Diet for pancreatitis: weekly menu with recipes, nutritional features and food choices. Nutrition for patients with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is called inflammatory process in the pancreas. There are acute forms and chronic forms of the disease. In this article we will look at the second option.

Etiology of the disease

We eat tasty and healthy

Reasons for the appearance of this disease are liver diseases, as well as gallbladder, excessive consumption of fatty foods, viral infections, operations on the pancreas (organ), trauma, as well as psychogenic effects - stress, nervous tension, causing spasm of blood vessels and ducts of the gland. But most common cause disease is the use of alcohol along with generous intake food.


Due to changes in the acidity of the environment in the small intestine (shift to the acidic side), the patient experiences heartburn. The most characteristic symptom at chronic pancreatitis is the pain in upper area abdomen, the pain can also be girdling. The pain intensifies after eating spicy, fatty or fried foods. Therefore, when chronic disease it is necessary to appoint a special one.


Therapeutic fasting

In case of exacerbation, diet, therapeutic fasting and alkaline mineral waters are prescribed. During the period of remission, the energy needs of the body should be covered and specific ratios of fats, proteins and carbohydrates should be provided and higher doses vitamins

The amount of protein in the diet should be 100-120 g per day (preference should be given to animal protein (at least 60% of total number)). Sources can be the following dishes: low-fat cutlets and meatballs from rabbit meat, turkey or steamed chicken, or simply boiled meat, non-acidic fat cottage cheese, lean fish. The diet involves reducing the amount of fat in the diet to 70-85 g per day. If exceeded daily norm Enzyme preparations are required. The diet also limits carbohydrate intake to approximately 300-330 g per day (chocolate, carbonated drinks and ice cream, as well as fresh wheat bread are excluded).

What fats can you eat? Butter (up to 40 grams per day), refined vegetable oil (sunflower) (up to 20 grams per day), a small amount of sour cream or cream.

Diet meat
  • lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey), low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat varieties fish;
  • cereals that contain small amounts of fiber (for example rice porrige from polished rice), semolina, boiled oatmeal in water; buckwheat and wheat porridge in limited quantities;
  • vegetables (pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers. Red and white cabbage, beets, radishes and radishes in small quantities);
  • fruits (unsweetened apples, baked pears, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, tangerines, pomegranate, dried blueberries, cherries, strawberries. You should limit your consumption of raspberries, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, dried apricots and raisins);
  • soups made from potato broth or chicken breast broth. You should not eat okroshka or cabbage soup;
  • you can eat dried rye or wheat bread;
  • jelly, weak tea with milk, fruit juices, rosehip decoction.

Unhealthy food for pancreatitis
  • fresh bread, filled pastries, cookies, pasta and flour products;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish and fried fish;
  • canned food, sausages, smoked products;
  • margarine, lard;
  • pulses: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils. Young green beans allowed in small quantities;
  • curd masses, full-fat cottage cheese and yogurt with high content fat;
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • dishes with a lot of spices;
  • carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks.

With chronic pancreatitis, you should eat small meals five to six times a day to avoid overeating and excessive load on the gland. The diet involves preparing dishes from fresh ingredients. Meals are recommended to be taken at the same time every day.

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that tends to be chronic.

Nutrition for pancreatitis not only provides the body’s energy needs, satisfies gastronomic desires, but also performs functions medicine.

Basic food requirements

In chronic pancreatitis, the main task of the diet is to maintain a state of stable remission and prevent exacerbations of pancreatic disease. For this purpose they strictly adhere to proper nutrition.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

At the onset of the disease or during exacerbation chronic inflammation pancreas, a fast of 1-2 days is recommended. This will relieve pain. At this time, you can drink water in small portions, up to 1 liter per day.

After acute phenomena in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract subside, the diet is gradually expanded. Enter into the menu:

  • mashed porridge with water, skim milk, or low-fat milk;
  • vegetarian pureed soups without the use of white and red cabbage and legumes, then possibly based on finely chopped vegetables;
  • dishes made from lean fish, first minced into minced meat, then into small pieces;
  • meat soufflés, with expansion to finely chopped dishes - cutlets, meatballs;
  • dairy products;
  • half-diluted non-acidic fruit juices, rosehip infusion, mint.

