Which is gaining a lot of weight. How to gain weight fast - a sample diet

Surprisingly, there are a huge number of women in the world whose cherished dream is to get better! Many girls tend to weigh less, because they believe that if you are thin, then you must be attractive and desirable. But it's not. Thinness can be fraught with insidious, and rather sad, health consequences. Sometimes they are even more dangerous than excess body fat, so today we will find out how to gain weight for a girl.

Nowadays, women are more willing to lose weight than gain weight. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about how to throw off the hated kilograms in 10 days and the like, but there is extremely little information on how to gain these kilograms.

And people suffering from excessive thinness do not know what actions to take. Banal stuffing everything into oneself does not lead to the desired result. Only harm is done to the body, the stable operation of the endocrine system collapses. In the same way as with weight loss, in order to get better and get a beautiful figure, you need to combine proper nutrition with exercise. In our article you will find useful tips on how to get better without harm to health.

However, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of severe thinness. Do you have a super fast metabolism? Genetics? How is your appetite? Have you checked with a gastroenterologist? Be sure to consult a qualified doctor to rule out diseases of the digestive system. If everything is in order with health, then you can safely proceed to advice on how to get better, what to eat to gain weight and what else will help increase body weight.

How to gain weight correctly?

To find out how to get better for a girl, that is, what methods and ways to increase mass are suitable for you, you need to determine the desired weight for yourself. Calculate your BMI (taking into account your age, actual weight and height). In this article, we will look for options not just how to get fat, but to increase muscle mass. To make the body fit and attractive, and not flabby with hanging skin.

What to eat to gain weight?

Now we will talk about proper nutrition, which will help us get better and not harm our health, and we will analyze in detail what you need to eat in order to gain weight.

1. More calories

A prerequisite for weight gain is the consumption of more calories than we spend per day. And the first thing to do is increase your calorie intake. The daily norm of a young girl is 1500 calories, on average. To achieve the result, add another 500 calories, because when consuming the same number of calories that we expend, body weight will remain unchanged. Just keep in mind that food should be healthy and wholesome.

You should not feel bloated like a balloon. Just like a dieter cuts 500 calories from his daily diet, you add those 500 calories to yourself. With this approach, gaining 1-1.5 kg becomes real. Please note that extra calories do not mean heavy, fried foods.

You should know what food is considered healthy and will work best for you in the fight for kilograms. Healthy protein contains salmon, tuna, chicken, legumes, eggs. The highest number of carbohydrates in pasta, whole grain bread, fruit juices, dried fruits, oats, brown rice, bananas, nuts, starchy vegetables (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes).

2. Eat Healthy Fats

Foods containing healthy fats are simply irreplaceable and should be included in the diet for mass gain for girls. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a large amount of peanut and olive oils, cheese, seeds, nuts and avocados. A great snack option is a peanut butter sandwich, or a nut mix with avocado. Salads should always be dressed with a sufficient amount of olive oil.

Not all fats are good for health. Saturated fats should be avoided, although they increase body weight, they cause a certain food addiction. These are French fries, burgers, cheesecakes, onion rings, chocolate, sweets, pastries, chips, French toast, cream. It happens that it is difficult for a person to change his eating behavior, especially if he has always had a poor appetite. In this case, you need to act carefully, gradually adding new foods to your diet.

3. Increase your serving size

Of course, you must increase your usual portion in order to gain weight. Just take a bigger plate, and then the amount of food will not look so intimidating. Suppose you always eat 2 chicken eggs for breakfast. From now on you will eat 3 chicken eggs! Everything is simple! If you're used to cereal, add a banana and one boiled egg to it. It is quite difficult to change established traditions and habits, but it is possible. The “big plate” method is very effective, it helps to trick the brain that you are eating less food than you really are.

  • When making a sandwich, always add an extra piece of cheese to make the snack more nutritious. Or add cheese to an omelette or scrambled eggs.
  • If you are used to small portions, increase the amount gradually. Start by adding an extra 1 tablespoon to each meal. For example, for dinner you have mashed potatoes, pasta or rice. Put your usual portion and add 1 more spoon.
  • Always dress vegetable salads with butter or olive oils, cheese, spreads and sauces.

Tip: If you are at a loss with the choice of food to get better, be sure to consult a nutritionist to make the right diet for gaining extra weight, and the menu that is right for you.

4. Eat More Often

To gain weight, a girl needs to increase the number of her meals. Instead of the usual breakfast-lunch-dinner, add another second breakfast and afternoon snack. It is very important not to skip meals. By the way, most nutritionists agree that it is much better to eat 6 times a day in small portions than 3 times, but huge amounts of food. So you can gain weight and not walk with a full stomach. If this is realistic for you, it will be great to eat 6 times a day! This, no doubt, will make you recover in the shortest possible time, without bloating and other troubles.

5. Drink calories

We found out that in order to get better you need to increase the number of calories in food, but eating is sometimes really annoying. Have you tried smoothies? These protein-fruit shakes are very tasty and no less high-calorie. Take your favorite fruits like mangoes or bananas, add milk, yogurt or honey, blend in a blender. It will be a great alternative to tea or coffee which contains 0 calories. If you can't live without coffee, then make it a habit to add milk to it - so it will become at least a little more nutritious. It is also very useful and effective to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices.

If you still have not figured out how to get better, then you just need to eat to grow, and for this you need to analyze your diet. We can help you figure out what to eat and when.

Snack as often as possible between main meals. Snacks can even be more caloric than lunch or dinner. On the way to school, you can eat a banana - and it will not take time, and add calories. While watching your favorite TV show, nibble on nuts, and crackers or salted peanuts will perfectly refresh you while dinner is being prepared.

Sample menu for weight gain

To gain weight fast, you must be sure to consume significantly more calories than you expend. For this, we have prepared a special menu for increasing the weight of girls who still cannot see the movement of the arrow on the scales. We have selected for you in one menu what you need to eat to get better, but you can change the diet based on your preferences and capabilities.


