Recommendations to parents on the prevention of neurosis in children. The Study of Neuroses in Psychological Works

In the world information technologies People sometimes forget about the importance of live communication. The worst thing is when small children suffer from a lack of parental attention and care, becoming withdrawn and gloomy. Our time can be called the era of general divorces - every second family breaks off its marriage union. There is no doubt that living and raising in an incomplete family or with a stepmother / stepfather adversely affects the fragile psyche of the child. You need to know how to properly treat neurosis in children.

Neurosis- This is a disorder of the nervous system that occurs as a response to psychotraumatic stimuli. In pathology, there are lags in the development of important higher nervous functions.

Description of the problems of neurosis

Important! According to statistics, a quarter of all children aged 2 to 5 suffer from childhood neurosis.

The danger of neurosis lies in the fact that children under the age of 3 years are not able to fully explain their fears, fears and emotions, which makes it difficult to identify and treat neurosis in children. as soon as possible. With untimely detection of deviations or with inaction, neurosis can continue until adolescence.

If you notice one or more of the symptoms of the disease in your baby, you should immediately seek treatment from a doctor. He will make a diagnosis, identify the causes of the disease, prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

So, how should the treatment of neurosis in children be correct, how to determine this disease?


neuroses in children- a fairly common disease, however, treatable with timely detection of the disease. The immature nervous system of children is very susceptible to psychological influence from the outside, so neurosis most often first manifests itself precisely in childhood.

Attention! Nervous disorders begin to develop in the interval from 2 to 3 years, or from 5 to 7 years. Parents should pay special attention to the condition of the child at this vulnerable age and begin treatment.

The mistake of most parents is that they often do not pay attention to the manifestations of the child's anxiety, believing that "nervous" period will pass by itself. However, neurosis, without proper treatment, cannot go away on its own. Accurate diagnosis is essential and immediate treatment to eliminate the neurotic state.

Failure to provide assistance in a neurosis-like state can lead to problems in communication with other people, as well as affect general state health. In the end, neurosis can lead to global changes in the psychological structure of the individual without treatment.

Before proceeding with the treatment of neurosis in children, you need to find out what factors provoked its appearance. No treatment will help if negative stressors are not eliminated, as they will continue to affect the child's psyche, disrupting it more and more.

Most childhood neuroses arise against the backdrop of an unstable family environment. If parents often swear, talk to each other in a raised tone, or, even worse, apply physical violence to each other, then it is not surprising that deviations occur in the child's psyche.

The formation of neurosis can be influenced by:

  • type of upbringing (hyper-custody, authoritarian upbringing, rejection);
  • temperament;
  • gender and age of the child;
  • type of body structure (normal physique, asthenic or hypersthenic);
  • some character traits (shyness, excitability, hyperactivity).

Attention! It has been proven that neuroses are characteristic of children with leadership inclinations, who want to be better than the rest, those who want to be number one in everything.

Factors causing neurosis can be classified into the following groups:

Social factors:

  • Excessive or insufficient live communication with the child;
  • Inability or unwillingness of parents to understand and solve children's problems and start treatment;
  • The presence in the family of regular traumatic events - alcoholism, drug addiction, dissolute behavior of parents;
  • Wrong type of upbringing - excessive guardianship or, conversely, insufficient manifestation of attention and care;
  • Frightening children with the threat of punishment or non-existent evil characters (only harms the treatment of neurosis).

Socio-cultural factors:

  • Living in a major city;
  • Insufficient amount of time for a full-fledged family vacation;
  • Unfavorable living conditions.

Socio-economic factors:

  • Permanent presence of parents at work;
  • Involvement of strangers in the upbringing of children;
  • Incomplete family or the presence of a stepmother / stepfather.

Biological factors:

  • Frequent lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • Genetic inheritance of a mental disorder;
  • Intellectual or physical excessive stress;
  • Pathology during pregnancy, called fetal hypoxia.

Important! The method of treating neurosis in children is selected based on the causes that caused it and the type of neurosis.

Symptoms of neurosis in children

Nervousness can manifest itself in many ways. The signs of a neurosis directly depend on its variety, but a number of general symptoms can be distinguished that are characteristic of all neurosis-like conditions.

  • Sleep disturbances. The symptom can manifest itself in the form of insomnia, sleepwalking, frequent nightmares. Children who have this symptom are very difficult to wake up in the morning, because they cannot sleep during the night due to constantly interrupted and restless sleep. Treatment of neurosis should begin with the elimination of such symptoms;
  • Disorder of appetite. In children of preschool and primary school age, an appetite disorder can manifest itself in the form of refusal to eat, the occurrence of a gag reflex when eating. In adolescents, bulimia or anorexia occurs as neurotic reactions. Immediately begin treatment of neurosis at this age.
  • The rapid appearance of a feeling of fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, even after minor exertion;
  • External manifestations of nervousness, such as frequent tearfulness, biting nails, hair. To combat such factors, you need to consult a doctor for the treatment of neurosis;
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness requiring treatment;
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Physical abnormalities such as trouble breathing, excessive sweating, changes in blood pressure. Require emergency treatment neurosis;
  • Attacks of unreasonable fear, in advanced cases leading to hallucinations. Young children may be afraid of the dark and the monsters lurking in it. Treatment of neurosis in this case should be complex;
  • State of stupor, lethargy;
  • Depressive, depressed states.

Parents, upon detection of irritability, tearfulness, nervousness of the child, should immediately show it to specialists and begin treatment. Of course, the pediatrician pediatrician in this trouble will not be able to help. You need to contact directly a positively established child psychotherapist who has extensive experience in the treatment of neurosis in children.

Children at risk of developing neurosis

Neurological abnormalities are most often manifested in children with certain characteristics of mental activity and type of character.

Thus, neuroses most often appear in children who:

  • They tend to vividly express their emotions and feelings. Such children are in great need of love and attention from their inner circle. If the need for care is not satisfied, children begin to be tormented by doubts and fears that they are not loved, that no one needs them;
  • They often get sick. Parents treat frequently ill children very carefully, they overprotect, treat and protect. Children in such a situation develop a feeling of helplessness, turning into a neurosis-like syndrome;
  • They are brought up in a dysfunctional family. Children raised in asocial families, in orphanages and orphanages are prone to neuroses.

Even if your child cannot be correlated with the categories presented, this does not guarantee that he will not develop a neurosis. Reveal mental disorder Careful observation of changes in the child's behavior will help to initiate treatment.

Varieties of neuroses

Psychologists and neurologists have proposed many classifications of neurotic states according to different criteria. The simplest is their division according to clinical manifestations for the correct treatment of neurosis.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Compulsive movement neurosis is the most common type of mental disorder in childhood. The disease may be accompanied by frequent blinking, coughing, shuddering.

obsessive states- these are unconscious, often repeated actions that occur during a strong emotional outburst due to shock or experienced stress.

A child suffering from this type of neurosis may:

  1. biting your nails or sucking your fingers;
  2. touch your genitals;
  3. twitch limbs;
  4. twist and pull hair.

If compulsive actions are not treated in early childhood, they may reappear with outbreaks of a nervous state already at an older age.

The child often understands that actions performed repeatedly by him can be immoral, not approved in society. This can lead to a feeling of alienation from society - isolation, lack of communication, introversion. If you immediately begin the treatment of neurosis, you can avoid bad habits.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is accompanied not only by the constant repetition of some actions of the child, but also common symptoms this disease, such as sleep disturbance, increased tearfulness, impaired appetite.

Neurosis associated with fear

Anxiety neurosis has many variations - from the fear of the dark to the fear of death. Seizures most often occur during dreams, or when the child is left alone for a long time. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment of neurosis.