Steaming and boiling are allowed.

During the period of exacerbation and recovery after it, do not use:

  • meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables without heat treatment;
  • stewed, fried, baked dishes due to their ability to cause increased secretion by the digestive organs;
  • sour foods, canned food, marinades, smoked meats, hot seasonings and vegetables - garlic, mustard, pepper, horseradish, radish, radish;
  • grapes, dates, pears, figs, mushrooms, peas, beans, lentils - even heat-treated ones;
  • animal fats.

After an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, a strict diet lasts at least six months. When stable remission occurs, the diet is slightly expanded.

Nutrition during remission of pancreatic diseases

The basic principles of the diet that you need to adhere to throughout your life in order to avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis are as follows:

  • increased amount of protein – up to 150 g per day;
  • sufficient intake of carbohydrates (without exceeding the norm) - 300 - 350 g per day, with a limitation of easily digestible sugars - honey, refined sugar, jam, etc.;
  • exclusion of juiced products - strong broths (meat, fish, vegetables), sauces based on them;
  • refusal of mechanically irritating substances to the mucous membranes - large pieces of food, fried, salted, smoked, etc.;
  • fractional meals - regular intake nutrients at approximately equal intervals of time, excluding large single portions;
  • exclusion of long breaks in food intake, fasting - except for periods of the onset of exacerbation, when refusal to eat should not exceed 2 days;
  • regular use of products that prevent constipation - fresh fermented milk drinks(no more than 24 hours from the date of production);
  • complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • limiting strong tea and coffee; their use with low-fat milk is acceptable.

Read also: Principles drug therapy pancreatitis with modern medications

During the period of remission of pancreatitis, diet allows:

  • bread – preferably wheat, dried or yesterday’s bread – up to 300 g/day;
  • soup - from vermicelli, vegetable, from cereals, - with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream;
  • meat - beef, turkey, chicken, and other lean - boiled or steamed;
  • fish - in addition to boiled, steamed and chopped, can be in pieces - lean sea and river species;
  • egg - an omelet made from whites, the yolk is occasionally included in other dishes;
  • milk – whole milk rarely, as an additive to drinks or water when preparing porridges and sauces, fermented milk compositions are preferred – cottage cheese, drinks, mild cheese;
  • fat - approximately 80 g/day, taking into account hidden animal lipids in protein and dairy products, use vegetable oils(peeled sunflower and olive) without heat treatment;
  • vegetables – potatoes (source of potassium), carrots (carotene), beets (cleansing effect and prevention of constipation), zucchini (mild laxative), pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli – cooked;
  • cereals and flour - semi-liquid porridge with low-fat milk or water with milk from semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled pasta or milk soup with noodles;
  • fruits – baked sour apples, sometimes bananas;
  • desserts – berry jelly, compotes, jellies using sweeteners;
  • drinks - rosehip decoction is very useful, chamomile tea, mint infusion, oatmeal jelly(no fermentation).

Important! The preparation of medicinal drinks should preserve useful material and make them available for absorption by the body.

Read also: The first signs of an attack of pancreatitis and first aid

Preparation of rosehip decoction

Rinse the berries, without soaking, under the tap, place in an enamel (not metal!) container. Add boiling water, close with a tight lid and put on fire. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave on the stove, do not remove the lid for 2 - 3 hours. Then strain the broth and squeeze out the fruits. The drink is ready to drink.

For 100 g of fresh fruit – 1 liter of water.

As you can see, the range of permitted food is quite wide. At the right approach By organizing meals, you can avoid the effect of institutionalization, restrictions and necessity, and enjoy food.

Nutrition management for pancreatic diseases

Therapeutic nutrition schemes have been developed by nutritionists and are successfully used in practice in the treatment of acute pancreatitis in hospital hospitals and chronic inflammation of the pancreas in medical institutions - dispensaries, rest homes, and sanatoriums.

Stick to healing principles A person suffering from pancreatitis has to eat for the rest of his life. This means that the recommended food should be included in the daily diet, and you should learn how to cook it.

