Social benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group. Benefits for disabled people of the second group: list and registration rules

As support, for this category of people, benefits and compensations are provided, which are expressed in money or useful services.

What benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group

Taking into account the difficult moments in the life of this category of people, the state is trying to support them. It is important to know what benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group. Persons with disabilities can directly benefit from discounts and free services or replace them with appropriate monetary compensation.

Benefits for utilities

Persons with restrictions provided for by group 2 receive privileges for paying utility bills. In the housing and communal services sector, a 50% discount is provided for electricity, heating, gas, sewerage, garbage collection and water supply. If there is no centralized heating in the room where the disabled person lives, he must apply for the installation of a heating boiler. You will have to pay half of its cost for this service.

Social package for the disabled

The package of social services for people with group 2 health limitations includes:

  • free distribution of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • providing treatment in a sanatorium or resort, when recovery is provided for by indications for health reasons;
  • travel by trains and commuter trains, if the treatment takes place in another region, the road is free.

Benefits for disabled people of 2 groups from the social package have their fixed cost. A person can replace them with cash payments. To do this, you need to visit the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of Russia before October 1. If the application for refusal was submitted earlier, the document is valid until the person with a disability changes his position on this issue. You can apply for a waiver of the entire package or a specific service.

Provision of necessary medicines

Non-working disabled people of the 2nd group can receive preferential medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge. Those who work receive a 50% discount on drugs and some medical equipment and devices.

People with disabilities of group 2 can receive free of charge or at half price:

  • medicines from the List of Medicines, which is established by the state or regional authorities (Moscow and the Moscow Region have their own approved lists of medicines and medical devices for the disabled, which are under the responsibility of territorial social services);
  • medical products from the relevant list;
  • drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment in a sanatorium

The referral to sanatorium-resort treatment provides for the following procedure for registration:

  • The attending physician of a disabled person who has not refused social services, and the commission of the relevant medical institution, select and refer to a sanatorium.
  • Indications for the appointment of such rehabilitation are identified by the attending physician and the head of the department. In addition, contraindications are taken into account. On the basis of the conclusions drawn, the identified diseases, a conclusion is issued, which indicates the possibility or impossibility of conducting sanatorium treatment for this citizen.
  • A handicapped person is given a certificate on the recommendation of sanatorium-and-spa treatment. This document is valid for six months. During this time, a person with disabilities must submit an application for the need for a voucher to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Having received an application and a certificate, the social organization is obliged to inform the disabled person in 10 days about the possibility of providing a voucher and the date of arrival at the sanatorium.
  • The voucher itself must be given to the patient no later than 3 weeks before arrival. With her, the disabled person must again contact the attending physician for an additional check.
  • In order to undergo treatment, a citizen is obliged upon arrival to provide a ticket and a sanatorium card.
  • The course of treatment in a sanatorium for a disabled person of the 2nd group is 18 days, for a child with disabilities of the same category - 21 days.

Benefits for personal rehabilitation facilities

People with disability group 2 have the right to free or at a discount the purchase of the necessary individual rehabilitation equipment, these include:

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  • Hearing Aids;
  • wheelchairs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • dental prosthetics and other means.

Orthopedic shoes can be issued free of charge, at a discount, or at full price. It all depends on its complexity. Dental prosthetics free of charge does not include the manufacture of prostheses from expensive materials designed to stop high abrasion of teeth, periodontal disease, based on implants, crowns or bridges made of porcelain, metal-ceramic.

tax incentives

What tax benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group:

  • receiving a deduction of 13% from the sold or acquired housing, other property, the limits on the amount are R.;
  • the cost of vouchers to health-improving institutions purchased at the expense of the employer's money is not taxed if the employer has already paid income tax;
  • the purchase of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people working at the organization is made without paying taxes;
  • cash assistance up to 4 thousand rubles received by a worker from a former employer does not require tax deductions;
  • they are not deducted from the compensation received for the purchase of medicines;
  • persons with disabilities do not pay property tax on individuals;
  • calculation of land tax for persons with disabilities of the 2nd group is made with a 50% discount. If the site belongs to them;
  • if a disabled person has independently acquired a vehicle with a capacity of up to 150 horsepower and uses it, he is charged half the amount of transport tax;
  • tax benefits for notary services are 50%;
  • this category of citizens does not pay state fees for applications to courts of general jurisdiction and filing a claim on property if the amount of damage is less than.

Is it possible to work with 2 disability groups

Disabled people of the 2nd group can carry out labor activities according to the legislation, if there are no following contraindications for working conditions:

  • high physical activity (tilts, weight lifting, long walking, etc.);
  • neuropsychic stress (monotonous work, night shifts);
  • work with microorganisms, spores, bacteria, infectious agents;
  • increased concentration of chemical compounds, radiation, extreme temperatures, toxic substances;
  • insufficient or excessive lighting.

Disability pension 2nd group

People with disability group 2 are entitled to a pension, which can increase if the citizen has dependents:

  1. The pension for disabled people of the 2nd group who do not have children is 4383.59 rubles.
  2. In the presence of 1 child - 5844.79 rubles.
  3. Two children - 7305.99 rubles.
  4. If a pensioner has 3 dependent children, he is paid monthly at 8767.19 rubles.
  5. Additionally, people in this category are paid social assistance 2397.59 rubles.

Monetization of benefits for the disabled

The monetization of benefits for the disabled affected housing and communal services, travel by public transport, medicines and treatment in sanatoriums. In the case of utility bills, a citizen pays their full cost on a receipt, and then he must calculate compensation, which will go to a bank account. A monthly cash payment, involving the cost of travel in public transport, paying for a home phone, and others, is possible provided that the beneficiary prefers to receive a cash equivalent.

