OKB Khanty-Mansiysk chief physician. Hospitals in Khanty-Mansiysk

My 2-year-old daughter and I arrived at a planned hospitalization from Uray on 12/01/2011 for a diagnosis. We were accepted and registered in the pediatric department. We were already in the ward at about 2 pm, given that we drove by car from Uray to Khanty-Mansiysk for 6 hours (on the road from 7 am), the doctor examined us only at about 10 pm after my 3rd request, the attending physician was the head of the department Bostanov A.B. 02.12.2011 passed the tests. 03 and 04 December were days off. On December 5, on Monday, we were examined by a doctor at about 11 o'clock, they did nothing more with us that day, just like on weekends. On the night of December 5-6, at about 3 a.m., the child began to dry frequent cough with vomiting yellow color. I took the child in my arms (considering that the child weighs 17 kg kg and I am 7 months pregnant), I went to the doctor's office and asked the doctor on duty to examine us. After listening to us, the doctor said that everything was fine, at my request to look at the child’s throat, I heard that she did not know where they were lying

spatula and generally go to the ward, you still won’t do anything until the morning. I went with the child in my arms to the ward, she coughed with vomiting, I only had time to carry it to the toilet, she herself was in tears from such help, there was a desire to walk home to Uraya at night. Finally, it was 7 am on December 6, a m / s came to us with thermometers, I asked her when the doctor would come to us, after 15 minutes the same one came to us night doctor, after listening to us, she said that everything was fine, asked how many times she vomited until the morning, to which I replied that I did not count, because this process was almost every 5-10 minutes. The doctor on duty left, the m / s came with a syringe, to the question "what is this?" m / s said that this is an antiemetic "tsirukal", I told her that for a start, let the doctor look at our throat. The doctor came, looked at the throat, said that everything is fine, I say okay, put "Cirukal". M / s came, leaned over to give an injection, and she smelled of fumes, I also thought “I got a good job.” And the previous evening on December 5, in a ped. the department noted some event in the office of the head. department, this was all witnessed by my neighbor in the ward. On the morning of December 6, I went to our doctor, Head. department, there was a terrible smell of fumes in the office, I told what happened at night with my child, to which she replied I would come after the planning meeting. The time is 10 am, an epidemiologist with a senior m / s came to us, they began to question what they ate and drank in the evening, how many times we vomited at night, I told them what they ate and drank, they left. At about 11:30, our doctor came to us, apparently the planning meetings were over, she listened to us, said we need to take tests for CITO. At about 12 o'clock the temperature rose to 38, I informed the doctor about this and said that we were vomiting even from water. I asked the doctor to give us a referral for rotovirus. After dinner, we donated blood, so far there has been no more help. AT once more Having asked about the results of the blood, the doctor told me that the analysis was ready, but she had no time to look at it yet. Nevertheless, once again going to the doctor and asking about the results, the doctor said that we had elevated leukocytes, it turned out that not only we were like that, but 2 more children with the same condition, one child was transferred to the infectious diseases department at night. Around 6 pm we were finally given an antibiotic. Thanks to such an attitude and treatment of us, my stomach began to hurt, I could barely walk along the corridor from the doctor (asking for results) to the ward, when one of the nurses saw me, she asked "do you feel bad?", I said "yes", she called me therapist. The therapist looked at me, called a gynecologist from the pathology department. And then it all started: they ran, fussed. Gynecologist examined me, picked up the device, measured the tone, did an ultrasound, took blood for analysis. The nurses, and m / s, and even our attending physician came to the ward several times in the evening and asked how her daughter was feeling and temperature ? I refused hospitalization in the pathology department, tk. seeing the attitude of doctors and m / s towards us, I was afraid to leave the child in a ped. department alone, I was simply amazed at the indifference of the head. departments, doctors and individuals m/s. With pathology, the midwife gave an injection and a dropper, after which I calmed down a little, but the tears just rolled on their own, from the fact that we are in another city, we don’t have anyone here and that’s the attitude, although I went with the hope that we would finally be diagnosed why and why do we cough, and why does the child have a terrible smell of acetone from the mouth? At about 10 pm, my daughter was given another antibiotic. The night seemed to pass calmly, without vomiting, but with a temperature of 37-37.5 C. On December 7, the tests were repeated, my daughters were put on an antibiotic, I was given a dropper and an injection, and they also took blood for tests. The day passed calmly, without vomiting, with the temperature rising. On the day of departure, December 8, I was reprimanded as a schoolgirl m / s, because I looked at my extract with analyzes from the pathology department, outpatient card about the pregnancy that I was told

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st. Kalinina, 40

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oncologist, radiologist
st. Kalinina, 40

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    cardiac surgeon
    st. Kalinina, 40

    Hello. 05/03/2018 in the children's clinic on Engels Street, a glaring, in my opinion, incident happened. Today we decided to contact the pediatrician of the 8th district, because the child, 5 years old, fell ill, the first day the temperature was 38 and the throat was red. I want to immediately note that the child does not tolerate temperature well, a couple of years ago the syndrome was transferred twice febrile seizures on the background high temperature. So, when we asked for help at the site, the reception was coming to an end, or rather, there were 40 minutes left before the end. Due to the fact that there were still a lot of people, I nevertheless decided to wait until the end of the appointment, hoping that the doctor would still accept a small patient with a temperature. And what was my indignation, or rather, disappointed when the pediatrician, loudly and clearly saying that she would not accept us, got up from the table, and despite my request, based on the fact that only I was left with a child who had a temperature , and it will be difficult for him to sit out a long queue for another section, calmly and silently gathered her things and, not paying attention to us, left the office. I felt uneasy from such behavior, well, how is it possible, because it’s pediatrician, and if a child came to the doctor for help, then this is not just. All of this is happening during an unfavorable epidemiological situation. As a result, I took the child by the hand and left the clinic, because it was impossible to get to another site, and the child wanted to sleep, the temperature was 38. I really want to believe that, nevertheless, my cry of the soul will be heard by the leadership of the pediatric department, and by myself a doctor, because she, too, probably has grandchildren.

    I went in the summer for a consultation about embolization. Some kind of red-haired shaggy head. Department, looking at me, asked about my weight. Then she expressed doubts about the operation for the reason: "What will the surgeon dig into your fat?" Together with their fawn / deputy or girlfriend / they staged a performance in the spirit of “there is no smarter us in the world”, prescribed some hormones, and if they don’t help in six months, then extirpation. This is the background to all of this. I was sent from a small town for a consultation, I'm 45, I work as a dispatcher. The doctor told me to call Khanty and ask if they would take me with such a diagnosis. I call, a weak-speaking doctor takes the phone, asks who you are. I explain the situation, throws the pipe. I called again, same thing. She is not only weak-speaking, apparently, she has this system-wide. By the nature of my activity, I don’t understand how you can send a person like that without resolving his situation, even just with advice. That's pretty much what I told her. As a result, the doctor spoke, my doctor also wrote me down. Apparently, the weak-speaking doctor remembered my appeal to her. I arrived in Khanty, I am waiting for an appointment, some one is running around, looking askance. Well, they are with a redhead and broke away from the soul, as they say, like a woman. I've wanted to write a review for a long time, but now I've got my hands on it. All health.

    I am in the neurosurgical department for the second time and I want to express my gratitude to all the staff, headed by Kolesnikov E.S. Very knowledgeable and responsive people.