The specifics of fears depend on the age of the child:

  • Children under the age of 7 often have a fear of being alone at home, fear of the dark, fear of fictional characters from works of art or cartoons. The mistake of parents is to deliberately provoke the formation of this type of neurosis, deliberately frightening children with a babayka, a policeman or an evil wolf. This improves the treatment of neurosis.
  • Children of primary school age develop a fear of getting a bad grade, a reprimand from the teacher in front of the whole class, and a fear of older children. Against the background of these fears, the child may refuse to go to school, motivating their refusals with deceit (illness, feeling unwell). At the time of treatment of neurosis, it is necessary to encourage the child more often.

The risk group for this type of neurosis includes children who did not attend kindergartens, most spending time at home. As a rule, they do not know how to communicate properly with their peers and are very worried about this. Such children require proper treatment of neurosis.


Neurasthenia- This is a disorder of the nervous system, manifested in fatigue, apathy and lack of concentration. Along with the above symptoms, there is low level physical activity.

As a rule, this type of neurosis occurs in schoolchildren of different ages due to increased stress at school. If the child attends additional mugs or sections, the risk of neurasthenia becomes even higher.

The risk group includes children with poor health, physically unprepared. Such children are very sensitive to external stimuli. Usually they are inhibited, often cry, suffer from lack of appetite, sleep disturbances. Neurotic reactions entail migraine, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Such a neurosis requires treatment.

depressive neurosis

This type of neurosis is typical only for teenagers. The child seeks to move away from adults, experiences first love, relationships with peers, constantly cries. Against the background of a nervous breakdown, there is a drop in self-esteem, a deterioration in relations with parents, and a decrease in school performance.

A child suffering from a feeling of depression can be calculated by external signs - an expression of sadness on his face, quiet, indistinct speech, inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. Usually adolescents are able depressive neurosis inactive, eat almost nothing, sleep little at night. A depressive state requires urgent treatment to avoid more severe, irreversible consequences, such as suicide. At the first signs, treatment of neurosis should be started.

Hysterical neurosis

Tantrums are common in young preschool children when they fail to get what they want. Such kids with loud screams can beat their heads against the wall, roll on the floor, stomp their feet. The child can pretend to show a scene of hysterical coughing, vomiting, suffocation. Often, tantrums are accompanied by cramps in the limbs that require treatment.

Important! Sometimes untimely treatment of neurosis in children can cause logoneurosis, anorexia or urinary incontinence.

Treatment in children

Parents, having discovered signs of a developing neurosis in their child, begin to ask the question - which doctor treats neurosis in children? It goes without saying that this issue is not within the competence of an ordinary pediatrician. In such a situation, you need to contact a professional child psychotherapist for treatment. It is psychotherapy that is the main method of treatment of this disease.

Treatment nervous disorders with the help of mental influences is called psychotherapy. Together with the child, a course of psychotherapy treatment is also recommended for his parents - this helps to normalize the situation in the family, establish contacts, strengthen marital relationships and correct educational processes. In order to increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy treatment, it is possible to use physiotherapy and reflexology. In extreme cases, in agreement with a specialist during psychotherapy, additional treatment with medications is allowed.

There are three types of psychotherapy treatment:

  1. Family treatment. It is carried out in several stages. Initially, the psychotherapist studies the psychological situation in the family, identifies possible problems for treatment. Then family conversations are held with the involvement of the older generation - the grandparents of the child. At the next stage, the psychotherapist organizes joint activities of the child with parents - games, drawing for treatment. During the game, parents and children can change roles. During such treatments, the optimal variant of family relationships is established, which helps to get rid of psychological conflicts.
  2. Individual treatment. The psychotherapist can use the techniques of psychological suggestion, art therapy techniques, autogenic training. For many children, the process of drawing helps to calm down and put their nerves in order. In addition, a specialist, observing a child in the process of drawing, can draw up his psychological portrait - personality traits, level of self-esteem, the presence of fantasy, the scope of his horizons for the right treatment. Play therapy is aimed at creating stressful situations from which the child must find ways out on his own.
  3. Group treatment. It is used in the treatment of neurosis in children in an advanced stage. The number of group members depends on their age - the younger the children, the less they should be in the group for treatment. In total, children in the group should not be more than 8 people. Children in groups visit exhibitions, museums together, discuss their impressions for proper treatment. In progress group therapy the skill of communication with peers develops, psychological barriers collapse, self-esteem rises.

Treatment of neurosis in children involves the use of therapeutic methods such as hypnosis, treatment with fairy tales, play therapy, herbal medicine. It is not recommended to start treatment with taking medications - this option can be resorted to only when psychotherapy does not have the desired positive effect. Of course, taking medication for treatment must be agreed with the doctor and strictly follow his instructions. Carry out the prevention of the state of neurosis in advance.

There are no parents who would not love their children: this feeling is inherent in the biological nature of man. And yet, often many fathers and mothers simply do not notice that their children have the initial symptoms of a nervous breakdown - neurosis. It also happens that parents state such signs, but simply do not attach importance to them, considering the painful symptoms to be safe age-related phenomena, which, as the child grows older, will disappear on their own. Needless to say, both positions are not only initially wrong, but also dangerous for the health of the baby!

neuroses in children

What are childhood neuroses? What are they like? Can they be avoided and are they treatable? We will try to answer all these and a number of other questions in this article.

Neurosis is a disease of a psychogenic nature. They arise, as a rule, against the background of certain "malfunctions" in the nervous system. Something in a person’s life or emotional sphere may be “wrong”, as a result, the nervous system fails, provoking the onset of neurosis.

Most often, neuroses are found among adults, but in children they manifest themselves especially clearly. Often you can meet a child whose face is distorted by fear, anxiety. Many children experience depressive states, their mood fluctuates, sleep is disturbed, they are tearful, their motor activity is limited. It also happens vice versa: under the influence of neurosis, the child becomes overly active, uncontrollable, begins to be rude and show signs of aggression.

Neurotic disorders can be observed in children and adolescents of any age category, but they usually take the form of a well-defined disease by the age of 6–7 years. At an earlier age, manifestations of neurosis in children also occur, but mainly in the form individual symptoms. But in school age they "bloom" a riotous color. Since the child is still small, he does not even realize that he is in trouble. In this case, we adults should come to the rescue.


The picture of neurotic deviations in children is quite diverse. Quite often, a neurosis of pronounced anxiety or fear can be observed in a child. Attacks of outwardly unmotivated fear most often occur in a child in evening time especially when going to bed. The duration of such attacks is approximately 15-30 minutes, and the attacks themselves in some cases have severe course and may even be accompanied by hallucinations. What inexplicably frightens a child so inexplicably? Fear of being alone? Darkness? Imagination-imposed various fabulous monsters? In a preschooler, the cause of the appearance of fear provoking a neurosis can often be the attitude towards him in kindergarten, in a schoolboy - troubles at school.

Have you observed a child constantly sniffing, twitching his arms and legs? Or a baby who experiences an incomprehensible fear of enclosed spaces, closed doors, darkness? Parents sometimes believe that there is nothing special here, they say, many children are afraid of this, but any neurologist will tell you: “Be careful, your baby may have a neurosis!”.

Children, especially of school age, can fall into a kind of psychological stupor. Their self-esteem unreasonably decreases, tearfulness, inhibited, unnatural movements appear, facial expressions change, appetite worsens, and insomnia often occurs. All these are sure signs of a neurotic disorder. Preschoolers have their own "trick": they demonstrate their own helplessness in a different way - they fall to the floor, scream, cry, and all this can be accompanied by deliberate blows of certain parts of the body on a hard surface.