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Disabled status 2 groups

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for various types of support for citizens who are in a difficult life situation, who are in special need and due to any reasons, difficulties and obstacles in their daily activities. The category of citizens protected by special benefits includes people with disabilities who have congenital or acquired physical dysfunctions and diseases that prevent them from being fully realized in educational, labor or other activities. The Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” dated 11/24/1995 No. 181 stipulates that 3 degrees of disability have been adopted in Russia, which in some circumstances provide for various benefits for each of them.

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Disability of the 2nd category is assigned to people who, due to any congenital malformations or subsequent injuries, need specially designed medical equipment or the constant care of relatives or other people, as well as special measures of social protection. Citizens with a disability of the 2nd degree may experience difficulty or inability to perform the following activities:

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  • physical and mental labor;
  • learnability;
  • interpersonal communication;
  • physical activity;
  • control of behavior in society;
  • orientation in space.

The limitation of the following functions in disabled people of the 2nd group is moderate (stronger than in disabled people of the 1st degree and weaker than in disabled people of the 3rd degree).

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The list of diseases that affect people with a disability of the 2nd degree includes:

  1. Deterioration of vision, hearing and other sensory functions.
  2. Complications of the functions of the respiratory system and the circulatory system.
  3. mild mental disorders.
  4. Some speech disorders.
  5. physical disorders.

The disability category is appropriately assigned by professional medical experts in a specially authorized institution. Establishing disability is a medical, social and economic process at the same time. As a result of the medical and social examination, the following are established:

  • Facts about disability.
  • Degree of work capacity.
  • Individual program of medical, social, professional correction.
  • Statistical registration of citizens with disabilities.
  • Medical and social protection program.
  • Information orientation of citizens with disabilities is carried out.

Social benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Citizens with a disability of the 2nd group are entitled to certain types of benefits at the federal level. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 form the following list:

  • Payment of a special social pension.
  • An insurance pension paid on special, facilitated conditions.
  • Home social assistance.
  • Free travel by public transport (to the place of treatment and back).

It is important to know that often, in addition to federal benefits, benefits are provided for people with disabilities of the 2nd group at the regional level. For example, special regional bonuses for disabled people have been introduced in Moscow, and support for people with a 2nd disability group in the labor market has been introduced in St. Petersburg.

Benefits for training disabled people of the 2nd group

People with disabilities have access to significant educational benefits. Citizens with the 2nd group of disability have the right to be enrolled in any institution of higher professional education of their choice, bypassing the stage of entrance examinations.

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Disabled people of the 2nd group studying in an educational institution may receive additional special scholarships. The availability and amount of these payments depend on the financing of scholarship funds of educational institutions.

Housing benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

People with disabilities of the 2nd group living in apartments owned by the state or other public housing stock are entitled to compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of housing and communal services. In addition, other utility benefits are provided for disabled people of the 2nd group, a discount is possible when paying receipts for electricity, light, water, buying fuel for houses without city heating. When carrying out a major overhaul of an apartment or house, half of the cost of the work is returned.

Some social and housing benefits are also provided for disabled people living in privately funded homes.

When purchasing land plots for construction, the candidates of disabled people of all categories are subject to consideration in the first place.

Medical care for disabled people of the 2nd group

Citizens with disabilities enjoy significant benefits in the medical field, which are designed to maximize their opportunities.

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People with disabilities of any category can undergo free diagnostics and treatment in public hospitals and clinics, as well as receive free medical care from qualified people at home.

The state provides disabled people of the 2nd group with the provision of vital medicines free of charge or at a discount of 50 percent, while a prescription is not required. Also, for disabled people with sensory impairments, free installation and purchase of medical equipment that supports this function (for example, a hearing aid for hearing impaired people of the 2nd group) is provided.

In addition to free medical care, once a calendar year, people with a disability of the 2nd category have the right to provide vouchers to a sanatorium at the expense of public funds. Travel to the sanatorium-dispensary and a place for a relative or other accompanying person (if accompanying such a person is necessary) are also paid.

The procedure for applying for benefits

The process of applying for disability benefits of the 2nd group includes the following steps:

  1. Appeal to medical specialists.
  2. Passage of ITU.
  3. Providing a package of documents to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

List of required documents

The list of documents required for obtaining disability benefits of the 2nd group:

  • Certificate of assignment of disability of the 2nd group.
  • Passport.
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy.
  • Pension Certificate.
  • Other documents proving preferential status.


In the Russian Federation, citizens with the 2nd and other disability groups are a socially protected category of the population. This means that the state cares about their well-being in every possible way and provides them with numerous benefits designed to compensate for the relative limitations of such people.

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So, if you or your loved ones have or apply for a 2nd group of disability, it is useful to know that the state provides the following benefits to disabled people of the 2nd group:

  • Appropriate cash payments.
  • Free diagnostics and treatment in municipal hospitals and clinics.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses when sent to medical care institutions.
  • Provision of necessary medical preparations at a discount of up to 100 percent.
  • Provision of home medical and social care.
  • Free provision of vouchers to sanatorium-prophylactic institutions once a year.
  • Free education for children and adults in general, secondary and higher educational institutions and social scholarships.
  • 50% reimbursement of rent and maintenance of housing (from the state fund), payment of housing and communal services.
  • 50% discount on the purchase of housing plots.
  • Other social or medical benefits provided for by the legal documents of the region.

The most popular questions and answers to them on benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Question: I am 58 years old, I am a pensioner, as I took early retirement pension due to my extensive experience in production in the heavy industry. A few years ago, I received a work injury and was recognized as a hearing impaired group 1. In addition, a year ago I developed an articular disease that does not allow me to move long distances on my own. I would like to apply for the recognition of me as a disabled person of the 2nd group, which I am now, but I have lost some of the necessary documents. What should be done in this case? And am I entitled to additional benefits when changing the disability group?

