Preparations for the normalization of leptin. What role does the hormone leptin play in the body? Avoid severe calorie restriction

The hormone leptin is produced by white fat cells. In another way, it is also called the satiety hormone, appetite control hormone, or calorie burner hormone.

How does leptin work?

After a meal, fat tissue cells send leptin to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, signaling that the body is full and fat has been replenished. In response, the brain sends a command to reduce appetite and increase energy expenditure. Thanks to this, normal occurs, the optimal level of glucose is maintained for the production of vital energy.

What does it mean if the hormone leptin is elevated?

Many people who are obese have a brain disorder that recognizes the hormone leptin. This means that after a person has eaten, fat cells sent a message to the hypothalamus that hunger was satisfied. Leptin reaches the brain, but does not receive a response. The brain continues to “think” that the feeling of hunger is present and gives the command to continue filling in fat reserves - the appetite does not decrease, the feeling of hunger continues, and the person begins to overeat. Fat cells continue to produce leptin in order to "reach out" to the brain. As a result, the level of leptin in the blood increases.

When does leptin increase?

Scientific studies have shown that leptin levels can be elevated in such cases:

  • during menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during menopause;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • after artificial insemination;
  • during puberty in girls.

What threatens the increased hormone leptin in the blood?

Modern medicine studies have proven that people are overweight not only because of malnutrition, an inactive lifestyle, and the development of pathological processes. The culprit behind obesity is leptin.

Scientists discovered its functioning back in the 90s, although it is not as well known as insulin or other hormones. The main function of the hormone is to develop a feeling of satiety, which is important in the therapeutic processes of obesity.

What is the hormone responsible for?

Leptin is classified as a protein hormone. Its structure is encoded on the seventh chromosome and has 167 amino acids. The hormone is often referred to as the hunger hormone. In a woman's body, it acts on the hypothalamus, transmitting information to the brain about a sufficient amount of accumulated fat. This information affects the reduction of insatiable appetite and the desire to burn extra calories. But the process must take place without exceeding the desired speed.

In addition to the main task, the hormone has a large number of additional functions. It has an effect on the functioning of the brain, the development of the protective function of the body. With the proper functioning of the leptin system, a woman does not experience a feeling of overeating. Her body is not prone to disorders of the digestive tract.

Medical practice has recorded cases when the hormone does not work properly in the female body. In such cases, it protects patients from anorexia, but does not combat constant overeating. White adipose tissue is able to produce the maximum amount of leptin in the subcutaneous fat cell of the abdomen, buttocks, mesentery, omentum, and subperitoneum.

When the hormone leptin is elevated, the process of getting rid of extra pounds is seriously complicated. A woman is constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger. The desire to eat junk food to satisfy your body does not leave it during the day and even during night rest. There are a number of preventive measures that help lower leptin levels.

Hormone functions

Functioning in the body leptin:

  • maintains an energy balance between getting rid of and replenishing the right amount of calories;
  • sends a signal to the brain about the state of adipose tissue;
  • adapts the body to the feeling of hunger;
  • adjusts the amount of food consumed;
  • responsible for increasing energy expenditure;
  • prevents the use of intracellular fats;
  • raises the amount of glucose in the blood to the desired level;
  • together with the work of the genital organs of the girl, she is responsible for timely puberty, regulates the time frame of its individual periods;
  • raises blood pressure to normal;
  • controls tissue sensitivity to production.

The main task of leptin is to prevent a long period of starvation. It informs the satiety center in the hypothalamus about the feeling of fullness, which causes a person to stop eating.

What does an increase or decrease lead to?

When a woman wakes up with a feeling of hunger, it means that there is not enough leptin in the body. A hormone deficiency causes the body to experience hunger, the body at this moment tries to be satisfied with food, and at the same time not always healthy. A person has a desire to eat foods with high fat content, fried foods, flour products, and fast food.

These moments quite dangerously affect the accumulation and deposition of fat in large quantities, which leads to pathological processes of obesity. An effective therapy in such a situation is the introduction of leptin into the body of a woman.

Decrease in appetite and its blocking occurs with an increase in leptin. Cases of alimentary obesity in women with elevated levels of the hormone have been recorded. The process is active because the hypothalamic receptors are not sensitive to leptin in the same way that they are to insulin in type 2 diabetes. The person is constantly hungry.

After a heavy meal in the morning, afternoon or evening, adipose tissue produces the maximum amount of the hormone to signal the hypothalamus, thereby compensating for food intake.

According to statistics, every tenth overweight woman has a slight resistance to the hormone. This leads to a number of pathological processes:

  • polycystic ovaries;
  • infertility;
  • frequent and prolonged state of depression;
  • thrombosis;
  • stroke;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • anorexia.

Even under the conditions of advanced modern medicine, the final results in a woman's body are unknown. It is important to understand that in addition to this hormone, a number of other substances are responsible for the feeling of satiety or hunger. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose an excess or deficiency of leptin only after a complete examination with decoding of laboratory tests by a competent, qualified specialist.

7 important facts every woman should know

There are important scientifically proven facts about this hormone:

  • The hormone is produced by fat cells. Its function is to reduce appetite. At the same time, energy functions increase, which leads to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Leptin affects certain nerve cells in the brain.
  • The level of leptin decreases at the moment when the amount of stored fat becomes less.
  • Overweight people are resistant to the hormone.
  • If the levels of leptin in the blood are high or vice versa low, or the female body develops resistance to this hormone, it is possible that the entire hormonal system will fail.
  • With the norm of leptin in the body, sleep becomes strong and healthy, pathological inflammatory processes disappear, and a significant weight loss occurs.
  • Leptin has a direct relationship with insulin, which has been proven by scientists. The internal mechanism of hormone resistance is triggered by overweight people. This mechanism is related to insulin. Insulin is able to block leptin, which is fully responsible for a person's appetite. The body's resistance to leptin limits the brain from receiving the desired satiety signal.

Preventive actions

In order to significantly improve the functioning of the hormone in the body, experts have been studying the problem of its increased or decreased levels for a long time. This issue has not been fully disclosed, but preventive measures to prevent the development of pathological processes due to the wrong amount of the hormone have been developed by qualified specialists in narrow areas.

Adjust portion sizes when you eat.

It is not necessary to calculate the number of calories consumed. Instead, pay attention to the portion size. Many have been helped by experiments to reduce food intake by ½. experts advise eating slowly, savoring each dish, so that the brain receives a signal about the saturation of the body. A simple action will lead to a decrease in the amount of food consumed, respectively, there will be a loss of extra pounds.

Eat the right amount of complex carbohydrates

This normalizes the production of the hormone. Processing of food rich in carbohydrates occurs slowly, stabilizing the flow of energy, excluding sharp bursts. To do this, eat more vegetables, beans, lentils, rice.

Eliminate processed foods from your diet, which can dramatically increase leptin levels. Such products are not fully absorbed, settling in the body fat deposits.

Control the amount of sugar you eat. Refusing sweet cakes, sweets, cakes, there is no 100% guarantee that the ingredient does not enter the body. Sugar is added to canned food, sausages, yogurt, milk, its amount in these products is difficult to calculate.

Therefore, to avoid getting a large amount of sugar into the body, pay attention to the composition of the purchased products. Purchase a product containing a sweetener. Do not drink industrial juices. Try to consume dairy products in limited doses.

Eat foods that reduce the level of the hormone leptin. These are omega-3 fats. Products rich in these compounds provoke a significant decrease in the hormone. Include seafood in your daily diet:

  • red caviar;
  • mackerel;
  • anchovies;
  • sardines;
  • herring.

As a result, the combination of fatty acids with fiber becomes effective. Hormone-lowering fruits and berries include raspberries, apples, and pears. Berries and fruits are best eaten with the peel, after dousing with boiling water.

Another important piece of advice from specialists in the narrow field is to continue to stick to the diet even when regaining weight. If, after a certain diet for the body, increase physical activity or abruptly change the diet, the functioning of the hormone may fail.

To avoid an undesirable result, consult your doctor, undergo an examination, take the laboratory tests prescribed by him. With an adjusted hormonal background, it is easier to bring the body into the desired and desired shape.

1. Mechanism of action and functions 2. Leptin levels 3. How to improve hormone function?

Why do so many people feel hungry all the time? They are not to blame for this, but the hormone leptin. It is this substance that controls the rate of metabolism and energy consumption or expenditure.


Leptin is a protein produced by fat cells (adipocytes) in adipose tissue. It belongs to the adipokines - the collective name for substances formed by fat cells - and is the first discovered compound of this type. Was researched in 1994.

Leptin is a hormone that regulates energy intake and expenditure (including appetite) and metabolism. This is the most important hormone that can explain why sometimes a person feels full, and at other times - hungry. If the hormone is at a high level in the body, it sends signals to the brain that the person is full and it's time to stop eating. On the other hand, low hormone levels lead to uncontrolled hunger and excessive consumption of calories (energy). Binding of leptin to receptors in the hypothalamus promotes the release of appetite-suppressing hormones.

