child by a disabled, incapacitated or partially incapable person (for those who draw up a UDV for disabled children, as well as persons with limited legal capacity);
    4. birth certificate of a minor, where the citizens are recorded by his parents (in the case of registration of the EDV for a person who is under 14 years old);
    5. a statement stating what criteria the person is eligible for cash assistance.

    It must be remembered that this list is an approximate list of documents and the territorial bodies of the PFR have the right to require additional certificates and documents confirming the status of a person

    A detailed list of required documents for each of the grounds for obtaining a EVD can be found in the article.

    Deadlines for issuing a EDV

    10 days are allotted for consideration of the application for the appointment of the EDV. Weekends and holidays are included in this period. The FIU authorities have a period of 5 days to respond. In total, such an application, taking into account the decision and sending, should be considered no more than 15 days. At the same time, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have the right to accrue UDV, or refuse to assign a payment.

    If the application is submitted through the official website of the Pension Fund (with the creation of a personal electronic cabinet), the consideration period begins from the moment the application is registered. The term for consideration of an application sent by mail starts from the date indicated on the envelope (day of dispatch). In case of personal appeal - from the moment of registration of documents in the office.

    Note! The refusal of the Pension Fund to assign a payment can be challenged in court. If the court finds the refusal unfounded, the FIU will be obliged to pay the UST from the moment the citizen filed an application


    Registration of a monthly cash payment occurs only after all the necessary documents are submitted to the territorial bodies of the PFR. The law takes 15 days for consideration.

    Monthly cash payments are provided to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, disabled people, including disabled children, former underage prisoners of fascism, and people affected by radiation exposure.

    If a citizen has the right to receive UA on several grounds within the framework of one law, UA is established on one basis, which provides for a higher amount of payment.

    If a citizen is simultaneously entitled to an UA under several federal laws, he is granted one UA on one of the grounds of the citizen's choice.

    The amount of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year from April 1, based on the inflation rate in the country for the previous year. For different categories of citizens, the size of the UDV is different.

    Citizens who are entitled to receive a monthly cash payment are required to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the monthly cash payment, as well as leading to the termination of the monthly cash payment.

    Who is eligible for the EVD

    • veterans;

    • persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities;

    • former juvenile prisoners of fascism;

    • persons exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and nuclear tests;

    • awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or holder of the Order of Glory of three degrees (full holder of the Order of Glory);

    • family members of the deceased (deceased) Heroes or full holders of the Order of Glory (widow (widower), parents, children under the age of 18, children over 18 who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, and children under the age of 23 who are studying in educational institutions for full-time education);

    • awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees (full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory).

    Where to go

    For the appointment of the EDV, you must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary). If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a place of residence confirmed by registration, it is necessary to submit an application to the territorial authority at the place of actual residence. In this case, the actual residence is confirmed by an application, and not by a passport or temporary registration.

    If a citizen is already receiving a pension, he needs to submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the location of the payment case, that is, to the place where he applied for a pension.

    A citizen who lives in a stationary social service institution must contact the Pension Fund of Russia at the location of this institution.

    When a monthly cash payment is assigned to a minor or incapacitated, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian). In this case, if the parents of the child live separately, then the application is submitted at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives. A minor who has reached the age of 14 has the right to apply for the establishment of a monthly cash payment on his own.

    What documents to submit

    The appointment and payment of the UDV are made on the basis of an application from a citizen (his representative) with documents confirming the right to receive the UDV. Since there are several dozen categories of UDV recipients, you can find out about the list of documents that you need to submit specifically to you at the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence.

    The application for the appointment of the EDV must contain the following information:

    • surname, name, patronymic of the citizen applying for the EDV, as well as the surname that he had at birth;

    • details of the identity document;

    • information about citizenship;

    • postal address of the place of residence or actual residence;

    • location of the pension case;

    • information about the representative of a citizen in case of contact through a representative;

    • information on the choice of the basis for establishing the UA;

    • the obligation of a citizen to immediately notify the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the monthly cash payment, as well as entailing the termination of the payment;

    • date of completion of the application;

    • list of documents attached to the application.

    The application must be signed by a citizen, and in case of application through a representative - by this representative. The following documents must be submitted along with the application for the establishment of the EVD:

    • passport;
    • documents confirming the right to receive the EVD (certificate issued by the competent authorities, certificate of medical and social expertise on the establishment of disability, etc.).

    If necessary, documents proving the identity and authority of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), confirming family relations, the presence of a disabled person as a dependent, etc., are attached.

    Terms of appointment of EDV

    A decision on the appointment or refusal to appoint a UDV is made within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application. Another 5 days are given to inform the applicant of the decision. Monthly cash payment is assigned from the date of application for it, but not earlier than the right to the specified payment arises, for the period during which the citizen belongs to the category that is entitled to the UDV.

    Payment of EDV

    Delivery of EDV is carried out for the current calendar month.

    If a citizen is a pensioner, then he will receive the payment simultaneously with the pension. Delivery of the EDV will be carried out in the same way as the delivery of the pension: either through the Russian Post, or through a bank, or through another organization that delivers the pension. To change the delivery method, you must apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia. For a citizen whose legal representative is a social institution, a monthly cash payment may be transferred to the account of the said institution.

    If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he must choose a delivery method (via the Russian Post, through a bank or through another organization that delivers a pension) and apply for the delivery of a social payment. A complete list of organizations involved in the delivery of pensions in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.