So that the diet is not perceived as a punishment, but brings joy, you can master the process of cooking and achieve good taste qualities dishes from permitted products, without using what is not allowed.

To optimize the cooking process, you need to purchase the necessary equipment in addition to the existing cookware and use it for its intended purpose:

  • steamer - options are possible in the form of a separate kitchen appliance or simply in the form of a folding grill used with any pan available on the household - the main device in the kitchen;
  • blender - there are electrical and mechanical devices - necessary for grinding pieces of food;
  • kitchen scales for determining the mass of solid foods and portions;
  • measuring utensils with a volume scale for measuring the amount of liquids;
  • molds for preparing portioned dishes.

Diet for pancreatitis is one of the first and main measures taken after diagnosis. It aims to reduce the suffering associated with inflammation and ensure the least irritation of the gastric mucosa. Products must be properly prepared - there should be no deep-frying or baking to a crispy dark crust. Only boiled, steamed, baked foods without fat will be included in the menu indicated for inflammation of the pancreas.

Diet No. 5p was created especially for patients with pancreatitis: the first option is used during the acute course of the disease, and the second as the basis of nutrition for the chronic form.

This power supply creates the conditions necessary to ensure normal operation pancreas, and contributes to:

  • reducing the irritant effect on the gallbladder;
  • preventing the accumulation of fat in the cells of the liver and pancreas;
  • reducing irritation of the digestive tract.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

During the acute course of the disease and as a diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis, the first version of table No. 5p is indicated.

The basic principles of nutrition here are as follows:

  1. maximum inclusion of semi-liquid and pureed food in the menu;
  2. avoiding consumption of foods and drinks of very low or high temperature, it should be between 20–50°C;
  3. frequent (6 to 8 times a day) meals in small portions (about 300 g each).
  4. The body receives about 40 g of fat, 600 g of protein and 250 g of carbohydrates per day.
  5. Salt intake is limited to 7–10 g, and the required volume of liquid drunk should be about 2 liters.

Due to its low energy value, which ranges from 1500 to 1700 kilocalories, and incomplete compliance with nutrient intake standards, the diet is not recommended for longer than a week.

Diet for acute pancreatitis - description of a sample menu for three weeks

The first week usually begins with two days of fasting, during which you can only drink water. It is desirable that it be low-mineralized alkaline water, which should be consumed 1 glass 5 times a day. You should exit this regime gradually after the symptoms subside, starting with uneatable crackers (no more than 50 g per day), rosehip decoction or oats.

Menu from 3 to 5 days

Breakfast- biscuits, tea.
Morning snack- dried bread with oatmeal broth.
Dinner- vegetable puree soup without adding fat, rosehip decoction.
Afternoon snack- jelly from sweet fruits.
Dinner- semolina porridge cooked in milk and water.
Evening snack- crackers with tea.
At this stage the nutritional value should be no more than 800 kilocalories. Fats are completely excluded, proteins are reduced to 15 g per day, and the amount of carbohydrates consumed is no more than 200 g.

You should know!
For patients with acute pancreatitis, oatmeal jelly, especially those made from sprouted grains, is very useful.

Diet from 6 to 15 days

Breakfast- steamed pumpkin pudding.
Morning snack- low-fat cottage cheese in the form of soufflé, tea.
Dinner- puree soup with rice, chicken and carrots, protein omelet.
Afternoon snack- jelly from fruit or berry juice.
Dinner- meat soufflé, grated oatmeal with a teaspoon of butter, tea.
Evening snack- a glass of kefir (if tolerated) with a teaspoon of honey.
In the second week, honey and up to 10 g of fat per day are added to the menu. The volume of proteins increases to 50 g, and carbohydrates - to 250 g. The daily calorie content is already 1000 kilocalories.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis on days 16–25

Breakfast- pureed rice porridge, boiled in water, skim cheese, tea.
Morning snack- apple mousse without skin.
Dinner- soup with grated pearl barley with fish balls, zucchini soufflé, rosehip infusion.
Afternoon snack- fruit and berry jelly.
Dinner- vermicelli casserole, steamed meat cutlets, tea.
Evening snack- 50 g prunes.
From the third week, the diet for pancreatitis increases in nutritional value: up to 350 g of carbohydrates, 60 g of proteins, 20 g of fats and more than 1000 kilocalories.

