Charter of the fund sample with one founder. Sample: the charter of a non-profit organization - a charitable foundation


Protocol No. 1

Constituent Assembly

from "__" _________ 20__


Charitable Foundation

social protection of citizens


1.1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation") is a non-membership non-profit charitable organization.

The Fund does not have as a goal of its activities the extraction of profit for its distribution among the founders and employees of the Fund as their income.

1.2. The Fund carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations".

1.3. The Fund is a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation: it owns separate property recorded on its own balance sheet, is liable for its obligations with its property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, incur obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.

1.4. The Fund is created without limitation of the period of activity and is considered to be created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. The Fund has a seal with its own full name in Russian, has the right to have stamps and forms with its own name in Russian and other languages, as well as an emblem registered in the prescribed manner.

1.6. Full name of the Fund: Charitable Foundation for Social Protection of Citizens.

1.7. Location of the permanent executive body of the Fund:



2.1. The objectives of the fund are: the formation of property on the basis of voluntary contributions and other receipts not prohibited by law and the use of this property for:

  • social protection of citizens, including the improvement of the financial situation of the low-income, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, the disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, other circumstances, are not able to independently exercise their rights and legitimate interests;
  • promoting the strengthening of peace, friendship and harmony among peoples, the prevention of social, national, religious conflicts;
  • promoting the prestige and role of the family in society;
  • promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood and fatherhood;
  • promotion of activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment, spiritual development of the individual;
  • promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of the health of citizens, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;
  • social rehabilitation of orphans, children left without parental care, neglected children, children in difficult life situations;
  • provision of free legal assistance and legal education of the population;
  • promoting volunteering;
  • participation in activities for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;
  • promoting the prevention of socially dangerous forms of behavior of citizens.

2.2. The subject of the Fund's activities is the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the goals of the Fund, provided for by this Charter.

To achieve these goals, the Fund carries out the following activities:

  • attracting Russian and foreign investors and philanthropists to finance projects and programs of the Foundation aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • participation in the implementation of international projects and programs, including charitable ones based on common interests aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • developing a system of cooperation and attracting foreign specialists to Russia and sending Russian specialists to other countries for the purpose of international exchange of experience in the field of social support and protection of citizens;
  • assistance in establishing effective interregional and international cooperation aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • expansion of opportunities for communication, assistance in shaping public opinion on topical issues of social support and protection of citizens;
  • assistance in the provision of consulting services and information services to individuals and legal entities in the field of current legislation, in the field of social support and protection of citizens;
  • organization of cultural, educational activities;
  • carrying out publishing activities, within its framework: production and distribution in Russia and abroad of brochures, magazines, booklets, calendars, bulletins and other printed materials on topics that correspond to the goals of the Foundation and are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including information materials, on their own or by an agreement with organizations for which this type of activity is the main one.



3.1. The supreme governing body of the Fund is the Presidium of the Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Presidium). The primary composition of the Presidium is formed by the Founders of the Fund. In the future, the composition of the Presidium is formed by the decision of the Presidium itself. The term of office of the Presidium is five years.

3.2. The Director of the Fund ex officio is a member of the Presidium and chairs its meetings. In the absence of the Director of the Fund at the meeting of the Presidium, the remaining members of the Presidium by a simple majority of votes elect from among their members the chairman of this meeting.

3.3. A member of the Presidium may be expelled from its composition by decision of the other members of the Presidium on the basis of a personal application of the excluded member or in case of his absence from the meetings of the Presidium for 1 (One) year.

By decision of the Presidium, adopted by a simple majority of votes, new members may be admitted to its composition.

3.4. The procedure for the activities of the Presidium of the Foundation is determined by this Charter and the internal documents of the Foundation.

3.5. Meetings of the Presidium are held at least once a year. An extraordinary meeting is held at the request of the Director of the Fund, or the Board of Trustees of the Fund, or the Auditor of the Fund.

3.6. Decisions of the Presidium are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting, with the exception of cases specially established by this Charter.

3.7. The Presidium of the Fund is authorized to make decisions if more than half of its members are present at the meeting.

3.8. The main function of the Presidium is to ensure that the Foundation complies with the goals for which it was created.

3.9. The exclusive competence of the Presidium includes:

  • change of the Charter of the Foundation;
  • determination of priority directions of the Fund's activities, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • appointment of the Director of the Fund, members of the Board of Trustees and the Audit Commission of the Fund and early termination of their powers;
  • approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet of the Fund;
  • approval of the annual plan of the Fund, the budget of the Fund and making changes to them;
  • formation of the Presidium (admission/exclusion of new members to the Presidium);
  • creation of branches and opening of representative offices of the Fund;
  • making decisions on the creation of business companies and non-profit organizations and on participation in such organizations;
  • reorganization of the Fund;
  • approval of charitable programs;
  • approval of the Regulations on the Presidium of the Fund, on the Director of the Fund, on the Audit Commission of the Fund and the Board of Trustees of the Fund.

3.10. Issues related to the exclusive competence of the Presidium cannot be transferred for decision to other management bodies of the Fund. Decisions on issues of the exclusive competence of the Presidium are taken by a qualified majority of 2/3 of the votes of the members of the Presidium, if there is a quorum.

3.11. Members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation have the right to attend meetings of the Presidium of the Foundation.

3.12. All decisions of the Presidium of the Foundation are documented in a protocol signed by the person chairing the meeting and the secretary. The Presidium's minutes shall be kept and executed by the person presiding over the meeting.

3.13. The Director of the Fund organizes preparations for the meeting of the Presidium, notifies its members of the date and place of its holding, issues proposed for inclusion in the agenda, ensures that its members are familiarized with the documents and materials submitted for consideration by the Presidium.

3.14. Members of the supreme governing body perform their duties voluntarily on a non-reimbursable basis.


4.1. The Director of the Fund carries out the current management of the activities of the Fund and is accountable to the Presidium of the Fund. The term of office of the Director of the Fund is 5 (five) years. A person may be elected to the position of director an unlimited number of times.

4.2. When deciding on the establishment of the Fund, the Directors of the Fund are elected by the Founders. After the state registration of the Fund, the Director of the Fund is elected to the position and dismissed from it by the Presidium of the Fund.

4.3. Decisions of the Director of the Fund on issues referred by this Charter to his competence are issued in the form of orders of the Director of the Fund.

