Semolina porridge for a baby: how to prepare it correctly? Semolina porridge for babies.

Many generations have grown up on semolina porridge. There is a category of children under the age of one year for whom semolina can only cause harm. To benefit from the product, you need to study the effect of semolina on the body, know the recipe for preparing the dish and the timing of introducing complementary foods.

Semolina is particles of ground wheat. You can find cereals on store shelves different sizes. But its composition will be the same and similar to the composition of wheat. It contains a lot of microelements (phosphorus, potassium, iron) and vitamins, including vitamin E and B vitamins. Semolina contains only 1% fat and 70% starch, which is so necessary to maintain energy in the body. During the grinding process, fiber disappears almost completely, so the product is easily and quickly absorbed by the child’s body.

If you choose a recipe and prepare the dish correctly, then this porridge will be of great benefit to children over 10 months old.

  1. Folic acid normalizes the nervous system.
  2. Silicon improves the condition of teeth, making them strong and durable.
  3. Vitamin E promotes physical and mental development.
  4. Semolina, getting inside the body, envelops the mucous membrane. This relieves spasms and inflammation.
  5. Potassium and magnesium improve heart function.

Semolina cooks quickly. When preparing it, all nutrients are preserved. But you need to know from what time to introduce the product into the child’s diet, since there are also disadvantages:

  • Semolina contains a lot of phytin and phosphorus, which wash calcium from the bones.
  • Excessive consumption of semolina leads to constipation in a child.
  • This porridge interferes with the intake of vitamins, especially vitamin D, into the body. Therefore, it is impossible to feed semolina porridge often.
  • Contains protein - gluten. Cereals that contain such protein are not recommended for children under one year of age. Gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and allergies to it are common.
  • The protein gliadin can interfere with absorption nutrients intestines.

Semolina porridge must be cooked in milk. A child aged 6 months should include only water-based porridge in his diet. Therefore, you should not rush to give semolina until 11 months.

In order to reduce the phytin content to a minimum, it is necessary to heat the cereal for at least two minutes.

The right time for the first feeding

Mothers are wondering at what time to start complementary feeding with semolina. Experts do not recommend giving semolina porridge too early. Intestinal tract A child under one year old does not produce an enzyme that can break down gluten (protein). As a result, the intestines will stop absorbing nutrients. The child will begin to develop slowly, gain weight poorly, anemia develops and bowel movements are disrupted.

It is impossible to completely exclude the dish from the diet of children. In moderation, and if no allergies are detected, semolina will only bring benefits to babies. How many times a week can you feed semolina porridge? 1-2 times a week is enough. At what month should you start giving porridge? It is best to offer it at 11-12 months, when digestive organs get used to other types of cereals. It is at this age that enzymes begin to be produced that can digest food.

Like anyone else New Product, semolina porridge is introduced gradually. How many grams does the product start to produce? You need to start with one teaspoon in the first half of the day. The dosage is gradually increased. As a result, a child should eat no more than 150 g per day. Only at 3 years old can semolina be given in unlimited quantities.

For the first time, children under one year old should cook porridge with milk and water in a 1:1 ratio, or completely with water. As the baby gets used to the dish, the percentage of water is reduced and gradually switches completely to dairy preparation.

How to make a successful purchase

Semolina needs to be selected and stored correctly. The semolina is poured into a glass container, tightly closed and stored in a dark room for no more than 10 months.

  • It is best to buy cereal in a box. It indicates the expiration date and manufacturer.
  • The cereal in the box should be placed in sealed transparent bags. This way you can control the composition and structure of the content. The mass is free-flowing, without black spots.
  • It is best to choose semolina for children made from durum wheat.
  • The white color of semolina indicates that it is made from soft varieties wheat, and cream-colored - from durum.

Rules for preparing tasty and healthy porridge

You need to cook liquid porridge, this is how it is more easily absorbed by the body. The finished porridge can be poured into a bottle.

Recipe for semolina porridge on water for children over 8 months

Semolina in water is tasteless for babies, but you can add other products to it, for example, raisins, dried apricots, jam.

To cook tasty, healthy porridge with water for children, you need to correctly calculate the ingredients.

Pour water (300 ml) into a container and put on fire. When the water boils, add the cereal (2 tablespoons). Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. You can add a pinch of salt and sugar, since without milk the taste of the porridge will be bland. If the recipe calls for dried fruits, they must first be washed and soaked in water. Then add, for example, raisins (100 g), close the lid and let it brew for 10 minutes.