This protein consists of 167 amino acids. Its structure is very rich - it is formed by 4 anti-parallel alpha-helices, which are held together by 2 long and 1 short connections. Like every protein, the hormone is encoded by DNA - its gene is located on chromosome 7 at position 7q31.3.


Leptin is produced not only in white adipose tissue, but also in other parts of the body. It is present, for example, in brown adipose tissue, placenta, oocytes, preovulatory follicle granulosa cells, gastric mucosa, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or skeletal muscle.

The hormone circulating in the human body directly corresponds to the total amount of fat in the body. Accordingly, its level depends on body weight. This means that during rapid weight loss through liposuction or restrictive diets that cause accelerated fat loss, there is an equally dramatic drop in leptin levels.

A person feels hungry, thyroid function and metabolism decrease. The body responds by increasing anabolic responses (conserving reserves) and feeling hungry. Based on this, one can explain why drastic diets for weight loss do not work: even despite much less food intake, there is a feeling of fatigue and a slowdown in metabolism.

Leptin is much more sensitive to fasting than to overeating. In the first case, during fat burning, the values ​​of this hormone drop sharply, while in the second case, its rise is limited. The indicator also increases due to an increase in insulin levels, for example, after a meal.


In order for the hormone to act, that is, to mediate its physiological functions, it must bind to the Ob receptor. There are 6 isoforms of the leptin receptor in the body:

  • Ob-R;
  • Ob-Rb;
  • Ob-RC;
  • Ob-RD;
  • Ob-Re;
  • Ob-Rf.

However, only the Ob-Rb form contains the intracellular structures required to activate cellular signals. This isoform is found in the hypothalamus and endometrium, others are involved in the transport of the hormone in the body.

Leptin performs numerous functions in the human body. Its main task is to adapt the body to starvation. It contributes to the following processes:

  • maintaining energy homeostasis;
  • reduced food intake;
  • increase in energy consumption;
  • a signal about the amount of fat in the body and food reserves;
  • direct inhibition of intracellular lipid concentration;
  • increased glucose uptake and gluconeogenesis in the liver.

The hormone plays a role in reproduction, regulation of puberty (the molecule is important for the maturation of the sex axes), and eating disorders. It is involved in the regulation of cardiovascular (sympathetic activation, increased blood pressure, induction of angiogenesis) and immune functions, management of ontogeny.

Leptin indirectly affects bone metabolism, the size of which depends on the nutritional state of the body and the onset of menstruation. Low levels and poor nutritional status or late menses are a risk factor for the subsequent development of osteoporosis.


Plasma levels of leptin correlate with body fat stores. These rates are generally higher in women than in men, regardless of body weight, fat volume, or age. Leptin is present in small amounts only in people with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Typically, high concentrations are found in obese individuals, which is considered a state of leptin resistance. High levels of this hormone are also associated with the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome. Plasma levels of the substance exhibit circadian rhythms, with levels of the hormone being highest around midnight and in the early hours of the morning.

In February 2012, a note was published in the journal Nature citing growing evidence that the agent that inhibits leptin levels may be sugar, in particular fructose, which is widely used in the food industry. Leptin is able to provoke a desire to move and control which foods are attractive to a person. Therefore, for some people, a leptin tablet is considered an ideal substance for treating obesity.

The problem is that the body is constantly trying to regulate basal hormone levels. If its level periodically increases, as happens in overweight people, the brain loses sensitivity and reacts to leptin in a limited way. In such individuals, adipose tissue produces high levels of the hormone, but the brain does not respond to it sufficiently. They need more of this substance to feel full.

Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to give the body enough time so that it can adapt to new, lower levels of leptin, that is, so that the body losing fat perceives the reduced levels of the hormone as normal and receives a satiety signal at the right time.

In addition to obesity, a diet high in fructose leads to leptin resistance. This sweet product reduces the ability of the hormone to cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the hypothalamus. Thus, even at high levels of leptin in the blood, it does not necessarily reach the necessary satiety signal.