4.4. Foundation Director:

  1. is accountable to the Presidium of the Fund, is responsible for conducting financial, economic and other activities of the Fund and is authorized to resolve all issues of the Fund's activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the Presidium;
  2. acts on behalf of the Foundation without a power of attorney, represents it in all public authorities, local governments, institutions and organizations;
  3. makes decisions and issues orders on operational issues of the Fund's activities;
  4. manages, within the limits established by this Charter, decisions of the Presidium, the funds of the Fund, concludes agreements, performs other legal actions on behalf of the Fund, acquires and manages property, opens and closes bank accounts;
  5. approves the organizational structure of the Fund, staffing and payroll of the Fund's employees;
  6. hires and dismisses employees of the Fund, approves their duties in accordance with the staff list;
  7. exercises control over the activities of branches and representative offices of the Fund;
  8. organizes the accounting and reporting of the Fund;
  9. approves the Fund's internal documents, with the exception of internal documents, the approval of which is referred by this Charter to the competence of the Fund's Presidium.
  10. makes decisions, issues orders on other issues referred to the competence of the Director by this Charter, internal documents of the Fund, approved by the Presidium of the Fund.

4.5. The Director of the Fund is obliged:

  • in accordance with this Charter, conscientiously and reasonably exercise their powers in the interests of the Fund, ensuring that the Fund achieves its goals;
  • if there is a conflict of interests of his as an interested person with the interests of the Fund, within a reasonable time, notify the Presidium of the Fund about the conflict of interest.

4.6. The procedure for the activities of the Director of the Fund is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.


5.1. The Audit Commission is the control and audit body of the Fund. The Audit Commission of the Fund is elected by the Presidium of the Fund from persons who are not members of the Presidium and the Board of Trustees of the Fund. The term of office of the Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Fund is 3 (three) years.

5.2. The Audit Commission exercises control over the financial and economic activities of the Fund.

5.3. The Auditing Committee of the Fund on a mandatory basis checks the annual financial statements of the Fund and submits an annual report to the Presidium of the Fund.

5.4. The Audit Commission of the Fund has the right to:

  • have access to all documentation related to the activities of the Foundation;
  • demand from persons who are members of the governing bodies of the Fund, the Director and employees of the Fund to give the necessary explanations in oral or written form;
  • if necessary, demand the convocation of the Presidium of the Fund's participants and make proposals for its agenda.

5.5. The procedure for the activities of the Audit Commission of the Fund is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.

6.1. The Fund's Board of Trustees is a body supervising the activities of the Fund, making decisions by other bodies of the Fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund's funds, and the Fund's compliance with the law.

6.2. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is formed by the founders of the Fund within a month from the date of state registration of the Fund. In the future, the Members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation are elected by the Presidium of the Foundation from among well-known, authoritative and respected citizens who contribute to the activities of the Foundation, on the proposal of one of the members of the Presidium. The term of office of the Board of Trustees is 5 years.

6.3. The Board of Trustees of the Foundation acts in accordance with the Regulations on the Board of Trustees approved by the Presidium of the Foundation and the charter.

6.4. In order to exercise its supervisory functions, the Board of Trustees has the right to:

  • have access to all documentation related to the activities of the Fund and require an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Fund;
  • monitor the implementation of the Fund's governing and control and audit bodies of their powers;
  • check for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation decisions taken by the governing and control and audit bodies of the Fund;
  • monitor the correct execution of decisions taken by the governing and control and audit bodies of the Fund;
  • supervise the Fund's compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • supervise the use of property and other funds of the Fund;
  • if necessary, demand the convocation of the Presidium of the Fund and make proposals for its agenda.

6.5. The Board of Trustees carries out its activities on a voluntary basis.

6.6. Members of the Board of Trustees cannot be the Director of the Fund, as well as persons who are members of other management bodies of the Fund.

6.7. The procedure for the activities of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Foundation.


7.1. The Fund has the right to own or have other rights in rem land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational, sports, recreational and other purposes, cash, shares, shares, securities, information resources, results of intellectual activity and other property necessary for the material support of the Fund's activities, in accordance with this Charter.

7.2. The Fund has the right to use its property for the purposes determined by this Charter.

7.3. The Fund, as an owner, exercises possession, use and disposal of its property in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter. The participants of the Fund do not have rights in rem or obligations in relation to the property transferred to the Fund in the form of contributions.

7.4. The Foundation may own institutions, publishing houses, mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Foundation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

7.5. The sources of formation of the Fund's property may be:

  • contributions from the founders of a charitable organization;
  • charitable donations, including those of a targeted nature (charitable grants), provided by citizens and legal entities in cash or in kind;
  • income from non-operating transactions, including income from securities;
  • proceeds from activities to attract resources (carrying out campaigns to attract philanthropists and volunteers, including organizing entertainment, cultural, sports and other mass events, conducting campaigns to collect charitable donations, holding lotteries and auctions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, selling property and donations, received from philanthropists, in accordance with their wishes);
  • income from business activities permitted by law;
  • income from the activities of business entities established by the Fund;
  • volunteer work;
  • other sources not prohibited by law.

7.6. The Fund has the right to make any transactions in respect of property owned by it or on other property rights in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the wishes of benefactors.

7.7. The Fund is not entitled to use more than 20 percent of the financial resources spent by the Fund for the financial year to pay the administrative and managerial personnel of the Fund. This restriction does not apply to the remuneration of persons involved in the implementation of charitable programs.

Unless otherwise established by the benefactor or charitable program, at least 80 percent of a charitable donation in cash must be used for charitable purposes within a year from the date the Fund receives this donation. Charitable donations in kind are directed to charitable purposes within one year from the date of their receipt, unless otherwise established by the philanthropist or charitable program.


8.1. The Foundation is required to keep the following documents:

  • Charter of the Foundation;
  • the decision of the Founder of the Fund on its creation;
  • a document confirming the state registration of the Fund;
  • documents confirming the Fund's rights to property on its balance sheet;
  • internal documents of the Fund;
  • Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation:
  • reports of the Audit Commission, conclusions of state financial control bodies based on the results of audits of the Fund's activities;
  • orders of the Director of the Fund;
  • accounting documents in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • other documents stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Fund, in cases, on the terms, in the composition and within the time limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is obliged, at the request of the authorized state bodies, to provide them with information and documents about its activities for review. Information and documents on the activities of the Fund are provided to other persons in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.

8.3. Information on the use of the Fund's property is brought to the public in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The Fund ensures the accounting and preservation of documents regarding the type of work, length of service and remuneration of employees hired under labor contracts or civil law contracts. In the event of reorganization or liquidation of the Fund, these documents are timely transferred to the state storage in accordance with the established procedure.


