Vitamin e capsules for use during pregnancy. Vitamin E for pregnant women: benefits and possible risks

Its other name is tocopherol. Its participation in the activities of the body is enormous: an important role in metabolic processes, acting as an antioxidant, gives the “stop” command in the formation of blood clots, participates in strengthening the walls of capillaries, immunity.

But the most important role he plays in reproduction, that is, in the ability to reproduce and procreate. If there is not enough tocopherol in a woman's body, the work of the ovaries in women is disrupted, and in men it leads to abnormal spermogenesis.

For women who plan to become mothers, vitamin E is simply priceless: it is involved in maintaining the balance of hormonal levels - the egg matures faster, which contributes to early ovulation.

A woman should have a supply of it at the time of conception, so that fertilized egg successfully attached to the wall of the uterus, and the embryo developed normally.

Vitamin E during pregnancy is involved in the formation of the so-called child's place, promotes the blood circulation of the mother and child. It synthesizes the hormone prolactin, which provides lactation after the birth of the baby.

As a rule, doctors prescribe tocopherol to all expectant mothers in the first half of pregnancy, because it helps to preserve it, prevents spontaneous abortion, saves hormonal balance.

Vitamin E capsules

There is no need to take it in this form if you are able to provide yourself with natural tocopherol-rich, ecological products in the right amount.

However, practice shows that it is better to take tocopherol in the form of medicines. First of all, it's simple: no need to calculate the right amount of tocopherol in different products - just take a pill. And then, not always a pregnant woman can afford to eat fully - for example, during toxicosis. Both methods can be combined when tocopherol is ingested both through food and in the form of a medicine.

Just reduce the dose of the drug. Reception synthetic vitamins it is better to do it at dinner - for the fastest absorption into the body. Vitamin E during pregnancy is perfectly absorbed with fatty foods.

Basically, tocopherol is found in plant foods, and it is also rich in egg yolks, liver, milk. And more: mango, peaches, sea buckthorn, avocado, bran, broccoli, spinach, etc.

Dosage, compatibility, side effects

Vitamin E capsules are coated with a special fatty film, as it is fat soluble. It is usually prescribed 300-400 milligrams daily. The dose is determined by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics pregnant: he can increase it or vice versa, but the body needs no more than 1000 mg per day.

And in the practice of medicine, there were cases when women themselves took very a large number of tocopherol, and this led to the formation of defects in the fetus.

Vitamin E during pregnancy is very important and necessary, but it should be taken only as directed by a doctor, who must also establish the duration of the course. At long-term use means an overdose is possible, since it tends to accumulate in the fatty tissues of the body. Therefore, if a pregnant woman discovers an allergic reaction, skin rashes, diarrhea, nausea, weakness, - you should stop taking the synthetic vitamin.

I do not take tocopherol during pregnancy along with iron preparations, since these elements are incompatible.
The same requirement must be adhered to in nutrition: foods containing iron and those enriched with vitamin E should be taken at different times.

The role of vitamins while waiting for a baby cannot be overestimated. All the resources of a woman's body are spent so that she can bear a child for 9 months, maintain health and strength for childbirth. Even a varied diet cannot provide the body with all useful substances, since they are rarely used in food raw foods, and the technology of preparation is usually associated with heat treatment. For the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, the body especially needs vitamin E. It is important to prevent an overdose, since its excess is harmful to the baby's body.


The role of tocopherol in the body during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vitamin E (tocopherol) is necessary, as it prevents the appearance of cramps, improves muscle elasticity, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen. Tocopherol plays an important role as an antioxidant, protecting the tissue cells of a woman's body from damage by peroxide compounds (free radicals). These substances are formed as a result of exposure to toxins (herbicides that are processed herbal products, and toxic substances present in air and dust). Free radicals are formed in the body also under the influence of ionizing radiation, some medicines and other unfavorable factors.

The substance is involved in the processes of formation of hormones that provide normal work reproductive system, promotes the production of progesterone and estrogen. Estrogens are necessary for the normal maturation of the egg and its preparation for fertilization. And thanks to progesterone in the uterus, the embryo is fixed, the placenta is formed, which provides nutrition and blood supply to the developing fetus.

