Success in negotiations: important factors. Success in negotiations largely depends on taking into account the national characteristics of the partner, his negotiating style

1. Throughout our lives, from the very first moments of our birth, we communicate. We communicate with the world around, with people, with our inner "I". At first, timidly and clumsily, but, growing up, we gain experience and then some of us cannot be stopped. 🙂 Depending on the circumstances, social circle, specific person, we are changing the style, strategy and tactics of communication. We will never communicate with a child the way we communicate with adults in everyday life. We will never communicate with our parents the way we communicate with our friends. We will never communicate with our friends the way we communicate in a business environment. In order for us to be accepted and understood, in order for us to be told “yes” more often, many factors must be taken into account. Where can we get the most practical experience? Of course, only in this complex process like business negotiations.

2. I am often asked the question - what is the most important thing in negotiations? I always answer - the most important thing in negotiations is the process of preparation for them. The result depends on how we prepared for the negotiations - whether we win or lose. Good, high-quality preparation is already 50-60% of success. Yes, I use sports terminology. Because, as negotiations, a kind of competition, a duel of intellects, experience and knowledge of several people. Somehow a client calls me and says - “Eduard, tomorrow I have a very important negotiations. I'm very worried, it will work out - it won't work out. I ask - you prepared for them? No, - he answers - I know the topic, I’m a pro in trading and I can find an answer to any question.
Here is the most common mistake. We are sometimes in some kind of illusion from what we have learned own business, as it seems to us, to the smallest detail and nothing will “knock us down”.

3. “Okay,” I say, “do you know who you will talk to? Do you know what kind of person, what character, what kind of leader he is, what he is fond of, what his business “breathes”, who his competitors are, with which of your competitors he has already communicated, what is the policy of his company in relation to his partners ...? Are you ready for possible rudeness and rudeness on the part of the opponent (sometimes such behavior is a test, a test)? Will you be able to quickly respond to a possible change in the terms of the contract by your opponent and how will you argue your objections? How will you act if the negotiations drag on for a month or two? Are you ready for many more surprises that may arise during the negotiation process? And, in the end, are you internally ready to lose these negotiations, because you are not ready for them? It's no secret that the success of a business is based on how we can communicate and how ready we are to communicate with clients, buyers, partners, etc. And if you're not ready, then why did you start all this fuss? Again "maybe"? In this case, our entire business is designed to "maybe" and may collapse at any moment. My client was silent for a minute. Then he sighed and said - "Mdya, we need to postpone the negotiations for another time."

4. In a nutshell, the preparation for negotiations takes place in several stages:
Preparation of our version of the contract, commercial offer, consumables (business cards, booklets, souvenirs, etc.).
Collecting information about our potential partner, client, sponsor, etc. It is always easier to communicate with someone about whom you have at least some idea than with a completely “dark horse”.
Planning the overall negotiation strategy.
Development of tactics and modeling of a conversation on paper or virtually (possible questions, objections, arguments, lines of conduct, depending on the development of the situation). Modeling various situations and finals in the negotiation process. Development of options for our actions, depending on how events will develop.
Analysis of negotiations after their completion. Work on the mistakes, in order not to repeat the next time. This will be, in a way, the beginning of preparations for our next talks.
It is clear that it is impossible to foresee everything, but minimizing the risks is our task. If we want everything to end successfully.

5. We are all different: kind, harsh, demanding, serious, thoughtful, sometimes irritated, someone is depressed, someone is on the contrary, hyperactive ... How can all of us, so different, find a common language?
Honey (honey), can I hang out with my friends after work tonight? Friend, can you help me with one thing? Gentlemen, can we finally sign our contract? Any of us would like to almost always hear only “Yes” in response. Many will say it's not possible. But I'm saying it's possible. It is possible to hear a positive answer more often than a negative one. Whatever it concerns, life, everyday situations or business.

6. Remember the now classic children's film Adventures of Electronics? In which the Chief sent his spy Uri to find the button on the robot to turn it off and then steal it? Uri could not find this button, because Elektronik was just like a man. It didn't have buttons in the physical sense. During the next communication session, to the Chief's question - "Uri, did you find the button?". Uri replied - "He does not have a button." To which the Chief philosophically remarked - "Remember Uri, not only a robot, but every person has a button, you just need to be able to find it."

7. You can deal with almost anyone. Example from my personal experience. I was then a "green" public relations manager. Engaged in telephone conversations. I'm calling to CEO one fairly large plant. I made my way through the secretary (the secretary is a separate song). “Sam” picks up the phone. I, as expected, introduced myself, who, what, why ... In response, silence. Complete silence. I continue with the text. Again, no response. I'm confused. Suddenly, a saving thought comes to mind (A person, apparently without a mood, naturally thinks that now he will be sold another nonsense that he absolutely does not need. And, of course, he is waiting for template, standard words. Perhaps a sense of tact does not give him put the phone down). Since a person is waiting for a template, you need to act outside the box ... “Do you want me to guess what tie you are wearing right now?” I ask him. In response, I hear - "Well?" (thank God). “You are wearing a very nice tie now,” I say. Pause seconds 5-7. Then wild laughter :). As a result, we signed a contract. It would seem that the negotiations are lost, almost without starting. But, one small but sure move and ... the "button" was found).

Success in negotiations not always defined strong positions their members. Often they also depend on how strong the parties are in analyzing the situation, how quickly they respond to emerging problems. It is also necessary to consider whether the participants have access to power structures and other factors that may affect successful negotiations. Let's consider them in more detail.

The first and perhaps the most significant factor that will help in have negotiations successfully, - access to power. A person who has his own "leverage" can achieve significant success in negotiations and turn them in his favor, thus he will have a profitable contract.

It is difficult to deal with this factor, but it is quite feasible: get information about what sources of power your potential partner has, and also collect information about your own.

Even if you have the necessary power (be it familiarity with officials, some personal qualities for successful negotiations - for example, self-confidence, etc.), you do not have to immediately use it. It is enough that your competitors are aware that you can achieve some success in negotiations.

2. Time is also one of the essential factors. As a rule, a lot of people do all the important things in the last deadlines, including negotiations. If you know when the end point of the negotiation might be, then you have significant negotiating success. So there are a few things to keep in mind:

Be patient. As a rule, at the last stage, your opponent can make significant concessions to you, while it is important to remain calm, even if you doubt that you will have time to get what you want on time;
- do not disclose your own decision deadline;
- it should be noted that your opponents also have time limits, this can play into your hands;
- the desire to quickly end the negotiation process - not the best quality, it only works if you can negotiate successfully. It is important to think over all the necessary points for successful negotiation.

3. Information is another important factor in guaranteeing successful negotiations. If you have all the necessary information, you will achieve some success in negotiations. It often happens that the parties hide their needs and priorities, and in such cases it is difficult to build trust in each other.

Therefore, to obtain all the necessary information, use all possible sources of its extraction, whether verbal (the words of the interlocutor), or non-verbal (gestures or facial expressions). You should also collect information about the people with whom you enter into negotiations.

4. The last factor that can affect the negotiation process is the surprise factor. This is easy to deal with if you don't perceive the sudden resistance as a threat. If you do not want to make concessions - look easier from this side, learn to maneuver. Use this factor to consider further moves in . If you ask questions that will help you identify the reasons for your opponent's disagreement, this will help to start anew negotiations with the uncompromising party.

It is known that the work of the head of more than 50% consists of negotiations, the success of which directly depends on the success of the company. Forbes asked professionals about how to make negotiations as effective as possible.

Inna Kuznetsova, vice president of the company IBM

- Do your homework The success of negotiations very often depends on diligence in gathering facts. The side that is better prepared often wins simply because reasoning based on numbers and knowledge of details is more effective and persuasive. - Determine the required minimum Formulate your position in advance: not only the desired result, but also minimum conditions on which you will be ready to conclude an agreement. If you're negotiating a job, you need to know not only what salary you're hoping to get, but also what minimum wage you'll agree to, what additional benefits—vacation time, stock package, or flexible work hours—you're asking for, and what their relative value is. - Understand your opponent's logic

In my practice, the most winning approach to any negotiation is to understand the logic and reasons behind your partner's actions. Many people think that negotiations are reduced to a division of the pie: everything that I don’t get, the enemy gets. Actually great amount situations are more reminiscent of the well-known parable about how a brother and sister shared a single orange to the point of hoarseness, until they figured out what each of them needed it for. And it turned out that the brother wanted to squeeze the juice, and the sister needed the zest for the filling of the pie, that is, it was quite possible to satisfy both desires at once. - Use pocket tricks There are many small negotiating tricks, such as the “pocket issue”, which can be resolved on the go, when the parties are already tired and happy to complete the process. Imagine that difficult negotiations are over, your partner is in a hurry to say goodbye. He's not likely to mind if you suddenly think of a small thing, like, "By the way, would you take the job of preparing the press conference for the launch?" And you suddenly improved your position.

- Strive for the benefit of the entire company

Negotiations always exist in context certain relationships sides. There are situations of one-time transactions, there are long-term relationships, and there are negotiations within one company. Very often attempts to optimize own project lead to colleagues harming the company as a whole simply by the fact that one of them was stronger in the art of negotiation. It is much more productive for both the company and your career to look at the situation from the point of view of senior management and work together to optimize the situation for the company as a whole, even if this slightly worsens the situation for one of the departments.

Alexey Peshekhonov, business coach at Oratorika, head of the company's training and development group KPMG

- Get ready for an unexpected start

At the beginning of negotiations, the phrase “We already have better offers from other companies” can throw you off balance. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common types of manipulation in negotiations. Negotiators try not to show emotions so as not to give themselves away, so it can be difficult to figure out if the opponent really has an offer from competitors or he is just bluffing. The correct answer to such a phrase sounds something like this: "We also have other proposals, but let's look at additional opportunities for developing our relations."

- Take a break

Silence - powerful weapon negotiator, which allows you to undermine the position of the other side and make concessions that are beneficial to you. It is important to clearly understand when it is worth interrupting negotiations and taking a break, and when it makes sense to make new proposals.

- Be able to react quickly

To quickly take right decisions, you must be able to respond to the actions of the other side, keep in mind all the points of the contract. If necessary, make changes to the terms of the agreement, and do it quickly.

- Count money

A professional negotiator must be aware of the financial implications of all price and variable concessions granted. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly remember the cost of the full package of the transaction and be able to competently conduct “price negotiations”. Try to solve the problem on the fly: “Your margin for this group of goods is 20%. The buyer offers you a 2.5% discount on invoice and a 2.5% discount off invoice. The planned increase in revenue in this case is guaranteed to be 18%. Your solution and the maximum possible discount? (check your answer with the correct one - it is given at the end of the text*)”.

- Find a trump card

When doubts take hold of you during negotiations, your more determined "colleagues" in business will immediately feel it. “And if we don’t agree, then what ..?” If you cannot continue this phrase, then you are doomed to lose in advance. In this case, do not start negotiations! You need a trump card. The bargaining chip is your alternative to this agreement.

Denis Zapirkin, independent business development expert

- Build a negotiation strategy

Try to calculate the behavior of your opponent depending on your moves, the “what if ..?” model is perfect for this. Be sure to come up with several out of the box options in case you or your opponent go beyond the known, existing restrictions. This can be useful to you if the negotiations reach an impasse or if the other side tries to significantly renegotiate the terms.

- Convince your opponent in advance of the benefits of working with you

The most advantageous situation is when the opponent understands the benefits of cooperation with you even before negotiations. Here, the practices of proactive informing, information stuffing (opinions of authorities, analysts, information about the market or about the environment), correct leading and clarifying questions, creating a background of fear (risk) or positive - depending on where you move the consciousness and feelings of the opponent, help.

- Maintain a trusting relationship with your opponent

The most important thing in negotiations is the control of trust and openness. As soon as the opponent becomes alert, tense, suspects a threat or infringement of his interests, he begins to hear worse and perceive worse, and sometimes he simply turns off. If it has come to this, then it is better to take him out of this state in the correct way - to go back a step, either by making the concession you planned, or under any pretext, agree on a break, during which you will once again use the mechanisms of soft influence.

- Record all results in writing

All results of negotiations (even intermediate ones) must be recorded in writing. Fixed protocol ( key points, questions, solutions, plans, dissenting opinions and next steps) must be agreed with all participants, having received explicit confirmation or comments from them. Don't let this process turn into a new long discussion. Otherwise it may never end. If this happens, most likely there is a hidden conflict or unexpressed interest behind this.

* Correct answer: You cannot agree with this offer of the buyer! With a planned increase in sales revenue by 18%, the total discount should not exceed 3%.

Throughout our lives, from the very first moments of our birth, we communicate. We communicate with the world around, with people, with our inner "I". At first, timidly and clumsily, but, growing up, we gain experience and then some of us cannot be stopped))). depending from the circumstances circle of communication, a specific person, we change the style, strategy and tactics of communication. We will never communicate with a child the way we communicate with adults in everyday life. We will never communicate with our parents the way we communicate with our friends. We will never communicate with our friends the way we communicate in a business environment. In order for us to be accepted and understood, in order for us to be told “yes” more often, many factors must be taken into account. Where can we get the most practical experience? Of course, only in such a complex process as business negotiations. I am often asked a question by my clients and listeners - what is the most important thing in negotiations? I always answer - the most important thing in negotiations is the process of preparation for them. From how we got ready to the negotiations, the result depends - we win or lose. Good, high-quality preparation is already 50-60% of success. Yes, I use sports terminology. Because, as negotiations, a kind of competition, a duel of intellects, experience and knowledge of several people. A client calls me yesterday and says - “Eduard, tomorrow I have very important negotiations. I'm very worried, it will work - it won't work)). I ask - you prepared for them? No, - he answers - I know the topic, I am a pro in trading and I can find an answer to any question.
Here is the most common mistake. We are sometimes in some kind of illusion that we have studied our own business, as it seems to us, to the smallest detail and nothing will “knock us down”.
“Okay,” I say, “do you know who you will talk to? Do you know what kind of person, what character, what he is the leader What is his hobby, what does his business “breathe”, who are his competitors, which of your competitors has he already communicated with, what is the policy of his company towards its partners ...?)). Are you ready for possible rudeness and rudeness on the part of the opponent (sometimes such behavior is a test, a test)? Will you be able to quickly respond to a possible change in the terms of the contract by your opponent and how will you argue your objections? How will you act if the negotiations drag on for a month or two? Are you ready for many more surprises that may arise during the negotiation process? And, in the end, are you internally ready to LOSE these negotiations, because you are NOT READY for them? It's no secret that business success is based on HOW we can communicate and HOW ready we are to communicate with clients, buyers, partners, etc. And if we are NOT READY, then why did all this fuss start?))) . Again "maybe"? In this case, our entire business is designed for "maybe" and can collapse at any moment. My client was silent for a minute. Then he sighed and said - "Mdya, we need to postpone the negotiations for another time)".
In a nutshell, the preparation for negotiations takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation of our version of the contract, commercial offer, consumables (business cards, booklets, souvenirs, etc.).
  2. Collection of information about our potential partner, client, sponsor, etc. It is always easier to communicate with someone about whom you have at least some idea than with a completely “dark horse”.
  3. Planning the overall negotiation strategy.
  4. Development of tactics and modeling of a conversation on paper or virtually (possible questions, objections, arguments, lines of conduct, depending on the development of the situation). Simulation of various situations and finals in the negotiation process. Development of options for our actions, depending on how events will develop.
  5. Analysis of negotiations after their completion. Work on the mistakes, in order not to repeat the next time. This will be, in a way, the beginning of preparations for our next talks.
    It is clear that it is impossible to foresee everything, but minimize risk is our job. If we want to everything ended successfully.
    Want some sort of mystery?). From my own experience. One of my favorite examples.
    Imagine that you are calling the CEO of a large manufacturing enterprise. Would you like to partner with him? We made our way through the secretary (this is a separate song)). Finally, he picks up the phone himself. You start the conversation, as expected, introduced yourself and then, as usual .... The answer is silence. Reactions well NO-K-KAYA. You're trying to ask something, like - Can you hear me? And in response, only one sigh and again silence. You really need this contract. Your actions?
    Later I will tell you what I did and we still signed an agreement).
    A request to those who are in the know (I told some acquaintances) not to disclose further development events.
    In the next topic, I will tell you how I negotiated alone, with several representatives of various companies at once.

To be continued.

Negotiations in a situation of conflict. Negotiation Models

5. Psychological conditions for success in negotiations

There are a number of psychological conditions that increase the chances of success in solving a problem through dialogue.

1. The personal factor has a decisive influence on the success of negotiations. Although some experts believe that the personal characteristics of the participants have little effect on the effectiveness of negotiations (W. Winham), most scientists have a different point of view. Based on research, they come to the following conclusions regarding the role of personality factors in negotiations:

* the clearer the definition of roles in a negotiation situation, the less the influence of personal factors on their course;

* the more uncertain the intentions of the opponent, the greater the influence of personal factors on the negotiations;

* in difficult situation highest value have those of its parameters that affect the processes of perception of the participants in the negotiations or are easy to explain;

* the higher the level of negotiations and the more independent the participants in making decisions, the more important

personal factor.

Among the personal qualities and properties that contribute to the constructive conduct of negotiations, you are usually called

juicy moral qualities, even character, developed abilities, neuropsychic stability, tolerance, non-standard thinking, decisiveness, modesty, professionalism and corporate feeling (E. Egorova, M. Lebedeva, L. Negres, Nicholson, D. Rubin).

Another aspect of the personality factor is the ability of a negotiator to take into account the personal characteristics of the opposite side. F. Bacon wrote in his essay “On Negotiations”: If you have to work with any person, you must find out: either his character and passions. - to command them; or weaknesses and shortcomings - to frighten him; or people close to him - to manage it. Dealing with smart people, you need to delve into the speeches they utter. They should say as little as possible - and just what they least expect. In complex negotiations, don't try to sow and reap at the same time; slowly prepare the soil, and the fruits will gradually ripen.

Knowing the personal characteristics of the opponent and taking them into account in the course of negotiations makes it possible to predict the likely nature of interaction with him.

2. The success of the negotiation process largely depends on the activities of the mediator. This is especially important when the mediator is dealing with a long, complex conflict. For example, it was H. Kissinger's active "shuttle diplomacy" during the two years of the Arab-Israeli war of 1973-1975. yielded three defusing agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Kissinger's strategy made it possible to control the interaction of the parties and ensured their movement towards each other without the appearance of capitulation and unilateral concessions (D. Pruitt).

3. Men demonstrate higher satisfaction with themselves and the negotiation process with a partner of the opposite sex (E. Kimpelainen). When negotiating in a same-sex couple (male-male), they are less satisfied with themselves and the process, but more satisfied with the agreements reached.

4. Success in negotiations largely depends on taking into account the national characteristics of the partner, his style of negotiating (D. Davidson, M. Lebedeva, E. Panov).

5. The socio-psychological effectiveness of negotiations differs in dyads and triads. This is due to the different socio-psychological characteristics of these types of interaction. The negotiation process in the dyad is characterized by less stability and greater uncertainty of the expected results compared to the triad, in which the role of the third participant is played by the observer. In dyads, the attention of the participants shifts from the problem of negotiations to the emotional aspects of interaction (M. Deutsch).

6. In dyads, negotiations involving the personal interests of opponents are more effective than in triads. In triads, negotiations on more abstract topics are more effective, when the presence of a third person makes you listen to the partner's logic (E. Kimpelainen).

7. When it is necessary to negotiate with the entire group that is an opponent in the conflict, it is better to negotiate not with everyone, but only with representatives. Unlike ordinary members, representatives of groups in negotiations do not show polarization, and the result is a compromise between the original positions.

8. Strengthening the control of communication, including non-verbal communication, allows participants to reduce the influence of emotions on the choice of a solution, which has a positive effect on the result of interaction (E. Kimpelainen).

9. A tough negotiating stance can lower the demands of the other side, cause her to be willing to settle for less. But sometimes the rigidity of the position provokes the same response. As D. Myers notes, in many conflicts it is not a fixed-size pie that is divided, but a pie that shrinks during the conflict. Therefore, rigidity reduces the chances of an agreement.

10. The presence of an external threat for one of the opponents increases the likelihood of his concessions to the other side. The threat must be based on actions, not intentions.

11. On the other hand, the opponents' lack of desire to use violence can lead to a quick solution to the problem. The peaceful solution of crisis situations is facilitated by the fact that the parties have the opportunity to influence each other by non-military means (S. Hermann).

12. The interdependence of opponents has a positive effect on the effectiveness of negotiations. It can be expressed in two aspects: 1) strong relations have developed between the parties before the conflict and it is easier for them to agree; 2) the parties are bound by the prospects of a common future, which are considered important.

13. The results of negotiations essentially depend on the content of the negotiation process, that is, on the problem of discussion. The more abstract the topic being discussed, the easier it is for participants to reach agreement. And vice versa, the more significant the problem is for opponents in personal terms, the more difficult it is to come to an agreement.

14. An important factor influencing the success of negotiations is time. As a rule, the one who has time wins. A negotiator caught in time trouble makes decisions on the spur of the moment and makes more mistakes.

15. If the negotiations go on too long and no solution is found, it is useful to adjourn. During it, it is possible to hold consultations, for example, within each delegation. Lunch break removes the level of tension, makes people more compliant.

Another way out of the emerging impasse would be to propose to postpone the issue until a later time, after the remaining problems have been resolved.

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