Answer: In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”, when applying for a disability, if the necessary documents are lost or missing, the underlying disease (the most severe) is indicated. The state contributes to the restoration of the necessary documents of the applicant, thereby facilitating the process of registration.

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group - compensations, payments, discounts, social services and other privileges, including means for individual rehabilitation (prostheses, wheelchairs), provided to persons with dysfunction of organs or body systems of moderate severity.

A disabled person of the 2nd group has the right to privileges in various areas of life. To find out what preferences of federal and regional significance are due to a disabled person and to receive them in a timely manner, you need to contact the pension fund, as well as visit the social security and tax authorities. The most significant benefit is the pension, which varies in size. A non-working person is entitled to a social pension, a person with seniority can choose a labor pension benefit.

Who should receive benefits?

To obtain a certificate and apply for assistance, you need to undergo an examination at the ITU Bureau, and then submit the following documents to the pension fund and social security authorities:

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  • certificate of disability from the ITU Bureau;
  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • pension and other documents.

The effect of disability and the right to appropriate preferences lasts until the next medical examination.

What are the preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are prescribed the following basic preferences:

  • monthly pension allowance (about 4400 rubles) plus additional payments if there is 1 child in the care of a disabled person - 5844 rubles, 2 children - 7305 rubles, 3 children - 8767 rubles;
  • UDV - a monthly cash payment in the amount of about 2124 rubles. (when deciding to use the social package or some of the components, its cost will be calculated from the EDV);
  • discounts on housing and communal services: 50% for electricity, gas, water, heating, garbage disposal and sewerage (if there is no central heating in the dwelling, a disabled person can install a boiler at half price);
  • in their homes, people should be partially reimbursed for the cost of fuel;
  • medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge for the unemployed and with a 50% discount for the employed;
  • rest and treatment in a sanatorium for medical reasons (vouchers are issued free of charge to the unemployed and at a discount to the employed, as well as at the expense of the employer if a person was injured at work);
  • payment for the road to the health resort;
  • free travel on trains;
  • tax preferences;
  • admission to educational institutions out of competition;
  • privileges in employment and vocational training;
  • 50% discount for notary services.

Additional preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are entitled to additional social services: care for a disabled person at home, assistance in obtaining certificates, etc.

Additional benefits include free breakfast and lunch for students in a school with children with a disability. To qualify for this benefit, parents must write to the school principal and provide a certificate of disability.

Also, disabled people should remember that their share in the division of the inheritance is at least 50%.

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Privileges in the field of medicine and healthcare: nuances

In addition to free medicines for the treatment of the pathology that caused disability, and sanatorium therapy, citizens with the 2nd group of health restrictions are provided with the following benefits:

  1. discounts on medical equipment, prostheses, including dental ones (except for expensive implants and crowns), various devices (wheelchairs, hearing aids, bandages, etc.);
  2. medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  3. orthopedic shoes on preferential terms.

Moscow has an expanded list of free or subsidized medicines and medical devices for the disabled.

To get a referral to a sanatorium, you need to contact your doctor and then follow his instructions. The duration of stay at the resort for adults is 18 days, for disabled children 21 days. The ticket must be handed out no later than 3 weeks before arrival.

tax incentives

In the tax area, preferences can be used when paying personal income tax, taxes on land, transport (up to 150 HP) and real estate, as well as when contacting a notary. In some cases, a person with physical disabilities is completely exempt from state duty. Do not pay beneficiaries and property tax.

Taxes are not deducted from payments from the former employer if they do not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

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An employee with a 2nd disability group has a favorable tax deduction (500 rubles). It is calculated as follows: 500 rubles are taken from the salary. and calculate a 13 percent income tax.

The tax deduction from the purchase / sale of housing and other property is 13%.

Employment of the disabled

Disabled people of the 2nd group should work no more than 7 hours a day (35 hours a week). They do not have the right to work forcibly in excess of the norm, on holidays and on weekends (only with the written consent of the employee).

Disabled persons are entitled to 30 days paid leave plus leave at their own expense up to 60 days.

Contraindications to the work of a disabled person are:

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  • high level of physical activity in the workplace;
  • work at night and in conditions of neuropsychic stress;
  • inevitable contact of an employee with microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, etc.;
  • radiation at work;
  • strong concentration of toxic substances, chemical compounds;
  • work in conditions of extreme temperatures;
  • insufficient / excessive lighting.

How to get a travel allowance?

People with disabilities pay half the cost of a ticket in urban and suburban transport. For travel in municipal transport, a disabled person is issued a single social travel card.

How to apply for a discount on utilities?

To receive benefits in the housing and communal sector and compensation payments, the following documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund:

  • passport;
  • utility bills;
  • certificate of disability of the 2nd group;
  • certificate of all registered in the housing.

What you need to enter a technical school or university on preferential terms

A disabled person of the 2nd group is given the opportunity to enter out of competition in any state educational institution, subject to the successful passing of tests, exams and the compliance of medical and social indications with the profile of the educational institution and the chosen specialty. In this case, the scholarship will be paid regardless of academic performance.

Law on monetization

Knowing exactly what benefits he is entitled to, a disabled person can significantly improve his life, so you need to follow changes in legislation at the federal and local levels, because the list of benefits is constantly changing, new opportunities are emerging. Thus, in connection with the law on monetization, persons with physical disabilities can replace certain discounts and free services with an equivalent amount in rubles.

The law on monetization applies to payment for medicines, housing and communal services, travel by municipal transport, and sanatorium therapy. Regarding the payment of a communal apartment, the following scheme applies: a person pays in full according to the receipt, and then 50% of the amount paid is recalculated to a bank card or account.

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Benefits from the social package have a fixed "price". To replace one or more services with a ruble equivalent, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. This decision can then be reversed by writing a new application.

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What benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group?