  • 2 egg scrambled eggs with cheese and chicken (1/2 chicken breast)
  • 1 glass of milk

morning snack

  • Fruit smoothie (banana, mango)
  • 22 cashew nuts


  • Sandwich with chicken and cheese

afternoon tea

  • Protein bar or handful of roasted almonds or peanuts


  • A bowl of mashed potatoes
  • 2 bowls vegetable salad with dressing


  • Yogurt with frozen berries

Note! If you want to start taking nutritional supplements or vitamins, be sure to consult your doctor!

7. Food should be delicious

Underweight people often complain about the taste of food, are often finicky and have a poor appetite. If this is about you - diversify your menu, make your food delicious! For example, when building a sandwich, put some mayonnaise, put a slice of cheese. A banal sandwich will acquire a richer taste. If you have regular spaghetti for lunch, then sprinkle them with grated cheese, and you will get an incredibly tasty and nutritious dish. A little red meat and your lasagna or curry will become more nutritious, and the taste will only improve.

8. Don't forget about exercise for muscle growth

If you think that with weight gain you can relax and forget about training, you are deeply mistaken. If, on the contrary, it is thanks to regular training that you cannot increase your body weight, then be sure to reduce the intensity and frequency of exercise. But you should not give up physical activity completely, since movement is life, as everyone knows.

As a rule, aerobic activities such as running, dancing, kickboxing and others are designed for active weight loss. Therefore, in order to add body weight, anaerobic (strength) exercises should be performed, where all muscle groups are involved. Bodybuilders use such strength training to build muscle, and therefore body mass. Strength exercises are a great way to combine business with pleasure: it’s good for health and gaining weight.

Anaerobic exercises will help increase your appetite, and will not only add pounds to you, but also make your body beautiful and embossed. Remember, the more muscle development, the better the metabolism. This means that the body will require more food.

Perform complex exercises with an emphasis on large muscles, so body weight will gain faster. You should not get hung up on isolated exercises, it is more expedient to give a load to several muscle groups at once. Take breaks between workouts, do not overexert yourself. But there is no need to relax too much.

Mass Gaining Exercises for Girls

Basic exercises for the development of the inner thigh:

  • Squats without weight
  • Wide stance squats
  • Performing leg reduction in the simulator

The best exercises for developing the back of the thighs and buttocks:

  • Deadlift. Performed on straight legs
  • Tilts with a load forward

Calf exercises:

  • Rises standing on toes. You can perform the exercise while sitting, but for this, lay an additional load
  • One leg calf raise

Exercises for the development of triceps:

  • Push ups. The position of the hands should be narrow. If it is impossible to perform this exercise, you can rest on the floor with your knees.
  • Barbell or dumbbell overhead press

The most effective muscle-building exercises are squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. You will achieve excellent results, but subject to compliance with the training regimen. In addition, you should gradually increase the load. When you feel that it is already easy for you, that the body is used to this weight, then take heavier weights.

Weight gain training program

Workout scheme:

  • Warm up
  • Several warm-up sets with light weights
  • 3 sets with working weights

How many times a week do you need to exercise to gain body weight? - 3 strength training per week will be enough to gain mass.

Weight gain training program for a thin girl:


  1. Deadlift - 3×10
  2. Bench press barbell or dumbbell on an incline bench - 4 × 10
  3. Vertical block pull to the chest - 4 × 12
  4. Close Grip Barbell Press – 3x8

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday (LEGS + BUTTOCKS (BUTT))

  1. Barbell Shoulder Squats - 3x8
  2. Leg press in the simulator - 4 × 10
  3. Barbell lunges in the Smith machine - 3 × 10
  4. Lying leg curls - 4 × 10
  5. Rises on socks, standing in the simulator - 4 × 15

Thursday - rest


  1. Lifting the bar for biceps - 3 × 8
  2. Barbell press with a narrow grip - 3 × 10
  3. Seated Dumbbell Press - 3×10
  4. Barbell row to the chin - 3 × 8

Saturday-Sunday - rest

Yoga is a great way to increase body weight if stress, slow metabolism, low stamina are at the root of your problems. It will help change your life for the better, restore inner peace of mind, and as a result, you will definitely get better!

  • Sarvangasana helps to normalize your weight depending on your age and height. This asana has a lot of undeniable advantages. Pay attention to the illustration: the weight of your own body is shifted to the shoulders.

  • Pavanamuktasana perfectly helps with various diseases of the digestive system, and also helps to increase appetite. Another name for this asana is wind release pose. It relieves tension in the lower back, relaxes the vertebrae and gives a wonderful massage effect to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
  • Vajrasana acts as a strength exercise. This pose works several muscle groups at once, making your body unusually strong and resilient. The asana is also indicated for people suffering from high blood pressure. Vajrasana perfectly strengthens the spine, and is also famous for promoting longevity.

  • Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps your body function better from within, thus making you more energetic, calm and focused. By practicing this daily, you will advance towards a healthy mind and body.
  • The pose of the dead, or Shavasana, relaxes the whole body and brain well, relieves stress and negative emotions. Usually this asana is performed at the end of the class. It significantly reduces blood pressure, relieves insomnia.

10. Keep a food diary

If you want to get better, you just need to keep a food diary. So you can control your meals, find out your eating habits, and keep statistics on your weight. At the end of each week, summarize by writing down your results. This will be a great motivation for you, and will make you not give up, go towards your goal.

11. Eliminate stress

Losing or gaining weight has always been and remains a stressful situation for every person. That is why often stress becomes the main obstacle on your way to losing weight, or, as in our case, to gaining mass. Indeed, along with kilograms, vitality, good spirits, good health leave our body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all factors that cause a state of stress. Start taking relaxing baths every night. Or turn on your favorite music and dance until you drop. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises - all of these methods are known as the best antidepressants. Also try to spend more time outdoors, reading your favorite books or just walking in the park. A good way to keep a zest for life is to have a creative hobby like embroidery or scrapbooking. Pets also bring positive emotions into our lives.

