Muscular dystrophy. Treatment of dystrophy with folk remedies

The fact is that I looked into the electron microscope and saw(depicted in white in the image) between muscle fibers(Red color).

On the picture: biopsy muscle fibers for mild (A), moderate (B) and severe myopathy (C):

On the picture: normal muscle fibers healthy person:

On the example of my patient who suffered. Emine's diagnosis: severe muscular dystrophy biopsy confirmed. Next, I will describe my approach to eliminating muscle weakness. I recommend watching a video on the treatment of progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Muscular dystrophy is a disease of a violation of the creation of a protein that creates the frame of a muscle cell.
  1. Holes form in the cell frame. These holes leak vital compounds and trace elements. To patch holes, the cell is forced to produce substances that are larger than these holes. The cell “swells up” from the inside, i.e. swells.
  2. Increasing edema puts pressure on the muscle cells from the outside, pushing the cell nuclei and mitochondria to the periphery.
  3. In the cell, the level of creatine phosphokinase increases and the muscle loses the ability to bind and retain creatine.
  4. Creatine is needed by the mitochondria for energy production in the muscle cell.
  5. Mitochondria decrease the production of ATP. ATP is the energy needed to run the motor proteins actin and myosin. No energy - no movement.
  6. Inside the muscle fiber, which is not moving, its own nutritional processes slow down.
  7. The fiber membrane begins to secrete enzymes and amino acids that are unnecessary to it without the function of movement. Therefore, the theory of “defective membranes” arose.
  8. During muscle movement, these enzymes and amino acids are needed. Their synthesis requires energy, which is not available. Therefore, there is muscle weakness.
  9. Atrophy of muscle fibers begins.


The disease muscular dystrophy begins with the development of weakness and atrophy of a certain muscle group. Over the years, the dystrophic process captures more and more new muscle groups. This happens up to complete immobility. The main symptom of myodystrophy is the defeat of the muscles of the pelvic, shoulder girdle and torso of the patient. The muscles of the thigh and the muscles of the shoulder are affected in severe cases, which was the case with the patient Emine: she could not get up without support and walk, even for short distances.

Muscular dystrophies bilateral

In the initial period, myodystrophy may predominate on the one hand, but as the disease develops, the degree of damage becomes the same in the symmetrical muscles of the patient. Over time, the course of the disease in almost all muscles decreases their muscle strength. On the body of the sick, suffering muscular dystrophy, areas of hypertrophic muscles appear. This is pseudohypertrophy, which is not associated with an increase in muscle fibers. Muscle pseudohypertrophy is associated with swelling in the muscles of the legs or arms. Such muscles are dense, but weak.

Forms of muscular dystrophy in adults

All figurative forms of the disease in question in adults differ:

  • types of inheritance;
  • the speed and nature of its course;
  • the presence or absence of tendon retractions and pseudohypertrophies;
  • the timing of the start of the process;
  • the originality of the topography of muscle suffering;
  • other signs of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Myopathy classification issues (chronic and progressive hereditary diseases muscles) are developed in different directions. Muscular dystrophy in adults is classified according to the type of inheritance:

  1. Autosomal dominant.
  2. Autosomal recessive.
  3. Dominant and recessive.
  4. Linked to the X chromosome.

Examination for myopathy

Clinical signs characteristic of muscular dystrophy are symptoms flaccid paralysis in different groups muscles of a sick person without signs of damage to motor neurons and peripheral nerves. neurologists the whole world can't explain it.

Doctor Nikonov

My opinion: protein swelling between the muscle fibers makes it impossible to move the muscles.

Ignorance of this phenomenon perplexes doctors all over the world: “How so? The muscle fiber is intact, not damaged. Motor neurons and peripheral nerves are intact, in their places and perfectly pass impulses coming from the brain to the muscles and from the muscles to the brain, but the movements are difficult?

neurologists ordered to do electromyography. And again, a mystery to them: there are no changes in the structure of the muscle fiber. A decrease in the amplitude of the M-response, increased interference and polyphasic potential indicates difficulty in muscle movement without any pathology!

Pathological anatomical picture of the disease

Let's take a look at what happens inside muscle cells in patients with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. To do this, we will make an incision in the skin, expand it with an expander and take a small piece of muscle fibers.

A typical sign of myodystrophy in the first place is a different diameter of muscle fibers. In a healthy person, the diameter of muscle fibers is the same.

Characteristic signs of muscular dystrophy are atrophied and hypertrophied fibers, multiple internal nuclei and edema.

Examining stained sections of skeletal muscle, I saw myofibril denervation, significant variation in myofibril size, and marked edema.