What benefits are provided to disabled people of group II:

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”, part of the benefits are provided to the disabled in monetary terms in the form of a monthly payment (UDV) from the federal budget. In addition, persons with disabilities receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, which includes free travel by suburban transport to the place of treatment and back, free provision of medicines, and vouchers for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications. These measures are provided to disabled people by the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Disabled people and families with disabled children are entitled to social support measures for paying for housing and utilities, as well as services for the removal of household and other waste.

This measure is provided in the form of a cash equivalent discount (CDE) for paying for housing and utilities. Social support measures for travel by all types of urban passenger transport are provided to disabled people in the amount of no more than 30 trips using one electronic transport card during a calendar month, regardless of the type of transport and locality. Trips not used during the month are transferred to the next calendar month and added up with the number of trips falling on it during the calendar year. Trips not used during the calendar year are not carried over to the next year.

Free travel by suburban water transport and suburban and intercity motor transport within the area of ​​residence is provided to disabled people without limiting the number of trips.

Disabled persons have the right to be provided with technical means of rehabilitation (RTM), manufacture and repair of prosthetic and orthopedic products, subject to the availability of relevant recommendations of individual rehabilitation programs (IPR). If the TMR provided for by the IPR cannot be provided to the disabled person, or if he independently acquired the indicated TMR at his own expense, the disabled person is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the TMR, which must be provided to the disabled person in accordance with the IPR.

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Official site for people with disabilities

Persons with disabilities are often unable to work. The state provides them with social assistance by paying pensions and assigning various types of benefits, for example, when paying for utilities.

In order to start receiving benefits, a disabled person of the second group must submit an application to the PFR and social protection department in the Moscow region.

Who is supposed to

Citizens with disabilities are recognized by the state as disabled. They have limited legal capacity due to the fact that they cannot independently carry out full-fledged self-care. The cause of disability is congenital or acquired disorders of body functions.

Unlike disabled people of group 1, persons with group 2 can serve themselves, but often they need help in this, or the use of assistive devices. They can also study in special institutions and work in equipped workplaces.

When assigning the second group of disability, ITU experts take into account the presence of social insufficiency in a citizen.

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Diagnosis of diseases, on the basis of which the second group of disability is assigned, occurs in several stages:

  1. Clinical. The doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of a serious illness in a citizen. The prognosis is made - favorable or unfavorable.
  2. Psychological. The expert considers housing and living conditions, material security.

In order for a disability of the second group to be assigned, a citizen must meet the following conditions:

  • a citizen can serve himself only with the help of special devices, or with the help of other persons;
  • in order to work, special conditions must be created, the use of special equipment may be required;
  • there are problems with the possibility of independent movement and orientation in space;
  • a person can use public transport only with the help of others;
  • communication without the use of special equipment (hearing aids) is impossible.

A person can get a disability for various reasons - due to general illnesses received as a result of professional activities, or work injuries, injuries received as a result of military service, as well as congenital injuries and illnesses.

What benefits do people with disabilities of group 2 have in Moscow in 2019

List of types of social assistance provided to disabled people of the second group in Moscow:

  1. Social taxi services. They are provided only to those disabled people who cannot move independently due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Sanatorium-resort treatment once a year. A free voucher for treatment in a sanatorium is provided at the discretion of the doctor. You will need to get a medical certificate. The state also pays for travel to the place of treatment.
  3. Free public transport. You can use this benefit with a Muscovite card. It entitles you to free travel around the city by metro, trams and trains.
  4. Free medicines, from the list approved by the Ministry of Health.
  5. The monthly payment of a pension is the financial support of a disabled person of the 2nd group.
  6. Additional benefits that are issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and social protection give the right to free dental prosthetics and additional medical services.
  7. 50% discount on utility bills.
  8. Assistance in obtaining social housing, under a contract of employment, if the disabled person was found to be in need of it.
  9. Provision of technical means of rehabilitation free of charge. Crutches and wheelchairs may be provided. The equipment is issued in the presence of a rehabilitation program for a disabled person.
  10. Assistance in finding employment provided by the employment center.
  11. Admission to the university is out of competition.

Persons with disabilities are given the opportunity to work on a lighter schedule, they are provided with additional leave, including sick leave.

How to issue

In order to get a group for a disabled child, or an adult, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Get a doctor's certificate confirming the presence of serious health problems. The group is assigned depending on the severity of the disease.
  2. An application is submitted for the passage of the ITU commission. To do this, you will need to initially contact the clinic and collect an anamnesis, a medical card.
  3. A meeting of the ITU is held and a decision is made on the presence of a particular disease.
  4. The examination is carried out on a certain day, appointed in advance. A citizen receives a mail notification at home.
  5. If transportation of a disabled person is not possible, a home examination may be carried out.
  6. As a result of the examination, a group is appointed. It may also be denied.
  7. A citizen to whom a group has been established is issued an appropriate “pink” ITU certificate, as well as a rehabilitation card.

Disabled people of the second group must undergo an annual re-examination procedure.

In order to apply for benefits for a disabled person of the 2nd group, you need:

  1. Collect documents.
  2. Contact the organization responsible for providing benefits - this may be the Pension Fund, the department of social protection or the tax authority.
  3. To receive a EDV, an application is submitted to the FIU.
  4. Then you should wait for the decision of the authorized body. As a rule, it takes about 10 days for the application to be processed.

If a positive decision is made, a benefit is issued, and the citizen can only use it. Some benefits are renewed annually.

What documents are needed

The following documents are required to apply for benefits:

  1. Applicant's passport. It is recommended to make photocopies of the main pages with personal information.
  2. Certificate issued by the ITU, where the disability group is recorded.
  3. Employment record or certificate of employment.
  4. Certificate of ownership of the residential property, if any.
  5. An individual rehabilitation program - IPR - a document is issued to a disabled person after passing a medical commission.
  6. Certificate indicating the place of residence - temporary and permanent.
  7. Receipts for payment of utility services - required when applying for a discount.
  8. Information about the composition of the family of a disabled person.
  9. Contract of social employment - if any.
  10. A document confirming the existence of family relations between a disabled person and persons living with him in the same territory.
  11. Disabled pension certificate.