12. Healthy sleep

To achieve your goal, a good healthy sleep is very important. It has long been known that sleep is the key to your well-being and good health. A person needs 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to be in shape and enjoy life. Remember that your body needs proper rest in order to function properly.

If you are doing strength training, then your muscles are much better restored during sleep.

13. Motivate yourself

Adding a couple of pounds of muscle to your body is no joke. Believe me, it is much more difficult than losing weight. However, to achieve the result, you need to cheer yourself up, maintain faith in yourself, and then everything will work out for you! But you should not expect that the weight will be gained quickly, either. Otherwise, disappointment is inevitable, and, as a result, loss of motivation. You should not set a goal to gain more than 4 kg per month. An intensive increase in mass is unhealthy, do not rush into this matter. Speak to yourself that each organism is unique, that you have your own methods and techniques. A good way to motivate yourself is to read other people's success stories more often, look at before / after photos. It is also a great idea to register on a thematic forum and find like-minded people there. The realization that you are not alone in your problem is very supportive and gives you the strength to move forward, despite all the setbacks. In addition, the team spirit of the competition is an excellent motivation for self-improvement.

14. Be healthy

The most important thing to remember is to stay healthy. Health should be above all. For some reason, many people believe that if you need to get better, then the fatter and more harmful the food, the better. This is a completely wrong opinion! Your diet should be balanced, healthy food. We should not forget about training. Plan your day so that all the necessary meals are harmoniously combined with physical activity.

Of course, by eating fatty foods or fast food, you will eventually gain weight (this is inevitable), but you will also cause significant harm to your health. This is, first of all, cholesterol, which is a slow but sure killer of health. The second is the sugar content of foods. This is especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes. Overeating is also very harmful, so you should not stuff your stomach to the point of nausea and vomiting. This method can cause irreparable harm to your health by disrupting the metabolism, as well as the work of the pancreas and other internal organs. After all, our goal is to get fat without causing damage to our body, and not just become fat. These are completely different things. By the way, surely among the readers there are smokers or lovers of savoring a glass or two of delicious wine? So, smoking and alcohol impede the growth of muscle mass, so it’s worth limiting yourself (or completely eliminating!) In bad habits.


Breakfast should start with a glass of fruit juice. Then eat a large portion of oatmeal. Prepare them as follows: soak in advance in milk. After they swell, season them with grated apple, nuts and. Finish your breakfast with two and three more cups of hot. Drink it with a white bread sandwich with.

Must have second breakfast. Spend it the first breakfast after 2-3 hours. You can choose any of the two options offered. The first option includes broth with and a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Second option: Large sausage sandwich, a glass of high-fat yogurt and on top of that.

Dinner. Prepare a vegetable salad, which is generously seasoned with high-calorie sour cream or mayonnaise. In addition, cook vegetable soup in strong chicken broth. For the second, be sure to eat meat with a side dish of mashed potatoes or pasta. Pork is the best. If you do not want the proposed side dishes, but wish to eat rice, then be sure to flavor it with creamy or sour cream sauce. Be sure to drink coffee with cream. And for dessert, eat a couple of fruits.

3 hours after lunch, have an afternoon snack. There are also several food options. The first option includes a salad with meat or chicken, seasoned with high-calorie mayonnaise, a large sausage or butter sandwich, and chocolate. The second option: pies with meat or mushrooms, a mug of hot tea with honey. Tea can be replaced with hot chocolate.

For dinner, make yourself a scrambled egg from three eggs, fry potatoes. Eat a large portion of it, make a sausage sandwich. Finish your meal with two glasses of full-fat milk.

Before going to bed, eat an apple and drink a glass of warm milk.


Many people fail to gain weight. But this is really a problem. Weight below the norm is also harmful to the body, as well as excess. Weight gain is not an easy process and you need to approach it. In reality, you can gain 0.5-1 kg of muscle mass per week. To gain 500 grams, you need to consume 2500 kcal more than your body consumes daily. This means that you need to consume 350-700 kcal more per day.

Helpful advice

When is it good to gain weight? Anyone can name the benefits that the owner of an overly slender figure enjoys - eat what you want and when you want, no cellulite, bulging belly and other delights that inevitably arise with fullness. First of all, normal sleep and accustoming the body to breakfast contributes to gaining small but long-awaited kilos in a couple of weeks.


  • how to gain weight in one week

Thinness and the desire to get better are most often perceived as far-fetched difficulties. However, anyone who sets himself the task of gaining 10-15 kg sometimes faces serious difficulties. Medical statistics claim that excessive thinness is in most cases a symptom of a serious endocrine disease, nervous breakdown, stomach problems, and even a manifestation of oncology. Moreover, the thinness complex often develops into severe depression and breakdowns. How to gain 15 kg without compromising health?


First find out what caused the deviation from the normal mass. Perhaps this is a violation of the internal organs or features of the body and nervous system. Doctors distinguish 2 types: pathological and physiological. The first, just, is caused by violations of the state of health. The second is explained by the genetic predisposition of the body and the natural accelerated metabolism. One way or another, the issue of weight gain should begin to be addressed by making an appointment with a doctor for a full examination and finding out the reasons for thinness.

To gain the cherished 15 kg, you need to go on a diet. And in no case should your diet be the complete opposite, that is, eat everything in a row and in large quantities. Your main task is to increase and change your diet.

To stimulate your appetite, before every meal, drink a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, you can even afford a mug of non-alcoholic beer.

A good option for those looking to add a few extra pounds to their weight is pasta. Choose spaghetti, horns, noodles, pasta - whatever you like more. It is recommended to supplement the dish with bacon - this is a very high-calorie food that allows.

Lard, fatty cuts of pork in gravy, and duck meat will also help you shape your figure, especially if you eat them regularly. However, you should not abuse such food.

