Diet after the holidays - unloading nutrition for weight loss after a feast. If you overate: what to do with a feeling of heaviness, how to avoid excess weight

On any holidays, when you meet with friends, often a “feast” is arranged for the stomach. It is hard to imagine how you can limit yourself from overeating in such holidays especially when there are a lot of goodies on the table. But only from such tasty, but very high-calorie food, extra centimeters at the waist can subsequently be added, and the arrow on the scales will go off scale. In addition, discomfort appears after overeating, so fasting days are shown during such a period.

Fasting days after the holidays are a short-term diet that needs to be limited to a set certain products or use just one ingredient throughout the day.

It is very useful to arrange such unloading after the holidays, as this will allow you to return to your previous forms, improve health, normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and also remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body.

Types of fasting days after overeating

All fasting days are divided into two categories. The first one is based on nutrients that predominate in the diet: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In this case, the consumption of meat, fish, cottage cheese, sour cream, cereals, fruits and vegetables is recommended.

As a rule, festive dishes contain a lot of proteins and fats, due to which it lingers in the stomach and is digested for a long time, causing a feeling of discomfort and heaviness.

For normalization acid-base balance in the body, which can shift to the side acid environment after overeating, recommended consumption of apples, oranges, carrots, and celery. This will support alkaline environment in the body and restore the acid-base balance in the intestines. Nutritionists advise eating raw vegetables and fruits, as this will remove toxins from the body, as well as improve digestion. Such a method unloading day after overeating will be better.

Unloading day on kefir after overeating

This method of arranging a fasting day for yourself is quite tough, but very effective. On the day of such a diet, you can consume two liters of kefir and no more than 1.5 liters mineral water without gases.

When do we usually overeat? That's right, on holidays. If on the upcoming holiday you suddenly realized that you had just overeaten, then you need to urgently take action. Because overeating without proper measures, firstly, threatens with extra centimeters on the sides, and secondly, your digestive system can rebel against such an amount of heavy and complex food.

The following tips will help you.

5 emergency measures to neutralize the effects of overeating:

1. Dancing

If the holiday party you ate at involves dancing, let's dance! Cardio load will provoke the body to supply energy to the cells. The food will begin to be digested and the calories will go into energy instead of fat. But it is advisable to dance for at least 30 minutes.

2. Walk in the fresh air

Go for a walk. Fresh air It will speed up the metabolism and it will be easier for the body to cope with the task of assimilation of food. Try to breathe deeply, it is useful to make several inclinations in each direction - as a result of this, the food in the esophagus will become more mobile.

3. Ginger tea

You will feel better if you drink a cup of ginger tea in small sips, you can with lemon. But ginger and lemon must be natural! Ginger activates digestion, relieves heaviness, prevents the formation of excess gases, and speeds up metabolism.

4. Pharmacy and herbal preparations

You can prepare for a possible overeating in advance by buying Festal at the pharmacy (taken with meals). In addition, pharmacies have ready-made herbal preparations, relieving heaviness, improving digestion and having a laxative effect.

5. Chewing gum

Will somewhat ease the state of health and ordinary chewing gum, preferably mint. Enzymes from abundantly secreted saliva will enter the stomach, which will also help accelerate the breakdown of food.

What to do the next day

After an evening / night meal, it is advisable to give a little rest digestive system. The body needs time to cleanse itself. Here are a few more useful tips:

  • It is recommended to start the next day after gastronomic excesses with natural lemonade, which can be prepared as follows: squeeze one lemon into a glass, add water and drink.
  • Then, throughout the day, follows, without sugar, ginger tea or warm water with lemon.
  • For the first meal, buckwheat porridge with bran is also good, because fiber will help cleanse the intestines and the stomach will be happy.
  • Also a good help for the body will be a small physical activity: , easy complex of morning exercises, jogging.
  • It will help restore life after overeating and.


Highly important point. Some people think that a couple of hungry days after the "eating" will save the situation with extra pounds. But in fact, the opposite is true.

Such a contrast is an incredible stress for health. Firstly, the body does not survive such changes well. Secondly, when he does not receive food, they turn on defense mechanisms, and therefore, everything that you eat after hungry days, your body, frightened by the subsequent lack of food, will decompose in reserve into new fat cells.

Conclusion: mindless spontaneous fasting is a direct path to fullness. Of course, it is worth limiting the diet after a festive overeating, but you need to eat and be sure to regularly.