Option healthy breakfast- one tablespoon of buckwheat flour infused with a glass of kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

This version of the treatment table No. 5p can be used long time. With a moderate energy value of the diet ranging from 2400–2700 kilocalories, the diet is rich in all vital necessary substances. The diet for pancreatitis during remission is different increased content protein necessary for building new cells and strengthening the pancreas. Its volume should be about 140 g, and most of it should be animal proteins. The approximate amount of carbohydrates in the diet is 300 g, and fats - no more than 80 g.

Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber should be heat treated before eating.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis allows the consumption of the following products:

slightly stale bread made from wheat flour;
veal, dietary poultry and rabbit;
fish (preferably river);
chicken egg white;
fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
thermally processed dishes from potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin and beets;
cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice);
black, green tea, rosehip decoction, compote of sweet fruits and berries;
non-acidic varieties of apples, pears, apricots;
mostly butter and a little vegetable oil.

broth from meat, mushrooms or fish;
borscht with sorrel, cabbage soup with sauerkraut;
offal, lard;
smoked meats;
foods with excess salt;
pork, duck, goose meat and fatty fish;
chicken egg yolk;
fresh and fried flour products, baked goods;
dairy products with high fat content;
radishes, garlic, green onions, sorrel;
mushrooms, legumes;
hot seasonings, ketchup;
coffee, cocoa.

Diet for pancreatitis - sample menu

Breakfast- protein steam omelette, buckwheat porridge, chicory coffee.
Morning snack- cottage cheese pudding, tea.
Dinner- potatoes stewed with fish meatballs and Bechamel sauce, rosehip infusion.
Afternoon snack- berry jelly.
Dinner- oatmeal, steamed meat cutlets, apricot compote.
Evening snack- a glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast- semolina porridge with diluted milk, biscuits, tea.
Morning snack- steamed cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, chicory coffee.
Dinner- mashed potato soup with rabbit meatballs, stewed zucchini, pear compote.
Afternoon snack- baked apple, tea.
Dinner- cauliflower casserole, fish soufflé, tea.
Evening snack- prunes.

Breakfast- rice porridge with apricot puree, tea.
Morning snack- protein omelet, oatmeal jelly.
Dinner - pumpkin cream soup, buckwheat, compote.
Afternoon snack- cookies, fruit jelly.
Dinner- potato and fish casserole, carrot puree, tea.
Evening snack- unsweetened cracker, kefir.

Breakfast- carrot-apple puree, biscuits, tea.
Morning snack- dessert from calcined cottage cheese, whipped with yogurt.
Dinner- boiled veal, vegetable soup, compote.
Afternoon snack- protein omelet, dried fruit decoction.
Dinner- rice porridge with pumpkin, fish baked in milk sauce, tea.
Evening snack- yogurt.

Breakfast- oatmeal, seasoned butter, tea with apricot marshmallow.
Morning snack- carrot-curd casserole, chicory coffee.
Dinner- mashed potato soup, fish roll, cauliflower whipped in a blender, tea.
Afternoon snack- baked apple, rosehip decoction.
Dinner- chicken meatballs, salad with boiled beets, compote.
Evening snack- kefir.

Breakfast- crackers, pear soufflé, tea.
Morning snack- curd dessert with the addition of xylitol.
Dinner- fish soup, boiled fish, mashed potatoes.
Afternoon snack- sweet fruit jelly.
Dinner- meat cake, rice porridge, kefir.
Evening snack- cookies with tea.

The list of functions of the human pancreas includes the production of most of the digestive enzymes, without which the normal course of life is impossible. important processes Gastrointestinal tract, as well as insulin synthesis. When this organ malfunctions, pancreatitis develops. This disease is an inflammation of the pancreas; it is usually caused by a suspension of the processes of normal excretion of enzymes.