A disabled person of the 2nd group can transfer documents in person, when visiting a state authority, or through the mail of Russia. Copies of documents should be made in advance in order not to stand in line at the state organization several times.

Is it possible to get rejected

Most often, citizens receive a refusal even at the stage of disability registration, if the ITU commission decides that there are no grounds for appointing groups 1, 2 or 3.

In the case when group 2 has already been established, the person is entitled to receive benefits, however, refusals still occur for several reasons:

  1. Not all documents were provided or some of them are overdue.
  2. IPR card or pension certificate was not presented.
  3. The citizen has already received the benefit within the set period of time.
  4. Errors in the application - when indicating passport data, personal information about a citizen.
  5. Expiration of the medical certificate, the need for re-examination.
  6. Lack of a certain type of benefits in the Moscow region.

If the benefit is valid in the region, and all the mistakes made during the initial application were corrected by the applicant, the benefit is granted in the usual manner.

Upon receipt of a refusal from the PFR or the Federal Tax Service, a disabled person of group 2 has the right to challenge the decision by filing a lawsuit in court.

There is nothing difficult in the process of registering disability of group 2 and benefits, it only takes time. Documents should be submitted directly to the disabled person, or to a person representing his interests on legal grounds.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are allocated at the regional and federal levels. The constituent entities of Russia have the right to provide the disabled population with additional benefits and privileges that do not contradict federal law.

Disability of the 2nd group is determined and issued in the conclusion of a special social medical commission. For its passage, the referral is issued by the attending physician or hospital. Also, a disabled person himself has the right to write an application for its passage. Disability group 2 includes people with the following pathologies and diseases:

  • disproportionate parts of the body;
  • anatomical deviation in the structure of the head;
  • violations of the organs of hearing, senses, vision;
  • speech and voice disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • loss of tactical sensitivity;
  • violation of the circulatory system;
  • deviations in the respiratory organs.
These people need social protection and rehabilitation. But at the same time, this group is considered to be an able-bodied part of the population.

What benefits a Russian citizen of the 2nd disability group has is spelled out in the legislation of Russia and the regions. They can be classified according to various criteria. By territorial jurisdiction:

  • federal;
  • regional;

By way of getting the final result:

  • monetary;
  • natural product;
  • discounts;
  • advantages over others.

Depending on the moment of receipt of incapacity for work:

  • disabled children;
  • working disabled people;
  • persons who received deviations in health during military operations;
  • citizens by general illness.

Depending on these classifications, additional benefits are added to the basic benefits, which are provided only for this category of disabled people.

federal benefits

They are provided for all disabled people in Russia and are paid from the federal budget. Of the cash payments in 2019, they are entitled to:

  1. Pension provision. It depends on the category of the disabled person and whether he has dependents. So, disabled children in Russia this year receive 9010.73 rubles, and people who received their disability not from childhood and do not have work experience, 4959.85 rubles.
In the presence of seniority, the pension will be accrued on the basis of the funded part of the pension, but not less than 4805.11 rubles. If there are dependents on support: 3 people - 9610.21 rubles; 2 people - 8008.51 rubles; 1 person - 6406.81 rubles.
  1. Monthly payment. Can be issued upon application in kind:
  • voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • medicines prescribed by the attending physician;
  • free public transport.

In the absence of an application, it is issued in monetary terms in the amount of 2123.92 rubles.

  1. An additional payment in cases where the total amount of all monetary compensations per month is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region where the disabled person lives.

Disabled citizens are entitled to receive discounts:

  • utility bills in the amount of 50%;
  • for combustible mixtures, if there is no heating in the house 50%;
  • overhaul of apartment buildings 50%;
  • social taxi in the amount of 50%;
  • for medical supplies 50% only for working disabled people;
  • notary fees 50%;
  • reduced land tax.

In addition to these discounts, persons with disabilities have the right to claim the following services free of charge:

  1. To provide housing, if he does not have it or it does not meet sanitary or technical requirements, or he lives with non-relatives or a seriously ill person. This right can be exercised by allocating funds for living space or providing specific housing at the rate of 18 square meters per person.
  2. For non-working disabled people, it is provided to receive medicines.
  3. Prosthetics of the necessary limbs and obtaining special shoes.
  4. Sanatorium treatment, if it was not received in monetary terms, and travel to the sanatorium and back.
  5. Travel by public transport, excluding taxis and private shuttles.
  6. Removing the tax burden on a car whose power does not exceed 100 horsepower.
  7. Removing the tax burden on the ownership of residential space.
  8. Free filing of a statement of claim in court with a claim amount of less than 1 million rubles.
  9. Admission to educational organizations of a secondary special and higher educational degree with good passing exams, regardless of the competitive basis.
  10. Children of disabled persons, provided that both parents are disabled, are entitled to two meals a day at school.
  11. Working disabled people have the right to special conditions of work and rest on the basis of legislation and an individual program for their rehabilitation.
This is the main list of benefits and privileges that all disabled people of group 2 are entitled to apply for, subject to the provision of a medical examination report.

Different regions of our country have different economic and social infrastructure. In this regard, equal conditions in the same regions may be experienced by persons with disabilities in completely different ways. Therefore, federal legislation has allocated the right of a local municipality to create additional benefits for the disabled population of its region.

In Moscow and the Moscow Region, local legislation granted disabled people of the 2nd group the right to:

  • free parking;
  • free social worker;
  • using a landline phone.
  • free suburban transport;
  • preferential and preferential receipt of special medical procedures in medical institutions of state education.