5 How to improve hormone function?

Improving hormone function depends on a person's lifestyle. This can help the observance of some rules and basics of a healthy diet:

  1. Quality sleep. The body craves rest, so leptin levels rise during sleep. A sleepy person suffers more from hunger.
  2. Limit your intake of sugar and concentrated fructose, i.e. the use of sweets, sodas, juices, or fructose concentrates. Similarly, sugary processed foods should be avoided. Today, fructose is present almost everywhere. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to natural fruits. They also contain fructose, but not in a concentrated form. In addition, they are full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that slow down the absorption of fructose in the blood.
  3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake. Large and regular amounts of these compounds cause a sudden secretion of insulin, which is reflected by an increase in leptin levels. The biggest enemy in this case is represented by carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are consumed at the wrong time (during low physical activity or late at night).
  4. Forget about radical diets and starvation. These methods disrupt metabolism, and due to low levels of leptin, they will instantly have the opposite effect. Forget about restrictions, pay attention to proper and healthy nutrition.
  5. Consume Omega-3 fatty acids. Eat fish, nuts, healthy natural oils - anything that contains these substances. They activate leptin sensitivity.

Leptin is a fat cell hormone that influences energy, metabolic and neuroendocrine responses in the human body. It causes the development of diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

If the level of leptin in the blood is increased, then this will lead to an increase in body weight due to the deposition of adipose tissue. When functioning normally, it depresses appetite-stimulating areas in the brain.

The human body produces a substance in two ways:

  1. The first step is the production of fat cells. This is a long term process. The more of these cells a person has, the more he produces leptin. Fat people still produce a lot of it, but the receptors in the brain have become resistant to it. To reduce weight, you need to develop sensitivity to the production of this substance.
  2. The second pathway of the hormone is via insulin. In the process of entering the body of foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, insulin begins to be produced together with leptin. The more insulin is produced, the more leptin is produced. When the body is in dire need of the need for insulin, then the level of the hormone rises and remains at this indicator for almost a day and a half.

The production of a substance is related to the amount of food that enters the body. When overeating, the level of the hormone increases, while following the diet, it decreases. The human body has a large reserve of potential.

If a person eats enough, the hormone prevents the accumulation of adipose tissue. On the other hand, leptin stores fat tissue so that the body can survive and reproduce.

In many people who are overweight, the production system of the substance is broken and insensitive, and then the brain cannot control when it is enough to accumulate fat. Fat cells send the hormone to the hypothalamus and notify of their sufficient amount, but it reaches the receptors and does not receive feedback.

The brain still accumulates fat and perceives the situation as hungry. This is the catch during the diet, the body constantly wants to eat.

Functions performed by the hormone

It is produced by fat cells and performs many functions in the body:

  • participates in the metabolism and accumulation of adipose tissue;
  • reduces appetite;
  • alters the metabolism of glucose and fats;
  • increases energy consumption;
  • overweight in a person indicates a high content of leptin;
  • when the hormone is normal, it reduces the feeling of hunger, which is formed in the hypothalamus;
  • after rapid weight loss through diet, leptin levels decrease, hunger increases, and body weight returns to its previous level.

Medications to reduce appetite

Leptin, found in diet pills, helps reduce appetite. Weight loss drugs are quite serious chemical compounds that affect the hypothalamus, which is responsible for hormone production, appetite and the digestive tract.

This type of medication should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor and in case of severe obesity. Drugs do not affect a certain area of ​​the brain, but the entire nervous system, undermining health. Also, diet pills have many side effects and contraindications for use.

Leptin deficiency symptoms:

  • Violation of gene reactions associated with hereditary predisposition;
  • As a result of this, a person experiences a feeling of hunger all the time;
  • Increases body weight;
  • Diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels develop;
  • Sexual development is delayed.

Reasons for fluctuating leptin levels:

  • Frequent use of diets;
  • Increased consumption of fatty foods;
  • When it is elevated, it causes diabetes, hypertension, ischemia;
  • During menopause, critical days, the level of the hormone increases.

Conclusion on the topic

Leptin is an important hormone for humans and is involved in all processes. It is responsible for the energy potential and for the feeling of fullness. It is also called the hormone for weight loss. Through fat cells, it sends a signal to the brain that the body is full and no longer needs food, but only an increase in energy consumption.

Diet pills normalize hormone levels and reduce hunger. The norm of the hormone is determined by the age category and gender characteristics. In the fairer sex, the hormone is higher in the blood than in men.

Therefore, it is harder for a woman to lose weight. A normal level of leptin in the blood is the key not only to a beautiful and slim figure, but also to longevity and health. Caffeine promotes a decrease in the hormone, which will help avoid the accumulation of adipose tissue and increase in body weight.