Other symptoms of neurotic conditions that are important to notice in time are that the child is constantly irritated by something, not restrained in expressing emotions, and crying excessively. In addition, his sleep is disturbed, which is why he suffers from tossing and turning in bed from side to side. Such manifestations of neurotic conditions are more common in children of middle school age, overloaded with classroom and homework assignments, additional training sessions. At the same age, many children, mostly girls, literally "go crazy" about their health, care too much about their own well-being, get scared over trifles, experience serious fears of diseases that can only be judged hypothetically. All these are also signs of an impending or already onset neurosis.

Many children, mainly boys, during the period of formation of initial speech skills against the background of a mental disorder, may develop neurotic stuttering. Especially critical are the age periods of two to three years and five years, when the child's speech becomes much more complicated due to intensive physical and intellectual development. The main reason for the origin of stuttering in a child is an instant strong fright, which, for example, can be provoked by a sudden separation from parents. Note that stuttering can also be caused by other mental traumas that a child at this age can easily get.

The main reason for the appearance of certain neuroses in a child of any age is mental trauma, provoked by a situation or actions for which or for which the baby is simply not ready due to the immaturity of the personality and the character that has not yet been formed. A child is a flexible, plastic being, but also fragile at the same time. Anything can disturb the normal course of his mental life.

Recognizing psychic trauma as the starting basis for the emergence and development of any childhood neurosis, we, nevertheless, should not forget about other provoking factors. So, a significant role in the occurrence and course of these diseases is played by the sex and age of the child, his heredity, the history of pregnancy and childbirth, previous illnesses, the characteristics of education and training, the social environment and, first of all, the family. The reason for the onset of neurosis, which we have already mentioned in passing above, may be school overload, excessive extra classes in sections and circles, constant lack of sleep and so on.

Parents must have full information about the causes and methods of treatment of childhood neuroses. Without understanding why the child suddenly starts to happen similar problems, as well as which way to go to overcome the disorder, it is difficult to talk about successful healing. It is clear that not in all cases, parents can independently cope with a neurotic disorder in a child - such cases are generally quite rare, they, without exaggeration, can be counted on the fingers. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the elimination of neurosis in a child requires the professional intervention of a highly qualified medical specialist.

On the prevention of childhood neuroses

Early prevention of neurosis in children is of inestimable importance. Practice shows that neurologists quite easily diagnose the symptoms of the onset of neurotic disorders in a baby already during primary examination. After all, the first manifestations neurotic symptoms noticeable to a specialist at the moments of any behavioral activity of babies: when they begin to pronounce words, walk, run, communicate with parents, play with peers.

creative arsenal modern doctors is replete with many effective and practice-proven psychotherapeutic methods for treating neurosis, which allow the child to receive effective help without the aggressive imposition of drug therapy.

It is well known that children are most susceptible to neuroses in primary school schools. Parents at this time literally overwhelm psychotherapists and child psychologists with complaints that the child cannot adapt to the requirements, is constantly unsettled, "psycho", "hysteria", becomes naughty and uncontrollable. And these are just “ordinary” manifestations of neurotic disorders in children. We have to admit that often there are more severe forms diseases such as logoneurosis.

Just as there is no smoke without fire, so there is no childhood neurosis without psychophysiological problems, which, to one degree or another, are provoked by preparation for school life and its beginning. Parents must be prepared to accept similar forms behavior of the child and treat them with understanding, talking to the baby not irritably, but kindly, trying to unobtrusively explain to him what needs to be done to get rid of these problems. Each of the parents for the child is the best healer and teacher.

We must not forget that the cause of neurosis is largely the external environment, which often itself generates traumatic factors, regardless of how they are perceived by a small person. It is extremely difficult to completely isolate the baby from the influence of such factors, and there is no need for this if you approach the matter with all responsibility and understanding. Yes, we cannot change the course of the processes taking place in society, even if society is limited to the framework of a kindergarten or school, but we are quite capable of compensating for the negative impact of the external environment and even neutralizing it by creating a favorable emotional background at home, where the child will always feel under protection of the "family fortress". It is the home and parents that are called upon to become a tool that not only allows the child to successfully overcome the difficulties that arise, but also contributes to the formation of a civic position in the mind based on the priority of family values.

So, the magic key to a child's mental health lies in the hands of their parents. Never forget about it!

The health of our children is the most urgent problem and a matter of prime importance, as it determines the future of our country, the scientific and economic potential of our society. This is the most important and irreplaceable value that allows a person to be an active member of the team and society as a whole. The progressive deterioration of the health of our children has become a serious and urgent problem today. Therefore, this problem in its relevance deserves the attention of not only specialists in the field of pediatric medicine and pedagogy, but, above all, parents (including future ones).



Prevention of neuroses in children

The health of our children under any socio-economic and political conditions is an urgent problem and a matter of prime importance, as it determines the future of our country, the scientific and economic potential of our society. This is the most important and irreplaceable value that allows a person to be an active member of the team and society as a whole.

The progressive deterioration of the health of our children has become a serious and urgent problem today. Despite close attention to the health of the younger generation and existing laws, the number of healthy children, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has decreased by 3 times. According to statistics, the prevalence of pathology and morbidity among children aged 3 to 17 years increases by 4-5% annually. Only 10% of the total number of students can be called healthy, and the remaining 90% have problems both physically and psychologically, nervous development. Disappointing forecasts for the future cause deep anxiety and concern among the entire conscious society and require immediate action. Therefore, this problem in its relevance deserves the attention of not only specialists in the field of pediatric medicine and pedagogy, but, above all, parents (including future ones).

"All diseases are from nerves" - we sometimes throw a hackneyed phrase, without attaching special importance to it. And few people really think that this statement is true. After all, indeed, not a single disease passes without the participation of the nervous system and its subordinates in it - endocrine system and metabolism. But psychologists add: most mental disorders in humans come from childhood. And, as a rule, the origins of the emergence of neuroses are laid in the family. It is there that the child experiences the first stresses from conflicts between parents, from improper upbringing (hyper-custody, hypo-custody, increased demands, egocentric education, indefatigable principles, prohibitions, from blocking emotional contact between the child and mother, etc.)

Therefore, let's try to figure out what is the danger of childhood neuroses, what are their causes and whether their prevention is possible.

Many parents often do not attach due importance to the occasional painful symptoms their children, considering them natural and safe age-related phenomena, which, as the child grows up, will disappear by themselves. And if one of the parents notices something wrong in the behavior of their child, they usually believe that the circumstances, the kindergarten, the school are to blame for this, but not themselves. However, it has long been noticed that emotional and nervous disorders form and develop primarily in the family, from the very birth of a child (and to be precise, even duringintrauterine period- the most important period that determines both the biological fate of the organism and its psychological development). The golden words "life begins not from birth, but from the moment of conception" - speak about it best. After all, it is the mother who is the first universe for the child, and many of the reactions of the fetus experienced by him at the hormonal level are connected precisely with the state of this very “universe”. Not so long ago, a new generation ultrasound scanner allowed scientists to see ... the facial expressions of the fetus! While still in the womb, the baby smiles, blinks and even ... can cry. The love with which a mother bears her child; thoughts associated with its appearance; the depth of communication that the mother shares with him has a huge impact on his already developing psyche. What kind of child is this? - desirable or not? - Science already asserts with confidence: the psyche of an unwanted child is traumatized even before birth. Therefore, now there is not the slightest doubt that the mother's attitude to the fetus during pregnancy leaves lasting marks on the development of his psyche. The emotional stress of the mother correlates with premature birth, extensive childhood psychopathology, more frequent occurrences of schizophrenia, often with school failures, drug addiction and suicide attempts.

In addition to the mother, the role of the father of the child is no less important in this period: his attitude to his wife, pregnancy and the expected baby. Experts believe that even in the womb, the child distinguishes the voice of his father from other male voices. That is why it is so important that dad pays as much attention as possible to his pregnant wife, hugs her and talks to the unborn baby.

By the way, in Lately there was even a new direction of psychotherapy - perinatal psychotherapy, emerging under the influence of the rapid development of perinatal psychology.

But still, the first serious stress for the child ismoment of his birth, exit from the womb. No wonder this period was called the "crisis of birth". At this moment, the baby loses the last connection with the mother (cutting the umbilical cord) and enters a completely different world, where gravity, a huge number of antigens (bacteria, fungi, viruses) and many other stimuli (cold, light, sound, touch) begin to affect him. and etc.) . All this is the strongest stress for the child, and in order to somehow smooth it out, it is necessary to make the transition from one (familiar) environment to another (new) as smooth as possible. This is achieved through the warmth of the mother, her touch, smell, voice and, of course, breastfeeding.

From now on, the child will constantly need this person. The person who takes it (in psychoanalysis it is called the "object of affection"). This person, first of all, forms the "basic trust in the world" in the child. This is a very important concept. This trust arises in a child only thanks to his parents, who provide him with a sense of security and safety. Thanks to them, the child is born and consolidates the confidence that the world is reliable, that there are people to whom he can always turn and receive support in return.

Until the age of three, for a child, the love and care of parents is an urgent need, and this should be remembered constantly. He should feel the complete acceptance and calmness of his parents. If there are difficulties with this, problems in the relationship of parents, if the child feels unwanted - this is reflected in his psyche, and this is the biggest stress for him. Parental love gives children a sense of security, life support, makes them stronger and more confident. If a child is loved in childhood, he will be loved in his older age, and he himself will be able to love.

3 years is the age at which children are usually given to kindergarten . This is the first place where they are left without parental care, alone with a lot of other children. And it is very important that at this stage parents manage to avoid many problems. By this time, the child should be fully saturated "sensory", should trust the world. The physiological and psychological development of many children does not yet allow the little man to part with his mother without harm. A child can perceive separation from his parents as a betrayal, as a sign of uselessness and evidence that he was abandoned, given to strangers. In addition, the child does not know how to behave in new conditions, he worries that his actions will not be approved by the surrounding children and educators, that they will laugh at him, or even punish him. Fear of loss, fear of the unknown, and fear of disapproval cause a lot of stress in a child. The child's body can react to the stress caused by visiting the kindergarten with a strong neurotic reaction. Therefore, parents during this period need to be especially attentive to their child: give him more of his time, play together, show more love, affection and understanding, support emotionally (more often hug, stroke, call affectionate names, be more tolerant of his whims, and in no case frighten, do not punish kindergarten. Be sure to be interested in the behavior of the child in kindergarten, consult with the teacher, doctors, psychologist to exclude certain negative manifestations.

It is undesirable to send a child to kindergarten, who is often and a lot sick from infancy. In kindergarten, he will get sick even more often, the more he will undermine his health. It is undesirable to send children with an unstable nervous system to an ordinary kindergarten. In this case, it will do more harm than good. In such cases, you should take an interest in health-improving kindergartens. In such kindergartens, a variety of health-improving and strengthening procedures are regularly carried out (all kinds of massages, hardening, oxygen cocktails).

Psychoneurologist A. I. Zakharov gives the following formula:"A child under stress, overstrain, fatigue, has reduced immunity, as a rule, falls ill (somatic diseases, vegetative disorders). Frequent illnesses serve as the starting point for the development of neurosis".

Let's see now, which children are more prone to neuroses?

1. Children who are genetically predisposed to this (many mental disorders can be passed from parents to children through genes).

2. Children with special imbalances chemical substances in the brain, the so-called neurotransmitters, as well as with damage to certain areas of the brain.

3. Children with psychological trauma (emotional, physical or sexual abuse; loss of a parent; neglect by parents);

4. Children with a high level of sensitivity;

5. Children with ADHD (this disorder is manifested by symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and poor control);

6. Autistic children (these children are closed, tend to get away from communication with their peers. Their behavior is monotonous, devoid of the usual childish emotionality, and over time, the delay in intellectual and speech development becomes more and more noticeable. Features of the perception of autistic children are such that they "do not feel" a specific object, situation, another person).

So, what is the first necessity for the prevention of neuroses?

I think it formation of mechanisms of mental self-regulation. Studies show that already in the first year of life, voluntary movements begin to form in a child; in the period from two to three years, the foundations of the regulatory function of speech are laid; from the age of 4, control over one's actions develops, and violation of the rules of behavior by others is noticed already from the age of 3. Already at preschool age, the first self-esteem appears, the role of which in the regulation of behavior is constantly growing. All these changes serve as prerequisites and create conditions for the development of the foundations of arbitrary self-regulation.

emotional , with a developed sense of "I" andartistically gifted childrenshould be surrounded by special care and love, support and develop their sense of "I". But, of course, without excessive guardianship, indulgence to whims and whims. Reasonable firmness must be combined with emotional acceptance of the child so that he does not feel lonely, misunderstood, unloved.

Psychological specificity children with ADHD such that they are immune to reprimands and punishment, but react instantly to the slightest praise. But it is necessary to praise correctly, paying attention to the deed. Relationships with such a child should be built on the basis of consent and mutual understanding. If something is forbidden to a child, it is necessary to immediately explain to him why it is harmful or dangerous. If the child sees that his worries and deeds are significant, and his merits are recognized, he will become more calm and confident.

Punishment should follow the misconduct immediately, that is, be as close as possible in time to the wrong behavior. Scolding hyperactive children for excessive mobility is not only useless, but even harmful. In such cases, one can only criticize, giving a positive assessment personality of the child and negative - his actions. For example: "You good boy, but now you are doing wrong (specifically: what is being done badly, you must behave like this ... "

It is also important to be able to use the method of removal from the field of activity in time. The fact is that children are very fond of imposing a discussion on adults, they ruffle, resist, so it is very easy to succumb to the temptation to get involved in edifying debates with them. To bring down the intensity of excessive excitement in a child, you can leave the room yourself for a while or take the child to another room. Instead of moralizing, the child can be shown that his dissatisfaction is understood, but he will still have to fulfill the requirements of adults.

Another important rule is to try not to stick labels. This affects the child's self-esteem, his relationships with adults and his desire to act.

Less with such children you need to be in crowded places, otherwise it will be difficult for the child to calm down later.

It is important to monitor compliance with the daily regimen (clearly regulate the time of eating, sleeping, giving the child the opportunity to expend excess energy in exercise, long walks, running.

Be sure to show the child that he is loved, that he is loved for who he is. For these children, it is especially important parental love, kindness and warmth.

At proper upbringing children with ADHD, it becomes less pronounced by the age of 9 and disappears by 14-15 years.

When communicating with autistic children, the task of adults, first of all, is to help the child, if possible, overcome his detachment from reality. To do this, the most important thing is to establish contact with him. This can be done, for example, by making him interested in the game. But caution, delicacy and great patience are necessary so as not to cause irritation and protest of the child. Only later, as contact is established, trust is strengthened, it makes sense to ensure that the child learns to name toys, objects, pictures. WITH autistic child it is useful to play hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek, ball; circling, swinging on the hands. In a word, any elementary tricks are good that help at least somehow "stir up" the child, arouse joy in him, the desire for openness. After you have managed to win the favor of the child, you can proceed to systematic studies with him. Child psychotherapists advise discussing with autistic children all the events of the day: weather changes, hygiene procedures, joint games. It is necessary to do everything so that the world around him seems to him benevolent, cozy, joyful. This is quite a long and painstaking work that requires great patience, endurance and tact. But the reward for these titanic efforts (of parents, teachers and child psychologists) will be the smile of a child who has acquired the vital ability to communicate and learn about the world!

Yes, all children are different: some are active, some are passive, some are talkative, some are silent, some are noisy, some are calm. But each child is good in his own way, and the main task of both parents and teachers is to create a favorable emotional background for the development and education of each child.

So, summing up, I would like to once again note the role of the family in the lives of our children. Yes, no one argues - modern life has become complex, devoid of stability and full of stress. The concentration of attention of most parents only on material benefits for their children leads to the formation of more and more early pathologies as evidenced by the statistics. But still, despite all the difficulties, it is the family that should remain a kind of rear; and first of all for those who are most at risk - our children. Under any circumstances, the child should know, feel that the family is always understanding, help, protection and warmth. Only in such conditions will we be able to protect our children from stress and raise a generation that is healthy both physically and mentally.

Dear parents, spend as much time as possible with your children: play with them, read with them, talk to them, teach them how to communicate with other people correctly, how to behave in in public places and other social skills. Teach children to love, take care of others, teach them generosity and delicacy, independence. Don't put it off until later. The joint work of parents and children brings them closer, brings the joy of communication, unites the family. And what could be more valuable than this? And always remember: children learn by example, not by words.

Neuroses are special pathologies of the nervous system, both among adults and among children, in which there are no visible injuries (injuries, infections, inflammation, and other influences). At the same time, there are special deviations in the functioning of higher nervous processes. These are diseases of a psychogenic nature - a person's reaction to stress, mental trauma, and negative influences.

The process of personality formation and the active development of higher nervous activity in children begins from birth, but it begins most actively from the age of three. Quite crumbs can not clearly express their fears, emotions or internal state, therefore, as such, neuroses can be identified in in general terms in a child after 3 years. How older child, the more typical and brighter will be the manifestations, especially the behavioral and emotional plan.

Neurosis is not a mental illness, like schizophrenia or psychosis, with it there is no progressive disintegration of the personality, it is a reversible disorder of the nervous system, a disturbance in mental activity of a functional nature.

With neurosis, the nervous system experiences either a sharp and strong shock, or a prolonged, obsessive irritation. At the same time, failures begin in it, expressed in instability of mood with fears, anxieties and sometimes manifestations from the organs and systems of the body ( excessive sweating, appetite problems or palpitations).

Why do neuroses arise?

Both preschool children and schoolchildren, adolescents have a particularly vulnerable nervous system due to the fact that it is not yet fully formed and immature, they have little life experience V stressful situations unable to adequately and accurately express their emotions.

Some parents, due to employment and other factors, often do not pay attention to the manifestations of nervous disorders in children, attributing changes in behavior to age features or whims.

But if you do not help the child in time with neurosis, the situation can drag on, affect physical health and problems in communicating with others, developing into neurotic states in a teenager. As a result, neurosis will be the cause of already irreversible psychological changes in the personality.

The most significant factor in the increase in neurosis in children today is the increase in the number of pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth, in which hypoxia of the nervous tissues of the fetus occurs (see.

Predisposing factors for the development of neuroses are:

  • predisposition to problems of the nervous system, inherited from parents
  • psychotraumatic situations, catastrophes, stresses

The trigger mechanism for neurosis can be:

  • past illnesses
  • frequent lack of sleep, physical or mental stress
  • difficult family relationships

The course of the disease and its severity depends on:

  • gender and age of the child
  • features of education
  • type of constitution (asthenics, hyper- and normosthenics)
  • temperament features (choleric, phlegmatic, etc.)


Psychotrauma - a change in the child's consciousness due to any events that greatly disturb him, suppress or oppress him, have an extremely negative effect. These can be both long-acting situations to which the child cannot adapt without problems, or acute, severe mental trauma. Often, psychotraumas received in childhood, even if the neurosis has passed, leave their imprint on adult life in the form of phobias (fear of closed spaces, heights, etc.).

  • Neurosis can be formed under the influence of one unfavorable traumatic fact: a fire, war, abrupt relocation, accident, divorce of parents, etc.
  • Sometimes the development of neurosis is caused simultaneously by several factors.

Children react differently to events due to temperament and personality traits, for some a dog barking on the street will be just a sound irritant, and in a child predisposed to neurosis it can become a trigger for the formation of neurosis. And already repeated meetings with dogs after the first shock that launched the neurosis will gradually aggravate the situation and deepen the neurosis.

The type of psychotrauma that can provoke neurosis in children depends on the age of the child.

  • At 2 years old, children can give neuroses when they are separated from their parents or when they start visiting children's groups.
  • For older children, a more serious factor can be a divorce of parents, physical punishment during education, and strong fear.

Crisis ages in the development of neuroses are the ages of three and seven years - when the age-related so-called "crisis of three years" and "seven years" occurs. During these periods, the formation of one's "I" and a reassessment of one's attitude towards oneself take place, and during these periods children are most vulnerable to stress factors.

What most often provokes neurosis in children?

Adult actions

One of the main provocative causes of childhood neurosis is the actions of adults, parental educational mistakes that give neurotic reactions, and in the future, the formation of psychological instability of the personality of an adult. Particularly negative parenting patterns would be:

  • rejection model, subconscious unwillingness to raise a child, in the case when, for example, they wanted a boy, but a girl was born
  • overprotection model with the development of unwillingness to teach the child independence and building relationships in a team
  • authoritarian model with the requirements of constant submission to the elders, making decisions instead of the child, and not taking into account his opinion
  • permissiveness model with the complete deprivation of the child of control or help from parents, with the absence of any norms and order within the family and the team.
  • different parenting approaches
  • excessive rigidity parents
  • family conflicts- intra-family troubles, divorces, quarrels.

They fall on the "fertile ground" of the immaturity of the nervous system of children, while the child experiences this, since in reality he cannot influence the situation and change it.

External factors

  • lifestyle changes– moving from the city to the village, to an unusual area, to another country
  • visiting a new children's group- the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten, a change in a kindergarten, the beginning of a visit to a school, a change of school, as well as conflicts in a kindergarten or school group
  • family changes- birth of a child, adopted child, the appearance of a stepfather or stepmother, divorce of parents.

Most often, neuroses are formed under the combined influence of several factors at once, and a child's neurosis is unlikely to develop in a child from a prosperous family, even after strong fear or fright. Parents in such a situation usually help to quickly cope with the problem without upsetting the nervous system.

Features of the character of the child

Children with pronounced emotionality, sensitivity- they especially need the love and attention of loved ones, the manifestation of emotions in relation to them. If children do not receive these emotions from their loved ones, they experience fears that they are not loved, that they do not express emotions towards them.

Children with leadership qualities- it is also difficult with children who are independent and actively show their own opinion, leadership qualities. Such children have a pronounced conceit in deeds or actions, their own view of all events. They find it difficult to endure restrictions in their actions and parental dictatorship, they have a hard time with excessive guardianship and limitation of independence from an early age. Children try to protest such parental actions, to become stubborn, for which they receive restrictions and punishments from their parents. This will contribute to the development of neuroses.

Weak, sickly children- children are at risk of neuroses, often ill and weakened, often they are treated like a “crystal vase”, protecting them from everything above all measures. These children develop a sense of their own helplessness and weakness.

Children from disadvantaged families- children who are in difficult life situations also suffer from neuroses: in asocial families, in boarding schools and orphanages.

General manifestations of neuroses

  • changing children's behavior
  • emergence of new traits
  • hypersensitivity, frequent tears even for no apparent reason
  • sharp reactions to minor psychological trauma in the form of despair or aggression
  • anxiety, vulnerability.

There are also changes at the level of somatic health of children:

  • tachycardia and changes in blood pressure
  • breathing problems, sweating
  • indigestion to stress - "bear disease"
  • impaired concentration
  • memory loss
  • children react poorly to loud noises and bright lights
  • they do not sleep well, their sleep is disturbing and of poor quality in the morning it is difficult to wake them up.

Manifestations of different types of neuroses in children

There are quite a few types of neurosis in children, different psychological and neurological schools give different classifications. Consider the simplest classification of neuroses according to their clinical manifestation.

Anxiety neurosis or fear neurosis

It can manifest itself in the form of attacks of fear, which often occur when falling asleep or alone, can sometimes be accompanied by visions. Fears in children at different ages can be different:

  • among preschoolers widespread fears of leaving alone in the house, fear of the dark, characters of scary cartoons or films, programs. Often fears are cultivated by parents themselves, scaring children into educational purposes frightening characters - a babai, an evil witch, a policeman.
  • in younger students it can be fears of school or bad grades, a strict teacher or older students. Often these children skip classes because of fears.

Manifestations of this neurosis can give a bad mood, unwillingness to be alone, changes in behavior, in difficult cases, urinary incontinence joins. Often such a neurosis occurs in sensitive domestic children who had little contact with their peers at preschool age.

Obsessive compulsive disorder in children

It can proceed in the form of a neurosis of obsessive actions (obsessions) or a phobic neurosis, as well as with the presence of both phobias and obsessive actions at the same time.

obsessive actions- involuntary movements that occur during emotional stress contrary to the wishes of the baby, he can:

  • blink, blink
  • wrinkle your nose
  • shudder
  • stomp one's foot
  • cough
  • to sniff

A nervous tic is an involuntary twitching that occurs more often in boys, triggered by both psychological factors and the presence of certain diseases. Initially justified actions against an unfavorable background are then fixed as obsessions:

  • With eye diseases, habits of blinking, blinking, rubbing the eyes can be fixed.
  • With frequent colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract sniffing or coughing may persist.

They usually appear after 5 years of age. These tics affect facial muscles, neck, upper limbs, may be from the side respiratory system, combined with urinary incontinence or. Such repetitive actions of the same type can cause discomfort to the child, but most often they become habitual, he does not notice them. .

As a rule, the tendency to neurosis is laid from an early age, when stressful habitual pathological actions are formed and consolidated:

  • nail biting or thumb sucking
  • touching the genitals
  • rocking of the trunk or limbs
  • twisting hair around your fingers or pulling it out.

If such actions are not eliminated at an early age, they contribute to neurosis against the background of stress in older children.

Phobic manifestations usually expressed as a particular fear:

  • fear of death or illness
  • closed spaces
  • various objects, dirt.

Often children form special thoughts or ideas that are contrary to the principles of education and morality, and these thoughts create anxieties and feelings, fears in them.

Depressive neuroses

For kids, they are not typical, usually children at school age are prone to them, especially during puberty. The child tends to be alone, withdraws from others, is constantly in a depressed mood with tearfulness and a decrease in self-esteem. May also decrease physical activity, insomnia occurs, appetite worsens, facial expressions are inexpressive, speech is quiet and meager, constantly sadness on the face. Such a state requires special attention because it can lead to serious consequences.

Hysterical neuroses

Preschoolers are prone to them, with a discrepancy between the desired and the actual. They usually give falls with screams and screams on the floor or surfaces, beating limbs and head against solid objects. There may be attacks of affect with imaginary suffocation or hysterical coughing, vomiting, if the child is punished or does not do what he wants. Older children may experience analogues of hysteria in the form of hysterical blindness, skin sensitivity disorders, respiratory disorders.


She is also called asthenic neurosis, occurs in schoolchildren as a result of excessive loads of the school itself or an excess of additional circles. It often occurs against the background of a general weakness of children due to frequent illnesses or lack of physical fitness. Such children are disinhibited and restless, they get tired quickly, are irritable and often cry, they may sleep and eat poorly.


Children have a concern about their condition and health, unmotivated fears of the formation of various diseases, this often occurs among adolescents with a suspicious character. They look for symptoms and manifestations of various ailments, worrying about it, nervous and upset.

Neurotic logoneurosis - stuttering

Stuttering or logonerosis of a neurotic nature is more typical for boys under five years of age during the period of active development of speech, the formation of a phrasal conversation. It occurs against the background of psychological trauma against the background of family scandals, separation from loved ones, acute psychological trauma or fear, fright. Information overload and parental coercion of speech development and general development may also be causes. The child's speech becomes intermittent with pauses, repetition of syllables and the inability to pronounce words.

Somnambulism - sleepwalking, sleepwalking

Neurotic sleep disorders can occur in the form of a long and difficult falling asleep, restless and anxious sleep with frequent waking up, the presence of nightmares and night terrors, talking in a dream and walking at night. Sleepwalking and sleep-talking are associated with the peculiarities of dreams and the functioning of the nervous system. Often in children it happens from the age of 4-5 years. Children in the morning may not remember that they walked or talked at night. .

Anorexia nervosa

Appetite disorders in childhood are common in both preschoolers and adolescents. Usually the reasons are overfeeding or forced feeding, the coincidence of meals with scandals and quarrels in the family, severe stress. At the same time, the child may refuse any food or some of its types, he chews for a long time and does not swallow food, he is extremely suspicious of the contents of the plate, up to the gag reflex. At the same time, against the background of poor nutrition, mood changes, whims at the table, crying and tantrums are expressed.

Separate variants of neuroses are:

  • children's neurotic enuresis (urinary incontinence)
  • encopresis (fecal incontinence).

They arise against the background of a hereditary predisposition and, possibly, diseases. They require a special approach in treatment, and the mechanisms are not yet fully understood.

How to make a diagnosis?

First of all, you should go to an appointment with a pediatrician or neurologist, talk with an experienced psychologist and psychotherapist. Doctors examine and remove the organic causes of disorders, diseases that could lead to this. Neurosis is diagnosed in several stages:

  • Dialogue with parents held detailed analysis psychological situation in the family, and here it is important to frankly tell the specialist all the details: the relationship in the family between parents and the child, the parents themselves, as well as the relationship between the child and peers, relatives.
  • Parent surveys and close relatives who are directly involved in the upbringing of the child, the study of the psychological climate of the family with the identification of errors in behavior and upbringing.
  • Conversations with a child- a cycle of conversations with the child during the game and communication on pre-designed questions.
  • Baby monitoring- detailed monitoring gaming activity a child that arises spontaneously or is organized in advance.
  • Drawing and detailed analysis of drawings, by which it is often possible to understand the experiences and feelings of the child, his desires and emotional state.

Based on all this, a conclusion is made about the presence and type of neurosis, then a detailed treatment plan is developed. Usually psychotherapists or psychologists are engaged in therapy, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and at home, it is not necessary to put a child with neurosis in the hospital.

Treatment methods for neurosis

In the treatment of neurosis in children, the main method is psychotherapy. It is important for parents to understand that on their own, with the help of books, the Internet or toys, they will achieve a little, and sometimes they can do harm, aggravating the course of neurosis. Psychotherapy is a complex systemic impact on the child's psyche and the characteristics of his character; in the treatment of neurosis, it has several directions:

  • group and individual therapy for the study and correction of the psychological climate of the family
  • role-playing games with the participation of the child, helping to teach him to overcome difficult situations
  • application of art therapy(drawing) and drawing up a psychological portrait of the child according to the drawings, tracking the dynamics of changing the drawings
  • hypnosis - suggestion (autogenic training)
  • treatment through communication with animals- canistherapy (dogs), feline therapy (cats), (horses), dolphin therapy.

Psychotherapy is aimed at normalizing or significantly improving the intra-family environment and relationships, and correcting upbringing. Additionally, to correct the psychosomatic background and achieve b O Greater success in psychotherapy is also used medications, reflexology and physiotherapy. An individual treatment plan is developed only by a specialist for each child separately, and, if necessary, for family members.

The use of psychotherapy

They use both group and individual or family psychotherapy. Of particular importance in the treatment of neuroses is the family form of psychotherapy. During the sessions, the doctor directly reveals the problems in the life of the child and his family, helps in eliminating emotional problems, normalizes the system of relationships and corrects the manner of education. Work in the family for preschool children will be especially effective when its effect is maximum and easiest to eliminate. Negative influence major mistakes in parenting.

Family Therapy

It is carried out in several successive stages:

  • Stage 1 - a survey is carried out in the family and the so-called "family diagnosis" is made in the total set of personal, social and psychological characteristics, deviations in any areas of the relationship with the child.
  • Stage 2 - there is a family discussion of problems with parents and relatives, all their problems are noted. During the conversations, the role in the upbringing of parents is emphasized, the need for cooperation with a specialist, and the perspective in the pedagogical approach is determined.
  • Stage 3 - followed by classes with the child in a special equipped playroom, where there are toys, stationery and other items. Initially, the child is given time for independent games, reading or classes, as soon as emotional contact is established, a conversation will be held in a playful way.
  • Stage 4 - joint psychotherapy of the child and parents. Preschoolers conduct joint activities with subject games, buildings or drawing, schoolchildren introduce subject games and discussions on various topics. The specialist evaluates habitual conflicts and conflicts in the interaction between children and parents. emotional reactions. Then the emphasis switches to role-playing games, which express the communication of children in life - games in a family or school. Scenarios are used that are played out by parents and children who are swapped, and the psychotherapist during these games will demonstrate the most optimal models in family relationships. This gradually creates the conditions for rebuilding family relationships and eliminating conflict.

Individual psychotherapy

It is carried out using numerous techniques that have a complex effect on the child. It uses the following methods:

  • Rational (explaining)

The doctor conducts explanatory therapy by sequentially passing through the stages. In an age-appropriate form for the child, after he establishes a trusting and emotional contact with him, he tells why and what is happening to the child. Then, in the form of a game or in the form of a conversation in the next stage, he tries to determine the sources of the baby's experiences. The next step will be a kind of "homework" - this is the end of the story or fairy tale started by the doctor, where, analyzing different options at the end of the story, attempts are made to resolve difficult situations, conflicts, either by the child himself, or with the help and prompting of the doctor. Even very small successes in mastering situations, with the approval of the doctor, can contribute to the further improvement of relations and the correction of pathological traits in character.

  • Art therapy

Art therapy in the form of drawing or modeling can sometimes give much more information about the child than all other methods. When drawing, the child begins to understand his fears and experiences, and watching him in the process can provide a lot of necessary information in terms of character, sociability, fantasy and potential. It will be informative to draw on the topics of the family, reflections of fears, experiences. Sometimes sculpting or paper appliqué techniques are used instead. Often, according to the pictures, you can get a lot of hidden information, and also work out his fear with the child from the story about the picture.

  • play therapy

It is used in children under 10-12 years of age, when they feel the need for games, but games are organized according to special plan and emotional participation in them and the psychotherapist, taking into account the ability of children to reincarnate. They can be used as spontaneous observation games, so directed, without improvisation. In games, you can work out the skills of communication, motor and emotional self-expression, relieving stress and eliminating fear. The doctor during the game creates situations of stress, dispute, fear, accusations and gives the child the opportunity to exit independently or with his help. Especially well neuroses are treated with this method at the age of 7 years.

A variant of play therapy is fairy tale therapy, in which fairy tales are invented and told with the manufacture of special characters, puppets or puppets. Can listen to special therapeutic tales in the form of meditation, to calm music in a lying position. There may also be psycho-dynamic fairy tale meditations with the reincarnation of a child in animals and exercises.

  • Autogenic training

Treatment autogenic training carried out in adolescents - this is a method of muscle relaxation, especially effective for systemic neurosis with stuttering, tics, urinary incontinence. Creating a positive attitude through the speech and actions of the doctor (for example, imagine yourself in the most pleasant place) leads to muscle relaxation, reduction or even complete disappearance of manifestations. As the sessions progress, this state is fixed in the subconscious, the belief that it is quite possible to recover increases.

  • Suggestive (method of suggestion) psychotherapy

This is a suggestion to a child in a state of wakefulness, under hypnosis or indirect suggestion of certain attitudes. Often, children are good at suggestion indirectly - for example, taking a placebo will give them a recovery. At the same time, they will think that they are taking a particularly effective drug. The method is especially good for hypochondria, at school and adolescence.

  • Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is used only in particularly difficult cases in order to mobilize the psychological and physiological resources of the body. It quickly eliminates certain symptoms. But the method has many contraindications and is used to a limited extent in children.

Group psychotherapy

It is indicated in special cases of neurosis, it includes:

  • prolonged course of neurosis with unfavorable personality changes- increased level of demands on oneself, self-centeredness
  • difficulties in communication and related disorders - shyness, timidity, shyness, suspiciousness
  • in difficult family conflicts, the need to resolve them.

Groups are formed as individual therapy by age, there are few children in the group:

  • under the age of 5 years - no more than 4 people
  • aged 6 to 10 years - no more than 6 people
  • at the age of 11-14 years - up to 8 people.

Classes last up to 45 minutes for preschoolers and up to an hour and a half for schoolchildren. This allows you to play complex stories and involve all group members in them. Grouped children visit exhibitions and museums, read interesting books, discuss all this, share their hobbies. Thus, the child's tension is relieved, the children open up and begin to communicate, share their sore and experiences.

In comparison with the individual, the effect of group training is greater. Spontaneous and specialist-guided games are gradually introduced, training of mental functions begins, adolescents are taught self-control. Use as homework different kind tests with drawings, which are subsequently discussed in the group.

In the classroom, relaxation and suggestion of positive personality traits acquired in the classroom are carried out. At the end of the course, a general discussion and consolidation of the results is held, which helps the child to work independently on himself in the future.

Medical correction

Drug therapy in the treatment of neuroses is of secondary importance, while it affects certain symptoms. Drugs relieve tension, excessive excitability or depression, reduce the manifestations of asthenia. Medications usually precede psychotherapy, but complex treatment is also possible, when psychotherapy is carried out in conjunction with physiotherapy and medications. Especially important is the drug treatment of neurosis against the background of encephalopathy, asthenia, neuropathy:

  • fortifying drugs - vitamin C, group B
  • dehydration herbal medicine - , kidney tea
  • nootropic drugs - nootropil, piracetam
  • drugs that reduce asthenia - depending on the cause and type, the doctor will select
  • herbal medicine (see), tinctures from medicinal herbs can be prescribed for up to one and a half months. Most drugs have a sedative effect - motherwort, valerian.

With asthenic manifestations tonic and restorative treatment is recommended: calcium preparations, vitamins, tincture of Chinese magnolia vine or zamanihi, lipocerbin, nootropics (nootropil, pantogam).

With subdepressive manifestations tinctures of ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus can be shown.

For irritability and weakness Pavlov's mixture and tinctures of motherwort and valerian have a good effect, coniferous baths, physiotherapy in the form of electrosleep are used.

C will be more difficult, they can make psychotherapy difficult. They are used for hyperactivity and disinhibition based on the characteristics of the child and the diagnosis:

  • hypersthenic syndrome - drugs with a sedative effect (eunoctin, elenium)
  • with hyposthenia - drugs of tranquilizers with an activating effect (trioxazine or seduxen).
  • with subthreshold depression, small doses of antidepressants can be prescribed: amitriptyline, melipramine.
  • with strong excitability, sonopax can be used.

All drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and are used strictly under his supervision.

Neurosis in children is a fairly common phenomenon, which, when timely handling see a specialist for treatment. Unfortunately, many parents do not consider neurosis to be a serious illness and believe that everything will go away on its own with age. This erroneous opinion can seriously harm the baby, because even a small mental disorder requires specialist advice and caring attitude from parents.

What is childhood neurosis and why does it occur

Neurotic disorders in children are a type of mental illness of a reversible nature, without distortion of susceptibility to real world. According to statistics, by the time they finish primary school, more than half of children have problems with the nervous system. This is primarily due to the increased stress on the child's psyche.

In children under three years of age, a neurotic disorder occurs for physiological reasons, and later, as the child grows up, they are connected and psychological factors. The causes of neurosis in young children can be:

  • Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy resulting from a difficult pregnancy or the presence of other chronic diseases of the expectant mother;
  • Damage to the central nervous system of an infant during childbirth;
  • Frequent illnesses of the baby in infancy, reduced immunity.

A psychological disorder in children after three years of age occurs under the influence of not only physiological causes, but also psychological ones:

  • Unfavorable situation in the family, frequent scandals and quarrels of parents. According to statistics, the divorce of parents is one of the main factors in the occurrence of childhood neurosis;
  • Long and hard getting used to kindergarten.

Psychologists say that a neurotic state most often occurs in children with certain features of the psychological state:

  • Hypersensitivity and emotionality. Such children are too hard to endure parting with their mother, even for a short period.
  • Defenselessness.
  • Tendency to fear and anxiety.
  • Closure. The kid hides all grievances and experiences deep inside himself, without splashing out emotions outside.
  • Impressionability.
  • The need for self-assertion.

Children with such character traits are more prone to psychological disorders.

Neuroses in children and adolescents arise in a similar way: on the basis of psycho-emotional and physiological factors. Physiological causes in adolescents are as follows: difficult childbirth, chronic diseases of the nervous system, low immunity. And here psychological reasons neurosis in a teenager depends on the age group in which he resides.

The first age crisis in a child occurs at about three years of age, when a small person begins to realize himself as a separate person, with his own needs and desires. Also at this age, children usually start attending kindergarten, which is a kind of emotional test. According to statistics, it is during this period of a child's life that the divorce of parents most often falls. At the age of three, the child is most vulnerable, and he needs the care and attention of his parents more than ever.

The next age crisis falls on about seven years. During this period, the school era begins, in which the first teacher plays an important role. For the most part, it depends on him how quickly the child will get used to the educational process, how adaptation will occur in the school team. social significance now manifested through academic achievement. The increased information load on the child should not be overlooked. The combination of all factors can cause a nervous breakdown in a psychologically weak child.

Neurosis in children and adolescents after the age of twelve mainly occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Constant mood swings, conflicts with others, depression are the most common signs of this age.

Thus, neurosis in children can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • The unwillingness of adults to find a compromise in communicating with the younger generation;
  • Excess or lack of attention from parents;
  • Difficult family environment
  • The imposition by adults of their own model of behavior, excessive guardianship;
  • Intimidation in childhood by fairy-tale heroes;
  • Lack of proper rest;
  • Living in poor housing conditions;
  • Round-the-clock employment of parents, education by strangers;
  • Incomplete family;
  • Chronic diseases, including the nervous system;
  • Genetic predisposition to neurasthenia;
  • Mental and physical overstrain, lack of sleep.


Children's neuroses have physiological and psychological signs. Physiological symptoms include:

  • Sleep disturbance. The first manifestations of neurosis in children are intermittent sleep or insomnia, the appearance of nightmares.
  • Decreased appetite. The baby is increasingly refusing to eat, gagging reflexes are possible during meals. Anorexia is sometimes recorded in adolescents.
  • Frequent dizziness, headaches.
  • The body feels weak, fatigued.
  • Neurosis in preschool children often manifests itself in the form of urinary incontinence, nervous cough.
  • Nervous twitching of the limbs, the appearance of convulsions.

Apart from physiological symptoms, a neurotic state is accompanied by psychological signs:

  • Frequent tantrums, young children may fall to the floor and sob.
  • Irritability.
  • The appearance of all kinds of phobias.
  • Protracted depression (most common in adolescence).

Parents should not disregard the listed symptoms, the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the faster you can cure childhood neurosis.

Types of childhood neuroses

Depending on the symptoms that appear, neuroses in adolescents and young children are of the following types:

  • Hysterical.
  • The hysterical type of neurosis is characterized by the fall of the offspring to the floor with a wild cry and crying.
  • Asthenic.

Asthenic mental disorder is accompanied by increased incontinence of the child, irritability, tearfulness. The slightest emotional overstrain provokes a neurotic attack, disturbed sleep and appetite.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

This type of neurosis manifests itself in two varieties: phobic neurosis(fear of the dark and confined spaces) and obsessive neurosis (obsessive movements in the form of biting the lips or sniffing).


Depressive neurosis is more often observed in the younger generation. A teenager feels a desire to retire, to be alone with himself. The voice in this case is always quiet, calm, without unnecessary emotions.


With the manifestation of a hypochondriacal disorder, children are very worried about their health, the thought of any illness becomes a real nightmare for them.


Disorder of appetite on the background of a neurological disease is accompanied by regurgitation, vomiting. This state can occur with violent attempts by adults to feed the baby.

neurotic stuttering

Stuttering can occur in a child with severe stress, fright, severe psychological trauma. Often, children begin to stutter when parents try to activate the mental and speech development of the child ahead of time.


Of great importance in the treatment of neurosis in children is its early diagnosis. The earlier a doctor diagnoses a disease, the easier it is to treat. Diagnosis in children is as follows:

  • The study of family relations, the interaction of parents and children.
  • Revealing genetic predisposition to neurological diseases.
  • A conversation between a psychologist and a child, during which the specialist must identify the causes of the neurotic state. To identify the cause, special therapy can be used, based on the drawing by the baby of his fears.
  • Summing up and the main answer to the question: how to treat neurosis in a child.

Most often, diagnosis begins with a conversation with parents, who outline the general situation. Only a trusting relationship between a psychologist and parents is the key to successful treatment childhood neuroses. Do not forget that the prevention of childhood neuroses mainly depends on the parents. Timely prevention allows you to prevent serious complications and the need for treatment by a psychotherapist.


Treatment of neurosis in children rarely begins with drug therapy, and this is the main difference from adults. psychological disorders. Almost all sedatives have contraindications for childhood. Therefore, the main task of therapy is to identify the underlying cause of a neurological disease and eliminate it. If the cause is not found, the disease will progress with worsening symptoms. The use of medicines that are permissible in childhood will bring only temporary relief, but will not cure the baby.

Conventionally, the psychotherapy of childhood neuroses can be divided into two types.

Family Therapy

First, the psychologist talks with family members, the general family situation, the relationship between parents, children and the older generation is revealed. Then the conversations are held with the participation of the child. During the interaction, the psychologist identifies conflict situations and observes the child's reaction to them. Thus, the cause of the neurosis is revealed.

Individual psychotherapy

First of all, the psychologist establishes close spiritual contact and trusting relationship with the little patient. Next, the doctor explains to the teenager that he has psychological problem that needs to be fought. Very often, with the help of drawing, a small patient expresses his true emotions, character traits, and creativity.

Prevention of neuroses in children is no less important than the treatment itself. The main role in this case is played by parents, who must normalize the ratio of sleep and rest of their offspring, reduce the emotional and physical activity. Prevention of childhood neurosis should be carried out at the slightest suspicion of a neurological disorder and after a set of therapeutic measures. A favorable environment in the family, love and understanding, are able to overcome any difficulties as the younger generation grows older.