Explanation for the first photo:

  • Pale purple color - these are muscle fibers in the context.
  • Light spots both inside the fibers and outside are swelling.
  • Dark dots are the nuclei that the edema has displaced to the periphery.

On the second photo normal muscle fiber of a healthy person is shown.

The severity of muscular dystrophy According to electron microscopy, it focuses on the following indicators:

On the picture: muscle fiber biopsy for mild (A), moderate (B) and severe dystrophy (C).

  • average degree gravity corresponds to the movement of the nuclei to the center of the muscle fibers, the expansion of the interfibrillar space due to an increase in edema between the cells.

On the picture: muscle fibers in progressive muscular dystrophy medium degree gravity:

a) light purple muscle fibers;

b) light spots inside the muscle fibers - edema, pushing the nuclei from the center of the cell to the periphery;

c) dark dots - nuclei of muscle cells;

d) the arrow shows a muscle cell that cannot move due to a decrease metabolic processes, - darkens towards purple.

  • severe degree characterized by extensive foci of destruction of myofibrils, their fragmentation and disorganization, the appearance of a hyaline-like substance and edema between muscle cells. Functionally, such a tissue has a weak strength, fatigue quickly sets in and signs develop. muscle fatigue. The photo will be presented below.

This is the state of the muscles in Emine before contacting me:

Explanation for the photo“severe degree of muscular dystrophy”:

  1. Muscle fibers in the section are colored blue.
  2. Red dots are the nuclei of muscle cells.
  3. The edema is an uncolored white color.

Clinical picture of muscular dystrophy

The first sign of Duchenne myopathy in Emine was weakness. She began to tire with normal physical exertion. Emine's earliest complaints were:

  1. Fatigue when running, long walking.
  2. Emine began to fall frequently.
  3. Myalgia began to appear in the legs (pain in the muscles), sometimes in combination with painful spasms.
  4. Gradually walking became difficult.

Emine could not get up from a low chair without the help of her hands. When standing up, the woman resorted to the use of auxiliary techniques: “standing up with a ladder”, “climbing by oneself” - the Gowers technique. A few years later, Emine could not get up from her haunches without help. The patient was unable to climb stairs.

After my impact on Emine's muscles, she goes up to the 17th floor without the help of her hands, immediately takes the elevator down and goes up to the 17th floor again without getting tired!

Muscle atrophy develops mainly in the area of ​​the pelvic girdle, thighs (therefore, the effect on Emine's muscles according to Nikonov's method was directed to these areas).

muscles upper limbs begin to atrophy later. Emine said that she could not pour herself tea or comb her hair. Look at the results of the treatment of muscular dystrophy in the video below:

Hello "Grandma"! Over the years of my work as a doctor, I have repeatedly met with muscular dystrophy in both adults and children. In this disease, apart from drug treatment it is necessary to apply an extensive program folk methods. It is a pity that patients do not always fully comply with the doctor's prescriptions ... So, what should be done with this disease? First, treatment by a neurologist. Secondly, rub into the muscles freshly prepared butter. To prepare it, you need to hold fresh milk for some time in the refrigerator, then remove the neatly formed top from it and make butter out of it. You can even rub the tops themselves - this also helps. But they should be no more than three days old. You need to rub well, typing more oil into the palm The skin and muscles absorb it well. For this procedure, choose a sheet in which to wrap the patient. The massage is like this. First, 20 minutes (the time is given for adults, less for children) you need to rub the oil into the back, especially into the spine, then, for 5 minutes, from the bottom up behind the thigh. After that, also from the bottom up, rub the oil for 5 minutes on the back of the lower leg. When finished, move on to rubbing the oil into the other thigh, and then into the other shin. Rub in the same way from the bottom up for 5 minutes. After that, massage from the bottom up, rubbing oil, thigh in front. The procedure time is also 5 minutes. Proceed to a five-minute rubbing of oil from the bottom up into the shin and foot in front, then into the other thigh in front, and finish with the other shin and foot in front. Rub also 5 minutes from the bottom up. Rubbing is best done before 12 noon. Conduct at least 3 courses of such treatment. Rubbing should be done by someone close. Pass them through the day. You will see the result without a doctor. After the massage, you should lie down for at least 1 hour, wrapped in a sheet and covered. Then you can go outside, but be sure to wear cotton tights or trousers. Treatment should be within 20 days. It is very important to start treatment on the growing moon when it is in the first quarter. Most better days for this - Thursday or Saturday. Then take a 20 day break and repeat the treatment again. If it does not coincide with the phase of the moon, you can move to the side and start a little earlier or later. Both adults and children during the break should eat 2 boiled chicken legs daily (not legs, but legs with paws), drink broth from them. There should be little broth, that is, the legs should be boiled well. If possible, then part of the chicken can be eaten, since chicken meat is very useful for patients with muscular dystrophy. If the break coincides with the fast, then ask the priest for blessings on eating chicken meat, etc. You can be treated with bovine testicles (this has been written about more than once in "Grandma"), I myself prescribed such treatment. But it is expensive, because you need to “make friends” with the meat processing plant and agree that 2 bull testicles are left for you every day. All year round the patient should drink oat kvass. It is very tasty and is drunk with pleasure. True, you first need to get used to it and learn how to cook it correctly. To do this, collect a 0.5 liter jar of good oat grains, rinse the oats 3 times and pour into a three-liter jar. Add 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp citric acid and fill to the top with water. After 3 days kvass is ready. Drain it, add another 3 tablespoons to the jar. sugar ( citric acid do not add), again fill with water and prepare fresh kvass. And so 3 times. After that, the used oats can be given to the birds and kvass can be prepared with a new portion of grains. A patient with muscular dystrophy should eat year-round, as often as possible, millet or oatmeal. This helps to build mass and increase muscle strength. You can make pancakes from these cereals, cook soups with them, etc. You should eat a lot of foods rich in vitamins, especially group B. I usually prescribe Kvadevit vitamins to patients, which contain phytin. Carry out a course of treatment with eggshell flour. For this you need to take chicken eggs from chickens that walk freely, and do not sit in closed chicken coops, wash them with soap, break them up, use the contents for food, and dry the shell and make flour out of it. Post it thin layer on a plate, drip so many drops there lemon juice, how old are you, collect the resulting "peas" and take them. Do this daily in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed for 20 days. Be sure to take with lemon or other sour juice, otherwise the shell will not be absorbed by the body. Treat with faith in God, and He will help you!