  1. 1 Recipe for semolina porridge 5% with milk and water for a child aged about one year

To cook liquid porridge, pour a glass of water into a pan and add a little salt. When the water boils, add 2 teaspoons of cereal. How long will it take to prepare? Cook for at least 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Separately, heat the milk (about half a glass) and add it to the mixture. You can add a little sugar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. The calorie content of the finished dish is 340 kcal. The calorie content of the dish increases if you cook the porridge with milk.

  1. 2 Recipe for semolina porridge 10% with milk and water

To cook this porridge for a baby, you need half a glass of milk and the same amount of water. When the liquid boils, slowly add 1 tablespoon of cooked cereal. The mixture should be constantly stirred to prevent the formation of lumps. How long does it take to cook the dish? The time required to prepare semolina porridge is about 20 minutes. After this add half a glass warm milk and a few grains of sugar. Bring to a boil again.

  1. 3 Recipe for porridge in a slow cooker

Add half a glass of cereal and sugar to the bowl. Pour in 1.5 cups of water and two cups of milk. Put butter. Set the desired mode. How long does it take to cook a dish in a slow cooker? You need to cook the porridge for 10 minutes, stirring several times.

You can add berries or fruits to the finished dish. At first, it is not advisable to add sugar and salt.

To ensure that the dish turns out without lumps, you should use a strainer or a bag made of paper. With the help of these devices you can slowly pour in the cereal. In boiling liquid, semolina must be stirred vigorously.

No matter how much the baby loves this type porridge, it should not be given to him too often. All available contraindications should be taken into account. By choosing the right recipe, choosing the cereal and taking into account all the cooking rules, you can only get benefits from the product.

As the baby grows, mothers begin to introduce various cereals into his complementary foods. First of all this healthy cereals that do not cause an allergic reaction: buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. But this recently popular semolina causes a mixed reaction, because many believe that it contains very few useful substances. When can you give your child semolina porridge and is it worth it at all? And in what form can you cook semolina other than porridge?

The benefits and harms of semolina

Semolina is produced from wheat through very fine processing. Therefore, it has many beneficial properties of this cereal. Thanks to the large amount of carbohydrates, porridge is very nutritious, and due to its very fine consistency, it is digested much faster than other cereals.

Semolina is also useful because it contains vegetable proteins, some vitamins, fiber and mineral components. Many mothers note the advantage of this porridge as the speed of preparation.

But this dish has many disadvantages, so the benefits of semolina porridge for children are questioned.

  • It contains fewer vitamins and minerals, so the nutritional value significantly lower than many other cereals.
  • The gluten protein contained in this cereal is very difficult for children to digest. digestive system. It is also often the cause of allergies.
  • Phytin, present in semolina, impairs the absorption of iron and calcium, which can harm the child’s body. It is because of this harm that doctors recommend not giving semolina to your baby until a certain age.
  • Glyodine can interfere with intestinal function, which also causes harm to health.
  • The high calorie content of porridge brings little benefit. If you regularly add it to complementary foods, your baby will quickly gain excess weight.

At what age should you start feeding semolina?

On the question of how long it is possible to give semolina to a child, the opinions of experts differ. But the majority agree that before the child reaches the age of 6 months, you should not introduce this cereal into complementary foods, since the benefits of it at this age are less than the harm. But then the recommendations sound different.

Some pediatricians, when answering the question of when you can start giving semolina to a child, call the age of 7 months, provided that the baby is healthy and has no problems with the digestive system.

Other doctors, when answering the question “what time?” They say the age is 10 months if the baby has no allergies, and when there is one, the introduction of this porridge into complementary foods is postponed until a year.

But at the same time, only when the baby reaches the age of 3 years, pediatricians recommend giving him semolina porridge more often, and before that limiting the consumption of this cereal. Until the age of three, other cereals will benefit more, and semolina should be given only occasionally to diversify the menu.

For healthy and well-fed children, it is better to start giving it as late as possible.

Dr. Komarovsky in his videos also pays attention to semolina porridge, the issue of its benefits and harms for a child, and is inclined to think that this dish is healthy for children. He notes the ability of semolina to swell very much, which leads to a prolonged feeling of fullness for the baby. Therefore, Komarovsky advises introducing porridge into complementary foods in evening time for those little ones who often wake up at night from a feeling of hunger.

How to introduce semolina into your diet

After parents have decided at what age they give semolina porridge to their children, it is necessary to understand how and how much to introduce it into the baby’s complementary foods. Like all new products, cereals are added to the diet little by little and with caution.