Be sure to pay attention to oily fish, which includes omega-3. We are talking, in particular, about salmon, tuna, sardines. These products contain not only a large number of calories, but also useful substances, so eating them will be a great option for both your figure and your health.

For breakfast, eat sandwiches with butter and fatty cheese. The best option for those who want to get better is cheddar, as well as soft cheeses. These are high in calories. By the way, butter can not only be eaten at breakfast, but also added to dishes that you cook for lunch and dinner.

Eat also vegetable oil: it can be used not only for frying, but also as an additive to salads.

Donuts and other pastries, chocolate, sweet berries help to get better. A wonderful high-calorie drink is a smoothie made from full-fat milk with cream, berries and bananas. Bananas should be used - this one is for those who want to gain weight.

Another suitable product in this case is potatoes. It should be added to salads, baked, fried. A healthy and at the same time very high-calorie dish is boiled potatoes with camelina oil.

Useful tricks for those who want to become fuller

Milk helps not only to get better, but also to find a beautiful figure without flabby. You can not only drink it, but also prepare cocktails based on it, cook porridge.

Use heavy gravy and salad dressings. Add boiled fatty meat, beans, cheese, nuts to casseroles. By the way, eat just like that, as a snack during the day. This product is healthy and high in calories. The best option is macadamia, pine nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts, pecans, hazelnuts. Coconuts, pistachios and chestnuts are much less effective in this case.

Tip 2: What foods help you gain weight quickly

Sometimes weight needs to be gained, not lost. The reasons for excessive thinness include genetic predisposition, malnutrition, or the presence of any disease. To exclude the last factor, you need to see a doctor. And if he does not reveal any health problems, you can gain weight by eating certain foods.

Products for weight gain

Weight gain is promoted by food containing a large amount of protein, since it is he who actively participates in the formation of muscle tissue. To, you need to consume 1.5-2 grams of high-quality protein per day per 1 kilogram of body weight. Include salmon, tuna, shrimp, fried chicken breasts, turkey, pork, ground beef dishes, eggs, and cottage cheese in your diet.
In addition, when eating protein foods, be sure to devote enough time to physical activity.

Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy, since when they get into as a result of chemical processes, they are converted into glucose, which supplies the body with the energy necessary for life. And if there is not enough carbohydrates in the body, it will use muscle tissue to replenish energy reserves. As a result, this will lead to a significant decrease in muscle volume. Quality carbohydrate foods include oatmeal, brown rice, bread, beans, and potatoes.

Healthy unsaturated fats are also necessary for, including weight gain. Foods containing healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats include: avocado, olive oil, almonds, hazelnuts, seeds, dried fruits and oily fish.

Principles of nutrition for weight gain

To gain weight, eat at least 5 times a day, but not more than 7. The stomach will have time to digest food and receive useful components from it in full if you separate meals from each other with a break of 3 hours.

In addition to the main products that contribute to weight gain, be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, which are a storehouse of minerals and also contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after all the efforts you fail to gain weight, be sure to seek the advice of a specialist.

Sample menu for weight gain

Breakfast: muesli with natural yogurt, a cup of cocoa, a bun and 1 apple.
Second breakfast: a cup of sweet tea and a sandwich with ham and cheese.
Lunch: a serving of pickle, a piece of bread, boiled rice with stew, 1 tomato and 1 glass of vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: 1 glass of milkshake or ice cream.
Dinner: any porridge cooked with milk, a piece of bread, fruit salad and a cup of sweet tea.
Before going to bed: 1 apple or 1 glass of kefir.

Most people in today's world are faced with body weight problems. Most of them are either overweight or obese. However, there is another group of people who have the opposite problem - underweight or thinness. I can't get better, they say.

For overweight people, this problem may not seem real, but for underweight people, this problem is very relevant. In most cases, this problem is not purely medical or psychological in nature. It often depends on the person's metabolism, body constitution and genetic factors.

In this article, we have collected little secrets and the most effective tips that can really help you gain weight.

The principles of mass gain for almost all people with underweight problems will be the same, no matter what is the root of the problem.

This means that the human body does not have enough body weight to maintain an optimal level of health.

Despite the fact that overweight is the number one problem in the modern world, thinness can also lead to a host of health problems. One study showed that there is a high risk of early death due to underweight. Excessive thinness has a bad effect on the immune system. The body does not receive enough vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. They are essential for the vital functions of the body. Such people are extremely susceptible to immune diseases, such as viruses, osteoporosis and infections, if they lack a stable amount of kilograms.

There are several reasons why a person loses weight or has trouble gaining it. The most common cause is eating disorders. The most common of these is anorexia nervosa, a very serious mental disorder.

Other causes of underweight are various diseases such as diabetes, thyroid problems, infections, or even cancer.

If you are experiencing symptoms of any of the above diseases, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

How can you gain the necessary kilograms?

There are many ways to quickly gain weight, but we recommend doing it correctly and with health benefits.

If you want to quickly get fat, then, most likely, not only in the abdomen. You don't have to jump right into donuts and Coke. If you start to act in this manner, then you can end up with type 2 diabetes or heart disease. Therefore, it is imperative to choose methods and diet with which you can gain weight quickly and safely for health.

How do you know if you are or are underweight?

The doctor can also help with this.

Based on your height and weight, the amount of food you eat and your physical activity, a doctor or dietitian can tell you exactly if you have a problem. So, let's start with what you need to eat to get the cherished kilograms?

What to eat to gain weight

If you're eating like crazy, but it doesn't help much, then you need to eat more nutrient-dense foods. It may well be that you only think so, but in fact the daily caloric intake is not high enough for the body to begin to increase weight and begin to increase body weight. And the second option is that you may have problems with the digestive, endocrine or hormonal systems.

Below we will look at how to competently increase the calorie intake, and if you suspect health problems, we advise you to consult a doctor and get tested.

If the average daily diet for weight maintenance is 2500 kcal for girls and 2000 kcal for men, then you need to increase these numbers by 20%.