In addition, vitamin E during early pregnancy is taken to prevent miscarriage. Pregnant women often experience varicose veins due to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Tocopherol is taken to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

It is necessary for the formation and growth of fetal muscles, its vascular system and heart muscle, participates in the development respiratory system. An increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen contributes to the formation of prolactin. This hormone regulates the process of lactation in a woman's body after childbirth.

Video: The role of vitamin E in the body. Which products have the most

Complications with a lack of tocopherol

As a result of a lack of vitamin E during pregnancy, the following complications may appear:

  • the threat of abortion at an early stage;
  • increased blood pressure and the appearance of edema in the third trimester;
  • sharp deterioration conditions of the skin, hair, nails;
  • muscle pain, cramps.

Note: It is a fat soluble substance. In the body, it is absorbed only together with animal or vegetable fats. Therefore, for better absorption of vitamin E during pregnancy, low-calorie diets are unacceptable.

What is the danger of excess vitamin E

Accumulation of the substance in the adipose tissue of the body can lead to an overdose. With prolonged use shock doses vitamin E during pregnancy, the following appear Negative consequences:

  • congenital pathologies of development in a child;
  • disorder nervous system in a woman;
  • due to increased elasticity muscle tissue it is impossible to use tocopherol at the end of pregnancy, as premature birth;
  • deterioration of the kidneys and liver;
  • long-term use of large amounts of this drug leads to a deficiency of vitamins A, D and K.

Vitamin E is not taken simultaneously with preparations containing iron salts; at least 8 hours should elapse between taking such substances. Iron compounds destroy this substance.

Synthetic vitamin E is taken during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Subsequently, food becomes its main source.

Daily intake of vitamin E

During childbearing recommended daily rate is 15 mg / day, however, in case of a threatened miscarriage, convulsions in the 1st trimester, the doctor may prescribe 100-200 mg / day or more. When prescribing a dose, it is taken into account that the synthetic vitamin is not fully absorbed. safe standard, not causing symptoms overdose, the use of 300 mg / day of tocopherol is considered.

Physiological need for vitamin E in women

What foods contain vitamin E

It should be borne in mind that a significant part of the vitamin is destroyed during frying, so pregnant women should consume unrefined vegetable oil for making salads. Rancid butter does not contain tocopherol. The main part of it enters the body with plant food. Meat, liver and fish contain small amounts of the vitamin.

Product Vitamin E content (mg/100 g product)
Wheat germ oil 49.4
Almond oil 39
roasted seeds 36.3
Cottonseed oil 35.3
Almonds, nuts 30.8
Mayonnaise 30.0
Red pepper 29.8
Spices, curry 22.0
Soya 17.3
Peanut 10.3
Egg 10.1
Dried apricots 5.5
Olives 5.0
Sea ​​buckthorn 5.0
Grained caviar, beluga 4.0
Rose hip 3.8
Bread coarse grinding 3.8
Chocolate 2.9
Liver 1.3
flounder, herring 1.2
meat beef 0.57

Video: How to take vitamins during pregnancy

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women

The following vitamin complexes intended for use during pregnancy. Vitamin E is also included in their composition:

  1. Complivit Mama (Russia). A single dose contains 12 mg of vitamin E.
  2. Alphabet Mom's health (Russia) - 20 mg.
  3. Elevit Pronatal (Switzerland) - 15 mg.
  4. Pregnacare (Britain) - 20 mg.
  5. Femibion ​​(Austria) - 13 and 25 mg.
  6. Vitrum (USA) - 22 mg.

All these complexes contain vitamins A and C, which contribute to better absorption of tocopherol. The drugs are taken with or after meals so that the stomach is full, otherwise their effectiveness will be small.

In addition to vitamin E, complexes for pregnant women also contain folic acid, which is necessary for the growth of the fetus, the formation of its nervous system, hematopoietic organs, and biotin, a substance that improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism. This helps to maintain normal skin, nails and hair, which deteriorate during pregnancy. Preparations containing vitamin E and indicated during pregnancy differ in the content of such supplements, as well as minerals(calcium, zinc, copper and others). Which drug to choose, the doctor should advise.

Video: Why pregnant women should drink vitamins

Features of vitamin E and its functions

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble biologically active substance with antioxidant properties. Its name is of Greek origin and translates as "tocos" - birth, "phero" - to wear. "And indeed, this vitamin helps the expectant mother endure healthy baby. The role of tocopherol in reproductive process was first discovered in 1922, when a white rat was diagnosed with reproductive problems due to beriberi E.