For the first time, the baby is given just one spoonful of porridge during breakfast, and then the body’s reaction is observed throughout the day to see if there are any signs of allergies.

The main symptoms to look out for are:

  • the appearance of a rash or other skin disorders, such as blisters or pimples,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • bowel problems such as diarrhea or constipation,
  • irritability,
  • increase in temperature.

If no suspicious manifestations were observed, then the next time you decide to give your baby semolina, the portion can be increased to two spoons. In this way, the dosage is adjusted to what is needed at this age.

How to choose semolina in a store

If an adult has low-quality cereals, it may not lead to negative reaction body, then you should be more careful when choosing foods for your baby. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • It is better to give preference to cereals made in accordance with GOST, so you can be sure of the quality of the product.
  • Marking T means that the product is made from durum wheat, and TM means from a mixture of soft and hard wheat.
  • It is advisable to choose transparent packaging, since in this case the cereal itself is clearly visible. The shade should be creamy, the consistency should be uniform, and there should be no suspicious inclusions.
  • The cereal must not be expired.
  • The manufacturer does not have of great importance, if all other points are met. But if you have a favorite manufacturer, then it is better to give preference to it.

How to cook semolina for babies

When you can give your child semolina porridge, you should pay attention to the method of preparing the cereal. You should not add salt when cooking porridge, as it is not healthy for your baby. It is recommended to cook the cereal in a mixture of water and milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. And only over time begin to cook the dish only with milk.

  • Liquid in the amount of 200 g is brought to a boil.
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina are poured into it slowly and gradually with continuous stirring.
  • The temperature on the stove decreases and the porridge cooks for a couple of minutes with continuous stirring.
  • The pan is removed from the heat, and various additives can be added to it if necessary.

If you have little experience in preparing semolina, then the cereal can be pre-diluted in a small amount of water, so lumps will not form.

What supplements are acceptable for babies?

Depending on the method of preparing semolina porridge, it possible benefits and harm to the child may vary. Also, various additives will help diversify the taste of the porridge so that the baby eats it with pleasure.

For small child The following additives are acceptable if you are not allergic to them:

  • pieces of berries or fruits,
  • raisin,
  • jam or jam,
  • yolk, mashed with sugar.

From all these additives you can make a decoration for porridge so that your baby eats it with interest. For example, lay out various pictures using pieces.

You can also cook semolina not in water with milk, but in vegetable broth or with the addition of fruit juice.

There is no need to additionally tell parents why semolina porridge cooked in this way is beneficial for children.

Other cooking methods

Most adults remember that as a child they did not like semolina porridge. Even well cooked and without lumps, it looks very unappetizing. Therefore, parents are looking for other options for preparing semolina so that it is not only healthy for the child, but also tasty.

Semolina and carrot soufflé

Semolina porridge prepared in this way looks better, but at what age can children use this soufflé? Pediatricians recommend introducing it into the diet from about 1 year.

For 2 glasses of water, take 60 g of semolina, 100 g of carrots, an egg and 5 g of butter. For sweetness, you can add sugar, honey or jam. Carrots can be replaced with pumpkin or apples if desired.

  • Porridge is cooked from semolina and water according to the recipe above.
  • The egg is divided into white and yolk.
  • The yolk is ground with sugar and then added to the cooked porridge. This is where the oil is put.
  • The carrots are peeled and finely grated, then added to the porridge.
  • The white is whipped and added to the dish.
  • The resulting mass is laid out in a greased form and baked in the oven for half an hour. It can also be prepared in a double boiler or in a water bath.


These baked goods are recommended to be given to children from the age of three, since not all components are useful for younger children. To prepare, you will need semolina, sugar and kefir in equal proportions. For the standard form, you will need to take one glass of these ingredients. You also need 2-3 eggs and baking powder or soda. To make manna even more useful, you can add dried fruits, berries or something similar to it.

  • The cereal is poured with kefir, after which it is left to infuse for about half an hour.
  • Eggs are beaten with sugar and added to the swollen cereal.
  • Add a teaspoon of baking powder or half a spoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar.
  • The dough is poured into a greased form and placed in the oven for 30–40 minutes until a golden crust appears.

There are other options for preparing semolina that your baby will appreciate. For example, cutlets made from this cereal with various additives. Or potato soup with semolina dumplings.