The procedure for applying for benefits

To obtain the legal right to receive and use the established benefits, disabled citizens must comply with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Passing a social medical examination to establish a disability group. This examination must be periodically carried out within the time limits established by physicians to monitor the physical condition of a person and determine the degree of his disability.
  2. Obtain a medical opinion.
  3. Submit an application and prepare the necessary package of documents for each body that is granted benefits.

The main authorities to which you need to apply:

  • Pension Fund;
  • tax office;
  • social organs.
The priority task of the regions is to protect the rights of people with disabilities and control compliance with established benefits and benefits. In the event that a violation of the rights of a disabled citizen is revealed, regional authorities should act in a timely manner and call the violator to account for their actions.
Not all people with disabilities of various degrees in Moscow are aware of the benefits they are entitled to. Learn the law and save!



Benefits when traveling on all types of public transport in Moscow (except for taxis) and on public vehicles in rural areas in adm. district at the place of residence is provided to the visually impaired of the 1st and 2nd groups, who do not have two limbs or with paralysis of 2 limbs.

A privilege was granted - a 50% discount for travel on intercity lines of air, railway, river and road transport from October 1 to May 15 and once (round trip) at any other time of the year. Groups 1 and 2 have the right to travel free of charge once a year to the place of treatment (round trip). The exemption also applies to the person accompanying on the road and. 1st group.


According to the document of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994. N 890 "On State Support for the Development of the Medical Industry and Improving the Provision of the Population and Healthcare Institutions with Medicines and Medical Products" Inv. 1st group, as well as non-working 2nd group. This benefit is provided completely free of charge. The right to purchase dressings and other medical products is also provided free of charge, but only after receiving the conclusion of the ITU Bureau. The workers of the 2nd group, recognized as unemployed, can buy medicines and medical products with a 50% discount on doctor's prescriptions.


Free vouchers and other free benefits of sanatorium treatment can be received by non-working inv. in the social security authorities. Vouchers are provided with the conclusion of a medical institution.

A separate solution: the provision of free benefits - vouchers to citizens who were recognized as inds of the 1st group for the first time. Vouchers must be provided at least once during the first 3 years after disability status. This category has the right to purchase a ticket for travel to the place of treatment and back with a 50% discount. This right is used by people recognized as in-mi of the 1st group after the entry into force of the decree of October 2, 1992. From January 1, 1997, the provision of spa treatment occurs as follows:

They enjoy the right to spa treatment in accordance with a strictly individual rehabilitation program with benefits.

Inv. The 1st group is granted the right to receive the 2nd voucher for an accompanying person.

The unemployed, as well as those who are in stationary social care institutions, are given vouchers for treatment free of charge by the social security authorities.

Employees receive preferential vouchers at the place of work at the expense of social insurance funds.

Free benefits for disabled people of groups 1 and 2 in Moscow


Remember that those who have not refused the social package in favor of money have the right to use the listed benefits (the amount of compensation is approximately 2000 rubles per month).


Orthopedic products are made to order and are issued by the prosthetic and orthopedic industries of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, and dentures - by medical institutions of health care. Eye prostheses, hearing aids are produced by medical industry enterprises and are issued in medical institutions. Ordering and issuing these products is prescribed in the Instruction "On the procedure for providing the population of the Russian Federation with prosthetic and orthopedic products, vehicles and means that make life easier for Indians" (order of the Ministry of Security of the RSFSR of February 15, 1991). For needy citizens due to a general disease, limb prostheses are supposed to be issued free of charge, orthopedic shoes are issued depending on the category of equipment and the complexity of the product (it can be complex and uncomplicated) - free of charge or with partial or full payment. The same document also regulates the procedure for providing disabled people with bandage and other products and hearing aids, as well as the warranty period for them and repairs.

Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 10, 1995 N 694 "On the sale of prosthetic and orthopedic products": established the preservation of the procedure for free provision of prosthetic and orthopedic products by enterprises inv., Inv. children, etc. Sale of prosthetic and orthopedic products for the disabled, disabled children and others in excess of those issued by the state free of charge, occurs with a 70% discount.

For the manufacture of a complex prosthesis, the i-lead can be located in the hospital of a prosthetic and orthopedic manufacturing enterprise. In such a situation, a working disabled person is entitled to a sick leave allowance for the entire stay in this hospital and for the time of travel to the hospital (round trip).

Free dental prosthetics can be used inv. labor of the 1st and 2nd groups.


Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups have the right to be enrolled out of competition in a secondary and higher professional state or municipal educational institution, subject to the successful completion of the entrance exam, if only this training is approved by a medical certificate. inv.-students are provided with a scholarship, additional material and other assistance.

For investors who require special conditions for receiving vocational education, special educational institutions of various types and types or conditions in ordinary educational institutions have been created. Vocational training and vocational education of disabled people is carried out in accordance with state educational standards based on training programs for disabled people (Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation").

State educational authorities are obliged to provide students of foreigners free of charge or at a discount with special manuals and literature, as well as the opportunity to use the services of sign language interpreters.

Disabled students

1) Enrollment in addition to the competition under the conditions of successful passing of exams (i.e. upon receiving a positive assessment) in the state. arr. institutions of secondary vocational education and state. and municipal arr. institutions of higher vocational education are accepted:
children-inv. and inv. 1 and 2 groups, which, according to the conclusion of the federal. institutions of medical and social expertise, training in these institutions is in no way contraindicated,
citizens under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of the 1st group, if the family income per capita is below the subsistence minimum established in the subject of residence of the Russian Federation (Article 16 of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education").

2) Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to repeatedly receive benefits - free vocational education in the direction of the state employment service, in a situation where it is impossible to work in a profession, specialty, in case of an occupational disease (a-c 2nd paragraph 7 of article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266- 1 "On education").

Students-inv. 1 and 2 groups, orphans, children without parental care - the scholarship is increased by 50% (part 3 of article 16 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ "On higher and postgraduate professional education").