Vitamin E performs a number of functions:

  • acts as powerful antioxidant(protects cells from the damaging effects of free radicals);
  • improves reproductive function women and men;
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • ensures normal blood clotting and fast healing wounds;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves protective functions organism;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • promotes better nutrition cells;
  • enriches the blood with oxygen;
  • strengthens the myocardium;
  • supports normal condition nerves;
  • serves as a cancer prevention and cardiovascular diseases;
  • protects blood cells from toxins;
  • participates in the formation of collagen;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • takes part in the biosynthesis of proteins;
  • provides skin elasticity;
  • strengthens hair and nails.

The effectiveness of tocopherol increases in combination with other substances. Thus, vitamin C significantly increases the protective effect of vitamin E against cancer. The combined effect of folic acid and vitamin E during pregnancy is considered effective.

The role of vitamin E in pregnancy planning

Vitamin E helps to get pregnant. It improves the reproductive function of women and men, and also normalizes the work of their gonads. The substance has a positive effect on the nervous system and protects against stress.

Why pregnant women need vitamin E:

  • for education and further development placenta;
  • takes part in the formation of the respiratory system of the child;
  • supports normal hormonal background;
  • supports the calm course of pregnancy;
  • gives the skin protection from stretch marks and rashes;
  • stimulates the production of prolactin (the hormone responsible for lactation);
  • protects the fetus from negative impact;
  • improves blood flow between the body of mother and child;
  • provides optimal conditions for the development of a child with circulatory disorders and hormonal disruptions;
  • has a positive effect on the growth and development of the fetus.

Vitamin E in early pregnancy prevents the threat of miscarriage, providing best conditions for bearing a baby. In addition, he takes part in the formation of many internal organs and systems.

The action of vitamin E in the first trimester of pregnancy is to protect the baby from negative effects, ensure proper maturation of the placenta, improve the condition of the vessels of the placenta and prevent abruption.

In the second trimester, tocopherol helps to ensure the normal course of childbirth and affects the future weight of the baby. It reduces stress and allows a woman to feel calm.

In the third trimester, vitamin E is not prescribed, as it can provoke premature birth due to its ability to make the uterus more elastic.

Natural sources of vitamin E and daily intake during pregnancy

For ordinary person The daily requirement for vitamin E is 20 mg. But during pregnancy, the dosage can vary from 200 to 400 mg. The exact dose is determined by the doctor. The maximum allowable amount is 400 mg (prescribed if there is a risk of miscarriage in the early stages).

How much vitamin E to drink during pregnancy:

  • in the first trimester - 2 times a day before meals (the doctor prescribes the dose and time of admission, the norm is 200-400 mg);
  • in the second trimester - 1 time per day on an empty stomach (in combination with various minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc). Mostly taken in the morning;
  • in a month, you need to take tests so that the doctor determines whether or not to drink vitamin E further (in the last stages of bearing a child, most often it is no longer prescribed).

The main source of tocopherol is food. You need to pay attention to your diet. The table will help you figure out which foods contain vitamin E:

Together with fatty foods, tocopherol is absorbed better. It is recommended to season the green salad with olive, linseed or sunflower oil. Of the products of animal origin, eggs, liver, beef, milk and dairy products contain the most tocopherol.

Features of taking vitamin E capsules

Often vitamin E in the form of capsules is prescribed for early pregnancy. The doctors justify it useful properties and direct participation in the development of the egg. Thanks to tocopherol, the embryo is properly and firmly fixed in the uterus. It is involved in the formation of the placenta, as well as many organs and systems of the baby. The vitamin is often prescribed to couples planning to conceive as it enhances the fertility of both partners.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that the benefits of tocopherol during pregnancy are overestimated. Some doctors claim that vitamin E, on the contrary, can cause complications, namely:

  • increase the risk of stillbirth;
  • cause low birth weight in a newborn;
  • increase the risk of health complications in the baby;
  • increase the risk of developing heart disease in the newborn.

Opponents of vitamin E during pregnancy believe that the evidence for its benefit is very scarce and it should not be prescribed to all expectant mothers. In any case, the need and norm of vitamin E during pregnancy is determined by the doctor. You can not self-medicate, use capsules more than expected and neglect the rules for taking them. Without additional use vitamins are indispensable if:

  • there is no opportunity to fully eat;
  • the body experiences chronic beriberi;
  • a previous pregnancy was terminated or the fetus developed abnormally;
  • in the presence of diabetes.

How to take vitamin E capsules during pregnancy:

  • do not use capsules without the knowledge of a doctor;
  • strictly adhere to the rules of admission and recommendations of the doctor;
  • combine the use of vitamins with proper nutrition;
  • vitamin E capsules should not be taken with iron (at least eight hours must pass after taking tocopherol, after which you can eat food or take iron supplements).

The best preparations with vitamin E

You can fill the lack of vitamin E with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, including a complex of vitamins and minerals. The instructions indicate how many tablets to take and when:

A drug Peculiarities Instructions for use
Vitamin E 400-Zentiva Helps with problems with conception, prevents pathologies of embryo development and congenital anomalies fetus. Helps reduce the risk of miscarriage. A more expensive analogue of the drug is Vitrum. 400 IU The daily dose is determined by the doctor depending on the patient's condition and the problem to be solved. For example, with the threat of miscarriage, take 0.1 g once or twice a day. The capsule is swallowed completely without chewing. Take after meals and drink enough water
Elevit Pronatal Contains vitamins E, , , , , , , , B12 and a number of minerals. Suitable for pregnant women, as well as when planning conception and after childbirth, during breastfeeding. Reduces the risk of developing neural tube defects and other complications in the newborn, reduces nausea and vomiting on early stages pregnancy. Boosts immunity, supports normal growth and fetal development, prevents the development of anemia Take one tablet daily at morning time without chewing. Drink one glass of water. In case of nausea in the morning, the tablet should be taken in the evening.
Lumi Aevit Vitamin E + Retinol Contains vitamins A and E. Improves metabolism, protects future mother from stretch marks and different kind rashes. Supports a smooth pregnancy and normal development of the fetus. Boosts immunity and improves skin condition. It is prescribed during the first trimester and during lactation Take one tablet daily. The approximate course is 30-40 days
Pregnawit Contains vitamins E, A, D3, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, and a number of minerals. It is prescribed during pregnancy and after childbirth. Supports a smooth pregnancy, strengthens immune system. Protects the fetus from negative effects and ensures its normal growth and development Drink one capsule per day. Do not chew. Drink some water

Contraindications and overdose of vitamin E

Prescribing vitamin E to pregnant women is very cautious. The substance accumulates in the body, so uncontrolled intake of drugs with tocopherol can cause an overdose. At the same time, there are the following symptoms:

Contraindication to taking vitamin E - individual intolerance. It should also be used with caution if:

  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hemophilia;
  • kidney failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Uncontrolled intake of tocopherol in large doses can provoke a deviation in the development of the fetus.

Why is vitamin E deficiency dangerous?

In case of deficiency, you need to drink vitamin E during pregnancy. Lack of tocopherol can provoke anemia and active breakdown of red blood cells. The expectant mother will feel constant fatigue, general weakness, lethargy and apathy.

With a lack of vitamin E, pregnancy can cause a future mother negative emotions, stress or depression. The deficiency of the substance is reflected in appearance. The skin begins to fade, loses elasticity. There may be dark spots. The condition of hair and nails worsens.

A lack of tocopherol can cause muscular dystrophy, disorders in the work of the heart, fatty liver. Vitamin deficiency reduces sex drive and negatively affects the reproductive capabilities of men and women. Interferes with conception and can cause infertility.

An insufficient amount of tocopherol during pregnancy can disrupt the formation of the placenta and cause complications in the development of the fetus.

The benefits and harms of tocopherol

Vitamin E is often prescribed for problems with conception. It has a positive effect on reproductive system women and men. Tocopherol normalizes the work of the sex glands, stimulates the maturation of the uterus and helps in the treatment of ovarian dysfunction.

Vitamin E during pregnancy ensures the normal development of the placenta, participates in the laying of the respiratory organs of the fetus, reduces the risk of miscarriage in the early stages of bearing a child. Vitamin improves the functioning of the nervous system, protects the expectant mother from stress and depression. It has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman and fetus.

Do not forget about the possible Negative influence tocopherol can. It tends to be deposited in the fatty layers and the liver, which can lead to an overdose. Excessive amounts of vitamin E can cause serious negative consequences:

  • congenital deformity and pathology of the fetus;
  • violation of the liver and kidneys of the expectant mother;
  • disorder of the nervous system of a woman.

Similar side effects may appear when uncontrolled intake tocopherol. It is necessary to consult a doctor and use this or that drug only according to his prescription.

Many experts note the benefits of vitamin E when planning pregnancy. It increases the activity of male spermatozoa and stimulates the reproductive functions of a woman, as a result of which it is possible to conceive a healthy baby. It is recommended to include foods rich in vitamin E in the diet, and in case of tocopherol deficiency, take additional vitamin preparations.

No need to self-medicate, increase the prescribed dosage or violate the doctor's prescriptions. This can negatively affect both the condition of the mother and the child. Reviews of mothers about the vitamin are varied. Some point to the benefits of taking tocopherol, some point to the lack of visible results.

Vitamin E for pregnant women is useful in that it promotes the development of the placenta, improves the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, protects the expectant mother from stress and supports the normal development of the fetus. Tocopherol is found in many unrefined oils, nuts, and liver. Expectant mothers can take vitamin E only after consulting a doctor. Basically, tocopherol is prescribed during pregnancy planning, in the first and second trimester. At the end of the day it is no longer needed. Read more about vitamins during pregnancy in the video below.

Vitamins during pregnancy are a vital component: for both the mother and the fetus. Vitamin E during pregnancy - who has not heard about the importance of taking it? That's what we're talking about today.

We are living in difficult times. Stress, hectic rhythm of life, unimportant ecology, poor nutrition - all this does not contribute to good health of people. The value of the products we eat is low. This is especially noticeable for women who are expecting a baby. After all, during pregnancy, the need for vitamins, trace elements and nutrients increases significantly. A huge part of the “reserves” of the mother’s body is taken by the gestating fetus.

Vitamin E during pregnancy is vital element, without which gestation healthy child just impossible. Moreover, without this vitamin, conception itself is impossible!

Vitamins during pregnancy take an active part in the formation and development of the fetus.

So why should you drink vitamin E during pregnancy?

The name of vitamin E is interesting. It is called: “feminine”.

Curiously, in translation from Greek the word “ferro” means to wear, and the word “tokos” literally translates as “birth”. Without vitamin tocopherol (vitamin E), it is simply impossible to conceive and bear a healthy child!

Why is vitamin E so important during pregnancy?

We list the main properties of tocopherol:

  • The ability to improve the transport of oxygen (which is very important for the body of a pregnant woman, whose need for oxygen increases significantly).
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  • Prevents seizures (especially lower extremities, a frequent complaint in pregnant women, especially later dates gestation and with a large fetus).
  • Significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails (reduces brittle hair, dullness, strengthens nails, prevents skin flaking).
  • Restores menstrual cycle in women (which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the ability to conceive).
  • Promotes the maturation of the infantile (underdeveloped) uterus.
  • It is prescribed for a late start of the menstrual cycle.
  • Appointed in complex treatment ovarian dysfunction (in which conception is very difficult).
  • It is prescribed for treatment as a means of increasing reproductive function.
  • Promotes better job gonads in both women and men.

Vitamin E during pregnancy is a necessary component for bearing a child. Especially it concerns early dates pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is especially high. Therefore, vitamins during pregnancy are prescribed to women by a gynecologist in without fail. Without vitamin E it is impossible normal formation organs of the unborn child (for example, this vitamin is involved in the formation of the respiratory system of the unborn child).

How does vitamin E work during pregnancy?

  • Helps prevent miscarriage at the earliest possible date.
  • Participates in the formation of organs and systems of the fetus.
  • Helps restore normal hormonal levels.
  • Improves maturation of the placenta.
  • Regulates the work of the placenta (including blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta).
  • Prevents placental abruption and other dangerous disorders.
  • Participates in the production of the hormone prolactin (without it, normal lactation is impossible, that is, milk production).

How to use vitamin E during pregnancy?

The dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy is a very important issue.

Many women believe that the more vitamins they take during pregnancy, the better. This is an erroneous opinion. An overdose of any vitamins is very dangerous, both for the unborn child and for the mother herself.