Most modern parents are quite educated, so they do not experiment with the nutrition of a newborn. The diet of a child in the first months of life is not varied - it is either breast milk or adapted milk formulas, and if the baby does not have allergies, problems with the child’s nutrition usually do not arise. As society seeks to return to healthy image life, long breast-feeding is very popular. But even if there are no problems with breast milk at a certain stage, the mother thinks about introducing complementary foods (for parents of artificial infants, the question of introducing complementary foods arises earlier, since formula is not able to satisfy all the needs of the growing child’s body).

If this question did not cause any difficulties for our grandmothers and they usually started giving semolina porridge, then today there is no clear opinion among doctors and specialists about the dangers and benefits of semolina for infants. There are also different opinions about when you should give your baby semolina for the first time and what products should not be used as complementary foods for children under one year old.

Beneficial properties of semolina and its negative effects on the body

Complementary foods begin to be introduced after 6 months. Not so long ago, pediatricians recommended starting complementary feeding with juices (they considered it especially useful carrot juice) and a baked apple, then add fruit and vegetable purees, and only then porridge. Many mothers still use these tips, but since the enzyme system in babies is not perfect and it is difficult for a child to digest such food at this stage, many doctors advise starting complementary feeding with cereals.

And the first porridge that my mother remembers is semolina.

Although many consider semolina to be absolutely useless, this cereal has a number of advantages. It contains:

  1. a large number of squirrel - building material human body, especially necessary during the period of growth
  2. 70% consists of starch, which serves as a source of energy for the body
  3. vitamins E, B1, B2, B9 and PP
  4. minerals necessary for the child’s body (potassium, calcium, magnesium,
    sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc.)

In addition, semolina porridge cooks quickly, so it practically does not waste beneficial features as a result of cooking.

The undeniable advantages of semolina porridge include its satiety - this is very important point for those mothers whose children no longer get enough breast milk. Switching to formula milk after 6 months is not always advisable, especially when the child is actively interested in the food that the parents eat.

Semolina porridge also has disadvantages - semolina contains:

  1. Phytin, which has a beneficial effect on the liver and exhibits antioxidant properties. The properties of this salt are similar to those of vitamins, but phytin reduces the calcium content in the body
  2. Gluten (gluten). It is advisable not to give cereals containing this protein to children under one year of age, as sometimes the following occurs: a) gluten intolerance (celiac disease); b) allergy to gluten. Moreover, what earlier child meets potential dangerous product, the more likely you are to experience allergic reactions due to intestinal immaturity
  3. Glyodine, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines
  4. Semolina interferes with the absorption of iron and vitamin D

Experts' opinions on the presence of semolina in a child's diet

The opinions of doctors and nutritionists about whether semolina can be given to a baby as complementary food are often contradictory. Most doctors recommend starting complementary feeding with buckwheat and rice porridge. And cereals containing gluten should be introduced into the diet after 8 months in small portions.

Gastroenterologists believe that it is generally undesirable to give semolina to infants, since gastrointestinal tract babies are not yet ready for such food, and it is recommended to gradually introduce semolina after the first year of the child’s life, when the enzyme system becomes more perfect.

Since semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium, and for children infancy Calcium is necessary, you should not get carried away with semolina porridge. Even if the child tolerates it well, you can feed children semolina no more than once every week and a half.

Watch a short video by the famous doctor Komarovsky about semolina porridge.

For children over one year old, semolina porridge is valuable product nutrition, but it should be given in limited quantities up to 3 years.

At the same time, semolina added to baby formula promotes speed dial weight, so pediatricians often recommend semolina for babies after 8 months if they are underweight.

Since infants should not be given whole cow's milk, the recipe for semolina porridge should include water (1 to 1).

Complementary feeding should start with a teaspoon, and then give regular mixtures, gradually increasing the amount of complementary feeding in the absence negative reaction on the product. Over time, one feeding can be completely replaced with porridge, and by diversifying the menu, the mixture can be completely abandoned. If your baby doesn’t like the dish the first time, don’t rush to add sugar—children’s intestines also don’t digest carbohydrates well.

If a child develops a rash or other signs of an allergy after introducing complementary foods, the product should be excluded, and in the case of semolina, the baby should be checked for gluten tolerance.

How to cook delicious semolina porridge for your baby

Every mother and even many fathers know the recipe for semolina porridge, but not everyone knows how to cook porridge so that the baby likes it. Some adults remember with a shudder the semolina porridge of their childhood - the thick and frozen mass (especially if the porridge is cooked in water) or the foam found in the liquid porridge does not make these parents want to cook semolina for themselves or their children. But the secret of preparing porridge with a uniform consistency is very simple, so everyone can learn how to cook sweet semolina porridge without lumps.