This means that women should eat 2400 kcal per day, and guys around 2900 kcal. These are average numbers. Specifically for your age, weight, height, activity level and other individual indicators, the daily calorie intake can be calculated on any calculator on the Internet. And then you need to experimentally determine this value for yourself.

This means that you need to determine how many calories you need to eat per day on a calculator, then increase this figure by 300-500 kcal and observe body volume and weight for about a week. If after 7-10 days the weight or volume of the legs, arms, waist become larger, then everything is in order and we continue to eat in the same way. If there is no progress, then you need to increase the calorie content of the diet.

Most of the foods that help you get better are also very tasty.

List of foods rich in nutrients:

  1. Lean red meat is high in protein and iron. Choose pieces with streaks of fat, where the meat looks like marble. Although red meat helps to gain body weight, it is not recommended to eat it too often. This meat is very tasty, but contains a lot of bad cholesterol.
  2. Tropical fruits are a good option. Fruits like papaya or avocado are rich in natural sugars. Half an avocado contains 140 calories and high levels of perchloric acid, vitamins E and B, and potassium. If you do not like the taste of fresh tropical fruits, then you can make a delicious cocktail out of them.
  3. Replace regular milk with full fat milk. One glass of full-fat milk contains 60 calories, vitamins A and D. Milk can be added to a wide variety of foods, including drinks, cereals, sauces, or muesli. If you do not like the taste of milk, then you can eat products from it, such as yellow cheese. One slice of yellow cheese contains an average of 67 calories.
  4. All types of nuts especially almonds are a great source of a variety of nutrients. A plate of nuts of all kinds is a healthy snack between meals that will keep you feeling full for a long time.
  5. You can also try peanut butter. One tablespoon of peanut butter contains 100 calories and 4 grams of protein. If you do not know which oil to use, choose natural and without added sugar or anything else.
  6. Salmon and tuna are considered excellent sources of protein. Tuna contains healthy fatty acids, thanks to which you can not only gain weight quickly, but also benefit the body as a whole.
  7. Eggs. They contain healthy cholesterol, as well as vitamins A, D and E and protein.

Do exercises to gain body weight

Exercise is the best way to increase lean body mass and stay healthy or even improve. With the help of your usual workouts, you can also gain weight and improve your shape. It is only necessary to carefully approach the choice of exercises and their implementation.

There are two main problems with muscle gain.

First, how can you train some muscles and prevent others from losing their mass? Secondly, how to maintain the gained muscle mass after the end of training?

The answer to the first question is extremely simple: strength training.

To gain weight at home, it is not recommended to do cardio exercises, it is better to focus on strength. Cardio exercises burn calories, and all those pounds that you gain will quickly disappear due to this type of exercise. Therefore, postpone cardio workouts for now, as they will burn all the calories gained very quickly.

On the other hand, strength training causes muscle contraction. They develop strength and stimulate the growth of muscle mass. This type of training can seem difficult and strenuous. However, if you do them regularly, then you quickly get used to it.

Strength exercises include squats, leg curls, deadlifts, pull-ups, crunches, bench presses, or biceps curls.

If you don't know where to start, ask your personal trainer who will develop a personalized training plan for you according to your needs and abilities. You can try sports such as crossfit, bodybuilding, football, kettlebell lifting or weightlifting. Although it is quite possible to start exercising on the horizontal bars and achieve good results without visiting the halls at home in the yard.

The second point to pay attention to is what to do after training. Our body is naturally programmed to shed excess during exercise. To avoid this problem, you need to adjust your daily diet to suit your workouts. Eat regularly, at least 3 times a day, including two snacks between meals in your meal plan.

Remember, muscles grow when they rest. Try to train different body parts every day. Let each muscle group rest for one day. The recovery process happens mostly at night, but it takes at least 12 hours for the muscle tissue to feel the workout you've done.

Don't drink water before meals

Water is known to reduce food intake. Water is great for those who are losing weight, and not for those who are trying to gain (not to be confused with the daily norm of liquid, both of them need quite a lot of it - about 2.5 liters per day, but there is a difference when to drink it).

The main reason for this is that water fills the stomach and makes you feel full. Even if you drink while eating, you still get the feeling that you don’t want to eat anymore. When we eat, our stomach gets the feeling that the process of digestion has begun and it begins to produce gastric juice.

The water entering at this moment dilutes the gastric fluids, which interferes with the further breakdown of food.

No need to drink water before meals, as this will help the digestion process. Water is not a hindrance to gastric juice, but it somehow suppresses gastric secretion.

A large amount of liquid drunk with meals thins the blood, which leads to an imbalance of electrolytes. This condition is called hyponatremia. It leads to digestive problems that people who are underweight should avoid. In the worst case scenario, this condition can lead to muscle fatigue and an irregular heartbeat.

If you really love water, then, unfortunately, you have to reduce the fluid entering the body.

Water can be drunk about an hour before meals. She will go to the production of gastric juice in the future. If the food you eat makes you thirsty, then add less salt to it. Try not to eat in a hurry and find half an hour to enjoy your meal. The less you chew, the more water you will want to drink.

Instead of drinking plain water, replace it with this simple recipe: Take a small piece of ginger root and cut it into smaller pieces.

Place the ginger in a cup of boiled water and let it steep for 20 minutes.

After the water absorbs the taste of ginger, drink it with meals.

Take Creatine

Creatine is usually sold as a white powder when it comes to its cheapest and most effective form, monohydrate, which needs to be diluted in a liquid. This is a chemical substance often used in sports, in bodybuilding, for example.

What for? Because it stimulates the body to produce more energy.

Creatine is a food supplement. Athletes regularly use it, it increases performance and effectiveness in training. It acts on the muscles of the body, increasing the amount of fluid in it. The body retains more water, and in just one week, an increase in weight from 450 g to 1,300 kg is obtained. By absorbing fluid in the muscles, creatine increases their strength.

It is an "osmotically active substance", that is, it allows the muscles to contract faster and better. When using creatine, it is necessary to adhere to the correct dosage of the supplement. The recommended rate is 5 grams per day, but it is better, of course, to consult a specialist before deciding on a dosage.

While taking creatine, try to drink more to avoid dehydration.

Another important point regarding creatine is its ability increase the metabolic rate. The metabolism will work faster, which means you will want to eat more often.

If you want to achieve the perfect body, then drink creatine during meals and preferably after training.

Find your ideal macronutrient ratio

Once you've determined your daily calorie needs for weight gain, you need to find the perfect combination of macronutrients.

This means that you need to divide calories in the correct ratio into carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Each of us has a different body structure, and therefore each needs a different approach to creating an ideal body.

There is few steps to determine the ratio of macronutrients:

  1. Determine exactly what you want to achieve with your diet. Most likely, if you are reading this article, then you want to get better. To do this, focus on carbohydrates. This means that 40-60% of total calories should come from carbohydrates, 25-35% from protein and 15-25% from fat. It is this ratio of macronutrients that stimulates the growth of muscle mass.
  2. Secondly, you need to determine the type of your physique. There are three main human body types. Some people have a mixture of the two types.


These people are slender and narrow-boned, with a small chest and shoulders.

Their metabolism is very fast, so it is difficult for them to gain body weight.

If you are an ectomorph, then your diet should consist of a large amount of high quality carbohydrates.

They should account for 30-60% of your total calories.

Also, 25% should be left for protein.


This body type includes strong and muscular people, with well-defined shoulders and very athletic.

The ideal ratio of macronutrients for them would be a large proportion of carbohydrates in the diet.

40-50% of the food consumed should come from them.


These people have a soft and round body, more like a pear, they have a slow metabolism.

Unlike ectomorphs and mesomorphs, endomorphs don't need to eat a lot of carbs to gain weight quickly.

Only 30-40% of total calories should come from carbohydrates in order to gain weight and build muscle.

Most often, women burn calories faster. So if you are a woman, then aim for 40% carbs in your diet. But keep in mind, it all depends on the person, what suits one, not the fact that it suits another.

For example, to gain weight quickly, an ectomorph man needs more carbohydrates than a mesomorph woman.

It will also depend on the person's metabolism.

Drink nutritious smoothies

Are you unable to eat more than what you are currently eating?

Or maybe three meals and two snacks aren't working for you?

There is another way to get more calories.

Try drinking them!

For many people, five meals a day becomes a real challenge. If you don’t have the strength to chew anymore, prepare yourself a delicious cocktail.

Also can be used in cocktails.

Here are some tips if you're having trouble with high-calorie smoothies:

  • Drink the cocktail very quickly;
  • Don't wait for the ingredients to start to sour or ferment;
  • Add ingredients to taste. For example, almonds, vanilla, cinnamon, or whatever you like;
  • If it is problematic to drink the entire serving at once, then try drinking half the serving for the first 4 days;
  • If you have malabsorption, try drinking avocado-based smoothies.

Here are some delicious and nutritious recipes:

  • 1 medium to large avocado, 2 medium bananas, 1 can of whole milk yogurt, and 4 raw eggs. Total calories=1022;
  • 1 jar whole milk yogurt, 1 cup coconut milk, 6 tablespoons whey protein, 3 tablespoons honey, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 6 raw eggs, 2 tsp. vanilla. Total calories=1575;
  • 1 cup coconut milk 2 medium bananas 1 cup frozen blueberries 4 large raw eggs Total calories = 1005;
  • 1 cup boiled sweet potatoes, 3 tbsp. honey, 6 tbsp. whey protein, 4 large raw eggs. Total calories=905;
  • 1 medium to large avocado 1 cup coconut milk 2 medium bananas 1 cup sweet boiled potatoes Calorie = 1283.

Try Incorporating Brewer's Yeast into Your Diet

Yeast is a substance made up of a special type of microscopic fungus, which are often used in the food industry and cooking.

Although they are used for various purposes, only one type of yeast, called brewer's yeast, helps to quickly get fat.

They are sold in tablet form in any pharmacy.

Brewer's yeast is a dietary supplement rich in vitamin D. It is also high in carbohydrates and protein.

According to one study, adding 95 calories a day without changing your diet can help you gain 4.5 kg in a year.

Brewer's yeast is considered a safe supplement, but not for everyone.

If you have diabetes, then you should consult your healthcare professional before taking this supplement.

Rule out any health problems that may interfere with weight gain

The last but very important point. Before you start working on a set of kilograms, you should first rule out any possible health problems that could interfere with your goal.

There are several diseases that will not allow you to get better.


This disease is caused by an imbalance in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland influences the metabolism with the help of hormones. This gland is responsible for the production of thyroxine. The more thyroxine produced, the faster your metabolism and the more calories burned.

Even with a good appetite, weight is not gained at all.

Symptoms of this disease are: trembling in the hands and fingers, irregular or rapid heartbeat, restlessness or nervousness.

In women, the cycle can change.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Gastrointestinal disorders prevent your body from properly absorbing the nutrients from the food you eat.

Most people suffer from malnutrition due to digestive problems.

This condition can be aggravated by various diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, celiac disease.

Symptoms are blood in the stool, abnormal bowel movements, pain or gas in the abdomen.

type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is most often diagnosed in adulthood.

This is a condition in which the body becomes resistant to insulin.

Insulin is responsible for regulating the amount of glucose in the body.

Glucose, on the other hand, is responsible for weight and appetite.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are fatigue, frequent urination, and blurred vision.


Although smoking is not considered a disease, it is harmful to the body. It does not allow you to get better, because nicotine suppresses appetite.

Everyone knows that nicotine increases the metabolic rate.

It is known that smokers lose about 200 calories a day due to the substances that make up cigarettes.