Keep in mind that tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin. And we know that during pregnancy a woman gains weight, that is, she accumulates adipose tissue. Therefore, if tocopherol is used in the wrong dosage, it will accumulate in the body and this is dangerous.

Another important factor: an overdose of tocopherol leads to greater muscle elasticity of a pregnant woman, and this does not contribute to a good labor activity. Therefore, every pregnant woman should be aware that vitamin E in late pregnancy is prescribed only by a qualified gynecologist only for appropriate indications. It is impossible to drink tocopherol on your own, and, moreover, in your own prescribed dosage. Vitamins during pregnancy are prescribed only by a qualified gynecologist, under the supervision of a woman who is expecting a baby.

What is the daily dose of vitamin E during pregnancy?

The dosage of vitamin E is about 20 milligrams per day. All dosages of all drugs are usually indicated in international units (IU). But it is worth considering that synthetic vitamins are less well absorbed by the body, so the dosage of synthetic vitamins is greater, it can be 100 mg, 200 mg. and even 400 mg. (this is determined by the doctor). But most importantly: daily dosage vitamin E should not exceed 1000 mg.

1 IU is:

0.67 milligrams of tocopherol;

1 milligram tocopherol acetate.

Most gynecologists prescribe vitamin E to their patients during pregnancy.

For a long time, this practice was considered the standard scheme.

But in recent times some experts said: according to the results clinical research revealed, this vitamin may cause irreparable harm to the child.

How can a future mother figure out who is right?

E or tocopherol

Vitamin E has the medical term tocopherol.

Translated from the Greek language, "tokos" means "birth", and "ferro" is translated "to wear". By combining the two parts, we get a completely natural one - helping the birth, and, more simply, helping to bear the baby.

The name itself speaks for itself for what purpose doctors prescribe it during pregnancy.

Most obstetricians and gynecologists agree that the preparation of the body for conception, gestation and childbirth should begin in advance, preferably at least 5-6 months before conception.

A woman needs to be examined, check the level of hormones in the blood, to identify the presence of STDs.

It occupies a separate place laboratory analysis called blood biochemistry. A detailed version will help identify the flaw the right substances and trace elements that are vital for the full development of the child.

This is how it is determined how much E is contained in the body, and its daily dosage is determined, which is necessary in each case.


Vitamin E is indispensable and has a completely unique effect on a woman's body during pregnancy:

  • Improves oxygen transport to all organs and tissues.

How important is this process?

How large quantity oxygen receives the body of the mother and baby, the less likely the occurrence of such a condition of the fetus, which is called.

Specialists constantly monitor women in position, prescribing vitamin E, which reduces the risk of developing this pathology.

  • Helps reduce cramps that occur in the lower extremities.

They are one of the very unpleasant signs that accompany the process of bearing a child.

Vitamin will significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of their occurrence.

  • Actively prevents thrombosis.

The occurrence of blood clots is equally dangerous for both mother and child.

In some cases, there is an increased formation of blood clots, which can lead to blockage of the placenta and death of the child.

The more stable the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy, the easier it is for her to bear the baby.

  • Improves maturation of the placenta.

The maturity of the placenta, as well as the rate of its aging, determines how favorably the pregnancy proceeds.

Insufficient development or too rapid aging process are very significant reasons for concern and increased control over ongoing pregnancy.

  • Prevents placental abruption.

The process is the reason for placing a woman in a specialized medical institution for the purpose of constant monitoring. The doctor prescribes a set of measures, which include tocopherol in order to stabilize the condition.

  • Takes part in the production of the hormone prolactin.

The hormone is responsible for the preparation of the mammary glands, and subsequently stable lactation.

Then what are the concerns of some experts? Why did opponents of taking tocopherol appear, and what harm can it bring?


An excess of micronutrients can be no less detrimental to the baby's body than its deficiency.


  • leads to severe visual impairment
  • the formation of platelets is disrupted.

Separately, it is worth noting: exceeding the dosage leads to an almost complete cessation of the absorption of other vitamins!

It was this fact that caused the concern of doctors.

How much vitamin E do you need? The daily dosage is 10 IU

Are there signs of hypervitaminosis? Of course!

  • fast fatiguability,
  • apathy,
  • emerging problems with digestion should alert the woman.

Tell your doctor about your feelings.