Features of nutrition in acute and chronic pancreatitis

In the absence of pathologies in the body, enzymes enter the intestines, but due to pancreatitis they remain inside this organ, gradually beginning to corrode its inner lining. Quite often, patients with pancreatitis develop intoxication, as a result of which intestinal particles and enzyme residues enter the blood. The acute course of the disease usually ends surgical intervention in the event that therapy and diet do not give the desired results.

The cause of chronic pancreatitis is usually overeating, alcohol or drug abuse, the use of hormonal or estrogenic drugs, as well as pre-existing diseases of the gallbladder and liver. For two types of this disease, gastroenterologists recommend adhering to a special diet for pancreatitis, which involves drawing up a sample menu.

Acute pancreatitis: diet menu for a week

diet for inflammation of the pancreas menu

To normalize the condition of the patient’s body, the nutritionist prescribes him a special therapeutic nutrition in order to eliminate swelling and inflammation in the pancreas area. In addition to treatment with medications, short-term fasting is also prescribed, thanks to which surgery can be avoided. During fasting, gastric juice stops being produced, and enzyme activity also decreases, which will help the damaged organ recover in a few days.

In the first days of such fasting, it is recommended to drink mineral water. medicinal water still, diluted green tea or rosehip decoction in small portions several times a day. Drinking will help prevent the development of dehydration, but after breaking the fast you need to gradually move on to eating. In the presence of acute pancreatitis, a strict diet is followed; the menu for the week should be drawn up by a specialist. A standard diet for 5 days includes the following products:

  • dry bread or loaf made from wheat flour;
  • liquid jelly or fruit drinks;
  • slimy infusion of rice or oatmeal;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without adding oil;
  • pureed porridges, for example, oatmeal, rice, semolina or buckwheat;
  • cracker;
  • bread or crackers.

After 6 days, the menu for pancreatitis can include other foods and drinks. It can be black or green tea, sweetened with a little sugar or honey with the addition of milk, beet juice with a small amount of mineral water. The list of permitted dishes includes:

  • steamed egg white omelette;
  • curd soufflé;
  • ground or minced meat;
  • thin slimy soups;
  • berry or apple mousses and jellies;
  • purees and puddings from vegetables, steamed and without oil.

Sample menu for pancreatitis for a week

Diet for acute pancreatitis should be quite strict, so the patient must adhere to the menu prepared for him for the week. An example of such a diet is presented below, but the exact list of dishes must be agreed upon with your doctor.

1st day


Liquid porridge from rice or semolina, one fruit, for example, an orange, pear or apple, weak tea with honey.

Late breakfast

Mashed pumpkin puree, steamed fish or chicken cutlets, rosehip infusion.


Fish or beef broth, mashed potatoes, dried piece white bread, baked apple as dessert.

Afternoon snack

A small portion of cottage cheese and weak tea with honey


Steamed egg white omelette, dry piece of white bread, pureed vegetable puree.

2nd day


Milk oatmeal, jelly or tea (green or black)

Late breakfast

Puree applesauce mixed with cottage cheese


Puree soup based on broccoli or cauliflower, steamed chicken meatballs

Afternoon snack

Dry cookies and green tea


Rice or cottage cheese pudding, jelly or tea

3rd day


Liquid rice-based porridge, green tea with one dry cookie

Late breakfast

Baked apple with honey or cottage cheese


Vegetable soup based on cauliflower, potatoes, green peas or carrots in combination with meatballs, dried fruit compote

Afternoon snack

Mashed cottage cheese and weak tea


Lean fish, baked or steamed

Common Recipes

A sample menu may include special recipes recommended for pancreatitis of the pancreas . In order to prevent the condition from worsening, each component of an individual dish must be agreed upon with a doctor or nutritionist, who usually themselves recommend preparing specific first and second courses, as well as special desserts.

Pumpkin and carrot puree

To prepare such a dietary puree, you will need 400 grams of pumpkin and two carrots; they must be peeled and cut into medium cubes. The vegetables are then cooked in boiling water until they are soft enough. After cooking is complete, the water from the pan can be drained completely or not completely to obtain a more liquid mass. Using a blender, you need to turn the vegetables into a homogeneous mass and serve.

Fish soup

To prepare liquid pureed soup, you need to take half a kilogram of any lean fish, for example, cod, hake, pike perch or flounder, one and a half liters of water, a teaspoon of butter and 50 ml of milk. The fish fillet is cut into small pieces and boiled in water or vegetable broth until cooked. Bring the milk, preheated separately, with the butter melted in it to a boil, pour in the fish broth and add the fillet, then cook everything together for a few minutes.

It is worth remembering that when acute form pancreatitis, it is strictly forbidden to consume fatty and fried food, products that stimulate fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract, drink alcohol, kvass, kefir and carbonated drinks.

Menu for inflammation of the pancreas

When it comes to a diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas and a sample menu, many gastroenterologists recommend adhering to the well-known diet, which is usually prescribed after the patient’s condition improves in an acute form of the disease. Products allowed as part of the diet can be safely included in the diet after therapeutic fasting. Typically, such a diet is divided into two stages, each of which varies in time.

During the first stage, you can only take pureed food for two weeks; after its completion, the patient is transferred to the second, less strict version of the menu, which lasts at least six to eight months. During the first stage, you can eat liquid, unsalted dishes with a predominance of carbohydrates, drink fruit drinks, juices, rosehip decoction with the addition of honey or sugar. Fatty, fried or salty foods are strictly prohibited.

After the fifth day of the diet, calories should be gradually increased, but at the same time limit fat intake. From the sixth to the ninth day of such nutrition, the total calorie content of foods eaten per day should not exceed 1000 calories. After the tenth, the number of calories can be increased, and the patient is transferred to the second version of the diet for pancreatitis for a week.

Nutrition for chronic disease

Pancreatitis often becomes chronic; in this case, it is more relevant than ever special diets for pancreatitis of the pancreas, thanks to which it is possible to completely normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Characteristic attacks occur periodically due to poor nutrition, especially if the list of dishes includes prohibited foods, including boiled eggs, sweets, chocolate, milk, carbonated drinks and other similar foods. Symptoms of the disease are bloating, noticeable heaviness after next appointment food, frequent vomiting. Fairly common occurrence diabetes mellitus, especially in cases where the patient did not see a doctor on time and did not start taking special medications.

A nutritionist or gastroenterologist must develop a special menu for pancreatitis for a week, which includes light and quickly digestible foods. Drinking still mineral water for two days, as well as rosehip decoction or weak, weak tea will be especially beneficial. It is necessary to switch to a low-calorie diet as soon as possible and prepare meals with a minimum content of fats and carbohydrates. Meals should be small, eating at least 5-6 times a day. The list of products that make up the menu for chronic pancreatitis must include:

  • wheat crackers (store-bought or homemade);
  • liquid vegetable or cereal soups;
  • baked or boiled meat, including chicken, veal or rabbit;
  • steamed lean fish;
  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • unsalted and low-fat cheeses;
  • semi-liquid and liquid porridges;
  • vegetable puree and stew;
  • baked and grated fruits;
  • light jellies, mousses and compotes.

Sample menu and list of prohibited dishes

The menu for chronic pancreatitis in adults and children must certainly be varied, despite quite strict restrictions, in this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor compliance with the daily routine and eat meals by the hour. Usually the menu for the week is drawn up by a specialist, who also gives the patient detailed instructions and advice, helps to choose suitable recipes for dishes and talks about the properties of certain products. It is worth paying attention to sample menu for pancreatitis, which you can use as a guide when creating your own diet:


Oatmeal with milk, rosehip decoction


Steamed chicken or beef, weak tea


Puree soup based on carrots and pumpkin, steamed fish and tea

Afternoon snack

Cottage cheese for baby food


Zucchini stew with carrots, boiled chicken breast, compote based on dried fruits

Evening meal

A glass of low-fat kefir

The diet for inflammation of the pancreas and the sample menu also imply strict restrictions, since many foods can overstimulate the secretion of the gland and the production gastric juice. The list of prohibited products includes:

  • fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, sausages and canned food;
  • meat and fish broths, as well as mushroom soups;
  • cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fried and boiled eggs;
  • all types of legumes, White cabbage, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, sorrel, eggplant, sweet peppers and mushrooms;
  • butter and flour bakery products, sweets, chocolate;
  • coffee, strong black tea, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

Recipes for chronic pancreatitis

Nutrition for pancreatitis and correct menu should be selected by a specialist, patients will need to master several new recipes that are ideal for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegetable puree soup

To prepare it you need one unsweetened yellow or green pepper, 200 g of broccoli and cauliflower, 1 zucchini. Cut the vegetables into cubes, add 1.5 liters of water and cook until they become soft. Then you need to drain the water and make a puree using a blender.

Apple marshmallow

To prepare a healthy dietary marshmallow, you will need 1 kg of apples, diced and peeled; they must be placed in a saucepan, covered with water and left to cook. After they have boiled sufficiently, you need to remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and cool the apples. Then they are crushed with a blender, the resulting puree must be squeezed out and the excess juice poured into a separate container. Then the juice is boiled separately in a saucepan until it thickens, add 100 g of liquid honey and cook until the consistency of syrup is obtained. After this, the juice is mixed with puree, the mixture is spread on a baking sheet and placed in the oven, preheated to 120 degrees, to dry the marshmallow.

In most cases, a diet for pancreatitis and adherence to a strict menu for a week give excellent results, since such a nutritional system has a very gentle effect on internal organs. According to doctors, the results of such diets stabilize the functioning of the pancreas, primarily due to a decrease in the concentration of gastric juice. Experts recommend completely eliminating alcohol during treatment and constantly maintaining a balanced and proper diet. In addition to improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to the menu for inflammation of the pancreas and light food, you can significantly reduce weight and improve general state body.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis in adults is the basis for the treatment of this disease. Compliance with nutritional rules is aimed at maintaining a vulnerable body and preventing the development of acute phase. A special menu is compiled taking into account the need to limit carbohydrates and fats, which contribute to intensive enzyme production and destruction of the pancreas.

It is impossible to eliminate the disease with food restrictions alone. But following a certain diet significantly improves the patient’s condition. In the chronic form of the pathology, the treatment menu, mandatory for all patients, plays the role of continuing the remission phase and preventing attacks.

1 Purpose of the diet

The chronic stage of pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas due to overuse fast food, fried and fatty foods, alcohol, etc. This disorder entails increased secretion of enzymes, but not for processing incoming food, but for damage to the organ itself.

At one stage or another of the disease, you need to adhere to a certain diet. In acute cases of pathology, complete abstinence from harmful products and compliance strict diet necessary to normalize the patient's condition. The remission stage requires the inclusion of protein foods in the diet, limiting fats and carbohydrates.

Specially aimed at solving the following problems:

  • elimination pain by stabilizing stomach acidity;
  • decreased intensity of production of enzymes that destroy the pancreas;
  • stabilization of insulin secretion;
  • removal of toxins.

2 Nutrition rules for chronic pancreatitis

The remission stage is characterized by the absence of pain. To prolong this state, it is necessary to constantly adhere to a special food culture. The best option Nutrition for patients is a combination of main meals in the form of warm dishes and several snacks between them. Limited food requires the preparation of a balanced and appetizing diet, eliminating the risk of breakdowns.

When compiling a menu for a patient, we are guided by the basic principles healthy eating And individual features food culture for the treatment of this pathology. The rules for creating a diet for a chronic form of the disease are to establish a regimen:

  • fractional meals with 5 meals a day;
  • eating fresh, boiled, baked or steamed food;
  • exclusions from the heavy food menu;
  • active consumption of protein dishes.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to organize periodic meals in small portions at the same time. Fresh ones are used for cooking natural ingredients With minimum quantity preservatives. You should not include fatty foods in your diet that provoke an attack of the disease. It is permissible to consume no more than 80 g of fat per day. Exceeding this norm requires an increase in the dose of drugs containing lipase necessary for their digestion.

It is not recommended to deviate from the therapeutic diet. When visiting, you should not indulge in heavy dishes, so as not to offend the hostess. You should not eat unfamiliar delicacies or fancy foods. In order not to overload the digestive system and not provoke increased secretion of pancreatic juice, it is necessary to create a menu of the simplest dishes with a minimum content of spices.

3 List of permitted and prohibited products

Diet alone is not enough to treat a chronic disease. Necessary additional use medical supplies and undergoing periodic examinations. in adults, it helps reduce the secretion of juice and prevent pain.

In case of chronic disease, it is recommended to create a menu based on the following acceptable products: slimy porridge; lean meats and fish; carrots, potatoes, zucchini, beets and soups based on them. During the remission stage, the consumption of strawberries, cherries, raspberries, sweet apples, watermelon, melon, and bananas is allowed. You should be especially careful when baking. It is necessary to include yesterday's flour products, crackers, and dry dietary cookies in your diet. To diversify the flavor range of dishes, it is permissible to use a small amount of butter, sunflower and olive oil.

You need to be careful about including dairy products in your daily menu. They should not be abused even if the body tolerates them normally. Let's take no more than 0.5 glasses of milk per day for a cold. However, it is better to use it in preparing porridges or jelly for breakfast. To maintain patient health more effective use fermented milk products. During the remission stage, it is allowed to include a small amount of low-fat, mild cheese in the diet.

For patients suffering chronic form diseases, inclusion in the menu is unacceptable following products: fatty types meat and fish, soups based on them; crumbly porridge; salted, smoked, canned foods; legumes; mushrooms. It is unacceptable to eat vegetables that irritate the mucous membranes. digestive system- radishes, onions, garlic, spinach. It is necessary to exclude figs, dates, grapes and most sweets, except marshmallows, meringues, marshmallows, a small amount of honey. You should not eat whole eggs. It is acceptable to include this product in other dishes for preparing omelettes.

In chronic pancreatitis, it is important to establish optimal drinking regime. You need to use filtered or mineral water necessary for the excretion of pancreatic juice and bile. The liquid should be taken warm so as not to provoke a spasm. It is unacceptable to include drinks with a high content of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated liquids in the menu. They should be replaced with compotes, jelly and decoctions. A drink based on rose hips, mint, dandelion, and St. John's wort has an effective effect on the patient's health.

4 Approximate meal schedule

The diet for inflammation of the pancreas is a special nutritional culture that the patient should adhere to for the rest of his life. The list of prohibited products significantly limits taste habits patient, which can cause a breakdown and development of an attack. To avoid violation of the treatment regimen, it is recommended to include healthy but appetizing dishes in the menu. Approximate diet as follows:

1st meal 2nd meal 3rd meal 4th meal 5th meal
7:00 - 8:00 9:30 - 10:30 13:00 - 14:00 16:00 - 16:30 19:30 - 20:00
Monday Steamed omelette/ oatmeal, fruit tea Diet soup, boiled meat, vegetable puree fruits Stewed fish, vegetables
Tuesday Cottage cheese casserole, green tea Low-fat cottage cheese/baked fruit Vegetable broth, chicken stew and carrots Fruit tea Fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, rosehip tea
Wednesday Oatmeal or semolina porridge, green tea Fruit puree Soup, vegetable salad, seasoned with a small amount of butter or low-fat sour cream Low-fat fermented baked milk, crackers, Beetroot cutlets, biscuits, tea
Thursday Oatmeal/cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream fruits Cream soup, meatloaf, steamed, porridge Rose hip tea Fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, compote
Friday Omelette, green tea Cottage cheese Steamed meat soufflé, vegetable puree fruits Boiled chicken meat, vegetables, jelly
Saturday Curd casserole, tea Fruits Puree soup, boiled lean meat, porridge Kissel, croutons Fish soufflé, mashed potatoes, fermented baked milk
Sunday Porridge with milk, tea Cottage cheese casserole Meatloaf, vegetables, jelly kefir Vegetable cutlets, biscuits, tea

For the treatment of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis, adherence to a special diet is indicated. Its implementation allows for a long time maintain the condition of the affected organism in remission and prevent exacerbation of the pathology.