Progressive muscular dystrophy is a disease that improper treatment or in its absence, can lead to a limitation of human life. The fact is that muscle atrophy reduces the volume and strength of movements, is the cause of paralysis and paresis. Exist different kinds muscular dystrophy, which can capture the muscles of the face, limbs of the shoulder or pelvic girdle. Muscle dystrophy is considered a type of atrophy, a slowly progressive disease. In our article, we will tell you about the treatment and symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy

Treatment of symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy

First of all, a patient with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy should do his own treatment as long as it is in his power to do it. physical exercise. Swimming in the pool helps a lot. Salt lakes and the sea are excellent help in the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy. Water contains trace elements and supports the body during treatment.

Well with progressive muscular dystrophy, professionals in the field of reflexology help. In particular, competent acupuncture methods can provoke regenerative processes, which allows you to save muscles from their degradation and degeneration during treatment.

Another method of reflexology in the treatment of symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy is the use of temperatures at certain points of the body. It also shows itself well in the course of the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Of course, traditional massage can also help maintain a rapidly weakening body trophism in the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Physiotherapy, especially with the use of electric shocks, can provoke muscle tone, and sometimes trigger a backlash, although this happens on early stages symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Actively for the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy began to use medical techniques. The drugs are aimed at stimulating growth muscle mass, sometimes they help to reduce the symptoms of a progressive process.

In addition, a patient with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy is strongly supported in terms of vitamins and essential trace elements during treatment. If suddenly something is not enough for such a sick organism, then this is negligence. It's a disregard for chance. Therefore, the introduction of vitamins does not stop.

Also, with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy, stimulant drugs are used for treatment. The patient is tired, he wants to lie down and rest. Stimulants are used to suppress this melancholy. It can be the usual ginseng, pink radiola, or there may be more serious drugs.

Treatment of progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy and its symptoms

The main treatment for progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy is aimed at maintaining the patient's muscle activity. The child is involved in sports to treat symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy. Physical exercise, aerobics, swimming, all this helps to reduce the rate of tissue degradation and degeneration. If you enter the patient into a permanent work mode, then this brings excellent results.

The problem is to force two year old overcoming weakness, jump, difficult. Therefore, a lot of physiotherapy is used for treatment. This is the impact of currents, magnetic installations, thermal and cold procedures.

Special place in the treatment of progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy, massage and reflexotherapy are given. These funds, with reasonable use, will help to keep the patient's body in good shape for a long time, but this is again the work and efforts of the patient and doctors.

Treatment of slowly progressive muscular dystrophy

At the first stages of the development of symptoms of muscular dystrophy, it is necessary to undergo electromyography. Moreover, the patient's family members should also take part in the examination. This allows you to identify hereditary pathologies and predict the intensity of the development of the disease in order to know how to treat it subsequently.