DISABLED 3 groups. Privileges

Exemption from taxes on the property of individuals (inventory of childhood - exclusively) in accordance with Article 4 of the Fed. Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection in the Russian Federation".

Exemption from the registration fee for individuals engaged in entrepreneurship (only for young children).

Exemption from the fee for an order for an apartment (only for in. childhood).

Exemption from tax in for a car equipped for the use of inv-in, for a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, obtained from the social security authorities by law.

Disabled people of the 3rd group, recognized as unemployed, are entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines, medical products, dressings on prescription.

Provision of medical care free of charge or at a discount

Free benefit - providing the necessary technical means of rehabilitation and recovery, prostheses, etc.

50% discount in paying for housing (in the houses of the state, municipal and public housing stock) and communal apartments (does not depend on the ownership of the housing stock), and in residential buildings without central heating - fuel purchased within the established norms.

The right to additional living space (a separate room) in accordance with the established list of diseases. This right should be taken into account when registering to improve living conditions and providing premises in the houses of the state or municipal housing stock. Residential additional space is not recognized as redundant, it remains paid in a single amount. Attention!!! the wording in the law reads as follows: “Disabled people can be provided with premises for living under a social lease agreement with an area exceeding the norm for 1 person (no more than 2 times), provided that they have severe forms of chronic diseases approved in the list of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Preservation for 6 months of housing for him in the houses of the state, municipal or public housing stock in case he is placed in a stationary social service institution.

The right of the first stage to receive land plots for individual housing construction and dacha (subsidiary) farming.

Creation of working conditions in strict accordance with the rehabilitation program. It is unacceptable to establish in employment contracts (wages and regime, rest time and duration of paid leave, etc.) conditions that worsen the position of an employee-inv-da in comparison with others.

Annual leave - at least 30 calendar days

On the basis of a written application, leave without pay - up to 60 days a year.

Overtime work, work on weekends and at night - only with the consent of the disabled person, provided that these works are not prohibited to him by the recommendations of doctors.

Exemption from paying insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, the OBS Fund (for inv.-entrepreneurs and those receiving pensions on inv.). Today, the wording is as follows: "During 2011-2019, reduced insurance premium rates are applied for insurance premium payers specified in paragraph one of part 1 of article 5 of the Federal Law: for insurance premium payers who make payments and other benefits to individuals who are disabled 1st, 2- th or 3rd group - in relation to these payments and remunerations, for public organizations of the disabled, for organizations whose authorized capital consists of contributions from any public organizations of the disabled and in which the average number of disabled people is at least 50%, and the share of the salary of disabled people is not less than 25%, for institutions established to achieve educational and cultural, health-improving and physical culture and sports, scientific and informational, as well as to provide legal assistance to people with disabilities, children with disabilities and their parents, the sole owners of whose property are public organizations disabled people (with the exception of insurance premium payers engaged in production or lysis of excisable products, mineral. raw materials, other minerals, as well as goods in accordance with the list of the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of all-Russian public organizations of the disabled).

A single tax deduction is provided - 500 rubles. for a month of the tax period when paying tax on the income of individuals (for inv. childhood) in accordance with document 28, article 218. The wording is as follows: "When determining the tax base in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 210 of the Tax Code, the payer has the right to receive standard tax deductions:

3000 rub. per month of the tax period. Valid for categories of taxpayers: disabled - military personnel who have become inv. 1, 2 and 3 groups in case of injury, concussion or injury received in a situation of protection of the USSR, the Russian Federation or others; or inv., which arose as a result of an illness associated with being at the front, with partisan activity, as well as other categories of inv., equated in pensions to the above categories of military personnel.

tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles per month of the tax period valid for the following categories of taxpayers: in. childhood.

In addition to everything, 3 groups are entitled to a free benefit for:

Cash compensation 1000 rubles. per month (disabled post-vaccination complications).

Cash compensation - 50% of the sum insured already paid under the contract of compulsory civil insurance. responsibility for vehicles through the social security authorities. The wording is as follows: "Disabled persons (including disabled children) who have transport for medical reasons, as well as their legal representatives, are provided with compensation of 50% of the insurance premium paid under the compulsory insurance contract."

Repeated receipt of vocational education free of charge in the direction of the state employment service in case of impossibility to work in the specialty due to disability.

For a citizen to be officially recognized based on the results medical and social expertise(ITU) a disabled person of group 2 in the manner prescribed in, he must be diagnosed with moderate impairments of certain body functions. As a result, a citizen is forcedly limited in his ability to move, orientation in space, communication, learning and work.

Diseases, as a result of which a patient can be assigned a 2nd group of disability, include:

  • Mental disorders and disorders.
  • Violations of voice and speech formation.
  • Deterioration or complete absence of vision, tactile sensitivity.
  • Circulatory disorders, respiratory function.
  • Various deformations of body parts.

In order for a patient of a medical institution to be referred to the ITU, his attending physician prepares a conclusion, which must indicate:

  • What is the current state of health.
  • What body functions and to what extent are impaired.
  • In what state are the compensatory capabilities of the body.
  • What rehabilitation measures have already been taken in order to restore the identified health disorders.

The direction for the passage of the ITU can be issued, in addition to medical institutions, social security authorities and the PFR department, but in each case, a medical report on the nature and causes of the disease is required. The positive opinion of the ITU is required to be confirmed annually. Also approved is a list of diseases, the official diagnosis of which gives the right to assignment indefinitely.

Pensions for disabled people of the 2nd group

Help for disabled people of the 2nd group, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of the 2nd group, are provided by the state in the form of a monthly payment 3 different types of pensions:

In order for a disabled person of group 2 to be officially assigned, you will need to comply immediately two conditions:

  1. The presence of the conclusion of the ITU and the assignment of 2 groups of disability.
  2. Work experience (minimum 1 day).

Failure to comply with both conditions leads to the appointment of only a social disability pension. Disability insurance pension is paid to citizens when they reach the age 55 years(women) or 60 years(men). The third type of disability pension is state, it is received by disabled people of the 2nd group of the following categories in sizes:

  • military personnel: due to military injury 250% of the amount of social pension, due to illness in military service - 200% of the amount of social pension.
  • Citizens affected by: 250% of the amount of the social pension.
  • : 200% of the amount of the social pension.
  • Awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad": 150% of the amount of the social pension.
  • astronauts: 85% of earnings.

The amount of pensions for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019

The amount of payments is regularly indexed and increases. The date of the procedure and the amount of the increase vary depending on the type of pension paid.

The size of the monthly fixed payment to the disability insurance pension has increased by 7.05% since January 1, 2019. At the same time, the cost of one pension point increased:

  • basic part of the pension 5334.19 rubles.
  • For each dependent RUB 1777.27.
  • Retirement point value - RUB 87.24.

Social pension 2 groups in 2018 grew in April by 4.1%. Its size is fixed and is:

  • Disabled - RUB 5240.65
  • Disabled since childhood - 10481,34 rub.

State pensions also increase from April 1 at the time of the growth of the calculated indicator, which is the social pension. Its value is 5240.65 rubles.

Social benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

In addition to pensions and, the state provides assistance to disabled people of group 2 in the form of provision. The list includes:

  1. The right to free or preferential travel on a single ticket (the cost is 200 rubles) on any type of municipal transport (taxi is an exception), as well as suburban traffic. From October 1 to May 15, disabled people of group 2 can get a 50% discount on trips on intercity public transport lines, and for the rest of the year one free trip back and forth to the place of treatment.
  2. Education is provided out of competition, and all disabled students of the 2nd group receive a scholarship.
  3. Exemption from paying property tax.
  4. Exemption from the payment of transport tax on a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, granted to a disabled person by the social security authority.
  5. When calculating the land tax rate, the price of the plot (according to the cadastre) is reduced by 10 thousand rubles.
  6. Tax deduction of 3000 rubles. monthly for disabled people of the 2nd group, participants in the Second World War, 500 rubles. monthly disabled people of the 2nd group and disabled children.
  7. 50% discount for notary services;
  8. Exemption from the payment of state duty when applying to the court with a claim in the amount of less than 1 million rubles.
  9. Assistance in obtaining legal assistance.
  10. Assistance in providing appropriate care for the disabled.

Housing benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

At the place of their official residence on legal grounds (confirmed by registration), disabled people of the 2nd group enjoy housing benefits:

  1. Disabled people and families with disabled children of group 2 enjoy a 50% discount on and on rent, regardless of who owns the occupied premises. The same is true for maintenance fees. Even if the disabled person is not the owner of the premises, but lives in it legally and receives receipts in his name, he is entitled to a discount.
  2. Assistance in the priority obtaining of land for housing construction.
  3. Housing subsidy.

When placing on a waiting list for housing, a disabled person of group 2 has priority, all measures must be taken to meet his needs, but the procedure for placing and receiving is determined in each case individually within the framework of local legislation.

Medical care for disabled people of the 2nd group

Working disabled people of the 2nd group each year, upon application to the social security authority, draw up 50% discount to purchase a voucher for a spa treatment recommended by the attending physician, as well as to pay for a trip by any type of public transport (but not a taxi) to the venue and back. For non-working disabled people of the 2nd group, a voucher and travel are provided annually free of charge.

Employed and unemployed disabled people of the 2nd group receive medicines by prescription in a pharmacy with a 50% discount. All necessary medicines are provided to non-working persons in pharmacies free of charge.

Prosthetics and dentures for medical reasons are provided for free.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Disabled people of the 2nd group receive benefits - monthly cash payment(EDV). On the ground, payments are established and carried out by the branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the basis of applications from citizens, supported by the appropriate package of documents.

Disabled people of the 2nd group (including children with disabilities) from 02/01/2019 are paid monthly - RUB 2,678.31 Also, disabled people of the 2nd group can refuse the approved list of social benefits and receive financial compensation(NSU). In 2019 - 1121.42 rubles. Indexation from February 1, 2019 will be 4.3%. The list of benefits includes:

  • Provision of medicines and drugs according to doctor's prescriptions in the amount of 863, 75 rub.
  • Voucher for medical indications for sanatorium treatment - 133.62 rubles.
  • Payment for tickets to the place of treatment and back - 124.05 rubles.

When, due to a disability of group 2 acquired and confirmed by the ITU, an employee can no longer perform his job duties, the employer dismisses him in accordance with the wording “due to the impossibility of performing his job duties”.

The employer is obliged to pay not only wages and vacation pay, but also an allowance in the amount of the employee's two-week average earnings, calculated on the average daily wage for 12 months at this enterprise and multiplied by 14 days.


The state, represented by social security agencies, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other executive authorities, provides support to disabled people of the 2nd group, by:

  • Providing social benefits.
  • Financial assistance in the form of pensions and benefits.
  • Assistance in providing medicines, housing, preferential travel in transport.
  • And a whole host of other measures.

Assistance is provided on the basis of the acquisition of the social status of a disabled person of the 2nd group, and can also be targeted. A disabled person of the 2nd group, who finds himself in a difficult situation, always has the right to apply for humanitarian assistance on an individual basis to the local social security authorities.

The most popular questions and answers to them on social support for disabled people of the 2nd group

Question: Does a disabled person of group 2 have the right to provide him with a free car, and what documentation is required for this?

Answer: Those disabled people of the 2nd group, who stood in line for a free car in the social security authorities before 01/01/2005, really had such a right. However, from 01.01.2005, cars were excluded from the official list of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Now, instead, a monthly cash payment is due in accordance with