9.1. The Fund may be reorganized by merger, acquisition, division, separation and transformation in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Fund may be liquidated only by a court decision on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. The property and funds remaining after the liquidation of the Fund are used for the purposes determined by this Charter.


10.1. By the decision of the Presidium of the Fund, amendments may be made to the charter of the Fund in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.

10.2. Changes to the Charter of the Fund are subject to state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation

fund registration services.


Charitable foundation (with one or more founders)


2016 - 2017

1. General Provisions 1.1. Charitable Foundation _________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") is a non-profit organization without membership, created on the basis of voluntary property contributions of the founder and pursuing socially beneficial goals specified in this Charter. 1.2. The Fund carries out its activities on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations", as well as this Charter. 1.3. The fund is created without limitation of the period of activity. 1.4. Full name of the Fund in Russian: __________________________________________________ 1.5. Abbreviated name of the Fund in Russian: _________________________________________________ 1.6. The location of the Fund is determined by the location of the permanent executive body: _______________________________________ 2. Legal status of the Foundation 2.1. The Fund is a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation and acquires legal capacity as a legal entity from the date of making an appropriate entry in the unified state register of legal entities in the manner prescribed by law. 2.2. The Fund does not have the main purpose of its activity to make a profit and does not distribute the profit to the founder. 2.3. The founder of the Fund cannot use the property of the Fund in his own interests. 2.4. The Fund owns separate property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. 2.5. The property transferred to the Foundation by its founder is the property of the Foundation. The founder is not liable for the obligations of the Foundation, and the Foundation is not liable for the obligations of the founder. 2.6. The Fund has an independent balance sheet and is entitled to open bank accounts in the Russian Federation and outside the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure. 2.7. The Foundation has a round seal with its full name in Russian. 2.8. The Fund has the right to have stamps and forms with its name, as well as an emblem registered in the prescribed manner. 2.9. In order to create material conditions for the implementation of charitable goals, the Foundation has the right to establish business companies. At the same time, the participation of the Fund in business companies jointly with other persons is not allowed. 3. Branches and representative offices of the Fund 3.1. The Fund has the right to create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.2. A branch of the Fund is its separate subdivision, located outside the location of the Fund, and performing all of its functions or part of them, including the functions of a representative office. 3.3. The representative office of the Fund is a separate subdivision, which is located outside the location of the Fund, represents the interests of the Fund and protects them. 3.4. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the Fund and act on the basis of the provisions approved by it. The property of branches and representative offices is accounted for on their separate balance sheet and on the Fund's balance sheet. 3.5. Heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the Board of the Fund and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Fund. Heads of branches and representative offices at least once a year report on the activities of branches and representative offices to the Board and the Board of Trustees of the Fund. 3.6. Branches and representative offices operate on behalf of the Fund. The Fund is responsible for the activities of branches and representative offices. 4. Goals and object of the Fund's activities 4.1. The main purpose of the Fund is the formation of property on the basis of voluntary contributions, other receipts not prohibited by law and the use of this property to provide assistance to ________________________________________________. 4.2. The subject of the Fund's activities is the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the goals for which the Fund was created: 4.2.1 . Assistance in ___________________________; 4.2.2. Assistance in ___________________________________________; 4.2.3. Assistance in _____________________________________-; 4.2.4. Participation in the organization and holding of festivals, conferences, domestic and international exhibitions, competitions, seminars, symposiums, meetings, charity events and programs related to the statutory purpose of the Foundation; 4.2.5. Carrying out publishing activities in accordance with the procedure established by law. 5. Property of the Fund and sources of its formation 5.1. The Fund has the right to own buildings, housing stock, land plots, equipment, inventory, cash in rubles and foreign currency, securities, other property and property rights. The Fund is responsible for its obligations with its property, which, under the legislation of the Russian Federation, may be levied. 5.2. The Fund may make any transactions with regard to the property in its ownership that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Fund, the wishes of the philanthropist. 5.3. The Fund is not entitled to use more than 20 percent of the financial resources spent by it for the financial year to pay administrative and managerial personnel. This restriction does not apply to the remuneration of persons involved in the implementation of charitable programs. 5.4. Unless otherwise established by the philanthropist or charitable program, at least 80 percent of a charitable donation in cash must be used for charitable purposes within a year from the moment the Fund receives this donation. Charitable donations in kind are directed to charitable purposes within one year from the date of their receipt, unless otherwise established by the philanthropist or charitable program. 5.5. The property of the Fund cannot be transferred (in the form of sale, payment for goods, works, services and in other forms) to the founder of the Fund on more favorable terms for him than for third parties. 5.6. The sources of formation of the Fund's property can be: 5.6.1. Contributions of the founder of the Fund; 5.6.2. Charitable donations, including those of a targeted nature (charitable grants), provided by citizens and legal entities, expressed in cash or in kind; 5.6.3. Income from non-operating transactions, including income from securities; 5.6.4. Proceeds from fundraising activities; 5.6.5. Income from business activities permitted by law; 5.6.6. Income from the activities of business entities established by the Fund; 5.6.7. Volunteer work; 5.6.8. Other sources not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.7. All property of the Fund, income from entrepreneurial activity, are its property. The Foundation shall own, use and dispose of its property in accordance with its purpose and only to fulfill the purposes specified in this Charter. 5.8. The founder of the Fund does not have the right of ownership to the property of the Fund, including that part of it, which was formed at the expense of its contributions and donations. 5.9. Interested persons (Founder, members of the Board, President) are obliged to observe the interests of the Fund, primarily in relation to the goals of its activities, and must not use the Fund's capabilities or allow their use for purposes other than those provided for by this Charter. Issues related to interested parties are resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 6. Management and Supervisory Bodies of the Fund 6.1. The governing bodies of the fund are: 6.1.1. The Board of the Foundation is the highest body; 6.1.2. The President of the Fund is the sole executive body. 6.2. The supervisory body of the Fund is the Board of Trustees of the Fund. 7. Board of the Foundation 7.1. The Board of the Fund is the collegiate supreme body of the Fund. The main function of the Board of the Fund is to ensure that the Fund complies with the goals for which the Fund was created. 7.2. The competence of the Board of the Fund includes the following issues: 7.2.1. Amendment of the Charter of the Foundation; 7.2.2. Determination of priority directions of the Fund's activity, principles of formation and use of its property; 7.2.3. Reorganization of the Fund; 7.2.4. Election of the President of the Fund and early termination of his powers; 7.2.5. Formation of the Board of Trustees, election of its members and early termination of their powers; 7.2.6. Approval of annual reports and balance sheets of the Fund; 7.2.7. Approval of the financial plan of the Fund and making changes to it; 7.2.8. Creation of branches and opening of representative offices of the Fund, appointment of heads of branches and representative offices; 7.2.9. Participation in business companies and other organizations; 7.2.10. Approval of charitable and other non-commercial programs and projects of the Foundation; 7.2.11. Approval of documents regulating the internal activities of the Fund, including regulations on the branches and representative offices of the Fund, regulations on the structural divisions of the Fund, the organizational structure of the Fund, the job description of the President of the Fund. 7.3. The Board of the Fund has the right to take into consideration other issues related to the activities of the Fund. 7.4. Issues provided for in subparagraphs 7.2.1. - 7.2.4. belong to the exclusive competence of the Board. Decisions on issues referred by the Charter to the exclusive competence of the Board of the Fund are taken unanimously by all members of the Board present at the meeting of the Board of the Fund. Decisions on other issues are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Board of the Fund present at its meeting. The meeting of the Board of the Fund is competent if more than half of its members are present at the meeting. When making decisions at a meeting of the Management Board, each of the members present at it has one vote. 7.5. Decisions of the Board of the Fund are binding on all officials of the Fund. 7.6. Meetings of the Board of the Fund are held at least once a year. 7.7. An extraordinary meeting of the Board of the Fund may be convened at any time at the request of a member of the Board of the Fund, the Board of Trustees or at the initiative of the President. 7.8. The Board of the Foundation is a collegiate body consisting of at least two members. Members of the Board of the Fund can only be individuals. 7.9. Persons who are members of the Board of the Fund perform their duties on a voluntary basis. The Fund is not entitled to pay remuneration to members of the Board of the Fund for the performance of their functions, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the work of the Board of the Fund. 7.10. The initial composition of the Board of the Fund is formed by the founder of the Fund. Subsequently, the quantitative composition of the Board of the Fund may be changed by decision of the Board of the Fund. 7.11. Each member of the Board of the Fund may at any time withdraw from the Board of the Fund by filling out an appropriate application. The consent of other members of the Board of the Fund is not required. 7.12. Any member of the Board of the Fund in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the Charter of the Fund and the decisions of the meetings of the Board of the Fund may be expelled from the Board of the Fund by the decision of the Board of the Fund. 7.13. The term of office of members of the Board of the Fund is five years. The Board of the Fund has the right to decide at any time to change its quantitative and personal composition. 7.14. Members of the Management Board, its officials are not entitled to hold full-time positions in the management bodies of commercial and non-commercial organizations, the founder of which is the Fund. 7.15. Issues of the activities of the Board of the Fund, not regulated by this Charter, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are determined by internal documents adopted by the Board of the Fund. 8. President of the Foundation 8.1. The sole executive body of the Fund is the President of the Fund. 8.2. The President carries out day-to-day management of the Fund's activities and is accountable to the Board of the Fund. 8.3. The competence of the President of the Fund includes the solution of all issues that are not within the competence of the Board of the Fund, including the President of the Fund: 8.3.1. Acts on behalf of the Foundation without a power of attorney, represents its interests in state and other, including foreign and international bodies and organizations; 8.3.2. Issues powers of attorney for the right of representation on behalf of the Fund, including with the right of substitution; 8.3.3. Manages the property of the Fund in accordance with the general procedure and directions determined by the Board of the Fund. At the same time, transactions with real estate and property, the book value of which exceeds the value of the net assets of the Fund for the last reporting period, the President of the Fund can only make with the approval of the Board of the Fund, adopted by 2/3 of the total number of votes of the members of the Board of the Fund present at the meeting of the Board Fund; 8.3.4. Concludes civil law contracts, opens settlement and other bank accounts; 8.3.5. Performs operations in banks and other credit institutions; 8.3.6. Approves the amount and procedure for the use of funds for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Fund, its branches, representative offices and ensuring their activities; 8.3.7. Supervises the maintenance of accounting books and documents of the Fund; 8.3.8. Determines the internal structure of the Fund's bodies, determines the number and conditions of remuneration of the Fund's employees; 8.3.9. Develops and submits for approval to the Board of the Fund regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Fund, branches and representative offices of the Fund; 8.3.10. Determines the systems, methods and forms of remuneration, the procedure for hiring and dismissal, internal regulations, the work and rest regime for employees of the Fund, its branches and representative offices in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; 8.3.11. Employs and dismisses officials of the Fund and signs employment contracts with them; 8.3.12. Resolves other issues in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, except for those that fall within the competence of the Board and the Board of Trustees of the Fund. 8.4. The President is obliged in his activities to comply with the requirements of the current legislation, be guided by this Charter, decisions of the Board and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, adopted within their competence, contracts and agreements concluded by the Foundation. 8.5. The first President is appointed by the Founder. Subsequently, the President is elected by the Board of the Foundation. 8.6. The term of office of the President of the Foundation is five years. A person appointed to the office of President may be appointed to the office of President an unlimited number of times. 8.7. The Board of the Fund has the right to early dismiss the President of the Fund from office in the manner and on the terms established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter. Early termination of the powers of the President of the Fund is also possible on the basis of his personal application. 9. Board of Trustees of the Foundation 9.1. The Board of Trustees of the Fund is the body of the Fund that supervises the activities of the Fund, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the Fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund's funds, and the Fund's compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Board of Trustees is intended to help attract funding and other support for the Foundation's statutory activities. The list of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees should be available to all interested persons. 9.2. In order to perform its functions, the Board of Trustees hears the reports of the President and other officials on the activities of the Fund, gets acquainted with the documents of the Fund, considers the issues of the targeted use of the Fund's property, decides on the need to audit the financial and economic activities of the Fund, prepares proposals to the Board of the Fund on improving the activities of the Fund. 9.3. Through the actions of the members of the Board of Trustees, the Foundation does not acquire rights and does not assume any obligations. 9.4. The powers of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation include: 9.4.1. Demand from the bodies and officials of the Fund any information and documents related to the activities of the Fund, demand from these persons and bodies of explanations related to such documents and information; 9.4.2. Making proposals to the relevant bodies of the Fund:
  • on the activities of the Fund, the principles of formation and use of its property;
  • on conducting checks on the intended use of funds;
  • on conducting audits of the financial and economic activities of the Fund;
  • on termination of powers of the President of the Fund, individual members of the Board of the Fund, other officials of the Fund.
9.4.3. Submission for consideration of the Board of the Fund of other recommendations on the work of the Fund; 9.4.4. Resolution of conflicts of interest in relation to members of the Board of the Fund who have an interest in the Commission of certain actions by the Fund, in accordance with clause 10 of this Charter; 9.4.5. Submission to the Board of the Fund of proposals on the creation of temporary and permanent commissions and working groups; 9.4.6. Giving recommendations to the Board and the President of the Fund on the methods and forms of holding events to raise funds for the implementation of the Fund's statutory activities; 9.4.7. Making proposals to the agenda of meetings of the Board of the Fund; 9.4.8. Making proposals on holding an extraordinary meeting of the Board of the Fund. 9.5. Recommendations, proposals and requirements of the Board of Trustees are subject to mandatory consideration, depending on the ownership of the issue by the Board of the Fund or the President of the Fund, who have the right to accept them or motivatedly reject them, of which the Board of Trustees is notified in writing. 9.6. When the Foundation is established, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation is formed by the Founder, then the Board of the Foundation. 9.7. The Board of Trustees is formed of at least three fully capable members. Members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation may be representatives of organizations and citizens who have made a significant contribution to the financing and implementation of projects and programs of the Foundation. The founder of the Foundation cannot be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. 9.8. The term of office of members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation is five years. Persons elected to the Board of Trustees of the Foundation may be re-elected an unlimited number of times. 9.9. The Board of Trustees carries out its activities on a voluntary basis (as volunteers). By decision of the Board of the Foundation, the members of the Board of Trustees during the period of their duties may be compensated for the expenses associated with participation in the work of the Board of Trustees. 9.10. The Board of Trustees at the first meeting, convened at the initiative of the Board of the Foundation, elects a Chairman from among its members. The term of office of the Chairman is five years. The Board of Trustees has the right to terminate the powers of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at any time and elect a new Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees convenes meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, forms the agenda, conducts meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, ensures the execution of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and signs this protocol. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation has the right to attend meetings of the Board of the Foundation. 9.11. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are convened as necessary at the initiative of the Board of the Foundation or at least one third of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. The agenda of the meeting is formed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees based on the proposals of the members of the Board of Trustees and the Fund's management bodies. 9.12. Decisions of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation are taken by a simple majority of votes. A meeting of the Board of Trustees is competent if more than half of its members are present. 10. Conflict of interest 10.1. A transaction in which there is an interest of the President of the Fund or a person who is a member of the Board of the Fund or the Board of Trustees of the Fund must be approved by the Board of the Fund or the Board of Trustees of the Fund in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations". 11. Control over the activities of the Fund 11.1. The Fund maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 11.2. By decision of the Board of the Fund, the audit of the financial and economic activities of the Fund may be carried out by independent audit organizations. 11.3. The Fund provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies, tax authorities, as well as to the founder of the Fund and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 11.4. The Foundation publishes an annual report on the use of its property. The method of ensuring publicity of reporting on the use of the Fund's property and its composition are determined by the Board of the Fund. 11.5. The size and structure of the Fund's income, as well as information on the size and composition of its property, on its expenses, the number and composition of employees, on their remuneration, on the use of unpaid labor of citizens in the activities of the Fund cannot be a commercial secret. 11.6. The Foundation, in order to implement the state social, economic and tax policy, is responsible for the safety of documents (management, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer for state storage of documents of scientific and historical significance to the archives of Moscow in accordance with the list of documents. 12. Reorganization and liquidation of the Fund 12.1. The Fund may be reorganized in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The decision on the reorganization of the Fund is taken by the Board of the Fund. The reorganization of the Fund may be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, and spin-off. 12.2. The Fund is considered to be reorganized, except for cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of the newly established organization (organizations). When the Fund is reorganized in the form of a merger with another organization, the Fund is considered reorganized from the moment an entry is made in the unified state register of legal entities on the termination of the activities of the affiliated organization. State registration of an organization (organizations) that has arisen as a result of reorganization and making an entry in the unified state register of legal entities on the termination of the Fund's activities is carried out in the manner prescribed by the law on state registration of legal entities. 12.3. The decision to liquidate the Fund can only be taken by the court upon the application of interested persons. 12.4. The fund may be liquidated: 12.4.1. If the property of the Fund is not enough to achieve its goals and the probability of obtaining the necessary property is unrealistic; 12.4.2. If the goals of the Fund cannot be achieved and the necessary changes to the goals of the Fund cannot be made; 12.4.3. In case of deviation of the Fund in its activities from the goals provided for by its Charter; 12.4.4. In other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 12.5. The liquidation of the Fund is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law. 12.6. Upon liquidation of the Fund, the property remaining after the satisfaction of creditors' claims is used for charitable purposes in the manner prescribed by this Charter, unless otherwise established by federal law. Payment of monetary amounts to the Fund's creditors is made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet starting from the date of its approval, with the exception of creditors of the third and fourth priority, payments to which are made after a month from the date of approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet . 12.7. The liquidation of the Fund is considered completed, and the Fund ceases to exist, after making an entry about this in the unified state register of legal entities. 13. The procedure for amending the Charter of the Fund 13.1. Amendments to this Charter are made by decision of the Board of the Fund, adopted unanimously by all members of the Board present at the meeting of the Board of the Fund and are subject to state registration. 13.2. State registration of amendments to the Charter of the Fund is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 13.3. Changes made to the Charter of the Fund come into force from the moment of their state registration.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "___________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") is established in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 12.01.1996 N 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations", the Federal Law of 11.08 .1995 N 135-FZ "On charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering)" .

1.2. Full official name of the Fund: Non-profit organization "Charity Fund" ______________________________.

The abbreviated name of the Foundation in Russian is Charitable Foundation "____________________".

Full name in ____________________ language: ____________________ "____________________";

Abbreviated name in ____________________ language: ___________________ "____________________".

1.3. The founders of the Fund are: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

(name of the legal entity, OGRN and date of the registration certificate, by whom it is registered,
location, TIN, OKPO)


(for an individual: passport: series, number, issuer, date of issue, address)

1.4. The Foundation is a non-profit organization without membership, established by citizens and legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions, pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational and other socially useful goals. The property transferred to the Foundation by its Founders is the property of the Foundation. The Founders are not liable for the obligations of the Fund created by them, and the Fund is not liable for the obligations of its Founders.

1.5. The Fund is a legal entity that does not have as a goal of its activity the extraction of profit for its distribution among the Founders and employees of the Fund as their income. If income is received as a result of the Fund's activities, it must be directed to the implementation of the statutory goals.

1.6. The Fund uses the property for the purposes specified in its Charter. The Fund has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially useful goals for which the Fund was created, and corresponding to these goals. To carry out entrepreneurial activities, the Fund has the right to create business companies or participate in them.

1.7. The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets.

The Foundation provides open access, including access to the media, to its annual reports.

1.8. The Fund acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of state registration. The Fund has an independent balance or estimate, a round seal with its name, stamps and letterheads with its name, as well as an emblem registered in the prescribed manner.

The Fund has the right to open accounts in banks in the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory in accordance with the established procedure.

1.9. The Fund independently determines the direction of its activities, the strategy of economic, technical and social development.

1.10. The Fund has the right to acquire property, as well as personal non-property rights and bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.

1.11. The Fund, as an owner, owns, uses and disposes of its property in accordance with the Charter.

1.12. The Foundation may establish its representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad. Representative offices act on behalf of the Fund in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Council of the Fund.

1.13. The Fund is responsible for its obligations with property, which may be levied under the law.

1.14. The Foundation is not responsible for the obligations of the state and the Founders of the Foundation. The state and its bodies are not responsible for the obligations of the Fund.

1.15. Location of the Foundation: ____________________________________. At this address is the executive body of the Fund - the Chairman of the General Meeting.

1.16. The Fund is created without limiting the period of activity / The Fund is created for a period of __________.

2. Goals and objectives of the fund

2.1. The main goal of the Fund is to provide material and other assistance to minors left without parental care, as well as to pensioners, refugees, internally displaced persons and other categories of socially unprotected persons, regardless of their nationality, citizenship, religion.

2.2. The main activities of the Fund are:

- charity;

- assistance to pensioners with medicines and food;

- providing material assistance to minors, refugees, the homeless and the poor;

- carrying out trading, intermediary and other commercial transactions in order to use the received income for charitable purposes and solve other problems in accordance with the Charter;

- providing jobs for refugees, internally displaced persons and other categories of socially unprotected able-bodied persons;

- payment of financial security to persons with incomes below the subsistence minimum, and others in need;

- creation of business companies in the Russian Federation, as well as participation in the activities of business companies.

The Fund has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities only to achieve the goals for which it was created, and corresponding to these goals.

The Fund has the right to engage in activities to attract resources and conduct non-sales operations.

Foundations can unite in associations and unions created on a contractual basis to expand their capabilities in the implementation of statutory goals.

3. Founders and participants of the fund

3.1. Citizens and organizations can take part in the activities of the Foundation both by making voluntary donations, providing property for free use, and by providing organizational and other assistance to the Foundation in the implementation of its statutory activities.

non-profit organization - foundation


1.1. The Fund "", hereinafter referred to as the Fund, is a non-profit organization without membership, established by citizens and / or legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions and pursuing social (charitable, cultural, educational or other socially useful) goals in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and solution of the tasks provided for by the charter.

1.2. Full name of the Fund in Russian: Fund "", abbreviated name in Russian: Fund "", full name in language: "", abbreviated name in: "".

1.3. The Fund has the right to open settlement, currency and other bank accounts in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad in accordance with the established procedure.

1.4. Location of the Foundation: .

1.5. The Fund is considered to be established as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws.

1.6. The fund is created without time limit.

1.7. The Fund may be a plaintiff and defendant in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf in accordance with the goals of the Fund's activities provided for by the Charter of the Fund, and bears obligations related to this activity.

1.8. The Fund has a round seal with the full name of the Fund in Russian, stamps and forms with its own name.

1.9. The requirements of the Charter of the Foundation are binding on all bodies of the Foundation and its founders.

1.10. The Foundation is not liable for the obligations of its founders. The founders of the Fund are not responsible for the obligations of the Fund. The Fund is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Fund.

1.11. The Fund is responsible for its obligations with its property, which, under the legislation of the Russian Federation, may be levied.


2.1. The purpose of the Foundation is to achieve social (charitable, cultural, educational or other socially useful) goals.

2.2. The subject of the Fund's activity is: .

2.3. The Foundation may carry out one type of activity (or several types of activity): .

2.4. Certain types of activities may be carried out by the Fund only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these activities is determined by law.

2.5. The Fund can carry out entrepreneurial activity only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created. Such activity is the profitable production of goods and services that meet the objectives of the Foundation, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies and participation in limited partnerships as a contributor.

2.6. The Foundation may establish an economic company for carrying out entrepreneurial activities or participate in such a company. The legislation of the Russian Federation may impose restrictions on the entrepreneurial activities of the Fund.

2.7. In order to achieve its goal, the Foundation may create other non-profit organizations and join associations and unions.

2.8. Intervention in the economic and other activities of the Fund by state and other organizations is not allowed, if it is not due to their right to exercise control over the activities of the Fund.


3.1. The supreme governing body of the Foundation is the Board of Trustees. The current management of the Foundation is carried out by the Board, which is accountable to the Board of Trustees.

3.2. The main function of the board of trustees is to ensure that the Foundation complies with the goals for which it was created.

3.3. The exclusive competence of the Board of Trustees includes the following issues:

  1. Supervision of the activities of the Fund and its compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Amendments to the charter of the Foundation.
  3. Determination of priority directions of the Fund's activity, principles of formation, use of the Fund's resources and its property.
  4. Consideration and approval of the annual report of the Fund, including the annual balance sheet.
  5. Consideration of reports of the Board of the Fund on the activities of the Fund.
  6. Supervision over the adoption by the Board of the Fund of decisions and ensuring their implementation, approval of the results of projects implemented by the Fund.
  7. Formation of the Audit Commission of the Fund, approval of the Regulations on the Audit Commission of the Fund.
  8. Determination of the audit organization, approval of the amount of its remuneration.
  9. Making decisions on the establishment of branches of the Fund and on the opening of representative offices of the Fund, approval of regulations on the branches of the Fund and representative offices of the Fund.
  10. Approval of the Board of the Foundation.

3.4. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is elected by the general meeting of founders for a period of . The second and subsequent members of the Board of Trustees are elected by the previous Board of Trustees.

3.5. The Board of Trustees is elected by list or personally. A member of the Board of Trustees is considered elected if the majority of the total number of founders present at the general meeting or members of the previous Board of Trustees of the Foundation voted for him.

3.6. A candidate member of the Board of Trustees must meet the following requirements:

  • higher humanitarian, economic, legal education;
  • at least years of experience in leadership positions.

3.7. Candidates with an impeccable reputation are nominated to the Board of Trustees. At the same time, the commission by a person of a crime in the field of economic activity or against state power, the interests of the public service and service in local governments, as well as an administrative offense, primarily in the field of entrepreneurial activity, in the field of finance, taxes and fees, encroachment on public order and public safety, are factors negatively affecting its reputation.

3.8. When a member of the Board of Trustees is elected, information is provided on the age and education of the candidate, the positions held by the candidate over the past five years, the nature of his relationship with the Foundation, as well as other information about the financial situation of the candidate or about circumstances that may affect the performance of his duties by the candidate .

3.9. The work of the Board of Trustees is organized by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is elected by the members of the Board of Trustees from among the members of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote.

3.10. The Board of Trustees has the right to re-elect its chairman at any time by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Board of Trustees.

3.11. No remuneration is paid for work on the Board of Trustees, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in its work.

3.12. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held as needed, but at least once a quarter.

3.13. The meeting of the Board of Trustees is convened by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees on his own initiative, at the request of a member of the Board of Trustees, the Board, the Audit Commission, the auditor.

3.14. Members of the Board of Trustees are notified in writing of the appointed meeting of the Board of Trustees at least one day before the date of its holding. Notification is carried out by sending registered letters, telegrams, telephone messages.

3.15. The notice must state:

  • the time and place of the meeting;
  • questions for discussion.
A member of the Board of Trustees is provided with all the necessary materials related to the agenda items.

3.16. Familiarization against receipt with the decision of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees on the appointment of a meeting is equated to a written notice.

3.17. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees organizes its work, convenes meetings of the Board of Trustees and presides over them, organizes the keeping of minutes at the meetings. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees are kept (compiled) by the secretary.

3.18. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation is elected for the duration of the meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority of votes from among the members present at it.

3.19. In the absence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, his functions are performed by one of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation by decision of the Board of Trustees.

3.20. A meeting of the Board of Trustees is competent if more than half of the elected members of the Board of Trustees are present.

3.21. The Council has the right to make decisions by absentee voting (by poll).

3.22. If the number of members of the Board of Trustees becomes less than half of the number provided for by the Charter, the Foundation is obliged to elect a new composition of the Board of Trustees. The remaining members of the Board of Trustees have the right to make a decision only on the election of a new composition of the Board of Trustees.

3.23. Decisions at a meeting of the Board of Trustees are made by a majority of votes present at the meeting. When resolving issues at a meeting of the Board of Trustees, each member of the Board of Trustees has one vote. The transfer of a vote by one member of the Board of Trustees to another member of the Board of Trustees is not allowed.

3.25. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees, a protocol is kept, which is drawn up no later than 10 days after the meeting.

3.26. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees are signed by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting, who are responsible for the correctness of the minutes.

3.27. The protocol specifies:

  • place and time of the meeting;
  • issues discussed at the meeting;
  • the personal composition of the members of the Board of Trustees participating in the meeting;
  • the main provisions of the speeches of those present at the meeting;
  • issues put to the vote and the results of voting on them;
  • decisions made by the board of trustees.
The protocol may also contain other necessary information.

3.28. Members of the Board of Trustees have the right to:

  • receive any information relating to the activities of the Foundation in any divisions and services of the Foundation;

3.29. Members of the Board of Trustees are required to:

  • conscientiously treat their duties;
  • not to disclose confidential information about the Fund's activities that has become known to them.

3.30. A member of the Board of Trustees is obliged to reasonably and conscientiously act in the interests of the Foundation.

3.31. A member of the Board of Trustees in his activities must take into account the interests of third parties to ensure the effective operation of the Fund, including: counterparties of the Fund, the state and municipalities on whose territory the Fund is located.

3.32. In the event of a conflict or threat of a conflict between the activities of the Foundation and the personal interests of a member of the Board of Trustees, he immediately notifies the Board of Trustees about this. Until a decision is made by the general meeting, a member of the Board of Trustees refrains from taking actions that will lead to a conflict between his interests and the interests of the Fund.

3.33. A member of the Board of Trustees must not disclose or use confidential information about the Fund for personal gain and in the interests of third parties.

3.34. A member of the Board of Trustees does not have the right to directly or indirectly receive remuneration for influencing his decision-making.

3.35. A member of the board of trustees, as well as his affiliates, must not accept gifts or receive other direct or indirect benefits, the purpose of which is to influence the activities of the member of the board of trustees or the decisions he makes.

3.36. The exceptions are symbolic signs of attention in accordance with the generally accepted rules of courtesy and souvenirs during official events.

3.37. A member of the Board of Trustees is responsible for the improper performance of his duties.

3.38. A member of the Board of Trustees shall compensate the Fund in full for the losses caused to the Fund by their guilty actions.

3.39. A member of the Board of Trustees is released from liability if it is proved that he is not personally interested in making a specific decision and has carefully studied all the information necessary for making a decision; however, other accompanying circumstances must indicate that he acted solely in the interests of the Fund.

3.40. The Board of Trustees has the right to terminate the powers of its voting member at any time.

3.41. Grounds for terminating the powers of a member of the Board of Trustees at the initiative of the Foundation:

  • causing material damage to the Fund, with the exception of damage associated with the usual commercial risk;
  • damaging the business reputation of the Fund;
  • committing an intentional criminal offence;
  • concealment of their interest in making a transaction with the participation of the Fund;
  • violation of the provisions of the Charter of the Foundation, as well as the norms of the legislation on non-profit organizations;
  • concealment of information about their participation in the work of the management bodies of other legal entities without the knowledge of the Board of Trustees;
  • deriving personal benefit from the disposal of the Fund's property, except for cases when deriving personal benefit is allowed by law, the charter and other documents and decisions of the Fund;

3.42. A member of the Board of Trustees is obliged to notify the Board of Trustees of his intention to terminate his powers ahead of schedule at least one month in advance.

3.43. A member of the Board of Trustees is obliged not to disclose confidential information after termination of membership.


4.1. The Board of the Fund is elected by the Board of Trustees for a period of years (years) in the number of at least people. The Board is located at the location of the Foundation.

4.2. The Board of the Fund may be re-elected after the expiration of the term of office for a new term.

4.3. The issue of early termination of powers of a member of the Board may be raised at the request of at least members of the Board or a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

4.4. The competence of the board includes:

  • organization of the Fund's activities;
  • ensuring the implementation of decisions of the board of trustees;
  • regular informing the Board of Trustees about the activities of the Foundation;
  • approval of the financial plan (estimate) of the Fund and making changes to it;
  • disposal of the Fund's property;
  • approval of the staffing table;
  • preparation of questions for discussion at the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

4.5. The work of the board is organized by the chairman of the board on the basis of the regulation on the activities of the board, approved by the board of trustees. Minutes are kept at board meetings.

4.6. Meetings of the Board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter, and are considered competent if the majority of the Board members participate in them.

4.8. The Chairman of the Board is elected at a meeting of the Board from among its members for a period of __ years.

4.9. Chairman of the Board:

  • is accountable to the board, the board of trustees, is responsible for the state of affairs of the Foundation;
  • without a power of attorney acts on behalf of the Foundation, represents it in all institutions, organizations and enterprises, both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • makes decisions and issues orders on the activities of the Fund;
  • disposes of the Fund's resources within the limits approved by the Board of Directors, concludes agreements, performs other legal actions on behalf of the Fund, acquires and manages property, opens and closes bank accounts;
  • solves the issues of economic and financial activities of the Fund;
  • hires and dismisses employees of the Fund, approves their duties in accordance with the staffing table approved by the board;
  • exercises control over the activities of branches and representative offices of the Fund;
  • bears responsibility within its competence for the use of funds and property of the Foundation in accordance with its statutory purposes;
  • organizes the preparation and holding of board meetings;
  • organizes accounting and reporting;
  • resolves all issues that do not fall within the competence of the Board of Trustees, the Board of the Foundation.


5.1. The Fund maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The Fund provides information about its activities to state statistics and tax authorities, the founders of the Fund and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Responsibility for the organization, condition and reliability of accounting in the Fund, the timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the Fund, submitted to the founders of the Fund, creditors and the media, lies with the Board.

5.4. The Foundation keeps the following documents:

  • agreement on the establishment of the Fund;
  • the charter of the Foundation, changes and additions made to the charter of the Foundation, registered in the prescribed manner, the decision to establish the Foundation, the document on state registration of the Foundation;
  • documents confirming the Fund's rights to property on its balance sheet;
  • internal documents of the Fund;
  • regulations on the branch or representative office of the Fund;
  • annual reports;
  • accounting documents;
  • accounting documents;
  • minutes of meetings of the board of trustees, board, audit commission (auditor) of the Fund;
  • conclusions of the audit commission (auditor) of the Fund, the auditor of the Fund, state and municipal financial control bodies;
  • other documents stipulated by federal legislation;
  • other documents stipulated by the internal documents of the Fund, decisions of the Board of Trustees, the Board of the Fund, as well as documents stipulated by the legal acts of the Russian Federation.
The Fund is obliged to provide the founders of the Fund with access to the above documents.

5.5. To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Foundation, the Board of Trustees elects an audit commission consisting of people for a period of a year (or a year, or years). The departure of individual members of the audit commission, as well as the election of its new members, is not a basis for reducing or extending the term of the entire audit commission. To organize the work of the audit commission, its chairman is elected. The Fund has the right to elect only one auditor instead of the Audit Commission.

5.6. The competence of the audit commission (auditor) of the Fund includes the following powers:

  • verification (audit) of the financial and economic activities of the Fund based on the results of the activities for the year, as well as at any time on the initiative of the audit commission (auditor), decision of the board of trustees or at the request of the founder of the Fund;
  • requesting documents on financial and economic activities from the Fund's management bodies;
  • convening a board of trustees;
  • drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the audit of financial and economic activities, which should contain:
    • confirmation of the accuracy of the data contained in the reports and other financial documents of the Fund;
    • information on the facts of violation of the procedure for maintaining accounting records and presentation of financial statements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation in the course of financial and economic activities;

5.7. The procedure for the activities of the audit commission (or auditor) is determined by an internal document-position (regulations, etc.) approved by the general meeting of the founders, and later by the board of trustees.

5.8. By decision of the Board of Trustees, the members of the Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Fund during the period of their duties are (not) paid remuneration and / or (not) compensated for the expenses associated with the performance of their (them) duties. The amount of such remuneration and compensation is established by the decision of the Board of Trustees .

5.9. To check the financial and economic activities of the Foundation, the Board of Trustees appoints an auditor of the Foundation.

5.10. The auditor checks the financial and economic activities of the Fund in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Fund and the auditor. The amount of payment for the auditor's services is determined by the Board of Trustees.


6.1. The property transferred to the Fund by its founders (founder) is the property of the Fund.

6.2. The founders of the Foundation do not retain the rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of the Foundation.

6.3. The Fund may own or manage buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, cash in rubles and foreign currency, securities and other property.

6.4. The profit received by the Fund is not subject to distribution among the founders of the Fund.

6.5. The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the Fund's donations to political parties, their regional branches, as well as to election funds, referendum funds.

6.6. The Foundation is obliged to publish annual reports on the use of its property.


7.1. The Fund may be voluntarily reorganized in the manner prescribed by Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations". Other grounds and procedure for the reorganization of the Fund are determined by Articles 57 - 60 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

7.2. The fund may be liquidated by a court decision in the manner prescribed by Art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations".

7.3. In the absence of an assignee, documents of permanent storage of scientific and historical significance are transferred for state storage to the archives of the association ""; personnel documents (orders, personal files, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive, on the territory of which the Foundation is located. Transfer and ordering of documents are carried out by forces and at the expense of the Fund in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities.

7.4. Upon liquidation of the Fund, the property remaining after the satisfaction of creditors' claims, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations" and other federal laws, is directed to the purposes for which it was created, and / or to charitable purposes in the manner determined by the Board of Trustees of the Fund .

7.5. In the event that the use of the property of the liquidated Fund in accordance with its constituent documents is not possible, it shall be turned into state revenue.

A selection of the most important documents on request Charitable foundation charter(legal acts, forms, articles, expert advice and much more).


2. The charter of the fund must contain information about the name of the fund, including the word "fund", its location, the subject and goals of its activities, about the bodies of the fund, including the highest collegiate body and the board of trustees that oversees the activities of the fund, the procedure appointment of officials of the fund and their release from the performance of duties, the fate of the property of the fund in the event of its liquidation.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Charitable foundation charter

As for non-profit organizations, the situation is somewhat different. Here it is easy to imagine activities that are contrary to the goals of the organization (in the strict sense). For example, a charitable foundation, instead of engaging in charity work, may own and manage an estate used for the residence of a particular individual. Or a charitable foundation for helping sick children helps homeless animals. At the same time, the charter of a charitable foundation, of course, may contain restrictions on the types of activities (in the strict sense).

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In addition, the law establishes sanctions against certain non-profit organizations that engage in activities contrary to the goals defined by their statutes. A public organization, a charitable or other foundation, a religious organization that systematically carries out activities that are contrary to their statutory goals may be liquidated by a court decision at the suit of a state body or local self-government body to which such a right is granted by law (subparagraph 4, paragraph 3, Art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).