Any recipe allows you to cook porridge without lumps if:

  1. add semolina gradually
  2. Immediately stir the cereal in boiling water or milk

If you find it difficult to pour the cereal from a spoon, you can use a paper funnel bag - this way the cereal will fall into the pan in a thin stream.

Recipe for semolina porridge for babies

Porridge cooked with milk will be more satisfying and tasty, but the recipe for a dish for infants is different from the recipe for porridge that is cooked for children after one year. For one serving for a baby you will need:

  • 100 ml milk and water;
  • 2 teaspoons semolina;
  • one teaspoon of sugar.

Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil, and then the semolina is poured in with constant stirring. You need to cook the semolina in water for about 10 minutes (without stopping stirring, otherwise the cereal will gather in lumps), and then add milk, add sugar and bring the porridge to a boil. Semolina porridge for infants should be liquid (sometimes called 5%), since it is easier for a child of the first year of life to digest such food. Liquid porridge can be poured into a feeding bottle.

Children over one year old can cook porridge from big amount decoys. The cooking recipe does not change, only the proportions change.

  1. Add a tablespoon of semolina to ½ cup of water
  2. Cook the cereal over low heat with constant stirring for 20 minutes.
  3. Then sugar and hot milk are added
  4. The porridge is brought to a boil and removed from the heat
  5. When the dish is ready, add about 5 grams if desired. butter

A lot can be said about the usefulness of semolina in a baby’s diet. It is rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, so it is administered to all children. But at what age can you give your child semolina porridge? In what form will it be useful and in what form harmful, how to prepare it correctly? We will answer these and many other questions in our publication.

Beneficial features

Why is semolina so useful for a child? And the main advantages in its advantages, among which can be noted:

  • It contains about 65% starch, also protein, vitamins and many minerals that contribute rapid development and the growth of the little man.
  • During cooking in a pan, semolina does not lose its beneficial qualities.
  • Like puree, porridge is very quick to prepare - approximate time The product is ready in 7-10 minutes.
  • It is an energy-intensive food, as it contains only 0.2% fiber.

Despite the usefulness of the product, it is still too early to cook porridge for a 3-month-old child. But if the mother is impatient and wants to feed her child this dish, then this must be done with extreme caution and in small quantities.

Harm of semolina porridge for the body of children

What is the danger of the product and why should you not give semolina porridge to a child under one year old? And it's all about her chemical composition containing the following substances:

  • Gluten, which can cause dysbacteriosis or other allergic reactions in the form of a rash on skin(redness, rash, peeling), and also digestive disorders (stool disorders). That’s why pediatricians recommend starting the first feeding with semolina carefully, observing the baby’s body’s reaction throughout the day.
  • Fitin- prevents the body from absorbing crumbs of minerals such as calcium, iron, as well as vitamin D. But they play a role important role in the development of the musculoskeletal system, and thereby serve as prevention against rickets.
  • Glyodine- a substance that causes necrosis of intestinal tissue.

From what month can children have semolina porridge as complementary foods?

You can start introducing semolina into a child’s diet without any fear at the age of 1.5-2 years, and even better, from 3 years. For the first few months, the product should be monocomponent, without the addition of oil, salt and other ingredients. If the baby has problems with intestinal disease, then this dish should be postponed until a later date.

The problem is especially acute with the introduction of porridge into complementary foods for children whose bodies are not yet ready to receive this food. Most children's pediatricians say that it is possible to give semolina porridge at this age, but in a very limited amount, 1 teaspoon, and no more than 2 times a month. It can also be diluted with ready-made infant formula to improve taste.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend cooking porridge for children after learning about corn, buckwheat and rice porridge, as well as vegetable purees that do not contain gluten. And if this component is not scary for adults, then for babies it is too dangerous, as it can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Like other products, semolina porridge in a child’s menu after one year is more appropriate than starting complementary feeding with it at 6 one month old. This is due to the nature of the work digestive tract babies. And to be precise, the intestinal enzyme system, which is already formed closer to the year and is ready to digest heavier food.

How to cook properly. Semolina recipe

Each housewife may have her own favorite recipe for making semolina porridge for a baby. It can be borrowed from grandmothers or found on the Internet. But not every mother knows how to cook a tasty and tasty dish without lumps, foam and not too liquid, which children of any age will like.