If you have any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Be committed to your goal. At first, you may not notice the result on the scale, but this is not a reason to give up. The process of gaining is as difficult as the process of losing weight. Overweight people see the first results only after a year of hard work on themselves, things are about the same for people with a lack of mass. So if a week has passed and you claim that you can't put on extra pounds, it will sound very stupid.
  • Eat food rich in nutrients. Increase your calories by at least 20% to maintain a stable weight. Be sure to choose nutritious healthy foods.
  • Don't try to get fat with fast food. Make a balanced diet for the day.
  • Eat before your workout. During strength training, muscles need a lot of energy to successfully cope with loads. If you don’t eat before training, then you can even lose weight, and not just gain something.
  • Don't train the same muscle group every day. Muscles grow for the most part during rest, so try to let them rest for one day.
  • The workout should consist of 6-8 repetitions in 5 sets. Between sets, take a 3-minute break and drink water.
  • Drink enough water, but do not drink before meals. Drink water at least one hour before meals.
  • Keep track of your calorie intake and for their quality. Do not lean on "bad" calories, such as bad cholesterol.
  • Calculate the calories expended for training. It is better not to do cardio exercises, but focus on strength training.
  • Do not go more than 4 hours without food.
  • Eat right before bed. Muscle repair and regeneration happens mostly during sleep, so eat before bed to energize your body.

Precautionary measures

  • Don't overeat. This can lead to vomiting, stomach and abdominal pain, and colic.
  • If you gain mass too quickly, the skin may appear stretch marks.
  • Eat a variety of foods. Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Choose tropical fruits that are high in natural sugars. It is not recommended to eat the same dish all the time.
  • Don't overdo it. If you gain extra pounds, then you will need to deal with another problem.
  • Before you decide to gain weight, consult with a specialist. If you have a chronic disease, you should first address the problem before switching to a high-calorie diet.
  • Don't mock yourself. Try to understand your body. Only it knows what it needs and what it wants. In your case, it is not only your fault that you have a thin body. Basically, it's genetics. Don't be discouraged if something can't be changed. But in your hands is the remote control of the body, you have to teach it how it should work. You have to show him how you want to look.
  • Tell your friends and family about your intentions, ask for help or support. People around you will start to notice the changes happening to your body and start asking questions. Just be persistent and soon you will notice that all your efforts will pay off.
  • People who are trying to get better do not always come easily and without problems. We often hear about actors who put on muscle mass for a role in a movie. But this does not mean that they did it without harm to health. The fashion for thin people has already passed. Many people may not even understand you, because for the most part people are trying to lose weight, and you suddenly decide to gain a few pounds. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet can be challenging. You will have to sacrifice yourself at some point and work hard to achieve your goal.

Today, most people are struggling with excess weight, because it is a direct threat to health, life, beauty and grace. But there are those who are concerned about low weight and want to gain it. . Women for the most part dream of having beautiful forms in piquant places, sometimes weight is necessary purely for medical reasons. Let's talk today how to get better or gain weight at home, adjusting the diet and taking herbal decoctions. Available to everyone and the best weight gain recipes are here!

Small weight: what is bad and how it threatens health

  • In a girl with low weight, reproductive function may be impaired, which leads to a failure of the menstrual cycle and, as a result, the inability to become pregnant and bear a fetus.
  • Lack of weight leads to an increase in blood sugar and the emergence of an insidious disease - diabetes mellitus.
  • Excessively thin people face disorders in the endocrine system.
  • A small percentage of fat in thin people contributes to the malfunction of other organs.
  • Insufficient weight can cause kidney disease, their omission.
  • Lack of weight contributes to the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a drop in immunity, which in turn causes various sores.
  • Thin people have a hard time in everyday life, any overload can lead to tearing of organs, muscle breakdown. We often hear the expression: overstrained, all this is just from the area of ​​\u200b\u200blow weight.

Khudoba and its types

There are two types of thinness:

  • physiological - the state of the body when a person has passed all the examinations, no violations have been identified, he is healthy. Most likely, low weight is caused by a rapid metabolism, thinness was inherited by him due to the structure of his personal endocrine system.
  • pathological thinness is detected during medical examinations, when a problem is found in the work of some organs, and sometimes several.

The article will discuss how to quickly recover a girl or woman at home, with physiological thinness, or weight loss occurred temporarily in a healthy body, for example, with experienced, physical fatigue, violation.

Gaining weight through physical training, pumping up muscles is a long process that takes time and the intake of proteins, the intake of which is not useful and harmless, no matter how their manufacturers claim. However, moderate physical activity during weight gain is, of course, important for the body to look beautiful and trained, the weight gained is not deposited in "unnecessary" places.

We will consider here only foods and recipes that increase weight at home.

Reasons for being underweight

First of all, to understand the reason for low weight, you need to find out if you are healthy.

So, if there are no special violations in the work of organs, we will try to increase weight by changing your diet.

How to get fat or gain weight properly at home

Far from a few people, both men and women, are not averse to getting a little fat, this is especially true for young and middle-aged people. For mature people, the opposite problem is most often closer, how to lose weight. So let's start with the main thing, how to get better at home quickly.

  • First of all, there should be high-calorie food, this is obvious. If the recommended daily calorie intake for an average woman and middle age is 1500-2000 kcal, then the diet of thin women with an accelerated metabolism should contain 3000-4000 calories. It is difficult to digest such a quantity of food out of habit, therefore, for weight gain, it is best to organize fractional meals, which include a snack 1.5-2 hours after each of the main meals.
  • Next, you need to slightly change the diet. Increase, as with weight loss, the number of meals up to 6-7 every 1.5 - 2 hours. Breakfast should be mandatory, and hot, preferably milk porridge, with the addition of candied fruits or dried fruits. In the evening, two dinners, the first as usual at 18-19 o'clock and 2 hours before bedtime another protein.
  • The diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the approximate ratio of proteins is 25%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - 55%. Fats are required, with their help, the proper assimilation of protein is the basis of our muscle mass.
  • It is important to increase the calorie content of meals, especially foods high in carbohydrates - to help you. A special place should be given to fast carbohydrates - sweets, pasta, pastries.
  • Dairy products: milk, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese - high-calorie food, tasty and healthy, since natural is recognized as beneficial for the body as a whole.
  • Increase the proportion of meat: turkey, chicken, rabbit, lamb. However, do not overdo it, excess carbohydrates and fats in the body worsen the functioning of the heart, liver, and contribute to the development of diabetes.
  • To ensure proper metabolism, the rate of consumption is important. Of course, this includes all the water, and enclosed in the products too. We do not focus only on water, you can drink coffee, black and green tea, fermented milk products, vegetable and fruit juices are especially useful as a source.
  • Vegetables are low-calorie foods, but they are important for metabolism, so we dress vegetable salads with vegetable oil, preferably olive, linseed, rapeseed - they are more useful.
  • Fruits play their right role here too. Eat bananas, grapes, apricots, peaches, and preferably in the morning and before meals, that is, before breakfast and lunch, or in between, to avoid excessive fermentation in the intestines. For this reason, fruit intake in the evening should be little avoided. In this list, special attention would be given to bananas and they are available to us all year round and actually contribute to weight gain.

  • Beekeeping products also help to increase weight correctly: bee pollen, pollen, royal jelly have a beneficial effect on the body and increase weight if its decrease is caused by malaise. In the morning, when you wake up, immediately eat 1-2 teaspoons of honey, it is quickly absorbed and starts the process of insulin formation, which leads to an increase in appetite.
  • Any nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios increase weight due to their calorie content and oil content, with the addition of dried fruits - the effect of their use is even more significant.
  • Before meals, at noon and in the evening, drink a glass of fruit juice to which sugar or honey is added. Juice itself is high in calories, in addition, it helps to raise insulin, which in turn accelerates the process of converting carbohydrates into fats.
  • In an effort to get better, it is not necessary to increase the amount of food consumed, overeat, all this can lead to an overload in the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, and although it will give tangible results in weight gain, it will bring other health problems.

If there are no diseases, and the reason for low weight is a special process of digestion and metabolism, then you can try the following folk recipes.

Folk recipes for weight gain products

This mass below, consumed with hot milk, works well and gives the desired result of weight gain over time.

200 gr. rendered interior pork fat (I think where you can find this, you can replace it with butter, which is well absorbed and just tastier);

  • 6 large green apples;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 200 gr. chocolate

Mix the whole mass and spread on bread. There are 4-5 times a day with hot milk.

The recipe guarantees weight gain per week for 1 kg!

And here is a long-proven recipe for those who drink beer:

In a glass of beer, add a couple of tablespoons of fat sour cream, you can add a little salt and drink. Take daily until weight starts to come on.

If you do not like beer, you can buy brewer's yeast in tablets at the pharmacy and take them according to the calculated data indicated in the application.

Another delicious cocktail

1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and half a banana. You can have it as an addition to breakfast, you can before going to the fitness room

This cocktail is effective for temporary weight loss.

Milkshake for weight gain

For one glass of cocktail you will need the following products:
Sour cream - 100 g.
Olive oil (can be replaced with any vegetable) - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
Lemon juice from half a lemon
Orange juice - 100g.
Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon or can be replaced with any fruit jam or jam.
Egg yolk - 1 pc. Mix everything and drink

Recipe for weight gain with bee pollen

  • 500 g pollen
  • 2 standard cans of condensed milk, natural whole according to GOST is important.

Mix everything thoroughly and put the mass for two weeks in the refrigerator so that it is infused. Use every morning on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before breakfast, chewing thoroughly, starting with 1 teaspoon, and increase the rate every 3-5 days. It is better to drink warm liquid.

In order to gain weight, a man, girl and teenager needs to increase the amount of pollen consumed to 2-2.5 tbsp / 1.5-2 tbsp / 1 tbsp. respectively.

It is important that the person is not allergic to bee pollen.

A good effect of weight gain with herbs is given by decoctions of alfalfa (2 tablespoons of fresh per glass of water or 1 tablespoon of dried grass). Drink a warm decoction half a cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Other herbs have similar stimulating weight gain properties: clover, sophora, nettle, dandelion, cinquefoil, yarrow and others. You can drink a decoction separately from each herb, you can mix everything that we have and prepare a decoction according to the following recipe suggested by Gennady Malakhov :

Pour 2 tablespoons of pre-chopped collection with 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour together with the herb into a thermos, insist overnight.
Take during the day 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals.
To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, berries.
The course of treatment is 3-4 months.
Then they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Despite the improvement, phytotherapy should be continued for at least 12 months.

Increase the weight of brewer's yeast, taken after or during meals. Yeast increases appetite, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases absorption in the intestines, and provides the body with B vitamins.

Yeast is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney disease and gout.

Remember that weight gain of more than 1 kg per week is not safe for the body.. An increase of 500 grams was recognized as optimal.

Physical exercise, muscle building - the path to weight gain

When gaining weight, we must remember that the physical component is also important here. Do not forget that the mass is not deposited in unnecessary places, we swing the press and keep the body in good shape! And then the fat coming from food and formed from carbohydrates will not be deposited in fat folds, but will turn into beautiful muscles, making the tedo flexible and slender.

It is important here to start with small loads so that physical education does not result in even greater weight loss.

Sometimes excessive thinness is a consequence of the transferred nervous tension, stress, or too active emotional rhythm of life. You just need to give the body a break, ensure a healthy and proper sleep, pamper it a little and your weight will return to you. After all, a calm measured life is a guarantee of health and ... good weight.

Well, in conclusion, I want to reassure all the thin ones a little: if you feel good, you don’t have terrible medical diagnoses, you are young and full of energy - rejoice that you are low weight, because this will give you a chance to stay for many years. People with less weight live longer and their quality of life is much higher!

And now tips on how to gain weight correctly and effectively: