1s call center. Unique cold calling CPM software from active sales experts and cold callers like Ferrari

I needed to organize a call center at work. They hired 2 girls, gave them a phone computer with mail, into which orders poured in, everything was fine, the site grew when the number of orders became more than 500, the girls stopped coping, they solved the issue quantitatively. They hired 6 more people, the issue was temporarily closed, but when there were 1000+ orders per day, the girls still stopped coping. The question arose of what to do, we looked at what the Internet offered, everything was somehow not right, it was expensive, and it was not clear how much the implementation would cost, it was decided to develop a configuration from scratch. Already on 8.3 with a web client.

The essence of the program is simple. Once a minute, new orders from the site are loaded into the configuration, every 3 minutes answers from the accounting program are loaded, what was formed in pharmacies, for which positions there was not enough balance, based on this information, the status of the order is automatically affixed for processing by the call center. The callback box is also checked every minute, in which letters from the site come with questions and requests to call back from partner sites, this data is also added to the program so that the girls from the call center are not torn between several programs. Every 2 minutes, the information about the sent SMS is loaded and the status of the SMS is checked. Made so that the client would have 100% order number that comes in SMS. If the SMS is not delivered, the status is automatically set to call the client back in order to say the order number or directly from the order document, send a second SMS to the client. If any of the stages needs to be accelerated, then the employees of the IT department have the opportunity to start any stage in manual mode.

According to the results of 8 months of work, 8.3 coped with the task perfectly, although the program already has more than 300,000 orders and the database weighs 1.7 GB, nothing slows down, pharmacies have access via the web, operators work through a thin client. The history of communication between pharmacies and the call center is stored. There are no questions “I didn’t say that ...” everything is visible in the program.

The instructions for the program can be viewed at the link below, since the instructions were written for employees and contain some description of the platform.

PS: of course, you won’t be able to download and implement it without modification, but if anyone is interested, I can help with the implementation.

PSS: after the ransomware virus "launched" in the office and "beat" the files on the corporate ball (there were backups so everything ended well), the configuration included functionality that has nothing to do with the call center, on the ball which is available for everyone organized a directory structure that contains a total of more than 1,000,000 files of 1Kb sizes, as well as flag files. Every minute the robot checks the flag files and if a file is missing, it immediately sends SMS to the employees of the IT department. protection is of course "so-so", but still, while the virus encrypts a million files, there is a chance to simply put out the server.

Presentation of FLASH-Infinity


The panel for working with calls is loaded on the right side of the screen. An auto-hide mode is provided, i.e. the panel will only appear when receiving or making a call. In other situations, she will hide.

Incoming call service

With an incoming call via AON, a request is made to the 1C database, then a window appears with information about the subscriber and the number dialed by him. The example shows the subscriber Boris Nefedov from the Sirius company, calling the branch of the FLASH connect company in Dolgoprudny.

Auto Attendant

When the Auto Attendant feature is activated, calls are automatically switched to the responsible manager or colleague if the responsible manager cannot answer.

Making an outgoing call

To make an outgoing call, you need to select a counterparty and click on the "Call" icon (Alt + Ctrl + C).

Sending an SMS message

To send an SMS, a counterparty and a contact mobile phone number are selected. A window for entering a message appears.


The report allows you to generate information about the employee's activities (calls, letters, meetings, faxes, other activities) and correlate it with financial performance.

CRM - System for active sales and cold calling of clients

Unique cold calling CPM software from active sales experts and cold callers like Ferrari

Concept 1C: Cold Sales Center

(or how to organize effective cold calling)

Call manager
Makes calls and makes appointments with the sales manager

Sales Manager
Conducts meetings and leads the client to the deal
Works in 1C:UT, UPP, KA


Head of Sales Department
Analyzes, motivates, increases conversion
Works in 1C: Cold sales center

Watch the video on how to seat managers so that they want to make active sales

How cold calling works
1C:Cold sales center

Import from Excel clients for cold calling

Video How to import customers for calling

The first step of cold calling- prepare a database of potential customers for calling and import it into the "Cold Sales Center". In no case should a call manager look for someone to call him today, tomorrow, next week. He should only call! The base for calling is prepared by the head or assistant head. Where to get bases?

1. Buy ready-made! Yellow Pages, 2Gis, other database providers. The Internet is full of databases of legal entities and individuals.
2. Dead customers! If you have been on the market for more than a year, then you already have such a base! These are the customers who were interested in your company, but did not buy anything. And most of them are.
3. Picking by hand! Collect bit by bit from the Internet and specialized publications. The senior assistant of the junior seller is given the task to search the Internet, directories, specialized magazines for customer contacts. At the same time, the criteria for a potential client are explained to the employee so that there is less trash in the collected database.

4. List of business cards after the exhibition! You participated in the exhibition. Collected 200 business cards there. The office manager translated them in a couple of hours into an Excel file. Here is the finished base!

As a result, dozens and hundreds of customers will appear in the Cold Sales Center, who will soon be called by your employees!

Launch of cold calling by manager

Video Preparing a call project

The second step of cold calling- create a call project.
The call project indicates everything that is needed for a normal call:

1. Clients who need to call
2. Scenario on which customers need to talk
3. Performers. List of call managers. Those. those who will call clients within this project
4. Information letter, which will be sent to customers if they request additional materials
5. Call intensity. Those. recommended callback intervals depending on the type of customer failure

The call project allows you to eliminate any mess on cold calling. Avoid confusion with clients, confusion with scripts, confusion with newsletters and commercial offers.
You have once set the basic parameters of the call and the direction of the call, and you can be calm. Employees will not be able to go beyond the set limits. Days and weeks employees will move in the direction you set!

How the call manager calls (every day the same)

Video How a call manager calls

The third step of cold calling- cold calling itself.
Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of correct calls to clients!
In the video, you can see that the manager has everything at hand for a great conversation:
1. Conversation script
2. The entire history of working with the client
3. All contact information for the client
4. Client portrait, to assess the potential and attractiveness of the client

Every call manager does at least a hundred calls a day! And all these are correct, persistent calls! No bleating and lowing into the phone! Nothing like the average sales manager! Only activity! Only perseverance! Only the desire to achieve results! And, of course, the result itself! :)

How the manager checks the work of the call manager (every week)

Video How to control a call manager

Fourth step of cold calling- control and motivation of the call manager for effective cold calling.
The video tells how to pay a call manager correctly so that he wants to call and calls effectively! No % of sales if you don't want to ditch cold calling! Only a salary and two bonuses.
The manager's tools for quick control of the work of the call manager are also shown. With these tools it takes no more than 15 minutes a week to control and motivate a call manager!

How the manager checks the effectiveness (conversion) of active sales

Video How to manage cold calling performance

Fifth step of cold calling- monitoring the effectiveness of cold calling and constantly increasing this effectiveness.
This is the aerobatics to which the average company simply does not live up to. Everyone is stuck trying to knock out and managers 40 any calls a day!
But if you want a noticeable increase in your customer base, you need to increase the effectiveness of cold calling!
How to achieve this! The answer is in this video!

Three cool tools will help the manager:
> Project Progress
> Failure diagram
> Conversion Graph
Using these tools once a week, the manager will make cold calling in the company super effective!
And the client base will grow at an unprecedented pace - 10-20 new clients per employee per month!

Advantages 1C:Center of cold sales

The program was written by active sales and cold calling experts. We have provided everything you need and removed everything unnecessary. Comfortable workplaces for employees. Correct reports. With us, cold calling is effective and easy!

Expertise of ACS XXI Century:

  • ACS XXI Vek has been active in sales and cold calling for over 10 years!
  • For more than 10 years, he has been helping clients organize active sales and cold calling departments using the Cold Sales Center product!
  • Renders the service "Bell ringer for rent", i.е. calling and looking for clients for others!
  • Develops the best cold calling scripts in the country! 100 - 200 scenarios per year!
  • 15 Cold Calling Products From Cold Calling Scenario to Accompanying Cold Calling Clients!
  • Hundreds of successful cold calling projects and grateful clients (Reviews)

It is part of a more general solution for organizing cold calling and active sales "Cold Sales Center". For those who have already understood that the CPM system in itself does not increase sales, the complex solution "Cold Sales Center" is intended. Organization of effective cold calling from scratch in 3 weeks is a reality!

Compatible with SPRecord recording systems, IP-telephony on Asterisk in the office or in the cloud, Skype. It can be integrated into work with all three recording systems at once. You can choose the recording system according to your needs:

  • Ordinary telephone lines - SPRecord,
  • IP telephony - Asterisk in the office or in the cloud.
  • Calling via Skype is easy.
  • Recording from mobile phones - through additional GSM-gateways and IP-PBX based on Asterisk.

Allows you to organize remote jobs for call managers. Those. call managers can work from home, from remote offices, from other cities. And the manager can listen to their calls and check the intensity of calls from anywhere in the world.

Powerful database import. Cold calling is hundreds, sometimes thousands of potential customers. Different data sources, different formats. All this is easily integrated and imported into 1C: Cold Sales Center. The program understands any formats and any data structures.

Checking for duplicates by phone and e-mail will allow you to keep your customer databases in order. No matter how many imports you make, your potential customer base will not turn into a garbage dump with a lot of duplicates. A unique mechanism for checking for duplicates is on guard.

Automatic dialing of telephone numbers. The call is made directly from 1C: Cold Sales Center. By pressing one button. Faster typing, fewer mistakes, more conversations with clients!

Full and effective control over call managers. Five reports and one hour a week are enough for a manager to get a complete picture of active sales and motivate the sales department for results!

Convenient organization of the work of a call manager. Nothing extra. No complicated or lengthy training. Only customers, customer history, reminders and calls, calls, calls!

They say our clients:

Filatov Valery
Marketing Director, IS.Agency, Kyiv, Ukraine

“… Our choice of ACS 21 Vek was not accidental - in our opinion, this company has practically no competitors…
…As part of the work with the Cold Sales Center project, we organized our own call center, which made it possible to open up new working opportunities. Despite the fact that the work was carried out remotely, there were never any problems with the curators of the ACS ...
…It was interesting to work with the call script. We learned a lot of useful ideas about the scheme of negotiation, how to quickly reach the right interlocutor, adapt to him, interest him and actively circle. Thanks to the use of this technology, even in the low summer season, we managed to schedule more than 100 meetings, as a result of which more than 10% of transactions have already been concluded, and negotiations are ongoing with many partners. The investment fully justified itself and quickly paid off”

“…First we prepared records of our calls - how we communicate with clients. Then we agreed on the main parameters of the developed scenario. According to the scenario, we planned to call companies that sell dishes and household goods and offer them wholesale deliveries of our products. After receiving the first version, we discussed and made comments on it. Based on the finished version, we started testing on clients. Then some more corrections were made. In parallel, the installation and configuration of equipment and programs took place. When everything was ready, we hired call managers and started working on the technology. One call manager calls us, behind his back there are 3 managers who discuss the terms of supply with customers. For 3 months, we held about 100 meetings, of which 10 deliveries took place

Price software "1C:Cold Sales Center"

1C:Cold Sales Center software 27,500

To use the "1C: Cold Sales Center" configuration, you must have purchased one of the following 1C configurations:
1C: Trade management 8 (10.3)
1C: Complex automation 8
1C:Manufacturing enterprise management 8

Standard solution Rarus Call Center, for PBX Panasonic, edition 2 provides joint operation of PBX Panasonic with the software system 1C Enterprise 8.0 . The software product is a joint development of 1C-Rarus and Panasonic Engineering CIS.

The solution "1C Rarus Call Center" is designed to optimize the processing of incoming and outgoing calls in medium and small organizations. The call center assists in the work of the dispatch department, help desk, sales and marketing department. The close integration of the Call Center and the CRM system provides quick access to information about the client and promotes the introduction of CRM technologies (CRM - Customer Relations Management).

"1C Rarus Call Center" is integrated with the CRM module of typical configurations: 1С Trade management 8.0 , 1C Manufacturing enterprise management , and can also be built into non-standard (custom) configurations on the platform 1C Enterprise 8.0 . As part of the distribution kit, an open code "1C" is supplied for combining with standard configurations and instructions for embedding in non-standard configurations.

How "1C Rarus Call Center" and CRM system work 1C Enterprise 8.0

  • When a new client registers in the CRM system, his phone number and basic information about the client automatically enter the Call Center database.
  • When an incoming call is received at the client's phone number, the client is identified and the Call Center informs the operator about the call - the operator's phone rings and at the same time a window with information about the client from the CRM system appears on the computer monitor 1C Enterprise 8.0 .
  • The operator is handling the call. It is possible to control the call using a computer through the "Soft background" window with information about the call: answer the call, hang up on Hold / release from Hold, transfer the call, end the conversation (hang up).
  • From the "Soft background" window with information about the client, you can quickly go to the CRM system 1C Enterprise 8.0 . By double-clicking on the “Soft Background” window in the CRM system, a new “Event” document is automatically created with filling in information about the client and the ability to view a client card with a history of previous contacts and client characteristics. "Event" allows you to register information about the call, schedule the next contacts with the client, provides storage of contact history. Registered call information can be transferred to another employee when the call is forwarded during a call, and if the employee is absent, you can leave a reminder with a link to the registered call.
  • If the client contacts for the first time and there is no information about the client in the CRM system yet, then it is also possible to register the “Event” document and additionally register a new client. When registering a new client, the client's phone number will be filled in automatically from the "Soft-background".
  • Automatic dialing from the CRM system makes it easier to make outgoing calls. The dialing of the client number can be performed from the client card and contact person, the "Event" document.
  • The call center maintains statistics of external calls in the SQL database format. Call statistics can be analyzed in special reports using the Fast Reports system. The delivery of "1C Rarus Call Center" includes ready-made report templates, in addition, the system allows users to create new reports on their own.
  • The Call Pickup feature allows you to quickly transfer (intercept) an incoming call from another phone to the user's phone. The list of phones from which to intercept a call is configured by the user, usually these are neighboring phones in the room.

Recording telephone conversations

"1C Rarus Call Center, for Panasonic PBX" can be supplemented with special equipment (USB-recorder, manufactured by Telesystems LLC), which provides recording of telephone conversations over external telephone lines. The USB recorder can only be used for external analog lines. One USB recorder can record up to 12 analog telephone lines, and multiple devices can be connected.

Links to files with conversation recordings are attached to the "Event" document in the CRM system 1C Enterprise 8.0 . From the "Event" document, you can listen to the recording file of this telephone conversation, which greatly facilitates the registration of telephone conversations with customers and ensures the accuracy of the information.

To record telephone conversations, you must additionally purchase: USB recorder equipment (performs conversation recording) and a license to connect a USB recorder for 1C Rarus Call Center.
The joint use of the Call Center and the CRM system optimizes one of the key channels of interaction with the client and contributes to the successful implementation of the CRM system.

"1C Rarus Call Center" interacts with the following Panasonic PBX models:

  • KX-TD 816RU
  • KX-TD 1232RU
  • KX-TD 500RU
  • KX-TDA 30RU
  • KX-TDA 100RU
  • KX-TDA 200RU

Depending on the model of the PBX and the type of telephone lines, additional equipment for the PBX and PBX configuration may be required for the interaction of 1C Rarus Call Center with the PBX Panasonic.

The server part of "1C Rarus Call Center, for PBX Panasonic, edition 2" is protected and has code fragments that are closed for user modification. 1C configurations and modules for combining with standard and non-standard 1C configurations are supplied unprotected with 1C open source.