As such specific treatment no muscular dystrophy. But the patient is prescribed massage, vitamin therapy, electrical stimulation and other similar procedures for treatment.

It's important to lead active image life at the level of the possibilities that a person has. A positive effect on the condition of the muscles with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy has physiotherapy.

The body can be wiped daily with a cloth soaked in water for treatment. You should start with the chest, and then move on to the back and limbs. The procedure is carried out for 2 minutes, then wrapped in a sheet and kept in a warm room until the water dries. This improves muscle tone.

The above rubdowns for symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy can be performed for treatment using apple cider vinegar or mix it with water in a ratio of 1:1.

In combination with drug treatment of muscle dystrophy, which was prescribed by a doctor who knows how to treat muscular dystrophy effectively, prescriptions can be used. traditional medicine. For example, 1/3 of the jar should be filled with crushed angelica root, and the remaining 2/3 with vodka. This tincture is kept for 9 days, in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After the specified period, the tincture is filtered, and the resulting treatment is rubbed into the arms, legs, back and chest before going to bed, after wiping the body with water and warming it up. After the rubbing procedure, it is important to lie under the covers so that the body warms up. Similar procedure need to be performed daily for a long time with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy for treatment.

1-2 times a week for muscular dystrophy, you can take baths with Epsom salt(you can also use plain or sea ​​salt). For 100 liters of water, 3-5 kilograms of salt are required.

A positive effect on the condition of the muscles with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy is also provided by foot baths using decoctions of hay dust, oat straw, coniferous branches, birch leaves or burdock root. You can use contrast baths with water at room temperature or more. hot water(50-55 degrees).

With a competent approach to the treatment of muscular dystrophy, the development of the disease can be slowed down, ensuring working capacity for long years!

Symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy

Most often, the symptoms and signs of progressive muscular dystrophy appear with early age. Infants do not, but children aged 3 to 5 tend to exhibit symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy. In rare cases, progressive muscular dystrophy progresses after the age of five.

What are the symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy?

The onset of progressive muscular dystrophy is marked by symptoms: muscle weakness in the legs and pelvic ligaments. With symptoms of progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the baby quickly gets tired, begins to clubfoot, limp, prefers to raise his legs above body level.

AT further development, the muscles completely weaken and the child loses its support function, this is the main symptom of progressive muscular dystrophy.

The last of the external muscular skeleton to fail are the facial muscles.

Further degradation muscle tissue with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy, it affects the lungs, blood vessels, and sometimes the heart muscle. Completely treatment of progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy is not amenable to treatment. However, it is possible to extend the working life of a patient with symptoms of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Healing muscular dystrophy with butter

It is important to keep in mind that, in addition to healing with honey products and observation by a neurologist, it is also necessary to use traditional means. One of the most effective is rubbing butter into the muscles.

Cooking butter is painfully simple: fresh milk is left for a number of days in the refrigerator, the tops are removed and butter is made from them. You can also rub the tops themselves no more than 3 days old.

It is necessary to rub the oil painstakingly and abundantly, then wrap the patient in a sheet, cover with a blanket and let him rest for an hour.

Massage is done according to this principle: 20 minutes rub oil into the back and spine; 5 minutes - in the thigh (from bottom to top); 5 minutes - in the lower leg; after which it is necessary to rub the oil into the thigh and lower leg in front.

This massage should be done before noon. It is carried out in one day, the course of treatment is 20 days. The patient needs to conduct at least three courses, the break between which is also 20 days.

During a break between courses of treatment, it is recommended for patients to eat a couple of well-boiled eggs every day. chicken legs with paws. Chicken meat is very beneficial for unhealthy muscular dystrophy. It is also useful to eat 2 bull eggs once a day.

Healing muscular dystrophy with oats

The main drink for patients with muscular dystrophy should be savory and necessary oat kvass. But it must be cooked correctly: a half-liter jar of selected oat grains is washed three times and poured into a three-liter jar. 3 tablespoons of sugar are added there. a teaspoon of citric acid and pour water. Kvass is left for 3 days, after which the drink is ready to drink. It is drained, 3 tablespoons of sugar are added to the jar, again filled with water and the latest batch of kvass is infused.

Patients need to constantly eat oatmeal and millet porridge: in this way, the muscles gain strength. You can also cook pancakes, soup and other food from oatmeal. The emphasis should be on products rich vitamin B.

Healing Muscular Dystrophy with Eggshell

A good folk recipe for healing muscle dystrophy is the use of eggshells. To do this, they take the eggs of not bad, healthy chickens, carefully wash them with soap, break them, dry the shell and grind it into flour. Such flour is dumped on a plate, dripped there lemon juice(1 drop - for a year of life), collect the formed lumps and eat them every day on an empty stomach and at bedtime. The course of healing is 20 days. Eggshell absorbed by the body specifically thanks to lemon juice.

Healing retinal dystrophy with goat milk

We give the usual and current folk recipe treatment of retinal dystrophy. Combine the freshest goat's milk whey with water in a similar proportion and drop by drop instilled into the eyes. After that, the eyes are closed with a black bandage and rest for about 30 minutes, without straining the eyes and without moving them. The function must be repeated every day for one week. As a result, vision becomes clearer, and the lens is gaining strength, which prevents retinal detachment.

It is also useful to drink a decoction of pine needles, rose hips and onion peel. The ingredients are crushed and combined in a ratio of 5: 2: 2 (a tablespoon is taken per unit). Then the mixture is poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and taken once a day, one and a half liters a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, but as needed it can be repeated.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy with pharmaceutical plants

Very often, retinal dystrophy is accompanied by glaucoma - an increase in intraocular pressure.

A reliable remedy for this disease is a decoction of cumin. A tablespoon of plant seeds is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then a teaspoon of cornflower plants is poured into the broth, combined and allowed to brew for 5 minutes. The remedy is filtered through cotton wool with gauze and instilled into the eyes a couple of drops twice a day.

In the treatment of retinal dystrophy, lotions from such an infusion can also be used: a third of a glass of nettle and a teaspoon of lily of the valley leaves are poured into a glass of water and left for 8-9 hours in a black place. Then add half a teaspoon to the infusion. baking soda. Eye lotions are made from the purchased medicine twice a day. It is best to prepare the infusion from plants collected in May.

Vision can also be improved by taking an infusion of birch leaves, mustard, lingonberries, or horsetail. It is useful to drink garlic infusion, eat seaweed, a mixture of honey and cinnamon.

Healing retinal dystrophy with celandine

Night blindness is one of the first signs of retinal dystrophy. It is cured with celandine, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected and dried without the help of others. Eye drops should be prepared in this way: a teaspoon of crushed celandine is poured into a mug and 100 ml of water is poured. The mixture is boiled for a few seconds on low heat, then covered with a lid and cooled. Then the healing agent must be filtered through a dense layer of bandage or gauze and drained into a glass bottle. It is necessary to store the drops in the refrigerator, their quantity will be enough for the unhealthy for a couple of days. It is necessary to use drops three times a day, 3 drops should be dripped into each eye. The course of treatment is a month, after which they take a break for 30 days and repeat the procedures.

Good folk remedy night blindness is also blue cornflower. A teaspoon of plants is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for about an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk half an hour before meals, a quarter cup.

Over the years of my work as a doctor, I have repeatedly met with muscular dystrophy in both adults and children. With this disease, in addition to drug treatment, it is imperative to apply an extensive program of folk methods. It is a pity that patients do not always fulfill the doctor's prescriptions to the end.

So, what should be done with this disease?

First, treatment by a neurologist.

Secondly, rub freshly prepared butter into the muscles.

To prepare it, you need to hold fresh milk for some time in the refrigerator, then remove the neatly formed top (cream) from it and make butter out of it.

You can even rub the tops themselves - this also helps. But they should be no more than three days old. You need to rub well, gaining more oil in the palm of your hand. The skin and muscles absorb it well. For this procedure, choose a sheet in which to wrap the patient.

The massage is like this. First, 20 minutes (the time is given for adults, less for children) you need to rub the oil into the back, especially into the spine, then, for 5 minutes, from the bottom up behind the thigh. After that, also from the bottom up, rub the oil for 5 minutes on the back of the lower leg. When finished, move on to rubbing the oil into the other thigh, and then into the other shin.

Rub in the same way from the bottom up for 5 minutes. After that, massage from the bottom up, rubbing oil, thigh in front. The procedure time is also 5 minutes. Proceed to a five-minute rubbing of oil from the bottom up into the shin and foot in front, then into the other thigh in front, and finish with the other shin and foot in front. Rub also 5 minutes from the bottom up.

Rubbing is best done before 12 noon. Conduct at least 3 courses of such treatment. Rubbing should be done by someone close. Pass them through the day. You will see the result without a doctor.

After the massage, you should lie down for at least 1 hour, wrapped in a sheet and covered. Then you can go outside, but be sure to wear cotton tights or trousers. Treatment should be within 20 days.

It is very important to start treatment on the growing moon when it is in the first quarter. The best days for this are Thursday or Saturday.