What food will be optimal for the next few days after overeating:

  • eat scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, a little porridge or cottage cheese with tea;
  • for lunch you need protein and vegetables: it can be chicken, baked or boiled without skin, fish or other seafood, supplemented with fresh salad or stewed vegetables;
  • for dinner - vegetables, in any form, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • during the day it is desirable to make three main meals and two snacks;
  • the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • the interval between meals is at least 2-3 hours;
  • fruits are best eaten in the morning;
  • you can afford for lunch (before lunch), but not more than 150 kcal (this is, for example, 3 chocolate candies or 30 grams or three halves of marshmallows or 40 grams of dried fruit or 1 large banana), instead of sweet for lunch, there can be cheese or (no more than 30 grams);
  • drink water separately from sweets, ginger tea, green tea, ;

Such a diet within 1-2 weeks will return your “pre-holiday” weight, improve metabolic processes and even speed up your metabolism.


Overeating causes a strong feeling of discomfort. Everyone knows this. However, it is very difficult to resist the next portion of your favorite treat. What to do when overeating? Often this condition causes pain c hinders digestion. After some time, constant overeating affects the figure. How to deal with the problem? To begin with, it is worth clarifying the reasons.

Why does a person overeat

To answer the question of what to do when overeating, it is worth finding out the main causes of this phenomenon. These include:

Getting pleasure. In many developed countries, the population is obese, as consumers often have a desire to try something new. This is done to stimulate the pleasure center. Plain healthy food in such cases, it is replaced by a more harmful one, enriched with a variety of additives, flavorings and preservatives. In addition, some manufacturers add flavor enhancers and irritants to their products.

stressful situations. Many in the period of depression or with an increase in nervous stress begin to use a large number of food. As a result - a strong overeating. What to do in such cases? We'll talk about this a little later.

Eating large amounts of food due to boredom. Many people need this to create a busy effect. However, this is not an option.

Main features

So, what to do with overeating and how to determine that the body has become oversaturated? There are several signs that indicate that the stomach is full.

If a person overate once, then no specific symptoms will not occur. In this case, heaviness in the stomach may be felt, accompanied by bloating. If overeating occurs regularly, then its signs will be more pronounced. In this case, a person can independently feel changes in the body:

Significant weight gain and lifestyle changes.


Discomfort in the region of the intestines caused by flatulence and flatulence.

Uncontrolled eating. A person will consume products even in cases where the body does not need it: when watching a movie, sitting at a computer, and so on.

Often women complain of overeating during pregnancy. What to do and how to avoid it? It should be noted that during pregnancy internal organs are squeezed. This also applies to the stomach. Expectant mothers should eat food in small portions, increasing the number of meals to 6 per day.

What causes overeating

What to do when overeating, we found out: restrain yourself. Difficult? Undoubtedly! In order to begin to deal with your problems, it is worth knowing what consequences it leads to overuse food. In rare cases of overeating, a person may experience heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, general fatigue, drowsiness, headache. All these symptoms go away on their own the next day. But systematic overeating is fraught with more serious consequences:

Increased load on the pancreas. As a result, the body is forced for a long time work to the best of your ability.

The stomach gradually expands. Because of this, the appetite increases.

The body takes in more calories than it burns. All excess is deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits.

There is a poisoning of the body as a whole. Usually in large quantities a person consumes something that contains preservatives and a variety of flavor enhancers. These substances can be harmful. Organs lose the ability to quickly cope with large quantity food. As a result of this, poisoning with toxins and the accumulation of toxins occur.

Metabolic processes are disturbed. Overeating is always accompanied by the accumulation of excess fats in the body, as well as the development of certain diseases of the internal organs.

The body works to the limit of its strength to cope with the violations that have arisen. As a result, a person may experience chronic sleepiness, fatigue. Often the general state of health worsens.

overeating medications

What to do after overeating? To deal with unpleasant sensations, you can ask for help traditional medicine. There are a number of drugs that can significantly alleviate the condition and eliminate some of the symptoms of overeating. Such medicines include Unifestal, Eristal-P, Penzital, Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm, Mezim, Ermital, Creon.

Separately, it is worth noting the usual Activated carbon. This drug is an excellent sorbent. Tired of overeating? What to do? Take activated charcoal. In this case, the dosage is calculated as in case of poisoning. For 10 kilograms of weight, 1 tablet is required. Take the drug is half an hour after the last meal. This will help prevent bloating and pain.

natural remedies

What to do after overeating if there are no medicines at hand? In this case, the means alternative medicine. To the most simple ways should include the use of fruit infusion, black or green tea without sugar. You can add a small piece of ginger or a mint leaf to the drink. Such funds can speed up the metabolism in the body.

You should not drink alcohol. This will only aggravate the condition, since alcohol puts an additional burden on the body and increases the feeling of hunger.

You can also prepare a drink that will relieve spasm and increase production. gastric juice. It is necessary to dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water apple cider vinegar and the same natural honey. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips. However, this “medicine” is not suitable for everyone. After all, he has contraindications.

The simplest remedy, according to nutritionists, is chewing gum. Its use increases the production of saliva. This increases the amount of enzymes that help the stomach digest food faster.

Compulsive overeating

What is binge eating? What to do in this case? A similar diagnosis is often made to those who suffer from obesity. How is compulsive overeating different from normal overeating? it psychological pathology, which appears as follows:

The patient often has bouts of uncontrolled binge eating. The portions are getting bigger every time. At the same time, food is absorbed quickly and without residue.

When eating another dish, a person experiences frustration. Uncontrolled eating leads to stress and depression arising from dissatisfaction with one's own appearance and figure.

A person constantly makes excuses and pities himself.

Do not hope that this condition will pass on its own. In such cases, therapy is required.

What to do about compulsive overeating

With such psychological state often nauseous, and the stomach hurts from overeating. What to do and how to cope with the disease? With compulsive overeating, certain drugs are prescribed to eliminate discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, and a diet is prescribed to reduce the size of the stomach. In addition, psychotherapy is carried out:




To eliminate all problems, patients are often prescribed antidepressants and medicines that help reduce appetite.

Why is binge eating dangerous?

Compulsive overeating leads to many problems: the work of systems and individual organs in the body is disrupted. Among the violations, it is worth highlighting the following:

Elevated cholesterol;



Diabetes mellitus is usually type 2;

Increasing the likelihood lethal outcome: the patient may suffocate in his sleep.

Are there preventive measures

To avoid overeating, you must follow some simple rules. This will prevent the occurrence negative consequences and the development of certain diseases. Here are the basic rules:

Don't fill your plates full of food. They should not contain more food than can fit in your palms.

Food must be chewed thoroughly.

It is not necessary to engage in extraneous matters in the process of eating food. You should only eat in the kitchen. At the same time, you can not talk, read, watch TV, etc.

Food should evoke exclusively positive emotions. If you are stressed, then instead of the next serving of food, drink hot tea.

Should stop using harmful products, which include a large number of chemical additives. Such food contributes to the set excess weight.

And the most important rule to remember: food is not pleasure, it does not need to relieve stress and cheer up. Cooking is an art. Portions should be made beautiful, but small.

On holidays, it can be difficult to refuse to try, if not all, then most of the dishes during the feast. And it is very difficult to stop in time. And you will have to pay for the pleasure with the appearance of excess weight.

Sometimes after overeating there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of discomfort. Therefore, the next day after overeating, it is recommended to spend a fasting day after overeating. From ordinary day he is distinguished by a limited diet and quantity of products.

Unloading days after overeating help improve the condition of the intestines, restore health to it, remove harmful substances and slag.

Organization of proper nutrition after overeating

The first thing to do on the next fasting day after overeating is to limit the amount of food.

Food should not be fatty, overly sweet or spicy. It is better if it is fruits, vegetables, or cereals.

It is advisable to consume one product throughout the day. The principle of mono-diet.

Divide the food into several small parts, about 5-6, and eat them throughout the day.

The diet can vary greatly, depending on what foods you overeat. If you overeat sweets - eat vegetables or drink kefir. Overeaten salinity - cabbage or rice will help remove puffiness. After overeating fatty foods, there is heaviness in the stomach, from which mineral water with lemon, or kefir will help. If you have eaten stale foods, it is better to limit yourself to water in any amount.

Also, during the fasting day after overeating, it is recommended to take vitamins and a lot of plain water.

After overeating, you can sleep longer.

If there is a sports training on a fasting day after overeating, you can go for it, but slightly limit physical activity.

You can eat apples during the fasting day, but they increase your appetite and unloading can turn into gluttony.

Unloading options

Day on cottage cheese:

Curd is very helpful. It is easily digestible. It consists of amino acids, salts, proteins, vitamins. It is useful for the work of the heart, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

It will take 600 grams of cottage cheese, about 100 grams of sour cream, tea with milk, but without sugar, two glasses of rosehip broth. You need to eat all the foods during the day in small portions, for 5-6 meals. You can drink water.

Day on kefir:

Kefir is easily absorbed by the body. Renders positive influence on the stomach, pancreas and liver.

For the entire fasting day after overeating, you need to drink no more than 2 liters of kefir, and no more than 1.5 liters of mineral water. Other products are prohibited.

Oatmeal day:

During the day, eat no more than 700 grams of boiled oatmeal, without sugar and oil. Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Oatmeal envelops the walls of the stomach, and harmful substances cease to enter the body.

Day on rice:

Rice contains a large number of substances that stimulate digestion. It contains vitamins B2, B6, E, carotene. Rice also contains amino acids involved in the formation of new cells.

You will need a glass of boiled rice, green tea or herbal decoction in unlimited quantities. Rice removes toxins from the body. It also gives a feeling of satiety. The only precaution - green tea can reduce pressure.

A day on green tea and water:

Promotes health and longevity. It helps to cleanse the blood of toxins, perfectly stimulates biological processes in the body. It contains tonic substances that can invigorate the body.

Prepare green tea: pour 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves into 2 liters of boiling water. The resulting composition is divided into 5 parts, and taken throughout the day. You can eat a little dried fruit, and if it’s completely unbearable - a small piece rye bread. Don't forget to drink plain water.

Day on apples:

Apples, 2 kilograms - eat during the day. For a variety of menus, they can be baked. Drink plenty of fluids, as the acid in apples can increase stomach acid and cause discomfort.

On vacation or on New Year's holidays, people often allow themselves too much. Nothing can make you stop while you devour these delicious snacks one by one. You are not even embarrassed by the heaviness in the stomach, which screams: “Stop stuffing your mouth with food!”. All these delicacies are undoubtedly delicious. But in excess, they are bad for your health.

Systematic overeating leads to obesity, which provokes heart disease, diabetes and inflammatory processes in the body. After all, when your belly doesn't fit in your jeans, it's not aesthetically pleasing. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to help you cope with the effects of overeating.

Walk after a meal

Often after a hearty meal, we want to collapse on the sofa. This desire is the most common mistake. If you consume a lot of calories and leave the body in "sleep mode", sooner or later you will acquire impressive fat. Therapist Joseph Mosquera recommends that people who have had a large lunch or dinner immediately get up and do any active actions. You can start cleaning or go for a walk. This will help burn off the extra calories.

From a nutritional point of view, active physical exercise immediately after meals are contraindicated. Your task is to keep vertical position body for at least 10 minutes after eating. If possible, increase the walk time to half an hour. This will help regulate your blood sugar levels. Just relax your abdominal muscles and start counting your steps.

Drink more water

After you return from a walk, you may be drawn to the refrigerator again. The remnants of the feast invitingly beckon. To resist the temptation, make it a habit to drink a glass of water every time you feel the urge to put something tasty in your mouth. This will make your digestion easier. Also fight the urge to drink a cocktail. Your goal is to drink plenty of water, as much as you can. A clear liquid helps to digest meat and sugar faster. Tip: For people who have problems with bladder or prostate, it is better to beware of drinking water at night and immediately after waking up.


Fatty high-calorie foods create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If these unpleasant symptoms don't leave you, help your body by taking a probiotic. Beneficial bacteria Once in the intestines, they immediately get to work. They will balance intestinal flora and help food to be digested. However, beware of taking laxatives. Don't adopt the unhealthy habits of people with bulimia.

Schedule your morning workout

Probably one walk after a hearty lunch or dinner will not be enough. Therefore, think about how your body will "work off" the excess received. Morning workout is ready to deal a devastating blow to calories. Just set an alarm for the time you spend jogging or riding a stationary bike. Cardio will help burn off some of the calories from your dinner.

The expert advises to follow normal mode classes. There is no need to stress too much. How to determine that the training has moved into the category of "extra"? Stop every time you start to feel short of breath or unable to speak. This is an indicator that the time has come to reduce the load. Ideally, if you do not quit your studies in the future. It doesn't have to be done every day. Three cardio workouts and one strength training per week are enough.

What to eat the next morning?

With salads and snacks left in the fridge, you may want to have them for breakfast in the morning. We advise you to leave this pleasure until lunch or until the time when you are really hungry. In the morning, eat something light: an omelet or cereals with a handful of almonds. Avoid fatty and processed foods high level cholesterol. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea either. A calorie deficit and several hours of abstinence can lead to overeating.

How to enter the old diet?

After the holidays are over, do not cut the amount of food to a minimum. If you are overweight, there is no point in trying to lose weight in three days. Instead, plan on gradually reducing your calories. As little as 200 calories down on a daily basis will suffice.