You can quickly cook semolina for your little one in the following way:

  • Pour into a clean saucepan artesian water(250 ml), children who do not gain weight well can be prepared with milk, in the same proportions.
  • Bring to a boil, then add 3-4 teaspoons of cereal.
  • Cook semolina porridge for 5-7 minutes (it all depends on the type of cereal) over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Pay attention to its consistency - it should be without lumps and not too thick.
  • Remove from heat, let it cool and you can offer it to your baby.

If a mother doubts when she can give her baby semolina, or if there are concerns about his health, it is better to consult with your doctor or undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.

For kids who are 1.5-3 years old and older, you can add a piece of butter, a pinch of salt and sugar to taste to the semolina porridge. These supplements are not recommended for one-year-old children.

6 month old children. Mothers followed these recommendations. As a result, several generations of children grew up frequently eating this product. However, in last decades the views of pediatricians and gastroenterologists have changed dramatically, and semolina porridge is no longer considered a food suitable for feeding young children.

Essentially, semolina is ground wheat.

Semolina consists of small particles of the endosperm of wheat grains, in other words, semolina is ground wheat. The size of the grains varies between 0.2-0.6 mm. Semolina is obtained from soft, hard and mixed varieties of wheat. Only soft grains are suitable for porridge. “Hard” cereals are added to soups, cutlets, casseroles, etc.

Composition of cereals

Semolina contains more than two dozen useful components necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

For 100 g of semolina there is:

  • 67.4 g of carbohydrates (the main part of them is starch);
  • 14 g water;
  • 10.3 g protein;
  • just one gram of fat.

Semolina also contains ash substances, vitamins (PP, E, B2, B6, B1, folic acid), trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, etc.).

However, when compared with other cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), it turns out that in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins, semolina “loses” to them by 3-5 times.

Beneficial features

Semolina porridge is easily absorbed by the child's body and has a high energy value. Thanks to fast way all the preparations available in it useful material are preserved unchanged.

Semolina porridge is considered a dietary dish:

  • in children and adults;
  • at ;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • V recovery period after surgery.

However, pediatricians and gastroenterologists recommend introducing semolina into the diet of healthy children only after one year. Children 1-3 years old are allowed to include this porridge in the menu once every 10 days (no more often!). Schoolchildren can eat this dish 2-3 times a week.

Benefits of semolina:

  1. Strengthening of cardio-vascular system due to the presence of magnesium and potassium.
  2. and folic acid normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Silicon and calcium strengthen the condition of the skeletal system.
  4. The carbohydrates in semolina porridge are quickly absorbed, satiating children's body energy.
  5. Semolina porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach, enveloping its walls and relieving spasms, etc.

Harm of semolina porridge for a child

For children school age It is allowed to eat semolina porridge 2-3 times a week, for preschoolers - less often (1-2 times every 7-10 days).

According to recent studies, semolina porridge can be harmful to a child for several reasons:

  1. High phytin content. This substance “binds” calcium, preventing it from entering the blood. An insufficient amount of calcium salts is compensated by the body from bone and muscular systems. In other words, if you regularly feed your child semolina porridge, the risk of developing calcium deficiency increases. This could have a negative impact on everyone's work. internal organs. In some cases, there is a disruption in the functioning of the heart muscle, a deterioration in blood clotting, and the appearance of signs of rickets and convulsions. Negatively affects frequent use semolina porridge and on the activity of the immune system.
  2. Semolina contains a large amount of gluten - vegetable protein. Increasingly, gluten intolerance is being reported in children (). This disease is usually inherited and is characterized by thinning of the intestinal mucosa and impaired absorption of nutrients. Pathological symptoms It is not gluten itself that causes the disease, but one of its fractions, gliadin. Regular entry of this substance into the gastrointestinal tract leads to the death of intestinal villi. As a result, the child develops digestive problems and develops gastrointestinal diseases (, etc.). Even children who do not have celiac disease can develop a gluten allergy.


Rules for preparing semolina porridge:

  • Boil 200 ml of water.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of cereal into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

The optimal ratio of semolina and water is 1:10.

  • Cook the porridge for 7-10 minutes.

Important! Semolina porridge cannot be digested, since all the beneficial substances are absent in the digested product.

  • Add 100 ml of hot milk, salt, sugar, dried fruits, butter to taste.

You don’t have to add dried fruits, but mix the finished porridge with mashed banana, grated banana or pear.

Summary for parents

Semolina porridge should not be given to babies under one year of age. Children from 1 to 3 years old can consume this dish to a limited extent. Semolina will not cause any harm to schoolchildren. But for a number of diseases, this porridge is indispensable as a dietary dish.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky speaks about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge for children: