Primary diagnosis of infertility: examination for infertility in women, men and what tests should be taken. What tests for infertility should be taken for women and men

Infertility is a diagnosis that is established through a comprehensive examination. Absolute infertility is stated in the case of such pathologies: the absence of a uterus or ovaries in women, testicles or spermatozoa in men. In other cases, infertility is called relative, since there is still a chance for the birth of a child.

Modern diagnostics of infertility makes it possible to identify the reasons for the impossibility of conception and develop a treatment strategy. Thanks to reproductive technologies fertilization occurs within six months.

What is considered infertile

If pregnancy has not occurred after a year of constant sexual activity, and no contraceptives have been used, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Problems with the conception of the first child are called primary infertility, and any subsequent pregnancy and childbirth are called secondary. The cause of problems can be both in a woman and in a man. Therefore, tests for infertility and necessary examinations both partners pass.

The number of cases in which men are diagnosed with infertility is on the rise. Now this figure is approaching 50% of all calls. The study of male reproductive function is gentle and faster, therefore it is recommended to start the examination of the couple with a man.

A urologist or andrologist deals with reproductive health issues in men. After initial consultation he orders tests. Spermogram is the first and main test for infertility for a man. It shows the quantity and quality of ejaculate. According to the results of the study of sperm, a conclusion is made about the ability to conceive.

If this analysis gives a positive conclusion, further examination of the man is not required. If deviations are found, a second spermogram is prescribed. It is better to take it by taking a 3-day break. Additional research:

  • In the complete absence or small amount of sperm, ultrasound is prescribed to detect anatomical abnormalities.
  • Sexual infections - common cause damage to spermatozoa and vas deferens. Tests are prescribed even in the absence of symptoms.
  • MAR test. It will accurately determine the number of spermatozoa that are not capable of fertilization.
  • Hormone tests for a man are indicated in case of a small amount of spermatozoa, their total absence or lack of mobility.
  • Genetic analysis will be required if suspicions arise about the chromosomal nature of the sperm abnormality.

The list of studies can be supplemented by the decision of the attending physician.

The listed diagnostic methods are quite informative. How to collect and where to take each test, the attending urologist will advise.

If the tests show that everything is within the normal range, it is necessary to start examining the woman.

How to Prepare for Your Gynecological Appointment

Diagnostics female infertility begins with a visit to the gynecologist. When planning an appointment for an infertility diagnosis, you should know:

  • A good time for a routine check-up is immediately after the cessation of menstrual flow (day 6-7 of the cycle). On the same days, smears for infections are most informative, and after them, you can immediately do an ultrasound scan.
  • A schedule of monthly cycles, drawn up at least 3 months in advance, will simplify the diagnosis. It is enough to write down the numbers of the first and last days secretions.
  • During the same 3 months, you need to monitor ovulation. You can buy tests at a pharmacy or record your basal temperature every morning.

Basal temperature is measured at the same time (optimally from 6 to 7 am), at horizontal position immediately after sleep. It is unacceptable to stand up or sit down before the measurement. Thermometer after insertion into the area anus must stay there for 10 minutes. The procedure is more informative than pharmacy tests, and can show the presence of a hidden inflammatory process or other diseases.

Examination at the first appointment

Diagnosis of infertility in women begins with initial examination and poll. The questions are standard, but the answers help develop an individual survey plan.

During the interview, the doctor will find out:

  • general information about the health, well-being of a woman;
  • the presence of disturbing symptoms: discharge, pain;
  • hereditary and family pathologies (both in a woman and in a partner);
  • information about abortions, unsuccessful pregnancies, surgical interventions, injuries, infections;
  • peculiarities menstrual cycle;
  • information about the sexual life of both partners;
  • the presence of children, the course of past pregnancies and delivery.

A subsequent examination allows you to assess the overall reproductive health: physique, type of hair growth, development of secondary sexual characteristics. measured arterial pressure, body temperature, palpable thyroid, abdominal organs.

Then carried out gynecological examination with the help of a mirror. When there are obvious anomalies of internal or external reproductive organs that prevent conception, this will be detected. The nature of the discharge, the presence of foci of inflammation will allow you to assess the likelihood of infection, prescribe tests to identify pathogens. The further diagnostic plan will be based on the data obtained as a result of the inspection.

What tests can be ordered

There are a number of special tests to determine how the reproductive system in different phases cycle, whether the hormonal background is sufficient for the onset of pregnancy.

Functional Tests:

  • Exploring cervical mucus several methods, determine the saturation of the body with estrogen and progesterone. The result is expressed as a cervical number.
  • Studying the graph basal body temperature allows you to assess the activity of the ovaries, the presence of ovulation.
  • The postcoital test examines the behavior of spermatozoa when they enter the cervix a few hours after sexual contact, their interaction with the cervical fluid. The results suggest immune incompatibility of the partners.

In addition to tests, the following laboratory tests may be prescribed:

  1. Tests for hormones in infertility provide the most complete picture for diagnosis. Examine the woman's blood and urine certain days cycle to determine the amount of different hormones. Informative consider the results of analyzes taken after medical examination or sexual intimacy (due to a change hormonal background).
  2. Check for bacterial infections, sexually transmitted, allows you to identify and cure diseases that threaten complications for the woman and the health of the unborn child (, mycoplasmosis).
  3. An analysis for antibodies to spermatozoa, indicated for suspected immune incompatibility for women, can also be prescribed for a man (to detect autoimmune infertility). In men, antibodies are detected in semen, in women - in cervical fluid and blood.

How to properly pass tests for infertility in each case, the doctor explains in detail. In different phases of the menstrual cycle, the indicators of substances will differ significantly. Proper preparation, just-in-time checks help to obtain the most reliable data on the processes occurring in the body.

Hardware and surgical diagnostics

Not a single analysis for infertility in women can show the presence of pathology. Then apply diagnostic procedures using special equipment.

Instrumental diagnostic algorithm:

  • Most habitual method- Ultrasound. Ultrasound procedure may be used for the following purposes:
    • detection of anatomical pathologies of the reproductive organs: adhesions, polyps, tumors;
    • determining the size of the follicle in the middle of the cycle;
    • measurement of the endometrium at the end of the cycle;
    • examination of the mammary glands for the presence of tumors.

Sometimes, according to the results of the examination, an ultrasound of the adrenal glands is required or thyroid gland.

    • Colposcopy - examination of the vagina and external os of the uterus using a microscope device equipped with a backlight. Various reagents can be used to diagnose wide range pathologies: from small inflammations to oncology. The interpretation of the findings is highly dependent on the experience of the examining physician.

  • Hysterosalpingography - the study of patency and anatomical features fallopian tubes, uterus with the help of contrast agents and x-rays. Allows you to see the general structure and internal state organs, assess the possibility of conception. Insertion Procedure contrast agent sometimes causes discomfort, but the accuracy of diagnosis is very high, allows you to identify many pathologies (adhesions, fibrous tumors, polyps), their localization.

Sometimes x-rays are prescribed for other organs. So an x-ray of the lungs may be needed with confirmed adhesive obstruction in the uterus or tubes, if tuberculosis is suspected.

An x-ray of the skull is prescribed for an unstable menstrual cycle, if there is a suspicion of a malfunction of the pituitary gland.

Surgical methods

The scheme for diagnosing infertility also includes surgical methods:

  • hysteroscopy with diagnostic curettage;
  • laparoscopy.

For a reliable diagnosis of the causes of infertility associated with uterine pathologies, appoint diagnostic curettage uterine cavity and histological examination removed endometrium. This is a real surgical operation performed under anesthesia using surgical instruments.

High-quality diagnostics and new methods of treatment allow 50% of couples with infertility to become parents. Both men and women are tested for infertility, and with the help of modern medicine finds a way to solve the problem. With the modern level of medicine, anyone can take tests for infertility. Doctors will tell you in detail how much each procedure costs, what tests you need to pass, and they will also reveal female or male infertility with studies that include: blood, sperm, examination medical worker, special procedures.

Tests for infertility in women are carried out when attempts to conceive at a certain time based on the menstrual cycle have not been successful. A partner who wants to get pregnant needs to keep a menstrual cycle, record the days of ovulation, remind a man about them, and make many joint attempts. Detailed records improve clinical picture patients, allowing doctors to choose a method of treatment.

Testing should be done when one of the following statements is true:

  • In the presence of physical problem, for example, absent ovulation, irregular menstrual cycle, inability to release sperm;
  • When the partners have crossed the 30-year mark, the woman does not use contraceptive methods for six months, and pregnancy does not occur;
  • When partners are 20-30 years old, contraceptives not used for more than 12 months, but conception does not occur.

You should not be stressed when thinking about tests, because the vast majority do not cause pain, such as the study of sperm, blood. The patient experiences discomfort only with a hysterosalpingogram, an endometrial biopsy.

List of tests for women

Checking hormone levels. The probability of pregnancy depends on the state of the hormonal background of the partner. Women are tested for hormones in infertility to find out their percentage in the blood. Departure from the norm to a greater or lesser extent affects:

  • On the process of ovulation;
  • The movement of the female germ cell into the uterus;
  • The components of the mucous membrane located in the cervical region, in terms of physico-chemical elements. At normal level healthy sperm, getting there, prepare to merge with the egg, and defective ones do not penetrate inside, lingering in the passage;
  • The process of conception, subsequent gestation, the work of the body at the birth of a child, the lactation period.

A hormonal test shows how much is in the blood:

  • Thyrotropic hormone, pituitary hormone, as well as the thyroid gland: thyroxine, triiodothyronine. The level of thyroid hormone affects ovulation, the growth of follicles;
  • The pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone, which stimulates the follicular growth process. Tests are carried out during the menstrual cycle on certain days;
  • The anterior pituitary gland produces luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the production of estrogen by the ovaries. The doctor determines the ratio with the follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • Prolactin, produced by the anterior pituitary gland, affects the regulation of the secretion of progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, lactation, and the process of ovulation. With absence required amount the hormone ovulation does not occur, which deprives the couple of the opportunity to become parents;
  • The corpus luteum, ovarian follicles produce estradiol. The emergence, growth, development of eggs, the appearance, flow of menstruation depend on it;
  • Testosterone, a male hormone. Its production is characteristic of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and is present in the blood in an extremely small volume. With an increase in the percentage of the hormone, ovulation is disturbed, the pregnancy is interrupted by itself at the initial stage.

Inflammatory processes of chronic type in female body often become the reasons for the lack of pregnancy. An unsuspecting woman may have inflammation in the appendages, on the mucous membrane of the cervix, in the uterus, for example, chronic endocervicitis and endometritis, adnexitis.

Sexual infection is latent, asymptomatic and with unexpressed symptoms. The most dangerous include:

  • Herpes;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Mycoplasma;
  • Chlamydia.

Less insidious, but still dangerous, are the processes caused by:

  • Associated infections;
  • Fungi;
  • tuberculosis;
  • coli;
  • Enterovirus;
  • Streptococcus.

A smear test is used to determine the presence of infection. cervical canal, urethra, vagina. Analyze mucous, urine, blood.

Diagnosis of antispermal bodies. With negative changes in immunity, antibodies are produced that react to the protein components of sperm. The body of a healthy female representative does not produce antibodies without accepting them as antigens, has a specific protective function organs. If there are no other causes of infertility, a test is ordered. The presence may indicate infertility due to a malfunction of the immune system, but even with the presence of antibodies, pregnancy is possible, but its success in conception is reduced by 50%.

To check the functioning of the ovaries, uterus, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is used. Infectious diseases, fibroids, adhesions, cysts, etc. are detected by laparoscopy. Anesthesia is used, a small incision is made in the abdomen, and an illuminated thin sphere is placed. To check the uterus and fallopian tubes With reverse side a special X-ray is used. Apply sonohysterogram, ultrasound analysis.

List of tests for men

Male infertility is caused by defects in the quality and quantity of sperm. Spermogram is the main study that gives a complete picture of the male sexual condition. When the penis is standing, sperm is released, problems associated with composition, viscosity and other things are likely:

  • Evaluation of uniformity, shade, viscosity, amount of liquid;
  • Checking for inflammatory processes, fungal diseases, bacteria;
  • The idea of ​​the concentration and number of sperm;
  • Data on general mobility, type of movement, structure.

With an abundance of laboratory and instrumental capabilities, a spermogram gives the most complete picture of the work and functioning of the gonads, the likelihood of conception, often it is enough to determine medical methods or additional checks.

Additional checks include:

  • Examination for infectious diseases sexually transmitted;
  • Test for the presence of antisperm bodies on sperm;
  • Hormone check, consisting of a blood test for testosterone levels, other hormones that are produced in the female body, and a little in the male;
  • Genetic studies.

With rare exceptions, an ultrasound of the male genital organs is performed, a testicular biopsy is performed with a check of sperm in the testicles.

  • Price gynecological ultrasound(abdominal access): 1,600 rubles.
  • The cost of gynecological ultrasound (transvaginal access): 2,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a spermogram: 1,700 rubles.

Diagnosis of female infertility

Determining the cause of female infertility is somewhat more difficult, and the process begins with and. This allows a specialist to assess the size of organs, find out the features of their structure, detect pathologies in the form of cysts, and other things.

May be scheduled for more accurate information. This procedure involves the introduction of a hysteroscope with a video camera into the uterine cavity. The image is immediately transmitted to the screen and makes it possible to examine and study the uterine cavity in more detail to identify abnormalities that ultrasound cannot show.

Diagnosis of female infertility involves the study of the fallopian tubes, or rather, their patency. To do this, a special substance is injected into the uterus, after which contrast pictures are taken. Ovulation is also assessed based on a basal body temperature chart. His patients make up for several cycles on their own.


Diagnosis of infertility is a rather difficult process, especially since 15% of cases are still diagnosed as infertility of unknown origin(or idiopathic). That's why important role play like instrumental methods diagnostics, as well as laboratory ones, since sometimes pathology can develop due to violations in hormonal level etc. Tests for infertility in women are numerous and are carried out under conditions medical institution but do not require hospitalization.

Required Research

Tests for infertility in women cannot play the main diagnostic role in the study due to the fact that sometimes the pathology is caused by physical changes in the building internal organs. But even without them it is impossible to put correct diagnosis and start treatment. Therefore, blood tests are an important part of the diagnosis of this pathology.

What tests are given? Special attention is given to a study on the content of hormones of several types, since infertility sometimes depends on this. The list below lists the most important types of connections from this point of view.


Follicle-stimulating hormone is needed to stimulate the follicles and the functions of the corpus luteum. This potentially affects the production of estrogen compounds, egg formation and other indicators. This compound itself is produced by the pituitary gland and, with its deficiency, not enough eggs are produced and are not formed. normal conditions for conception.

A study on its content is carried out on a certain day of the menstrual cycle. Research is being carried out on venous blood. The cost of such an analysis varies from 600 to 1000 rubles, depending on the place where it is performed.


Another hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It is necessary to regulate the production of progesterone and FSH, that is, it affects the onset of pregnancy only indirectly. It also affects the processes of lactation and the processes of ovulation. With its deficiency, as with excess, the possibility of conception is significantly reduced. For example, there may be no ovulation with a lack of prolactin, which will make pregnancy impossible.

Also, the study is carried out strictly on the set day of the cycle, according to venous blood. Its cost is about 300-500 rubles, but the price for materials and the process of taking blood may also be charged.


Luteinizing hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It has a direct effect on the functions of the corpus luteum, as well as on the production of estrogen by the ovaries. Its most complete level and effect can only be assessed in relation to FSH, therefore these tests are usually taken simultaneously. The cost of studying the level of LH is from 400 to 600 rubles.


It directly affects the process of formation and functioning of the corpus luteum, as well as the processes of egg maturation, ovulation and the menstrual cycle. Produced by ourselves corpus luteum and follicles in the ovaries. At the same time, FSH, LH and prolactin have a great effect on it. Their level can only be studied together.

The cost of the study is from 300 to 600 rubles. It is given in the same sample as LH, FSH, prolactin, etc.


This component in the patient's blood is produced by the placenta and the corpus luteum. In the absence of gestation, it is he who prepares the mucous membrane for the attachment of the embryo. In the presence of gestation, he helps to save it. With its lack, miscarriages and the absence of pregnancy are possible.

Donate blood on the 20th day of the menstrual cycle. The cost of the study is 500-800 rubles.


Usually, a study is carried out on normal and free testosterone. These tests for infertility allow you to set the level of the male sex hormone, which in normal condition in the body of patients is contained in small quantities. With a significant increase in its content, egg maturation and ovulation can be suppressed. Also, it is its excess that leads to miscarriages at very early stages.

The cost of the study is 300-400 rubles for each indicator (normal and free). A sample is taken in prescribed by a doctor cycle period. It is necessary to study both indicators at once, since they are interconnected and act mutually.

DEA sulfate

Produced by the adrenal glands in both men and women. Therefore, you can take it on any day, to both partners. It is necessary to start directly the processes of fertilization. Prices for such a study from 450 rubles.

T3 free and T4

These hormones are produced by the thyroid gland and have a direct impact on the course of maturation and development of follicles, and in addition, on the very development and formation of the egg, its maturation, ovulation. These substances act exclusively in combination, therefore their level must be determined jointly. Donating blood to just one of them is pointless.

The study is carried out on blood from a vein. It is desirable to take it during the period of the menstrual cycle, prescribed by the doctor. The average cost of each of these tests is 500-600 rubles. Additionally, it is necessary to pay for the sampling procedure (only once, since a sample is taken, the volume of which is sufficient to study the level of both blood components).


Thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and has a direct effect on the growth and development of follicles, egg maturation and ovulation. It is equally bad as too high of its level, and too low. Usually, it is given immediately in combination with T3 and T4, since these components have similar functions, but are produced by the thyroid gland. The cost of studying the level of TSH is about 300-600 rubles.

Antibodies to TSH

Usually talk about a change in thyroid function. This indicator is not the main one, but it is important to pass it, since it can not only diagnose, but also predict possible malfunctions. It is carried out by venous blood on an arbitrary day of the cycle. The cost of the study is about 500 rubles.

Delivery procedure

Get tested for infertility preferably morning time ideally between 10:00 and 10:30. Blood is taken from a vein, the process is carried out in treatment room. It is important to follow a few rules:

  1. Take strictly on the day of the menstrual cycle recommended by the doctor;
  2. Take strictly on an empty stomach;
  3. It is advisable not to smoke as much as possible for a long time before the study;
  4. If possible, refuse to take certain drugs (in consultation with the doctor);
  5. Complete refusal to accept hormonal drugs at least a week before the study (as agreed with the doctor).

In some cases, there may be other recommendations, which will be notified by the doctor.


A competent decoding of the analysis for hormones in infertility can only be carried out by a doctor.

This is due to the fact that it is not the actual level of a particular hormone that plays a big role, but its ratio with other indicators. This is due to the fact that such components interact together and have an overall effect on the likelihood of pregnancy. Therefore, it is not worth deciphering the results of research on your own, even if there is data on normal for components.

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Becoming a father is a desire that many men have, but some of them have difficulty making it a reality. If during the year of active sexual life without contraceptives the partner does not become pregnant, then it becomes possible to talk about such a diagnosis as infertility.

In order to successfully overcome the problem, it is recommended to go through comprehensive examination, during which a number of studies are prescribed, including an analysis of hormones in men, a spermogram and others. The variety of causes of childlessness, complex laboratory diagnostics male infertility, the complexity of the interaction between the male gonads with other organs endocrine system- All these factors complicate the diagnosis and treatment of disorders reproductive functions at the man. Therefore, it is better to undergo an examination in a clinic where there are necessary equipment and experienced professionals.

The first stage of the survey

Studying the anamnesis

Before testing a man for infertility with laboratory research, the specialist collects and evaluates the history data, among which the information about past urogenital diseases and fertility (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.) is of the greatest interest. In addition, the patient's lifestyle is studied, chronic diseases and transferred surgical operations, which could potentially cause the impossibility of conception. It also turns out how long conception does not occur, the presence of abortions and pregnancies in a partner, etc. Such information is relevant if IVF is planned for male infertility.


Tests for infertility in men begin with a semen analysis. This analysis is mandatory, to obtain correct results, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for 48-72 hours. During this period, it is not allowed to drink alcohol, strong drugs, visit saunas and baths. If fixed pathological changes in the ejaculate, then a second test will be required after 2 weeks. A similar study is carried out during IVF with male infertility.

As part of the spermogram, some other tests are sometimes performed for male infertility. The most common is the MAR test. The study is designed to identify the number of spermatozoa that may be covered with antisperm bodies, which makes fertilization impossible. If more than 50% of such spermatozoa are recorded, then the diagnosis of "immunological infertility" is made.

According to which the titer of antisperm antibodies in the blood serum of a man and his partner is determined.

Andrologist examination

During which the severity of secondary sexual characteristics is assessed, the condition of the penis, testicles, mammary glands, distribution hairline on the body. On examination, the doctor evaluates the size, texture and location of the testicles in the scrotum by palpation.

Cytological analysis

Allows you to get information about the separable urethra, seminal vesicles.

Other studies:

  • bacteriological analysis.
  • The secret of the prostate gland is examined.
  • Determination of blood group, Rh factor.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Infection tests.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis of hormones in men.

The second stage of the survey

If during the first stage of the examination the cause of infertility was not found, then the specialist prescribes a number of additional tests and research, including:

  • An extended analysis for hormones in men (FSH, LH, testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin), which is relevant for severe azoospermia and pathospermia.
  • If a pituitary tumor is suspected, it is recommended to check the level of prolactin.
  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum, which is also performed for IVF in male infertility.
  • Its purpose is to research structural changes and detection of pathologies in the appendages, testicles and prostate.
  • The TRUS method is designed to detect changes in the seminal vesicles if there is a congenital agenesis of the vas deferens or obstruction of their distal sections.
  • Doppler study can detect subclinical varicocele, the presence of venous reflux in the testicular vein system.
  • ELISA together with PCR to detect sexually transmitted infections. genetic research including karyotyping.
  • The study of ejaculate centrifugate is usually prescribed for non-obstructive azoospermia.
  • Study of post-orgasmic urine.
  • Testicular biopsy with diagnostic purpose performed quite rarely. Most often, this operation is required for IVF for male infertility.

List of tests for the diagnosis of male infertility

When planning pregnancy through IVF, a comprehensive study is required male body, which consists of two stages.

Initially, the anamnesis is carefully collected and studied, spermogram analyzes are deciphered. After that, a number of diagnostic measures are prescribed, the results of which will provide a complete picture of the state of the man's body.

Primary tests for infertility in men consist in collecting an anamnesis, which contains all the information about what diseases the patient suffered from. Inspection and ultrasound examination. Also, tests are prescribed for a man to establish the immunological factor of infertility and a spermogram.

It is highly recommended to have sexual rest for 48-78 hours before taking the sperm for analysis. If pathospermia is fixed, then in half a month a second ejaculate delivery will be required.

Define immunological cause infertility is possible through special tests, which determine the presence of antisperm antibodies in the ejaculate and blood serum. For this, an ELISA antibody titer and a MAR test are prescribed. If the study gives positive result, then we are talking about the immunological factor of infertility.

Testing for infertility in men at the second stage involves the study of the hormonal profile, the analysis of post-orgasmic urine (with retrograde ejaculation). It is also necessary to determine the presence of pathogens in the urogenital area, a genetic examination is carried out.

Diagnostic methods

  • Tests for hormones for a man allow you to find out the exact level of LH, FSH, SHBG and testosterone. If there is a suspicion of the presence of disorders in the activity of the thyroid gland or a tumor in the pituitary gland, it is recommended to determine the level of thyroid hormones and prolactin.
  • Ultrasound examination provides an opportunity to assess the structure of the prostate gland, as well as the organs of the scrotum. The pathology of the seminal vesicles is detected using the TRUS technique.
  • Diagnosis of infertility in men is carried out by the Doppler method. For this, a Doppler study of the vessels of the scrotum is carried out, due to which the subclinical form of the varicocele is determined, as well as the presence of reflux in the testicular venous system.
  • Pyospermia can be detected during semen culture with microscopy of the ejaculate.
  • Testing for the presence of STIs is carried out by ELISA and PCR diagnostics.
  • Non-obstructive azoospermia is diagnosed by examining the ejaculate centrifuge.

If retrograde ejaculation is suspected, ie. in bladder sperm penetrates, then an analysis of post-orgasmic urine is prescribed. This extensive study reveals exact reason male form of infertility and prescribe qualified treatment.

To come into being healthy baby pregnancy should be planned. For these purposes, it is also necessary to undergo an examination. Tests for a man when planning a pregnancy will show the existing deviations in the body and undergo treatment in a timely manner. Of course, the list of studies when planning conception for men will be shorter than for women - after all, a woman not only participates in conception, the ability to bear a fetus depends on her state of health. However, screening a man before conception is just as important.

If you are looking for where to check for various diseases male reproductive system, please contact the AltraVita clinic. Here you can quickly and without queues go through everything necessary research and get advice on them from an experienced andrologist. Prices for infertility analysis in men are quite affordable here.